Tuscany® Series Vinyl Windows & Doors 1.800.MILGARD · milgard.com Replacing your windows has many benefits. Replacing with “All of my neighbors love my new Milgard Tuscany windows. There have been four Milgard window installations on my block since I got my new windows and doors. Looks like the Joneses are keeping up with me.” —Laney Cancilla, homeowner 2 Milgard Tuscany Series benefits you even more. ® New windows are a smart investment. If you’ve been wondering whether or not it’s time to replace your old windows, consider the following: .EWWINDOWSAREMOREENERGYEFFICIENTMAKINGYOURHOMEMORECOMFORTABLEINTHEWINTERANDSUMMER .EWWINDOWSCANKEEPOUTOUTSIDENOISESMAKINGYOURHOMEFEELMOREPEACEFULANDSERENE .EWWINDOWSCANENHANCEYOURHOME´SBEAUTYANDCURBAPPEAL 2EPLACINGWINDOWSISONEOFTHEEASIESTHOMEIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS)NSTALLATIONOFTENTAKESJUSTONEDAY 2EPLACEMENTWINDOWSGIVEYOUAGREATRETURNONYOURINVESTMENTIFYOULIVEINTHE7ESTERNSTATESACCORDING to a 2008 research study conducted by Remodeling magazine, a Hanley Wood, LLC trade publication. Replacing your windows is like any other home improvement PROJECT4HEHARDESTPARTIS getting started. The good news is we’ve created this brochure to give you all the information you need to make a smart replacement window choice for your home. Replacement Windows Return on Investment 93% 2008 research study, conducted by Remodeling magazine, a Hanley Wood, LLC trade publication. *Most Tuscany® Series replacement windows (with the exception of Tuscany Double Sliders) with the 3D MAX® energy package will qualify when used for remodeling, replacement or home improvement. For any window, grids and large size windows can have a negative effect on SHGC performances. Check with your Milgard dealer for more information. 3 Why Tuscany Series Vinyl Replacement Windows are a ® 4 a great choice for your home... Why choose Milgard Tuscany ® Series windows? Milgard is one of the largest and most trusted names in windows and doors. For over 45 years, WE´VEDEMONSTRATEDOURCOMMITMENTTOIMPROVINGVINYLWINDOWTECHNOLOGY/URMOSTRECENT advancement, 3D MAX®ENERGYPACKAGECANHELPIMPROVEUFACTORBYATLEAST "YIMPROVINGUFACTORTHEENERGYEFFICIENCYANDCOMFORTOFYOURHOMEIMPROVES A lifetime of satisfaction and peace of mind. Milgard Tuscany Series replacement windows offer what is quite possibly the best HOMEOWNER´SWARRANTYINTHEINDUSTRY%VERYPROPERLYINSTALLED-ILGARD4USCANYWINDOWIS guaranteed against defects in workmanship for as long as you own and live in your home. 4USCANY3ERIESWINDOWSEVENHAVEA&ULL,IFETIME7ARRANTYWITH'LASS"REAKAGE)NTHEUNLIKELY event that you do need repairs, we’ll take care of it free of charge, and that includes materials and labor. .OHASSLES.OHIDDENEXCEPTIONS&ORCOMPLETEWARRANTYDETAILSVISITMILGARDCOM Why can we give you such an outstanding warranty? Milgard sets very high production and quality standards, and we partner with only the very best dealers. 7EHAVEMANUFACTURINGFACILITIESTHROUGHOUTTHECOUNTRY/URFACILITIESARECLOSER to our customers, most within a three-hour drive, ensuring that we can rapidly deliver windows and quickly fulfill our warranty promises. Awards give you added assurances. WE´VEBEENNAMED±"EST1UALITYINTHE.ATION²SIXTIMESBYBuilder magazine. 7E´VEBEENNAMEDTHENATIONAL±-OST5SED6INYL7INDOW²FOURTIMESBYBuilder magazine. "OTHProfessional Remodeler and Professional Builder magazines have named us ±-OST0REFERRED6INYL7INDOW²THREETIMES #(//3%4(%453#!.93%2)%37).$/7349,%/2#/.&)'52!4)/. 4(!4"%3435)439/52(/-%349,%!.$!2#()4%#452!,.%%$3 Horizontal Slider 4!.453#!.93%2)%36).9,$/5",%(5.'3 Four-Sided Gable Single Hung /CTAGON Double-Hung with Tilt Sashes Casement Picture Awning Round-Top Double-Slider* .OTAVAILABLEINALLLOCATIONS#ONTACTYOURLOCAL-ILGARDDEALERFORDETAILS 5 Tuscany Series vinyl replacement windows. Smart look ® 4!.453#!.96).9, &)8%$#!3%-%.47).$/737)4(&,!4'2)$3 Tuscany Series Vinyl Replacement Windows The Tuscany Series was specifically designed for replacement and remodeling applications. These architecturally styled windows give you advanced features you simply won’t find on other windows, like Milgard’s patent-pending SmartTouch® lock. Plus, Milgard windows are easy to clean, operate EFFORTLESSLYANDAREVIRTUALLYMAINTENANCEFREE!LLOFWHICHMAKES4USCANY3ERIESASMARTCHOICEFORYOURREPLACEMENTPROJECT 6 ks and smart features make them a smart choice. The inside view... $% 3) '. $% 4! ),3 &RAMEDETAILSSUCHASSHADOWLINESANDMITEREDGLAZINGBEADENHANCE window aesthetics. %VENSIGHTLINESBETWEENMULTIPLECOMBINATIONWINDOWSDELIVER an architecturally pleasing look. )NNOVATIVEFOLDINGOPERATORHANDLESGIVE4USCANY® casement and awning windows a sleek and polished appearance. # /-&/ 24 !. $ & 5 .# 4 )/ . #ONSTANTFORCESASHBALANCINGTECHNOLOGYONTHEDOUBLEHUNG window provides smooth operation and tilt sash functionality. 6ENTSTOPSONSINGLEANDDOUBLEHUNGWINDOWSAND horizontal sliders for controlled ventilation. %NGINEEREDWINDOWSCREENPULLRAILMAKESITEASYTOINSTALL and remove screens. 0URE6IEW® enhanced visibility window screen available as an upgrade option. FOLDING NESTING OPERATOR ON CASEMENTS AND AWNINGS 0 % !# % / & -) .$ 1UITEPOSSIBLYTHEBESTHOMEOWNER´SWARRANTYPACKAGE in the industry: -ILGARD&ULL,IFETIME7ARRANTYWITH'LASS"REAKAGE Milgard factory-trained service specialists, who are very familiar with all of our windows’ designs, perform all warranty-related repairs and replacements. SmartTouch® Lock Milgard’s patent-pending SmartTouch lock comes standard on all Tuscany Series sliding windows. # (//3% &2/ - 47/ 6% 23!4) , % # /,/23 7 ( )4% 4! . Colors shown are approximate due to printing limitations. #,/ 3%$ / 0% . 6ISUALLOCKSTATUSIDENTI½CATION7HENTHEWINDOWISN´TFULLYCLOSEDTHELOCKHANDLEISRAISED!TAGLANCEFROMACROSSTHEROOMYOU´LLKNOWWHETHER or not your window is locked. /NETOUCHFUNCTION9OUCANUNLOCKOPENANDCLOSETHEWINDOWWITHJUSTONEHAND #LEANDESIGN/UR3MART4OUCHLOCKISBUILTINTOTHESASHRAIL4HELOCKPRO½LEISESSENTIALLY¾USHWITHTHEWINDOWFORASLEEKSOPHISTICATEDLOOK 0EACEOFMIND7HENYOURWINDOWISCLOSEDIT´SLOCKED3MART4OUCHEXCEEDSTHETOUGHESTFORCEDENTRYREQUIREMENTS "UILTTOLAST3MART4OUCHISBUILTTOUGHTOWORKWITHEASEFORASLONGASYOUOWNYOURWINDOW The SmartTouch Lock Exclusively from Milgard Innovation Opens New Ways of Thinking at Milgard. Milgard is the first window and door manufacturer TORECEIVETHE!RTHRITIS&OUNDATION%ASEOF5SE Commendation and only window manufacturer to RECEIVEA"RONZE)$%!AWARDFOR design excellence. Recognized for the simple easy-touse, one touch operation, Milgard’s patented SmartTouch hardware is easy to use for people of all ages. 7 Style and substance. Tuscany Series replacement windows give you aesthetic and energy efficiency options. ® Options that reflect your sense of style. %NHANCETHELOOKOFYOUR4USCANYWINDOWSBYGOINGBEYONDTHEIRSTANDARDCONFIGURATIONS /"3#52%',!33 To add privacy where window coverings are impractical or undesirable, we RECOMMENDOBSCUREGLASS/UROBSCURE glass can be tempered for safety and is available in numerous styles, some of which are shown here. #2/332%%$ P516 2!). GLUE CHIP -!4%,58 .!22/72%%$ !15!4%8 ' 2)$/04) /.3 'ETEVENMORECREATIVEWITHGRIDS"YSIMPLYALTERINGTHEGRIDDESIGNYOUCANDRAMATICALLYIMPACT YOURHOME´SCURBAPPEAL"ELOWAREJUSTAFEWOFTHEMANYPOSSIBILITIESGRIDSOFFERTOYOU Many of our grids are placed inside of our dual-glazed insulated glass units, making it easy to clean. Plus, our window grids are perfectly color-matched to your window. F L AT G R ID /URNARROWER ¾ATGRIDWORKS equally well in traditional and contemporary homes. 8 3 #5 , 0 45 2 % $ G R ID This grid is ideal for older homes or newer homes with more traditional designs. Simulated Divided Lites* /UR4USCANYWINDOWSOFFERYOU the choice of Simulated Divided ,ITES3$,3$,SAREWIDE grids that are applied on both the inside and outside glass panes that add depth to the grid’s appearance. A third grid is also placed between the two glass panes to give your window a more authentic divided lite look. SDL grids are a perfect finishing touch to traditional homes. * Simulated Divided Lites are not available in all markets. Introducing Premium Exterior Vinyl Finishes For A Perfect Touch .OWYOUCANHAVETHESUPERIORENERGYEF½CIENCYAND maintenance-free performance of vinyl, with more color ¾EXIBILITYALLOWINGYOUTOENHANCETHELOOKOFYOURHOME Four premium exterior colors (ivory, chocolate, taupe and light grey) in addition to traditional white and tan, means you can coordinate colors with your exterior trim, siding and stucco. Premium %XTERIOR#OLORS Features white Interior Taupe Chocolate White Tan Ivory Light Grey Standard Colors Features matching white or tan interiors All Tuscany® Series windows come standard with our exclusive SunCoat®,OW%INSULATINGGLASS&ORTHOSEWHODESIREEVENHIGHER energy efficiency and comfort, Milgard offers 3D® and 3D MAX® energy upgrades. 4( 2 %% $ )-% .3) /.3 / & 0%2&/2-!. #% At Milgard, we incorporate three elements in the design of every window. It starts with our engineers, known for their industry-leading window designs using Milgard patented technologies. We then produce our own vinyl frame materials in house, using only the highest quality materials. We complete our windows with the best glass unit technology available. The result: windows that minimize both heat transfer and heat loss, delivering superior energy efficiency for comfort and peace of mind. The superior design of our Tuscany WINDOWSCANMEET%.%2'934!2® qualifications. 5PGRADEDCOMPONENTSAREADDED for a perfect balance of performance and value. Delivers what you need to achieve the highest performance—where you need it. 15! , )4 9- !4# (%$ #/-0/. %.4 3 /NLY-ILGARDVARIESTHESELECTIONOFQUALITYCOMPONENTSUSEDINITSENERGYPACKAGESBYGEOGRAPHYPERFECTLYMATCHINGTHEWINDOWTOTHE CLIMATE%VERYPARTOFYOUR-ILGARDWINDOWISMADETOOURSTRICTSPECI½CATIONS°ANOTHERREASONWHYWECANOFFEROUR&ULL,IFETIME7ARRANTY S u n Coat ® , OW% ' LASS Su n C oat M A X ® L ow%' l as s 3UN#OAT,OW%'LASSISACLEARCOATINGAPPLIEDSTANDARDTOONESIDE of the glass in all our dual-pane windows. This microscopically thin COATINGRE¾ECTSHEATFROMITSSOURCEINTHESUMMERANDRETAINS HEATINSIDEINTHEWINTERWHILEALSOREDUCINGHARMFUL56RAYSTHAT FADECARPETANDFURNITUREUPTO 3UN#OAT-!8,OW%'LASSPROVIDESTHEBESTCLARITYANDHIGHEST PERFORMANCEOFALLSOLARGAIN,OW%GLASSPRODUCTS)TREDUCES HARMFUL56RAYSTHATFADECARPETANDFURNITUREUPTOWHILE still maximizing light in your home. % D G E ' A RD ™ Sp a c er %DGE 'A RD M A X ™ S pa c e r Traditional Spacers simply divided two panes of glass and didn’t CONTRIBUTETOAWINDOW´SEFFICIENCY/UR%DGE'ARDSPACER uses a more advanced design that provides superior insulating properties and reduced condensation. /UR%DGE'ARD-!83PACERISASTATEOFTHEARTWARMEDGESPACER Warm edge spacers conduct noticeably less energy, thereby making cold windows feel warmer and warm windows feel cooler. *Most Tuscany® replacement windows (with the exception of Tuscany Double Sliders) with the 3D MAX™ energy package will qualify when used for remodeling, replacement or home improvement. For any window, grids and large size Inside and out, Milgard windows and doors can give before: after: 7()4% -),,&).)3(!,5-).5-3,)$).'$//2 6).9,3,)$).'0!4)/$//2 7)4(:"!2™&2!-% Complete your home’s transformation with doors and specialty windows. Windows are only the beginning. With our selection of patio doors and specialty WINDOWSLIKEBAYBOWORGARDENWINDOWSYOUCANCOMPLETEANENTIREJOBWITHTHE quality of Milgard. All are made with the same attention to detail and commitment to quality found in every Milgard product so your home can feel like new for a long time to come. We have many door styles that complement Tuscany® windows, such as Milgard 4USCANY3ERIES3LIDING0ATIO$OORS&RENCH3TYLE3LIDING0ATIO$OORSAND)N3WING /UT3WING0ATIO$OORS "!97).$/73 $//2#/.&)'52!4)/.3 6).9,&2%.#(349,%3,)$).'0!4)/$//2 4()3$//2#/-").%34(%,//+/&!&2%.#( $//27)4(4(%30!#%3!6).'%!3%/&! 3,)$).'0!4)/$//2 3-!244/5#(®(!.$,%3).-!4#().'#/,/23 !2%34!.$!2$/.!,,-),'!2$453#!.9 3%2)%33,)$).'0!4)/$//23 Milgard is the first window and door manufacturer to receive THE!RTHRITIS&OUNDATION%ASEOF5SE#OMMENDATION Recognized for the simple easy-to-use, one touch operation, the patent-pending SmartTouch handle is easy to use for people of all ages. 10 "/77).$/73 your home a fresh look in as little as one day. Hassle-free, headache-free easy installation. 34%0 -%!352%/0%.).' "EFOREANYWINDOWOR door is removed, the openings are carefully measured to make sure every unit is built to your required size. 34%0 2%-/6%/,$5.)4 ).34!,,.%77).$/7 9OUR-ILGARDDEALERIS experienced with which method of installation is best for each type of exterior finish. 34%0 ).35,!4%!.$42)Perimeter insulation is added to seal drafts, and interior trim, which varies by dealer, to create a finished look. 34%0 3%!,!.$&).)3( %84%2)/2 Seal to make watertight and touch-up. That’s it. Milgard offers the installation flexibility your installer requires plus the decorative options you desire. Installation Configurations ",/#+ %NABLESQUICK±TILTIN² installation with almost no disruption to siding or interior trim casework. .!),).'&). Perfect for home additions and remodeling where siding is removed. !VAILABLEIN ANDNAIL½NWIDTHS WITHASETBACK :"!2 Makes replacing windows on stucco homes fast and easy, eliminating the need for costly repairs. Milgard Z-bar options provide an integral window trim and are available in standard and wide width options. Decorative Trim Options &,!4 *#(!..%, #/.4/52 *#(!..%, "2)#+-/,$ *#(!..%, Choose from 3 decorative trim options to visually enhance homes with brick ORLAPSIDINGEXTERIORS*#HANNELOPTIONSREQUIREANAIL½NFRAME 11 ARIZONA Phoenix CALIFORNIA Hollister Sacramento Simi Valley Temecula COLORADO Denver ILLINOIS Chicago NEVADA Las Vegas OREGON Portland TEXAS Dallas/Fort Worth UTAH Salt Lake City VIRGINIA Fredericksburg WASHINGTON Tacoma CANADA British Columbia Tuscany®, SmartTouch®, SunCoat®, SunCoatMAX®%DGE'ARDTM%DGE'ARD-!8TM, 3D® and 3D MAX® are trademarks of Milgard Manufacturing, Inc. %.%2'934!2®ISAREGISTEREDTRADEMARKOFTHE53%NVIRONMENTAL0ROTECTION!GENCYMilgard Windows is proud TOBEAN%.%2'934!2® partner. Milgard Tuscany Series vinyl windows and doors meet criteria for structural integrity and reliable performance established by the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA). Consult your Milgard representative for specific test information. 1.800.MILGARD · milgard.com 462"© 2010 Milgard Manufacturing, Inc.
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