USM MC Marinee & Familyy Programss Intakee Informatiion FOUO O – PRIVACY SSENSITIVE WH HEN FILLED IN N Name: Date of birth: Gendeer: Racial//Ethnic Backgground: Who reeferred you? Curren nt Address: ☐Civilian Housing or ☐Military Ho ousing Perman nent Address: Today’s Daate: DoDID or SS#: Phone Number 1: Phone Number 2: would you like staff to contaact you? How w ☐ Cell ☐ Hom me ☐ Work me ☐ Work ☐ Cell ☐ Hom Is it okkay for staff to o leave a messaage for you att the numbers above? ☐Yees ☐No Email A Address (Perssonal): Em mail Address (W Work): Presen nting Concern: What b brings you herre today? Have yyou sought treatment for thiis before now w (if yes, when))? Militarry History (iff applicable):: Branch h of service: ☐Marine ☐ Corp ps ☐Navy ☐Air Forcce ☐Coast Guard ☐D DOD Agencyy Duty Status: ☐Actiive ☐Reserrves ☐Spouuse ☐Child d ☐Familyy Member ☐D DoD Caregiveer ☐Arm my ☐Other: ☐Civilian (OCONUS S) Highesst rank: If you aare not curren ntly active dutyy, what prior service s do youu have? h: Branch Dates: T Type of Dischaarge? Deployyment/combaat history (locaation/date): njuries while in n the military? Have yyou had any in 1 USMC Marine & Family Programs Intake Information FOUO – PRIVACY SENSITIVE WHEN FILLED IN Have you ever experienced any head trauma due to an explosion, a blast, a fall, a motor vehicle accident, sports injury or other incident? ☐ Yes ☐No If Yes, when? Did you lose consciousness, “see stars,” or have a sense of being dazed, or are you unable to recall the injury? ☐Yes ☐No Did you receive treatment or see a medical professional as a result of the trauma? ☐Yes ☐No If Yes, provide details. Do you want to be referred to a medical professional for any concerns you might have that you think might be related to a possible head trauma or concussion? ☐Yes ☐No What other vocational/other training have you received in the military? If Active Duty (if not active duty, fill this out with sponsor’s information): Rank: Command: Dates of Service: MOS: Command/Unit and Command/Unit phone number: Commander’s/Supervisor’s name and phone number: Major Command: Battalion: Company: Your EAS date: Your PCS date: If Reserves: Location: Unit Commander: If not Active Duty: Occupation: _______________________ Employer: _______________________ Sponsor: _____________________ Employment History (if not in the military): Are you currently employed? ☐Yes ☐No If you were ever terminated from a job, please explain. Source of Income: (check all that apply) ☐Employment ☐Temporary Assistance for Needy Families/AFDC ☐WIC ☐SSI ☐SSDI ☐Survivor’s Benefits Relationships/Support Systems/Living Arrangements: Current Status: ☐Married ☐Divorced ☐Separated ☐Widowed ☐Significant Other ☐Domestic Partnership ☐Single How many times have you been married: _______ If currently married, how long? _______ Do you live on base housing? ☐Yes ☐No Who do you live with and please describe your home life. ☐Do you rent or ☐Own your home? 2 USMC Marine & Family Programs Intake Information FOUO – PRIVACY SENSITIVE WHEN FILLED IN Do you have any children? Name Age Gender Date of Birth Where do they reside Educational Background and Literacy Level: Highest level of education achieved? Please explain why if you left high school, vocational school, or college without graduating. Were you ever diagnosed with learning disabilities? ☐Yes ☐No Please describe any behavioral, learning disabilities, or experiences that are significant to your educational history or learning ability. Are you interested in furthering your education? ☐Yes ☐No Legal Information: Please list legal proceedings you or your family members are involved with (divorce, military protection order, civil protection order, civil, criminal, traffic, court martial). Who Charges Which Court Probation Upcoming Hearing/Trial Dates Information Do you have a history of receiving traffic violations? ☐Speeding ☐DUI ☐DWI ☐Other: Physical Health: Please list any medical conditions or diagnosis you currently have. Diagnosis Date PCM/Doctor Treatment Location of Medication Diagnosed Received Treatment Ever hospitalized for this condition? If the medications are not helping/working for you, provide details of which medications and your response to them. Please list which medications you are allergic to and the reaction you have to them. Are you being seen by any other agency? ☐Naval Health ☐DSS ☐Chaplain ☐MFLC ☐Other: _______________________________________ ☐Military OneSource HQMC Ver-2 Implemented: Aug 2014; Rev: Sept 2014 (Added DoDID or SS# and Customer Rights Acknowledgement); Rev 4 May 2015 to add Physical Health 3 Client’s Name: Case Number: Health and Wellness Assessment On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the least and 10 being the most: *Overall level of disturbance, dissatisfaction you are feeling in your life currently: ________ *Overall level of satisfaction / happiness you are feeling in your life currently: _________ 1. Rate your physical health: Excellent Good Average Declining Other If other, explain:_________ ______________________________________________ 2. Are you presently taking medications? Yes No If yes, What? ____________________ _________________________ ______________________ Prescribed by? ______________________________ 3. Have you ever received any therapy or counseling before? Yes No If yes, for what? When?: ________________________________________________ 4. In the past 30 days have you noticed any of the following: (check all that apply) excessive sadness crying episodes hopelessness difficulty concentrating weight loss weight gain loss of appetite overeating difficulty in social situations difficulty making decisions recurring thoughts of death easily frustrated/impatience irritability sleep problems memory problems thoughts of suicide withdrawing from others difficulty functioning at work nausea/vomiting low energy/fatigue reduced interest/pleasure feelings of worthlessness/guilt agitation restlessness excessive worry fearfulness trembling/shaking shortness of breath fear of loss of control feeling detached from others/life intrusive thoughts of bad memories panic attacks fear of leaving home avoidance of public places avoidance of social situations pounding heart/palpitations chest pain nightmares flashbacks/re-living bad experiences easily startled/upset ********************************************************************************************************************* 5. Is there a family history of mental illness? Yes No 6. Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? Yes No If yes, explain: _______________________________________________________________ 7. Have you ever had a head injury or seizures or been treated for neurological problems? No If yes, explain:________________________________________________ Yes Client’s Name: Case Number: 8. Do you have any concerns about your mental or emotional well-being? Yes No If yes, explain: ________________________________________________ 9. Have you ever thought about hurting yourself or others? Yes No If yes, When? __________ How? ___________ Explain: _______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 10. Do you now or have you in the past few weeks, felt like hurting yourself or others? Yes No If yes, explain: ______________________________________________ 11. Have your ever engaged in self injurious behaviors (i.e., cutting, burning, piercing, hair pulling, skin picking, etc…) Yes No If yes, explain: _________________________________________________________ 12. Have you ever been in a relationship/marriage that was violent? Yes No If yes, explain: ___________________________________________________________ 13. Have there been any incidents of violence in this marriage? Yes No If yes, explain: ___________________________________________________________ 14. How often do you drink alcohol? Never Rarely When you drink do you drink to get drunk? Yes Occasionally No Often 15. Have you been treated for alcohol and/or drug abuse within past three years? Yes No Type of treatment: __________ When: __________ Length: _____ Did you complete the program? Yes No Why not? ______________________ 16. Have the civilian or military authorities been to your house in the past two years? No If yes, explain:_______________________________________________ Yes _________________________________________________________________________ No 17. Have you been deployed to a combat area? Yes If yes, when and where? ____________________________________________________ 18. Have you ever experienced a traumatic event? Yes No 19. What is your main concern as you see it? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 20. What have you done about it? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Rev. 6/14
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