RIDE OF SILENCE in Crystal Lake, McHenry County, IL Wednesday May 20, 2015 at 7 PM sharp. (Come 6:45, Departs at 7:05 PM) Meet at the Parking Lot across from the fire station. (next to cemetery) (101-121 W Woodstock St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 (for your GPS)) The Ride of Silence is a worldwide event in memory of all cyclists who have been killed or injured and to make a statement to the public to share the road. This is a ride in silence for 1 hr., approx. 6.7 miles distance. The route we planned for is Woodstock St to Williams St – Crystal Lake Ave. – Pingree – Rt14 to Woodstock St. and back Registration is not required but an RSVP to eberhard@mcba-mail.org would be great if you plan to attend so that we have an idea of the size of the group. There are no support services. Please bring your own water and snacks as needed. Everybody is responsible for their own safety, please wear appropriate clothing and a helmet. McHenry County Bicycle Advocates c/o Eberhard Veit, President, Tel. (815) 790-0125 eberhard@mcba-mail.org - http://www.McBicycleAdvocates.org Ride of Silence Worldwide Event Page: http://www.rideofsilence.org/ C:\USERFILES-C\USER\EBBE\BIKING\05-RIDEOFSILENCE\FLYER\150520-CRYSTALLAKE-ILRIDEOFSILENCE.DOCX, page 1 of 2 C:\USERFILES-C\USER\EBBE\BIKING\05-RIDEOFSILENCE\FLYER\150520-CRYSTALLAKE-ILRIDEOFSILENCE.DOCX, page 2 of 2
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