140 DIVISION 2: OBEDIENCE NOTE: Exhibitors with dogs placing first in ANY previous County Fair Obedience competition must move up to the next class level or age group (unless they are the only exhibitor in the class) if their score is an AKC qualifying score until reaching and continuing to show in the Open Class. Dogs with an AKC Companion Dog or Companion Dog Excellent title (or equivalent) may only participate in the Open Class. PREMIUMS 1st2nd3rd4th5th $8 7655 CLASSES 1. First Year Beginner Novice. 2. Junior, Beginner Novice (age 8–10). 3. Intermediate, Beginner Novice (age 11–13). 4. Senior, Beginner Novice (age 14–18). 5. Beginner Novice Grand Champion—Rosette and Trophy. 6. Beginner Novice Reserve Grand Champion—Rosette. 7. Junior, Novice (age 8–10). 8. Intermediate, Novice (age 11–13). 9. Senior, Novice (age 14–18). 10. Novice Grand Champion—Rosette and Trophy. 11. Novice Reserve Grand Champion—Rosette. 12. Junior, Grad-Novice (age 8–10). 13. Intermediate, Grad-Novice (age 11–13). 14. Senior, Grad-Novice (age 14–18). 15. Grad-Novice Grand Champion—Rosette and Trophy. 16. Grad-Novice Reserved Grand Champion—Rosette. 17. Junior, Open A & B (age 8–10). 18. Intermediate, Open (age 11–13). 19. Senior, Open (age 14–18). 20. Open Grand Champion—Rosette and Trophy. 21. Open Reserve Grand Champion—Rosette. DIVISION 3: AGILITY Contact the 4-H Office for specific agility event rules. NOTE: All participants must have taken part in agility training within their 4-H club or some other formal agility training and entries must include a leader signature confirming this training. Exhibitors with dogs placing first in any previous County Fair Agility competition must move up to the next class level if their score is a qualifying score under published MC 4-H Agility rules until reaching and continuing to show in the Elite Class (unless they were the only competitor in the class). Dogs with a AKC or equivalent title in any level must move up to the next level until reaching the Elite Class. Contact the 4-H Office for specific agility event rules. PREMIUMS 1st2nd3rd4th5th $8 7655 CLASSES 1. Novice Small Dog Division. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Novice Medium Dog Division. Novice Large Dog Division. Novice Grand Champion—Rosette and Trophy. Novice Reserve Grand Champion - Rosette. Open Small Dog Division. Open Medium Dog Division. Open Large Dog Division. Open Grand Champion—Roosette and Trophy. Open Reserve Grand Champion—Rosette . Elite Small Dog Division. Elite Medium Dog Division. Elite Large Dog Division. Elite Grand Champion—Rosette and Trophy. Elite Reserve Grand Champion—Rosette. DIVISION 4: PROMOTION All Dog exhibitors and family members must enter through the Chestnut Street entrance if entering Fairgrounds prior to 10am on the day of show. PREMIUMS 1st2nd3rd4th5th $8 7655 RULES 1. See General Rules and Regulations for Promotion Classes. 2. May only enter one Promotion class. 3. Each exhibitor must prepare a script or narration, 350 words or less (12 pt. Times New Roman), to accompany his/her exhibit. The script should be 1 page double spaced or hand written. It should include information about the exhibitor, the exhibitor’s family, care of the dog, and theme of the costume. 4. Dog and 4-H Promotion classes will be judged as one class for Grand and Reserve Champion. 5. Dog and exhibitor must be in costume. CLASSES 1. Dog Promotion—Ribbons 1–15. 2. 4-H Promotion—Ribbons 1–15. 3. Grand Champion—Rosette and Trophy. 4. Reserve Grand Champion—Rosette. 4-H PET SHOW Department 16 SUPERINTENDENTS • • Pet Show - Debra Sapcariu, 301-540-1804, drdebras@yahoo.com Rally - Theresa Tokar, 301-253-1902 ENTRY DEADLINE: July 20, 2015 ENTRY FEE None required. 141 JUDGING Wednesday, Aug. 19 • 7:30am Registration in the Cattle Show Pavilion • 8:00am Show begins Enter through Dalamar St. entrance 10. 11. CATEGORIES 1 = Fish, Reptiles & Unique Pets 5 = Cats 2 = Birds (Domestic and Poultry) 6 = Dogs 3 = Gerbils, Hamsters, 7 = Promotion Mice, Rats, and Cavies 8 = Hermit Crabs (Guinea Pigs) 9 = Overall Champion 4 = Rabbits 10 = Dog Rally Obedience PREMIUMS 1st2nd3rd4th5th Divisions: 1–6, 8: $3 2 1.50 1 x Division 7: $10 8654 Divisions 10:$8 7655 Ribboning through 5th Place RULES and REGULATIONS 1. Only TWO pets TOTAL in the show per exhibitor. 2. Only ONE pet per exhibitor in any division. Any animal entered in a division should be entered in all classes within the division, with the exception of the Promotion division. In the Promotion division, one animal can be entered in either Pet Promotion or 4-H Promotion, but not both. An exhibitor can enter both Pet Promotion and 4-H Promotion classes as long as different animals are used for each. 3. All pets must be able to be handled by the exhibitor. Additionally, all dogs, cats, and rabbits must be able to be touched by the judges. 4. All dogs and cats, including dogs participating only in Dog Rally Obedience, must have a certificate of good health signed by a veterinarian. If your vet does not have a certificate of good health that he/she prefers to use, a blank copy of this form can be obtained from the Superintendent. All pets must be vaccinated, as appropriate, according to their species. Dogs should be vaccinated for DHLP, Rabies and Parvo; cats should be vaccinated for RCP and Rabies. All equine species require a negative coggins. Copies of all veterinary health certificates must be presented at time of registration. 5. All pets, except dogs, must be confined to appropriate containers or pet carriers. All dogs must be on a 6 foot leash and controlled. No prong collars or Flexi-leashes allowed. No costumes except during the Promotion division. 6. All pets must have access to their own water dishes while at the show. 7. Cats and dogs must be four months of age or older. Other pets: three months of age or older. 8. Judging: 30% Health and Condition (coat, skin, eyes, weight, etc.); 20% Disposition, 20% Personality; 20% Appropriateness of age of 4-H’er; and 10% Individual Class specifications (see classes listed below). 9. Animals competing in other 4-H departments cannot compete in the Pet Department. Exception: Dogs who have 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. competed in other 4-H departments may participate in Dog Rally Obedience only. Pet owners will be held responsible for their pet’s conduct while on the Fairgrounds. Dogs will need a special pass to be allowed through the Fairground’s gates. Exhibitors are to keep their pass with them while their dog (s) are on the grounds. Dogs must be off grounds by ending time on the dog pass. Any dog requiring a muzzle will not be allowed in the Pet Show or Rally Competition. If a pet bites either a person or animal, it will be immediately disqualified. The owner must go immediately to the Fair Office to file a report and then promptly remove the animal from the premises. Following the Pet Show, pet owners should take their animals home as soon as possible. If you want to return to the Fair, have your hand stamped before leaving for same-day free re-entry. Ferrets, wild, non-domesticated, and animals deemed by the Superintendent to be inappropriate for use by a child as a pet will not be allowed. Except as noted below, all pets shown must be owned by the 4-H’er or his or her immediate family, and must have been so owned for at least the preceding two months. PROMOTION CLASSES See rules under “Promotion Classes” in the general rules and regulations 4-H Agricultural Department. A 4-H’er may enter in both Class 1 and 2 of Division 7 as long as a different animal is used for each class of the Promotion Class. 17. Promotion classes are meant to be fun classes for the participant and educational to the public. The 4-H members and their animal dress in coordinating or complementary costumes. Animals need not be owned by the exhibitor but must meet health regulations for that species to show. 18. Costumes to be created by the 4-H’er. 19. Each exhibitor must prepare a script or narration to accompany his or her exhibit. The script is limited to one page double space (12 pt.). The Script should promote the species or 4-H and its connection to the costume’s theme. Participants name, age, costume title, and Class (4-H or Pet) should appear at top of script. PLEASE NOTE: Scripts that do not adhere to this rule will be adversely affected in the judging of the entries. 20. A copy of the script should be emailed to the Superintendent at drdebras@yahoo.com prior to Sunday, August 16. 21. A hard copy of the script is to be turned in to the Superintendent at check-in time. The script will be read aloud by a person designated by the Superintendent as the 4-H’er strolls around the ring with his or her animal. DOG RALLY OBEDIENCE 22. An exhibitor may show 2 dogs in different Rally classes in the same age division (not more then 1 per class). If it turns out that there are an abundance of exhibitors, time constraints may necessitate that an exhibitor who has registered to exhibit two dogs may be requested to select just one of their dogs to exhibit, in the interest of providing the 142 23. 24. 25. 26. opportunity for the maximum number of 4-H’ers to participate. Additionally, due to the limited time available for rally obedience to take place, a time limit of 2 minutes for each dog to complete the course will be in place. A dog that has won a Rally class in a previous State Fair 4-H Dog Show may not compete in that same class again. The dog must move up to a higher Rally class (i.e. Novice to Advanced) or the exhibitor must move to the next age level ( i.e. Junior to Intermediate). Advancement will be at the discretion of the Local 4-H Dog Project Leader. Once a dog advances to a higher level it cannot move back to a lower level. Novice Rally: Dogs which have earned Their RN (Rally Novice) title from AKC or an equivalent title from another registry may not compete in this class. All work will be done on lead. Advanced Rally: Dogs which have earned their RA (Rally Advanced) title from AKC or an equivalent title from another registry may not compete in this class. All work will be done off leash. Excellent A Rally: Dogs which have won this class, with a qualifying score in prior years, or have earned their RE (Rally Excellent) title from AKC or an equivalent title from another registry may not compete in this class. All work, with the exception of the Honor Exercises will be done off leash. Championship - Excellent B Rally: For dogs that have won Excellent A class at the State Fair in prior years, with a qualifying score or have the AKC RE (Rally Excellent) title. All work with the exception of the Honor Exercise, is done off-leash. SPECIAL AWARDS 1. Tom and Cindy Ryan & Family offer an award to the overall Champion Prettiest Companion Pet. 2. Dr. Patrick K. Skipton offers an award to the overall Champion, Prettiest Pet. 3. Dave and Randy Shay offer an award to the overall Champion, Best Groomed Pet. 4. The Pets R Us 4-H Club offers an award to the overall Champion, Best Handled Pet. 5. Jeffrey and Theresa Tokar & Family offer an award to the highest scorer overall in Division 10, Classes 1–3 (Novice). 6. Jeffery and Theresa Tokar & Family offer an award to the highest scorer overall in Division 10, Classes 4–6 (Advanced). 7. Jeffery and Theresa Tokar & Family offer an award to the highest scorer overall in Division 10, Classes 7–10 (Excellent). 8. Ryan Watkins offers an award to the 4-H Overall Champion of the Promotion Class. 9. The Kids ‘N Dogs Club offers an award to the exhibitor with the Overall High Score in Division 10, Rally Obedience. DIVISION 1: FISH, REPTILES & UNIQUE PETS Unique pets are pets not listed in other pet show sections, and not entered in any other Fair entry exhibit. This section can include livestock, and equine, providing all health certificates are approved by the Superintendent, and the animal is considered by the 4H’er as a pet. An animal that will be sold in the livestock auction or at the end of the Fair cannot be shown in this department. CLASSES 1. Colorful. 2. Most Friendliest. 3. Most Unusual. 4. Longest Tail. 5. Smallest. DIVISION 2: BIRDS (DOMESTIC and POULTRY) CLASSES 1. Most Unusual Feathers. 2. Most Vocal. 3. Longest Tail. 4. Most Personality. 5. Most Colorful Head. DIVISION 3: CAVIES and RODENTS CLASSES 1. Best Fur or Hair. 2. Most Unusual. 3. Friendliest. 4. Largest. 5. Smallest. DIVISION 4: RABBITS CLASSES 1. Best Fur or Wool. 2. Friendliest. 3. Most Colorful. 4. Longest Ears. 5. Wiggliest Nose. DIVISION 5: CATS CLASSES 1. Longest Tail. 2. Shortest Natural Tail. 3. Most Vocal. 4. Best Markings. 5. Most Unique Face. DIVISION 6: DOGS CLASSES 1. Most Personality. 2. Best Groomed. 3. Most Colorful. 4. Most Obedient. 5. Best Trick. DIVISION 7: PROMOTION CLASSES 1. Pet Promotion. 2. 4-H Promotion. 3. Overall Champion—Award. DIVISION 8: HERMIT CRABS These do not count as a pet listed in Rule #1. CLASSES 1. Prettiest Shell. 2. Most Unusual Shell. 3. Fastest. 143 DIVISION 9: OVERALL CHAMPIONS CLASSES 1. Prettiest Companion Pet—Award. 2. Prettiest Pet—Award. 3. Best Groomed Pet—Award. 4. Best Handled—Award. DIVISION 10: DOG RALLY OBEDIENCE CLASSES 1. Junior, Novice (age 8–10). 2. Intermediate, Novice (age 11–13). 3. Senior, Novice (age 14–18). 4. Junior, Advanced (age 8–10). 5. Intermediate, Advanced (age 11–13). 6. Senior, Advanced (age 14–18). 7. Junior, Excellent (age 8–10). 8. Intermediate, Excellent (age 11–13). 9. Senior, Excellent (age 14–18). 10. Championship—Excellent B (any age). 11. Champion Novice. 12. Champion Advanced. 13. Champion Excellent. 14. Grand Champion (Overall High Score). 15. Reserve Grand Champion. ARRIVAL TIME • Sunday, Aug. 16, before 11am. CHECK-IN TIME Sunday, Aug. 16 • 10am–2pm in the Dairy Goat Barn #38. JUDGING Friday, Aug. 21 • 10am in the Sheep and Goat Pavilion DIVISIONS: 1 = Alpine 5 = Oberhasli 2 = LaMancha 6 = Recorded Grade 3 = Nubian 7 = Toggenburg 4 = Other Registered Breeds 8 = Saanen 9 = Nigerian Dwarf RULES and REGULATIONS 1. All exhibitors must comply with General Rules and Animal Health Requirements. 2. All dairy goats exhibited in 4-H classes must be the property of the exhibitor and be registered in the individual’s name as of July 1 of the current year. Entries in the OG (Other registered Breeds) must be registered with another registry association instead of ADGA. The only exception to this will be for fitting and showing where a member may show any one’s goat provided that the club leader of that member’s club verifies that the individual showing the animal has done 90% of preparation of the animal. 3. Other Registered Breeds (OG) entries are not eligible for Classes 14–16. 4. All 4-H animals are the responsibility of the exhibitor and must be milked and cared for daily, and the surrounding area kept neat and clean. 5. Kids should be born in 2015. 6. No obstacles are allowed in the aisles other than show boxes and chairs while in use. SPECIAL AWARDS 4-H DAIRY GOATS Department 17 SUPERINTENDENT • Diana Lee Patton, 301-384-6300 ENTRY DEADLINE: July 20, 2015 ENTRY FEE • None required. • Pen fee of $7 is payable at check-in. Fee will be returned if pen is cleaned after 9pm the last day of the Fair. 1. Anne McKeever Clagett offers an award to the Best Doe Bred by Exhibitor. 2. Windsor Manor offers an award to the Best Junior Doe of the show. 3. Renny Greenstone Memorial Award for Best Doe in show. Donated by the Greenstone Family. 4. Newsome Seed offers an award to the Senior Showmanship Champion. 5. Jackie Dickison offers an award to the Alpine Champion. 6. East Rivendale Farm offers an award to the Nubian Champion. 7. Pat Rooney offers an award to the LaMancha Champion. 8. Todd and Anita Greenstone offer an award to the Saanen Champion. 9. Colesville Lions Club offers an award to the Toggenburg Champion. 10. Susie Knapp offers an award to the Recorded Grade Champion.
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