SPORTSMEN’S NOTES Official Newsletter of the Dormont-Mt.Lebanon Sportsmen’s Club MARCH 2015 APRIL 2014 SUN MON TUES WED 1 THUR 2 3:00-6:00PM - MTL Rifle Practice 7:00PM - PSRL Team @Home 5 6 7 8 9 Easter Sunday 7:00PM - Indoor pistol (NMC) MPRL Week 14 Last MPRL 7:00PM-10:00PM Trap range 12:00PM-3:00PM Open Shoot 3:00-6:00PM - MTL Rifle Practice 7:00PM - PSRL Team Makeup? 7:30PM - Board Meeting 12 13 14 15 16 10:00AM-3:00PM - CVG Elimination Match 7:30AM-5:00PM Envirothon Study Session All ranges closed 7:00PM-10:00PM Trap range 12:00PM-3:00PM Open Shoot 3:00-6:00PM - MTL Rifle Practice 7:00PM - PSRL Leage Meeting at DML 7:00PM - Indoor pistol (NMC) FRI SAT 3 4 Good Friday Passover Begins First Seder 9:00AM-10:30 Air Pistol 10:30 - 12:30 Open Shoot 10 11 8:00AM-2:00PM NRA Highpower All Upper Ranges Closed 9:00AM-10:30 Air Pistol 10:30 - 12:30 Open Shoot 17 18 Trout Season Opens 8:00AM Work Party All ranges closed 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11:00AM - CMP rifle match 7:00PM - Indoor pistol (NMC) 7:00PM-10:00PM Trap range 7:30AM-5:00PM Envirothon Competition All ranges closed 8:00PM Membership Meeting 1:30PM-4:00PM (approx) Silhouette Setup All Upper Ranges Closed 9:00AM-4:00PM Outdoor Pistol Silhouette All Upper Ranges Closed 12:00PM-3:00PM Open Shoot 3:00-6:00PM - MTL Rifle Practice 26 27 28 29 7:00PM - Indoor pistol (NMC) 7:00PM-10:00PM Trap range 12:00PM-3:00PM Open Shoot 3:00-6:00PM - MTL Rifle Practice 6:00PM - Tres Bandidos 30 2 DMSC SHORT SHOTS • Utah/Arizona Carry Permit Class: A class will be held at DMSC on April 7 for par cipants to obtain a Utah and/or Arizona carry permit. Utah and Arizona have reciprocity agreements with more states, such as Ohio, than Pennsylvania. See insert for more informa on and how to register for the class. • Fair Weather Programs Resuming: Old man winter seems to finally be relinquishing his grip on the weather, which means that your favorite programs are star ng up again. Trap—Tuesday night trap resumes April 7 NRA Highpower— Saturday, March 21. Outdoor Silhoue#e—First match on April 25 Tres Banditos—April 29 @ 6pm • 2nd Amendment Rights Rally: The annual rally in Harrisburg will take place on Tuesday, May 12 With a new regime in office in 2015, we need all the support we can muster. The club is considered providing transporta on to and from the event. Please contact George Taylor if you will a5end so we may plan accordingly. • This old gun—A member will show his S&W Model 39 pistol at the March membership mee ng. The model 39 was produced as a replacement for the 1911, and was only available for civilian purchase in 1955-56. • Work Party—April 18 star ng at 8am. • Wildlife at the Club: For the third straight year, a dead deer has been found on club grounds. The cause of death is unknown for this par cular incident. Past kills appeared to have been shot. Members are to be reminded that hun ng on club grounds is forbidden. We frequently see deer and turkey on the ranges. I myself had a deer cross the benchrest range while I was firing a couple years go. DMSC Conducts Safety Reviews Board appointed Range Safety Officers (RSOs) will conduct a random series of membership checks and safety reviews. RSOs will meet with members and guests while at the firing range. Each member will be given a green safety card with important safety informa on to review, membership ID’s will be checked, a green s cker will be affixed to the membership card, and a copy of the range rules will be made available. It’s important for all members to review safe gun handling procedures and to focus on the safety rules for each range used. The RSOs will be a wearing a dis nc ve safety vest and hat and will only ask for a few minutes of your me. KEEP IT SAFE ALWAYS keep firearms pointed in a safe direction. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. ALWAYS keep firearms unloaded until ready to use. ALWAYS unload, remove the magazine, and open the action of a firearm when someone is going down range. NEVER handle firearms while someone is down range. ALWAYS wear proper eye and ear protection at the range. Ceasefire and do not shoot the animals. Anyone caught inten onally killing animals on club grounds will face discipline up to and including loss of membership. Violators will also be turned in to the PA Game Commission. Penal es for poaching in Pennsylvania can include a felony convic on, up to three years in prison, a $15,000 fine, and a 15 year hun ng license suspension. The felony convic on would result in the loss of firearms ownership. Accidental kills should be reported to the Execu ve Range Officer or another Board member immediately. 3 4 EDITOR’S COLUMN There’s a problem in Mt. Lebanon, but it’s not the deer! Mt. Lebanon has been in the news a lot lately because of the deer culling program, and primarily because people believe it is inhumane to kill the deer. Personally I think the whole deal is ridiculous. Deer popula ons must be managed. If leE alone, a deer herd will double in size every two years. Eventually the herd will reach a satura on point and the herd numbers will be limited through starva on in the winter. Starva on is not a humane way to die as far as I am concerned. Many communi es in Western Pennsylvania already have programs in place to manage deer popula ons. The public is mostly unaware of these programs because they have been opera ng for many years and receive no media a5en on. The Airport Authority allows a limited number of bow hunters to hunt wooded sec ons of 5000+ acres it owns. Allegheny County uses a group called Whitetail Management Associates (WMA) to cull herds in county parks. WMA is essen ally a group of experienced bow hunters which go into the parks and suburban areas to hunt the deer during state bow seasons. At the me of this wri ng, the WMA website was down. The last me I had checked, they required applicants to provide proof that they had taken at least two deer with a bow previously, and that they pass a bow shoo ng qualifica on test. The group also holds its members to higher standards than the state game laws to ensure posi ve experiences with the public. The Mt. Lebanon commissioners originally planned to allow bow hun ng in certain parks. Their proposal was to allow only borough employees to bow hunt in the parks. This is where I take issue with the commissioners. Why should only government employees be allowed to hunt on PUBLIC lands? Does working for the government make one that much more of a responsible and moral person? I know quite a few experienced and responsible bow hunters who would have jumped at the opportunity to hunt those areas. Ul mately the plan failed due to incompetence. The commissioners did not do their due diligence, and did not secure WMA 2B doe tags. By the me they wanted to begin the hunt, 2B tags were sold out. The Mt. Lebanon commissioners eventually approved a plan pay a private company $75,000 to trap and kill the deer. The cost works out to about $500 per deer. That seems like an awful waste of money to kill deer. Our local leaders need to realize that hun ng is not just an ac vity for farms and state forests. Bow hun ng can be done safely in urban areas and provide a service to community at li5le to no cost. Furthermore, the ci zens should be given the opportunity to hunt the public areas in the communi es for which they live; not government employees or private companies. This column is an editorial and may not represent opinions shared by the Board or club members. 5 Pi#sburgh and Suburban Rifle League March 18, 2015 vs. Green Valley Dormont-Mt. Lebanon Dean B. Trew Dan Francis Tom Benedict Tom Gerner Fritz Hempelmann 50-4 50-5 50-5 50-5 50-4 50-3 49-2 49-4 49-3 50-4 99 100 99 100 97 98 95 95 94 94 297 294 293 293 291 1468 Miles Ford Matt Piatt Bob King Joseph Warabow 49-4 50-5 50-5 49-3 50-3 50-4 50-5 48-1 100 99 98 86 87 85 84 85 286 284 282 268 50-2 50-5 50-5 50-5 45-0 50-5 49-3 50-4 50-4 47-1 99 99 100 99 95 96 94 91 87 71 295 292 291 286 258 1422 Green Valley Logan Charles Jeff Charles Cal Roberts Tom Jackson Dan Charles Last night Dormont-Mt. Lebanon improved to 14-3 (yes, we were 13-3 aEer last week’s win over Frazier) with a win over visi ng Green Valley. Not our best performance, we shot a score that Green Valley should have easily beaten, but fortunately they came a li5le under-powered last night (they had a 1471 last week, but then again we had a Frazierbea ng 1480.) Congratula ons to Dan Francis, although under the weather last night, his bank score did the talking for him, coming in second on the team. Congrats also to Dan and Miles Ford on their exemplary 100s kneeling. We’d like to welcome two new shooters. Joe Warabow and Jim Craig. Joe comes from Miles Ford’s Tuesday night program, and shot a very respectable first standing score. Jim Craig is friends with Ma5, and shot a first kneeling target with a lot of deep 9’s. Welcome aboard guys, we’re glad to have you! We are at Allegheny next week 3/25, and on Sunday 3/29 we’ll be making up the 3/4 Irwin match at Irwin. We’ll probably start shoo ng around 2pm. Once again this year on our last match on 4/1 we will be doing our annual . Let me know what you’d like to bring. Good shoo ng, everyone! 6 7 Dormont-Mt. Lebanon Sportsmen’s Club P.O. Box 12692 Pittsburgh, PA 15241-0692 Next Meeting: March 26, 2015 at 8pm Speaker: Amy Smith will speak about the DMSC Adult Smallbore Rifle Team Menu: Ham, baked beans, salad, and dessert EXECUTIVE STAFF GEORGE TAYLOR IV ...................................................PRESIDENT THEODORE K. HILDABRAND ........................... VICE PRESIDENT ELLSWORTH F. VINES .............................................. TREASURER JAMES EARLEY ………………………..RECORDING SECRETARY BRUCE UNGAR............................. EXECUTIVE RANGE OFFICER ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF MARC BURNES……..……………………...NEWSLETTER EDITOR BRIAN FINK . ….……………………………...MEMBERSHIP CHAIR MEMBERSHIP CLASSIFICATIONS AND DUES Active (Full-fledged membership) Senior (65 years old, 10 years consecutive membership) Intermediate (18 - 21) Junior (12 - 17) Initiation fee (one time) Computer Gate Card AFFILIATIONS: National Rifle Association Allegheny County Sportsmen Washington County Sportsmen Metropolitan Police Revolver League Pittsburgh and Suburban Rifle League National Shooting Sports Foundation $75.00 per year $30.00 per year $30.00 per year $10.00 per year $25.00 $10.00 CLUB DIRECTORS CHARLES R. AUGENSTEIN, II ......724-941-9538 DOUG GAWRONSKI ......................412-531-5043 THEODORE K. HILDABRAND ........724-942-2125 ROBERT KIRSOPP…………………724-348-5033 JOHN BRADFORD ………………..724-228-0545 GARY SCHERER …………………..724-809-7358 GEORGE TAYLOR, IV ....................412-855-6721 JOHN TUPTA………………………..724-941-1494 BRUCE D. UNGAR .........................412-343-2256 ELLSWORTH F. VINES ..................412-721-9632 RONALD J. WATTON .....................724-941-5891 DAVE WILLARD…………………….724-941-6620 KEN ZUPKOW………………………724-941-8367 JAMES EARLEY…………………….814-590-0896 MARC BURNES…………………….412-580-4478 SANCTIONED BY: Civilian Marksmanship Program Pennsylvania Rifle and Pistol Association CLUB COMMUNICATION Club Web Site: Club House Phone: (724)745-9794 Membership Inquiries: (412)831-4857 MEMBERS ARE EXPECTED TO CARRY THEIR GATE CARDS AND BE ABLE TO IDENTIFY THEMSELVES WHEN ASKED TO BY A RANGE OFFICER OR OTHER MEMBER 8 The Black Powder matches are Blackpowder Skirmish scheduled for June 22 and October 19 this year. Wednesdays 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM. Indoor Air Rifle October - March Every Tuesday September - March at 7 CMP Junior Rifle PM. Program George Taylor (412) 855-6721 X X John Tupta (724) 941-1494 Bruce Unger (412) 343-2256 X John Tupta (724) 941-1494 X X Dean Trew (724) 239-3012 X Doug Gawronski (412) 531-5043 Ted Hildabrand (724) 942-2125 Muzzleloader X Shotgun X Air Rifle X Rimfire Rifle This fires the 4th Saturday of the month at 9 AM. April—September The Civilian Marksmanship Program rifle matches occur the third Sunday CMP Rifle of every month January - October. Matches begin at 11 AM. 200 yard match. 2014 season begins NRA High Power March 8. Matches begin at 9 AM. March - October Pittsburgh Suburban Our champion smallbore team Rifle League practices every Sunday at 7 PM Trap shooting will resume every Trap Tuesday night beginning April 15 at 7 PM The season runs January - March. The shooters participate and shoot Winter Indoor concurrent with the indoor open Shooting League shoots on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday This program typically takes place in June and November. Any centerfire Antique Military Rifle original military rifle with original open sights, no scopes, manufactured Match prior to January 1, 1946 and in safe shooting condition. No semi-autos X Centerfire Rifle Monday Night Pistol This program takes place year round. Indoors during the winter and George Taylor (412) 855-6721 outdoors during the summer. National Match Course. First line fires Bruce Ungar (412)343-2256 at 7pm indoors, and 6pm outdoors Outdoor Silhouette Contact Air Pistol Description Rimfire Pistol Program Centerfire Pistol SHOOTING OPPORTUNITIES X X X Bruce Ungar (412)343-2256 Gary Sherer (724)809-7358 X X X X Ron Watton (724) 941-5891 Ted Hildabrand (724)942-2125 Dave Faust (724)225-9057 Miles Ford (412) 833-0813 Chuck Augenstein (724) 941-9538 See our website for more detail about shoo ng opportuni es at the club: Follow us on Twi5er and Facebook for announcements and important updates: @DMLSportsmen X X
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