MARYLAND ARMY NATIONAL GUARD RECRUIT SUSTAINMENT PROGRAM NEXT DRILL 16-17 MAY 2015 DRILL SCHEDULE – 17 May 2015 16 13 – 14 June 2015 18-‐19 July 2015 15-‐16 August 2015 19-‐20 September 2015 RSP updates on your smart phone text: MDRSP to 95577 MDARNG Recruiting Site Attendance at the Recruit Sustainment Program (RSP) is mandatory. If you must be absent from training (illness, scheduling problems, etc.), contact your recruiter or Company RSP NCO as soon as possible. guidance for providing documentation They will provide and on making up the missed training. You will remain attached to the RSP until you have completed all of your Initial Active Duty Training (IADT). After completing IADT you will participate in a Graduation and Battle Handoff Ceremony and introduced to a representative from your Unit. Battalion Commander Most of us are conditioned by the mass media to visualize the marine running towards a storm, or a super high-‐speed Special Forces team exiting the ramp of an aircraft at 10,000 feet when we think of joining the military. However, this past month over 2,500 of your peers took part in an operation which this force is specifically designed to execute. Due to civil unrest in the City of Baltimore, the Maryland National Guard mobilized in hours to calm the violence. These types of operations no other military service branch can or will ever do. It's not that they aren't fully capable of doing this type of operation, but it is due to the Posse Commitatus Act signed in 1878. This act prohibits the Army and Air Force from ever being used in a law enforcement capacity. The other service branches have also passed regulations containing the same restrictions. This is what makes your Guard special from the other service branches. Not only are you trained and expected to perform at the same level as your active component peers, but you serve your community and state directly. When we conduct this type of operation we demonstrate the professionalism and care that no Soldier from a unit 1,000 miles away could ever do because this is our state, our city and our neighborhood. “Provide the Line!” George L. Downey LTC, IN, Commanding GOLD PHASE A COMPANY ATTENTION GOLD PHASE: First of all congratulations on a job well done! You are now officially MOSQ’d Soldiers!!! What to bring to drill: -ID/CAC card and ID tags -ALL Medical & Dental Records -ALL records from IET -Naturalization Documentation (if applicable) -Proof of Honor Grad/High PT for Recognition -PT gear and cold weather clothing -Report in ACU’s What to expect during drill weekend: Saturday: -Report to Bldg 4227 with all records (0830-0930) Grace) -Clothing & Equipment issue (Havre de -Bonus/Education Benefits Counseling -Employment briefing -Issue of Initial Equipment -Assembly of Initial Equipment -complete surveys (battle handoff/customer service) Sunday: -Physical Health Assessment (PHA) [for those selected] -Graduation Practice -Luncheon with unit representatives -Patch Ceremony RSP GRADUATION CEREMONY 1300 Sunday Edgewood Conference Center BLDG E4810 Austin Rd APG-Edgewood Area, MD 21010 You can do the following surveys before drill: 1. Battle handoff survey For PHA registration you need Your CAC card; go 2. to: eck.aspx Click new form on the right side of the page First Sergeant For those of you who will be shipping in the next few months, you need to make sure you are ready for the challenges you are going to face at Basic Combat Training (BCT) and Advanced Individual Training (AIT). That means not only being physically prepared, but mentally as well. Make sure you continue to be proactive on your APFT standards, as this will help you in the future. Do not wait until drill to conduct PT, working out a minimal of 3-4 days a week will help you successfully complete Basic Combat Training (BCT) without any injuries. Talk with your Recruiter or one of the cadre members at RSP concerning any changes since your enlistment. Some examples are: change of address, bank account, marital status, or you have become a new parent. We also need to know about any open law violations. All of these could prevent you from shipping, if we are not aware of them ahead of time. We are here to help you successfully start your military career. Always remember, you are the future of the Maryland Army National Guard and a member of the family. This is a life changing career and not just a job! 1SG John Pownall A Company First Sergeant Points of Contact Your primary Point of contact is always your recruiter. If you are unable to reach your Recruiter: Senior RSP NCO: SFC Simpson Office: 410-702-9011 cell: 240-527-0336 RSP Contractor: Ms. Diane Groft Office: 410-702-9632 Cell: 717-634-9114 First Sergeant 1SG Pownall 410-206-8695 Commander MAJ Fincato 410-440-8574 NCOIC’s Team ‘W’ Team ‘N’ Team ‘M’ MSG Bagley MSG Sievers MSG Seitz 240-529-7066 240-529-2005 443-655-2863 Report Time: 0800-0945 Report Place: Bldg 4228 First Formation: 0945 at Barracks GRADUATION RSP GRADUATION: The Recruiting and Retention Battalion/ Recruit Sustainment Program cordially invite you to the February RSP Graduation Ceremony. **UPDATED Graduation Details** When: Sunday 17 MAY 2015 @ 1300 Where: Conference Center Building E4810 Austin Road Edgewood Area Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010 We look forward to having as many people as possible in attendance! April D. Deanes 1LT, Adjutant Recruiting & Retention BN S1 Office: 410-‐702-‐9244 Cell: 410-‐251-‐9045 APFT WILL BE THE MORNING OF SUNDAY DRILL. Remember to bring your complete PT uniform to include white socks and running shoes for morning PT. Red phase will be 1-1-1 all others will do full diagnostic 2-2-2. BATTLE HAND–OFF SURVEY All Soldiers in Gold Phase are required to take the Battle HandOff Survey You can access the BHO survey via the G1 Portal (CAC access is not needed) s/StayGuardSurvey.aspx Clicking the Battle Hand Off (survey) will take you to the log on page. button You will need your assigned Unit Identification Code (UIC) - NOT the RSP UIC - in order to log on and complete the survey Contact your recruiter for the UIC. GUARDSMAN FOR A DAY Tell your friends, family and co-‐ workers to come out and join us for an RSP drill weekend. Help them to understand this important career decision you have made and see if they too are ready to join living the Army Values, reaping you the educational benefits and most of all serving your country! Remember those individuals you bring to RSP (GFAD) that lead to an enlistment are a promotion for YOU! C COMPANY Points of Contact Your primary Point of contact is always your Recruiter. If you are unable to reach your Recruiter: Senior RSP NCO: SSG Ramsey 410-702-9054 Cell: 443-641-4233 Office: RSP Contractor: Mr. Dan Granofsky 410-702-9054 Cell: 410-877-4805 Office: *********************************************** First Sergeant-1SG Mickle 410-292-4375 Commander-MAJ Taylor 443-614-0707 NCOICs Team ‘T’ Team ‘E’ Team ‘S’ MSG Sutphin 410-292-0380 SFC Cox, Chris 410-253-3767 SFC Cox, Fred 410-292-4530 Report Time: 0800-0945 Report Place: Bldg 4228 First Formation: 0945 at Parade Field IMPORTANT NOTES: -EVERY RECRUIT MUST HAVE AN AKO ACCOUNT -EVERY RECRUIT MUST ESTABLISH MYPAY ACCT - EVERY RECRUIT Begin hydrating for drill NLT 5 days prior to RSP drill. -EVERY RECRUIT Bring your Cold Weather issue until further notice!!! INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF SUCCESS BY BEING CONFIDENT, PHYSICALLY FIT AND RESILIENT AT ALL TIMES! STUDY YOUR BLUE BOOK, ASK QUESTIONS AND FULFILL YOUR OBLIGATIONS. PT Tips WARRIOR FIT Coming this drill! Stretch out and drink plenty of water before drill weekend! We will be starting an intensive exercise regime that will change the way you look at working out as well as the way your body feels.-Major Fincato (commissioned, -KEEP A WRITTEN TRACK OF YOUR EXERCISE EXAMPLE WARM UP: -BE COMMITTED TO YOUR GOALS Neck Rotations: Stand with your back straight and feet shoulder width apart. With your hands on your hips rotate your neck to the left 5 rotations and then reverse for another 5. Arms & Shoulders: Stand with your back straight and feet shoulder width apart. Extend the arms outward to shoulder height and rotate the shoulders forward making a large circular motion with the arms. Repeat this action in the opposite direction. Do this 5 times each direction. Hips: Stand in the same manner as for the neck rotation. Rotate the hips clockwise while keeping the back straight. Repeat this action counterclockwise. Do this 5 times. Abdominal Stretch: Stand and extend the arms upward and over your head. Interlock fingers with the palms turned upward. your Stretch your arms upward and slightly back. this position for 15 seconds, relax and Hold repeat 5 times. Cross leg Stretch: From a standing position Cross right leg over left leg and slowly bend down to touch your toes. Hold this stretch for 15 seconds. Repeat by crossing your left leg over your right touch your toes and hold for 15 seconds. Repeat each stretch 3 times each leg position. Army states Do you have an AKO account? Do you know your user name and password? If you cannot answer “YES” to both questions, please contact your recruiter immediately! Not only is AKO a requirement for shipping, it is also a very important communication tool that links to your MyPay, email account, training information and individual readiness. Regulation 600-9, The each Soldier warrant, or enlisted) is responsible for meeting service weight control standards. that On the day of your MEPS physical you met the Army weight control standards. It is your responsibility to remain in compliance. You must meet the same requirements when you ship to Basic or Advanced Individual Training. Know you maximum weight allowed (or body fat percentage if necessary). You will be weighed on if needed, taped each month at drill in order to ensure you maintain the Weight control standard. WEIGHT CONTROL STANDARDS Army Weight control Program, AKO (Army Knowledge Online) Sample Workout RSP TRAINING RED Phase is your first drill weekend with the Recruit Sustainment Program (RSP). Red Phase weekends will teach the recruit the basics of being a Soldier in the ARNG Physical Fitness Assessment. QUICK SHIP Phase is your first drill and only weekend with the Recruit Sustainment Program (RSP) prior to shipping to Basic Combat Training (BCT). It is a combination of the RED and BLUE Phases WHITE Phase varies in length to cover the period between the RED and BLUE Phases and is designed to mimic the training environment you will enter at Basic combat Training (BCT). BLUE Phase is the final drill before shipping to BCT or to Advanced Individual Training (AIT). Blue Phase also allows the Cadre one last quality check to ensure that you are Mentally Prepared, Physically Fit and Administratively Correct. GREEN Phase is for warriors who have completed BCT and have returned to RSP prior to attending AIT. Green Phase reintegrates BCT graduates into the RSP through advanced training, and sustains Soldiering skills learned at BCT. GOLD Phase will be your final drill with RSP. It will ensure that you are Administratively Correct to join your MDARNG Unit. You will be introduced to a member of your unit at the RSP Graduation Ceremony. “You can’t out exercise a bad diet” Some things to help your success: -SET PERSONAL GOALS & WRITE THEM DOWN -DON’T TALK ABOUT IT, BE ABOUT IT -DON’T LET EXCUSES SLOW YOUR PROGRESS -SEEK HELP FROM FAMILY AND FRIENDS -VARY YOUR EXERCISE PLANS -STICK TO YOUR PROGRAM AND DON’T QUIT YOURSELF FOR MAKING PROGRESS -REWARD TO YOUR BODY -LISTEN -MAKE IT FUN BLUE / QUICK SHIP PHASE All Blue and Purple Phase Warriors will need their Photo ID, SS Card, ATM Card and any change documents for the Pre-Shipper Brief and Counseling at 1300 on Saturday. Verify your AKO and MyPay accounts prior to Drill. To receive Basic Allowance for Housing you must have a copy of a lease or mortgage, with your name on it, dated prior to the date on the MEPS orders (MEPS orders are usually published 30 prior to Ship Date) and a utility bill in your name for the same address. The Address for the Lease / Mortgage and Utility Bill must be the same as your orders which is the address you used for enlistment. If there is a discrepancy – contact your Recruiter. CAC CARD WEBSITE: Walk through site step by step CAC installation MDARNGBenefitsGuide: les/842MDARNG_Benefits_Guide_130129.p df Soldier Transportation Schedule Pickup Route 1 Cheltenham (0600) 9900 Surratt’s Rd, Cheltenham, MD 20623 Glen Burnie (0700) 14 Dorsey Rd, Glen Burnie, MD 21061 5th Regiment (0730) 29th Division St, Baltimore, MD 21201 Route 2 Green Belt (0630) 7100 Greenbelt Rd, Laurel, MD 20770 White Oak (0700) 12200 Cherry Hill Rd, Silver Springs, MD 20904 Ellicott City (0730)4244 Montgomery Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043 Route 3 Salisbury (0530) Royal Farms, 101 N. Salisbury,Salisbury,MD 21801 Easton (0630) 7111 Ocean Gateway, Easton, MD 21601 Annapolis (0730) 18 Willow St, Annapolis, MD 21401 Route 4 Cumberland (0430) 1100 Brown Ave, Cumberland, MD 21502 Hagerstown (0600) 18500 Roxbury Rd, Hagerstown, MD 21740 Frederick (0700) 8501 Old National Pike, Frederick, MD 21701 Route 5 Westminster Armory (0600),350 Hahn Rd, Westminster, MD 21157 Pikesville (0700) 610 Reisterstown Rd, Pikesville, MD 21208 Parkville (0800) 3727 Putty Hill Ave, Parkville, MD 21236 Privately owned vehicles: Recruits are not authorized to drive their own vehicles unless instructed to do so by their recruiter. All vehicle keys will be secured by your phase instructor for the weekend. HISTORICAL DATES FOR May: th May 5 1862 Mexican forces defeat French at Puebla ryofmexico/p/10cincodemayobasics.htm May 10th is Mother’s Day May 16th is Armed Forces Day in the US‐ forces-‐day May 17, 1837 The Baltimore Sun starts publication under Arunah S. Abell May 19, 1919 the 29th Division is deactivated from WWI duties May 25th is Memorial Day Prepare Yourself Administratively You can help prepare yourself using the acronym APPLE MD. This acronym is used in screening prospects for enlistment. You must continue to meet the Enlistment Eligibility Criteria until you have completed AIT. A-AGE you are as old as you are – nothing you can do about it. However, does your Social Security Card match your Birth Certificate? Did you enlist under the name on your Social Security Card? Remember to have your Social Security Card and State issued photo ID when you report to MEPS to ship. P-PHYSICAL Has anything changes since you took the Entrance Physical? Have you seen a doctor or gone to the hospital? If you have - contact your Recruiter immediately. Do you still meet Height and Weight Standards? P-PRIOR SERVICE This mainly affects Phase 2 Shippers (Green Phase). Do you have a copy of your Clothing Record? Do you have everything that was issued at BCT? L-LAW VIOLATIONS Has anything changed since you enlisted? Did you get a Traffic Ticket? Even if it is paid – contact your recruiter immediately – at a minimum you will need to have the paid receipt when you return to MEPS. E-EDUCATION Official Transcripts and Diplomas that must be in your records. Even if you have given it to your Recruiter – take a copy with you to MEPS. M-MARRIED Did you get married since enlistment? Contact your Recruiter immediately. All married soldiers, even if you were married when you enlisted, should have a copy of their certified (file number and raised seal) marriage certificate when they report to MEPS. D-DEPENDENTS Do you have any Dependents? (Spouse, children, stepchildren) You will need to have copies of Spouse’s State issued Photo ID, copies Spouse’s and dependent children’s SS Cards. Parental Affidavits, Custody Agreements, or Family Care Plans if required. If any doubt – contact your Recruiter immediately. Does your Spouse and/or dependent children (over 10 years old) have a Military ID Card? OTHER REQUIREMENTS BAH To receive Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) you must have a copy of a lease or mortgage, with your name on it, dated prior to the date on the MEPS orders (MEPS orders are usually published 30 prior to Ship Date). The Address for the Lease / Mortgage must be the same as your orders which is the address you used for enlistment. If there is a discrepancy – contact your Recruiter. MYPAY Everyone needed to have a SF1199a Form (Direct Deposit) to Enlist. Once you have set up your AKO account you will receive information via your AKO email concerning the set up of your MyPay account. This is where you will find your Leave & Earning Statements (LES), W-2s and all information concerning your pay status. If you change bank account and/or have moved, you can update your information in MyPay. (Always remember to report these changes to your unit as well.) If you feel you have a pay concern, you will need to access your LES to show the concern. CHAPLAIN’S CORNER BLAMING OTHERS EEzekiel 18:2 reads: “The fathers eat sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge.” What happens when you bite into a lemon? It’s so sour that your faces winces and your teeth clamp tight together. That’s exactly what this verse means: “When a parent eats sour fruit, the children suffer the unpleasant effects too.” Put another way: “Children will pay when their parents act badly.” Wouldn’t it be great if we could free ourselves from guilt by placing blame on someone or something else? Unfortunately we can’t do that. Each of us must face up the fact when it’s “my fault”. I am the one who chose to act in a certain way or say a certain thing or adopt a certain attitude. No one made me do it. The Devil didn’t make me do it either. He may have brought the temptation to me, but it was my own desire and my own decision to yield to that temptation. Only when we face up to our own “sour grapes” and admit that we are the one at fault and no one else, can we find true repentance and forgiveness for our bad behavior and or decision. To end the “Blame Game” every one of us must: 1) Accept responsibility for our own actions. 2) Look deep within ourselves -‐ even if it means we’ll see something we don’t like. 3) Confront the reality that we are flawed BUT no better or worse than anyone else AND 4) There’s only one remedy -‐ the saving Grace and mercy of God. A good soldier takes responsibility for his or her actions. He doesn’t blame it on someone else. That’s a pretty mature concept many adults don’t ever quite figure out. Learn it now, it will serve you well. Everyone appreciates a person who takes responsibility for his or her own actions. CH (LTC) Raymond Copp mail be contacted by phone (610) 639-1082 or email Raymond W. Copp CH (LTC) Maryland Military Department 70th Recruiting & Retention Battalion 610-639-1082 (C) 610-429-9007 (H) Recruiting Command Sergeant Major Why We Serve The whole country watched as the events in Baltimore spun out of control. Local authorities were quickly overwhelmed with the response required to restore order and ensure the safety and protection of the citizens of Baltimore and their property. Maryland Army National Guard Soldiers arrived on the scene to assist local and state law enforcement and the security throughout the city was established. This is what sets us apart from our friends, neighbors and also the other military services. It was not the US Army or Army Reserve that were in the streets, it was Soldiers like you, who volunteered to defend both the country AND ensure the safety and security of your STATE. I hope you felt a sense of pride in your comrades as you watched them go about their duties with calm and professionalism. I hope that you never have to experience what your fellow guardsman have over the past weeks. I hope that our cities and state can overcome some of the barriers that we have, but I am confident, that with Guardsmen and women like you, the State of Maryland and its’ citizens can be confident that if duty calls, you will be ready. "Provide the Line" Thomas N. Thompson Command Sergeant Major Maryland Recruiting & Retention Battalion JOB SITES If you are looking for a job in Maryland please register at our state site: Once registered you will receive personal advice on resume writing and job searching. Other helpful sites:‐gateway-‐jobs.html For additional job information contact Steve Cutsail at (410) 576-‐6177 FAMILY INFORMATION NIGHT Who: What: Where: Parents, Loved ones and Employers of Maryland Army National Guard Recruits preparing to ship to training Family Information Night Conference Center (Building E4810) Austin Road Edgewood Area of Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010 When: Why: 1830hrs (6:30pm) 16 May 2015 To give recruits, family members, loved ones and employers answers to questions and address concerns about BasicTraining, Advanced Individual Training and the Maryland Army National Guard. Points of Contact is: Diane Groft Office: (410)702-9632 CSM Thompson- Office: (410)702-9705 Cell: Cell: (717)634-9114 (443)846-7154
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