Miss Cheryl Lockwood

Technology for Independence
Cheryl Lockwood
Manager Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology
Emerging Technologies
Environmental Control Units (ECUs)
What can be control by ECUs?
Environmental control technologies.
Infra Red
Access Methods
• ECUs have a range of access options
– Direct Access – using regular controls
– Switch Access – attaching switch to device
– Voice – smart TVs, smart phones, computers
– Eye gaze – computers, Tobi communication
– Integrated wheelchair controller
Tablet/ Smartphone Access
• Allows users with
smart device to
access their
• Usually requires
pathways – WiFi,
Bluetooth connection.
Switch Access
Switch Scanning
• Scan pattern
• Scan speed
• Multiple switches
Access through Integrated powered
wheelchair controller
• With built in Bluetooth
and infrared functions
that allows the user to
control computer, TV
& etc.
Technology for Living Project
A combined Rocky Bay and Ability Centre project
• Looks at existing skills
• Uses technology as a bridge between the level of
function you have and the activity you want to
Contact Anna Urbanovicz:
annau@rockybay.org.au or 6399 4107
NDIS / My Way
Funding for Technology
• You don’t need to know what technology you
require - you just need a goal (planning
• Identify what tasks you currently have to seek
assistance with e.g. turning on the lights
• Prioritise which are the most important now
• Once the goal is in your plan, you can
approach a service provider to find a solution
• The service provider assesses and makes
recommendations to NDIS or My Way with
quotes for funding
Any questions?
Cheryl Lockwood