SPN Gender Cap Bldg Consultant - Millennium Challenge Account

Country: Indonesia
City/Locality: Jakarta
Project: Procurement Modernization Project
Name of the Assignment: Policy and Regulatory Researcher for Sustainable Public
Contract No.: PM-B-006
Submission Deadline: May 13, 2015, 15:00 p.m.
Funding Agency: Millennium Challenge Corporation
Buyer: Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia)
The United States of America acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation
(“MCC”) and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (the “Government”) have
entered into a US$600,000,000 Compact for Millennium Challenge Account assistance
to help facilitate poverty reduction through economic growth in Indonesia through
three projects: the Green Prosperity (“GP”) Project; the Community-based Nutrition to
Reduce Stunting Project; and the Procurement Modernization (“PM”) Project. The
Government of Indonesia, acting through the Millennium Challenge Account
Indonesia (“MCA-Indonesia”), intends to apply a portion of MCC funding to eligible
payments under a contract for which this Request for Qualifications is issued. Any
payments made under the proposed contract will be subject, in all respects, to the
terms and conditions of the Compact and related documents, including restrictions on
the use and distribution of MCC funding. No party other than the Government and
MCA-Indonesia shall derive any rights from the Compact or have any claim to the
proceeds of MCC funding.
Background of the Assignment
The SPP activity commenced in 2014 and work has progressed on the activity. A
Consultancy firm has completed a significant piece of work and delivered a Market
Research Study in September 2014. This study undertaken across six regions and 25
districts of Indonesia has provided a snapshot of what is happening on both the GoI side
and the private sector. The next planned activities aim to build on from this study and
concentrate on researching further what is in place in terms of policies and regulations
that fall under either economic, social or environmental categories. Additionally, the
SPP activity needs to identify GoI initiatives that can be categorized as sustainability
activities and map how SPP supports the delivering and successful outcome for GoI.
Other tasks that will need to be conducted as part of the discovery phase is the
engagement with the private sector including NGO’s and the general public to
understand the level of understanding with regard to sustainability and the benefits to the
people of Indonesia.
Objectives of the Assignment
To support SPP project in the discovery phase, the Regulatory Review aims to provide
resources with research experience to work with MCA-Indonesia and the key
stakeholders to identify and obtain the relevant and useful information that can be
utilized to support the development of the key recommendations for SPP.
Scope of Work
The Regulatory Review is designed to identify what kind of policies and regulations
exist that are related to the 3 Pillars of sustainability, those being:
Social; and
The objective is to capture relevant information that contributes to the development of the
Discovery Phase outputs and specifically addresses the key areas of:
Leadership & Policy;
Strategy & Targets; and
Processes & Practices.
MCA-Indonesia will engage with many key stakeholders such as Ministries and
NGO’s. There are a number of key Ministries that play an important role in the
implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement related activities and are
conducting projects that are aligned and to some extent cross over with the SPP
Project and it is intended that the successful consultant will engage with these
stakeholders in order to obtain the required information needed in order to develop a
final report as the major output of the Discovery Phase.
The detailed tasks and responsibilities are described in the Terms of Reference.
Interested Individual Consultants will be evaluated based on the following qualifications:
The consultant must have the following mandatory qualifications:
A Bachelor Degree in a related business discipline.
Minimum 5 years’ experience in government policy and legal analysis and conducting
Good knowledge of the respective country’s legal and regulatory framework, particularly
concerning public administrative law, public procurement, sustainable development,
sustainable business practice, social and environmental standards.
Experience in writing research, policy and or legal analytical documents.
Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia (written and oral)
In addition to the above the following experience is desirable:
Experience in organizing meetings with Ministries of GoI and international consultants as
part of information gathering tasks.
High level of skill and experience with Microsoft Suite specifically, Word, Excel and
Possess analytical skills and have experiencing working with large volumes of
Experience in managing and coordinating other development programs within Indonesia.
Experience in working on donor projects across the Government of Indonesia (State,
Regions and Local Governments).
Duration and Place of Performance
This consultancy will have a base period of 4 months. The projected level of effort is full
time for that period.
The consultant will be based within MCA-Indonesia offices and conduct work at LKPP
as required.
How to Apply
MCA-Indonesia hereby invites interested Individual Consultants to submit their
Application as per instruction below (Section 8).
Interested Individual Consultants shall submit the following (in English only):
Curriculum Vitae (“CV”), using the CV template provided by MCAIndonesia, detailing the consultant’s professional qualifications, areas of
expertise, and experience carrying out similar assignments.
Professional references (at least three (3) referees) with contact details,
including a valid email address.
Proof of all professional qualifications and work experience indicated in the CV may
be requested to the selected consultant.
Submission Date and Time
Interested Consultants shall submit their CVs as per instruction on Section 9 above to
the address below on or before May 15, 2015, 15:00 p.m., Jakarta local time. Envelope
should be clearly marked: “Policy and Regulatory Researcher for Sustainable Public
Procurement – PM-B-006”. Applications received after this date and time shall not be
considered. Electronic submissions are accepted.
10. Interested Consultants should register their interest and request a copy of the Terms of
Reference and the CV template at the address below.
11. To request clarification, the TOR, the CV template, and for submission of CVs, please
use the following address:
MCA-Indonesia, Procurement Agent
Menteng Raya-21 Building, 6th Floor
Jl. Menteng Raya No. 21
Jakarta 10340
Email address: procurement.agent@mca-indonesia.go.id
Selection Process
12. An Individual Consultant will be selected following the Individual Consultant
Procedures as defined in the MCC Program Procurement Guidelines (available at the
following Website: http://www.mcc.gov/pages/business/guidelines)
13. Individual Consultants’ CVs and related documents will be evaluated to determine if
they meet the qualifications requirements stipulated in Section 6 (above). The
education, adequacy for the assignment and language requirements will be
evaluated. A Consultant shall be rejected if he/she fails to satisfy any of the mandatory
14. After the Evaluation of Qualifications, the Consultant that satisfies the mandatory
requirements and is deemed the most qualified will be interviewed in person or by
telephone in order to confirm qualifications. References will also be checked. If the
verification process supports the initial findings, the most qualified Consultant will be
requested to submit a financial proposal and may be invited to negotiate the contract.
Should negotiations fail with the most qualified Consultant, the MCA-Indonesia may
at is discretion proceeded to verify the qualifications of the next highest ranked
15. Final selection will be subject to reasonableness analysis of the proposed fee. If
verification is not satisfactory and the proposed fee is not reasonable, negotiations may
be terminated.
16. MCA-Indonesia is not bound to accept any of the CVs or other documents submitted,
and may cancel the selection process at any time without providing any justification to
the Consultants.
Bid Challenges
17. MCA-Indonesia shall entertain a bid challenge from any contractor, supplier, or
consultant that claims to have suffered or that may suffer loss or injury due to a
breach of a duty by MCA- Indonesia in the conduct of this procurement. MCAIndonesia will be following the Bid Challenge System available at the following
Website: http://mca-indonesia.go.id/bid-challenge-system/, as required by the MCC
Program Procurement Guidelines.
The bid challenge shall be addressed to:
Executive Director
Menteng Raya-21 Building, 11th Floor
Jl. Menteng Raya No. 21
Jakarta 10340
Email address: bcs@mca-indonesia.go.id