Friends THE NEWSLETTER OF THE FRIENDS OF MCCONNELL SPRINGS Volume 21 Issue 1 Spring 2015 Annual Wine Barrel Tasting Taking Place in March Hopefully the long winter is behind us and it’s time to get rid of the “cabin fever blues” and take a ride in the country. What better way to do this than participating in the 8th Annual Wine Barrel Tasting for the Springs sponsored by The Friends of McConnell Springs. The event will take place on Saturday, March 28, 2015 from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. at 16 participating wineries. Many of you have been loyal followers through the years and we appreciate your support. For those who are new to the scene, a short explanation. Participants go to any of the participating wineries to sample a barrel tasting of wine ready for bottling. You choose your own starting point. For a $20/ person fee one receives a commemorative glass and entrance to the barrel tasting. Proceeds go to McConnell Springs for educational purposes and preservation and restoration of the park. For more Participants enjoying the 2014 Wine Barrel Tasting. information and directions to the wineries check out our website at or call 859.272.0682. We look forward to seeing you soon!! Celebrating the Founding of Lexington in May In a little over two months from now our 21st Founders’ Day celebration at Lexington’s McConnell Springs Park will be coming up on Saturday, May 16. Two hundred forty years ago Lexington and the Bluegrass area was a savanna wooded/ grassland a “wonderland” to pioneering settlers who migrated west seeking freedom and the chance to become property owners. You can experience the life of 1775 for yourself by visiting Founders’ Day at McConnell Springs. We celebrate this day because, Inside: according to history, William McConnell and a group of explorers were camping in the area when word came that the colonists had won their first battle of the Revolutionary War at Lexington, Mass. In honor of that victory, the explorers named the site Lexington in 1779 when the town was founded. The Founders’ Day event will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. During our event we will be putting the finishing touches on our recreation pioneer cabin that was started two years ago. There will be music; entertainment; guided tours of the park; colonial crafts such as blacksmithing, woodworking, quilt making, weaving, colonial knitting exhibit, colonial tools, Indian artifacts and children’s activities; and a special encampment re-enactment of pioneers who are actually building a primitive log cabin of the type utilized for land titles and the very colorful Kentucky Society of Colonial Wars Drum, Fife & Flag Color Guard. Dear Friends, Irish Homecoming (continued on page 6) Friends of Dear Friends... John Kiefer, Chair Welcome To Our New Chair. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Committee Isabel Yates, Chair Emeritus John Kiefer, Chair Jim Rebmann, Vice Chair Richard A. Mathy, Treasurer Charlie Boland, Secretary Standing Committees Steven Rogers, Education Annette Mathy, Events Richard A. Mathy, Fundraising B. J. Webb, Nominating Reneé Williams, Promotions & Newsletter Editor Michael Galavotti, Site Development Annette Mathy, Volunteers Jamie Millard, Webpage At-Large Board Members Peter Andrew Sherrell Brown Jon Hagee Kelly Keefe John Kiefer Elizabeth Maybrier Doug McLaren Doc Muzzy Franklin D. Thompson Parks Representative Steven Rogers Naturalist Steven Rogers ADVISORY COMMITTEE Helen C. Alexander Bill Allen Tucker Ballinger Bruce Cotton Mrs. Norwood Cowgill, Jr. Lou DeLuca Thomas P. Dupree Lillian B. Gentry Bo Henry Barbara Hulette Tim Kelly Freda Klotter James Klotter Susan Lancho Gloria Martin Jennifer Mattingly Pam Miller Roy W. Mundy II Carolyn Murray-Wooley Jacqueline Noonan Greg Padgett H. Foster Pettit Susan Ridenour Charles W. Stewart 2 I hope you survived the deep freeze of the past few weeks. Predictions are that there is at least one more round of polar freeze with sleet and snow to come. But take heart. We have some great events planned that will help you warm up as we head into spring. Yes, it really is coming. Please check the newsletter for our upcoming speakers series. Jon Hagge has put together a great lineup of authors. On March 21 we have our Junior Naturalist program, at 10 a.m., -animal tracks- for youth K-5th grade. Learn how to find and identify the tracks that they leave behind. Call the park at 225-4073 to register. Then on March 28 we have our 8th Annual Wine Barrel Tasting. Annette Mathy has lined up 16 great wineries for you to visit and taste their samples of wine in the barrel just before bottling. For $20 you can visit as many of the wineries that you wish and receive a souvenir glass. You can’t afford to miss it, so call some friends and sample some of Kentucky’s great wines. Call 859-272-0682 for information. Mark your calendars for the 21st annual celebration of the Founding of Lexington on May 16. See historic reenactments, storytellers, musical entertainment, craft booths like woodcarving, and park tours including a geology walk. And while you have your calendar handy, don’t forget to check off June 9, the start of the “History to Chew On” series which leads off with Charles H. Bogart and Guarding the Kentucky Central Railroad 1861-1865. This is an exciting story about the railroad for Camp Nelson, attacked twice by John Hunt Morgan’s raiders. The Battle of Cynthiana centered around the protection of the Kentucky Central. Got your attention yet? Keep up with all these series and events and more on our website or call the number above. If you would like to contribute to our endowment fund for maintenance and expansion of the Science Center please submit your gift to McConnell Springs, P.O. Box 12196, Lexington, KY. Thanks for your support. Business Luncheon Introduces New Officers On January 27, 2015, the annual luncheon meeting was held at the Boone Center at UK, was attended by 42 individuals, and was called to order by Dick Mathy. Highlights of the meeting were: In 2014, the park had 23,459 visitors, 12,810 non-program visitations, and 4,652 prescheduled programs and special events, all of which were the highest in park history. There were 1,204 volunteer hours recorded, most since the park’s early clean up days. Matthew Redenbaugh earned the 24th Eagle Scout Award at the park for construction and installation of bat houses. Transportation grants were awarded to Bates Elementary (Danville), Booker T. Washington Academy, and Breckinridge Elementary. By this coming spring, over 500 students will have come to the park with the help of the Rita’s Ride Transportation Grant. In 2014, The Friends received $44,841 in total revenues, an increase of 40% from 2013. Sponsorships, donations, the 20th Anniversary Celebration, and the Barrel Tasting Fundraiser were the main source of these revenues. Our operational expenses for the year were $37,108, an increase of 35% from 2013. Our biggest recurring expenditures were our quarterly newsletter and Founders’ Day Celebration. We transferred $20,000 from our designated endowment to The Friends of McConnell Springs Endowed Fund being administrated by the Blue Grass Community Foundation. (continued on page 4) Thank YOU for Giving.... Many thanks are extended to the organizations and individuals who contributed to The Friends of McConnell Springs during the November 15, 2014 through December 31, 2015 period. We are especially grateful to those Friends who continue to support us on a regular basis. All of your contributions directly benefit McConnell Springs Park. We apologize if there are any errors or omissions in this list, and would appreciate hearing about them. Please contact Dick Mathy at Preservationist ($250+) American Water Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Cowgill, Jr. Mr. Dillard Griffin Garden Club Of Lexington Builder ($100+) Dr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Bark Mr. E. Douglas Boone Dr. & Mrs. John Boso Mr. & Mrs. James R. Boyd Ms. Anne M. Combs Mrs. Robin Fishback Combs Mr. Thomas A. Duke Ms. Rebecca Goodman The Mouse Trap Mr. & Mrs. A. P. Lawing Ms. Kathy Loeb Mr. Timothy Kuryla Ms. Jenny Minier Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Seiler Ms. Madonna Turner Shield Environmental Assoc. Mr. & Mrs. James W. Scott Contributions were also received in memory of: Mr. Foster Pettit from the Robert E. Milward Fund Ms. Diana Burke from Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mathy Contributions were also received in honor of: Weezbel Sainvil from Ms. Meg Menke Isabel Yates from Ms. Janet Zusman Mr. & Mrs. Micheal Seiler from Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mathy Homesteader ($50) Mr. David Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beck Ms. Dottie Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Blanton Ms. Anne E. Bolton Ms. Jody Bosomworth Ms. Nancy Sue Braun Mrs. Mildred M. Buster Ms. Mildred Farr Cox Mr. James Currens Mr. & Mrs. John E. Darnell III Ms. Kathryn Drydyk Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dziubakowski Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Gajda Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Hehl Ms. Karen Higdon Mrs. Carolyn Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Kinkead, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Klotter Ms. Marilyn G. Machara Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mathy Ms. Meg Menke Ms Susan G. Neff Marianne Overley Mr. Steven Rogers Dr. Donald M. Soule Ms. Catherine Staib Dr. Ouida Tisdall Mr. & Mrs. Gardner L. Turner Ms. B.J. Webb Friend ($49 and Under) Ms. Patsy Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Peter Andrew Ms. Christina Bell Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Bohmer Ms. Claire Carpenter Ms. Jennife Cecil Mr. Jerrye Davis Dr. Rolf Embertson Mr. & Mrs. William P. Enright Mr. & Mrs. Jon D. Hagee Ms. Phyllis R. Hasbrouck Mr. Paul Evans Holbrook Mr. & Mrs. Clement T. Imhoff Ms. Rachel M. Jones Ms. Mary A. Malone Ms. Elizabeth Maybrier Ms. Elizabeth McGee Mr. Fred Mills Ms. Dixie Moore Dr. James A. Orr, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. G. Philip Points Mr. Mike Priddy Ms. Barbara Quisenberry Mr. & Mrs. William Boyd Rogers Ms. Debbie Ross Mr. Jonathan M. Simon Mr. Todd Willard Mr. & Mrs. Robert Williams Ms. Pamela Wood An Irish Homecoming Sharing Our Uncommon Culture, Music & Heritage In honor of our namesake and deeply rooted Celtic heritage, please join us for a conference on the Irish/Celtic culture on Saturday, April 11, 2015, from 9 a.m. 5 p.m. at the park. Free to all - we do ask that you call the park (225-4073) to register so we can judge the number of participants. We will have drama, music, history, genealogy and dance, as well as workshops on Irish genealogy, history & culture. Our goal is to have a friendly, comfortable day enjoying our enthusiasm for the Celtic/ Irish culture, meeting like-minded people, sharing cultural knowledge and experiences. If you play or sing Irish music, please bring instruments if you want to join in a traditional music session. 3 Business Luncheon (continued) We earmarked $13,407 for future building phases at the Park. The Friends shared in the cost of a security monitoring system at the park, which will make the park a safer place to visit. New officers were introduced and are John Keifer – Chair, Jim Rebmann – Vice Chair, Charlie Boland – Secretary, and Dick Mathy – Treasurer. Annette Mathy presented a 2014 Volunteer of the Year Award to Janette Heitz, a non-board member for her work as chair of the 20th Anniversary celebration that began in 2013. John Keifer presented the second 2014 volunteer of the year award to Jon Hagee, a board member who helped coordinate Founders’ Day, the Author and History To Chew On Series, the Annual Irish Homecoming at the park, and the log cabin construction. Left to right: Annette Mathy, Janette Heitz, Jon Hagee and John Keifer. Isabel Yates spoke in remembrance of Foster Pettit, who was instrumental in The Friends early fundraising days and who was on the advisory committee. He often came to our events. We want to thank Franklin Thompson, Sherrell Brown, Renee’ Williams, Steven Rogers, and Jim Rebmann for helping organize this offsite luncheon. A motion was made to close the meeting and was unanimously passed. The meeting closed. Earth Day Celebration Held at McConnell Springs Come join us for the first Earth Day celebration at McConnell Springs Nature Park Saturday, April 4, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bring the whole family for a day of educational fun. There will be food trucks, kids games, birds of prey (live specimens!), guided walks, sustainability workshops and more. We are excited to be working with some local environmental organizations like Seedleaf, Bluegrass Green Source, Liberty Nature Center, and University of Kentucky Office of Sustainability. Through Earth Day at McConnell Springs, we want to connect you with nature by promoting awareness of environmental and sustainability issues. Through hikes and talks by local experts, you will be able to better understand and appreciate the environment. You will be able to take the information you learn from the tables and workshops and apply it to your daily lives so that you can make a difference. If you are looking for an entertaining, stimulating, and educational opportunity for people of all ages, then this is the perfect event for you. Come learn about the importance of the environment today so that you can make an impact tomorrow! For more information, contact Jason Fiebel at History to Chew On Series Offers Another Great Year We are excited to present this year’s lineup of fascinating topics and presenters. The programs start at 6 p.m. at the Education Center of McConnell Springs. Bring a bite to eat and enjoy the presentors. August 8 To Educate the Masses Ashlands’ 150th birthday of U.K. June 9 Protecting the Railways in Kentucky 1861-1865 September 8 Ship of Gold” Sinking and recovery of the treasure From the SS. Central America July 14 Kentucky and Americas First Winery October 13 Mary Todd Lincoln: ”First Lady of Controversy” 4 Notes from the Naturalist... by Steven Rogers As the winter freeze begins to lift the spring thaw makes its way into McConnell Springs. This is a great time of year to get out of the house, shake off the cold, and experience nature. McConnell Springs and our other city parks offer great trails to get people out and moving around. Whether you want to take a leisurely stroll or go for a long jog be sure to get out and enjoy our natural areas in Lexington. We also have a long list of nature based programs coming up soon to engage the entire family. Check out our calendar of events for information on upcoming programs and events to be held at McConnell Springs. Author & Speaker Series - April 14 - 6 p.m. Continuing our new Author and Speaker Series, we have excellent programs lined up for March 10 and April 14. Events start at 6 p.m. The author(s) will be available before and after to sign books. Refreshments will be provided. The below will be presenting on April 14. Maryjean Wall “Madam Belle: Sex, Money, and Influence in a Southern Brothel” Author Maryjean Wall offers a tantalizing true story of vice and power in the Gilded Age South, right here in Lexington, KY! Told through the life and times of the notorious Miss Belle Brezing, the Southern madam credited with inspiring the character Belle Watling in Gone with the Wind. Following Brezing from her birth amid the ruins of the Civil War to the height of her scarlet fame and beyond, Wall uses Belle's story to explore a wider world of sex, business, politics, and power. Justin Lloyd “The Importance of Being Ernest: The Life of Actor Jim Varney” Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Ernest, the lovable blue-collar buffoon, was a staple of pop culture in countless commercials, nearly a dozen movies and an award-winning Saturday-morning TV show. Today, millions of fans still mourn the loss of actor Jim Varney, who portrayed Ernest and who died at age 50 in 2000 of cancer. Jim's nephew, Justin Lloyd brings the biography Ernest fans have been waiting for in this comprehensive work which traces Varney's journey from a child in Lexington, KY, with dreams of being a stage and film actor to becoming an iconic entertainment figure. The perfect gift idea! Are you looking for a unique way to celebrate a special occasion? Consider giving a present that will last – an engraved paver in the Garden Spring at McConnell Springs. When you give someone this unique present, you also help McConnell Springs, because $85 of each $100 paver is a tax-deductible donation to The Friends of McConnell Springs. Help support educational programming at McConnell Springs with the purchase of an 8-inch by 8-inch brick paver. The permanently inscribed paver will be placed in the central plaza of the McConnell Springs Visitors’ Center. Clip this form and return it with $100 payment to: Friends of McConnell Springs, P.O. Box 12196, Lexington, KY 40581-2196. Yes, I want to support McConnell Springs by purchasing a paver. I have enclosed $100. Name:_____________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________ City, State:_________________________________________________ Phone:____________________________________________________ E-mail:____________________________________________________ Complete boxes with message to be inscribed on paver. Please print carefully, with one letter per box. Each box presents one character. 5 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Lexington, Ky Permit No. 224 The Friends of McConnell Springs P.O. Box 12196 Lexington, KY 40581-2196 Founders’ Day (continued) Our mission Bring your family, a picnic lunch and spend the day at this FREE event held at the Springs. Hotdogs, hamburgers, soft drinks, and popcorn will also be sold on site. This is a rain or shine event; sunscreen, rain gear and insect repellent may be needed. Visitors taking guided tours are encouraged to wear hiking shoes. Check our website for a complete activity listing in mid-April. Friends – Memberships The Friends of McConnell Springs is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Your tax-deductible donation supports the preservation of McConnell Springs and educational programs at the site. Can we count on your support in being a Friend? If so, please mail this form to the address below. Name: ______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City: _______________ State: _______ Zip:______ Donation amount: $1000 $500 $250 $100 other: ______________ $50 $25 Complete the form above and mail it with your membership donation to: The Friends of McConnell Springs P.O. Box 12196 Lexington, KY 40581-2196 Trailblazer ($1,000) Founder ($500+) Preservationist ($250+) Builder ($100+) Homesteader ($50+) Friend ($49 - under) No matter what membership level you give, your generosity is greatly appreciated! Thank you for your support! 6 The Friends of McConnell Springs, an independent not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) organization, works in a partnership with the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Division of Parks and Recreation, dedicated to the restoration and preservation of McConnell Springs as: • a national historic site, recognized as the pioneer encampment in the naming of Lexington, Kentucky; • an environmental and educational resource; and • a passive recreational park. FRIENDS is published by the Friends of McConnell Springs Editor: Reneé Williams Contributors: Jon Hagee, Steven Rogers, Sherrell Brown, John Keifer, Annette Mathy, Dick Mathy, Jim Rebmann, Renee’ Williams McConnell Springs is a natural and historic site at 416 Rebmann Lane in Lexington, Ky. The park has two miles of trails that wander around the sinking springs, vegetation, stone fences and vestiges of historic buildings. McConnell Springs boasts more than 130 species of plants and numerous species of urban wildlife that reside at or visit the park. The unique geologic, natural and historic features are protected, providing environmental, cultural and historical education opportunities for the residents of Fayette County and elsewhere. To learn more about McConnell Springs, call 859.225.4073 or visit
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