2015 EMPAC CONFERENCE What’s Inside pg1 pg2 pg3 pg4 pg5 pg6 pg7 pg8 pg9 pg10 pg 11 Invitation to EMPAC 2015 from the Conference Chairs Conference Objectives, Target Audience & Disclosure Conference Highlights & Keynote Speaker Pre-Conference Courses - Day 1 Pre-Conference Courses - Day 2 Conference Schedule - Day 1 Conference Schedule - Day 2 Featured Conference Faculty & Planning Committee How to Register, Fees & New Program Accommodations Cancellation Policy MAY 1 + 2, 2015 in Winnipeg, MB with pre-conference courses APRIL 29 + 30, 2015 Conference Theme: PATIENT SAFETY Earn up to: 26 CM E CREDITS INVITATION TO EMPAC 2015 FROM THE CONFERENCE CHAIRS We invite you to attend EMPAC 2015! Formerly known as EM Update, the Department of Emergency Medicine’s annual conference has undergone a re-branding this year and is now known as Emergency Medicine Prairie Annual Conference-EMPAC. Over the past 5 years, EMPAC has grown from a one-day, lecture-based conference to a two-day event with multiple small group workshops, handson skills sessions and simulation-based pre-conference courses. This year continues to see new and exciting changes at the conference. This conference is designed to meet the learning needs of those who deliver acute care to the undifferentiated patient: if you are involved in emergency medicine in any capacity, this conference has something for you! This year, for the first time, we are excited to introduce a conference theme. The theme for EMPAC 2015 is “Patient Safety”. Patient safety is an important part of what we do as health care providers; particularly as providers of episodic and urgent care, provided rapidly, often with incomplete information. The topics and speakers for EMPAC 2015 were selected with the theme of patient safety in mind, and we believe it’s an important theme in emergency care. There are several new skills sessions and pre-conference courses running this year. Has it been awhile since you’ve inserted a pacemaker? Try out our new Transvenous Pacemaker Skills Lab. Perhaps you’re interested in learning new skills for managing dental pain in the Dental Blocks Skills Lab. Or maybe you’d like the chance to manage a shoulder dystocia delivery on a Simulation Manikin in the Emergency L&D Skills Lab, so that you’ll feel more confident should you ever face a real one in the ED! During the pre-conference courses, we invite you to join us for the full day SimSHOCK Course, or select one of several half-day courses including the new course on Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blocks. EMPAC 2015 has an outstanding line-up of speakers for plenary and workshop sessions. With contributions from experts in toxicology, trauma, patient safety, pediatrics, airway management and infectious disease, there is something for everyone. We are very pleased to announce a new venue for the conference this year. The Hilton Winnipeg Airport Suites is a 4-star venue with modern, innovative meeting spaces and complimentary parking. It is conveniently located a few minutes from the Winnipeg Airport and 10 minutes from downtown. Visitors to Winnipeg in May can enjoy early spring weather, and all that our vibrant city has to offer: the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, the newly opened Journey to Churchill exhibit at the Assiniboine Park Zoo, the Forks National Historic Site, Winnipeg Art Gallery and Manitoba Museum to name a few. EMPAC 2015 will be held May 1-2, 2015 with pre-conference courses running April 29-30. We hope you’ll join us in Winnipeg at EMPAC 2015 for 4 great days of engaging, cutting edge, relevant emergency medicine content! Rebecca Schindle, MD, FRCPC EMPAC 2015 Chair Cheryl ffrench, MD, FRCPC EMPAC 2015 Chair pg1 CONFERENCE THEME: Patient Safety Join us for EMPAC! Friday, May 1st & Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 Pre-Conference: Wednesday, April 29th and Thursday April 30th, 2015 Four full days of lectures, workshops, skills labs, and networking opportunities. Last year more than 150 people attended, and skills sessions reached capacity early. Don’t miss out this year - register now! CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES • • • • • Promote excellence in the emergency care and resuscitation of the undifferentiated patient. Provide an opportunity to review evidencebased clinical care and recent advances in EM. Stimulate discussion and critical thinking with respect to ethical and medico-legal considerations in EM. Foster an environment for urban, rural and northern emergency healthcare providers to explore common challenges and collaborate on innovative ideas in the delivery of acute care medicine. Promote patient safety and best practices. TARGET AUDIENCE: • emergency physicians & family physicians • any northern, rural or urban physician who provides emergency care • nurses, nurse practitioners, paramedics & physician assistants • residents & medical students REGISTER ONLINE: www.empac.net For more information: 204.789.3626 www.empac.net DISCLOSURE: EMPAC 2015 complies with the University of Manitoba Conflict of Interest Policy, the College of Medicine CPD Disclosure Procedures, and the College of Medicine Industry Relations Policy. All speakers and planning committee members are required to sign a disclosure form, and all speakers are asked to begin their presentation with a slide (and verbal acknowledgement) disclosing any perceived or real conflict of interest. pg2 KEYNOTE SPEAKER Dr. JN Armstrong “Appropriate Application of the Aviation Medicine Analogy” Plenary, May 1 at 1445 CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS • NEW Temporary Transvenous Pacer Skills Lab • Pediatric Resuscitation Cases • Keynote Speaker Dr. JN Armstrong, CMO of STARS • NEW Dental Blocks & Facial Anesthesia Skills Lab • Toxicology Update • NEW Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blocks • Trauma Update: Transfer Errors and the Lethal Trauma Triad • NEW SIM Bus (STARS Mobile Education Unit) Dr. JN Armstrong is a consultant anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesia, Calgary Health Region, and an Associate Professor of Anesthesia at the University of Calgary, where he teaches in the Faculty of Medicine. He assumed the role of Clinical and Academic Department Head in Anesthesia for the Calgary Health Region and the Faculty of Medicine in 2004. In 2013, after finishing his second term as Anesthesia Department Head he took on his current role as Chief Medical Officer for the Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS). JN also has a strong interest in aviation and has been flying since 1973. He is a licensed commercial helicopter and fixed wing pilot. He currently holds active Airline Transport Licences for both Fixed Wing and Helicopters. He presently flies as a Captain for STARS flying twin engine BK117 and AW 139 helicopters and also flies his own Cessna T210 privately. pg3 PRE-CONFERENCE COURSES Skills Lab: Emergency Procedures Skills Course All pre-conference courses are held at the Clinical Learning and Simulation Facility at the Bannatyne Campus of the University of Manitoba. Ultrasound-Guided Venous Access Course Procedural Sedation Course Description: This 2-hour course includes a brief lecture on ultrasound principles and practice using the ultrasound machine to assist with femoral and IJ central line insertion on simulation modules. No previous ultrasound experience necessary. This simulation course offers a unique hands-on perspective on learning procedural sedation and analgesia, using a case-based format that is specifically tailored to emergency medicine. Course consists of pre-reading material, 1 hour didactic interactive lecture and 2 hours of hands-on practice with simulated cases and includes management of complications. DATE: Wednesday, April 29/15 TIMES: 0800-1000 / 1030-1230 CAPACITY: 12/course COST: $200/participant LOCATION: Clinical Learning & Simulation Facility DATE: Wednesday, April 29/15 TIMES: 0900-1200 / 1300-1600 CAPACITY: 6/course COST: $200/participant LOCATION: Clinical Learning & Simulation Facility This hands-on course provides the opportunity to learn and practice common emergency room procedures. Course will focus on lumbar puncture, thoracentesis, paracentesis, intra-osseous insertion and chest tube insertion. Participants will review the indications and contraindications for each procedure as well as step-by-step instruction on performance of each skill. DATE: Wednesday, April 29/15 TIMES: 0800-1200 / 1300-1700 CAPACITY: 20/course COST: $350/participant LOCATION: Skills Lab pg4 PRE-CONFERENCE COURSES All pre-conference courses are held at the Clinical Learning and Simulation Facility at the Bannatyne Campus of the University of Manitoba. SimSHOCK This course offers a handson opportunity to practice placement of nerve blocks using ultrasound guidance. The evidence behind nerve blocks and the safety and dangers of blocks will be presented. Participants will have the opportunity to practicing needling and use of the ultrasound to examine the femoral, popliteal, posterior tibial, median, ulnar, and radial nerves. When faced with a patient in severe shock do you ever wish you could practice first? Ever wish you could review your case afterwards and figure out how do do it better? Ever wish there was no risk to the patient when managing their severe shock? SimSHOCK is a simulation based course that is geared to providing just those kinds of opportunities. Participants will have the opportunity to work in small teams to resuscitate realistic life size manikins in real time using medical simulation technology. Following each case, the team is given the chance to discuss how the case went and review key management points. Cases will focus on different causes of shock and the approach to their management. Adult and paediatric cases will be covered. The course will also provide an introduction into the use of ultrasound to guide your diagnosis and management of the patient in shock. DATE: Wednesday, April 29/15 TIMES: 1300-1700 CAPACITY: 10 COST: $350/participant LOCATION: Clinical Learning & Simulation Facility DATE: Thursday, April 30/15 TIMES: 0800-1700 CAPACITY: 12 COST: $900/participant LOCATION: Clinical Learning & Simulation Facility Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blocks Skills Lab: SimAIRWAY This hands-on course offers participants the opportunity to work with realistic airway modules to practice skills related to the airway management of the emergency patient. Participants will be exposed to basic airway skills as well as advanced skills such as direct laryngoscopy and cricothyrotomy. Useful airway adjuncts will also be covered. DATE: Thursday, April 30/15 TIMES: 1300-1700 CAPACITY: 20 COST: $350/participant LOCATION: Skills Lab pg5 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE F R I D AY, M AY 1 0730 0815 0830 0915 1000 1015 1200 1300 1430 1445 1545 1715 Registration & Continental Breakfast Welcome & Opening Remarks “The Lethal Trauma Triad” “Antimicrobial Stewardship in the ED Setting: What Should We Do?” Refreshment Break Morning Workshops (45 minutes each - choose 2): “Airway Management Techniques” “Toxic Alcohols” “Top 10 Errors in Transfer of the Trauma Patient” “Toxicology Case Studies” “I Can’t Pee, And Other Reasons to Call a Nephrologist” Lunch Afternoon Skills Sessions (90 minutes - choose 1) Chest Tube Skills Lab Dental Blocks and Facial Anesthesia Skills Lab Suturing Workshop Transvenous Pacemaker Insertion Skills Lab What’s That?? A Visual Tour of “Can’t Miss” Spot Diagnoses in EM Refreshment Break Keynote Address: “Appropriate Application of the Aviation-Medicine Analogy” Afternoon Skills Sessions (90 minutes - choose 1) Chest Tube Skills Lab Dental Blocks and Facial Anesthesia Skills Lab Suturing Workshop Transvenous Pacemaker Insertion Skills Lab What’s That?? A Visual Tour of “Can’t Miss” Spot Diagnoses in EM Adjournment of Day 1 Dr. R. Schindle & Dr. A. Chochinov Dr. Brendan McCarthy Dr. George Zhanel Dr. JN Armstrong Dr. Doug Eyolfson Dr. Lawrence Gillman Dr. Wes Palatnick Dr. Justin Walters Dr. Doug Eyolfson Conference Faculty Conference Faculty Conference Faculty Conference Faculty Dr. JN Armstrong Dr. Doug Eyolfson Conference Faculty Conference Faculty Conference Faculty Conference Faculty pg6 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE SATURDAY, MAY 2 0730 0810 0815 0900 0945 1000 Registration & Continental Breakfast Welcome & Opening Remarks “Tough Conversations When Things Go Wrong: Disclosure After An Adverse Event” “Defining Child Abuse and Our Responsibilities as Clinical Caregivers” Refreshment Break Morning Workshops (45 minutes each - choose 2): Suicide: Updates in Assessment and Prevention” “STI Update” “Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Related Malignancy: Informed Decision-Making” 1145 1245 1330 1415 1430 1600 Pediatric Resuscitation Cases” “Pass the Salt: Managing Hyponatremia in the ED” Lunch “Patient Safety: Making the Case for a Team Approach” “EM Controversies and Cutting Edge” Refreshment Break Afternoon Skills Sessions (90 minutes - choose 1) Airway Adjuncts Skills Lab Chest Tube Skills Lab Labour & Delivery Sim Lab Joint Aspiration Lab and MSK Exam Workshop “What’s In Your Head? An Approach to the CT Brain” Conference Close *Schedule subject to change Dr. Rebecca Schindle Dr. Merril Pauls Dr. Scott Sawyer Dr. James Bolton Dr. John Embil Dr. Lisa Moddemann Dr. Greg Reimer Dr. Chris Sathianathan Dr. Jeff Klassen Conference Faculty Conference Faculty Dr. Angela Derksen Conference Faculty Dr. D. Hill & Dr. N. Ashmead Dr. A. Cassano-Bailey pg7 FEATURED CONFERENCE FACULTY & PLANNING COMMITTEE FEATURED CONFERENCE FACULTY: • Dr. JN Armstrong, CMO, EVP, STARS; Associate Professor Anesthesia, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary • Dr. John Embil, Professor, Department of Medical Microbiology, College of Medicine, University of Manitoba; Director, HSC Infection Prevention & Control Unit • Dr. Lawrence Gillman, Trauma & Acute Care Surgeon, Intensivist; Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Manitoba • Dr. Wes Palatnick, Emergency Physician, HSC; Program Director, FRCPC Emergency Medicine Residency Program; Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Manitoba; Toxicologist, WRHA • Dr. Merril Pauls, Emergency Physician, HSC; Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine; Director Pre-Clerkship Curriculum, and Director of Ethics and the Humanities, College of Medicine, University of Manitoba • Dr. Scott Sawyer, Medical Director, Children’s Hospital Emergency Department, Winnipeg; Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health (Section of Pediatric Emergency Medicine), College of Medicine, University of Manitoba • Dr. George G. Zhanel, Professor, Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease, College of Medicine, University of Manitoba; Director, Canadian Antimicrobial Resistance Alliance EMPAC 2015 PLANNING COMMITTEE: Trisha Bedard Karen Bullock Pries Donna Clark Kathy Collis Kaitlin Cyr Doug Eyolfson Cheryl ffrench Jill Geurts Sara Goulet Dave Kirschner Matt Kulas Jeff Klassen Michelle Oshanyk Julian Regehr Rebecca Schindle Teresa Wawrykow Helen Yaworski pg8 NEW THIS YEAR Mobile Simulation with STARS! Come spend an hour with the Manitoba STARS crew in their Mobile Education Unit (MEU - aka SIM bus)! Groups of four will work together as a team in a simulation case to manage a critically ill patient followed by a debrief done by trained instructors. Participants will also receive a short talk about available STARS services. These one hour sessions will run throughout the day concurrently with the conference program such that participants choosing an MEU session will step out from the scheduled conference program for that time. Slots for the sessions will be available on a first come first serve basis at the registration table at the start of the conference. Sign-up with your colleagues for a true team building experience! (No additional cost) FEE SCHEDULE: Full Conference (May 1 & 2) Early* Regular* MD Allied Health Resident / Student $595 $395 $175 $675 $475 $225 HOW TO REGISTER: REGISTER ONLINE: www.empac.net 1 Day Only Early* Regular* MD Allied Health Resident / Student $395 $250 $120 REGISTER BY PHONE: 204.789.3626 $450 $325 $150 Need more information? Have a question? Difficulty registering online? PRE-CONFERENCE COURSES: COURSE DATE + TIME COST Ultrasound-Guided Venous Access April 29 0800-1000 or 1030-1230 $200 Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blocks April 29 $350 1300-1700 April 29 $200 0900-1200 or 1300-1600 Procedural Sedation Emergency Procedures Skills Course SimSHOCK SimAIRWAY April 29 $350 0800-1200 or 1300-1700 April 30 $900 0800-1700 April 30 $350 1300-1700 PLEASE CONTACT: Trisha Bedard (204) 789-3626 CME CREDITS This event is eligible for up to 12.75 CME credits (MAINPRO and MOC). Pre-conference courses are eligible for additional CME credits. *Registration Deadlines • Early Bird Registration ends April 7 • Registration closes April 23 pg9 VENUE: H i l t o n W i n n i p e g Airport Suites 1 8 0 0 W e l l i n g t o n Ave, Winnipeg, MB Phone: Toll Free: Fax: Web: 1-204-783-1700 1-800-HILTONS 1-204-786-6588 www.hilton.com/ A block of rooms has been reserved at a special rate for conference attendees. Please specify that you are with “University of Manitoba Emergency Medicine Conference” when booking in order to receive the special rate. Rooms will be available at the preferred rate until April 10. Please note that the Pre-Conference Courses are held at the Clinical Learning and Simulation Facility, at the Bannatyne Campus of the University of Manitoba. Registrants for these courses will be provided with a map and directions upon registering. pg10 CANCELLATION POLICY PA R K I N G There is ample complimentary parking at the Hilton Winnipeg Airport Suites. Please note that parking information for those attending pre-conference courses will be sent with confirmation of registration. Please read and carefully review the cancellation policy prior to submitting your registration. The Department of Emergency Medicine reserves the right to cancel any course thirty (30) days prior to the course date. Registrants will be notified by telephone, followed by email notification. A full refund will be issued. The Department of Emergency Medicine is not responsible for any costs, including but not limited to, airline or hotel fees or penalties. Cancellation of registration for preconference courses and/or the conference must be made by email to Trisha.Bedard@med.umanitoba.ca before April 10, 2015. Your registration fee, less a $100 processing fee, will be refunded. After April 10, 2015 NO REFUNDS will be issued. The Department of Emergency Medicine reserves the right to cancel any pre-conference course, or conference workshop or skills session, due to low enrollment. All lectures, workshops, skills sessions and speakers are subject to change without notice. DRESS CODE Dress is business casual. A sweater is recommended since temperature in the venue may fluctuate. SC E N T F R E E To ensure the comfort of everyone attending this event, we ask that you refrain from wearing scented products. pg11 GOLD SPONSORS: SILVER SPONSORS: BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB MERCK 2015 PFIZER REGISTER TODAY EMPAC Conference May 1 & 2, 2015 Preconference Courses April 29 & 30, 2015 LOGO AND BROCHURE BY:
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