MEADOWS MESSENGER Meadows Presbyterian Church • May 2015 Newsletter Dear Meadows Family, Just a few notes about the upcoming times of worship together this next month or so. Please make every effort to join us! Youth Sunday, May 3, 2015 On the First Sunday of May, please plan to join us as we celebrate our graduating seniors. The potluck breakfast begins at 10:00 am and the time of celebration of our seniors will begin just after 10:30 am. We will meet for one worship service, led by our youth, at 11:10 am. Sermons in 1st John For the balance of our Sundays in May, we will continue in our series of sermons out of the First Letter of John. In his translation of the Bible, The Message, Eugene Peterson, Presbyterian pastor and scholar, writes the following about 1st John: “The two most difficult things to get straight in life are love and God. More often than not, the mess people make of their lives can be traced to failure or stupidity or meanness in one or both of these areas. The basic and biblical Christian conviction is that these two subjects are intricately related. If we want to deal with God the right way, we have to learn to love the right way. If we want to love the right way, we have to deal with God the right way. God and love can’t be separated. John’s three letters provide wonderfully explicit direction in how this works. Jesus, the Messiah, is the focus: Jesus provides the full and true understanding of God; Jesus shows us the mature working out of love. In Jesus, God and love are linked accurately, intricately, and indissolubly.” May 10 1 John 3: 1-10 Tom Goodrich May 17 1 John 3:11-24 Mike Weiglein May 24 1 John 4 Tom Goodrich May 31 1 John 5 Mike Weiglein Summer Worship to Begin June 7 Please note, we will go to our summer worship schedule of one worship service at 10:00 am beginning on June 7. Ordination and Installation of Mike Weiglein Also, please make plans to attend a very special event in the life of our congregation as Mike Weiglein will be ordained and installed as Pastor and Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA) at the 10:00 am worship service on June 14th. We will be welcoming members of our Presbytery that morning as well as visiting clergy and members of the Weiglein family. A great day of celebration! Together with you in Christ, Tom Goodrich 1 ADMINISTRATIVE NOTES JUNE NEWSLETTER: The deadline for the June newsletter is Thursday, May 21, 2015. Please note: Items will not be accepted after the deadline of May 21st. —————————————————————————————————————————-- Session Highlights, April 2015. 1. In February, accepted with joy, Madeleine Chandler by Re-affirmation of Faith (formerly attended St. Thomas Catholic Church, Charlottesville, VA) and Ray Hogan by transfer letter from Trinity Presbyterian Church, Charlottesville, VA, into Meadows Membership. Katie Williamson and Haley Williamson are the daughter and granddaughter of Ray Hogan. 2. In April, accepted with joy, Bob and Ann Anderson, by Profession of Faith into Meadows Membership. Bob and Ann have a history of musical participation in previous churches by playing the organ, singing in or leading the choir and similar activities. Ann is a music teacher as well as a piano player. 3. Clerk, with the assistance of Bill Pond, has established a free storage location for session minutes and a few other documents, in the Cloud under the management of BOX SYNC. All session minutes and some other documents starting in 2005 and beyond are stored on this site. 4. Inactive members: June Shimmer Godwin joined membership of First Presbyterian Church, New Bern, NC; Frank and Barbara Podrebarac joined membership of Altavista Presbyterian Church, Altavista, VA. 5. Approved National Day of Prayer activity from 5 pm to 9 pm on Thursday, May 7, 2015. Prayer rooms will be on lower level. More information soon. 6. Approved next year Senior Luncheon for 2/14/2016. 7. Approved gift of $750 out of “New Opportunities” to Adventures in Mission, World Race, to support Katie Mastropaolo in her fundraising effort for her full year mission trip. 8. Approved gift of $750 out of “New Opportunities” to Medical Benevolence Foundation in support of water purification needs tied to dialysis equipment at Tumu Tumu Hospital in Karatina, Kenya. 9. Approved in concept for conducting a small scale pilot lunch program, one day/week for two weeks, for this summer; program will depend on ability to recruit sufficient number of volunteers to staff the program. 10. Approved adding a sign in the parking lot that says “play at your own risk.” 11. Approved significant updates to the Meadows Personnel Policy. The previous update was 2006. 12. Approved an increased budget for DCYFM which includes working with children, youth and families. Reviewed some information on Presbyterian Fellowship Community and further prayer, discussion and deliberation will take place in the next month and in stated session meeting of May. Clerk of the Session, Bill Stackhouse 2 THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Dear Tom, We received your recent donation to BGF and wanted to thank you! Your gift is very appreciated and helps us continue working with our volunteers doing the good work that they do both at home and abroad. Thanks for supporting us! Best, Alison Building Goodness Foundation ********** Thank you for sharing the wonderful church you have! It is a blessing to be able to gather in your welcoming space! May God Bless your church abundantly! Community Bible Study (CBS) ********** Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for the many thoughtful expressions of care and condolence shown to me this Winter when my father left this world. I was truly touched by your kind words and hugs, cards, phone calls, and attendance at his service. I was reminded today of my father’s love for creation when I discovered in my yard this spring’s first lily-of-the-valley blossom: it was one of his favorite flowers. Sincerely, Tara Ford ********** Dear Mary Alice, I wanted to express my sincere appreciate for the invitation to the wonderful program at Meadows Presbyterian Church led by Reverend Black. It was a great morning for all involved, and our PW group was so pleased to be included. May you and your PW group be blessed for its ministry in the community and the world. Warm Wishes, Barbara Shaffer, Moderator, South Plains PW ********** Dear Mary Alice and all the Meadows Presbyterian Women, Please accept my rather belated but very heartfelt thanks for all your expressions of assistance and concern during my recent indisposition and brief hospitalization. All your cards, calls, personal expressions of concern, food and offers, words of good cheer were greatly appreciated. You proved again that MPW is a very caring group. God Bless, Ann Hobson ********** Meadows Presbyterian Women, Thank you for the sweet gift (Baby’s First Bible). It was very generous for you to give our little girl such a special gift she will keep forever. Thanks again! Love, Amanda and Carson Joyce 3 MEN’S BREAKFAST MINISTRY Despite a wave of adversity and unforeseen obstacles, the tenth annual Meadows Easter Breakfast, served and (mostly) prepared by the men of the church,- - was a genuine and well-attended success! This was due in no small part to the calming and patient leadership of Wendell Bonham. We also extend special thanks to Maddie Corbett, Diana & Doug Zanzot, Leslie Kindrick, Kitty & Larry Pettit, Jennie & Tom Wilson, Pat & Tom McDonald, and Bill Stackhouse. It was particularly gratifying to see so many families and young children turned out for this post-sunrise feast! ********** Next Breakfast gathering - Saturday May 2nd 8:30-10 am: "The World of Amateur Radio." There are reportedly about three million ham radio operators worldwide and our very own Bill Pond is one of them. Bill will share his experiences & enthusiasm for this often life-saving hobby. We hope many of you will be able to join us for Bill's presentation, and as always, you are encouraged to bring a guest to join our shared time of pancakes, fellowship, and reflections! ********** Please be sure to save Saturday, June 6th on your calendar for "The Battle of New Market." Our Brother in Christ and a true Brother Rat (VMI class of '64) Ron Fischer, will share the backstory behind the heroic involvement story of VMI cadets in this fabled Civil War battle. For additional information about the Meadows Men's Breakfast Ministry, contact either Bruce Maxa or Baughan Roemer. _______________________________________________________________________________________ NETWORKERS MOTHER'S DAY PROJECT Did you know that malaria kills more then one million people every year? And that a simple mosquito net can save lives? How can you help? Through the NETWORKERS MOTHER'S DAY PROJECT, you can make a contribution to help provide much needed insecticide-treated netting, and at the same time give a meaningful card to a woman who has a special place in your life. It could be your mother, grandmother, daughter, daughter-in-law, or a close friend. A donation of $10 will provide a net and malaria prevention education for one woman and her family, but any size donation is welcome. Cards will be available in the Fellowship Hall on May 3 and May 10. Cash or make checks to MPW with a memo to Networkers. Questions? Call Mary Alice Green, Moderator, Meadows Presbyterian Women, 971-1453. 4 Children’s Choir Children 3 years old through 5th grade will be meeting at 10:00 in the Children’s Worship room on Sunday mornings in May. We will be practicing a Pentecost song so we can lead the congregation into worship on May 24th. Children will be dismissed to Sunday School at 10:15. Grace and Peace, Kaki Payne & Ann Anderson ********** Younger Families With the arrival of beautiful weather, it’s time to get Meadows younger families together again at the Killians’ house! Join us Saturday, May 9th from 4:00-7:00 pm for outdoor play, pizza, and drinks. Please consider a $5 donation/family to help cover refreshments, and throw an extra bike in the car for street play as ours are usually claimed! Contact me ( with questions and please RSVP by Monday, May 4th so that we can plan accordingly. ********** Neighborhood Outreach For many years, our church has considered a variety of ways to reach out to our closest neighbors. The basketball goal in the parking lot has, for the most part, offered a safe place for young people to gather for a bit of fun. Our play ground is always open for any who want to come; we are always happy to have our neighbors attend Vacation Bible School and worship services with us. The Outreach committee is following God's call in considering a feeding program for neighborhood children during the summers and would like to start VERY small. We are thinking of offering a free bag lunch to neighborhood children 1-2 days a week during the month of July (except Vacation Bible School week). We would like to have a team of people to come along side us to test out this pilot program. If you are interested, we are having a planning meeting on Sunday, May 17th in the conference room immediately following the second service. Please contact Julie Joyce at 434-978-1528 or, or Kathy Floyd at 434979-9515 or if you are interested, have questions, or are interested but can not attend on the 17th. ********** National Day of Prayer Thursday, May 7th is the National Day of Prayer. Meadows will be holding a Prayer Event that evening. Please join us in Rooms 7-9 (downstairs) from 5:00—9:00 pm to pray for our church, community, nation and world. We are hoping that individuals will sign up to pray for at least 15 minutes. We will have a signup sheet in the Fellowship Hall with the hope that Meadows will be praying continuously for four hours that evening. The rooms will have information on missions supported by Meadows to encourage your prayers during that time. 5 Meadows Annual Sunday School Picnic You won't want to miss our annual Sunday School Picnic where we'll celebrate the end of another great year of learning more about our faith. We will gather on the church lawn immediately after the worship service on June 7, 2015 to enjoy time and great food together. BBQ, hot dogs, buns, drinks, and condiments (who's bringing the mustard?) will be provided. We ask that if your family name begins with the letters A-M, please bring a side dish; and if your family name begins with the letters N-Z, please bring a dessert. Mark your calendars now so you don't miss out on a great opportunity to fellowship with your church family. :-) _________________________________________________________________________________ Last February , it was announced in church that Meadows was going to host an IF: Gathering. I was not familiar with the group so I ask Cari Brown about it. She related she had attended an IF: Gathering and it had made a lasting impression with her. When an opportunity for Meadows to host this event presented itself, Cari and Elizabeth Killian took on the responsibility. I decided to register for the retreat to see what made Cari so excited about it. When I entered Friday evening , I was impressed by the hospitality and energy that greeted me. I was amazed watching the women worshiping together and professing their faith. One of the things I noticed was I was one of the older attendees. Did I feel out of place or uncomfortable? Absolutely not! In fact, seeing this group of women gives me hope and peace for the future. We see so many negatives in the news that it was refreshing seeing these women lifting their voices to sing praises to Christ. Next February, Meadow is hosting the IF: Gathering again. I would highly recommend the women of Meadows to attend. I know I will. With joy in the Lord. Gloria Stackhouse 6 *****COMING IN JULY***** **PIEDMONT MISSION GROUP SW VIRGINIA MISSION TRIP 2015** Dickenson County, Virginia (far southwest of state), July 19-25, 2015. If you are interested or would like more details, please contact Mike Atchison: ____________________________________________________________________________________ **VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL** Stay tuned for more details 7 MEADOWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES For the Year 2015 Budget 2015 March Year to Date Remaining 25.00% REVENUE Pledges, Envelopes Loose Plate Building Use Interest Income TOTAL REVENUE $547,100.00 35,000.00 15,500.00 1,600.00 $599,200.00 $86,674.80 5,229.41 641.00 1,132.10 $93,677.31 $143,272.11 12,727.45 1,665.00 1,167.52 $158,832.08 $403,827.89 22,272.55 13,835.00 432.48 $440,367.92 26.19% 36.36% 10.74% 72.97% 26.51% EXPENSES CHRISTIAN OUTREACH CHRISTIAN EDUCATION WORSHIP FELLOWSHIP FACILITIES OFFICE ADMINISTRATION NURTURE CONGREGATIONAL MEMBERSHIP PERSONNEL TOTAL EXPENSES $90,050.00 22,150.00 6,500.00 3,800.00 80,403.00 22,600.00 6,900.00 500.00 367,400.00 $600,303.00 $8,402.74 $22,111.97 $67,938.03 16.82 19.13 22,130.87 (377.00) (251.72) 6,751.72 337.17 1,676.07 2,123.93 7,551.07 20,294.79 60,108.21 2,801.02 6,698.03 15,901.97 0.00 87.50 6,812.50 0.00 119.17 380.83 28,405.09 72,490.31 294,909.69 $47,136.91 $123,245.25 $477,057.75 24.56% 0.09% -3.87% 44.11% 25.24% 29.64% 1.27% 23.83% 19.73% 20.53% TOTAL REVENUE OVER EXPENSES ($1,103.00) $46,540.40 $35,586.83 8 2200 Angus Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Phone: 434-296-2791 Fax: 434-296-3391 A MINISTRY COMMITTED TO PASSION FOR CHRIST, COMPASSION FOR ONE ANOTHER, AND GOD’S WORD FOR ALL 9 MAY BIRTHDAYS Hal Lippard 5/2 Mary Spencer 5/15 Patricia Morris 5/2 Kaki Payne 5/15 Harper Veliky 5/2 Monica Jordan 5/16 Michael Killian 5/3 Bob Bowen 5/20 Bradley Pearson 5/3 Charlotte Carrell 5/20 Sally Pickell 5/4 Tim Payne 5/21 Sharon Stafford 5/4 Angy Seago 5/21 Nate Brown 5/8 Linda McCormick 5/23 Gayle Tofferi 5/9 Lindsay Goodrich 5/24 Melanie Veliky 5/9 Lynne Mills 5/26 Tami Spencer 5/11 Sharlet Massie 5/27 Robin Jones 5/12 Baughan Roemer 5/28 Hallie Spencer 5/12 Cason Spencer 5/31 Ernest Anastasi 5/15 Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Hal, Pat, Harper, Michael, Bradley, Sally, Sharon, Nate, Gayle, Melanie, Tami, Robin, Hallie, Ernest, Mary, Kaki, Monica, Bob, Charlotte, Tim, Angy, Linda, Lindsay, Lynne, Sharlet, Baughan and Cason, happy birthday to you!!! If a birthday has been omitted, my apologies. Please call the office to make sure I have the right information. 10
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