11TH ANNUAL Celebrity Golf Classic Monday, August 3, 2015 The Ridge at Catle Pines North PLEASE RESERVE __________ FOURSOMES AND/OR__________________ INDIVIDUAL GOLFER(S) FOR THE GOLF EVENT. I am interested in being a golf sponsor at the following level: ❍ TITLE ❍ PRESENTING ❍ HOLE ❍ INDIVIDUAL PLAYER ❍ $750 SPONSORSHIP ❍ EAGLE ❍ BIRDIE ❍ $500 SPONSORSHIP ❍ $250 SPONSORSHIP Please send your current business logo to jreid@mcpn.org for course display and program listing if applicable. I do not wish to golf, but would like to attend the post event cocktails, light buffet and award activities ($100). PLEASE RESERVE __________________# OF SEATS. Regretfully, we cannot attend but would like to support healthcare and health-related services in Colorado for families and individuals. Please accept my donation of $___________________payable to MCPN/GOLF CLASSIC. NAME ____________________________________________ PHONE ____________________________________________ EMAIL ____________________________________________ COMPANY ADDRESS _________________________________________ __________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP ______________________________________ ❍ VISA ❍ MC ❍ DISCOVER ❍ CHECK ENCLOSED SIGNATURE ________________________________________ CREDIT CARD # ______________________________________ EXP ___________________ BILLING ZIP __________________ CONTACT: JOHN REID, VP DEVELOPMENT T: 303.761.1977 x1124, F: 303.789.7081 E: JREID@MCPN.ORG SEND TO: MCPN, PO BOX 310, ENGLEWOOD, CO 80151
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