Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Joins MDX as

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Mario Diaz 305‐637‐3277 x2140 Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Joins MDX as General Counsel MIAMI, FLORIDA, JUNE 1, 2015 – MDX announced today the appointment of Carlos M. Zaldivar as their new in‐house General Counsel. A former Supervisory Special Agent and General Counsel for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Mr. Zaldivar brings over 20 years of experience in crisis management, compliance reporting, and public policy advocacy and has served as a legal advisor and trial lawyer for government and civic operations at a national scale. Prior to joining MDX’s legal department, Mr. Zaldivar directed legal operations for FBI project divisions based in Miami and San Juan, Puerto Rico. His responsibilities included, but were not limited to, providing legal counsel to agency supervisors and executive management involved in the coordination of ten distinctive FBI command post operations. During his career with the FBI, Carlos Zaldivar received an FBI Director’s Award for drafting three expedite wire intercept affidavits, which supported the successful recovery of a child who had been kidnapped. He has also been praised for his involvement in the development and supervision of several complex investigations into criminal enterprises. “Carlos brings a very high level of legal and ethics expertise, which will surely serve an asset in helping our board maintain the high standards of accountability and transparency that Miami‐
Dade County residents deserve,” said Javier Rodriguez, MDX Executive Director. “We are very fortunate to have him as part of our team.” Following his term with the FBI, Mr. Zaldivar entered private practice as a trial attorney, and has appeared in local, state, and federal courts within several jurisdictions. Most recently, he served as General Counsel for a Miami‐based international manufacturing firm with operations in China, Central and South America. Mr. Zaldivar holds licenses to practice Law in Florida, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Villanova University, and earned his Juris Doctor (J.D) degree with a Tax Honors Certificate at Rutgers University. ### About MDX The Miami‐Dade Expressway Authority (MDX) is a public entity and agency of the state, created in 1994 by the Board of County Commissioners of Miami‐Dade County. MDX’s Governing Board is comprised of 13 volunteer members appointed either by the Board of County Commissioners and the Governor of the State of Florida. MDX operates and maintains five expressways: SR 112/Airport Expressway, SR 836/Dolphin Expressway, SR 874/Don Shula Expressway, SR 878/Snapper Creek Expressway, and SR 924/Gratigny Parkway. MDX is funded almost entirely by toll revenue and is dedicated to moving Miami‐Dade County forward making your commute safer and more efficient. For more information on MDX, please visit