GENERAL INFORMATION The McLean High School Girls Basketball Camp will emphasize fundamental instruction in small group sessions. The goal of the camp is to improve the knowledge and skill of each player while providing an enjoyable, learning experience. ___________________________________ Camp Location: McLean High School Lunch: Campers are encouraged to bring their own lunch. Pizza, snacks and drinks can be purchased on site. CAMP FEATURES Last Name______________________________ Stations for skill instruction SHOOTING DEFENSE FOUL SHOOTING DRIBBLING HAND/EYE COORDINATION PASSING ONE-ON-ONE MOVES TEAM DEFENSE Full Court Drills Five on Five Games Staff McLean High School Coaches, Current & Former Varsity Players Individual & Team Contests Camp T-Shirt Girls age 7 thru 15. Campers will be grouped according to age and/or ability. Address________________________________ City_____________________ Zip__________ Parent’s Name__________________________ Contact Telephone #_____________________ E-mail ______________________________ Grade going into __________ Age __________ T-Shirt Size: S M L XL (Adult Sizes) $150 Camp tuition must accompany application. Make checks payable to “McLean Booster Club”. Cost: Questions or concerns? Please contact a camp director at: Each camper will receive a camp T-shirt and an individual evaluation card. First Name_____________________________ July 6 - 9 Who may attend: $150/week REGISTRATION FORM Parent/ Guardian Authorization McLean Booster Club Presents I hereby approve my child’s participation in the McLean High School Basketball Camp and certify that he/she is in good health and able to participate in the camp. I hereby authorize that the Directors act for me according to their best judgment in an emergency requiring medical attention. I know of no mental or physical problems that may affect my child’s ability to safely participate in this camp. I will be responsible for any medical payments or other charges in connection with his/her participation at camp. I understand should an emergency arise, I will be contacted immediately. If I am not available, I authorize you to contact: Emergency Contact______________________ Emergency Phone________________________ Girls Basketball Camp 2015 Family Physician________________________ Physician’s Phone_______________________ Special Medical Condition(s)_______________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Insurance Co./Policy #____________________ Parent/Guardian signature_________________ July 6 – July 9 8:30 – 2:30 Completed applications should be mailed to: Camp Directors: McLean Girls Basketball 1633 Davidson Road McLean, VA 22101 Coach Jen Sobota Coach Cheryl Buffo
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