The Blaylock Wellness Report Living a Long Healthy Life OCTOBER 2005 Quick Facts • Billions spent on risky digestion aids • Spike in gastrointestinal disorders • GI tract largest component of immune system • Vital: Chew well & eat slowly! • Poor digestion can damage esophagus • Clean teeth, gums key to good health • Avoid fluoride! Edited by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. Vol. 2, No. 10 Stomach Health: Stop Acid Reflux, Prevent Cancer & Improve Your Life Today, the most commonly sold over-the-counter medications are those used to treat gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, including indigestion, bloating, heartburn, diarrhea and constipation — and even excessive flatulence. Billions of dollars are spent on these remedies, which often bring only temporary relief or none at all. A number of gastrointestinal disease specialists have remarked on the dramatic increase in digestive disorders — especially acid reflux (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD), which is a condition in which acid rises out of the stomach and into the esophagus. • A way to beat Acid Reflux Acid reflux can bring on heartburn, damage to the lower esophagus, difficulty swallowing, unexplained coughing, the feeling of having a lump in the throat and even cancer of the esophagus. • Vital bacteria you need & ones you don’t In severe cases, we see intense scarring of the esophagus and even perforation into the chest — which can be fatal. • Eating several small meals aids digestion As we age, the occurrence of digestive disorders increases dramatically. • What the stomach REALLY does Yet, like so many chronic diseases, digestive maladies are now affecting younger people in larger numbers — even preteens. To a large degree, this is the result of inadequate nutrition, excessively bad diets and exposure to a number of harmful food additives and toxins. • Mercury fillings are hazardous • Stomach acid is your friend • Connection between ulcers & germs • Enzymes: Our invaluable ally PLUS: Tips to: • Beat ulcers • Keep a healthy mouth • Deal with gastritis AND: • Health News Briefs & Ask Dr. Blaylock The gastrointestinal tract extends from the mouth down through 15 feet of hollow tubing to the anus. Most think of the GI tract as something that allows us to eat. But what we are now learning is that this vital passageway plays a major role in many aspects of human health. For example, the GI tract is the largest component of the immune system. Buried within its walls is an extensive system of immune cells, lymphatics and lymph nodes. And it is important to appreciate that the interior of the gut connects directly with the outside world, which means that it is exposed to all of the germs, pollutants and toxins in the environment. Along with the skin, the GI tract serves as a first line of The Blaylock Wellness Report Page 2 October 2005 defense for the human body. a couple of weak chomps before they swallow. As we shall see, it is one of the more complicated systems in the body and has, in fact, been referred to as the second brain. This is because it contains an extensive network of nerves, neurotransmitters and nerve receptors that allow it to operate largely independent of the brain. This does not mean that the brain ignores the GI tract. In fact, the brain modulates many of the “gut brain’s” activities — a sort of fine-tuning. Remember that vegetables, especially in their raw form, are very difficult to digest if they are not mechanically broken down first. Some Problems Linked to Stomach Illness ■ Gastritis ■ Acid Reflux ■ Inflammation ■ Ulcers ■ Bacterial Infection ■ Potential for Cancer An example of this “gut brain” activity is the swallowing reflex. The only control we have when swallowing is placing the food or drink into our mouth and pushing it back into the esophagus. At that point, the nerve networks embedded in the esophagus grab the food and move it downward toward the stomach using a wave of muscle contractions called peristalsis. It’s all done automatically. In fact, if you ever wanted to, you could swallow water while standing on your head. Now let us see one of the most important yet often overlooked aspects of digestion — chewing our food. Chew Well & Eat Slowly! As a small boy, my dad always used to tell me to chew my food 100 times before I swallowed it and to eat slowly. In our hurried society, this advice is often overlooked — and that may explain a lot of digestive woes. We dash off to lunch and wolf down our food, often busy talking, giving no thought to chewing everything properly. Most assume that the stomach is solely responsible for breaking down food and digesting it. But in fact, the stomach can do its job only if the food has been well chewed first. Often, when I see people eating a salad, I watch them give the lettuce This is because plant cells are coated with an indigestible layer called a cellulose cell wall. If this protective sheath is not broken, especially with raw vegetables, the rich nutrients inside will merely pass through the GI tract unabsorbed. And that nullifies the effects of eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, because they will do little to improve your health. To get the maximum nutritional value from your foods, even meats, you should chew them until they are finely dissolved — that is, until they are almost a liquid mush. This greatly assists digestion in the rest of the GI tract and helps prevent acid reflux. It also aids in reducing the volume in the stomach, which is vital to stopping acid reflux. Again, the “gut brain” is playing a role. There is a reaction — known as the gastroesophageal reflex — that is triggered when the stomach is overdistended. When it occurs, it causes a special ring of muscle located at the lower end of the esophagus to relax. This allows acid to erupt back into the lower esophagus. Normally, when the food enters the stomach from the esophagus, this valve is closed. Unlike the stomach, the esophagus lacks a layer of protective mucus and therefore the refluxed acid can burn the tissue. If this occurs often enough, heartburn, belching and a sensation of fullness can result — a condition doctors call dyspepsia. Occasionally, a sufferer will feel few symptoms — but by the time they do, considerable damage is often already done. Over time, this constant injury to the lower esophagus can result in the development of a cancer, which has a very high mortality. Smoking and drinking alcohol to excess can dramatically increase this risk. Obviously, as we chew our food, it is mixing in with our saliva. While saliva does contain a digestive enzyme called amylase, it actually plays only a minor role in digestion. Saliva’s main function is to moisten the food so that it can slide down the esophagus more easily. By eating more October 2005 The Blaylock Wellness Report slowly and chewing our food more thoroughly, we stimulate more saliva secretion and give it time to mix well with the food. Some have advocated avoiding drinking during a meal, claiming it dilutes digestive enzymes and stomach acid. To a degree, this may be true, but it also helps break the food down into smaller parts, improving digestion and absorption. As we age, we often produce less saliva. In addition, many medical conditions and medications can cause a dry mouth, interfering with proper breakdown of foods. In this event, drinking water with the meal becomes critically important. The essential fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) can increase the amount of moisture in the mouth. The dose is 1,000 mg a day. In fact, when taken orally it greatly amplifies moisture in the eyes, mouth and vagina, while keeping the skin from drying out. Clean Teeth, Gums: Keys to Good Health Good oral hygiene is critical to maintaining good health. Recent studies indicate that bacteria found in the mouth can greatly contribute to heart attack and stroke risk because they can easily enter the bloodstream and infect the walls of blood vessels. And that leads to chronic inflammation, which is the leading cause of atherosclerosis. In fact, the bacteria found in the mouth have been cultured from the atherosclerotic plaque. Another interesting species of bacteria has been isolated from both the mouth and atherosclerotic plaque. It’s called nanobacteria. These tiny germs are smaller than viruses and are unusual in that they secrete a layer of calcium in which they wrap themselves for protection. This would explain the calcium crud commonly seen in atherosclerosis plaque within arteries. This makes it very difficult for antibacterial drugs or the body’s immune system to kill these dangerous germs. It might also explain the benefits of chelation, a process through which a chemical injection is administered to remove toxic metals from the bloodstream. This procedure improves atherosclerosis and reduces the risk of arterial disease, since it removes the calcium, making the Page 3 germs vulnerable to attack. Researchers note that these very same bacteria are also found in the plaque clinging to teeth. That’s why heavy dental plaque is a sign of similar infection in the walls of the arteries. Combining the chelation therapy with antibacterial treatments or immune stimulation may reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and even reverse it. In fact, some recent studies comfirm this idea. Healthy teeth and gums are also vital to properly chewing your food. Many elderly are either partially or totally toothless or have false teeth. This makes chewing difficult. Checklist for a Healthy Mouth ✔ Brush and use mouthwash after meals (use only fluoride-free products) ✔ Eat a healthy diet of mainly vegetables and some meats ✔ Avoid sweets, sugar and excessive amounts of fruits ✔ Have dental amalgam fillings replaced with ceramics ✔ Treat gingivitis (bleeding gums and halitosis) early and vigorously A number of children also have decayed teeth or teeth severely weakened by dental fluorosis. Recent studies have shown that 30 to 60% of children in cities with fluoridated water are now exhibiting dental fluorosis. Fluoride in drinking water has been shown to severely weaken the enamel of the teeth, thus making dental decay more severe and difficult to diagnose early. Poor gum health is the leading reason that people lose their teeth. Chewing sugar-filled gum, maintaining a diet high in sugar, smoking, overindulging in alcohol — all of these can lead to gum disease. Bacteria depend on sugar for growth — the more sugar, the more bacteria. Dr. Westin Price did an interesting study as he traveled throughout the world examining the dental health of children living in non-industrialized countries. Page 4 The Blaylock Wellness Report October 2005 He found that those who ate healthy, nutritious diets had perfect teeth, even without using a toothbrush or mouthwash. website has a list of trained dentists in your area. Despite this, I would recommend using a natural toothpaste (one without fluoride) as well as a natural mouthwash without alcohol or fluoride. Tom’s of Maine makes several types of both. Another good brand is Kiss My Face organic whitening toothpaste. They should be used after each meal or snack. As I said previously, effective digestion is largely dependent on eating slowly and chewing your food until it is almost a mush. It is also important to sterilize your toothbrush before each use. Hold the bristles under the hot water for two minutes and this will kill all the germs. Keep your toothbrush covered between uses. Dr. Blaylock’s Gum-Protection Mixture: Mix 60 mg of CoQ10 powder into a teaspoon of extra-virgin olive oil and swish in the mouth for 2 to 3 minutes, working it into the gums, after which you can swallow it. CoQ10 has been shown to significantly improve gingivitis. A similar mixture with a quarter-teaspoon of curcumin and the same amount of quercetin powder will also help kill the bacteria. I would do this twice a day until the gums are again healthy, then once a week. Incidentally, a just-released study found that vitamin D3 also significantly reduced the incidence of gingivitis, in addition to preventing inflammation in a number of tissues. The vitamin D3 is taken in capsule form. The dose is 1,000 ug a day. Finally, if you have dental amalgam fillings (the silver metal-like variety which contain 50% mercury), have them removed and replaced with ceramics. It has been proven that the mercuryladen dental amalgam fillings release large amounts of mercury vapor when you consume hot foods and drinks. You Can Beat Acid Reflux This practice aids digestion and prevents stomach distention. Overeating is harmful because it overdistends the stomach, resulting in increased pressure and reflux of food and acid into the esophagus. One solution is to eat several small meals a day, rather than three large meals a day. Peppermint is a powerful antispasmodic, meaning that it causes the muscles of the GI tract to relax. In general, this is good. But eating a peppermint candy after a large meal will ensure reflux into the esophagus — because it relaxes the muscle that keeps the lower end of the esophagus closed during digestion. In fact, acid-reducing medications — the most common treatment for the disorder — may in fact be harmful over the long run. A very common mistake people make is to take antacids such as Tums, Maalox or Rolaids. This only makes things worse, since the calcium in these products actually stimulates acid release. There is a rebound effect when too much buffer enters the stomach, and the result is an outpouring of stomach acid. Some of these antacids also contain dangerous aluminum. Another contributor to the problem — which may account, in part, for the increase in GERD — is frequent consumption of carbonated drinks. The carbonation increases the pressure within the stomach, forcing acid into the lower esophagus. Several studies have shown that chewing with these dangerous fillings is linked to a doubling of blood mercury levels and that a significant amount of the mercury is absorbed by the olfactory nerves (smell nerves) in the nasal cavities. From there it then enters the same area of the brain that causes Alzheimer’s disease. Also complicating digestion problems is the bacteria called H. pylori, which researchers believe to be responsible for the majority of peptic ulcers. Mercury-laced fillings should only be removed by a trained dentist. The International Association of Oral Medicine and Toxicology This may be due to the fact that while H. pylori lowers levels of stomach acid, once cured the levels return to normal — and GERD occurs only when But there is some controversy regarding the role this bacteria actually plays. Several studies have shown that even after you cure this bacterial infection, GERD risk actually increases. October 2005 The Blaylock Wellness Report Page 5 stomach acid is normal or high. Also, H. pylori reduces stores of vitamin C in the stomach, lessening protection against free radicals in the stomach lining. hydrochloric acid can decline significantly. The condition is referred to as either hypochlorhydria (acid levels are merely reduced) or achlorhydria (hydrochloric acid is totally absent). In addition, many studies have shown that GERD and gastritis cause intensified free radical production in the stomach lining and esophagus. A recent study of healthy elderly people determined that 90% had normal or near-normal acid production. The remainder had varying degrees of low or absent stomach acid. But the percentage of those suffering with this problem would be higher if we included people with a variety of chronic diseases commonly seen in our society. One more problem is inflammation in the lower part of the stomach (pyloric gastritis), which slows the emptying of its contents, causing acid to back up into the esophagus. Curcumin and hesperidin bolster mucus production in the lining of both the esophagus and stomach, providing protection against this acid reflux. Those with existing acid reflux would be best served to avoid midnight snacks and should sleep with the head of the bed elevated. Remember, food triggers acid release. It is also probably best to avoid calcium supplements, since calcium stimulates acid release. Sleeping on the left side also reduces acid reflux, as this position helps to empty the stomach. What Does the Stomach Really Do? Most assume the stomach’s main function is digestion. But in fact, this important organ is only a minor player in the digestive process. The stomach has two main functions: ■ Killing dangerous organisms in the food we eat AND ■ Mixing, grinding and preparing that food mixture for digestion and absorption in the small intestine You might be shocked to know that most of your meals are contaminated with a variety of germs — including viruses, bacteria and fungi. If these organisms are not killed, they can potentially overpower the GI tract, making us very sick. That’s why the stomach produces hydrochloric acid (HCL) as its primary method of killing these germs. The substance also helps us absorb things like iron. A significant amount of research has shown that low stomach acidity, as commonly seen with acidlowering drugs, dramatically increases the bacterial growth in the small intestine. As we age, our ability to generate sufficient Many of the digestive problems linked to aging are the result of a hydrochloric acid shortage. Ironically, acid loss can actually boost the risk of acid reflux. Treating Acid Reflux ✔ Avoid Tums, Maalox, Rolaids and similar medications ✔ Avoid large meals and carbonated drinks ✔ Avoid alcohol ✔ Avoid calcium supplements ✔ Chew your food thoroughly ✔ Do not eat peppermint candies after a meal ✔ Get tested for adequate stomach acid ✔ Use acid-lowering prescriptions only for shortterm relief. Use quercetin-curcumin oil mixture mentioned in report ✔ Sleep with head elevated ✔ Avoid nighttime snacks Sound strange? This is due to the fact that when acid levels are low, the muscular valve at the lower end of the esophagus relaxes dramatically, making reflux much more likely. And improved liquefaction of the food means less pressure in the stomach, which further reduces the chance that acid might be forced back into the esophagus. Most treatments to improve digestion have been incorrectly designed to lower stomach acid levels. But this reduction can interfere with the absorption of several nutrients and has been linked to a number of medical conditions, including cancer of the stomach. The lack of stomach acid interferes with vitamin B12 and iron absorption as well. Gastroenterologists are especially concerned about B12 deficiency in Page 6 The Blaylock Wellness Report the elderly — particularly those who use acidlowering medications such as Prilosec, Pepsid AC and Zantac. Studies using more accurate measurements indicate that 40% of normal elderly people and 80% of the chronically ill elderly have significant B12 deficiencies. Research also suggests that virtually all people with Alzheimer’s disease are vitamin B12deficient, and a shortage of this vital substance increases the risk of cancer in a number of organs. Link: Infections and Stomach Disease In 1984, Dr. B.J. Marshall made a revolutionary medical discovery when he uncovered the connection between ulcer disease and the germ known as Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Prior to his study, the medical world had accepted the notion that ulcers were caused by stress, which was known to increase levels of stomach acid. But now we know that this organism is also largely responsible for chronic gastritis, as well as several forms of stomach cancer. In fact, infections involving this germ cause a loss of stomach acid and an eventual shrinking of the stomach lining (gastric atrophy). This in turn causes the cells lining the stomach to begin their transformation into pre-cancerous cells (metaplasia). Of course, curing the H. pylori infection often leads to the return of stomach acidity. But the germ also depletes the stomach’s levels of vitamin C, which is critical for iron absorption and protection against stomach cancer. In fact, H. pylori infection boosts your risk of getting stomach cancer by 600%. Smoking, alcohol abuse, a poor diet (devoid of fruits and vegetables) and low vitamin C intake all dramatically elevate this risk. We must also consider the finding that bacterial overgrowth in the stomach (the result of a reduction in stomach acid) also amplifies the cancer risk posed by nitrites and nitrates in processed foods. Hot dogs, other packaged meats (such as bologna, ham, turkey, sausage, etc.) and some canned foods are packed with these additives. October 2005 One recent study found that those who regularly consumed nitrite-filled foods were 62 times more likely to develop pancreatic cancer. Food Poisoning: How Does It Occur? I remember family reunions and get-togethers from my childhood. There would always be a long wooden table lined with an assortment of homemade foods supplied by the women. Often, it was my job to fan the food in order to keep the flies off it. We were in the Deep South and flies were everywhere. Although I don’t remember ever experiencing an outbreak of food poisoning, I know it happened in other areas. Most people know that unrefrigerated foods are especially susceptible to bacterial and viral infection. But what many don’t know is that today’s modern farming techniques make animals more likely to harbor pathogenic (disease-causing) organisms. In fact, many studies have shown that poor nutrition in farm animals results in increased levels of deadly E. Coli and salmonella in meats. And as strains of these germs are becoming more deadly, USDA inspection leaves much to be desired. Beat Ulcers ✔ Use quercetin, curcumin and hesperidin mixed with extra-virgin olive oil (one tablespoon between meals) ✔ Take two capsules of DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) between meals and two at bedtime ✔ Drink white/rosemary tea mixture two to three times a day In the past, farms were family-owned and employed solid feeding methods that ensured good nutrition for the animals — such as free grazing. But these days, most farms are run by giant corporate entities that cut corners, nourishing their animals with feeds that are both contaminated with toxins and deficient in critical nutrients. More shockingly, some farms even make their animals eat the feces of other livestock. In Mississippi, we have several large corporate chicken farms. October 2005 The Blaylock Wellness Report I have a patient who raises chickens on her family farm. I asked her if she knew why the eggs in the market had such paper-thin shells and pale yolks. She told me it was because they were vitamin-deficient, especially lacking in folic acid and vitamin B12. Page 7 We see the same problem with beef and other sources of meats. Farm animals are severely deficient in omega-3 fats and CLA oils. This makes them, like people, more prone to infectious disease. In some states, 60 to 80% of cattle are infected Dealing With Ulcers For those people carrying the H. pylori organism, curing the infection also resolves the dilemma of acid depletion — if action is taken early enough. You can achieve both goals by employing a combination of antibiotics, bismuth preparations (this mineral has proven effective in combating stomach ills) and certain nutrients. However, the danger is that this treatment also kills the good bacteria in the colon — and that can cause a number of problems. (More on this later.) Several studies have documented that certain flavonoids and vitamin C can inhibit the growth of H. pylori. The most potent were: ■ Epigallocatechin gallate (a component of green tea extract and white tea) ■ Luteolin (celery and artichoke extract) ■ Quercetin AND ■ Curcumin effects of antibiotics used to kill H. pylori. This would allow you to use smaller doses of antibiotics but get the same results you would with higher, more dangerous doses. Incidentally, researchers also found that these two flavonoids were effective in fighting antibiotic-resistant strains of H. pylori. Another useful supplement was licorice extract. The journal Life Sciences reported on a finding that licorice extract both inhibited the growth of the H. pylori and promoted healing of the stomach lining at the same time. Because pure licorice extract can cause high blood pressure, you should use only the deglycyrrhizinated form of licorice (DGL). DGL has proved to be effective against those strains of bacteria that are resistant to commonly used antibiotics. Green tea is very high in fluoride, so I would instead recommend white tea, which has much less fluoride. Plus the white variety actually has higher levels of the beneficial flavonoid than green tea. One way to combine all of these flavonoids for maximum efficiency is to dissolve 250 mg. of quercetin, 250 mg. of hesperidin and 250 mg. of curcumin in one tablespoon of either extra-virgin olive oil or omega-3 oil. Now, the H. pylori germ secretes a toxin that causes most digestive problems and even ulcers. Researchers were excited to discover that quercetin and curcumin block this harmful toxin. All of these are fat-soluble, which enhances absorption and penetration into the stomach lining. Also, add 1/4 teaspoon of pure liquid vitamin E to the oil. Mix well and swallow. These two powerful flavonoids also promote healing of the stomach lining and aid in preventing the formation of cancer. Meanwhile, studies show that curcumin and hesperidin boost the amount of protective mucus in the stomach, which safeguards the stomach lining from the acid. These supplements are available from natural health stores and suppliers. This mixture will expedite the destruction of H. pylori and simultaneously promote healing of ulcers, and gastritis. It can also prevent cancer development. Another key fact: Several studies found that both quercetin and green tea extract (EGCG) enhanced the If you have ulcers, you should also take two DGL capsules three times a day between meals, plus two capsules at bedtime. This regimen has been shown to be just as effective as taking prescription medications. Bolster this treatment by drinking a mixture of white tea and rosemary tea at least twice a day. Page 8 The Blaylock Wellness Report with cancer-causing viruses that live on in the meat even after slaughter. Think about that the next time you order a rare or medium-rare steak. Should you eat meats that are poorly cooked, or even if a portion is underdone, you run the risk of developing severe food poisoning. Symptoms range from severe intestinal cramping and explosive diarrhea to weakness and in some cases even death. In other instances, kidneys fail and limbs have to be amputated as a result of hypercoagulation (excessive clotting) of the blood. Stomach Acid Kills Disease As we’ve learned in this report, one of the most important means of protection against food poisoning is our stomach acid. Normally, at a pH of 3 or less, this vital substance will kill most bacteria and viruses. Conversely, many studies have shown that low levels of stomach acid can lead to an increase in one of the most common bacterial overgrowths associated with diarrhea. It is known as clostridium difficile and is especially common in hospitals. One study showed that a patient taking the acidlowering medication ranitidine became severely infected with both clostridium difficile and giardia. Other experiments have confirmed that such treatments increase risk. You will recall that H. pylori infection, which is very common, dramatically reduces levels of stomach acid. But you can increase protection against infection by allowing your body to produce more stomach acid. This important substance is not secreted all the time — only when we eat (or think about eating) or experience stress. Increasing your stomach acid level also improves the absorption of iron and vitamin B12. You can raise levels while you eat by taking a supplement called Betaine HCL. It is found in most natural supplement stores. Of course, those with active ulcers or gastritis should avoid Betaine HCL. You take one or two tablets just as you begin to eat. You’ll know if you’re taking the proper dose by the feeling you get. If you experience noticeable warmth in your October 2005 stomach, cut the dose by one tablet. But sometimes it’s not the growing bacteria themselves that cause food poisoning. Instead, the culprit is merely a toxin secreted by the bacteria. This is the case with the deadly strain of E. Coli 0157:H7, which secretes a Shigella toxin that is second only to botulism in toxicity. It can destroy the kidneys, especially in children. The CDC estimates that this strain affects 40,000 people every year, killing some 500. It was E. Coli that killed three children and sickened many others who ate at a Jack in the Box fast-food restaurant in California in 1993. And similar epidemics occurred at McDonald’s restaurants in the early 1980s. When they enter our systems through food, many of these poisonous toxins and germs cause intense inflammation of the stomach and intestines, inducing cramping and watery diarrhea. Natural remedies like ginger, quercetin and hesperidin can reduce inflammation, while curcumin can curtail cramping and more importantly kill the troublesome organisms. In some cases, especially when symptoms are prolonged, antibiotics may be required. In such cases, the doctor must obtain a stool culture to identify the offending organism. That way the correct antibiotic can be used. This is very important because antibiotics can offer no help if the food poisoning is caused by bacterial toxins — they may even make conditions worse, as seen with E. Coli 0157:H7. Antibiotics should be stopped as soon as symptoms subside. Prolonged use will only create new problems. Cancer & Inflammation in the Stomach One of the major concerns with a chronic irritation like gastritis or acid reflux is the potential development of cancer. That’s because the chronic inflammation illicited by the displaced acid and bacteria produces considerable amounts of free radicals and lipid peroxidation products, which we know can severely damage DNA. One new study has uncovered a connection between chronic acid reflux and cancers of the The Blaylock Wellness Report October 2005 throat (pharyngeal and laryngeal cancer). In particular, esophageal cancer and acid reflux seem to be more commonly linked, while stomach cancer is generally associated with chronic gastritis. Fighting Gastritis ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Take supplements to combat H. pylori Avoid hot or spicy food Stay away from alcohol Don't take NSAIDs (nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs). These include Advil, ibupropen, aspirin, etc. If unable to avoid, use a transdermal form or take curcumin and quercetin in addition Take DGL capsules — two capsules three times a day plus two at bedtime Use antioxidant vitamins with food Chew your food thoroughly Once the symptoms subside, you will need additional digestive enzymes with each meal Cancer risk is dramatically reduced when antioxidants — things like white tea, grape seed extract, curcumin, quercetin, hesperidin and vitamin C — are taken in combination with the other vitamins and minerals (especially selenium). Avoiding known carcinogens — including nitrites and nitrates, carrageenan, seared meats (grilled and pan-cooked at high heat) — and eating a variety of fruits and vegetables also dramatically reduces risk. And again, an interesting connection leads us back to our old friend H. pylori. Studies show that this dangerous strain of bacteria increases one’s risk of developing gastric cancer, especially lymphoma. It is important to remember that infections cause cancer because they produce chronic inflammation. You can reduce inflammation by using flavonoids — such as ones we have discussed here — as well as vitamins E, C, D and K. Some chronic gastritis has been linked to increased stress. As a treatment, hesperidin not only reduces stress-related injury to the stomach lining, but it also acts as a tranquilizer, soothing anxiety. Then there’s “mad cow” disease, a slowly progressive degenerative and fatal disease affecting the central nervous system. With the growing risk Page 9 of contracting it from infected foods, and as more cases are discovered, researchers have taken great interest in the recent finding that low stomach acid levels significantly increase the risk of acquiring the horrible condition. Since this is a 100% fatal disease that causes victims to endure one of the most horrible deaths I have witnessed, anything you can do to reduce your risk is worth it. As far as harmful medications go, millions of people regularly take anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) like ibuprofen and aspirin. One of the most common side effects is erosion of the stomach, a condition whose symptoms are very similar to those of ulcers. Bleeding and even perforation of the stomach can occur, which will lead to major surgery. Slow bleeding can result in anemia. Researchers have developed numerous drugs to combat this, but they usually provide little benefit. However, natural remedies like quercetin and curcumin have been shown to prevent and even reverse the damage caused by such drugs. Remember, curcumin and hesperidin also increase protective mucus production in the stomach. Interestingly, both of these also possess powerful anti-inflammatory effects, which greatly reduces the need for dangerous prescription drugs in the first place. Enzymes: The Spark that Starts the Engine Enzymes are the catalysts that make chemical reactions occur more rapidly and give us better control over them. In fact, enzymes are so vital that without them there would be no life. Our cells are filled with hundreds of enzymes that are responsible for things like energy generation, repairing cells and DNA, immune function and production of all the molecules needed to sustain life. There is also an additional group of enzymes whose task is to break down the foods we eat, preparing them to be absorbed by the stomach. There is compelling evidence that our body does Page 10 The Blaylock Wellness Report not produce sufficient digestive enzymes to break down the foods we eat. As a result, we need the enzymes already present in most of our foods, especially fruits and vegetables, to get the job done. Raw fruits and vegetables store an abundant supply of these valuable enzymes and are especially important as we age, since our digestive enzymes decline significantly with time. People with digestive diseases suffer even greater declines in enzyme activity. Cooking fruits and vegetables will destroy most of their enzymes. As I often tell readers, I prefer to drink “blenderized” raw vegetables every day. This way you maximize the intake of these enzymes. The vegetable juice should be kept in the refrigerator. Over time, these enzymes you consume will begin to digest the vegetables themselves, further aiding the stomach in processing the food. Plus, several of these enzymes will break down the harmful products found in some plants (such as bell peppers), rendering them safe to eat. While saliva contains alpha-amylase (an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates) in most cases this is a minor player. In the stomach, pepsin initiates the breakdown of proteins. Primarily, the enzymes secreted from the pancreas and small intestine are responsible for most digestion. But when there is an enzyme deficiency, the pancreas will become enlarged — sometimes growing to as much as twice its normal size. Poor digestion can have a profound effect on health, especially harming the brain. Studies have shown that low pancreatic enzymes result in brain shrinkage. Normally, enzymes in raw fruits and vegetables help us digest our food, effectively sparing the pancreas much of the task. Some symptoms frequently associated with diminished digestive enzymes are bloating, belching and abdominal discomfort after meals. Doctors refer to this as dyspepsia. Many studies have shown that artichoke extract aids dyspepsia. In one study, after a week of consuming the supplement, 70% of patients saw symptoms of bloating and pain improve. After a month, 85% saw similar results. October 2005 Another study determined that those taking the extract saw significant improvements in nausea, loss of appetite, severe constipation and flatulence. The extremely valuable artichoke extract contains high levels of several biologically active compounds, including the anticancer flavonoid luteolin. As far as other effects of poor digestion, chronic constipation is high on the list. The better our foods are digested (especially meats), the better the quality of our stool. But the most important effect of improved digestion is that vital nutrients from foods we eat can be absorbed with greater efficiency. In order for enzymes to break down our meals, they must be in contact with the surface of the foods. A chunk of chicken swallowed after only a few chews requires much more time to digest than a finely chewed piece of chicken. And on top of that, it will not be completely digested. Remember, one of the stomach’s jobs is to thoroughly mix the swallowed food with enzymes and hydrochloric acid so that the major digestion process can begin in the small intestine. The decline in digestive ability begins after age 50. Bloating, pain, gas and prolonged abdominal discomfort after eating a meal are strong indicators of poor enzyme function. Sufferers should take additional enzyme supplements with each meal. Many brands and formulations are available. I would recommend one that is vegetable-based and comes in vegetable capsules. Take one or two capsules with each meal. When symptoms of dyspepsia subside, you’ll know you’re getting the correct dose. At least one company makes enzymes specifically designed to aid digestion of vegetables and fruits. If you eat a lot of these natural foods, you should consider using these special enzymes. It is also important to remember that the powerful acid can deactivate many of these enzymes — so choose acid-protected formulas. One of the better ones is derived from a plant source that is acid-resistant. It is called Pancreatic VegEnzymes, made by Pure Encapsulation (Emerson Ecologics). It should also contain enzymes to digest proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. October 2005 The Blaylock Wellness Report Another brand, called Super Digestive Enzyme Caps, is also acid-resistant and contains a wider spectrum of enzymes. Sources for Supplement Products The following is a list of the contents of Super Digestive Enzyme Caps: Amylase: ....................40,000 USP units Protease:.....................40,000 USP units Lipase...........................7,200 USP units Protease II: ................................130 mg Protease III: ...............................140 mg Amylase:....................................140 mg Lactase: .......................................20 mg Whole fruit papaya powder: .....100 mg Page 11 International Association for Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) Tom’s of Maine Unique-E Theralac Super Digestive Enzyme Caps Another interesting brand, BV-Similas, is specially designed to aid digestion of vegetables. In addition to the usual digestive enzymes, the manufacturer included alpha-galactosidase, phytase, lactase and cellulase I and II. Pancreatic VegEnzyme (Emerson Ecologics) BV-Similas can be purchased from Emerson Ecologics. BV-Similas Kiss My Face Health News Briefs New Link Between Fish Oil and Prostate Cancer When Swedish scientists examined 6,272 men over a 30-year period, they found that those who ate the most fish had the lowest prostate cancer rate. In fact, they were 1/3 to 1/2 as likely to develop prostate cancer as those who did not eat fish. Interestingly, they also ate the most vegetables and least meat. Yet, even correcting for these factors, researchers still found fish oil to be highly protective. A separate study of 47,882 men conducted by Harvard Medical Center over 12 years also found that men who ate the most fish had the lowest prostate cancer risk — by a whopping 44%. Again, these statistics applied to the most aggressive types of cancers. The conclusion was that the omega-3 oils were responsible for the diminished risk, mainly because of their immune- modulating and anti-inflammatory effects. Eating fish is to be discouraged because of the high mercury content in many types of seafood. Highquality supplements provide superior results. Early Omega-3 Slashes Cancer Risk At the 96th annual meeting of the American Association of Cancer Research, a shocking report from Dr. Elaine Hardman, assistant professor in the division of functional foods at Louisiana State University, found that when female animals (which are genetically prone to develop breast cancer) were fed omega-3 oil during early development, they had an 87% reduction in breast cancer as adults. In humans, this would represent the highest atrisk group of women — that is, those genetically prone to develop breast cancer. Equally important was the finding that animals fed only omega-6 oils (such as corn, soybean and safflower oils) all developed breast cancer as adults. The protective effect was greatest for animals exposed to the omega-3 oil, both while in the uterus Page 12 The Blaylock Wellness Report (from the mother’s diet) and after birth. Explanations for the effect include: ■ Omega-3 oils’ ability to reduce excess estrogen (conversely, omega-6 oils increase estrogen) ■ Omega-3 oils’ gene-regulating effects AND ■ The substance’s effect on inflammation. (The amount used was equal to taking the supplement three times a week.) With all we know about the beneficial effects of omega-3 oils on brain development, this new information should convince mothers to add it to their diets and those of their children. There is a small window of time to make optimal use of Omega-3’s effects, so mothers should start using the oils during pregnancy and continue them well after their child is born. October 2005 Normally, levels return rather rapidly. Elevated cortisol has been shown to damage the very same area of the brain as damaged in Alzheimer’s disease: the hippocampus. High levels are commonly found in Alzheimer’s patients. Recent studies link chronic elevation of cortisol to hippocampus shrinkage in cases of chronic depression. Vitamin D: The Effect on Bones, Obesity New studies have confirmed what has been known in the nutrition field for decades: Vitamin D intake recommendations have long been far too low. Study: Soy Feminizes Male Babies Newer studies indicate that those over age 40 should be taking at least 2,000 ug of vitamin D3 a day. Analysis shows a sharp decline in fractured hips, backs and arm bones for those who regularly consume these higher doses. Compelling and frightening evidence has conclusively proven that soy-based formulas can alter the anatomical development of the hypothalamus in male babies. Of equal importance is the discovery that there is no scientific foundation whatsoever behind all the bad press surrounding the use of higher doses of vitamin D. Soy has been shown to change the physiology of this vital organ so that it comes to resemble that of the female. As a result of the widespread use of sunscreen and more and more people (especially by the elderly) staying out of direct sunlight, vitamin D levels have plummeted. The hypothalamus controls sexual development and expression of sexual characteristics. In this country, millions of babies are fed soy-based formula, and additional evidence indicates that this can delay the onset of male puberty, lower testosterone levels and lead males to be socially isolated. Another study found that soy-based formula dramatically increased aggressiveness in male monkeys as well. Link: Stress & High-Fat Diets More bad news for both the Atkins diet and the vegetable oil market. A study published in the journal Physiology and Behavior found that diets high in common vegetable oils — such as soybean and corn oil — significantly slowed the return of cortisol to normal levels following stress. A new study in the 2005 issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that when vitamin D levels were low, obesity was significantly more common. The relationship seems to be connected to the level of the calciumregulating parathyroid hormone, which was high in the obese people. Study: Alcohol Spurs Breast Cancer We have long known that even moderate drinking increases a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. A new study observed 17,447 women over a 13year period and found that females who had normal levels of folate and drank suffered no increase in breast cancer risk, whereas the risk was high for those who had low folate levels and drank. Everyone should take 1,000 ug of folate a day. October 2005 The Blaylock Wellness Report Folate (folic acid) works to repair DNA, which is how it works to prevent cancer. A combination of folate, methylcobalamin (vitamin B12) and vitamin B6 significantly improves DNA repair. Numerous studies have shown that people with poor DNA repair capabilities have a dramatically increased risk of getting all kinds of cancer. The presence of BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 genes, which are commonly linked to elevated breast cancer risk, indicates impaired DNA repair ability. Supplementation with folate, B12 and B6 can improve this problem. Even light alcohol consumption during pregnancy appears to alter a baby’s brain formation – and the effects are irreversible. Page 13 High Protein May Slash Lifespan Most people have heard that animals on lowcalorie diets live longer than those that ingest more. But many are unaware that high-protein diets can be just as effective at shortening lifespan. And a new study may explain one reason for this. Researchers found that people on high-protein diets have higher homocysteine blood levels than those consuming less protein. Raised homocysteine in the blood is associated with a number of diseases — including Alzheimer’s, various birth defects, congenital heart disease, strokes, heart attacks and atherosclerosis. High levels can dramatically increase heart attack and stroke risk — more so than high cholesterol. None of this is related to folate deficiency — it happens when alcohol blocks critical glutamate levels required for brain development. This is just one of many reasons that pregnant women should avoid all alcohol. In fact, even homocysteine levels that are considered high normal can dramatically increase heart attack and stroke risk — more so than high cholesterol. Milk Drinkers Prone to Parkinson’s? So beware of ingesting methionine as a supplement or free amino acid (as seen in some protein bars and powders), since it increases homocysteine levels even more. A new study shows that men who drink more than 16 ounces of pasteurized milk a day are 2.3 times more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease than those who don’t drink any milk. But calcium has been ruled out as the culprit. Researchers believe it may be the pesticide residues in the milk. Cattle can have high levels of chemicals in their bodies, and these substances are often found in their milk. Pesticides and herbicides have been shown to produce Parkinson’s in experimental animals as well as humans. The mechanism is excitotoxic. And cow’s milk is often linked to elevated rates of prostate cancer, lymphoma, leukemia and other blood malignancies. In fact, of all foods, cow’s milk has the highest association with cancer. So avoid the moo juice. There is no scientific validity to the argument that your bones will become brittle if you don’t drink milk. If this were true, humans would be the only known animal that needed to drink another animal’s milk after being weaned. Most animals — elephants and rhinos, for example — have no need for milk, and they do just fine. The amino acid methionine is responsible for the elevated homocysteine. Report: High Homocysteine Leads to Dementia A pair of new studies appearing in the latest issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition link high homocysteine levels with impaired thinking and ability to recall information. One set of data found that elevated homocysteine was associated with a 200% higher risk of developing dementia and a 211% increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s in particular. Folic acid provided the greatest protection against both high homocysteine levels and B vitamin deficiency-related dementia. The dose for adults should be 1,000 ug a day. The Blaylock Wellness Report Page 14 October 2005 Attention Blaylock Readers: Dr. Blaylock welcomes any questions or comments you would like to share. Each month, he will select a few to be published and answered in the newsletter. Please e-mail the doctor at: Ask Dr. Blaylock Q: What can I do about insomnia? — Josephine, Walnut Creek, Calif. A: Insomnia is a growing problem and I think it is due to many factors — mainly the widespread use of fluoride, aspartame and glutamate-containing foods such as MSG. All three of these inhibit the pineal gland’s release of melatonin, which is the “sleep hormone” released at bedtime. The key is to stop the use of these three neurotoxins. Regular exercise during the day increases sleep quality, and eating turkey one hour before bedtime also works (it contains L-tryptophan). Also, avoid intense mental activity before bedtime. Q: Are Vitamin D3 and Vitamin D different — and what is the best form of magnesium to take? — Dawn D., via e-mail A: Vitamin D is the class of the vitamin. We refer to the active form used by the body as vitamin D3. This is the form you should take. As for magnesium, it comes in a variety of configurations. Each differs in terms of cost and how well it is absorbed. Magnesium oxide is the most common form on the market and it is about 60% absorbed by most people. However, some absorb only 20%. Magnesium oxide is very cheap. If you develop diarrhea, you’ll know that the supplement is being poorly For stubborn insomnia, do absorbed. The best-absorbed the above plus take 1 to 3 mg. varieties include the malate, malate/citrate, citrate and of melatonin 30 minutes gluconate forms. But the latter before you go to sleep. The Dr. Russell Blaylock supplies too little magnesium; flavonoid hesperidin also has the one containing malate prevents aluminum a soothing property that promotes sleep quality (I absorption. I recommend either the malate or recommend 250 mg. one hour before bedtime). malate/citrate form. Finally, a new product has proven to induce deep Magnesium malate/citrate gives you 150 mg. of and restful sleep safely — without the morning magnesium per capsule. Take two in the morning hangover. It is an extract of the magnolia plant and two in the evening — and make sure it’s known as Seditol. Gamma-hydroxybutryic acid consumed with food. This powerful supplement (GHB) used to be an excellent sleep aid that was also helps to induce sleep. Avoid the aspartate form very safe — but of course the FDA outlawed it since aspartate is an excitotoxin that inhibits melatonin release from the pineal gland. because of its widespread use as a date-rape drug. October 2005 The Blaylock Wellness Report Page 15 About Dr. Blaylock Dr. Russell Blaylock edits’s Blaylock Wellness Report. He is a nationally recognized boardcertified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author and lecturer. He attended the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed his internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, S.C. For the past 26 years, he has practiced neurosurgery in addition to having a nutritional practice. He recently retired from his neurosurgical duties to devote his full attention to nutritional studies and research. Dr. Blaylock has authored three books on nutrition and wellness, including Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life and his most recent work, Natural Strategies for The Cancer Patient. An in-demand guest for radio and television programs, he lectures extensively to both lay and professional medical audiences on a variety of nutrition-related subjects. Dr. Blaylock is a member of the international board of the World Natural Health Organization. He is the 2004 recipient of the Integrity in Science Award granted by the Weston A. Price Foundation. Dr. Blaylock serves on the editorial staff of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association and is the associate editor of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, official publication of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. He previously served as Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, Miss., and is currently a visiting professor of biology at the Belhaven College, also in Jackson. PLEASE NOTE: All information presented in the Blaylock Wellness Report is for informational purposes only. It is not specific medical advice for any individual. All answers to reader questions are provided for informational purposes only. All information presented in the Blaylock Wellness Report should not be construed as medical consultation or instruction. You should take no action solely on the basis of this publication’s contents. Readers are advised to consult a health professional about any issue regarding their health and well-being. While the information found in Blaylock Wellness Report is believed to be sensible and accurate based on the author’s best judgment, readers who fail to seek counsel from appropriate health professionals assume risk of any potential ill effects. The opinions expressed in Blaylock Wellness Report do not necessarily reflect those of NewsMax Media. ★ ★ ★ PLUS ★ ★ ★ Exclusive to Current Subscribers As a new feature, all current subscribers have instant access to any and every past edition of the Blaylock Wellness Report! Simply go here: This month’s password is: licorice Please remember to use lower-case letters. Issue 1: Vaccinations: The Hidden Dangers Issue 2: Save Your Brain: Protect Yourself From the Ravages of Alzheimer’s and Other Diseases Issue 3: Cholesterol Drugs Are Dangerous Issue 4: Why Fluoride Is Toxic Issue 5: Heart Saver: Protect Yourself From Heart Attacks and Strokes The Blaylock Wellness Report is a publication of NewsMax Media, Inc., and It is published annually for $48.00 per year and is offered by e-mail and online through Our editorial offices are located at 560 Village Boulevard, Ste. 120, West Palm Beach, Florida 33409. The owner, publisher and editor are not responsible for errors and omissions. Rights of reproduction and distribution of this newsletter are reserved. Any authorized reproduction or distribution of information contained herein, including storage and retrieval system posted on the Internet, is expressly forbidden without the consent of NewsMax Media. For permission, contact the publisher at PO Box 20989, West Palm Beach, Florida 33416. Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue 6: Survive Your Hospital Visit 7: Health Exams That Can Save Your Life 8: Prevent Cancer Before It’s Too Late Part 1 9: Prevent Cancer Before It’s Too Late Part 2 10: Omega-3: Nature’s Miracle Panacea 11: Autism: The Silent Enemy 12: The Diabetes Solution 13: Eliminate Hypertension Forever! The Natural Approach to Curing High Blood Pressure Issue 14: The Fat Cure: Health Secrets to Losing Weight Permanently Issue 15: Extend Your Life: 4 Supplements That Will Help You Live Longer Publisher Christopher Ruddy Editor Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. Executive Editor Ken Williams Contributing Editor Joel Schwartz Art/Production Director Elizabeth Dole To contact The Blaylock Wellness Report send e-mail to: Subscription/Customer Service contact 1-800-485-4350 or Send e-mail address changes to © 2005 NewsMax Media, all rights reserved.
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