34 Church Street Monroe, CT 06468 Tel.: (203) 268-9327 . Fax: (203) 268-3153 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00a.m. - 3:30p.m. www.mcc-ucc.org May 1, 2015 Senior Pastor: Rev. Jennifer Gingras Music Director: Will Duchon Secretary: Melissa Rosenberg Church email: secretary@mcc-ucc.org ******************************************************************************** What is Faith Formation? Web: www.Mcc-Ucc.org Yet, O Lord, you are our God; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. – Isaiah 64:8 What do you think of when you think of Faith Formation? A long-ago Sunday School teacher who led you as a child thinking in new ways about your life? A youth program that helped you find the love and acceptance of Christ in a safe and loving environment? Or perhaps you think of an intellectually stimulating adult Bible study that challenged your assumptions and gave you something to think about throughout the week. In so many ways, our faith is formed as we engage in the practices of our daily lives and the rituals of our communities — through worship, mission, working for justice and peace, evangelism, and education — so that our faith may be nurtured, enlivened, sustained, and formed. In this regard, the imagery offered by the prophet Isaiah of Potter God forming humanity, God's created own, is an appropriate vision for how we might view the ministry of faith formation. And it’s at the heart of what the Christian life is all about. In the United Church of Christ, we understand faith formation to be "an engaged process of learning and practice integrated throughout all aspects of congregational and daily life." This definition highlights the initiative and action we must take in our own faith formation. In essence, people of all ages become clay so that we are formed and transformed by the Holy and by one another. Throughout all of our doing and being, we are reminded that God's "hands" are continually present in our efforts to gain both "head" knowledge found in education and learning and "heart" wisdom discovered through prayer, ritual, and practice. Perhaps some of you are wondering why, in the previous few years, I have been using the term ‘Faith Formation’ instead of ‘Christian Education’. I believe that each one of us is a lifetime learner, as we encounter church (in all its manifestations) we are being actively formed. I’ve been led by church educators to reconsider the age-banded models of ministry and the boxes we tend to place ourselves in when it comes to programs. At MCC and other churches like ours, we need to adequately describe the work we are undertaking. For some, Christian Education carries with it the idea that you will someday be educated enough to ‘graduate’ from church. Using the term Faith Formation reminds us that we are ALL on a continuing journey, with twists and turns and new ways of experiencing God’s love. (hint: that journey is not just for kids, ya’ll!) Faith formation is for all: young and old, those who are new to the community and cradle Congregationalists, those who gladly claim their identity as Christian and those who call themselves seekers or agnostic. Faith Formation is at the heart of what our living and being is all about, and a crucial job for the church of today to undertake. The search committee and I believe that Rev. Barbara Frey would be a wonderful addition to our community as our next Associate Pastor of Faith Formation, given her experience, education, energy, compassion, deep faith and vision. I pray that you do too. Blessings and peace, Pastor Jenn **************************************************************** Congregational Meeting Notice The members of Monroe Congregational Church are hereby called to attend a Congregational Meeting to be held following worship at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, May 10th, 2015 in the Meetinghouse. The agenda will include the following: The report of the Associate Pastor Search Committee, the terms of the Associate Pastor Covenant and Call Agreement and concluding with a candidacy vote of Rev. Barbara Frey as the Monroe Congregational Church’s Associate Pastor. Associate Pastor Search Committee We hope that you and your family will join us for an informal Meet & Greet on Friday, May 8th from 4-7pm in Dineson Parlor. Also, please attend Candidating Sunday on May 10th at 10 am, at which she will preach and deliver a children’s message. Following the service, a congregational meeting will be held so that we may vote on the recommendation to call Rev. Barbara Frey as our new Associate Pastor for Faith Formation (part-time, 30 hours/week). Assuming a positive vote, she will begin ministry with us on August 2, 2015. MCC AP Search Committee: Linda Caballero, Chair, Bill Allen, Fred Dubois, Michele Mount, Christian Rohach, Marian Schmitz, Rev. Jennifer Gingras, Sr. Pastor Dear Members and Friends of Monroe Congregational Church, Let me introduce myself. I am Rev. Barbara Frey and my friends call me Barb. I am pleased to be your Search Committee’s candidate as Associate Pastor of Faith Formation. I am committed and passionate about ministry with children, youth, and adults. I am energized by the opportunity to help find ways to reshape and refocus how today’s church can have a ministry of faith formation with children, youth and adults in the midst of the significant cultural and technological changes of the 21st century. Through your excellent web pages as well as meeting your diverse search committee, I sense that you are a vibrant community with commitment and support for learning and growing in faith as well as for “all ages” being on a faith journey together. Your Senior Pastor, Jenn, is very creative and I am already feeling inspired by her ministry role with all of you. To be a ministry partner with Jenn would be a privilege for me. The challenge of Faith Formation in the 21st century is to integrate both traditional and new ways of inviting persons to discover and share their gifts and to be engaged together in worship, education, service and more. For me, this challenge is spiritual, creative, and dynamic. Yesterday can inform today as long as we are always trying to discern a vision for tomorrow. Since I believe Worship is prime time for faith formation, I am pleased as one of the pastors to participate in and lead Worship as a response and opportunity for God’s presence to be made known to the gathered community which includes all ages. In worship, an adult, a youth, a child can reflect on what God is calling them to do and be. When I have discerned a real connection within the community, with hope, joy and love shared reciprocally, I have been awed how the Holy Spirit touches all of us. At those times, I become a vessel, serving and pouring forth God’s Word. As teacher, preacher or liturgist, I can share my love for the Church and my love for Jesus. I consider it a privilege to share my passion for the Gospel and for all persons; and to help God’s people communicate who they are, what they believe, and what difference they can make through their life’s actions. Two years ago, I concluded my full-time ministry at First Church West Hartford on June 30, 2013. I served there for almost 14 years as the Associate Pastor and as the specialist in Christian Education and Parish Care. Most recently, I have served as the part-time (12 hours) Minister of Faith Formation at Clinton’s First Church of Christ Congregational. In 2013-2014, I served as a Consultant of Faith Formation at First Church of Christ Congregational in Hartford/ Center Church for an entire year. As the consultant, I helped Center Church discover and create a model of Christian Education/Faith Formation that would serve them well now and into the future. Yes, this did involve change but change happened in the context of a gradual process and was actively embraced. These past two years have been formative and were a time of discernment that has led me back to my call as a pastor and teacher. Previous to West Hartford, I had been the fulltime commissioned minister of CE at Kensington Congregational Church for 9 years and before that had served at First Church Guilford. I also am a certified public school teacher for grades 1-8 and taught 5th and 6th grades in Reading, MA and Mannheim, Germany. For 14 years I taught part-time at the Polly McCabe Center in New Haven which is a transitional high school for pregnant teens. I myself am on a faith journey and I respect, accept, support and often encourage persons “to seek and you shall find.” Going to church as a child and practicing my faith were woven into the fabric of my being and my family life. From a young age I also dreamed of being a teacher and I achieved that. However, when my two sons, Ed and Tom, were born, my career was no longer my top priority. As children do, Ed and Tom got older and started school and I discovered part-time teaching in church and in public education. I attended Hartford Seminary part-time and completed a Master’s Degree. Within two years, I wanted to widen my ministry to include all ages---the entire faith community. Back to seminary I went—this time, Yale Divinity School, to complete the Master of Divinity requirements for ordination. My dream/my call of being a teacher turned out to be following humbly in the footsteps of Jesus, the Master Teacher, the esteemed Rabbi. From my own educational journey, you can see that my personal call has been an evolving one. For me personally, in solitude, worship, prayer and action, I have had insights into the divine that are validated in experience. Since much in our faith is a mystery, I acknowledge this mystery by recognizing and respecting persons or communities with diverse viewpoints on doctrine, the Bible, religious traditions. To be Christian means to have Christ’s qualities pervade all the dimensions and relationships in our lives. I believe Christ’s example of compassion (genuine love and concern) is one which encompasses our neighbors near and far. Christ’s example calls us to follow with word and action. I believe that God’s future is present now, calling the faith community to be involved in a re-education that would encourage a new way of thinking and being involved. We can learn to take responsibility for our personal behavior by adopting a caring lifestyle, living what we preach, loving where we live. The Church, our faith community, then has the potential to extend further into the community and the world, becoming an active advocate for peace and justice and ecological issues. Presently, I live in Haddam but I will be moving to the New Haven area in the near future. I enjoy the outdoors---whether gardening, bicycling, hiking, kayaking, or x-country skiing. I have two sons, Tom and his wife, Darcey, and my 3 year old grand-daughter, Aubrey (born on my birthday!) who live in North Haven, CT and Ed and wife, Helen and my 14 year old grandson, Steven who live in Oceanside, CA. My mother lives in East Haven and my sister Caroleen and brother-in-law Gordon live in Norwich. I can empathize with many of you because I am both a divorcee and a widow. I consider myself an upbeat person who loves life and people. I always find time for family and friends (both new and old). I also always find time to “touch fabric” and quilt, as well as to read a good novel. I am looking forward to preaching on May 10 and meeting all of you. - Blessings and Peace, Barb *************************************************************** Church News The trustees are glad that the Associate Pastor Search committee has been able to secure such a wonderful candidate for our Associate Pastor position. Rev. Barbara Frey seems like she will be a perfect fit for our congregation. Mark and Frank have met with her and they have agreed on the remuneration package. Given Barb's commitments in her present church, she is planning on starting with us August 3, which is later than we had hoped to have a new Associate Pastor, but we believe she will be worth the wait. Meanwhile, we need help in the area of Christian Education. There is much to be done to get ready for Vacation Bible School, as well as preaching and pastoral care when Pastor Jenn will be away at Silver Lake and on church mission trips. As a team, we thought it prudent to get some extra help between now and August. Since we budgeted for an Associate starting April 1, we have funds available to pay for a short-term interim. To that end, we are following our good 250 year tradition and have contacted Yale Divinity School after giving Pastor Jenn the green light to offer a paid internship for 20hrs/week from now through the end of July to a qualified YDS student. We are very pleased that Katrina Manzi has agreed to join our staff for the summer and provide needed leadership. We hope you will join us in making her feel welcome and supporting her in her ministerial training. *************************************************************** Ministry Intern Starting May 26th! This summer we will welcome Katrina Manzi, a student from Yale Divinity School to MCC. While she is here, Katrina will have the opportunity to plan vacation Bible school with our lay leaders, to cover pastoral needs as they arise, to participate in worship, to preach and lead worship while Pastor Jenn is away (and before our new Associate Pastor begins), and anything else that helps her achieve her learning goals. Her time with us will be short, but I hope that you’ll give her a warm welcome while she’s here! Hi, I’m Katrina Manzi. I’ve just finished my first year as a Master of Divinity student at Yale Divinity School. I grew up in Killingworth, CT and am a member of The Congregational Church in Killingworth. I graduated last May from the University of Rochester with a BA; I majored in political science and minored in music. During college, I was extensively involved in the University of Rochester Protestant Chapel Community, and it was that experience plus my time at my home church that led me to pursue a call to ministry. In my free time, I enjoy playing trumpet, archery, Civil War history, and following the Red Sox. Trustees Spring Workday Saturday, May 2nd at 8:00 am - We have plenty of spring cleanup jobs to tackle so please come out and spend a few hours helping to spruce up our campus. We need volunteers to clean the inside of the meeting house and chandelier. We are also in need of a pick-up. Breakfast will be provided. If you are able to assist, please sign up in Wilton Hall. Any questions, please email Dave Allen dallen9457@att.net ********************************************************** Deacons Baccalaureate/Music Sunday, June 14th Is anyone in your family graduating? On June 14th, we will celebrate the accomplishments of graduates (high school, technical/trade school, college or graduate programs). Please email mccsecretary@sbcglobal.net with the graduate’s name, school and degree program and plans for next fall. **************************************************** Outreach Reports from Nepal have been heartbreaking. Though nobody knows for sure, estimates suggest that more than 5,000 may have died. It is the worst earthquake to strike Nepal in over 80 years. United Church of Christ Disaster Ministries is already present on the ground in Nepal, working through our partners in the ACT Alliance, providing food, water, and temporarily shelter. Those who survived the quake will need support for many years to come. Our church, through the Tag Sale efforts of so many, has some funds set aside that we plan to send for Nepal Earthquake Relief. Here’s how you can help: 1. Pray for the people and communities impacted by the earthquake, including first responders and and relief agencies. 2. Make a gift payable to MCC marked for Nepal Earthquake, with the request it be sent payable to the United Church of Christ, Wider Church Ministries, Financial Services - 6th Floor, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115. OR 3. Send gifts, payable to United Church of Christ and marked in the memo portion Nepal Earthquake, to United Church of Christ, Wider Church Ministries, Financial Services - 6th Floor, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115. OR 4. Make a secure on-line donation to the International Emergency Relief Fund. Please note: Nepal Earthquake in the comment section. Blessings to you, Pastor Jenn Giving Garden Logo Contest! It’s time the Giving Garden had a logo! We need signage to help communicate our work: helping our food-insecure neighbors get organic, sustainable produce at the Monroe Food Pantry. So let’s have a contest! This contest is open to any individual of any age, and artists may submit any number of entries. Each design must lend itself to different formats, including publications, signage, website, promotional items, and other printed material, and it must reproduce well in different sizes and when printed in black and white. Electronic entries are preferred, and should be EPS, JPG, or PDF format and mailed to jenn@mcc-ucc.org by May 12, 2015. What will you win? The satisfaction of helping the Giving Garden. The ladies of Morning Circle will judge all entries at their May 13th meeting. Entries received after the deadline of May 12, 2015 will not be accepted. For more information, please contact Pastor Jenn or Melissa Rosenberg. Thank you for your support! Letter from the troops, shared by Holy Joe’s Cafe Dear Holy Joe’s Café, Thank you for your incredible generous support of the soldiers, airmen, marines, and civilians serving here in Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan. Their service during this historic period in Afghanistan has been truly remarkable. You honor their service with your tremendous support. Gestures such as yours truly help provide comfort and connection to home for these brave men and women as they serve selflessly away from oved one and ensure we are all safer at home. Climb to Victory! Sincerely, Stephen J. Townsend, Major General US Army Thank you from Holy Joe’s Café Dear Friends of Monroe Congregational Church, Thank you so much or your support of Holy Joe’s Café. Thank you for your prayers and wonderful letter telling us the story. We are glad to share with you many of the letters of gratitude we receive on a monthly basis. Your generosity is making a huge impact on the chaplains of ministry of presence. Grace and Peace, Tom, Holy Joe’s Café Volunteers needed to pick up soil on Monday at 8 am from O’Haras nursery for the Giving Garden. Please contact Kathy Maiolo if you can help kmaiolo@hawkhealthcare.com ****************************************************************** Strawberry Festival Mark your calendars for the 44th Annual Strawberry Festival June 20th and 21st! The MCC Strawberry Festival is the single largest church fundraiser and service event, providing funds for outreach, faith formation and church events throughout the year. It presents an opportunity for us to interact with the broader community as representatives of Monroe Congregational Church and - most importantly Strawberry Festival weekend is full of laughter, fun and fellowship! IT'S TIME TO MAKE THE JAM! This year I'm trying something different with the jam making schedule ... weekend JAM-A-THONS! For four weekends I'll hold three jam making sessions each, with the goal of producing 300 jars per weekend. It's a huge task and I know with YOUR help we'll get it done. Look for the sign-up sheet in Wilton Hall and mark your calendars ... Sunday, May 3: 1:00-5:00 Saturday, May 16: 9:00-12:30 and 1:30-5:00 Sunday, May 17: 1:00-5:00 ********************************************************** Please join us for the MCC Book Club! May 18th - 7:30pm Host: Gayle Hammond RSVP 203-426-2772 Songs of Willow Frost by Jamie Ford June 22nd - 7:30pm Host: Paula Haggstrom RSVP 203-452-0850 The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins July 20th- 7:30pm Host: Sue Smelzer RSVP 203-520-3830 The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henriquez August 17th- 7:30pm Host: Julie McClenathan RSVP 203-261-0360 A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler Memorial Day Parade On May 24th, the MCC Community will be marching in the Monroe Memorial Day Parade “Honoring Our Heroes”. If you would like to march in the parade, please add your name to the sign-up sheet in Wilton Hall. We will decorate our float after church, and line up at 1:15 at a location TBD. Please wear your red shirt, bring a water bottle and later up that sunscreen, MCC is on the move!!! Community News New Prescription Drop Box at Monroe Police Station A new prescription drop box has been installed at the Monroe Police Station, located at 7 Fan Hill Road. Town residents may dispose excess and expired prescription and over the counter medications at the safe and secure permanent drop off location, anytime it is convenient for them (24/7). ADAM has partnered with the Monroe Clergy Association and the Monroe Police Department to establish this permanent drug collection box as a way to reduce the supply of drugs that can potentially harm teens and adults in our community. Learn more about your local prevention council by visiting A.D.A.M.’s website at https://adamofmonroect.wordpress.com/ Two Planks Theater Company Two Planks Theater Company is excited to announce our first show of 2015, the Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize winning musical: Next to Normal! Next to Normal is the emotionally honest story of a mother with bipolar disorder and the impact her illness has on her family. With an upbeat, modern score, Next to Normal is an emotional powerhouse of a musical painting a complex picture of depression that allows every audience member to relate to the story of Diana and her family. The winner of multiple 2009 Tony Awards, Next to Normal is one of only eight musicals to ever have won a Pulitzer Prize for Drama, as the Pulitzer board called it “a powerful rock musical that grapples with mental illness in a suburban family and expands the scope of subject matter for musicals.” Rolling Stone magazine credited the show with “pushing Broadway in new directions.” Tickets may be purchased online BoxOffice@twoplankstheater.org. Friday, May 22 – 8:00 p.m. Saturday, May 23 – 8:00 p.m. Sunday, May 24 – 5:00 p.m. Friday, May 29 – 8:00 p.m. Saturday, May 30 – 8:00 p.m. Sunday, May 31 – 5:00 p.m. GENERAL ADMISSION – All tickets $20, Performances held at UMC Monroe, 515 Cutlers Farm Road MCC Community Calendar Sat. May 2nd 8:00am Trustees Spring Clean Up (MCC) 8:00am Jam Making (Kitchen) Week of May 3rd Youth Sunday 10:00am Worship w/Communion 11:30am Jr Choir Rehearsal 11:30am Deacons (Dineson) 1:00pm Jam Making 1:30pm Crop Walk 6:00pm Junior PF Tues. May 5th 1:30pm Mustard Seed Sort & Tag 7:00pm Rachel’s Well (Dineson) Wed. May 6th 7:30pm Trustees Meeting (Dineson) Thurs. May 7th 9:30am Bible Study (Dineson) 6:30pm Confirmation (Dineson), Bell Choir (Mtghs) 7:30pm Adult Choir Week of May 10th Associate Pastor Candidating Sunday 10:00am Worship 11:00am Congregational Meeting (Vote on AP Candidate) 11:30am Jr Choir Rehearsal Tues. May 12th 1:30pm Mustard Seed Sort & Tag Wed. May 13th 9:00am Retired Men’s Breakfast (Dineson) 11:00am Morning Circle (Dineson) Thurs. May 14th 9:30am Bible Study (Dineson) 6:30pm Confirmation (Dineson), Bell Choir (Mtghs) 7:30pm Adult Choir Sat. May 16th 8:00am Jam Making (Kitchen) Week of May 17th 10:00am Worship 11:30am Jr Choir Rehearsal 11:30am Prayer Partner Potluck Lunch 6:00pm Jr & Sr PF Mon. May 18th 7:30pm MCC Book Club @ Gayle Hammond’s home Tues. May 19th 1:30pm Mustard Seed Sort & Tag 7:00pm Bereavement Group (Dineson) Thurs. May 21st 9:30am Bible Study (Dineson) 12:00pm Young at Heart (tbd) 6:30pm Confirmation (Dineson), Bell Choir (Mtghs) 7:30pm Adult Choir Week of May 24th Pentecost Baptism of Lila Quinn Stock 10:00am Worship 11:30am Jr Choir Rehearsal 6:00pm Jr PF 6:00pm Sr PF Lock in Mon. May 25th Office Closed in Observance of Memorial Day Tues. May 26th 1:30pm Mustard Seed Sort & Tag 7:30pm Divorce Support (Dineson) Thurs. May 28th 9:30am Bible Study (Dineson) 12:00pm Young at Heart (tbd) 6:00pm Confirmation Dinner (Wilton) 6:00pm Bell Choir (Mtghs) 7:30pm Adult Choir
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