Monday, 22 June Opening 08:30 Invited Uncertainty quantification in solidification modeling K Fezi and M J M Krane Purdue University 09:10 A geometric algorithm for automatic riser determination and shrinkage identification in directionally solidifying castings W Warriner and C Monroe University of Alabama at Birmingham 09:30 Microporosity prediction and validation for Ni-based superalloy castings J Guo1, C Beckermann2, K Carlson2, D Hirvo3, K Bell4, T Moreland4, J Gu5, J Clews5, S Scott1, G Couturier1 and D Backman6 1 ESI US R&D, 2 University of Iowa, 3 Alcoa / Howmet, 4 PCC Airfoils, 5 PCC Structurals, 6 Backman Materials Consulting 09:50 A fast and efficient adaptive parallel ray tracing based model for thermally coupled surface radiation in casting and heat treatment processes. J Fainberg and W Schaefer MAGMA Gießereitechnologie GmbH 10:10 Numerical analysis on the vortex pattern and flux particle dispersion in KR method using MPS method N Hirata, Y Xu and K Anzai Tohoku University COFFEE BREAKE (30min) 11:00 Using four-phase Eulerian volume averaging approach to model macrosegregation and shrinkage cavity M Wu, A Kharicha and A Ludwig University of Leoben 11:20 Multi-scale finite element modeling of solidification structures by a splitting method taking into account the transport of equiaxed grains T-T-M Nguyen1, H Combeau2, M Založnik2, M Bellet1 and Ch-A Gandin1 1 MINES ParisTech & CNRS., 2 Ecole des Mines de Nancy 11:40 Transient permeability in macrosegregation of static casting in binary alloys: Use of CDF statistical model for analysis I Vušanović University of Montenegro 12:00 Numerical simulation of multi-mini-pot pouring process of a 13-ton steel ingot J Li1, H Ge1, B Wang1, M Wu2 and J Li1 1 Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2 University of Leoben 12:20 Effect of liquid volume on the evolution of solidified structure in horizontal centrifugal casting H Esaka, Y Kataoka and K Shinozuka National Defense Academy 12:40 Application of a macroscopic model to predict the band segregation induced by shear deformation of semisolid S Morita1, H Yasuda1, T Nagira2, C Gourlay3, K Morishita1, M Yoshiya2 and A Sugiyama4 1 Kyoto University, 2 Osaka University, 3 Imperial College, 4 Osaka Sangyo University LUNCH BREAKE (120min) 15:00 Probability of twin boundary formation associated with the nucleation of equiaxed grains on icosahedral quasicrystal templates G Kurtuldu and M Rappaz 1 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 15:20 Heterogeneous nucleation of the primary phase in the rapid solidification of Al-4.5wt%Cu alloy droplet A Maitre1, A-A Bogno1, M Bedel2, G Reinhart2 and H Henein1 1 University of Alberta, 2 Aix Marseille Université & CNRS 15:40 Real-time synchrotron x-ray observations of equiaxed solidification of aluminium alloys and implications for modelling A Prasad1, E Liotti2, S D McDonald1, K Nogita1, H Yasuda3, P S Grant2 and D H StJohn1 1 The University of Queensland, 2 University of Oxford, Oxford, 3 Kyoto University 16:00 Prediction of as-cast grain size of inoculated aluminum alloys melt solidified under non-isothermal conditions Q Du1 and Y Li2 1 SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, 2 NTNU 16:20 Evolution of the dendritic morphology with the solidification velocity in rapidly solidified Al-4.5wt.%Cu droplets M Bedel1, G Reinhart1, Ch-A Gandin2, A-A Bogno3, H Nguyen-Thi1 and H Henein3 1 Aix-Marseille University & CNRS, 2 MINES Paris Tech & CNRS, 3 University of Alberta COFFEE BREAKE (30min) 17:10 Contactless ultrasonic treatment of melts using EM induction V Bojarevics, G Djambazov, G S B Lebon and K A Pericleous University of Greenwich 17:30 The effects of natural, forced and thermoelectric magnetohydrodynamic convection during the solidification of thin sample alloys A Kao1, N Shevchenko2, O Roshchupinka2, S Eckert2 and K Pericleous1 1 University of Greenwich, 2 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf 17:50 Modeling of the effect of a thermoelectric magnetic force onto conducting particles immersed in the liquid metal Y Du Terrail Couvat1,2, O Budenkova1,2, A Gagnoud1,2, G Salloum Abou Jaoude3,4, H Nguyen-Thi3,4, G Reinhart3,4, J Wang5, Z-M Ren5 and Y Fautrelle1,2 1 CNRS, SIMAP, 2 SIMAP, Grenoble Institute of Technology, 3 IM2NP, Aix-Marseille and Toulon University, 4 CNRS, IM2NP, 5 Shanghai University, China 18:10 Advanced numerical modeling of the dispersion of ceramic nanoparticles during ultrasonic cavitation processing and solidification of 6061-based nanocomposites D Zhang and L Nastac The University of Alabama 18:30 Effect of electromagnetic brake on decreasing unbalanced flow in mold Y Miki and K Furumai JFE steel Tuesday, 23 June 08:30 Effect of sand dilation on core expansion during steel casting D Galles and C Beckermann University of Iowa 08:50 Flow dynamics of green sand in the DISAMATIC moulding process using Discrete element method (DEM) E Hovad1,3, P Larsen3, J H Walther1, J Thorborg1,2 and J H Hattel1 1 Danish Technical University (DTU), 2 MAGMA Gießereitechnologie GmbH, 3 DISA Industries A/S 09:10 Combination of microscopic model and VoF-multiphase approach for numerical simulation of nodular cast iron solidification E Subasic, C Huang, J Jakumeit and F Hediger Access e.V. 09:30 Comparison of residual stresses in sand- and chill casting of ductile cast iron wind turbine main shafts M R Sonne1, J O Frandsen2 and J H Hattel1 1 Technical University of Denmark, 2 Global Castings A/S 09:50 Modelling and simulations of ductile iron solidification-induced variations in mechanical behaviour on component and microstructural level J. Olofsson, K. Salomonsson and I. L. Svensson Jönköping University 10:10 Modeling of damage in ductile cast iron - The effect of including plasticity in the graphite nodules T Andriollo1, J Thorborg2, N S Tiedje1 and J Hattel1 1 Technical University of Denmark, 2 Magma GmbH COFFEE BREAKE (30min) 11:00 In-situ observation and modelling of solidification and fluid flow on GTAW process A Chiocca, F Soulié, F Deschaux-Beaume and C Bordreuil CNRS & Université Montpellier 2 11:20 Ultra-fast in-situ X-ray studies of evolving columnar dendrites in solidifying steel weld pools W U Mirihanage1, M Di Michiel2 and R H Mathiesen1 1 Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2 ESRF - The European Synchrotron 11:40 On the hot cracking susceptibility of a semisolid aluminium 6061 weld: Application of a coupled solidification-thermomechanical model H R Zareie Rajani and A B Phillion 1 The University of British Columbia 12:00 Detached melt nucleation during diffusion brazing of a technical Ni-based superalloy: A phase-field study B Böttger1, M Apel1, B Laux2 and S Piegert2 1 Access e.V. 2 Siemens AG 12:20 A scale adaptive dendritic envelope model of solidification at mesoscopic scales A Kharicha, M Stefan-Kharicha, A Ludwig and M Wu University of Leoben 12:40 Evaluation of dendrite morphology using fractal dimension and dimensionless perimeter in unidirectionally solidified Al-Si alloys K Ohsasa, Y Natsume, T Sekiya and T Hatayama Akita University LUNCH BREAKE (30min) 15:00 Invited How to solve complex problems in foundry plants - future of casting simulation I Ohnaka Prof. Emeritus of Osaka University & ie-Solution Corporation 16:20 Integrated computational materials engineering and modelling of shape casting processes - Needs, benefits, limitations and hurdles M C Schneider, J C Sturm, W Schaefer, E Hepp and V Gurevich MAGMA Gießereitechnologie GmbH 16:40 Application of numerical optimization to aluminum alloy wheel casting J Duan, C Reilly, D M Maijer, S L Cockcroft and A B Phillion The University of British Columbia 17:00 Integrated modelling of transitions in mechanical conditions during casting and heat treatment J Thorborg, J Klinkhammer and M Heitzer MAGMA Gießereitechnologie GmbH COFFEE BREAKE & Move to Poster Session Poster Presentations [Foyer of Hall B] 17:30-19:00 P01 Modelling the solidification of ductile cast iron parts with varying wall thickness M. Bjerre1, N. Tiedje1, J. Thorborg2 and J. Hattel1 1Technical University of Denmark, 2 MAGMA GmbH P02 Numerical simulation of cast distortion in gas turbine engine components A A Inozemtsev, A S Dubrovskaya, K A Dongauser and N A Trufanov Aviadvigatel OJSC P03 In situ analysis of dendritic growth and fragmentation in solidifying Ga-In alloys N Shevchenko, O Roshchupkina and S Eckert Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf P04 Two- and three- dimensional studies of dendritic morphology in magnesium alloy by means of synchrotron X-ray microtomography and cellular automaton modelling M Yang, Z Guo and S Xiong Tsinghua University P05 Modelling the residual stresses and microstructural evolution in Friction Stir Welding of AA2024-T3 including the Wagner-Kampmann precipitation model M R Sonne and J H Hattel Technical University of Denmark P06 Heat transfer and stress evolution behaviors of an aluminum alloy low pressure shell casting D Q Zhang, J X Zhou and T Chen Huazhong University of Science and Technology P07 Gas-liquid two phase flow modelling of incompressible fluid and experimental validation studies in vertical centrifugal casting J X Zhou, X Shen, Y J Yin, Z Guo and H Wang Huazhong University of Science and Technology P08 The through process simulation of mold filling, solidification, and heat treatment of the Al alloy bending beam low-pressure casting Y Yin, J Zhou, Z Guo, H Wang, D Liao and T Chen Huazhong University of Science & Technology P09 Multi-scale simulation of ductile iron casting J Kubo CAPCAST INC. P10 Cellular automaton simulation of ferrite-austenite transformation in low-carbon steels D An1, S Pan1,2, Q Yu1, C Lin1, T Dai1, B W Krakauer3 and M Zhu1 1 Southeast University, 2 Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 3 AO Smith Corporate Technology Center P11 Modeling of microporosity formation during solidification of aluminum alloys T Wang, D An, Q Zhang, T Dai and M Zhu Southeast University P12 Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and yield strength of a cold-rolled enameling steel D Peng1, Q Yu1, C Lin1, D An1, T Dai1, B W Krakauer2 and M Zhu1 1 Southeast University, 2 AO Smith Corporate Technology Center P13 Numerical study of macrosegregation in a large steel ingot with multiple pouring process Z H Duan, H F Shen and B C Liu Tsinghua University P14 Impacts of interface energies and transformation strain from BCC to FCC on Massive-like δ -γ transformation in steel M Yoshiya1,2, M Sato1, M Watanabe1, K Nakajima1, T Yokoi1, N Ueshima1, T Nagira1 and H Yasuda1,3 1 Osaka University, 2 Japan Fine Ceramics Center, 3 Kyoto University P15 Cellular automaton modeling of dendritic growth using a multi-grid method Y Natsume and K Ohsasa Akita University P16 A benchmark for the validation of solidification modelling algorithms E Kaschnitz1, S Heugenhauser1 and P Schumacher2 1 Österreichisches Gießerei-Institut, 2 Montanuniversität Leoben P17 FEM stress analysis of the cooling hole of a HPDC die T Kimura1, H Yamagata1 and S Tanikawa2 1 Gifu University, 2 Kotobuki Kinzoku Kogyo Co., Ltd. P18 Process-scale modelling of microstructure in direct chill casting of aluminium alloys M Bedel, L Heyvaert, M Založnik, H Combeau, D Daloz and G Lesoult Institut Jean Lamour, CNRS & Université de Lorraine P19 Mechanical simulation of the localized deformation in the aluminum foams:A three-dimensional (3D) structure based study Z Kai1, G Enyu1, Z Wenqian1, S Sansan1, J Tao1, H Hongliang3 and X Yanjin3 1 Tsinghua University, 2 Arizona State University, 3 Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing P20 In-situ observation of the dynamic of peritectic coupled growth using the binary organic system TRIS-NPG J P Mogeritsch and A Ludwig Montanuniversität Leoben P21 A numerical benchmark test for continuous casting of steel III B Šarler 1,2 and R Vertnik1,3 1 Institute of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana, 2 University of Nova Gorica, 3 Štore-Steel d.o.o. P22 Temperature and Pressure Evolution during Al Alloy Solidification at Different Squeeze Pressures J Li, H Zhao and Z Chen South China University of Technology P23 Modelling of micro- and macrosegregation for industrial multicomponent aluminium alloys K Ellingsen1, D Mortensen2 and M M'Hamdi1 1 SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, 2 Institute for Energy Technology, Kjeller P24 Effect of solidified structure on hot tear in Al-Cu alloy Y Yoshida, H Esaka and K Shinozuka National Defense Academy P25 Influence of supercooling on formation of primary phase R Yoshimura, H Esaka and K Shinozuka National Defense Academy P26 Modelling of macrosegregation in direct chill casting considering columnar-to-equiaxed transition using 3-phase Eulerian approach J Hao1, Y J Lin1, Y Nie1, M Wu2 and A Ludwig2 1 University of Nottingham Ningbo, 2 University of Leoben P27 Phase field study of transient coarsening behavior in two phase systems J Li, Y Ma, Z Wang and J Wang Northwestern Polytechnical University P28 Kinetics of the δ/γ interface in the massive-like transformation in Fe-0.3C-0.6Mn-0.3Si alloys T Nishimura1, K Morishita1, T Nagira2, M Yoshiya2 and H Yasuda1 1 Kyoto University, 2 Osaka University P29 GPU-accelerated 3D phase-field simulations of dendrite competitive growth during directional solidification of binary alloy S Sakane1, T Takaki1, M Ohno2, T Shimokawabe3 and T Aoki3 1 Kyoto Institute of Technology, 2 Hokkaido University, 3 Tokyo Institute of Technology P30 SPH based modelling of oxide and oxide film formation in gravity die castings K Ellingsen1, T Coudert2 and M M'Hamdi1 1 SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, 2 SINTEF Materials and Chemistry P31 Phase field simulation on microstructure evolution in solidification and aging process of squeeze cast magnesium alloy H W Pan , G M Han , Z Q Han and B C Liu Tsinghua University P32 Shear band formation of the mushy region in a model of the centrifugal casting process T Ito1, S Morita1, K Morishita1, T Nagira2, M Yoshiya2, H Yasuda1 1 Kyoto University, 2 Osaka University P33 In-situ measurement of solute partition coefficients in multi-component alloys by X-ray imaging and EDS analysis I Uwabe1, S Yamashita1, K Morishita1, T Nagira2, M Yoshiya2, H Yasuda1 1 Kyoto University, 2 Osaka University P33 Driving force of the far-equilibrium massive-like transformation following the steel solidification in Fe-C systems K Sugimura1, T Nishimura1, K Morishita1, T Nagira2, M Yoshiya2, H Yasuda1 1 Kyoto University, 2 Osaka University Wednesday, 24 June 08:30 Invited GPU phase-field lattice Boltzmann simulations of growth and motion of a binary alloy dendrite T Takaki1, R Rojas1, M Ohno2, T Shimokawabe3 and T Aoki3 1 Kyoto Institute of Technology, 2 Hokkaido University, 3 Tokyo Institute of Technology 09:10 Study of dendritic growth and coarsening using a 3-D phase field model: Implementation of the Para-AMR algorithm Z Guo1 and S M Xiong1,2 1 Tsinghua University, 2 Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing Technology 09:30 An adaptive mesh method for phase-field simulation of alloy solidification in three dimensions P C Bollada, P K Jimack and A M Mullisz University of Leeds 09:50 Dual-scale phase-field simulation of Mg-Al alloy solidication A Monas, O Shchyglo, D Höche, M Tegeler and I Steinbach 1 Ruhr University Bochum, 2 Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht 10:10 Atomic investigation of steady-state dendrite tips by using phase-field crystal method S Tang, J Li, Z Wang and J Wang Northwestern Polytechnical University COFFEE BREAKE (30min) 11:00 Deterministic side-branching during thermal dendritic growth A M Mullis University of Leeds 11:20 Evolution of specific interface area in dendritic alloy solidification H Neumann-Heyme1, K Eckert1 and C Beckermann2 1 Technical University Dresden, 2 University of Iowa 11:40 Phase-field modeling of liquid droplet migration in a temperature gradient S Pan1, M Zhu2 and M Rettenmayr3 1 Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 2 Southeast University, 3 Friedrich Schiller University 12:20 Mesoscopic modeling of columnar solidification and comparisons with phase-field simulations M Založnik 1, A Viardin2, Y Souhar1, H Combeau1 and M Apel2 1 Institut Jean Lamour, CNRS & Université de Lorraine, 2 Access e.V. 12:40 Microsegregation in multicomponent alloy analysed by quantitative phase-field model M Ohno1, T Takaki2 and Y Shibuta3 1 Hokkaido University, 2 Kyoto Institute of Technology, 3 The University of Tokyo LUNCH BOX & EXCURSION Thursday, 25 June 08:30 Invited Validating solidification models across the length scales using 4D synchrotron imaging P Rockett1, S Karagadde1,2, E Guo1, J Bent3, J Hazekamp3, M Kingsley1, J Vila-Comamala4 and P D Lee1 1 The University of Manchester, 2 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 3 Unilever R&D, 4 Diamond Light 09:10 Dynamical microstructure formation in 3D directional solidification of transparent model alloys: in situ characterization in DECLIC Directional Solidification Insert under diffusion transport in microgravity N Bergeon1, F L Mota1, L Chen1, D Tourret2, J M Debierre1, R Guérin 1, A Karma2, B Billia1 and R Trivedi3 1 Aix-Marseille Université & CNRS, 2 Northeastern University, 3 Iowa State University 09:30 Localization of shear strain and shear band formation induced by deformation in semi-solid Al-Cu alloys T Nagira1, S Morita2, H Yasuda2, C M Gourlay3, M Yoshiya1, A Sugiyama4 and K Uesugi5 1 Osaka University, 2 Kyoto University, 3 Imperial College, 4 Osaka Sangyo University, 5 Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute 09:50 Synchrotron X-ray tomographic quantification of deformation induced strain localisation in semi-solid Al-15wt.%Cu B Cai1, S Karagadde1, T J Marrow2, T Connolley3 and P D Lee1 1 University of Manchester, 2 University of Oxford, 3 Diamond Light Source Ltd. 10:10 Observation of dendritic growth under the influence of forced convection O Roshchupkina, N Shevchenko and S Eckert Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf COFFEE BREAKE (30min) 11:00 Modeling of percolation of globular-equiaxed grains in Al-Cu alloys C Mondoux1, H Combeau2, J-L Desbiolles1 and M Rappaz1 1 Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 2 CNRS & Ecole des Mines de Nancy 11:20 Three-dimensional dendritic needle network model with application to Al-Cu directional solidification experiments D Tourret1,2, A Karma1, A J Clarke2, P J Gibbs2 and S D Imhoff2 1 Northeastern University, 2 Los Alamos National Laboratory 11:40 Granular cracking during semi-solid indentation of Al-Cu alloy S Karagadde1,2, B Cai1,2, J L Fife3, M A Azeem1,2, K M Kareh4, C Puncreobutr5, T Connolley6 and P D Lee1,2 1 The University of Manchester, 2 Research Complex at Harwell, 3 Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, 4 Imperial College London, 5 Chulalongkorn University, 6 Diamond Light Source Ltd 12:00 Lamellar eutectic growth with anisotropic interphase boundaries S Akamatsu1,2 S Bottin-Rousseau1,2, G Faivre1,2, S Ghosh3 and M Plapp3 1 CNRS, 2 Sorbonne Universites-UPMC, Paris 06, 3 Ecole Polytechnique & CNRS 12:20 Eutectic morphology evolution and Sr-modification in Al-Si based alloys studied by 3D phase-field simulation coupled to Calphad data J Eiken and M Apel ACCESS e.V. 12:40 A model for eutectic growth in multicomponent alloys A V Catalina1, P W Voorhees2, R K Huff1 and A L Genau3 1 Caterpillar Inc., 2 Northwestern University, 3 The University of Alabama at Birmingham LUNCH BREAKE (120min) 15:00 Benchmark experiments and numerical modelling of the columnar-equiaxed dendritic growth in the transparent alloy Neopentylglycol-(d)Camphor L Sturz1, M Wu2, G Zimmermann1, A Ludwig2 and M Ahmadein2,3 1 ACCESS e.V., 2 University of Leoben, 3 Tanta University 15:20 Modelling of columnar-to-equiaxed and equiaxed-to-columnar transitions in ingots using a multiphase model N Leriche1, H Combeau1, Ch-A Gandin2 and M Založnik 1 1 Université de Lorraine & CNRS, 2 Mines Paris Tech & CNRS 15:40 Conditions for CET in a gamma TiAl alloy R P Mooney1, J Lapin2, A Klimová2 and S McFadden1 1 Trinity College Dublin, 2 Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences 16:00 An efficient 3D stochastic model for predicting the columnar-to-equiaxed transition in alloy 718 L Nastac The University of Alabama 16:20 Numerical modelling and in-situ radiographic study of the grain nucleation and growth of inoculated aluminum alloys Y Li1, Y Xu1, Q Du2, L Arnberg1 and R Mathiesen1 1 NTNU, 2 SINTEF Materials and Chemistry COFFEE BREAKE (30min) 17:10 Numerical simulation of mold-filling capability for a thin-walled aluminum die casting L Sun, E Subasic and J Jakumeit Access e.V. 17:30 Computational prediction of the refinement of oxide agglomerates in a physical conditioning process for molten aluminium alloy M Tong1, S C Jagarlapudi, J B Patel2, I C Stone2, Z Fan2 and D J Browne1 1 University College Dublin, 2 Brunel University 17:50 Intensive riser cooling of a turbine blade steel casting after solidification J W Kang1, X K Hao1, G Nie1, H M Long1, B C Liu1 and C C Zhang2 1 Tsinghua University, 2 Harbin Electric Machinery Co., LTD. 18:10 A numerical study of zone-melting process for the thermoelectric material of Bi2Te3 W C Chen1, Y C Wu1, W S Hwang1, H L Hsieh2, J Y Huang2 and T K Huang2 1. National Cheng Kung University, 2. China Steel Corporation Friday, 26 June 09:00 Invited Simulation and validation of two-phase turbulent flow and particle transport in continuous casting of steel slabs K Jin1, B G Thomas1, R Liu2, S P Vanka1 and X M Ruan3 1 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2 ArcelorMittal Global R&D in East Chicago, 3 Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. 09:40 Study of hot tearing and macrosegregation through ingot bending test and its numerical simulation T Koshikawa, M Bellet, C A Gandin, H Yamamura and M Bobadilla 1 MINES Paris Tech & CNRS, 2 Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, 3 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, 4 ArcelorMittal Maizières 10:00 One-way coupling of an advanced CFD multi-physics model to FEA for predicting stress-strain in the solidifying shell during Continuous Casting of steel J Svensson1, P E Ramirez Lopez1, P N Jalali1 and M Cervantes2 1 Swerea MEFOS AB, 2 Lulea University of Technology 10:20 Simulations of Macrosegregation with consideration of inclusion effect in solidifying carbon steels Y F Cao, Y Chen, X H Kang, P X Fu, H W Liu and D Z Li Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences COFFEE BREAKE (30min) 11:10 Modelling of stress fields during LFEM DC casting of aluminium billets by a meshless method B Mavrič1 and B Šarler1,2 1 Institute of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana, 2 University of Nova Gorica 11:30 Numerical simulation of convection and inclusion distribution during solidification in a heavy steel ingot R Lin and H F Shen Tsinghua University 11:50 Two-phase modelling of equiaxed crystal sedimentation and thermomechanic stress development in the sedimented packed bed A Ludwig, A Vakhrushev, T Holzmann, M Wu and A Kharicha Montanuniversitaet Leoben 12:10 Closing LUNCH
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