Business Partners: Old National, SK Smith Electric, Three Rivers Credit Union, First Bank, First National Bank Mt. Carmel Middle School 1520 Poplar Street Mt. Carmel, IL 62863 618-262-5699 Steve Holt, Principal Jake Newkirk, Dean of Students Table of Contents Principal’s Message Dean of Students Guidance & PBIS News ACE of the Week Student Leadership Council 6th Grade News 7th Grade News 8th Grade News Encore News Athletic Director News Mark Your Calendar Dates p.1 p.2 p.3 p.4 p.5 p.5 p.6 p.6 p.7 p.8 p.9 Vol.15, No.9 May. 2015 News from the Desk of Mr. Holt It is very difficult to believe this will be the final issue of the MCMS newsletter for the school year. This year has been a true blessing for me as I continue to get to know all the students, staff, parents/guardians, and community members. I am very fortunate to work with a great community. Even though I talk about the end of the year, we all need to remember the year is not over and to finish strong. There is still one month left and there is a lot of learning to be accomplished. There are also fun events planned for the end of the year. PARCC Testing The first round of PARCC testing, which is called the PBA (Performance Based Assessment), went well for our middle school students. The students seemed to work hard on problem solving through the test and some students were so careful, they went up until the maximum time. I would like to thank all of our students for their effort on this test. The next round of testing, which is called the EOY (End of Year) began this past week. This test is administered after approximately 90 percent of instructional time is complete. For the EOY, students will demonstrate their acquired skills and knowledge by answering selected-response questions. The dates for the upcoming EOY are listed below. 7th grade – April 27th, 28th 8th grade - May 4th, 5th C Wing – May 6th, 7th 6th grade - May 11th, 12th Staff Appreciation Week During the week of May 4th – 8th, communities across the nation will be honoring school staff. MCMS is very fortunate to have such a wonderful staff who care deeply for the success of each child. They work tireless hours to provide the best education possible. What many people don’t realize is the amount of time teachers spend outside the “teaching” time in preparing lessons, searching for best approaches, assessing student work, contacting parents, and all the administrative tasks placed upon them. I personally would like to say thank you to all the exceptional staff at MCMS. During this week, please take the time to thank at least one person who has touched the lives of your children. Volume 15, Number 9 May 2015 page 2 MCMS Staff Not Returning I am very sorry to report that MCMS has several staff who will not be returning to MCMS next year: Brianne Foster, Jennifer Marvell, Aaron Crummley, Mandy Riggs, Donald Short, Amy Kingsbury, Lori Kroll, and Michael Gordon. Each of these staff members pour their heart out for our MCMS students and will be greatly missed. I wish each of them the best of luck in the future. Final Dance of the Year MCMS will hold the final dance of the year on Friday, May 8th from 6 – 8 p.m. This final dance will be for current 6th and 7th grade students at MCMS and also 5th grade students at NICE. Please remember school rules still apply and students are not to leave the dance early. Breakfast / Lunch Program As we start to wrap-up the school year, after May 15th our breakfast and lunch program will no longer be allowing students to charge their meals on their accounts. Students just need to keep a positive balance on their accounts to eat a regular breakfast/lunch. During this time, if students do not have money on their account, they will be fed an alternate lunch. Annual Awards Ceremony MCMS will hold the annual awards ceremony on the student’s last day of school, Friday, May 29th at 8:30 a.m. Parents, family members, and community members are all invited to see the great accomplishments our students have achieved throughout the year. NO Report Card Pick-Up In the past, we have had our annual report card pick-up the day after the student’s last day of school. Due to a new state law, the student’s last day of school will also be the teacher’s last day of school and we will not be distributing report cards in the same way. Instead, the report cards will be distributed to students on the last day of school. Please contact the office to pay any unpaid fees prior to this date to ensure you receive the report card on time. If not, parents will need to come into the school office to pay their fee prior to picking-up the report card. As always, I wish our 8th grade students the best of luck at the high school next year and looking forward to seeing the 6th and 7th graders in the fall. Have a wonderful and restful summer. Mr. Holt, MCMS Principal MR. NEWKIRK, DEAN OF STUDENTS We are now down to the final 20 (or so) days of school for 2014-2015. Over these final days of school, there will be many events taking place at MCMS for students, faculty/staff, and the community. I encourage all of you to take advantage of as many of these events as possible, as we have a tremendous group of young people and faculty/staff members showcasing their many talents. To wrap up this final article of the 2014-2015 school year, I would like to wish all of our 8th grade students much luck and success in their high school endeavors at MCHS. For the rest of our students here at MCMS, enjoy your summer break and get ready to come back to work at MCMS. If anyone from the school community has any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to stop in the office and talk with me throughout the month of June. Have a great summer. Mr. Jake Newkirk Dean of Students Volume 15, Number 9 May 2015 page 3 GUIDANCE & PBIS: MCMS continues to have success in decreasing office discipline reports (ODR’s) for bullying, disrespect, and physical aggression. Below is a graph comparing ODR’s from last year to this year. Students were challenged as a grade to receive the least ODR’s for bullying, disrespect, and physical aggression. The grade that received the least number of ODR’s won food at the 3rd Quarter PBIS Celebration. The winning grade was 8th grade. 3rd Quarter – ODR Challenge 2014-2015 6 Office Discipline Reports 5 5 4 4 3 2014 2015 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 6th Laura Taylor, LCSW School Social Worker 7th 8th Volume 15, Number 9 May 2015 page 4 ACE of the WEEK Mt. Carmel Middle School is excited to announce that the following students have been nominated to be the "ACE of the WEEK". A student can earn this honor by either exhibiting academic achievement or one of the PBIS “ACES” deal matrix principles (Be Accountable, Be Considerate, Be Exceptional, and Be Successful). From left are: Teagan Guard, Elliott Laws, Zach Hocking, and Joseph Robertson. From left are: Lucas Cross, Adam Stoneberger, Danelle Eckiss, and Dakota DeLong. From left are: Blake Kight, Katie Halbig, Abbey Dardeen, and Jessi Kegg. From left are: Shivani Hijari, Brooklyn Peek, Jack Marvell, Allison Richardson. Volume 15, Number 9 May 2015 page 5 STUDENT LEADERSHIP COUNCIL (SLC) As the school year winds down, SLC is busy with many different activities. During the week of May 4th, SLC will help acknowledge the great teachers and staff here at MCMS by providing them with a carry-in lunch on May 8th. We will also be having a raffle with many awesome prizes to be won. The End of the Year Dance will be on May 8th from 6-8 p.m. This dance is for MCMS 6th and 7th graders and 5th graders from NICE are invited over for their first middle school dance. SLC will be sponsoring a CANNED FOOD ONLY drive from May 11-May 22nd. All cans collected will be donated to Wabash County Relay for Life to be used to hold up their luminaries. All students in 5th through 7th grade interested in Student Leadership Council for next year will have the opportunity to apply around the middle of May. Students should listen to announcements for more information. SLC will be heading to Holiday World to celebrate another successful year on May 21st. 6th GRADE As we wind down to the final weeks of school, please encourage your child to continue to work hard, complete their homework, and read, read, read. Remember, the AR points will be due on May 26th. If your child has not completed these points, please make sure that they are reading at least 30 minutes EVERY night. The month of May will see the literature students continuing with the stories in the textbook and independent reading tests. We will discuss autobiographical literature, nonfiction articles, and dramas. It has been a pleasure working with your student this year. You can help your student avoid the “summer slide” by signing them up for the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge at This site provides summer reading tips, book ideas, and activities to keep your student reading all summer. Have a great summer! Sixth grade English classes are finishing lessons in writing including many new skills. The last weeks will be spent with some cooperative group class work. We’ve had a great year! Thanks again for all your hard work and support. Finish strong sixth graders! In May, the social studies classes will be taking a look at three revolutions: the American, the French, and the Industrial Revolution. Then, as the school year comes to a close, we will discuss the two world wars that shaped the modern world in which we live. Math: The checkered flag will be waving over this school year soon, but we will stay full throttle until the finish line. Despite fears involving the word “algebra”, most students have enjoyed learning how to solve equations and figure out what the “x” equals. We will finish the year out by collecting and graphing data, as well as an activity involving GPS units. I want to thank the students this year for great mathematical improvements. From the beginning of the year to the end, the class increased their math abilities by over an entire grade level in only 9 months. That’s enough for a celebration in victory lane! Science As we wrap up the school year, we will continue with Earth science topics. We will begin May by taking a trip through geological time. Students will learn about fossils and the geologic time scale. We have some fun projects planned for the end of the year. Volume 15, Number 9 May 2015 page 6 7th GRADE Literature – May will find us starting our autobiography unit. You will see their completed project come home the week of the 18th. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. What cuties they were! We will finish up the year with a mystery unit in class and AR. Please encourage your child to get their points done before the deadline – it is so nice to have them out of the way early! Thanks for a great year! I have really enjoyed all of the children! In our final month of 7th grade math, we will do a combination of working in the textbook and doing some work with life skills such as writing checks. It has been a pleasure working with all of the 7th grade students this year. I wish them all success in their future math classes and in all they do. Have a great summer! English: It is hard to believe that we are down to our last month of school. I hope that we can stay focused and finish strong for the year. Now that we have finished our PARCC tests, we will begin working our way through our last writing section in the book which will cover creative writing The students will put together a short story to share with the class. Look for more details in the next week. Wow, the school year is winding down. In May, science students will end the year doing a variety of physical science activities and labs. They will also research a scientist and what that scientist does. Thank you for sharing your student with me. We have had lots of laughs and hopefully some science and thinking skills updated this school year. Happy summer! 8th GRADE The tickets and t-shirts are ordered and the eighth grade students are eagerly awaiting the end-of-the-year Holiday World reward trip. The trip is Tuesday, May 26th. We will be leaving the school approximately 8:15 a.m. and will return to the school at approximately 5:30 p.m. In literature, the students are well into the final novel of the year, Night. It’s the true story of Elie Weisel’s experiences during the Nazi invasion of his country and his subsequent imprisonment in various concentration camps during WWII. He was about the age of our eighth grade students when this happened. Mr. Weisel is still alive and making the rounds of the lecture circuits. Eighth grade English students recently finished a creative writing unit and will start the biography projects. They will research the many interesting people in their lives and how these people have been successful. The project will involve interviewing, online research, and an oral presentation. We will wrap up the school year with a few more writing projects and grammar assignments that should be fun and challenging. In science, to finish out the year, we will do some genetics activities that are always a big hit – identifying personal inherited traits and creating a picture of a child based on the traits inherited determined by the flip of a coin. 8th grade math students are still working hard to finish the year strong. Students will have an assignment every day. Please, make sure that your child is completing it to ensure good grades. All students need to learn how to be successful in high school math classes, including coming to class prepared and completing their homework on time. Volume 15, Number 9 May 2015 page 7 In social studies, the eighth graders will be finishing up the World War II unit and then The Cold War Era. Students will finish the school year learning about the Civil Rights Movement. ENCORE MUSIC & CHOIR – Mr. Rockford Music class is nearing the end of the semester and well into their drumming unit. The classes are learning 20th century classical music and going to get into jazz before the end of the year. The Band and Choir will be presenting their annual Spring Concert on May 7th at 7 p.m. Please come out and support these kids as they have been working very hard to prepare. It will be a fun night of music! BAND & MUSIC – Mr. Short The 7th and 8th grade music classes are still studying music in the Romantic Era. The 6th grade music class is studying music in the 1980s and 1990s. If you have any questions or comments for me, please feel free to contact me at the middle school. ART The annual student art exhibit will be on display during the Spring Concert on May 7th in the MCMS Cafetorium. The star projects from 6th and 8th grade will be on display before, during, and after the concert. If you are not planning to attend the concert, but would like to see the students' art projects, the display will be open to the public on May 7th during the time of the concert and you are encouraged to drop by and see the student projects on display. TECHNOLOGY SKILLS Tech Skills for second semester is coming to an end. The 8th graders are finishing strong with their company presentations and commercials. They will also learn how to create blogs and will be introduced to photo editing. The 7th graders just completed career research and presentations and will also learn how to create a blog. The 6th graders are finishing up the semester with presentations as well. This semester we have also been discussing internet safety and cyberbullying. A 7th grade student, Brett Carwile, had this to say about the issue. “Cyberbullying can ruin your life! It not only can ruin the victim’s lives, but also ruin the bully’s lives. In modern times, most kids spend a majority of their time doing online activities, which means bullying is very likely to occur. In addition to this, by bullying online the bully doesn’t have to face the person being victimized. Another possible reason that bullying is done online is that the bully won’t have to deal with the person until the next day at school. Many people think that if they bully online, no one would know that it even happened. (They may think if they did it in person there may be witnesses.) However, nothing is ever truly private online. Screenshots could be taken of the conversation or your records could be searched for evidence. (Remember, just because you delete a conversation, doesn’t mean it is gone.) There is no true way to cover up the damage you’ve done, so it is best to not cyberbully at all. The victim to the bullying could be greatly affected by a few simple words being typed. The effects may vary based on how harsh the bullying was. The victim’s feelings could be hurt and could be made fun of by peers for how they react to the bullying. Or, if an adult is not told about the situation, and it gets Volume 15, Number 9 May 2015 page 8 too bad with no help to the victim, the effects could be as bad as suicide. So even if you are dealing with the slightest bit of cyberbullying, tell an adult immediately! By telling an adult, you will be helping yourself, and the bully. The bully may realize their mistake and you will have prevented things from getting too bad! Save everyone some time, and stay away from cyberbullying and never cyberbully. Cyberbullying is like abusing the internet, as this was never what the internet was intended for. The internet provides thousands of resources at our finger tips, which we may not be able to keep if this continues to go on. So don’t ruin something good, stop cyberbullying now! ATHLETIC DIRECTOR, JAKE NEWKIRK Our sports seasons have come to a close, so I am going to highlight some important information going forward. Girls & boys planning on trying out/playing basketball next year have begun spring workouts and are being informed about the summer schedule. If your child is interested, but is not a part of this group, it is not too late to get involved. Attending the spring workouts is not necessary to be selected for the team, but it helps to develop one’s skills in advance of tryouts. Be sure to get a hold of me if you have any questions regarding that. Next, students going in to 7th or 8th grade will need to have a physical on file in the office to participate in Cheerleading, Basketball, Volleyball, or Track during the 2015-2016 school year. These physicals expire after 390 days, so a participant will need to get a new physical for the 20152016 sport season(s) in which they participate. I highly recommend for parents to begin scheduling this appointment for some time in June or July. If your student will be participating in JFL this fall, I would also request the physical be brought in to the school office so we can make a copy. It would make it significantly easier on you, the JFL program, and me, if a copy were already on file in the MCMS office. You may stop in the school office during the month of June or August to drop this off. Physicals may also be turned in at Central Registration. Mr. Jake Newkirk Director of Athletics Volume 15, Number 9 May 2015 page 9 MARK YOUR CALENDARS Date Event 5/4-8 5/4-5 5/6-7 5/7 5/8 5/9 5/11-12 5/21 5/25 5/26 5/28 5/29 5/29 5/29 Staff Appreciation Week EOY PARCC Testing – 8th Grade EOY PARCC Testing – C-Wing MCMS Spring Music Concert End of Year Dance (NICE 5th, MCMS 6th & MCMS 7th Grades) State Track Meet @ Carterville EOY PARCC Testing – 6th Grade SLC Holiday World Trip No School – Memorial Day 8th Grade Holiday World Trip MCMS Talent Show MCMS Annual Awards Ceremony End of the Year Celebration Last Day of School (Dismiss at 1:15 p.m.) 8/4 Central Registration @ MCMS 8/11 8/13 MCMS Meet & Greet First day of school for students Time 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. MCMS SPRING CONCERT Thursday, May 7th, 2015 7:00 p.m. MCMS Gymnasium All are welcome to attend! END of the YEAR STUDENT ART EXHIBIT: Thursday, May 7th 6:15 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. before and after the Spring Music Concert @ 7:00 p.m. MAY 2015 MCMS BREAKFAST MENU Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 4 5 6 7 8 Cereal Toast Juice Apple Pancakes w/ syrup Sausage Juice Mandarin oranges Cereal Toast Juice Pears Breakfast Pizza Juice Banana Cereal Toast Juice Mixed fruit 11 12 13 14 15 Cereal Toast Juice Banana Biscuit w/gravy Sausage Juice Apple Cereal Toast Juice Pineapple chunks French toast Juice Apple Cereal Toast Juice 18 19 20 21 22 Cereal Toast Juice Pigglestix w/ syrup Juice Pineapple chunks Cereal Toast Juice Grapes Breakfast pizza Juice Apple Cereal Toast Juice Pears 25 26 27 28 29 No school Pancakes w/ syrup Sausage Juice Apple Cereal Toast Juice Mixed fruit Manager’s Choice Manager’s Choice Memorial Day Choice of No-Fat or Low-Fat Milk Served Daily ALL PUBLISHED MENUS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!!! In compliance with federal law and the US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. MAY 2015 MCMS LUNCH MENU Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 4 5 6 7 8 Hot dog or Coney on bun Onion rings Cooked carrots Peaches / Pineapple Spaghetti Green beans Celery sticks Breadstick Mandarin oranges Brd. Chicken nuggets Whipped potatoes Pinto beans Biscuit Applesauce Pizza choice Spinach salad Cucumber slices Apple/ Orange Hamburger or Fish on wg bun Oven fries Baby carrots Grapes / Juice 11 12 13 14 15 BBQ Ribbette or Shredded BBQ pork on bun Onion Rings Baked beans Banana WG Corn Dog Romaine / Tomato Carrot sticks Fruit cocktail or Juice Soft shell Taco or Chicken fajita Lettuce / Cheese Tri-tater Salsa cup Pears Pizza choice Corn Green pepper strips Cookie choice Orange / Juice Ham & cheese on bun Tater tots Celery sticks Apple / Juice 18 19 20 21 22 Sloppy Joe on wg bun Cooked carrots Cucumber slices Peaches/ Pears Brd. Chicken patty on wg bun Onion rings Carrot sticks Apple / Juice Soft shell Taco or Chicken fajita Lettuce / cheese Refried beans Tri-tater Grapes / Juice BBQ Ribbette on wg bun Tater tots Baked beans Pineapple chunks Hamburger or fish on wg bun Oven fries Celery sticks Orange 25 26 27 28 29 No school Brd. Chicken nuggets Tater tots Carrot sticks Juice Cup Pizza choice Romaine / Tomato Celery sticks Apple / Orange Manager’s Choice Manager’s Choice Memorial Day Choice of No-Fat or Low-Fat Milk Served Daily ALL PUBLISHED MENUS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!!! In compliance with federal law and the US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
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