May 10, 2015 Mission Statement

You are welcome to share any
comments or questions you may have.
Morning Worship Services
Aaron Deister - Song Director - Matt Hoffmeister
8:20 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Comments/Questions: _____________
Prayer Requests
Please add this prayer request to the
church announcements:
Song: Our God, He Is Alive ................................... 23
Alan Pence - Shepherd’s Prayer - Gene Humphrey
Song: My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less ........... 538
Song: All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name ........... 145
Song: Let God Arise (2nd Service) ...................... 471
BJ McElroy - Prayer - Trevor Richt
Song: A Shield About Me ........................................ *
Song: Jesus Paid It All ......................................... 922
Wayne Warren - Communion - Benton Baugh
Song: Jesus Is Lord .............................................. 180
Wayne Warren - Contribution - Benton Baugh
Song: Magnificat ...................................................... *
Scripture: Ephesians 6:1-4 ....J. Wadley/R. Gonzales
Sermon: “The Lord and Mothers” ....... David Duncan
Song: Rescue The Perishing ................................. 639
Song: I Stand In Awe ............................................. 96
Matt Norwood - Prayer - Andrew Gregory
□ I would like this prayer request
handled by the ministers and elders.
Details of prayer request: ___________
8:20 & 10:30 a.m. services
David Duncan
__________ forget to send card or gift
__________ of men forget
17% who video chat
Luke 7:11-16
Jesus didn't __________________her,
He knew her ________________________.
He had ___________________________.
He could imagine his ______________________.
Jesus remembered His mother …
even on ____________________.
John 19:25-27
We have a _____________________ to mothers.
1 Timothy 5:3-5
Do I _________________ others?
Evening Worship Service
“The Garden”
Song Director - Matt Hoffmeister
6 p.m. Service - David Duncan
6:00 p.m.
Song: Agnus Dei ...................................................... *
Song: For The Beauty Of The Earth....................... 67
Shepherd’s Prayer - John Sawyer
Song: Glorify Thy Name ........................................ 77
Thank you for visiting with us today.
Please come back and worship
Song: Will You Not Tell It Today? ...................... 628
with us again.
“The Lord
and Mothers”
Galatians 2:22-25
Song: Glorify Thy Name ........................................ 77
Song: Be Unto Your Name ...................................... *
Prayer: ...............................................Ray Thompson
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 ............... Chad Blythe
Sermon: “The Garden” ....................... David Duncan
Song: Come Let Us Worship And Bow Down ..... 153
Sermon: “The Garden” ....................... David Duncan
Comments: .......................................... Robert Heyen
Song: We Shall Assemble .................................... 718
Prayer: .................................................... Bert Leach
Communion will be served in Rm. 118
immediately after this service for those
unable to partake this morning.
1 Corinthians 3:5-9
It’s not about _________________.
It’s about ________________.
God makes things _______________.
God’s kingdom needs
_________________________________ and
Does this let me off the hook?
What is a planter?
One who _________________ of Jesus.
What is a waterer?
One who ______________ &
The _____________________ of Jesus.
1 Corinthians 3:11
What is my _________________?
900 Echo Lane
Houston, TX 77024 713-464-0271
May 10, 2015
Mission Statement
Shawn Freeman
Youth & Bridge Minister
Next week is Senior Sunday! It
will be a day of celebration and
thanksgiving with our students who
are graduating from high school.
Here is some advice that I would
like to offer each of the seniors that
also pertains to all of us:
Christians. God sends us each other
so we can help each other.
(Hebrews 10:24)
2. Read your Bible daily. It will
transform your life and give you the
wisdom of God to handle everyday
situations. (Hebrews 4:12)
3. Pray daily. Good communication
relationship. Spend time talking to
God. He is willing to listen.
(Matthew 6:6)
4. Love others. Love is an action
word. Put your faith into action by
loving others. Loving others will
show you love God. (Matthew
5. God will always love you. Each
of you will make some mistakes.
Each of you will have struggles that
seem too difficult to bear. God is
waiting for you with arms wide
open to offer forgiveness.
(2 Corinthians 12:9)
6. You always have a home at
Memorial. You will always be
welcome here. If you ever need
anything, you know where to find
I am proud of the young men and
women y’all have become. My
prayer is that God uses you to be a
light for him. God bless each of you
as your journey continues!
The Memorial Church of Christ exists to glorify
God and to develop followers of Jesus by building
up the community of believers and reaching out to
the community at large.
Family Shepherds,
Danny Clancy - 713.462.8193, Chairman (April-June)
Danny Clancy
Frank Devine
Carl Greer
Rob Harmon
Greg Hughes
Gene Humphrey
Terry Montgomery Alan Pence
Robby Robinson, Jr.
John Sawyer
Larry Wilson
Ministry Staff
Amanda Archer - Children
Mike Avery - Youth & Family
Sam Delaney - Intern
David Duncan - Preaching
Shawn Freeman - Youth & Bridge
Rob Harmon - Education
Robert Heyen - Involvement
Alan Martin - Marriage & Family
Larry D. Phillips - Congregational Care & Outreach
Welcome Guests
Youth Ministry News
We are glad you are here! If you are new to Memorial, or new to the Churches of
Christ, we want to assure you that our purpose in coming together is to give honor to
God in our worship, and to try to do everything in a manner pleasing to Him.
Mike Avery, Youth Minister
May 10, 2015
Have you registered for our summer activities?
Visit to do so!
God blessed us with a
wonderful Ladies’ Retreat
last weekend!
2015 Golf tournament
BlackHorse Golf Club
May 13 - Sign Up forms in the lobby
□Guest □ Member (names only,
unless information has
I have attended/will attend the following
All ladies are welcome!
the Bridge Ministry News
Last Name: ________________________
We’ll be revealing our Spring Pal &
drawing for our Summer Pals session!
Shawn Freeman, Youth & Bridge Minister
Are you a Daily Bible Reader? (circle one) yes no
Sunday, May 17
home of Trevy-Ann Bitting.
Stroke Scan Plus
Pasadena, TX
Fri., May 15; 2:30-8:00 p.m.
Bridge Devo
Contact Jessica Hooks for
directions & more information.
The Strawberry
Family Members present:
Thursday, May 14 @ 7:00 p.m.
home of Karen Gray
39ers’ Trip
For Our Guests:
Mr. ____ Mrs. ____ Ms. ____ Miss ____
Name: ____________________________
Address: __________________________
Monday, May 18 - Family Center
City: _____________________________
Appointment is necessary
Call 1.866.935.7226
State: __________ Zip: _______________
Children’s Ministry News
Email: ____________________________
Amanda Archer, Children’s Director
Cell Phone: ________________________
More information is available in the foyers.
Senior Sunday - May 17
Bailey Adams
Samantha Bowers
Madeline Dayton
Kendall Egan
Laura Maddox
Emma Messick
Anna Schaper
Caitlin Woods
Remember the Bible Study on
Thursday evenings at
Shawn & Erin’s home
Please tear along perforation and
pass to the end of the aisle.
□ 8:20 a.m. □ 10:30 a.m. □ 6:00 p.m.
Foster’s Home for Children
Senior High Youth:
Mission McAllen (Junior High): June 6-12
Impact VBS (Senior High): June 14-18
Wilderness Trek (Senior High): July 3-11
Camp Bandina (All Youth): July 26-Aug. 1
Jacob Arnold
Joshua Arnold
Levi Briscoe
Glenn Fields
Peyton Gerland
Kregg Lemons
Jack Malanga
Jonathon Montgomery
Sam Schuster
Chris Sims
Shawn Turner
July 12-15
Sign-up to volunteer TODAY in the main foyer!
Positions available in the drama!
Registration begins May 24!
Senior Sunday
11:15 a.m.:
Presentation of Seniors
at the end of the 10:30
3-5:45 p.m.:
Senior Sunday
Reception in the gym all are invited to come
honor our Seniors!
“Dads Becoming
4 week class beginning in June on
Wednesday nights!
Stay tuned for more info!
Home Phone: ______________________
Your age group: (circle)
Summer Volunteer Opportunities
teacher for 3 year olds
storytelling room
Journeyman for 3rd/4th grade
helper for the 4s/Kinder
Living Bible
Wednesday, May 20
@ 7:40 p.m.
All are invited!
teen 20’s 30’s 40’s 50’s 60’s 70’s+
TODAY @ 6:00 p.m.
upstairs JourneyLand area
Kinder-4th graders
Our last #Luv2Serve meeting before the
summer break. Don’t miss the fun!
Family Records
Attendance for Date: 5/3/15
Bible Class - 468
8:20 A.M. - 343 10:30 A.M. - 502 (A.M. Total - 845)
6:00 P.M. - 278
Satellite Services: A.M. - 13 P.M. - 10
Daily Bible Readers: 31
Contribution: $47,547 Weekly Budget: $52,000
Year-to-date contribution: $883,367
Year-to-date budget: $884,000
Baptisms to date: 9
Family: teen single
married widowed
Names & ages of children living at home
Guest of : __________________________
Church Home: ______________________
How did you hear about us? ___________
How can we serve you?
□ I am interested in a Bible Study.
□ I am new to the area.
□ I am looking for a church home.
□ I want to know more about Memorial.
□ I am interested in placing membership.
□ I want to be baptized.
□ I would like a call from a minister.