ABOUT US About Us At MECON, we share our experience with insurance Brokers in order to deliver tailored solutions for a wide range of businesses and requirements. Our policy wordings are exclusively developed to ensure that they are competitive and comprehensive in cover and our clients will find them easy to understand. Our team is committed to meeting the market’s need for product education, technical assistance, transparency of cover and market-leading service delivery. We only employ experienced specialist underwriters who understand Brokers’ needs and have the technical knowledge to deliver the best outcomes. In addition, MECON: Our team includes a professional claims department that handles all of our claims from start to finish. • has its own claims department with full claims-handling and settling authority • received a claims service rating through an independent market survey by LMI a rating of 5 (out of a possible 5) for construction claims and 4.5 out of a possible 5 for mobile plant claims handling • is a member of the Underwriting Agencies Council (UAC) Our goal is to make insurance simpler and easier to understand. Our policies are plain-English with simple exclusions. Our offices are located in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. We provide insurance for risks throughout Australia as well as overseas operations for Australian domiciled clients. Brisbane: Suite 21, Level 3, 50-56 Sanders Street Upper Mt Gravatt 4122 07 3146 0100 Our technical staff has considerable insurance industry experience in all areas of: •Single Construction •Annual Construction •Contractual Liability •Contractors Plant This gives you the advantage of fast and accurate advice, no-nonsense technical advice, claims handling and staff who understand a client’s business and needs. Sydney: Level 5, 50 Margaret Street Sydney 2000 02 9252 1040 Melbourne: 271-273 Wellington Road Mulgrave 3170 03 8562 9180 Perth: Level 2, 45 Ventnor Ave West Perth 6005 08 9322 4529 Our Insurer MECON Insurance Pty Ltd is underwritten by an authorised Australian Insurer (Great Lakes Australia). Our security includes one of Australia’s most financially secure insurance companies, authorised by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) to operate as a general insurer in Australia. www.mecon.com.au Great Lakes Australia (GLA) ) is the Australian branch of Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) PLC, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Munich Re. GLA enjoys Standard and Poors financial strength rating of AA- (Very Strong). Great Lakes Australia www.gla.com.au M E CO N L I N E MECONLINE MECONLINE has been developed to allow Brokers the ability to create quotations whenever required for Single Construction, Annual Construction and Contractors Plant products. Brokers can include a fee when creating a quotation, so documentation from our system can be to be presented directly to the client. MECONLINE allows Brokers to generate policy documentation, including a completed proposal form, certificate of currency and policy schedule. MECONLINE also provides a flexible range of excess levels (and therefore premiums) to select from, for Single Construction, Annual Construction and Contractors Plant products. The standard authority limit provided for Brokers is designed to cater for SME risks. Any risk which falls outside automatic acceptance is immediately referred to one of our underwriters who will review the quote request and respond to you within 24 hours. Single and Annual Construction Provides Brokers with the ability to obtain instant quotes for Single and Annual Projects covering Material Damage and Liability risks located within Australia for new buildings of any description or alterations, fit outs, refurbishment (and the insurance of existing buildings). A Broker may enter details for a project of any description (civil works, earthworks etc.) and the quote will be referred to our underwriters for attention. Risks located within Australia (including above 25th Parallel) up to your Broker authority sum insured limit can be insured without referral. If a risk requires referral the system will advise you and immediately refer it to one of our underwriters. Contractors Plant Provides Brokers the ability to obtain instant quotes for individual or multiple plant items involved in a range of industries for Material Damage, Road Risk, Public Liability and Business Interruption. Brokers have the ability to select a range of extensions to tailor the cover to suit a client’s business needs. Plant can be insured on a dry hire, owner-operated or wet hire basis. If a risk requires referral the system will advise you and immediately refer it to one of our underwriters. CO N S T R U C T I O N - S I N G L E Construction - Single MECON’s Single Project construction policy combines both Material Damage and Public Liability together in two sections. We can insure simple or complex projects whether they are owner-builder, residential, commercial, civil or mechanical. The policy contains an automatic limit for: •Expediting costs •Mitigation costs •Professional fees •Removal of debris •Variations and escalation The policy automatically includes: •Off-site storage and transit (to the full sum insured) •Plant, tools and motor vehicles in care, custody or control (to $30,000) •Resultant damage from faulty design, workmanship and material •Vibration weakening or the removal of support www.mecon.com.au Our policies can also be extended to include: •Consequential loss •Contractors plant and equipment including hired-in plant •Contractual Liability •Existing structures •Free - issue materials •Financiers interests •Testing and commissioning •Overseas risks (supporting business domiciled in Australia) •Property in care custody or control CO N S T R U C T I O N - A N N UA L Construction - Annual MECON’s Annual Project construction policies combine both Material Damage and Public Liability together in two sections. We can insure simple or complex projects whether they are owner-builder, residential, commercial, civil or mechanical. We offer the flexibility of policies which operate on: •a turnover (transfer) •run-off (contracts commencing) or •individual declaration (pay as you go) The policy contains an automatic limit for: •Expediting costs •Mitigation costs •Professional fees •Removal of debris •Variations and escalation The policy automatically includes: •Off-site storage and transit (to the full sum insured) •Plant, tools and motor vehicles in care, custody or control (to $30,000) •Products Liability for previously completed projects •Resultant damage from faulty design, workmanship and material •Vibration weakening or the removal of support Our policies can also be extended to include: •Consequential loss •Contractors plant and equipment including hired-in plant •Contractual Liability •Existing structures •Free - issue materials •Testing and commissioning •Financiers interests •Overseas risks (supporting business domiciled in Australia) •Property in care custody or control CO N T R AC T UA L L I A B I L I T Y Contractual Liability MECON’s Contractual Liability policy covers contractual liability for all contracts entered in to for a given single project, or in the case of annual cover, all contracts entered into during the policy year. The policy can cover contracts relative to construction or supply or manufacture and some services. The policy contains an automatic limit for: • Legal and other costs incurred in connection with Contractual Liability • Shortfall in the insurance policies required under contract • Bailment/hire agreement obligations • Contractual dispute costs • Underground services damage • Mitigation costs • Personal Injury to employees when a client has a contractual obligation to meet these costs on behalf of another • The policy contains a hold harmless clause and covers a client’s Contractual Liability to others arising from the actions of its contractors and subcontractors. CO N T R AC TO R S P L A N T Contractors Plant MECON’s Contractors Plant policy combines Material Damage, Road Risk Liability and Public Liability together in three sections. We can insure single items of owner-operated plant or large plant fleets – whether the plant is involved in earthmoving, construction, cranage, agriculture or mining. The policy contains an automatic limit for: •Expediting costs •Accessories and tools •Debris removal •Windscreen replacement •Removal and recovery of plant •Dangerous goods carriage The policy automatically includes: •Broad CTP gap cover • Products liability •“ Tool of trade” cover (whether registered or not) •Vibration, weakening or the removal of support •Automatic plant acquisition •Damage to goods lifted •Dry hire •Financiers interests •Multiple crane lifts •Plant appreciation value •Property in care custody or control •Unintentional overloading •Contractors and Subcontractors •Hire Cost or Finance Payment •Incidental cover •Ongoing Hire Costs •Windscreen replacement Our policies can also be extended to include: •Agreed plant value •Breakdown of electrical & mechanical parts •Business interruption •Gap in finance •Underground risks (material damage only) •Hired in Plant •Own Goods Lifted •Trailers Used But Not Owned •Worldwide Travel mecon.com.au Brisbane Suite 21, Level 3, 50-56 Sanders St Upper Mt Gravatt 4122 07 3146 0100 Sydney Level 5, 50 Margaret St Sydney 2000 02 9252 1040 Melbourne 271-273 Wellington Rd Mulgrave 3170 03 8562 9180 Perth Level 2, 45 Ventnor Ave West Perth 6005 08 9322 4529
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