ADOPTED Minutes of a REGULAR MUNICIPAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF GREENVIEW NO. 16 M.D. Administration Building, Valleyview, Alberta, on Wednesday, April 08, 2015 #1 CALL TO ORDER Chair Dale Smith called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. PRESENT Chair Vice Chair Member Member Member Dale Smith Tom Burton George Delorme Roxie Rutt Les Urness ATTENDING Manager, Planning and Development Development Officer Development Officer Development Technician Recording Secretary Sally Rosson Lindsey Lemieux Demetri Prevatt Celine Southwick Jenny Cornelsen GUESTS S14-027 S14-027 D15-043 ABSENT Member Member Member Development Officer #2 AGENDA MOTION: 15.04.095. Moved by: MEMBER ROXIE RUTT That the April 8, 2015, agenda be adopted as presented. CARRIED #3.1 REGULAR MUNICIPAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MOTION: 15.04.096. Moved by: MEMBER TOM BURTON That the Minutes of the Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting held on March 11, 2015, be adopted as presented. CARRIED #3.2 BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES 3.2 #4.0 4.0 Tim and Carla Friesen Bruce Beairsto (Beairsto and Associates) Kim Logan, Dwight Logan and Wayne Dunbar Dale Gervais Dave Hay Bill Smith Gwen Charlton BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES: • In response to comments and questions from the Municipal Planning Commission regarding Area Structure Plans and Concept Plans, Item 10.1 POLICY AND PROCEDURE REGARDING AREA STRUCTURE PLANS AND CONCEPT PLANS was included in the agenda. DELEGATIONS ADOPTED DELEGATIONS #4.1 DELEGATION Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 2 April 8, 2015 4.1 S14-027 / BEAIRSTO & ASSOCIATES / TIM AND CARLA FRIESEN / NW-1071-26-W5 / BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT / RIDGEVALLEY AREA Mr. Bruce Beairsto of Beairsto and Associates spoke on behalf of the Applicant Mr. Tim Friesen. The Applicant was aware of the standard conditions and acknowledged that the sewage system would have to be upgraded. Manager Rosson presented additional information as follows: • The parcel was previously approved for rezoning to Industrial (I) District by Council on January 27, 2015. The Municipal Planning Commission discussed the following: • The balance of the quarter would remain as Agriculture (A) District. The existing approach was for farmland access. Chair Dale Smith advised Mr. Beairsto and Mr. Friesen that the Municipal Planning Commission would render a decision later in the meeting. Mr. Beairsto and Mr. Friesen vacated the meeting at 9:11 a.m. #4.2 DELEGATION 4.2 D15-043 / LOGAN KIM AND DWIGHT / GRAVEL PIT – CLASS II / SE-1-71-1W6 / SIMONETTE AREA Mr. Kim Logan, Mr. Dwight Logan and Mr. Wayne Dunbar spoke as the Applicants. The Applicants stated that further information had been provided to Development Officer Lemieux after the Development Permit application was tabled at the March 11, 2015, Municipal Planning Commission meeting. Manager Rosson presented additional information as follows: • The Applicant had previously applied for a Development Permit in 2013 and was refused, as access to the site had not been addressed. A road was constructed in 2014 for farmland access to the quarter section and the Applicant was reapplying for a Development Permit. • Condition #7 indicated that the farmland access road would need to be upgraded for industrial use. The Municipal Planning Commission discussed the following: • Members inquired whether the road needed to be upgraded before exploration of the site could begin. Manager Rosson stated that a Development Permit was valid for one year, which allowed the Applicant time to have explored and evaluated the land before constructing the road. If the road was not constructed within the one year time frame, the Applicant would need to reapply for a Development Permit. ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 3 • April 8, 2015 Members questioned the industrial road upgrade and requested that Construction and Maintenance Manager Sklapsky be brought in for clarification. Chair Dale Smith advised Mr. Kim Logan, Mr. Dwight Logan and Mr. Dunbar that the Municipal Planning Commission would render a decision later in the meeting. Mr. Kim Logan, Mr. Dwight Logan and Mr. Dunbar vacated the meeting at 9:24 a.m. Development Officer Lemieux vacated the meeting at 9:28 a.m. Development Officer Lemieux re-entered the meeting at 9:29 a.m. #5 LAND USE AMENDMENTS 5.0 #6 SUBDIVISIONS 6.0 LAND USE AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS There were no Land Use Amendment applications to review. SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS 6.1 S14-027 / BEAIRSTO & ASSOCIATES / TIM AND CARLA FRIESEN / NW-1071-26-W5 / BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT / RIDGEVALLEY AREA Manager Rosson presented an overview of proposed Subdivision application S1427. The application was for a 4.69 hectare ± (11.58 acre) parcel in the Crooked Creek area, Ward 7. The Municipal Planning Commission discussed the following: • Members asked whether there was an existing thirty-metre right of way on Township Road 712. Manager Rosson stated that if road widening was required, the road widening would cover the entire mile of the North quarters of Section 10 rather than the standard half-mile. Condition #7 regarding road widening was added to the standard conditions for this parcel. NW-10-71-26-W5 MOTION: 15.04.097. Moved by: MEMBER ROXIE RUTT That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Subdivision application S14-027, for a subdivision of 4.69 hectare ± (11.58 acre) parcel within NW-10-7126-W5, as per the reasons and conditions attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Reasons: 1. Conforms to all statutory plan requirements; 2. No concerns expressed from adjacent landowners; and 3. Consistent with other subdivisions in the area. ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 4 April 8, 2015 Subject to the following conditions: 1. Access to the parcel and balance of the quarter to meet the standards of the M.D. of Greenview No. 16 at the owner/developer's expense. Please contact the Construction and Maintenance Manager prior to commencing as well as prior to back filling and completion. If the owner/developer wishes to register the subdivision prior to the construction of the approaches, a security deposit shall be taken. The security deposit will be forfeited to the M.D. if the approach has not been constructed and approved within one year. 2. Any outstanding property taxes are to be paid. 3. No development, construction, or site work is allowed without an approved Development Permit from the M.D. of Greenview No. 16. 4. This subdivision must be registered by Plan of Survey. 5. The existing private sewage disposal system must be upgraded to meet the current Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice 2009, if required. All sewage systems must be permitted with an authorized accredited agency for Alberta Municipal Affairs, and have a satisfactory inspection report showing it meets the regulations. All required information can be obtained from Alberta Municipal Affairs website, or email: or Telephone: 1-866-421-6929. 6. You may be located in the vicinity of an agricultural operation. 7. Dedication by Plan of Survey of 5.03 meters for road widening along parcel frontage (to be surveyed by the municipality). Pursuant to Section 662(a) of the MGA, owner/developer must: a) Sell 5.03 meters for future road widening to the M.D. of Greenview No. 16 in accordance with the MD Schedule of Fees; or b) Enter into an Acquisition of Land Agreement with the M.D. of Greenview No. 16 to allow purchase of 5.03 meters for future road widening, to be registered against the balance of the North quarters of Section 10 by caveat along the balance of the quarter adjacent to Township Road 712. CARRIED #7 MISCELLANEOUS LEASES 7.1 MISCELLANEOUS LEASES LEASE REPORT MOTION: 15.04.098. Moved by: MEMBER LES URNESS That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) receive the Miscellaneous Lease Report for information. CARRIED #8 DEVELOPMENT PERMITS 8.0 The Miscellaneous Lease Report was brought forward as information. CARRIED DEVELOPMENT PERMITS ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 5 April 8, 2015 Construction and Maintenance Manager Sklapsky entered the meeting at 9:30 a.m. 8.1 D15-043 / LOGAN KIM AND DWIGHT / GRAVEL PIT – CLASS II / SE-1-71-1W6 / SIMONETTE AREA Manager Rosson presented an overview of Development Permit application D15043. The application was received on February 17, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for a Sand and Gravel Pit on SE-1-71-W6 in the Simonette area, Ward 6. The Municipal Planning Commission discussed the following: • Members questioned the need for a ten (10) metre road because other municipal roads in that area are eight (8) metres wide. Manager Sklapsky stated that the existing road was installed as farmland access in 2014 and recommended an upgrade to ten (10) metres to accommodate gravel truck hauling. • Manager Sklapsky agreed to modify the road upgrade requirements to an eight (8) metre road that met engineered road status. • Members and Administration agreed that equipment should have entered the road at a ninety (90) degree angle. SE-1-71-1-W6 MOTION: 15.04.099. Moved by: MEMBER TOM BURTON That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Development Permit application D15-043 for a Sand and Gravel Pit on SE-1-71-1-W6, as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Subject to the following conditions: 1. The owner/developer must meet the minimum setback requirements of: a) 134 feet (41 metres) from the right-of-way of a district road; b) 50 feet (15 metres) from any other property line. 2. The owner/developer shall report all shipments quarterly and remit Capital Aggregate Payment Levy in accordance with Municipal District of Greenview No. 16's Aggregate Payment Levy Bylaw (Contact M.D 16 Manager, Operations at (780)524-7602 for further information). 3. The owner/developer must enter into a Road Use Agreement with the Municipality prior to hauling gravel. (Contact M.D. 16 Manager, Operations at (780) 524-7602 for further information). The M.D. is to be advised of all hauls by completing a Road Use Information Sheet and submitting the same no less than three (3) business days prior to hauls taking place. The M.D. must be advised of completion of hauls. 4. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. 5. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information) ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 6 April 8, 2015 6. Deleterious materials must not be allowed to enter any watercourse. 7. The farmland access road must be upgraded to an eight (8) metre road for industrial use, as per the Municipal District of Greenview No. 16 Engineering Design and Construction Standards, at the Developers expense. This access road must then be inspected and approved by the Municipal District of Greenview No. 16. CARRIED Construction and Maintenance Manager Sklapsky vacated the meeting at 9:43 a.m. 8.2 D15-066 / ADVANTAGE SIGNS LTD. / PEACE WAPITI SCHOOL BOARD #76 / DIGITAL SIGN: 3 FOOT BY 5 FOOT / SW-4-70-6-W6, PLAN 9121095, LOT 1SR / GROVEDALE AREA Manager Rosson presented an overview of Development Permit application D15066. The application was received on March 10, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for a Digital Sign: 3 Foot by 5 Foot, on SW-4-70-6W6, Plan 9121095, Lot 1SR, in the Grovedale area, Ward 8. No comments or questions were noted from the Municipal Planning Commission. SW-4-70-6-W6, PLAN 9121095, LOT 1SR MOTION: 15.04.100. Moved by: MEMBER ROXIE RUTT That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Development Permit application D15-066 for a Digital Sign: 3 Foot by 5 Foot on SW-4-70-6-W6, Plan 9121095, Lot 1SR, as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Subject to the following conditions: 1. The owner/developer must meet the minimum setback requirements of: a) 25 feet (7.6 metres) from the front property line; b) 5 feet (1.5 metres) from the interior side and the rear property line. 2. The owner/developer must contact an accredited agency to obtain all required permit(s) on behalf of Alberta Municipal Affairs, including but not limited to the following: a) Electrical Permit. 3. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. 4. The signage shall not: a) unduly interfere with the amenities of the area; b) Materially interfere with or affect the use, enjoyment or value of neighbouring properties; or c) Create a safety hazard to adjacent properties or to members of the traveling public by way of impairing sight lines. ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 7 April 8, 2015 5. All signs shall be kept in good repair and the finishing maintained in a manner satisfactory to the Development Authority for the M.D of Greenview. 6. Signage must be removed when no longer required for the intended purpose. 7. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). CARRIED 8.3 D15-068 / 3C INFORMATION SOLUTIONS INC. / SEMCAMS ULC / 80 FOOT COMMUNICATION TOWER / 16-7-68-7-W6 / WAPITI AREA Development Officer Lemieux presented an overview of Development Permit application D15-068. The application was received on March 5, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for an 80 Foot Communication Tower on 16-7-68-7-W6 in the Wapiti area, Ward 8. The Municipal Planning Commission discussed the following: • Members asked for clarification on where the communication tower would be constructed. Development Officer Lemieux indicated that the tower was going to be installed on a padsite. 16-7-68-7-W6 MOTION: 15.04.101. Moved by: MEMBER LES URNESS That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Development Permit application D15-068 for an 80 Foot Communication Tower on 16-7-68-7-W6, as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Subject to the following conditions: 1. The owner/developer must contact an accredited agency to obtain all required permit(s) on behalf of Alberta Municipal Affairs, including but not limited to the following: a) Building Permit; b) Electrical Permit. 2. The owner/developer must contact the following government agencies to obtain all necessary approval(s), including but not limited to the following: a) Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development - Public Lands; b) Industry Canada; c) Transport Canada. 3. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. 4. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). 5. Reclamation must be done to the satisfaction of the Municipal District of Greenview No. 16. Certified seed must be used. 6. Deleterious materials must not be allowed to enter any watercourse. ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 8 April 8, 2015 7. The owner/developer shall obtain a permit from the Petroleum Tank Management Association of Alberta for new fuel tanks to be located on the site. CARRIED 8.4 D15-069 / TRILOGY RESOURCES LTD. / BORROW PIT / W ½-1-61-20-W5 / KAYBOB SOUTH AREA Development Officer Lemieux presented an overview of Development Permit application D15-069. The application was received on March 19, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for a Borrow Pit on W ½-1-61-20W5 in the Kaybob South area, Ward 8. The Municipal Planning Commission discussed the following: • Members asked why a development permit was required when no facilities were being constructed. Manager Rosson referred to the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and the Land Use Bylaw and stated that a development permit was required because the Applicant was utilizing the land and would also be responsible for weed control and reclamation. W ½-1-61-20-W5 MOTION: 15.04.101. Moved by: MEMBER TOM BURTON That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Development Permit application D15-069 for a Borrow Pit on W ½-1-61-20-W5, as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Subject to the following conditions: 1. The owner/developer must contact the following government agencies to obtain all necessary approval(s), including but not limited to the following: a) Alberta Energy Regulator (if applicable); b) Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development - Public Lands. 2. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. 3. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). 4. Reclamation must be done to the satisfaction of the Municipal District of Greenview No. 16. Certified seed must be used. 5. Deleterious materials must not be allowed to enter any watercourse. CARRIED 8.5 D15-073 / CEQUENCE ENERGY LTD. / 1200 HP COMPRESSOR; 800 HP COMPRESSOR / 4-27-61-1-W6 / SIMONETTE AREA ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 9 April 8, 2015 Development Officer Lemieux presented an overview of Development Permit application D15-073. The application was received on March 20, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for a 1200 HP Compressor on 427-61-1-W6 in the Simonette area, Ward 7. No comments or questions were noted from the Municipal Planning Commission. 4-27-61-1-W6 MOTION: 15.04.102. Moved by: MEMBER ROXIE RUTT That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Development Permit application D15-073 for two compressors, one being 800 HP and another 1200 HP Compressor on 4-27-61-1-W6, as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Subject to the following conditions: 1. The owner/developer must contact an accredited agency to obtain all required permit(s) on behalf of Alberta Municipal Affairs, including but not limited to the following: a) Building Permit; b) Electrical Permit; c) Gas Inspection Permit; d) Provincial Plumbing Permit; e) Fire Inspection Permit; f) Boiler Inspection Permit; g) Safety Inspection Permit; h) Provincial Private Sewage System Permit. 2. The owner/developer must contact the following government agencies to obtain all necessary approval(s), including but not limited to the following: a) Alberta Energy Regulator; b) Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development - Public Lands. 3. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. 4. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). 5. Reclamation must be done to the satisfaction of the Municipal District of Greenview No. 16. Certified seed must be used. 6. Deleterious materials must not be allowed to enter any watercourse. 7. The owner/developer shall obtain a permit from the Petroleum Tank Management Association of Alberta for new fuel tanks to be located on the site. CARRIED 8.6 D15-074 / CEQUENCE ENERGY LTD. / 1100 HP COMPRESSOR / 7-29-61-26W5 / SIMONETTE AREA ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 10 April 8, 2015 Development Officer Lemieux presented an overview of Development Permit application D15-074. The application was received on March 20, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for a 1100 HP Compressor on 729-61-26-W5 in the Simonette area, Ward 7 Development Officer presented additional information as follows: • The Development Permit application was for the addition of compressors to an existing site. No comments or questions were noted from the Municipal Planning Commission. 7-29-61-26-W5 MOTION: 15.04.103. Moved by: MEMBER TOM BURTON That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Development Permit application D15-074 for a 1100 HP Compressor on 7-29-61-26-W5, as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Subject to the following conditions: 1. The owner/developer must contact an accredited agency to obtain all required permit(s) on behalf of Alberta Municipal Affairs, including but not limited to the following: a) Building Permit; b) Electrical Permit; c) Gas Inspection Permit; d) Provincial Plumbing Permit; e) Fire Inspection Permit; f) Boiler Inspection Permit; g) Safety Inspection Permit; h) Provincial Private Sewage System Permit. 2. The owner/developer must contact the following government agencies to obtain all necessary approval(s), including but not limited to the following: a) Alberta Energy Regulator; b) Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development - Public Lands. 3. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. 4. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). 5. Reclamation must be done to the satisfaction of the Municipal District of Greenview No. 16. Certified seed must be used. 6. Deleterious materials must not be allowed to enter any watercourse. 7. The owner/developer shall obtain a permit from the Petroleum Tank Management Association of Alberta for new fuel tanks to be located on the site. CARRIED ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 11 April 8, 2015 8.7 D15-075 / CEQUENCE ENERGY LTD. / 2400 HP COMPRESSOR; DEHYDRATOR / 13-11-62-27-W5 / SIMONETTE AREA Development Officer Lemieux presented an overview of Development Permit application D15-075. The application was received on March 20, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for a 2400 HP Compressor and Dehydrator on 13-11-62-27-W5 in the Simonette area, Ward 7. Development Officer Lemieux presented additional information as follows: • If the development was initiated before the approval of the Development Permit application, applicable fees would be requested. No comments or questions were noted from the Municipal Planning Commission. 13-11-62-27-W5 MOTION: 15.04.104. Moved by: MEMBER ROXIE RUTT That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Development Permit application D15-075 for a 2400 HP Compressor, flare stack and related production buildings on 13-11-62-27-W5, as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Subject to the following conditions: 1. The owner/developer must contact an accredited agency to obtain all required permit(s) on behalf of Alberta Municipal Affairs, including but not limited to the following: a) Building Permit; b) Electrical Permit; c) Gas Inspection Permit; d) Provincial Plumbing Permit; e) Fire Inspection Permit; f) Boiler Inspection Permit; g) Safety Inspection Permit; h) Provincial Private Sewage System Permit. 2. The owner/developer must contact the following government agencies to obtain all necessary approval(s), including but not limited to the following: a) Alberta Energy Regulator; b) Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development - Public Lands. 3. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. 4. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). 5. Reclamation must be done to the satisfaction of the Municipal District of Greenview No. 16. Certified seed must be used. 6. Deleterious materials must not be allowed to enter any watercourse. ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 12 April 8, 2015 7. The owner/developer shall obtain a permit from the Petroleum Tank Management Association of Alberta for new fuel tanks to be located on the site. CARRIED 8.8 D15-079 / RED WILLOW INDUSTRIAL LODGE LTD. / PERMIT RENEWAL FOR 142 PERSON OPEN CAMP / E-8-65-13-W6 / CHINOOK RIDGE AREA Development Officer Lemieux presented an overview of Development Permit application D15-079. The application was received on March 20, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for a Permit Renewal for a 142 Person Open Camp on E-8-65-13-W6 in the Chinook area, Ward 8. No comments or questions were noted from the Municipal Planning Commission. E-8-65-13-W6 MOTION: 15.04.105. Moved by: MEMBER TOM BURTON That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Development Permit application D15-079 for a Permit Renewal for a 142 Person Open Camp on E-8-6513-W6, as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Subject to the following conditions: 1. The owner/developer must contact an accredited agency to obtain all required permit(s) on behalf of Alberta Municipal Affairs, including but not limited to the following: a) Building Permit; b) Electrical Permit; c) Gas Inspection Permit; d) Provincial Plumbing Permit; e) Provincial Private Sewage System Permit. 2. The owner/developer must contact the following government agencies to obtain all necessary approval(s), including but not limited to the following: a) Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development; b) Alberta Health Services. c) Alberta Transportation – Roadside Development Permit and Traffic Impact Assessment. 3. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. 4. Reclamation of work/open campsites must be to a standard satisfactory to the Municipal District of Greenview. The following standards shall apply to the reclamation of work camp sites: a) All garbage, building materials and equipment must be removed from the site; b) The site must be adequately leveled and re-contoured; ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 13 April 8, 2015 c) The developers of a work camp site will be responsible for weed control on the site for the duration of the location of the camp and for as long a period as any weed infestation, attributable to the operator, remains uncontrolled; d) All disturbed areas must be seeded with a minimum of Certified #1 seed. Applicants are required to submit a Purity Analysis to the Agricultural Fieldman for the Municipal District. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). 5. Deleterious materials must not be allowed to enter any watercourse. 6. This permit must be renewed annually. A Development Permit for a work/open camp shall only be valid for a period of one (1) year from its date of issuance, at which time an application may be made for a continuance of the use. 7. The owner/developer shall obtain a permit from the Petroleum Tank Management Association of Alberta for new fuel tanks to be located on the site. CARRIED 8.9 D15-080 / WULFF MARY / FRONT YARD VARIANCE FOR ADDITION AND COVERED DECK / NW-6-71-21-W5 / NEW FISH CREEK AREA Manager Rosson presented an overview of Development Permit application D15080. The application was received on March 25, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for a Front Yard Variance for an Addition and Covered Deck onto the rear of the existing residence on NW-6-71-21-W5 in the New Fish Creek area, Ward 5. Manager Rosson presented additional information as follows: • Typically, setbacks were for 41 metres. The existing residence was built many years earlier and therefore, Planning and Development requested a setback variance to 33 metres to allow for the deck. No comments or questions were noted from the Municipal Planning Commission. NW-6-71-21-W5 MOTION: 15.04.106. Moved by: MEMBER LES URNESS That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Development Permit application D15-080 for a Front Yard Variance for an Addition to the existing Residence and a Covered Deck on NW-6-71-21-W5, as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Subject to the following conditions: 1. The owner/developer must meet the minimum setback requirements of: a) A variance is hereby granted to 108 feet (33 metres) from the right-of-way of a district road; ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 14 2. 3. 4. 5. April 8, 2015 b) 50 feet (15 metres) from any other property lines. The owner/developer must contact an accredited agency to obtain all required permit(s) on behalf of Alberta Municipal Affairs, including but not limited to the following: a) Building Permit; b) Electrical Permit; c) Gas Inspection Permit; d) Provincial Plumbing Permit; e) Provincial Private Sewage System Permit. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). Access to be provided by the owner/developer at an approved location and to the standards of the M.D. of Greenview No. 16 at the owner/developer's expense. CARRIED 8.10 D15-083 / GERWATOSKI DIANH / ROGERS DONALD KEITH / MAJOR HOME OCCUPATION: DI'S DOGGIE DO'S / NW-17-70-22-W5 / VALLEYVIEW AREA Manager Rosson presented an overview of Development Permit application D15083. The application was received on March 25, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for a Major Home Occupation: Di's Doggie Do's on NW-17-70-22-W5 in the Valleyview area, Ward 3. No comments or questions were noted from the Municipal Planning Commission. NW-17-70-22-W5 MOTION: 15.04.107. Moved by: MEMBER TOM BURTON That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Development Permit application D15-083 for a Major Home Occupation: Di's Doggie Do's on NW-17-7022-W5, as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Subject to the following conditions: 1. The owner/developer must meet the minimum setback requirements of: a) 134 feet (41 metres) from a provincial highway; b) 134 feet (41 metres) from the right-of-way of a district road; c) 50 feet (15 metres) from any other property line. 2. The owner/developer must contact an accredited agency to obtain all required permit(s) on behalf of Alberta Municipal Affairs, including but not limited to the following: a) Building Permit; b) Electrical Permit; c) Gas Inspection Permit; ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 15 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. April 8, 2015 d) Provincial Plumbing Permit; and e) Provincial Private Sewage System Permit. The owner/developer must contact the following government agencies to obtain all necessary approval(s), including but not limited to the following: a) Alberta Transportation – Roadside Development Permit No commercial ventures other than Di Doggie Do's is permitted. MAJOR HOME OCCUPATIONS must meet the following conditions: Home occupations (major) shall be incidental and subordinate to the residential use, and shall be restricted to the residential yard site. In addition, such home occupations shall: a) Not employ any more than one person other than the occupants of the principal on-site residential building; b) Not store or maintain any goods, materials, or equipment not directly related to the operation; c) Not create a nuisance by way of dust, noise, smell, smoke, or traffic generation; d) Be confined to a limited area not to exceed 0.4 hectares (1 acre) in size, and; e) Limit on-site advertising to one (1) unlighted sign not to exceed 1.0 square metre (11 square feet). No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). CARRIED 8.11 D15-085 / JENKINS KIMBERLY AND JASON / GARDEN SUITE / SE-27-69-8W6, PLAN 9825735, BLOCK 2, LOT 13 / ASPEN GROVE AREA Manager Rosson presented an overview of Development Permit application D15084. The application was received on March 26, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for Garden Suite on SE-27-69-8-W6, Plan 9825735, Block 2, Lot 13 in the Aspen Grove area, Ward 8. Manager Rosson presented additional information as follows: • A caveat would be registered against the title and would be removed when the temporary development of the garden suite was no longer required by the Applicant. No comments or questions were noted from the Municipal Planning Commission. SE-27-69-8-W6, PLAN 9825735, BLOCK 2, LOT 13 MOTION: 15.04.108. Moved by: MEMBER ROXIE RUTT ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 16 April 8, 2015 That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Development Permit application D15-085 for a Garden Suite on SE-27-69-8-W6, Plan 9825735, Block 2, Lot 13 as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Subject to the following conditions: 1. The owner/developer must meet the minimum setback requirements of: a) 134 feet (41 metres) from the right-of-way of a district road; b) 50 feet (15 metres) from any other property line. 2. The owner/developer must contact an accredited agency to obtain all required permit(s) on behalf of Alberta Municipal Affairs, including but not limited to the following: a) Building Permit; b) Electrical Permit; c) Gas Inspection Permit; d) Provincial Plumbing Permit; e) Provincial Private Sewage System Permit. 3. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. 4. Access to be provided by the owner/developer at an approved location and to the standards of the M.D. of Greenview No. 16 at the owner/developer's expense. 5. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). 6. Kimberly and Jason Jenkins, and Lana and Steve Bucuris must enter into a Developer's Agreement with the M.D. of Greenview No. 16. 7. This development is temporary for the purpose of a residence for Lana and Steve Bucuris only and must be removed when no longer required by them. 8. A Caveat referencing the Developer's Agreement will be registered against title to the within Lands. The municipality will remove the caveat upon removal of the temporary development. 9. The development and all conditions must be commenced or carried out with reasonable diligence within twelve (12) months from the date of issue of the development permit. CARRIED 8.12 D15-093 / MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF GREENVIEW NO.16 / INFORMATION KIOSK / SW-12-69-6-W6 / GROVEDALE AREA Development Officer Lemieux presented an overview of Development Permit application D15-093. The application was received on March 30, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for an Information Kiosk, signage and floating docks on SW-12-69-6-W6 in the Grovedale area, Ward 8. The Municipal Planning Commission discussed the following: ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 17 • SW-12-69-6-W6 April 8, 2015 Members suggested the removal of Fisheries and Oceans Canada from Condition #1 as the Grovedale Fish Pond was not a fish-bearing stream and the Applicant did not require a permit from Fisheries and Oceans Canada. MOTION: 15.04.109. Moved by: CHAIR DALE SMITH That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Development Permit application D15-093 for an Information Kiosk, signage and floating docks on SW12-69-6-W6 as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Subject to the following conditions: 1. The owner/developer must meet the minimum setback requirements of: a) 134 feet (41 metres) from the right-of-way of a district road; b) 50 feet (15 metres) from any other property lines. 2. The owner/developer must contact the following government agencies to obtain all necessary approval(s), including but not limited to the following: a) Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development - Public Lands. 3. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. 4. The signage shall not: a) Unduly interfere with the amenities of the area; b) Materially interfere with or affect the use, enjoyment or value of neighbouring properties; or c) Create a safety hazard to adjacent properties or to members of the traveling public by way of impairing sight lines. 5. All signs shall be kept in good repair and the finishing maintained in a manner satisfactory to the Development Authority for the M.D of Greenview. 6. Signage must be removed when no longer required for the intended purpose. 7. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). CARRIED 8.13 D15-094 / MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF GREENVIEW NO.16 / INFORMATION KIOSK; GAZEBO / NW-18-70-25-W5 / SWAN LAKE AREA Development Officer Lemieux presented an overview of Development Permit application D15-094. The application was received on March 30, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for an Information Kiosk and Gazebo on NW-18-70-25-W5 in the Swan Lake area, Ward 7. No comments or questions were noted from the Municipal Planning Commission. NW-18-70-25-W5 MOTION: 15.04.109. Moved by: MEMBER LES URNESS ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 18 April 8, 2015 That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Development Permit application D15-094 for an Information Kiosk and Gazebo on NW-18-70-25-W5 as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Subject to the following conditions: 1. The owner/developer must meet the minimum setback requirements of: a) A variance is hereby granted to 82 feet (25 metres) from the right-of-way of a district road; and b) 50 feet (15 metres) from any other property lines. 2. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. 3. The signage shall not: a) Unduly interfere with the amenities of the area; b) Materially interfere with or affect the use, enjoyment or value of neighbouring properties; or c) Create a safety hazard to adjacent properties or to members of the traveling public by way of impairing sight lines. 4. All signs shall be kept in good repair and the finishing maintained in a manner satisfactory to the Development Authority for the M.D of Greenview. 5. Signage must be removed when no longer required for the intended purpose. 6. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). CARRIED 8.14 D15-097 / POLLACK RON / DALLYN EDWARD & JUILETTE / RECREATIONAL VEHICLE CAMPGROUND / NW-18-69-21-W5 / VALLEYVIEW AREA Manager Rosson presented an overview of Development Permit application D15097. The application was received on March 30, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for a 60 stall Recreation Vehicle Campground, office and laundry facility on NW-18-69-21-W5 in the Valleyview area, Ward 3. Manager Rosson presented additional information as follows: • The parcel was previously rezoned to Recreational (R) District under Land Use Amendment application A14-006. The subsequent Subdivision application (S14-040) was approved but was not yet finalized. • The condition of new road construction to meet Municipal District of Greenview’s Engineering Construction and Design Standards was added to Condition #6. No comments or questions were noted from the Municipal Planning Commission. NW-18-69-21-W5 MOTION: 15.04.110. Moved by: MEMBER LES URNESS ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 19 April 8, 2015 That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Development Permit application D15-097 for a Recreation Vehicle Campground on NW-18-69-21-W5 as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Subject to the following conditions: 1. The owner/developer must meet the minimum setback requirements of: a) 134 feet (41 metres) from the right-of-way of a district road; b) 50 feet (15 metres) from any other property lines, and c) 50 feet (15 metres) from the upper bank of any water course. 2. The owner/developer must contact an accredited agency to obtain all required permit(s) on behalf of Alberta Municipal Affairs, including but not limited to the following: a) Building Permit; b) Electrical Permit; c) Gas Inspection Permit; d) Provincial Plumbing Permit; and e) Provincial Private Sewage System Permit. 3. The owner/developer must contact the following government departments to obtain the necessary approvals of: a) Alberta Health Services; b) Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development – Fire Permit. 4. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. 5. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). 6. Access to be provided by the owner/developer at an approved location and to the standards of the M.D. of Greenview No. 16 at the owner/developer's expense. New road construction to meet Municipal District of Greenview’s Engineering Construction and Design Standards. 7. The campground design shall comply with the Alberta Fire Smart principals to protect the campground from a fire. 8. The developer is required to demonstrate there is adequate water supply to provide for firefighting needs. This may be demonstrated by means of pump tests on wells or through the provision of dugout or other stored water supplies. 9. Any stripping of vegetation or grading shall be done in a manner which will minimize soil erosion and ensuring that the extent of the disturbed area during exposure is minimized. 10. Storm water runoff must not exceed pre-development flows. 11. Adequate on-site parking must be provided within the campground. 12. Pedestrian circulation routes to public facilities and major recreational activity areas must be provided. Walking trails shall be provided as alternatives to the main campground road. 13. Security perimeter fencing is required and must be adequately maintained. ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 20 April 8, 2015 14. Animal proof garbage cans shall be provided throughout the campground. 15. No sign shall be erected on the land or affixed to any building unless approved by the Development Authority. 16. Must not keep any material or objects which by their nature may be offensive due to odors, emissions or potential for cause of contamination on the subject or adjacent property. 17. This permit must be renewed annually. CARRIED 8.15 D15-099 / NORDLUND CHRISTOPHER SCOTT AND HELGA MARLENE / FRONT YARD AND REAR YARD VARIANCE FOR RESIDENTIAL SHED: 52 FOOT BY 32 FOOT / SW-3-70-22-W5, PLAN 0620375, BLOCK 1, LOT 1 / VALLEYVIEW AREA Manager Rosson presented an overview of Development Permit application D15099. The application was received on April 1, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for a 52 Foot by 32 Foot Accessory Building (Cold Storage Shed) with Rear Yard Setback and Side Yard Setback Relaxations required on Plan 9320489, Block 1, Lot 1 within SW-3-70-22-W5, in the Valleyview area, Ward 3. Manager Rosson presented additional information as follows: • The proposed Cold Storage Shed was being developed to replace a preexisting Storage Shed that was currently located on the development site. It was proposed that the replacement shed would be built on the existing foundation that was currently being used for the pre-existing Storage Shed. The Municipal Planning Commission discussed the following: • Members inquired whether verbal permission was accepted from Alberta Transportation with developments that were close to a provincial highway. Manager Rosson stated that verbal permission was accepted provided the Applicant first obtained a Development Permit from the Municipal District of Greenview No. 16. However, it was noted that development would not be able to be started until Alberta Transportation had provided signed authorization. SW-3-70-22-W5, PLAN 0620375, BLOCK 1, LOT 1 MOTION: 15.04.111. Moved by: MEMBER TOM BURTON That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Development Permit application D15-099 for a 52 Foot by 32 Foot Accessory Building with Rear Yard Setback and Side Yard Setback Relaxations on Plan 9320489, Block 1, Lot 1 within SW-3-70-22-W5, as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Subject to the following conditions: 1. The owner/developer must meet the minimum setback requirements of: ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 21 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. #9 BUSINESS LICENSES 9.0 April 8, 2015 a) A variance is hereby granted to 111 feet (34 metres) from a provincial highway; b) A variance is hereby granted to 45.93 feet (14 metres) from rear property line; c) 134 feet (41 metres) from the right-of-way of a district road; and d) 50 feet (15 metres) from any other property lines. The owner/developer must contact the following government agencies to obtain all necessary approval(s), including but not limited to the following: a) Alberta Transportation. The owner/developer must contact an accredited agency to obtain all required permit(s) on behalf of Alberta Municipal Affairs, including but not limited to the following: a) Building Permit; and b) Electrical Permit. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. Accessory buildings are for personal use only. A business shall not be operated without an appropriate business license from the MD of Greenview No. 16. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). CARRIED BUSINESS LICENSES 9.1 B15-084 / DI'S DOGGIE DO'S / ROGERS DONALD KEITH / MAJOR HOME OCCUPATION: DI'S DOGGIE DO'S / NW-17-70-22-W5 / VALLEYVIEW AREA Manager Rosson presented an overview of Business License application B15-084. The application was received March 25, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for a Major Home Occupation: Di’s Doggie Do’s, on NW17-70-22-W5 in the Valleyview area, Ward 3. The Municipal Planning Commission discussed the following: • Members asked why this application was a Major Home Occupation. Manager Rosson stated that it was a Major Home Occupation because the business was situated outside the residence. If the business was located in the residence, it would have been considered a Minor Home Occupation. NW-17-70-22-W5 MOTION: 15.04.112. Moved by: MEMBER ROXIE RUTT That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Business License application B15-084 for a Major Home Occupation: Di’s Doggie Do’s on NW-17-7022-W5 as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: Subject to the following conditions: ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 22 April 8, 2015 1. No other commercial ventures other than Di’s Doggie Do’s is permitted. 2. The owner/developer must contact the following government agencies to obtain all necessary approval(s), including but not limited to the following: a) Alberta Government Services, Attention: Licensing 3. MAJOR HOME OCCUPATIONS must meet the following conditions: Home occupations (major) shall be incidental and subordinate to the residential use, and shall be restricted to the residential yard site. In addition, such home occupations shall: a) Not employ any more than one person other than the occupants of the principal on-site residential building; b) Not store or maintain any goods, materials, or equipment not directly related to the operation; c) Not create a nuisance by way of dust, noise, smell, smoke, or traffic generation; d) Be confined to a limited area not to exceed 0.4 hectares (1 acre) in size, and; e) Limit on-site advertising to one (1) unlighted sign not to exceed 1.0 square metre (11 square feet). 4. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. 5. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). 6. No additional signage shall be erected on land or affixed to any building or structure unless approved by the Development Authority. 7. This Business License must be renewed annually. CARRIED 9.2 B15-098 / POTTER'S HAND CAMPGROUND INC. / DALLYN EDWARD AND JUILETTE / COMMERCIAL BUSINESS: POTTER'S HAND CAMPGROUND INC. / NW18-69-21-W5 / VALLEYVIEW AREA Manager Rosson presented an overview of Business License application B15-098. The application was received March 31, 2015, and had been endorsed by the Applicant and Landowner for a Commercial Business: Potter’s Hand Campground Inc., on NW-18-69-21-W5 in the Valleyview area, Ward 3. No comments or questions were noted from the Municipal Planning Commission. NW-18-69-21-W5 MOTION: 15.04.113. Moved by: MEMBER TOM BURTON That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) APPROVE Business License application B15-098 for a Commercial Business: Potter’s Hand Campground Inc. on NW-18-69-21-W5 as per the conditions of approval attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’: ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 23 April 8, 2015 Subject to the following conditions: 1. No other commercial ventures other than Potter’s Hand Campground Inc. is permitted. 2. The owner/developer must contact the following government agencies to obtain all necessary approval(s), including but not limited to the following: a) Alberta Government Services, Attention: Licensing 3. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from M.D. of Greenview No. 16. 4. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact M.D. 16 Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). 5. No additional signage shall be erected on land or affixed to any building or structure unless approved by the Development Authority. 6. This Business License must be renewed annually. CARRIED #10.0 CORRESPONDENCE 10.0 CORRESPONDENCE 10.1 POLICY AND PROCEDURE REGARDING AREA STRUCTURE PLANS AND CONCEPT PLANS The item was brought forward as information. Manager Rosson stated that subdivisions with more than four (4) lots required an Area Structure Plan or Concept Plan. Some multi-lot subdivisions, however, had been brought forward one lot at a time and therefore had not required an Area Structure Plan or Concept Plan. However, it was beneficial to consider the entire subdivision plan at one time. The Grovedale Area Structure Plan and Land Use Bylaw were being revised. In the future, Intermunicipal Plans with Valleyview and Fox Creek would be updated. MOTION: 15.04.114. Moved by: MEMBER ROXIE RUTT That the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) RECEIVE the attached Policy and Procedure No. 6001: Area Structure Plans (ASP) & Concept Plans (CP) for information only. CARRIED #11 MEMBERS’ BUSINESS 11.0 #12 12.0 MEMBERS’ BUSINESS Members of the Municipal Planning Commission members, Planning and Development staff and Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB) would be attending the Community Planning Association of Alberta (CPAA) in Red Deer, Alberta, April 13-15, 2015. DATE OF NEXT MEETING ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 24 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday, May 13, 2015 #13 ADJOURNMENT 13.0 ADJOURNMENT MOTION: 15.04.115. Moved by: MEMBER ROXIE RUTT That this meeting adjourn at 10:51 a.m. CARRIED April 8, 2015 ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 26 April 8, 2015 SCHEDULE ‘A’ STANDARD OILFIELD CONDITIONS 1. The owner/developer must contact an accredited agency to obtain all required permits on behalf of Alberta Municipal Affairs; including but not limited to: a) Provincial Plumbing Permit; b) Gas Inspection Permit; c) Building Permit; d) Electrical Permit; e) Fire Inspection Permit; f) Boiler Inspection Permit and; g) Safety Inspection Permit. 2. The owner/developer must contact the following government agencies to obtain all the necessary approvals, including but not limited to: a) Alberta Energy Regulator; b) Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development – Public Lands. 3. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from Municipal District of Greenview. 4. The developer/owner is responsible for weed control. (Contact Municipal District of Greenview Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). 5. Reclamation must be done to the satisfaction of Municipal District of Greenview. Certified seed must be used. 6. Deleterious materials must not be allowed to enter any watercourse. 7. The owner/developer shall obtain a permit from the Petroleum Tank Management Association of Alberta for new fuel tanks to be located on the site. STANDARD RESIDENCE CONDITIONS 1. The developer must meet the minimum setback requirements of (setback requirement may vary depending on zoning): a) 134 feet (41 metres) from the right of way of the district road; b) 25 feet (7.5 metres) from the right-of-way of the service road; or internal subdivision road; c) 50 feet (15 metres) from any other property line. 2. The owner/developer must contact an accredited agency to obtain all required permits on behalf of Alberta Municipal Affairs; including but not limited to: a) Provincial Plumbing Permit; b) Gas Inspection Permit; c) Building Permit; d) Electrical Permit. 3. Access to be provided by the owner/developer at an approved location and to the standards of the Municipal District of Greenview at the owner/developer’s expense. 4. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from Municipal District of Greenview ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 27 April 8, 2015 5. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact Municipal District of Greenview Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). STANDARD MANUFACTURED HOME CONDITIONS 1. The developer must meet the minimum setback requirements of (setback requirement may vary depending on zoning): a) 134 feet (41 metres) from the right of way of the district road; b) 25 feet (7.5 metres) from the right-of-way of the service road; or internal subdivision road; c) 50 feet (15 metres) from any other property line. 2. The owner/developer must contact an accredited agency to obtain all required permits on behalf of Alberta Municipal Affairs; including but not limited to: a) Provincial Plumbing Permit; b) Gas Inspection Permit; c) Building Permit and; d) Electrical Permit. 3. Access to be provided by the owner/developer at an approved location and to the standards of the Municipal District of Greenview at the owner/developer’s expense. 4. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from Municipal District of Greenview. 5. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact Municipal District of Greenview Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7602 for further information). 6. The manufactured home must be properly skirted. STANDARD SAND & GRAVEL CONDITIONS 1. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from Municipal District of Greenview. 2. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact Municipal District of Greenview Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7601 for further information). 3. The owner/developer must enter into a Road Use Agreement with the Municipality prior to hauling gravel. (Contact M.D. 16 Manager, Operations at (780) 524-7602 for further information). The Municipal District is to be advised of all hauls by completing a Road Use Information Sheet and submitting the same no less than three (3) business days prior to hauls taking place. The Municipal District must be advised of completion of hauls. 4. The owner/developer shall report all shipments quarterly and remit Capital Aggregate Payment Levy in accordance with Municipal District of Greenview No. 16's Aggregate Payment Levy Bylaw (Contact M.D 16 Manager, Operations at (780)524-7602 for further information). 5. The owner/developer must enter into a Developer's Agreement with the Municipal District of Greenview No. 16 regarding terms of the Municipality acquiring sand within the surveyed road allowance located within the boundaries of (lease number). (#4 only applies to extractions on Municipal District of Greenview Road Allowances.) ADOPTED Minutes of a Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting M.D. of Greenview No. 16 Page 28 April 8, 2015 STANDARD WORK CAMP CONDITIONS 1. The owner/developer must contact an accredited agency to obtain all required permits on behalf of Alberta Municipal Affairs; including but not limited to: a) Provincial Plumbing Permit; b) Gas Inspection Permit; c) Building Permit and; d) Electrical Permit. 2. The owner/developer must contact the following government agencies to obtain all the necessary approvals, including but not limited to: a) Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development – Public Lands; b) Alberta Health Services. 3. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact Municipal District of Greenview Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7601 for further information). 4. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from Municipal District of Greenview. 5. Reclamation must be done to the satisfaction of Municipal District of Greenview. Certified seed must be used. 6. Deleterious materials must not be allowed to enter any watercourse. 7. This permit must be renewed annually. STANDARD TOWER SITE CONDITIONS 1. The owner/developer must contact an accredited agency to obtain all required permits on behalf of Alberta Municipal Affairs; including but not limited to: a) Building Permit; b) Electrical Permit. 2. The owner/developer must contact the following government agencies to obtain all the necessary approvals, including but not limited to: a) Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development – Public Lands; b) Industry Canada; c) Transport Canada. 3. The owner/developer is responsible for weed control. (Contact Municipal District of Greenview Agricultural Fieldman, at (780) 524-7601 for further information). 4. No further development or construction is allowed without an approved development permit from Municipal District of Greenview. 5. Reclamation must be done to the satisfaction of Municipal District of Greenview. Certified seed must be used.
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