THE FIGHT AT LAVERQNE. The Nashville Union contains th« following account of the breaking up of the rebel camp of Gen. Anderson at L,avargne. General Uegley ordered General Palmer to bis cownihm}, und instructed Colonel Miller to co-operate in th* movement. Tlie whole lorco moved promptly at 9 o'clock on the nioht of j4Qnday 6th, consisting of the Twenty. brut Illinois, Colonel Miles; First s e c HH.I Illlllll BVKKTFBIDAY MOR.VINO, in the Third Story of tUe Jrick Block,corner of Main and Hiuorj Slreets Entrance »>n Huron dtruet, opposite-1be Franklin. B. POND •hlditor and Publisiiex*. S1.5O A YEA.ll IN ADVANCE, ADVEUTISINO. Vol. X V I I . One iquare (12 lines or less) one week, SO cents; ami 6 dents for every insertion thtr.alter, les& than three NOW OR NEVER, YQ8*squ*re 3 months... .$3 I Quartercol, 1 year.... ,„_ , l o 6 do 5 Hall col'nui () m»s ,n- 4o ! . « ' 8 | Half do 1 year 8 BY OLIVER WKKDEI.L 11OI.MKS. • «> i i ' r u 6 m « 8 I One do 6mos.. [ , „ Jo 1 year 12 I One do I year.. Listen young heroes ! your country is calling! • » - Advertisements unaccompanied by written orve Time strikes the hour for the brave and the ail lirections will be published until ordered out, au true ! lh»rged sccordingly. II c t 6<) £ow while the foremost are fighting and falll.e'al a<\u(.tUc V a "> fi?3^ taWT*'W. «nt« p ing, nlio"!5caot«l>er folio for each subsequent ins,-rtio iVbt'a a postponement is added to an advertisement th Fill up the ranks that they have opened for i'hole will be charged the mint as for first insertion. A-lSTISr ARBOR, , OCTOBER 24, 1869. 87 5 coin claims a right to suspend the great whoie country rallied as one man—the WAR ITEMS. The hospital nurse* in New York c : ty Hotaling's IlliD?,ath from Bullet Wounds. Writ of personal liberty, or to do any net restoration of the Union, the support of We have tiken 500 rcb,el pnsonfrs, have made a request fur donations oi' To be shot dead is one of tl,e easiest nois Battery, Q.dncu-l Stokes; First under the war power unless he think* ho ihe constitution. The war would have sick aud waivhlyil, at Perryville, Dan- warm clutliing by the oharitabln to bemodes of terminating ]i!e; yet, rapid as Middle Tunuessee Cavalry. Palmer's can do so consistently witb the constitu a definite object, upon which all men ville and Ilarrodsburg, Ky. used for the comfort of the sick and it in, the body has leisure to feel and force keeping straight on the MurjVeeation. I assert my belief and confidence would, he united in feeling. TUB heart Gen. Anderson, of Fort Sumpter fame, wounded soldiers sent there, who aio now reflect. On the firsr attempt to nssas boro road, while Miller, commanding that he expects that all those acts will, of the cour.try, the hopes of tha army is with his family, at Henderson, Horki- suffering lor want of articles of the kind. sinate William, Prince of Orange, the four regiments of infantry, took a diin due time, he brought before the judi- the confidence of the capit; lists, would mor county, New York. His health is rection left of the railroad. Palmer Kirhy Smith made iho people of ball passed through tha bone of thearrived at Lavergne at half-pnet three ciary. If that decides hu has been right be ftrenglhened — fur they would know not yot restored. (aca, and brought him to the ground. Lexington carry all their cookingstoves his act- will stand ; if it decides ho haa that this end could be gained^ A ' 'his o'clock on Tuesday morning. Miller you I Bragg is reported to have said after to the foundries, to he cast into shot In the instant that preceded etupefac- j did not arrive in front of the enemy been mistaken, they fall, with all the time they feel that they are struggling to tion, he was able to frame the notion ' JOB PRINTINO-. his retreat to Perryville, " I believe I nnd sheil. He probab'y considered You whom the fathers made free and defended, consequences which attach to a mistaken carry out the indefinite, shifting and vio that the ceiling of the room had (alien until the battle had begun, which was lit£i|.ltWV».Hiind-bilU, '"^RV'i «Vr<l», Ball Ticket Stain net the scroll that emblazons their construction of law. Our constitution lent purposes of theorists and fanatics, can outmarch the federal troops, but. that, as he h'ul seized and appropriated and crushed him. The cannon shot' at daylight. Before the encounter, ad »U.»» » | * t i t l of 1 . in »»« Fancy .lob Printini everything that had to conk, cooking fame! tueuted »ithproinpln«M,--ndiiitlie BEST STYLE. contemplates such differences of views, whose purposes to day aye no,t the purLord ! how they do fight! " Palmer took prisoners some men whq which plunged into the brain of Charles I You whose fair heritage spotless descended, stovos were to them a superfluity. A party of six Oincirmatians, while the Twelfth did not prevent him from were on picket duty at Lavergne, and Leave not your children a birthright of and it provides for them. They have poses thev avowed at tho onset. Many BOOK BINr>TNGr« happened before; they will happen again of them declare they do not wish to re journeying from Nashville to Owensboro, shame! The Commissioner of Pensions states seizing the sword. From whit is sent them to Nashville. His suspension of the writ of habeas store the Union unless they can revolu- Tenn , were waylaid and rohbedof $3000 that if th,e mother of a deceased soldier feuown of the first effect of a gun-shot The enemy, under Gpp. S. It, AnStay not for questions while Freedom stands corpus must thus be tested. So with re- tionize the nocinl s\8tem of the •"'ou h.— 1U gold and greenbacks, by a guerrilla has a husband living, who is not proved wound, it H probable that the impress- derson, opened upon Pulm»r, and atgasping, gard to his proclamation of emancipaband. to be either unable to support her, or in ion is rather stunning than acute. Up- tempted to fr\ink by throwing ihe ThirWait not till Honor lies wrapped ip his pall, tion. As to its hicK of wisdom and effi* This has become the first, not the subor There are now 13,000 convalescent such a situation that she can not enforce less death lie immediate, tho pain ia asty second Alauuma on his right. Tha Brief the lips i.ieeiing be, swift the hands ciency, I coniially indorse ihe views ex dinate object It engrosses their thoughts soldiers in Washington, large Dqitybcrgof her legal claim upon him for subsistenoe, varied as the nature of the injuries, and clasping— pressed by him iu his interview with the and feelings It hus made d'scussions in whom are daily rej lining their regiments, she is not entitled to receive a pension these are past counting up A fuot. tJi.emy with one gun opened upon us, "Off for the wars" is enough for them all! liut Hotaling'a Battery, at-hort H'latiince Congress, intrigues in tho army, oonfu clergymeu from Chicago As to its sion in the public nrnd. When this so- under ihe watchful and euergetio rule of by reason of the service and death of her soldier at \Vaterloo, pierced by a mus- off, returned fiio from sections. Th» legality, no man has ever doubted that Break from the arms that would fondly caress son. ket ball in the hip, begged water of a second shot from our artillery went Gen. Banks. CARDS! CARDS!! CAEDS!!! you, the slaves of men in rebellion can be cial revolution became the great object Hannf o«rchased a RPOGLES ROTART Dumps* Car trooper who chanced to posess a can-through the enemy's powder magazine, with thip cl:iss of minds, all other things The , message of Gov. Holb,rc,ak, of Hark! 'tis the bugle blast ! sabres are 3'nu>? P:>pe fell baolj on Washington, teen of beer. The wonndud man driinl^ rightfully takeu lroiu them, with any | y i , ilth » «ne .Mortment of Car.l type. 1 >e AKGIdrawn ! Ofllceis prepared to print Oards of all kinds in th other kind of property, by vinue of law; were sacrificed to it. From that time Vermont, says tliat brive little State has I 10,000 horses have been supplied to returned hja heartiest thanks, mentioned which immediately b.>w up. c a s i n g ",at.«tp.>s,ihle,tvl P and »t a great reduction fror, Mothers shall pray for you, fathers shall bless but I do not believe the rights or the we have been divided and distracted; raised in all l'4,000 men for the war, thearmy of the Potomac, u n j more that his regirrr nt wrs nearly estermin thu complete destruction of the whole "rmer »rt»W.»<J<>h«HW! »»»">"" r " ^ f «'"• ™p"." you, work and everyihing within respectaloyal men in the Sou h have been driven fully 1 000 more thau her proportion are still required. Tlii« fact demon».««ti«ni. in4or«««lon., Ball. and \ !«,t,n Maidens shall weep for you when you are property of loyal men, either at the ated, a-d having proceed-d a dozen ble distance around it. About this Crfi, «t».. etc. Call, ,'ive us vours orders »nd se off <ir discouraged. We have all felt under all requisitions. strates the tremendous consumption of North or South, can be destroyed by a gone! hovr'itis done yards on his way to the reur, fell to the liuie the Alabama regiment above reproclamation jn peace or war, Can we that we were entering upon u gloomy, The reason that Stuart's rebel cavalry, horse fl.-sh in carrying on the war.— earth, and with one convulsive move- ferred to maile a hostile demonstration uncertain future. A popular expression Never or now ! cries the blood of a nation, say that the conduct of a disloyal major The Quartermaster's Department is ment of his iirnbs, concluded his career, All Losses promptly adjusted upon Palmer's &*nkt but Miller',) force, Poured on the turf where the red rose ity can forfeit the property of a loya in favor of the objects avowed in theQn their la,te a,u,dacioas raid, didirt go tu buying all the horaeu t'l^t, aie ofjure4 at "Yet h'n voice,"says the trooper who yiHasting 01 uie Eighteenth Ohio, Washington and take what horses wo should bloom President's inaugural address, and solminority, when we hold that a majority fair prices. tells the story, "gave scarcely the Lieutenant Colonel Givenj Twentieth, Now is the day and the hour of salvation; have there, is explained by the fsict that Never or now ! penis the trumpet of doom ! of loyal citizens cannot destroy the rights emnly pledged in the Congressional reso the rebels don't use such a poor kind. smallest sign of weakness." An oldOhio, Lieutenant Colonel Niebling; Army surgeons, it is said, are conof a single citizen if he has been guilty Iutions of 1861, would at once put us officer who was shot in tho head, ar- Snventy-uigluh Pennsylvania, Colonel Never or now ! roars the hoarse-throated can- of no offence ? This was decided by upon that ground which would stop ConAn Englishman just arrived from Rich- stantly bribed to let men go on therived pale and faint at the temporary Servill; Fou teenth Michigan, Colonel OF HARTFORD, CONN. non our courts, when they set aside coercive gressional controveisies, would restore mond reports that one of our Uniou sur ground of physical disability, and thehospital, and begged the surgoontolook Sinclair, arrived through u oorn-field, Through the black canopy blotting the skies temperance. Cau we safely admit the the energy of the Union men of the geons ia in prison in that city, in a cell army is growing less through the dishonCash Capital, $200,000. Sever at his wound, which was pronounced and rattled away, throwing his furca or now ! flaps the shell-blasted pennon, principle that the primes of one class can est opeiation. Powerlul friends of sick South, would strengthen the nation's three nnd a half feet high byfivefeet Inng! Tot*l Assets, Jan. 1st, 1862, • *23J 38J 05 O'er the deep ooaje where the Cumberland soldiers, eonatactly throng thu War De mortal. "Indeed, I feared so," he re across the front and on the Murfreeaforfeit the property, tlie rights of con- credit by making a definite issuo upon He was with one of Pope's regiments. Utilities, X-.834.09 lies! partment and the Surgeon General's of- sponded with impeded utterance, " a n d boro road on ;he right. The SevpntyMARK HOWARD, President science or the liberties of innocent men? which we can succeed, instead of those G. W. J]wir.g, who was drafted on the fice, in the endeavor to obtain discharges yet I should like very niueh to live a lit- eighth Pennsylvania baited in front p{ E. THOS. LOBDEIX, Secy. ?rom the foul dens where our brothers are This point must come before ihe judi- whose success would, disorganize one-half tle longer were it possible." He laid his the retreating enemy when he attemp13th inst. in Laporte county, Ind., pur^ for their frieuds. dying, ciary There all will meet upon a level, of our land, even if success could be at The updersiRned has been appointed Agent for the sword upon a stone at his fide as gently ted to pass his line to our left. Aliens and foes in the land of their birth ; Dove reliable Company. and will effect il and President aud people alike must bow tained by the means thus proposed.— posely shot the fingers off his right hand Willard's hotel at Washington, was as if i s steel had been turned to glass rom the rank swamps wt) e r e our martyrs are •tgaiast losses by fire at reasonable rates. to disqualify himself from service in the to its judgments. E. B.TOND. What would be the position >'f 'ha con lying, Serwill threw his regiment rapidly army. This, however, will not relieve list week perfectly crowded with milita- and almost immediately sank dead Ann Arbor,June2, 1SR2. Pleading in vain for a handful of earth, servative party if it carries tin* election? him from, service. ry men, from Generals down to Corpo- upon the turf. by the left flank, completely in front of •"roin the hot plains whera they perish out- RADICAL TUBOftlKS TEND TO VIQLSNOE AND It bas been true, loyal and obudient iu rajs, and although it is pretended that tne enuiny. During all this time, the J. "W. numbered, Tho rebel killed at Antietam swelled intoxicating drinks are not sold anywhere the minority; it will be true, loyal, and artillery vas pjaying upon them with Furrowed and ridged with the battle field's D1S0RDKR. Agent for obedient if it gains some share of politi- up, and in two hours after death smelt in the city, scores of the aforesaid gentry "Who Will Support Chandler? teljing effect. Tho cavalry dashed plow, Those who have lost their respect for cal power. I t will hold in ch.epk those ranker a id more offensive, if possible, 3omes the loud summons, too long you have presented the appearance of being jolly All men who hold the constitution to against ttie line of ihe Seventy-eighth,, constitution*, and have thrown aside than while living This is supposed to slumbered Insurance Company Here the last angel-trump— never or now ! those maxims of government to which who are constantly pressing their pecuovermuch. This spectacle, taken in con be " a league with hell and a coveaent but was met by a succession of V|>lley« liar theories upon the government and be the result of their scanty und un-nection with the apparent quiet of ourwith death '' of musketry. The Thirty-second Alawe are content to cling, in entering upon array, without regard to the sacrifices wholesome diet. OF HARTFORD CT., AND THE great armies, is calculated to depress the bama quickly throw down their arms, All men who haye been in favor of untried experiments aud dangerous theo they cause or the embarrassment they i( The Legislature of Vermont has deter, most sanguice lover of his country. and the cavairy elevated a white ring, Speech of Hon. Horatio Seymour. letting the Union slide." ries, have not only introduced disorders create. mined to pay the nine months volunteers All men who support the nullifying tiUt the Cuptuin of the artillery not seeThe Louisville Journal pertinently On Monday evening the democracy of and insubordinations into civil and miliWe not only concede but we demand from that State 87 per month in addition laws upon the statue book of Michigan. ing it, kept firing. OF BOSTON MASS. he city of New York, in a most magni- tary departments, but they have also in- that the President of the Unite-1. States, o the Government pay. The three years asks, if flour cannot he had for less All men who abuse Gen. McClellan. Tho cavalry then fk'd in great confutroduced into political discussions a spirit cent and imposing demonstration, testi t.o«ses Honorably adjusted and promptly paid at this the representative of our laws, our digtroops all receive the same, making th.eir than $42 per barrel in Georgia, and All men who are iu favor of negro sion into the woods. Meantime th« of lawlessness. With the impatience of $53 in Mississippi, now, just after the ed anew their devotion to the constitu •Agency. Office Corner Main and Huron Street, over the nity and our power, shall at all times be ntire pay S20 per month. Eighteenth Ohio had arrived nearly at wheat harvest, what will be the condi equality, 8tore of BACH & PIERSON, Ann Arbor. ion, the Union, and the ancient princi- theorists, and the irritability of those treated with deference and spoken of in All men who desiro the petty offices the place where the enemy's artillery A new regiment of Union troops is to who are disappointed when their schemes Ann Arbor, Sept. V>, 1862. tion of thiriQrs in those States, sitid other lea of freedom for the peoplo. The respectful terms. Our success, therefore, under the tax law. made the first stand, and by order of arge hall of the Cooper Institute was do not succeed, they indulge not only in instead of weakening the adminis'ration De furnished by the S ate of California. Southern States, during tae next twelve RAYMOND'S •All men who wish horse contracts— Miller deployed as skirmishers to swepu A regiment of 1,000 men is also to be 5<rce abuse, but they openly advocate months, supposing the rebellion to conarked to its utmost with an audience aa in its efforts to subdue the rebellion, Pliotogvopliic and Fine Art who have made money out of shoddy tho woods recpnily qecupied by tha ntelligent a« often assembles in lhat or violence And this, too, in the loyal must inevitably strengthen it, and will organized at San Francisco as a private tinue ? Can any one think that the clothing—who have ccined trja blqad of Alabama regiment. rj!he men swept GALLERY ny other place Tt was by far the North, and against those who have shown aid in shaking off those radical influences enterprise. The cost of transportation rights of property will be respected at soldiers into dollars and cents. Nos. 205 and 207 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. 'or a regiment from Galiforuia to tho the woods clear" ba'.:k by the camp, and obedience to laws and a respect for an all? Will not rol.Wi'y and anarchy airest representation of the people that by which it has hhretcforo been aun >yed Eastern btates is $83,000, > All men who thought the South could took numerous prisoners, among them hotogr»»Vif,I.ifeSiie, colored or plain cabinet, imExecutive elected egainst their wishes, run wild through tne lanH ? as ever gathered at a meeting to uphold Ambrotypas, and embarrassed. »ri»l, Melainotypes. .taguerrtotypes not be " kicked out of the Union." Colonel Maury. Miller, learning PalSpefehes unequaled in the history of any nat on. ,$,, «^r CARD MC»URKS bythe Dtien or Thou- ie principles of any party. Col. Kingsbury, of the 11th ConnectiAgain, fellow-citizens, upon this occa809yX All men who believed the rebeUiou mer's infantry had gone in the same ditand. We are becoming accustomed to vioThe retreat from Cumberland Gap. ere made by Hon. Horace P. Clark, cut Rrgiinent, gave orders before going sion, as upon erery occasion when we rection, withdrew the Eighteenth Oh o. Ion. Hoiiitio Seymour, John "Van Bu lence of speech and action They make have ussemb.ed einee the outbreak of nto the battle of Antietam., that the Correspondence of the Cincinnati Commer- could be put down by a posse comitatm. Surveyor & Civil Engineer. All political parsons and free thinkers. Firing in corn-fields in front of the batno impression upon us, but they are n, Richard O'Gorman and others We this rebellion, we solemnly dedicate our- narao of every coward and skulker in the cial. WKEKS Surveyor and Civil F.ngin' er. cr.ntin All advocates of woman's rights, tery bad, by this lime become scatter. ue« to give immediate attention to all orders.— lve the following extracts from the sinking deep into the congenial minds of selves and all we hold d«ar to a restora- regiment should be published. The acQREKNUPSBCRG, Ky. Oct, 4. Fourrierism and Sumner's Austraiu ing and irregular, ami noon cease j Office at his residence at the corner of Catherine and peeeh of Mr. Seymour: bad and desperate men, where thev foster tion of our Uniou us it was. To this end ting Adju'ant accordingly publishes the Xfaaver etreets. Last night, the rear guard of the last scheine, and nourish those passions that many The Fourteenth Michigan and TwentyA'an Art or. i-'ept. 10, 186__ TENDENCIES OF THE RADICAL POLICY. the ranks of our armies shall be kept names of 28 skulkers in the Connecticut brigade came into this place, after a All persons who wished that McClellan first Ohio had each taken an activo hereafter burst upon your home* and 1 capers — a shameful record. I. O. O. F. We will now state what aspect * of the your families. I might multiply in full, aud the treasury of our nation ro day's march of twenty five miles. This might be killed in the seven days, fight. part, and secured nviny iirisoners.— I i r ISHTEN'.UV LODGE No. 9, of the Independent adical policy we condemn. We chargp plenished. This support shall not be The War Department is now rapidly morning I washed my face in the Qhiq All persons who poured a " fire iu the Neiiley, at an early hour on Tuesday stances of this thirst for personal injury VV order of Odd Fallows meet at their Lodg Koom, lat it tends to disobedience and insub upon others, which is shown ill the anxie- held back by 14s to poerco government to ncreising the Cavalry branch of theRiver. The division has been in motion rear" into democrats in tha army, by morning, deeming il expedient to risk rerv Friday evening, at 7}£ o'clock. E.'lUUUARUSON, N. «. S.Sosiwsni. ?ec'y. rdination; that it wipes out the lines ty expressed for arrest and imprisonment. adopt a peculiar line of pul oy. A^ain, service; and it is said that since the ever since I wrote last. Night and day calling them "secessionists," "traitors," no sajijifspa of troop*, sent out reinhicli separate different department* of They have all gone out to excite bitter- with equal solemity, wo pledge ourselves Stuart incursion, horses can be. bought have the weary troops plodded along. &c. toiceinents from Nashville, consjsfjfljj overnmciit and mark the.limits of State ness and to add to the sum ol public to uphold our constitution as it is. against very cheaply in the Southern tier of They have foraged all tlio way. NunrTHOIKSJUB and Retail l'ealer in Tobacco, Cigars &e., All conditional Unionists—who put of the Twenty-second Illinois, Tenth ' Jfain-t.—sign of '• Bg Indian." Franklin Block, ncj national jurisdiction, thus introdii- hate. This magiignity cf feeling and every influence and threat, It is not that ooi}iities in Pennsylvania. The farmers ly every one carried with him his grathe abolition of slavery before the res and Eleventh Michigan and a batMu;il Inn Arbor, ing disorder and confusion in the ad- purprse has become so conspicuous that, we are men ly desirous the South should would rather sell cheap to Uncle Sam ter made of a tin plnte, and he grated toratiou of the aountry—and t r y , Negley taking immediate comg. G SUTHERLAND & B<>K, linistration of public affairs; that it has whether you wish it or no, the citizens return to their duties and enjoy its pro-than give away to Juff. Davis 1 his own meal tor bread or mush A The hero of t(je ten cent discharge mand. T "JTHOI.ESAI.E AND RETAIL Grocers and Coramissiuu )roduced a spirit of violence and lawless- of New York inu*t, by their votes, re tection, but because it is our constitution. halt had hardly been made, if only to In less than six hours after Dick allow a traiu to move on, but that the papers— the late Lieutenant Colouel •V MaubauU, East ride Main Mreet Ann Arbor Reinforcements proceeded to within ness in our country; that it seeks to buke or uphold it. In a good degree It docs not belong peculiarly to them, commanding the Lancers. gain power by destroying freedom of you are to decide if you are to live and it is not to be confiscated by their Flawes was installed as Provisional men would have out their mills aud be This is tha army, which Chandler, a mile of the Insane Asylum, when JTMTSCOTT. Rebel) Governor of Kentucky, in theat work. One of the principal sources met by S'oke-i nnil his regiment. The MBROTYPE fc tmmeafH Atswr*, in the rooms speech, the sancity of our homes, the hereafter upd<T the laws of the State or aots. Its guarantees are our protection seconded by his valiant Lieutenant, the formerly occupied by Cordlcy, over the store of Sperry sacredness of our persons, and ou? rights — it guards the fruits of our toil—it apitol buildings at PrankPort the whole of trouble been that, owing to the Shairfflan of the republican State central first remark tha Colonel made to tha \tfUMff the laws of violence. You do not know 1'er.fect satisfaction guarantetd. ^ ^ of conscience; that it makes open war "hat direction public violence may take. shelters the sacreduess of our honies— it party—bogus Governor and suite. Com very long line on the road, and the ne- committee, will lead against the constitu- Goneral w a s : "General, we've got 'em" "Bv George," ejaculated Stokes, "RISDON^&llENDERSbN, upon our constitut'on, and that it is a Do not, I invoke you, my republican saves our persous from violence and manding General, Provost Marshal and cessity of keeping it in motion, the regi- tion.—Bet. Free Presi. ' we've got every'hine:—two Colonels, wrong—and above all and beyond all, it all the ragtag and bobtail followers of ments have never known when or how - gALEXH in Hardware,Stoves, house fnrnishinggood«, revolutionary policy; that it does not friends, countenance its spirit. i Tin Ware kc. kc.. Sew Block,Main Street. towards long they would be halted, except now several other commissioned officers, allows no power to step in between us Braxton Bragg—skedaddled gtrii'e to restore the Union, but to over A good story and a true one ; is Let me here sti-te distinctly to those and our Maker in the exeicisa of free- Lexington, throw the institutions of Slates. I will and then when a general halt has beeu A. P. MIMA told of Gen Duryea while he was stanini ne:irly three hundred men; all who revile us —who threaten with impris- dom of conscience. Its guarantees arThe rifle bill cartridges used by the made. KAI.SK in Staple Dry Goods, finiccrlrs, Boots and now show briefly, but, I trust, clearly, onment for freedom of speech—that du tioned at Baltimore as the Brigadier small arms, gnnn, flour, bacon nnd all the necessaries we could carry after the sum of all the great principles of rebel* at the battle of Perryville, as Shoes and Re*<!y Made Clothing, Huron Street Ann the truths of these propositions. When We have traveled between 225 and Commanding. He addressed a note to a rjng the long period the democratic party liberty, of equality, and justice, wrought Vrtor ___ you deposit your vote. Uiie iall you will proved by some taken from the pocket of 250 miles. John Morgan, with a force person who had ordered a petty farmer filling our own and nil the enemy's held power it made no such arrests It out by ihe toil and suffering of the pat HIliAM. JBEAKE*. not decide upon my interests but upon a dead rebel, were manufactured at Bir- of about 2,000 cavalry, has hovered a upou his land some nine miles from town, wagons and every species of cart we will soon regain its ascendency. No i t could preps." f d h l d Ipat i mingham, aud bear the name of a «Grm A TTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT I .AW, &U<\ S o l i c i t o r s i n your own. The principles you establish round us night and day annoying jja to hand down the national flacr. It i effort on your part, however frantic, will *\ Chaueery. Office in City Halt Block, over Webster you must live under. Compared with there. Thus the British, while calling a sacred trust received from nur fathers, The rebels had but ono gun, which 4<Co's Boo* Store, Ann \rhor ^ The father-in law of this man, a presi both in front and rear, destroying mills prevent this. When it is restored to their vast importance, a political victory upon the Americans to cease their •' fra- and grain, and blockading in front of dent of one of our banks, waited upon we captured. Wo also took from the power no man's person will be seized and which must be handed down to the KINGS LEY & VLOUGAN, is nothing The authorities at Washingtricidal strife " and abusing the Federal us, and picking up any hungry soldiers the General to know wheather be had pnemv four hundred small arms, a regiwithout process of law. No man's right future unimpaired aud unmutilated.— A TTOHSBVB, Counsellors, Solicitors, and NotariesPubment-il color, fiftv six lo-uls of flonr, \ . tic, have Books and Flats showing titles of all lands ton will be influenped by this electiou in to the " writ of liberty " will be denied By God's help that trust sha 1 be kept at Government roundly, are furnishing the whose hope of getting some fruit, potatoes written the note. If the county, and attend to conveyancing and collecting their choice of Generals, and in the rebels with the indispensable means of or pawpaws tempted li'ip irouj the roadI did," said the General. " Are RRveral hundred weight of bacon, forty or abridged. Every man's homo will be every sacrifice and every suffering. >m»nds, and to paying taxes and school interest in any keeping up that "strife" Better stop side. We h ive had to dig new roads you the pppsin?" beeves, and a nnmbpr of horpen. Our art of the State, office east si Je of the Square. Ann Ar- character of tlieir public measures. held to be sacred. When you ask the Mr. 8ejmrmr was listened to with It tench to imuhwdnialion and disobe-protection from legal tribunals you deny close uttentii.n by the immense crowd preachingandgo on aa a raerG shop keeper, around Durned bi idges, cut out tree* for loss, n» fur as asocrtainfH, is four kil'ed "No; I am his father-in-law." dience. Every General who bus attemp- to us, you shall have it. You shall fol- which he addressed, and wad frequently Johnny Bull The rebel losgj miles, dig and dam for water, aud bi- " I give you thirty minutes to produce an'i seven wounded WM. LKWlff, M. D , thirty killed, eighty wounded; nnmbeF BYSims fc SrjROEON. Office at his residence. North ted to interfere with the oivil policy of low your vocation <>f abuse and calumny interrupted by cheers. A t the close of A rebel soldier who had one foot shot vouac for ninteen nights without a soli- your son-in-law in this office." side of Huron street, and 2d liou*e West ol Division government, or who has attempted to of prisoners, over three hundred ; two " But, General." as securely us now. When you invoked his speech he was most enthusiastically away by a cannon ball at the battle of tary tent. No property has beeu unneitreet, Ann Arbor. outrun its progress, or who has embar- the government, to violate our rights, I applauded. Corinth, reported his name as W. T.cessarily destroyed, but tlm road behind " Thirty minutes, sir, thirty minutes." Colonels, wv ;ral C'ptaira nnd Lieurassed it by meddling with questions am proud to say we always felt strong Garner, of Northern Arkansas. Ho us has been left ban en of provisions The two came at the appointed time, tpni"ts, or'lnnnce officers, nnd a squad o. COLLIER, said that he was pressed into the service; It is a must unfortunate thing for an and the offender confessed that he hadof Sergeants nnd Corporals. Many of ,ise*M3"C^ERan*l dealer n Roots and Shoes. 1 which did not belong to the army to de- enough in conscious rectitude to meet Garabaldi and the American War. V>'*<* of ihe I'ost ffice. vnn Arbor, Mick. cide, has been applauded and upheld by the scrutiny of our opponents, and to iVJ. the ori-oners state thut th»v were sick that he and his father were Union men, army to travel through a country and committed the offence against the flag. Subjoined is the entire correspondence the radical press and the radical organi- repel tBsaults with argumeuts aud reason. of the war, nnd quite willing to quit and thiithe attempted last winter to join not be regularly supplied with rations. " You must both of you take thr given by tho Vienna Wanderer as having MCoUE & l.ooMLS. zations. In some instances, antagonism G n. Curtis' army, but was captured, and Very few accidents havo oecured. oath," said the General, " and I give fighting arrl return homo, jf \NCFACTTRER8 an'1 dealer in Boots and Shoes, to the views of the administration conpassed between Gen Garabaldi aud the OUR POSITION. b is been ever since under guard. On All the tioops have como through in ex you, sir, two hours to hoist that ftag upon Vl I'licenix block, Main Street, one door North of Thu rehel forces were under *he American Consul at Vienna ; Vanhingtmi. stitutes the only claim to the least disthe morning of the battle he was placed cellcnt health—bet'.er thau wo had in the same spot where it was pulled down." command ol General Samuel An<WHaving pointed out the evils which a tinction. If you look to the responses visionary and wild radicalism has brought three paces in front of the colors, and so, camp. Sore feet and stiffened limbs aru TO GEN. GARABALDI, SPBZZIA, ITALY. " B u t , General!" con, md that individual informed hia M. GUITERMAN & C O , made by the Governors of the States to upon our government, our army, nnd our at the point of thu bayonet, was marched ail our ills now. We have hud skirmish '' Two hours, sir, two hours, or youmen tbnt reinforcements «-«re ne'iftsssiry VIENNA, Sept. 1. HOLESALEand Ketail dealers and manufacturers ol the legal demands of (lie President for into battle. The dead body of the color ing more or less every day, until we both go to Fort McHenry." VV Ready Made Clothing, Importer* of Cloths, Caesipeople, and having shown the terrible ;inil Rtarted towards Murfroesboro for GENERAL.—As it has not been practiK. Uoeskins, kc. No. 5, New Block, Ann Arbor. to sustain our armies, you find that! calamities with which we are threatened, cable to you for the moment to aooom bearer lying by him, attested the truth reached Grayson, at which place the en- The flag went up at the appointed time, them, and has not been heard qf since. only the most radical suggest or demand if conservative men shall uphold these plish the great patriotic work which you of his statement emy left us for Mount Sterling, sweariug and there it has floated ever since, aud The oavalrv were reTiectivtfly under C. B. POUTER, John T. Morgan, Bifel and McEiptho two are now sworn Union men. SCRGEON DM m i . Office corner of Main conditions. If you look abroad among theories by y their action at this election,, undertook in the interest of your beloved The trials .of new troops, acting aa it was uo use to try to stop the d—d i mam 11 and Huron streets, over P. Bach's store, our people you will see that for many •try. Yankees, as they cut out of their block country, I take the liberty of addres-ing it is our duty to state clearly our posipickets, a e thus sketched by an army Ann Arbor, Michigan. From the Army of the Potomac. years disobedience to laws has been open tion, and show the influence of our suc- you the present letter, with the v ew of April, 1859, correspondent: " In the night time they ados faster than they put theuj in. I lv taught in thu pulpit and the press A oess. Earnest, thoughtful men have a learning whether it would not enter into NEW YORK, Oct 19. THOUGHTS FOK YOUNO MBV.—Costly transform trees into mounted men, shrubs doubt very much if the war should last WM. WAGNER, spirit of insubordination has penue >ted right to know wlia'. we mean to do, and your plans to offer us your valiant arm ten years longer whether any troops will The HeraWi speoial from headquarters apparatus and splendid cabinet hava into pickets, fences into battle lines, and B4JJBR in 8*04/ Made Clothing Cloths, Casstmeres and our whoie social system, and is shown in At one make a harder or a longer contiiuous says one huudred and fifty of Stuart's no magical power to make scholars — VtMim*' Hats, Caps, Trunks, Caipot Bags, ta. Main national. State, and municipal organiza- how our conduct will affect the action of in the contest which we sustain for the even rooks into armed rebels. ti , Aim Arbor. government and the conduct of the war. liberty and unity of our great Republic. time they hastily rallied their ranks and march than General Morgan's division cavalry have been captured, and it is re- In all circumstances, aa a man is, under tions. When this great rebellion broke Upon these points they have a right to The combat in which we are eugaged poured a galling fi'e into the outcropping has made I t is the second hard march ported thit mora will be. Six were God, tho maker of bis own fortune, no out, which is itself but a vast exhibition full and clear darlarations Let us con- does not interest us alone, but the whole PlJiRSON. found on Friday night in General Rickets' is he the maker of his own mind The rooks in the river, believing them to be a the regiment I am attached to (the in Dry GOO<1F, Groceries, Hardware, Boota of the same spuit, it found acts for resis- front the truths of our national position. world. The transport and enthusiasm Shoes, &c., Main street, Ann Arbor. creator has so constituted the human Confederate force fording the bubbling Thirty.socond Indiana) has made. I camp, wearing Federal uniforms tance to the laws of Congre68 unon the W« must accept facts as they A large number of the rebel siok, cap- intellect that it can grow only by its with which you would be received in our current. Even in the day time, on one hope it will be the last. d statute books of a large number of; Overlookingg all ar- country in which you have passed a porp , we find d the h ar ll the h past, SLAWSON & GEER, occasion, a few of our men who had I wish I was permitted to state the tured at Sbeparjstown, refused to take own action, and by its own action it ^ S W S S j P*OV#WON & Commission Merchants,anddea- s t a t e s ; and they were all placed there med strength of the government and of tion of your life, would be immense ; and crossed to tha large island in the river for force General Morgan brought through parole, but took the oath of allegiance, must ceitiiiuly and necessarily grow.—, Jf lMsiu WATER UMK. LA.VD 1'LAI?TKB d P by the same influences Wherever this the engaged~in th rebellioi. blli d i ddeadly d l conflict your mission, which would be that of grain, were fired on by the whole frigh with so much skill Very little has been and have gone north. Every man must, therefore, in an im4Ri«,one door East of Cook'it Hotel. spirit of radicalism has controlled, these The sword i» now the arbiter, Not only leading our brave soldiers to fight for tened line of pickets, and only saved said of it in the papers, and the people Oi'ders havo been issued preventing portant gonse, educate himself. Hia acts o insubordination have broken cut are the ranks of the armies arrayed for the saints principle to which you have no- themselves by falling below the gunwales will be astonished to learn that so largs officers or civilians from orossing the hooks and teachers are but helps—the C E iRtnClocks, Watches. Jjs^elry. and Fancy Goods, like plague spots. Time does not permit the defence of our flag filled by our bly devo'eil your entire existence, would of the large flat boat. To these raw a force has beeu brought through au al- Potomac above Harper's Ferrv work is his. A man is not educated the sign of the Big *'*tch. No. 27, Phoenix Block me to enlarge upon the proofs of this, friends and relatives, but we know that A few nights since a body of rebel until he has the ability to summon, ia be iiltogether conformable to your iuten troops a coon-cry or owl screech becomes most barren country, supplied for miles but every one who will take up the sub upon the results of battles hanothe deg"JTCTWATTS. tious. I shall cocsider myself, General, a bugle call. They need the experience and miles with only scattering pools of cavalry crossed at Sliepard>towu and cane of emergency, all his mortal pows, Watches, Jewelry andSilver Ware No jeot, or who will look at the tone of its tinies of our country. I t s greatne-i, its extreruely fortunate if I could reoeive of a campaign to oool their imaginations water, warm and muddy. Perhaps uo penetrated almost to a Brigadier'* bead- er into vigorous exercise, to effect hit . Slew Block, Aun Arhor. prej-g will sea this spirit shown in the prosperity, its glory, are poised upon the your reply. division in the army has as much or asquarters before they were repulswd, they proposed object. It is not the man and temper their zeal." efforts to preFs upon the President a pol- ,t a r n of the conflict. I have shown, in good artillery. But I am making my having our uniforms on. who hau seen the most, or who has T. B. F5EEMAN. I have the honor to be, &c-, BOSECRAKS ON PuKSUINQ AN E N E M Y . Our troops passed through Stuart's read the most, who ran do this; such % letter too long We have nothing left ARBEK and Fashi/,;j»lj!«' Hair Mressur, Ifcain Street, icy iu terms menacing and disrespect fu.1. !j temperate language, how this has been Those who know Gen. liosecrans, his us but our guns, ammunition, and some camp on Thursday, where there was every Ann Arb*jr, Mich. Heif iY&pU a£d Curls kept ^nok at the recent convention of Gov- periled by the confusion and evils brought THEODORE CANIS;TJ8, one is in danger nl being bornn down, t j on :iand. vehement ene gy, his soldierly maxims, wagons. Many of our troopa ape bare- evidence of a hasty retreat. ernors p o h man tbere lost his official u p .,n us by wild and speculative iheorTeg, Consul of the United States of America. like a beast of burden, by an overhis resistless will, need not be told he powers when be left tho limits of his J , d by an abandonment of tried path SCHOFP & MILLER. The following was Gen, Garibaldi's footed and nearly miked, hardlv fit to be leaded majsa of other men's thoughts, pursued the rebels " sharply," Of our seen in respectable society. We ate our KALKKS in Miscellaneous, Bohool, ;tnd lilank Rooks Sta btate, yet they affected positions denied ways. Bewildered, irritated and per-reply; tionery, P»j,er Hangings, fcc, Main Street <j nn £ 5 5 II the President and the Gen Nor is it a man that can boast merely two hundred Generals, none have given first hard bread here last night, having to them bv lh«r respective Slate gov- j verse, the agitators are still pushing on trbor. VARIOANO.Sept. 14, such assurance of bitter pursuit as Rose- found some going up the river in a small erals should attempt to adopt all theof native vigor and capacity. The ernments, und perplexed an anxious peo ' the same fatal policy They are willing different plans for conductiug this war greatest of all the warriors that went SIR—I am a prisoner and dangerously D. DEFOREST. crans. " Follow close ; force them to pie by secret proceedings, and attempted to sacrifice all the blood and the treasure iffaoLBSALE and Retail Dcalerin Lumher, Lath, Shinwounded ; oonscqu.ent.ljr it is not possible face the rear; compel them to form of en boat, marked 9 U t O. V. M., Ironton. that they aro censured by the vitriol to the siege of Troy had the pre-emito influence the President of the United of tho people, but they are not willing ' " gles, Sash, Doors, Blii.ijs, Water Lime, <;ran<'l River Still, the in line of battle, and so harrass and dis- This morning two more small boats came newspaper warriors for not adopting, nence, not becausa nature had given faster, "laster Paris, and N«ts at all RTOK A full btates by a movement at variance with to sacrifice one passion' or ose prejudice for me to dispoue of myself and perfect a«ortment of the »bf,M, apd all other moment that I have obtained my liberty courage them; prevent them from com- up, but I have no' learned what they are heaven only knows what would become him strength, and he carried the larni'U of building malarial* cnr.fciantly on hand at tl,e the genius of our institutions. If they On the other hand, while our views have ladon with. We could eat up a half of the army, the union, or any thing; gest bow, but self-discinline had taught; pnaiible | iwent p i b l e rates, rate, on >>«trait "-treet, a few rod! from Dad no objects beyond those avowed, it been rejected, we have calmly and firmly and thut my wounds are healed, I shall municating from front to rear; give them the Railroad Depot. 4Ua iterating else. The confusion of tongue* at thehim how to bend it,— Webster. seize the first favorable opport ii ity of no time to distribute subsistenoe; don't dozen good sized boats, boilers and all. r in the was a folly which increased the public adhered to the tradition of our fathers, satisfying niy desire to serve the great A^ t e u t Cement Roonnjr. The division is now slowly crossing the building of the tower of B:ibel would be 1 alarm at this period of national dis^uie- that authorities mu-t be upheld in themeriom Repub.ic, of which I am a citi- let them sleep. ' Such are his maxims river, one brigade having gotten over. no comparison to Ihe military chaos U WASIITENWVCOUXTY BIBLE ROCJETY. VERY SMAKT LAD —As we were walk-, ,V7 1 rightful exercisu of power, whe'her we zes, and which is nosy fighting for uni-Serve with him and you will discover that th* civilian wisuacres, who are I " IsrosiTORT of Bibles and Testanumta at the Society : that his sharp adviou is not mere lip ing along the street, the otlvr day, w« I price* /it VV. C. Vnorheis'. We have another apparent conflict be liked their policy or not. Henoe our versal liberty. more ready tu plan than to fight, would service " When you desire to put a man j£3 I t <s said that Jonah wrote to noticed a crowd of urchins standing tvteen the judiciary and the army and support has beeu unwavering, uncondibring upon our country. out of your house, get him fairly started his father after the whale had swallowed around a boy who was sucking a liiece of tbe KgeentiT*. Many who speak of dis- tional and true. Thu election of our I have the hocor to be, & c , l and only half the ordinary force is re-him, that he had found 11 good opeuing candy, ' I say, Bill,'1 said ona ot' them, SO"CESSORP TO GARABALDI, loyalty to government, forget that the whole ticket would not revolutionize poquired to keep him going. So witb a for a youug mau going into the oil GllBEf,P.V ON THE R o L l FOR A DRAFT.— "give me that candy, and I'll make it judiciary is one of its independent bran- litical power, bur it would qualify that retreating enemy. Moral discourage- business. It is eaul that the name of Horace ooine out of my ears, like Blitz did last MANUPACT"KFR?OF Cfaet, as much HO as the executive or leg- monopoly of all departments of governFATAL ULNJSSS OF KOSSTLII.—A Suutch ment robs him of half h'm strength — Greelev appears on th(> draft return night at the theatre" Second youth lslative department. I t is one • ' • without ment wLich we have seen tends to cor newspaper etuttw that " poor Kossuth, X»x*irxt, B o o b . Make him turn fit, b^y and rest easy — JT^IT The ooffin of Daniel Webster trorn Westuhe-ter orv.uity, N. Y. H'>r-shells over the eantiy. First youth verv which it canno! be carried on. I t is as ruption and despotism when unchecked th« Hiniwiirian patriot, is in the final AND — He is worried. You are at ease." Such was opened at Maishfield at tho reGent aoe protested to the enrolling o{)i,vr deliberately eats the candy — second treasonable to assail its jurisdictions as to Our success, for other reasons, would s'age of conwimplion, and that probabCOLORED MEDIUMS, any other part of our national bring th's war to a successful conclusion. ly before irmny weeks pass away, a are part of the military ideas of Gen, burial of his son, Col Fletoher Webster. that he vvas filty.-two years old, hutyouth watches the little fellow's e*ta Pnper,*c. attack syttem. I say there is an apparent con- It would carry us back to thu point from noble country will have to mourn the Rosecrans. Why did Grant order him Decay hud naturally done itg work, but the latter thought he would have ihd and after drawing himself into every ANN ARBOtt MICH. y p to halt from carrying them nut, after the the marked peculiarities of that massive " philosopher" drafted, if only to seeconceivable shape, he suid: ''Well, it I flict, for I will not believe that Mr, Linhich i"e started, and for which the Moss of one of ber most gifted.' late battles of Corinth and luka? haint forgot the rest, as Jure as raps," ! head aadface-^ere clearly distinguishable, him die-card hit •' oW grey coat. Business IMrtftnin. MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO, CONWAY INS,, COMPANY W U t D P D D B D The democracy tire »stoni.-heJ at Tae Situation of G3:i, Buell's and Bragg s Democratic Sena,toria,l Convention, 8th OCTOBER ELECTION ADDRESS property to enjoy, and life itself will not The "290." Armies. | their successes, and the ab!>litionis sure PENNSYLVANIA. District. compensate f its burilens Thick t'.alkOK THK ur Capt. Tilton ol tlie wli.-ilor From the Tjouisvillc Journal, Oct. 21. dismayed beyond all calculation. K P>. Po;si>, jlear 'gbj.v-Tho Demo_ county gi-es l,20t) majori' (»!!(• ef iliu captures of tho 200 says tJlai Democratic Stale Central Committee. lioss ha1igs over tho future. A radical The fnllow;nft aboli ionists, members We get nothing further from liuell faction lias driven the gouj old ship of ty for James T, Hale, Union democrat the commander of lb« rebel craft said to cratic Senatorial Convention for this of the present Congress, have bet n, de- a.d Bragg. Probably we may hear of Detroit, Oct. 21, 18G2. State among the rooljjsanc! ijiiicksnuls.— 4 N \ AHUOR, him ; " you Northerners :»»-e 4e8tPOyh)g District, 8th, was held at Saline Ex- ,and conservative republican, for Con- feated, and democrats chosen in their pie or both of them in a few days.— Dat>toerat& of Michigan —A gieat polit Our anchorage has failed ; the ballast is gress, over William II. Armstrong, our property, and Now Bedford people g change, Saturday, P . M., at 2 o'clock. places, at the late ul' ctior, v'.z: John Evidently, a deal o$ di;s;;tisf;ction oxh cuiilpa.-s p is i i g j { the Friday Morning, October 24. j straight out-and-out republican. nrc having their war meetings, offering ical battle i.« :ii hand; your country and ovi rll oardd; the P. M. Eaton was called to the Ohair, your country's glory call you to arms—-1 helm is useless the pilot is -:s:,.icided Fifth Congressional District—Bucks A. Gurlev, Samuel Shellabarger, Carey is s, among our people, and we are not $400 bounty to volunteers, and send out the l t at it. Confident expectation^ and Geo. W . Hall, appointed Secretary. county gives six hundred and thirty A.Tiimble, P. J. Worses or, A. M.surprised tlifir stone fleets to block up our harbors, Your former renown, aud the traditions ; and bewildered and an utisacnt lied crow Blake, W, P. Cutter, S. Edgerton and a; e disappointed. High hopes ara of the old democratic family invoko your is robbing and plundering on every hand. majority for Carrigan for Congress, ami 1 am going to retaliate ! Captain On motion of 15. Hare, J . J . Rohison action. The shades of Jackson aud Jcf- Those gentlo winds that iiiled the sails whiph defeats Russell Thayer, Union John A. Bingham. Thet-o gentlemen blasted. Every one feels that things Tilton continues: was declared the unanimous candidate have nil had democratic successors ap- have occurred which there were means, republican. " I went on th? quarter deck with my fecgoq aud Washiugton call on you from in former days, and brought peace and pointed., and leave to slay at homo, to prevent, nnd which should have been for Senator for this district. tho tomb to stop forward and savo the plenty, have been succeeded by fieroo It is thought the democrats have snn, when they ordered me into the Ice previ n'.ed. But bo patient, he;.r country in this its hour of peril. The gale* and a racing tempest. Then, all The following committee was appoint* elected their State ticket, though it is INDIANA. w.iist, with my crew, and all of us put in and scrutinize all the facts bearing up-, constitution of your country is assailed hand-, ahoy ! Yon JOUUg men. can savo doubtful as ypfc. Our Washington corcd.: irons, with (he exception of two buys, Indianapolis, Opt. 17, on the case and then pronounce the by an armed rebellion on the one hand the s ip if you will Stand up and do onok am! steward. [ asked if I was to D. LoBaron. Bridgewater; Levi Rey- respondent states that a dispatch has 1 Returns coino in slowly. We have, judgment that shall seem to be dg<erbeen received there from Governor Cur- as you i»no\v, carried the State by 20,be put in irons? The reply wns that aud by a vehement sectional fanaticism it. nolds, York; G. W. Hall, Saline. tin admitting the defeat of tho repub- O0Q inajoijty. Wo have elected eight ; ved. We still hope to find that no eon-. Aitnpiri Citizen* of MkJtigan — 'Bcx Forever float that standard slvet t his pursuer was put in irons, and his head on the other. .Balls and powder are the weapons of the ono class of assailauts, GKO. W . HALL, Secy. lican Stale ticket and the election of aCongressmen out of eleven. ' All thefidence has been misplaced. what did VOU come to this country? W h y Where breathes the foe but falls I shaved by us, and that he was fLOitag to Bragg is by this time, we presume^ majority of democratic Congressmen. ab(il;;ionists have to crow over aro Orth, rctiiri'ulc". We were put in the leo waist, wbjfe pa»or manifestoes are the weapons j <jjj v , n l i o u v e t | 103C bwiutiful plains, th:it Wilh Freedom's soil beneath our feet, .—The next term of theThe candidates wero: in Tennessee. We are anxious to know ]5oih strike at the integri mrivaled s-cerory, that g:irden culture, with an old sail over us and a lew planks of tho other Julian aud Dumont. Wo have the And freedom's banner waving o'er us.' whether he is followed across the lina ty aud existence of tho government, of those vinevard.-i and valleys and luiuuCircuit Court which is to commence on Auditor Qener-a'—Isaac. Slenker. to lie upon. Legislature, as I telegraph) d you last by Buell. If ho is not, we shall soon, your fathers. Both are revolutionary.— taiii3, those inoiiument-s ami old castles Surveyor General—James P. Barr. Tuesday, will be adjourned to Nov. 17th'• The steamer was cruising to the west, niiflit, and if Morton bad been a candiThe following table shows the result | date he would not to-day bo our Gov- hear of his striking a heavy blow soineand the nest day they took the Blishu The one requires you to put down, with and old cathedrals and galleries of art, [ where. Ilis army cannot afford to Yt& kindred w e a p o n armed traitors in the that civilization a thousand years old, )ur latest advices fron Penn- of the election for Congressmen Dunbar, her crew receiving the same ernor. iidje. It is far too groat fbr that. Bu,t field, while the other calls you to action j those sweet scenes of your childhood and Hist .Dist. treatment as ourselves. The steamer's sylvania state that the Democrats have Congratulate the democracy of the where it will go is the question. Ona : 18. No returns. 1. J . Randall, Jem. guns beinsj kept run out, the sido ports j with no less effective weapons—tho vote those soo al relations of maturer years? For Governor, carried the legislature, thus ensuing the 2. C. O'Ncil, rep. 14. Wm. H. Miller, d great North '.vest upon the victory we I of the Atlanta papers says the Chatta• sea was ' and tho ballot box. Your sons, your Why did you leave them nil and OFQSS be shut, and• when the 16. J. Bailey, * d h won. election of a democratic U. S. Seuator. 3. J . Kline, rl ! nooga liailroad is in full running ordu*. brothem and your neighbors have uobly tho ocean for a distant and untried counn little rough, or the vessel rolled, the 16. A. 11. Coftrotli, d I. Wm. I). Kelley, r Cincinnati, Oct. 17- tn within fifteen miles of Nashville. I ( responded to the one call, as a country in try ? A h ! you hud, read the Declarai"i. O. W. CaVrtgan, d (17. S. 8. Blair, r "* w»icr wns continually coining in on both Returns from tbirty-eight counties in this is true, is there not danger that The Rebels Evacuated Western Virginia (>. J . D. Styles, d |l8. Jas. T. Hale, d OK OAKLAND. oides, and swashing across the deck where mourning aud each battlefield in I bis tion Q( Independence and the constituIndiana give a democrat'.u majority of Brngg may get to Nashvillo and cap—Morgan in Buell's Rear. 7. J . M. Bromiiall, r 19. \,i> rtituni.s. most deplorable civil war can testify; ro= tion of tha United. Spates. You had wo were, so that our feet and clothing For Lieutenant Governor, "20. §p returns. 10,000, and unofficial returns from I tiire \t with an overwhelming force be8. S. K. Anemia, d Special Dispatch to the: Chicago Times. were wet all the time, either from the spond yourselves to the other at the pojlg rpad of American liberty snd of our 9s Th:ul. Sevens, r 21. Wm. M. gtewart, r other portions of the State promise an fore the necessary reinforcements wiH ou the fourth of November next, material and national prosperity. You Cincinnati, Out. 20. water below, or the rain above. W e 10. M. f-'.ir... ,-. ,1 22. J. K. Morehead, r increased majority of 18,000. The bo sent forward to the gallaqt ftegley'ii Patriots of Michigan—IIQW can yot}had learnpd that labor was reasonably 23. T. William,, r OF ST. J O M V I I . were obliged to sleep iu the place where Advices from Gen, Cox, at Gallipolis II. P. .Johnson, (1 Legislature is certainly democratic. support? 24. No returns, save your country from the dangers tjiat 12. O. Dentaon, <X compensated, here. You saw tlip Stars we were, and often waked up iu the nigbt For Secretary of State, report that the rebels had ovacuated bcetitV You cannot and you will not and Stripes—the ever honored oniblern nearly under water. Our f;ire consisted om I ..• Kichra n 1 Whig, from •Nominated by the Democrats ami supporWILLIAM R. MONTGOMERY, of Western Virginia and gone t a East THE FIUIIT AT LEXINGTON-.—It is said, or sympathy beef and pork, rioo,beana, rice, beans, to* tea and |i of beefand yaffiliation y p y wilh those of American liberty, gleaming front mast Tennessee, taking with them all their ted by Republicans. The North Must be Eevastated, that in the fight at Lexington on FriIlillsdale. lna n u s heads in the ports of Europe. You coffee and bread. Only one of our irons \ against it at the South, J o u trains, &c. They huve manufactured VI Democrats, Congrr-M has attempted to respond ! day evening there were two hundred For State Treasurer, was allowed to be taken off at a time, cannot savo it by acting with the canting, oauie. You have enjoyed freedom, been and carried away 200,000 bags of suit 8 Republicans, after a fashion to the earnest demand of j and twenty-five rebels and two hundred radical faction at the North, which did \ reasonably jvud for labor, been protected CHARLES 0 . TROW BRIDGE, of a sufficient quantity to keep them for »nd we had to wash in salt water. W e 4 Not heard fipm< the people of the Confederacy for somo Federals engaged, in which from fivo much, very much to produce the presentby tha ooBBtftution aud laws, aud have were kept on deck all tho time, night and one year, Jieforo leaving they de Wayne. The present delegation stands sort of effective retaliation upon the to ten rebels were killed, fifteen wounwar, which did nothing find would do participated in the general prosperity of diiy, and a guard placed over us," a.trojed tho salt works and a larg< ivepublicaus, For Attorney Geneva!, 17 enemy—a retaliation demauded alike by ded, and one hundred and eighty taken nothing to avert it, and which has done the country. Would you enjoy thorn »|nnnn{ of other property. Gen. p o | Democrats, our duty to the outraged "laws o f human- prisoners. Tha F&deral loss was but much to aggravate the condition of af still? Would von savn labor from being 7 JOHN T: FQLilES, of K^t, will be in possession of Charleston toThe Retel General Stuart. ity and to our citizens. Just so. long as four killed and seven or eight wounded]. fairs auJ to reuuer tuem nearly despe- degraded to a level with the servile labor In 18C0the vote of the State on tho morrow. For Auditor General, The dashing rebel General James E. rate. W e are fallen upon gloomy times, of the African ? Would you savo the candidates for the Presidency 6tood as the bloodthirsty Yankees arc permitted Among the rebels who were mortally John Morgan has turned tip in B. Stuart, whose startling raids on the such as are likely to continue so loug as constitution aud freedom of tho country to [.roocod with impunity in their devel- wounded was. Sam Morgan, Into of RODNEY C. PAINE, of Berrien, follows : Buell's rear, and tho impression prevails Peninsula and in Maryland give him extreme counsels shall dictate affairs at from the hand of the destroyer ? Would ishwork, relying for immunity on our Nashville, John Morgan's nephew-.—. Lincoln, 268,050 such marked prominence, is a native of Washington. Then come to the polls you perpetuate what you have fouud our For Commissioner of Stato Land Oilice, that he will attempt amusement ut de sentimental devotion to the violated laws The rebels were subsequently heavily Fusion, 178,871 CHARLES F. HEYERMAN, of stroying trains. His force numbers Virginia and a young man. He gradua- and cast your ballots for democrats, and coun'ry to be—tho home of the free and and usages of war, just lint Jo,ng we reinforced, and took possession of the, Dougias, 1G.765 not less than 2,500, armed to tho teeth Wayne. ted at West Point as late as 1854, en- conservatives, and modorato men, andthe assylum of the oppressed ? Thon shall be subjected to outrage, rapine, place.—Louisville Journal, Oct. 21. Bell, 12,77btering the Mounted ltifles. When the reasonable men, and Union-loving men, rally to tho polls aud vote the Union aud For Superintendent of Public Instruction, His recont clash into Lexington was \n murder aud arson, wherever the invading Lincoln's majority over all, 5 9 / 27 tended us a chock of tho Federal ad rebellion broke out he-was simply a First and national men, and patriotic men, democratic ticket. North may find a foothold in our terriTHOMAS II. SINEX, of Calhoun. oino. vance, while his main force co\ild move Lieutenant in the Hecond Cavalry, the now nominated iu opposition to tha raditory. [Here follows a half column of Conservatives of Michigan—Remember The democrats claim from 10,000 to the bitterest abuse of tho North, which westerly. For Member of Board of Education, " c r a c k " regiment organized by Jeff. cal ticket. Drive the radicals from tho Humphrey Marshall, with 1,000 men 15,000 majority on the Stale ticket, we omit.] Pavis while Secretary of War, and of places they occupy, abuse aud disgrace. how your orators, your statesman aud DANIEL E. BROWN, of Genescc. In this city on Thursday, October ~it>l}\, was at Mount Sterling on Suiulay and twelve Congressmen. which the loyal Gen. Sumner was Col-Take the reins of government from men your press, predicted that the extreme Since Congress has thought proper to 1802, by the Rev. L. D. Chapin, JOHS t . polioy of the abolitionists, if carried into The Union ticket havp elected five 1 making preparations foe a southward onel and the rebel Gen. Hardee Lieut. who have shown themselves unqualified For Representative in Cortgross, leave the whole matter to the discretion FCLLEK, of the firm of Grenville & Fuller, Congressmen, and two aro doubtful. retreat. Colonel, Stuart resigned May 1-lthto hold them, and place them in thopractice, would array the North and the of tho President, it is to 'u.o hoped that of this city, and Miss LODEJIA E. MOWBT, of South against each other, would overThe democratic Slate ticket in Ohio Ten rebels deserted in a body and 1861, about three months after Tremain hands of men thoroughly true to the conhe will do something to fulfill the ex-Ann Arbor town. throw the constitution and plunge the Of WASI1TLNAW. arrived in Paris on Sunday evening and is probably elected. made hrs Twcddle Ha!l speech ju.-tifying stitution and government. A change nation in civil war. Remember how a. pectations of the people—something that The. successful candidates are -subdeliveied themselves up. They repre tho rebellion and opposing the war "now, cannot be for the worse. I t may be of may effectually curb the insolence of the joined : sent that "Old T u b , " as they call Hum hereafter and forever, and if that be infinite advantage to you aud to your Cass, a Douglas, a Clay, a Webster^ aud enemy and prevent a prosecution of those legislative Nominationsa whole hast of wise and conservative J u d g e of tho Supreme Court, R . P . phrey, has deceived them so frequently treason make the most of it." Stuart posterity. infernal schemes of rapine and arson, men, predicted just what we now suffer that they are determined to desert hirr Ranney. immediately rnteied the rebel service For State Seuator—7th district. murder aud servile insurrection with People of Michigan—Remember that and are yet to, suffer. IJow they cauSecretary of State, Wm. W. Arm at every opportunity. and has since been the star of its cavalry. s trfaiph the Lincoln Government has WILLIAM JAY, of Northfleld. eternal vigilance is the price of liberty tioned U of tho coming danger. How While in the United States army he John Morgan has stated, tfr-.t, wh.ei strong, threatened the South. Haw is this to The patriots of the Revolution and the their addresses burn with noble words of Attorney General, L.. l i , Critcli^eld. For State Seuator—Sth district. married a daughter of the loyal Virginhe went iuto Kstell county, to head G be done ? We must resort to retaliation. SOLOMON'S TEMPLE \ founders of the government hedged the warnicg of what is now upun us, and now School Commissioner, C. W . Gil-Yes; but what shall bo the kind and ias, Brigadier General Philtp St. W. Morgan's advance, he was to have JOHN J . ROBISON, of Sharon. Commencing on Satir.'day cwning, George Cooke, then Colonel of the First personal liberty of the citizen about with what they foresaw as clearly as tho sun been joined by Humphrey Marshall bert. what the measure of retaliation ? Any the strongest guarantees of whioh fuuda at inid'day. Head over once again, be2bth. 1862. Member of the Board of Public Cavalry. One of Stuart's objects in his For Representatives in State Legislature, who failing to corne to time, the expedi half-way measures be^iuninj^with, nothing TliU is a house built of Cedar, ornamented with Works, James Gamble. ifaoinsular raid was to capture his father- mental law and national compacts were fore election, their patriotic lessons.— lion failed, and the Cumberland Gap and snoing just where they ought to be carvings of cedar, overlalQ with pine California £$l3— 1st District— CHESTER YOST, of capable. They transmitted theso guar- Remember how tho great master of Subjoined is the result of the vote gin, will only make the matter worse— l i was built in California at a cost ot tw$utj sixl^ in-law. heroes escaped an engagement. Mor antees to you for safe keeping, and youAmerican oratory was hunted down to Ypsilanti. dollars, it is -.H by 36 feet ami 15 fqftt *\&\i, it ocupies for Congressmen : gun's movements are certainly very Before the rebellion broke out Stunrt are charged to preserve them for your- his grave by malignant partisans, who will o'lly excite the ridicule of the ene-tbt'cntire body of iho ball. It is ILjuminattid with 20J 2d DisL—IlIRXM J. BEAKES, of suspicious, and have tho appearance o Mat. gas lights, aUo 600 figures checked with ii k and linen nisi was an officer at Carlisle Barracks, for selves, and traogmit theui ^unimpaired'to have succeeded to his place, and who pol11 W. A. Hntcbins, d my, and stimulate them to reuewed atro- representing ail their wortihipiiw, d^edJcatioikof thaTemAnn Arbor. continued dashesancj a raid uponNorth 1 G. II Pegdleton, d VI ple by King Solomoft, as to its architectural beauties years the rendezvous of the United your postet ity. The dictatorial spirit of lute, with their pestilential breath, the cities. We ought to do iu earuest th,e Wm. B. Flnck, d 2 Alex. Long, d chalk'u,"- t*:e worl 1 for its equal. 3d List.—LOVATUS 0. ALLEN, em Kentucky. States cavalry, only thirty miles from abolitionism, without even the excuse of very places where charmed assemblies very things with which they threaten us, woOpen 18 John O'Neill, d every day and evening from 2 to fi an'l 7 to 10 8 R. C. SchSnck, r of York. 14 P. M. Lecture at 3,'X and « P. I I . ' ^dniiasion 25 c«nt«, Chambersburg. Several of his field an overruling necessity, has assumed to once hung upon his words of experience Geo. Blifia, d expecting always murder aud outrage 4 J. F. McKiimcv. $ ( h;y.ivn 15 cents. 15 No returns. The Rel>el Army in Arkansas. officers were also stationed there at diff- suspend and nullify theso guarantees.— and of admonition. Remember how the 4th ZM—ELI8HA CONGDON.of upon women and children. 5 F L. Leblond, d Liberal arrangements made with Sabbath aud day 16 J. W . White, d School*. erent times when in the Federal service, The citizen, without a complaint, without kites pecked at the noble eagle, and how SylvanSpringfield, Mo., Oct. 21. 0 No. returns. The President should issue a procla17 E. R Eckley, r S. S. Cox, d. and all wero thoroughly familiar with being allowed counsel, without being they have since peeked at his memory.— A prisoner in the camp of Genera 7 is R. P. Spalding, r mation, demanding that Lincoln's Eman8 Win. Johnson, d COTJNT"y TICKET, the whole couutiy. I n addition they confronted with his accusers, without tes- Remember it all, and go and vindicate 19 J. A. Garlield, r Ruins, and who escaped at the timo of 9 Win. P. Noble, d cipation proclamation be rescinded, and were of course guided by rebel sympa- timony against him, without the forms of that memory at the polls. the fight at Newtonia, gives the follow- 10 J. M. Ashley, r the wholo war system of the North T5YRON GREEN, having n^pli$d for a license, ij^ir For Sheriff, 12 thisers residing along tho whole route.— civil law, and against all law, has been Democrats, ing account of the condition of tho reb brought within the rules of civilized 1J hol'ls btatteH iL r e a d i e s 'to attend to all calls Union men of Michigan—You have Ihivinc; had excellence, fasus'positive he can give £p°& Republicans, Taking everything into consideration, the seized, overpowered, manacled, and sePHILIP WINEGAR, of Northfield. els on tho southwest border. The 5 warfaje, and declariug that uuless this mttlfactfon. All calls promptly attended to : 'Vhiitgea Not heard from, leariunablo. Apply at the Kniukhn House. fact that Stuart successfully made the cretly dragged off to distant military steped out af your party lines and your soldier says MoBride and Parsons had 9 be done, we shall send forces into the For County Clerk, party disoipline. You have boldly inBYRON' GREEN". circuit of our army on the banks of the prisons, thero to remain till the pleasure eight or ten (thousand men, aud Rains North to. hum, ravage, desolate and desThe present delegation stands : Ann Arbor, Oct. 24, 1SBJ. 875tf curred whatever of praise or hatred may, TRACY W. ROOT, of Ann Arbor. Potomac is not so remarkable as the fifteen thousand. Ten thousand were troy everything in their path, +^or Democrats, 8 of his accusers should sea fit to set him justly or unjustly, attach to such a step. Estate of Ebcn T. Whittelsey. effective. Cooper had eight thousand For Register of Deed.", yapidity with which he did it. ought this to be an empty threat. The Republicans, 12 at liberty, denying all explanation of the \'ou have doubtless done it deliberately, TATE OK MICHIGAN', County of IV»»]ii™avr,i»:_ Cofioe and Shelby four to fiive thous recent exploit of General Stuart has Union. 1 S At a MMion of the Probate Court for the County of cause of arrest. All this has boon doue and democratic conventions have accepted HORATIO G. SHELDON, of Ypsilanti and: besidos these, Standwaite had one The vote of the State in the Presi- shown that the Northern territory is open \V.i*htc-ii:iv.-. holdon :it tin- Probate Office, in the C i t / An Indian Princess Vug Up in States and communities thoroughly your assurances that you did it patriotiof Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the fifteenth day of. For Prosecuting Attorney, thousand five hundred Indians. Some voting men in Churlestown, loyal, where judges and jurors and offi cally. We strike hands with you, then, dential election of 1800 was as fol-to us. We can send cavalry expeditions October, in the year omr ihouB&vd <ight luinc'.redand ALEXANDER DCRANE, of Dexter. Sixty-two. Vn-pont,Thomas Nimle, Judge of Probate. " The general plan for the invasion of into Pennsylvania and Ohio, with orders Mass., recently explored an Indian cers of the law wero ready and anxious | Shoulder to shoulder we stand by the lows . In the matter of tjw Estate of Ebcn T. Wnlttelmy, Missouri waa that the rebels should to move rapidly from place to place, and deeeaaej^. mound in that lihioe—the burial place to do their whole duty. These are evils constitution and government. Ho I for Lincoln, 231,010 For Treasurer, On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of to do nothing but burn and destroy.— Franklin of Nimgret, the hist of tho Pequot sa too grievous to bo borne. A blow aimed our country, now, henceforth aud for-HORACE CARPENTER,ofPittsfield. inarch iu three colums, under Cooper, Douglas, 187,232 W Whittelsey, praying that administration of Parsons and Rains' 'X be first points The deuse population aDd concentrated Raid Estate, may bo granted to t?arah S. WLitti'lst-^, y^ chems—and found the remains of his at the liberty of ono citizen is a blow evermore! Let us striko home aud 12,194 Bell, tome other Suitable person. to be taken were Springfield, Mount wealth of these States are circumstances For Circuit Court Commissioner, daughter, his only unman ied child : 11,405 Breckinridgp, Thereupon it Is-Ord -red, That Monday, thesr-v-niecn k leveled at the liberty of all. A blow strike all together. Let the shout of which would great'y facilitate our ope- <'ay of e. next, i.t ten o'c'ock in the forQi j^ Lincoln's, majority over all, 20,779 " They dug faur feet and came to struck at the liberty of one man is avictory follow the roar of battle and be THOMAS L. HUMPIIREVILLE, of Vernon and Rolla. They thought assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the' thero were only a1;out 8,000 Federal rations. In a country where a citv lies be heirs&i lawof saiddeenaeed, and all othur pfjr.Jons iuthree very large flat stones, weighing blow struck at the constitution aud gov-heard above it.. Let the old flag of tho INDIANA. Saline. forfeited, in said estate are required ^o appear jit a M-Stroops in the Stato, aud that the c^ at the end of every day's journey, and a perhaps a. ton each liaising them out ernment of tho land. Union once more wave victorious over a The following State ticket nominated town is passed every hour, an invading sionof saitl Court, then to be ho.lden^t the Probate For Coroners, -ure of Jefferson Pity und St. Louis Oflice, iu the City of Ann Arbor. In sai-1 (Si'ojiir. ii'no oi tfx* way, tho-y continued digging four Citizem of Michigan—You? liberties united, happy and prosperous people. bv the democrats of Indiana is elec- force would find plenty of occupation for shovr canae,if ain there he, why the prayer of the would bo an easy matter. Ilindnian PHILHM.QN C MURRAY, of Salem, feet deeper including the thickness of are in your own hands. If you do not Jf!lect,or$ of Michigan—Have you not petitioner should ffoi be granted . ted : its destructive powers. Au unwarlike An»lit is further Ordered, that said petitioner ffivft, tho stones. They then struck a large preserve them history will denounoe you seen er.ough, heard enough, felt enough EDWARD L, BO YD EN, of Webster. made a speech, in which he promised Secretary of State, James. J . Annotice to the persons Interested ir; said estate, si the that the Stars and Bars would float all aud unorganized population \vQiild soon peudency iron pot, filled with smaller pots, ketties as lit only for a condition of slavery.— and suffered enough, from tho extreme of said pctiti.M, aii'l the hcari.njj thereof by thon. along the Mississippi and Missouri Riv tire of raids like these, and olaiaor for causing a copy of this order to be ptmlisfa^ jn tfce and skillets. They found also a large Future rulers may acquire boldness from factions— the extreme pro slavery faction Representative Convention—4th District. Michigan Argug, a newspaper printed and circulating State Auditor, Joseph Ristine. ers before Christinas. peace. brass kettle filled with porringers and your forbearance aud rob you of all that at the South, and the extreme anti-slavery in <ai.i County of Wawlitehaw, three sneewnhre araahg A Democratic Conventionforthe -lth RepState Treasurer, W. L. Brett. previous to said v^aj of hearing. The rebel array is represented to be Other kitchen ware, find bottles. On remains. A gonerous and patriotic peo- faction at tha North ? Then strike both resentative District will be held at tho Godfrey (AUuecopy.) T,liqMAS NI.VQg, Attorney General, Qscar li. Hood. MCCLELLAN AXD H I S M E N — T h e Judge of Probate. removing these, they found under them ple should and will sustain the executive ways. Tho armed enemy has felt the House, Chelsea, on Saturday October 26th, in a lrightful condition. Only abput Superintendent of Public InstrucMoravian publishes a letter from Lieut. decayed wood in tho form of a large authority and all departments of tho gov- weight of your blows on the one hand; I8C2, at 2 o'clock, P. M., to nominate a can- tbree-fourtbs of the men are armed at tion, Samuel L. Rugg. Baer, of the Penir-jlvania Reserves, log, and an iron chain surrounded it. ernment, aud make auy sacrifices consist- let tho Northern enemy now feel the did%te for Representative in the State Legis- all; many that are-armed are only proReporter of Supreme Court, AJ.. \,.writton after the battle of Antietam.— vided with shot guns and pquirre* On one sido were hinges, and on theent with tho preservation of tho consti- we'ght of your numbers, and the extent lature. He says : rifles. Dozens of regiments aro with Auction Sale of opposise side a padlouk, made fast to tution, in their support, for the utter and strength of your patriotic determinaT|ie qf the vote for CongressBy order of the Committee. While we were resting along the roadout tents, and tho lack of clothing and the chain. It appeared that the log overthrow of tho rebellion. To dostroy tions. I/et the enemy North and South W. A. JONES, Ch'n. side, v?e noticed the men running in from blankets is generally lslt. Hundred.- men is as follows; bad been split in two halves, the inside the constitution under the pretence oT see, and lot the world sea, that you mean October, 13th, 18G2. of men are barefooted, bareheaded and 1 John Law, (lein of each half excavated so as to receive saving it, is an intolerable doctrine.— to preserve aud maintain the constitution HORSES, SHEEP & HOGS. 7 D. W. Voe,rhcis, (1 the woods, where they were resting in tho shade, and getting "ear the road and bare generally. Our informant was 2 J. 11 Cravens, d 8 0 S . Orth, r the body of an adult, On removing the I t is the usurper's plea the wotld over. and government as their founders Jeft Editor is still confined to on the fences; anon, we heard cheer after amused at .scorps of cavalry who bad W. W Harrington, d 9 S. Colfax, r The subscribers bcin^abouc to leave, their Farm will upper half, they found a skeleton en- If the men at the head of the govern- them. g 10 J K. Edgerton, d l d his bed, unable to attend to office duties. .spurs buckled on their bare heels. 4 W cheer in the distance, growing louder sell at Public Auction ut their f:irm WH H. H Holman, d shrouded in a silk robe, and on the head ment could ouly be permitted to aot upTo one and all—Let the good man 11 J. F. MeDewell, d continually. The men knew, as if by INTHE TOWN OF SCIO! a cap or bonnet of green silk. Exten- on their own sober judgment, aud upon come from his altar and closet; the man We shall endeavor next week to give a Provisions aro very scarce among them. 5 G. W Julian, r mngio, who was coming. I t was the•t !. mllea wetH of ADI* ArV.or, on Wednesday the 20tb ding from tho top of the head was a their own convictions of duty, there of philanthropy from his homo of kind- greater variety of reading matter, but Bread and water, with an occasional 6 E. Dumont, r Democrats, 7 General whom they all love, and whom tajr of October, 1802. The follo«U^'des<uib«d piopeftf: chain like a watchguard down to the would probably be no grouuds for alarm; ness and charity; tho man of letters, this week it has been impossible for us to piece of beef without; salt was their they all believe to be the man to lead principal diet. There was no discipline Republicans, • 4 solo of the foot, and were fastened to but those men, we foar, are under the science and taste from his study and devote as much attention to the paper as or order with these portions of the rebel them on to victory. I t was General ?'.x milch cows, all with Cklf by the the ihovDQghbftf Tho present delegation stands! the outside solii, near the toe. The influence of a faction of uncompromising place of art, aud refinement; the man McClellan. I wish you had. heard the Durham bull, 'Howard,' two 2 year old heifers, four Democrats, 7 leather of one of the shoes was decayed and iuexorable fanatics, aud therefore the of toil from his shop and his farm, and we otherwise should, had wo not beon so army. Half of them were drunk when qg hellers, four helfora calves, two atcer*, ali cheers, and seen tho cans flung up, as he year) Republicans, 4 the other partly remains, and indicates surest and best, if not the only way towhile tha mau of prowess is fighting the completely crowded with other matters. whisky was to be had, and for blasphesired by * Howard,* ©XKX, One pair red working Oxen, 7 years old In tho Presidential eloption of 1800 rode by with his cap on, acknowledging a vory delicate foot. Surrounding the gave tho constitution from overthrow, enemies of our country on tho martial We trust our friends are blessed with a my and general immoral conduct their the devoiion of his men. One soldier, the vote of the State was : waist was a belt made of wampumpeag the government from revolution, and tb,u field, let us ope and all, without regard great ainount of patience, and will put up equal was never known. whose heart was full, exclaimed at the Lincoln, 139,033 and covered with silver broaches its or- country from irretrievable ruin, is to hurl to birth or rank, without regard to forOut* work horse 7 years old, one 4 year old ir.are, sifoil top of his voipe, " That's the boy ! "— by Imported ' Stone P1OTOE,*-IH f«mi'Uy • Hark jiVny,' Missouri and the Border, Douglas, 115,509 naments; around tho neck was a neck- the radicals themselves from place and mer party relations and ties, come all with our inexperience in the editorial line. two 2 vo;irs old* coits, tired by 'Hark-away.' Let every praying heart remember this SHEEP.—Oflq The Leavenworth Conservative learns Brecfcjnridge, 12,295 lace, and at tho wrists wore silver power, and thus relievo the administra- together to tho ballot box on tho first Hundred F u - Sheep in small ]*>r».— General beforo the throne of grace. If by late advices from Fort Scott that Gen. R0G3—%A )ot ©I UylU-ld :m \ lirass-bred hugs, smiu- of Bell, 5,306 sleeve buttons. They found also two tion from their violent find destructive Tuesday of November next and fight a Representative Convention, Third Disthem fi^e breeders, aUo a lot of he is aot liked by some people, ho has Blunt has ordered Major penning to conLincoln's majority over all, 0,023 trict. coins, ono of silver dated 1650, and a policy. less bloody, but no less important battle tho love of every soldier; and the solstruct a telegraph line from that place to The following special dispatches to popper farthing; also inside the log was Old Men of Michigan—Roll back the against the political foes of our country, HOUSEHOLD FURNJTPRE. SALIKB, Oct. 20, 1862. Fort Scott, by v/ay of Lawrence, for the the 2'ttnes show immense democratic diers believe that he is tho one to lead n set of Dutch spoons, some rnetalic wheels of time to the political campaigns and there and then demonstrate to each E. B . POND, und FARMING UTENSUS too numerous to mention. 1 purpose of facilitating the transit of mil- gains in Pennsylvania, Ohio, aud Indi- them on to victory. Therefore, let Sir **nte to commence at 10 o'cleck A. M. precisely.—• Dutch pipe*, and ladies' thimbloa and of Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson other and to the world that wo prize our -A loug credit will bo given on all aurna ovei; Dear Sir.—Tho Democratic Represen- itary information and the movements of ana ; every one join with them in ttjeir prayer: $5,.TK!:MS. other articles." secured by approved QUUA with interest. All duim country above alt price, aud that no eneand Van Huron. Drink in tho inspirauudcr $5 Casb. " God bless, guide and protect our (Jen. our army. This will be a substantial and tative Convention for this District was PENNSYLVANIA. n.VVIPM. FINI.KV. tion whioh a recollection of those glo- my on earth, political or martial, shall McClellan! " held at Saline Exchange, Oct. 8th, 1862. pefteaheHt improvement to Kansas, aside BYRO.V GREKK. Auctioneer. HKN'RV II. I'INI.KY. Washington, Oct. \J. ever wrest from our united grasp the rious campaigns is calculated to impart. POPE'S FAI.T. P R K D I C T R D - ^ A grnphic UOMEK P. Fi.NLEY, from its inestimable ralue for the purpose In Pennsylvania tho Kepublican3 P. I I Eaton was culled to. the Chair indicated above, Scio, October Spth, 1502. gtory is related about General Pope. The review will again renew your constitution aud tho Union, framed and The Pennsylvania Legislaturehave elected eight or nine of tfie twelyo H e was very familiar with one of the strength and your dovotion to country.— established by tb,e united aud common and Gco. W. Hall appointed Seo'y. A letter from an officer in the "Army Senators to fill vacancies. As far as Tlie Harrisburg Patriot and Union qf Sow is tlie Time. officers on his staff, when he had a som- Then, parties were led by patriots.—* efforts of a common ancestry. L. 0 . Alien, of York, received the of the Frontier," dated twelve miles tho :20th inst. says: I say, uow is the time to settle he polls, thea, evevy wan, and lotunanimous vote of the Convention for north of Cassville, Mo., October 11th, hoard from, there have been olpotod to mand in tho West. When Gen. Pope Then, administrations were conducted the lower house of the Legislature fif- (' The Souutc, as vye before stated, will was starting for Washington to take by statesmen. " Thero were giants in the ballot box do its work. Let MichAccounts. States that thorc •were three brigades unstand fourteen democrats to nineteen ty-one democrats and forty-eight reAM ileterni!ned for the next SUE veekfl to pciqg'tfcQ command of the army of Virginia; he thoso days." Thank God their histo- igan wheel into the line of thoso gallant Representative for this District, der Generals Brown, Blunt, and Solomon publicans, which, if sustained by the abolitionists. Prom retun:s and inforUQitettlci) accounts ou my book*) to a close. As i.iy The following Committee was appoint- at that point, awaiting orders to advance sent one of his staff back for something ries ace fully writton, and their uauies States, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Iudiaua, bo paid, aud all business men aro makiDg official returns, secures a republican mation derived from other souroes we flflbtimust short credits, :uid short si'ltk'uients, I am compelled tu ho had lef\ at his old headquarlors — are held iu grateful remembrance.-^» that have already spoken iu thunder toues ed for the ensuing two years. into Arkansas. Reinforcements \vere majority on joint ballot, and therefore aro satisfied that there will be a demo- rollow suit. It you can't pay the money down, you This officer met Pope's friend, and alter Thank God, they rest from their labors, of rebuke to the radical and revolutionary ]>;iss \<t\]r note with interest on short tiujc, as I Philip Blum, L°di; D. W . Parmor, daily arriving, and the force would short- the United States {Senator to bo elec- cratic majority on joint ballot of not less miisi (< have L'odo. wo u^au la su poor tiuit tic caa't settle any The blood paying good-bye ho rode away. Pope's and do not live to soo their worl? da. spirit of abolitionism. ly be large cuough for any purpose. Be- ted next winter. than three. We have elected, we thiuk ; i i •. During the season, 1 made toe tinu' for p lyrj^enU John Carpenter, Ypsilanti. Then, letters" sec the storm about to break, first of October, that time IKIS gone bjr, and menoFbstiled him before ho got out of Btroyed by unhallowed hands. sides the rebel force of 15,000 that reiortainly, fifty-four members of tho bat fowhehave responded.. Wow, in conclusion I say 'to Tho democratic State ticket is probhearing, l i e dashed back at a gallop, to suslain the charter of American liberty upon them. They deolaro themselves :tll •!. ; oquents ;it, tlio expiration of the above s;ni-i!ii--i trented from Newtonia on the 3d inst., House of Representatives and the aboliThere seems to be a calm upon u n u t expect .1 visit houi a proper ably elected by from 3,000 to 0,000 and asked what w:is wanted. "Give was not accounted treason. Then, free- "ready for their doom." To the polls, it was reported that Hindman was movtionists forty-six. If Wlinrton is elected tender U." last calf. tho troubled waters, W e have no news my oompliinents to Pope, and tell him dom of speech and of the press, and tho then, and let that doom bo realized L e t ing north with reinforcements. Our majority. M. ROGERS. iu the Juniata district, and we think ho The republicans have lost au aggrehu's a fool; bis grave js dug," was the right of trial by jury, and to the writ of the State bo purged of the .shame and from the seat of war. In Kentucky and troops were advancing cautiously, bringthere will be fifty-five democrats to Aim Arbor, October p , 1862, 2in874.' habeas corpus, were home cherished rights, roproach they have brought upou it. T oMissouri frequent raids are made by somo ing iu rebel pickets evei-y day: and it was gate of four, if not more, members of forty-five abolitionists, giving us a mareply, Strayed or Stolen. and he was a traitor who dared to violate tho polls, on Noyeuiber foi|rih, every guerrilla party, but no serious damage thought wo might meet the enemy in Congress,—Campbell, McPherson and jority of five ou joint ballot, insuring beROM tho premises of Judge Kinsley, in them. Then, wise, patriotic and, conGrow bowing among them. The offiman, to the polls ! force and fight a battle any day. yond question the election of a demoGK.V. Jjji'T. 0 , DAVIS RELEASED.—A has beon done by these land pirates. Ihe lown of Pit.tsfit.ld, on Wednesday, letter from Louisville to the Cincinnati servative men ruled iu the public coun- LEVI BISHOP, w . A. RICHMOND, The Third Missouri Cavalry have ta- ial returns are requisite to decide ratio United States Senator."' Oct. 1st, 1B62, cils. Then, we as a nation were feared whether tho democracy have lost H.N.WALKER,ADAM L. HOOF, Gazelle says that Gen. Jeff. C. Davis has &3 The abolitionists are still at fcen about seventy prisoners lately, forty Thayer in the Fifth Di*lriet. A SORREL MARE, received au order from the War Depart- by tyrants, loved by tho lovers of liber- S. G. CLARK, AUSTIN WALES, -MlH:<i AN IN Bl.OOMI'IEI.l) ON ifoNDAY. work trying to get McClellan removed, of them on the railroad between Rolla Fouryenre old, had n white alri|<£ in the faca ty everywhere., and respected and honThe majority of thp Congressmen N A. BALCH, II. H. HARMON, ment, releasing him from tba arrest unand St. Louis. If these men had suc—Otis of our citizens, who was in Any pi rson giving infoi'mfition whore said and although frequent rumors reach us ceeded in their plans they would have se- from this State, it is now believed, will Bloomfiold yestorday at 10 or 11 o'clock rAttre {ier which he has hitherto boon confined] ored by all. Then, you gloried in the J. COULTEU, II. 0. LYBR00K, may be found will confer t\ great fnvor from Washington that he has been ousted, cured supplies, no doubt, by removing be democratic. killing Nelson, aud in military proud title—A>IKRIOA>J CITIZEN. HOW0. RL 1UJINES, L. D. NORMS, A. >.I., informs us that John Morgan on the owner, and be liberally rewarded for JuHN JOHNSON. Cincinnati, Oct. 17. J (i. SUTHERLAND, " enlarging his limits." There is all changed now ! What a brood has yet he still retains his command, and we rails and throwing the trains from the was then thero, with a portion of histhe trouble. Ami Arbor, Oct. S, ISfl .'. 873\v.'l ^ j reanoL's for believing that Gen. thisanti slavery agitation thrown up into Dcmoprfttip State Central Comiuittep. track. Some of them pretended that gang, another pprtipn having passed Pennsylvania returns comes in slow, hope the President will pay no regard to public life? But " pigijiies are pigmies Davis jyijl be- at the head of his command they were on their way to give them- but enough is received te show that through tho phice. Oi}r military authese blatant civilians. still, though perched on Alps." Oomo in the field ,<?£aia before long. selves up to our side. They took one at he democratic Stato ticket will bo elec- thorities should be upon the lookout in NASHVILLE FORTIFIEP.—The gallant out, then, to the polls onco more, and rea time asthcy came intoRoHa to attcnoj ted by 12,000 to 15,000 majority. all directions for the dashes of the per- The uadl ill, on i<" vi-urs time if • d CQXQIIESSIOXAL NOMINATION*. The store your country to its former renown. Gen. Negley is in command of the Pjiwson, democrat, in the Wcstmore- severing marauder. I t i.s ;i scandal and 80 Acres of Land la Webster, United Stales forces at Nashville, und Democratic and • Union Conventions of a pretended horse race during last week. The P#i»n«ylvania ElectionYoung Men of Michigan—Wo writp to a shiimo thai he is uncnfigbt. rra ol I.. Boydcn. The farYrl is Philadelphia, Oct. ±1. you, young men, because ye are strong tho defences of the city ore said to bethe Sixth District held at Saginaw on The Democratic Party Cheapening Bread. and distjict is elected. F cultivation, has a framed Morgan captured our few sick and DJ1I0. Oflieir.) rctnt'r,3 frofn seventeen coun- and are able to overcome tho evil one, formidable' Euph prominent street is vouOff ahdttliriftgr orchard, and is convenient Since the victories of tho democrats Tuesday, nominated for Congress, JOHN wounded in Bloomfiold, including ttoVte j . Xcruu givou uu application, barricaded, and beautiful houses have ties, comprising more than half the vo- who seems to be now holding high carniCincinnati, Oct. 17. in Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania or four officers, and wepres'ame he paD. HENS'JNG. ting population of the Suite, gives val amid the disasters and ruin of a dis- beon relieved of their roofs and turned Mobft'B, of East Saginaw. Official returns from fifty-one counhave been ccmfnineil, the premium on .uu Ail'or, Sept. ISti., l-'iJ. 8?{m>3 roled then).—Louisville Journal, Oct into forts or riflo pits, aijd tho fort on r yienker, democrat, for Auditor General tracted country. You are just ente ing ties have been received; in which the »ld has gf>o,e down nearly ten c«nt ! 21. St. Cloud Hill, which pornmaqds J.hp government promised to 1,SG2 majority. This is equivalent to cheapening tho democracy, on the State tieket, have a upon the great buttle of life. Many of town und Surrounding couutry, luiu X T SN? 3E3 POSTAUK Ci lilUtKd* W A S I H ) . — A delyou will cast your first vote at the ap-been mado of such strength, that it cap pay $o00,000 for the capture of thopripe of brpad ; lor every ten per ecu*. majority of 13,000, showing a deinocr'atic gain of 40,000 of Tod's majority S .A. D EL J^JT O O- A. egation cf Western Railroad Presiadvance on the premium of gold adds pirato Alabama, aud $300,000 for her proaching election. In tho name of our SSJ Lieut. Worden hojg entirely scarcely be taken. fifty cunts to tho cost of a barrel of ai4 3'ear. Thirty-sevon counties more dents, headed by MftatV. L'llomtndieu E M P I R E destruction. recovered from the injuries to es, common country, by tho proud recollecW A T E It o bear from, in which it is claimed that and llico, are here to obtain a supply flour. ireceivod during tho engagement be- tions of tho past and by nil your hopetf FOR tho tiiaji'rity 'will be increased rather TAX STAMVS.—There are no less than of i-mall notes and postal currency ior A democratic victory is always sure of the future, we ask you to cast that U^j L e t every voter seo that his tween tho Monitor find the Merii;nae., I a or Pj»ppp»i»j ("••n••Mi'Mjion. Xcrroiis the great Northwest. Tuey have suc- Debility, Loss or Appetite, Common Colas, disease! iind he will shortly be placed in com-vote for tho constitution and the Union. ninoty-fivo different stamps required to namo is properly registeredEvery to bring results fiivortiole to tho inter- h:m diminished. of the Lung*, HeKJuclie, »nd Feverish e\aU ol t\m mand of our new Monitors. T h e hon- Should the counselors wlio DOW sit in be used, from ono cent to $20. and to voter is required to have his name regis- ests of the pebble. Let. them look to it Out of nineteen Congressmen, four- coeiied in getiinL,' o n j h i ml red iboub- flvstem. Sol.l by MAYNAHU, 6TKRBIN3 & WILSON and then, for their Own sakes, that tho State teen demWcrats are certain of elojtion, and (lolir.s in change.— iVusA. Cor. of EBERBACH prablo testimonial lor him is nut far | high places, be continued iu thoso places, purchase one of each would require & CO., A n a Arbor, .}18?»tered before, he u entitled to a votu. N. Y. Herald. of New York is curried for Seymour! I you will soon have uo couutry to love, uo $196.53. and probably filtcuu. from 120,000. Jiirliigait JUgss.j TOON TICKET. BYRON G. STOOT HEISTRY H.BILEY BRADLEY F. GRANGER, Hangsterfer's Hall. iiuctioneers Notice. — — I.!-**- ~ < ^ ^ > — »»•— A. U O_T_I OISTI BLOODED CATTLE I - — . 4 - Mi «•* HORSES. i I F FOB SALE, G r e a t B o o k s i n 3?ress. THE OLD CORK Kit EENEWED! • The great waiaqf a certain remedy for \he curs of Coughs and Diseases of the J.ungs, FEIDAY MORNING, OCT. 24, 1862. picking Sambuoi Grapes {or SPKER'S Wine. I t Postoffice Notice, ^liiils leaving Ann Arbor for the Enst and ^ est,yloso ny fullowe : is an admiuuble article, used in hospitals dud r • Pagi enj .•>• t r a i n , i The Heroism qf our Soldiers &Sailors. iii -i,-..i; {..],. . m ;; The critics and tlie public aro right in predicting that ; this will surpass, in gr&pltte narnitivr, exriiin.t,' in tores t, j •t:.'.! fxicnsi\:e p(t]ml;inty, all other histories Of the W'nv POT tlie Union. Uw theme will be the heroic dmi^g, pa- i tient Bufferings, and hair-breadth escapes of pur soldi^a ;r. I sailors, ajad tts incidents will (Vim the them^ofcoiy vf'fs;i li;<nfttinnumerable firesides for years to come. If will contain. fna^UJition to its stirring details, the pbllosophlp^r An:ily>is of the CaUKI of the \V;ir, by JOHN CotHKOP IVIOTI.KY, LIJ. D , Author of "Tbe K'*e of the Dutch Republic/" etc., the dates of all the important events from the John Brown raid, ami nn accurato >.nd r,.-\i\i-r'h account of the principal battles, wilh engrav.njs. (At the old stand of Thompson & Millen.) i'. M. NightKx. " " " " 4.4'V uow qponing a carefully ;; ' 5.0-"i ' ! S.-.5 " Association, beautifully engraved on steel, about nine by SELECTED PURE, AM) I OUR TEAKS, STOCK Of STAPLE DRY GOODS One third the proceeds of allSobscri&tionn serjt direct to ns will ^e given lor the Relief of Disabled Soldiers, ; n j nU'personawhyo wish n oopy of the work, :ml also toDeneni the rftlfile B,should send their ram« and addrawai once. Also, any bfBcer or prWutft, or jierson in any section uf the country, having knowledge uf a heroic act or stirring tDcident, will oblige us by sending us an aceountof i t . ' t iiliiiirii-.:! ! i ' i s iKiw icit'ly f o r u i s t r i b u - 5 s^ I O > PS) O •P ft tT1 to Ho 3 A o •0C in a9 5 o U o CM S=3 O <3J ^Z g H 11 0 C L O T H I N G EMPORIUM! I Heady-Made Clothing, H. H . EHMONS being called upon arose and gave the radicals such a lecture The combination of ingredients in Dr. Duponco's as none but a true, sound, conservative Golden Tills for Females are perfectly harmless. They Union-loving man could do. He haDhave been used in the private practice of Dr. Duponco er 30 years, and thousands of ladies can testify to dled them without gloves, and we noticed their great and never failing success In al many squirming iu their seats, biting case in correcting irn-..n];u-itvs, leli.-viitg painful and distressing menstruation, particularly at the change of finger nails, and betraying all the ife. From five to ten pill-* will cure that common yet evidences of uneasiness possible. We dreadful complaint, the Whites Nearly every female pitied p\)c poor misguided followers of the D the land suffers frcm this complaint. The above Pill has permanently cured thousands, and blood-letting Senator. A few more such they will cure j o u if you use them. They cannot harm speeches as these and radicalism in this you; on the contrary, they remove all obstructions, re store nature to its proper channel, and invigorate the pity will 'give up the ghost.' This ha.s been republished in EBgtaoJ, WM. WACN1R, Every business man and clerk should have these hooks. They will pay the buyer a hundred fold. Every parent should got tliem ior their sun^. A full stock of G-BOCERIES who has just roturnnl rrom the East, with a large assortment of All these books are i* Ailed, postpaid, on receipt of price. We pay particular attention to mailing books, wrapping them carefully, and will procure and. send, postpaid, any book anywhere, on receipt ot publishers' price. Address constantly on band. SPRING & SUMMER GOODS FARMER'S PRODUCE ! B o u g h t a n d Sold. » LOW [PRICES! Tribune Buildings, New York. 861tf THE HOUSEKEEPER'S and can offer thorn at a lower figure than evt( before. Among my Assortment may be found NEW FURNITURE POLISH BROADCLOTHS, Prepared from an improved recipe by the proprietor CASSIMERES, of tha ''BROTUER JONATHAN POUHH,"la certified by all the leading New York Furniture Dealers and PianoDOESKINS, Forte Afabere to be the best in the world for Removing VESTINGS Scratches, Marks, and J_>irt, apd restoring a high and >te system. Ladies whose health will not permit an ncrease of family, will God these pills a successful ireventive. Ladies peculiarly situated, or those supThankful to old friends and customers pf Registration will meet on Thursday )oslng themselves so, should not u.°e these Pilja >im,ing lasting glOBfl to ;il kinds of Varnished work, from Furniho first three months, as they aiy certain to proture to Leather. It is cheaper and belter than Varnish, next and continue in session two days. uce miscarriage, "after which admonition" the pro- or pasj; favors, I Jiope to merit a share dries hah.ediately, ;m.<\ is easily jipplied. With a piece of aii descriptions. tss> Wif*. with ^ superior assortment of their patronage, by dealing justly of Canton I-'Ianncl and and a bottle or two of this NEW of Reiuly-Maflc C l o t h i n g , Let all those who have not registered irietor assumes no responsibility, altLough their mild- with alj. FIRXITDRE POLISH, a Housekeeper can work magic in the iesa will prevent an injury to health. The ingredients TRUNK?, CARI'ET BAOP, furniture of a house and keep it looking like now. Now their names do so at that time iu order omposing th« abpre Pills are inade known to every C. B. THOMPSON, is tho time to "shine u p " your Tables, Chairs, Desks, UMBRELLAS, and Piano?, Picture Frames. Carriages, etc., and make them to be able to vote on the Tuesday follow- \gent, and they will tell you they are safe and will per(formerly with C. H. Millen & Co.) look 50 per cent, better. This is true economy. For Arbor, Oct. 1, 1862. 872tf ing. The following places have beep orm all claimed for them. Price SI per box Sold in sole by Furniture Dealers an l Btorekaepera generally.— VNX AKL'QR, by Price 25 and 50 cents abottle, Ik-pot No. 1 Spruce St , selected in the different wards : New York. Special Agents Wanted. Address, Box STEBBIN3& WILSON, Druggists, M»72, New York P. 0. W. A. HU^T, Druggist. 1st Ward, Slawson & Geer's Store. The Housekeeper's New Furniture Polish is for sale Ladies living at a distance by sending them $1,00 at Ann Arbor by with numPIOUS other articles usually found in similar irough the Ann Arbor PostoflGce, can have the Pills 2d " Cook's Hotel. establishment** As an ent (confidentially) by mail, to a.ny part of tho coun3d " Nye's Office. ry free of postage. 4th " Firemen's Hall. N, B.—Betcare of a base counterfeit of these Pills. 'ou can buy the counterfeit article a t any price from 25 ,5th " Sinclair &Swathel's Office to 76 cents a box (dear at t h a t ) . LADIES your lives and the subscriber flatters himself, that his lof|g cyporjepec health are of too much value to be trifled wilh, besides i.i,.l gWK»l suQcji'ss, will enable him to give the' greatest bslng Imposed upon with a worthless article. Th^reforp, satisfaction to all who may trust him in the way ol SHOULD BE STOPPED.—A great many any one offering you these Piilsfor less than %\ a box, avoid them ;ts ymi would poison'. They are bogus. None M;niufactiu'iug GaiTiionts to order. people who drive teams in town stop any are genuine unless the jiame of S. D. HOWE is on every h has recently been added, on account of the WM. WAGNER. place in the street, paying no regard to Fills bfeijig couterfeifed. Sold alao, by n.or, Aplil 9th 1862. 848 tf KIXXK k 3MTTH, Vpsilanti. the convenience of persons, GF the iaw Have just opened «v BLISS &UEEBE Jackson, GLORIOUS Relative to stopping teams on the cross- and by one druggist in overy village and city in the (Jolted Mules, and by VARRASH),8HEH.EY& C0.,Genings. Perlmps if a few complaints were eial State Agents, Detroit. S. D. HOWE, Sole Proprietor, made and the offenders njade to suffer for 867yr»a K«w YORK. KEGISTER YOUR NAMES.—The Board NEW FALL GOODS! BACH * PIERSOIM Choice Stock ffceir careleiwuesa it might have a ten dency to make them a little more thoughtful and thereby add to the convenience pf passers by. COKTIJTENTAII MONTHLY.—We News from "Dixie?" of 'MPORTANTTO FEMALES )ispute the fact if yon can, t takes the TAILOli after all to give appearance to the outer man. WOOL, COTTON & SILK The Rebellion about Crushed ! for received this periodical for November o to M. Guiterman U Co's, and we notice among the list of Editors Ladieg' and Gentlemens you will find things exactly SO. the names of Fred. P . Stantorj jjnd also a stock of Pobt. J . Walker. These men are exSONDHEIM always ready to take tensively knoa'n and their ppnneption your measure, with the Contineritql will tend t o swell i t J I T E R M A N will sell you GOODS THE HEALTH AND L[FE OF WOMAN with great pleasure, the subscription list of this already I* continually in peril if she is mad enough to neglect which will b e IJC1,C[ maltreat those sexual irregularities to which two- A.t figures L0WEQ than you will find .widely circulated periodical. $3 a year. or thirds of her «ex are more or less subject. in the State, DR. CHEESEMAN'8 PIL££, prepared from the same Address, J . R. GILLMORE, Boston. forn»ol» which the inventor, ttORNEUTJfl L . CBEESE'ake heed—CALL EAULY, else vou are A. * C. LOEB9 Wear, OF THE too L A T E . Wo have received the November number of the Atlantic Monthly, with its ?he INDUCEMENTS are now greater than usual interesting table of contents. We ever, Our CLERKS you will finji pbliging and liave always considered the Atlantic one clever. ,of the very best publications.we receive, and the present number teems with sound Wo will ehpw you good C L O T H I N G articles from the best writers in the couuof OUr PWn GETTING UP, To Wl-y-JES and MATRONS£ry. Address, Ticknor & Fields, Boston. DZ.. GHfiKSKM A X',-; 1'ILLS are offered ae W only safe uit-ans of renewingintfrrupted menstruation, but. billing our Store from BOTTOM TO TOP. SOLOMON'S TEMPLE.—A LADIES remarkable The School Board are respectfully incited to attend the opening exhibition of King Solomon's Temple, oa Saturday. (Oct. 25th. See advertisement in to-day's issue. fclf* There is *,o bo an extensivo sale Ol blooded Cattle, Horses, Sheep, and Hogs, on the farm of the Finley brothers, in the town of Bcio, on Wednesday Pet. 29th at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Those interested will find particulars in their advertisepient iu f,his weeks? BVMNIHO STITCH Sewing Machines. PRICE FIVE DOLLARS. PRACnCAL, r.ipil efficient, and durable sewing machioe, adapted t' a large proportion of family ing, or for manufacturing purposes. It is hij " " orp»u>ental, and ao light and portable; fwe^fclhgile/i ll;an oue pound) tbat it can be cotivenitntly carried in tin- pocket or i-eticule. Its operation in ao very simple that it requires but a slight degree of judgment to use it. By the simple turning of a cnink with one hand and guiding the work with the other,)); eilepUy yet Wry rapidly with a common needlemakfs the rumiingstitch exactly like the hand sewing, only more perfect and retrular, It will hem, father, ruffle, shirr, tuck, run i;p breatUbn, eU\,wiiii a nin^le or double threfttf on any A A free %}it took place ut the est and thinnest up to two thicknesses of ordinary silk muslin. The thinnest, uiually the most difficult to depot on Monday evening among the or stitch by other machines, being sewed the easiest.— For and children's apparel, and other articles colored population which resulted in sev- mnd.>ladies' of li?ht fabrics, it will therefore be found almost invaluable. eral knock-downs, but no serious damage It is attached to tho table like a senrin,; bird, and was done. having no tension, and requiring no lubrication or JOHN BROWN died of his inju- NOTICE.—The Eost-oIBce will,W\t\\ further DOtice, be opened ou Sundays from 9 1-2 to 10 1-2 A. M. e Beard of Supervisors is still in session. J. II, MORRIS of this city is Chairman. Gold, change ot sjitch, i | always re»dy for ojwation, and mplidtj t h a t a child of six or eight .- :. can understand it immediataly, and use it successIt is not at .nil liable to get out of order Kiich. inacl... iu a neat bos',accompanied :l and explicit directions, and twenty-iive needles. ftddress ii the United States on receipt ot , locloaing the amount,cr o>aj be collected b i Express on ilrli\ory o] Liberal arrangements made for agencies. Every Moth. I .-r, Milliner, and Lady should have oni • hints. Ad,., MME. 1IKHOUF..-T (SBStl) 4VS UroaJway, N, Y. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral FRIENDS AND PATHQNS, For the liberal manner in which they have heretotofore patronized them, and beg leave to announce tlmt they ;ue received at 16 per cent. prem. Silver, " A G A I N ON H A N D " 14 " " " With a Large and well selected Stock pf Old demand Treasury notes, at 10 per Canada, " "U " " cent, prera. SPRING &. SUMMER BAOH & f IERSON. Ann Arbor, Sept. 23,1663. flats, Caps & Trunks, lieutler 8i. Traver, urnitfhing APPARELS This is all vye say n o y , Therefore We make our bow. Yours truly, ever 80, M. GUITERMAN. <fe Co., 150 BUSHELS OF TIMOTHY SEED For Sale lay BACI1 & PIEKSOK Ann ArborOetofcet 1.1862. PERSONS who wish to buy a Piano of thebesi MkM ^ - will be shown how they OMI saves band«ome sum , n 4e purclmsp if they add^An PtJtHo. care JOT OOI< & Co ubli.-h • Agenti,N«w York 1'. o, tf & Platt'f CL O C'K ! Call done at the shortest notice, ami in tho best manner. a full assortment always kept on hand and made order. tjgt, Shop op Huron street. Ann Ai-bor?Oct. 8, 1562. 8V3tf HUMAN MESERY! Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price Six Cents. AVILLIAM ACTON. Orders left at tho Argus promptly attended to. Office turninggny. TliE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET B " ' " fcefo»th« [HiM' hat already^ been tested by over OBC Ihousand penoDS I .lid they testily that the Napnlc.n Hair Toilet is the gre.tesl Boaut.uer ever oil, red to the American people To prevent tln» Toilet Irom being counterfeiled or imitated by unprincipled persons, we do not offer it for sale al any Druggists in the United States. Therefore n n r Lady or Gentleman who ijesina Soft, Luxuriant Hair and Cm-Is, and Long, Soft Whiskers or Moustache c a B procure the Invigorator or ToHet, either one,for i i i dollar enclosed in a letter, with their address. AdG. F. SPEXY& CO., li.ix 183, Coll'insville, HartfordCo. And it will b(! carefully sent by return mail. nit. BALSAMIC C0EDIAL, A. SPEER, Proprietor. C. BLISS. JOHNLAFOV, Pa-is, Provide for Yo r Family.' RISDON ^ HEN DERSOiN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 13 XT O I S . 3E3 Assets Jan. let, 1862, $276,228.44. Grass Seed Sower, Entirely Manufactured at Springfield, Obio. a n d So© DE. 1 DENTAL REMEDIES, it is neatly and substantially made. There is ImnHy a Drill offered in tlie market but can boast of more or less FINE TBETU & A SWEET BREATH, "FIRST 'hey are about as indiscriminately bestowed aa the title •f " Profetsor," which la sometimes Applied to the [ Jiddler" or ' ' bootblack,rj They cease to convey the dea of merit. The Buckeye Drill has bet'n on Exhibition at quite a number of State and County Fairs, and without seeking Do you wish to be blessed wilh and admired foi-PEAKavor a t the liiin l> nf any Committee, has received its Y WniTK*nd bound TfifeTHf Uae Dr. W. B. HURD'S *ull share of Premiums. ^ R I V A L I - E D TOOTH POWDER, warranted free from cid,alkali, or any injurious substance. Price,25 cents er box. >^e give the following mmes of a few Farmers in th-s icinity wao have bought |iti<i used the Buckeye Drill: Scio. Godfrey Miller, Jacob i'olbeiaus JacobTremper, Th/orr;as White;, Nor tb field. John Brokaw, tt Christian Kapp ( Edward Boy dap, Webster. James Treadvfill, Ann Arbor, Daniel O'Hara, John (I. Cook, O, A. Marshall, L. Edmon 's, Saline. George Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv.Co. Wo are also Agents, for the Ohio Eeaper & Mower, G-rass I3E1STT STUFF' ^jk- Beware of the ordipary cheap Tooth Powders, yhich whiten but destroy. Po you ^.ish to tj& certain that your HREATH is pure, weet, anil agreeable" vo husband or wife, lover j r riends? Use Dr. HUBD'S CELEBRATED M o t f l l VASH. l'rice, 3* cents per bottle. ' " Huron Street, a few doors west of Cook's Hotel. Ann Arbor, M.ny, 18O. 8p854 DISSOLUTION NOTICE. HE FIRM OF C. H. MILLEN & CO., is this day <il« solved by m u t u a l consent. C. H . Hillep in a u t h o r ized to settle all business relating to saiil I'iriu. <;. II. Mll.LKN', C - I l . TIIOMl'SON. Ann Arbor, September 15,1862. T IIOOFLAND'S Ml di.sea.sea arising from a di«urdered Liver or Stomach. Such as Constipation, Toward Pilea.'Fulnesa or Rlood to th<; Hear, Ac;dity of tlie Stomach, Kau'sea,' 'Ileartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulne.«B'6r weight in tbe Stomach, Sour Eructation.-, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit oftheStotoapb, Swlnhmi'ng of tbe Head, Hurried nmj Difficult Un\i.thing, Fluttering at the Ileart, Choking or Suffocating (sensations when in a lying posture, Dim* iies^ of Vision, Dots of webs before the sight, Fiver und Dull Pain in the Head, Do&cienoj of Perspiration, VelInwness of tlie Skin and Eyes, I'ain in tlie Si le, Back. Chest, Limbs, &c. Stidden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the (Flesh, Constant imaginings of evil, and great 'Depressions of Spirits, and will positively prevent YELLOW FEVRR, BILLI0US FEVER, &c. The Proprielor ia calling the attention of the public to tMs preparation, does so with a feeling cf the utmost confidence in its virtues and adaptation to the djstjkhed lor which it is recommended "*' injjw arid ''linked apficlo, bu^ on*? that has Uonu tjifhtilaloT'4 LVel\Jeyuii.5'tiyyl licfore tlie American people,and its reputation and" sale are unrivalled by 'fcny •snflilar" prfcparaNdBS esfcanV. The testimony in its (avor given by the mo^t prominent and well-known Phj£taianfi and imlivi.luuls iu all parts of the country in, und a careful perusal of the Almanac, published annually by the Proprietors, aud to be bad gratii uf any of their Agents, cannot but satisfy the most skeptical thattlrs remedy w really deserving the great celebrity it has obtained. R e a d tlie E v i d e n c e £.rom J. liezeton Brown 1). D., Editor of the Encyclopedia. of Religious Knowledge. Although notdisposed to favcr or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects,! yet know ot DO sufficient reason why a ix an may not testify to the benefit he believes himself :o have received from any simple preparation, in t h e iope that lie may thus contribute to the t " 1 1 ^ ' ' ^ ' others. • '• ' " ' • • ' l *l M h% • • * I do this the raore readily \u regard to l I^piland's German Bitters," prepared by Dr.'C. M. Jackson, ot this city, because I way prejudiced agaius^ them for year*, mder the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholc nuxture, 1 am indebted to my t+i^n'd Robert Shoenaker,Esq.,for the removal o( this prejudice by proper ;«at«,aqd for encouragemontto'try them, wlien nufferng from great and long continued debility, Th% use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of tha present year, was I'uUowe.i by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I hi\d not f'dt forsixpionths before,and had almost despaired of rPK&ini^g.' I therefore thauk God and my friend for directing me to the use of thorn. J . NEWTON BROWN. This astringent \v;i*li is also the best remedy in the... i ! what the eminent Glass Manufacturer, JOI1N H. YVHITALL, says of the BALSAMIC CORDIAL. CANKIVH, BAD BIUCATJI, BIKEI>I.\U GU^I^,'SORIS DR. C M . JACKSO-V—Respected-Friend: Having for a loirji, etc. It has cured hundreds >ng time beenacqainted with the virtues of thy HalDo you, or your children Bu0er from TOOTHACHE! Get iBftic Cordial m Coughs, Colds, InflammatloQ of the -orldfur 11(1 fTO A~ f* T f .I n c fy*t .*I • . \ • * . . . . i j . M t i »»^ ^ ! i. . „. ^ t __^^ >r. HURD'S MAGIC TOOTHACHE DF.Ol'S. Price, 15 ents pel bottle. Arc iiii, ,.i>h KE0BALGIA? Get Dr. W. B. JUKD'S.VF.URAI.CJA PLASTERS, The most enectivQ iid delightful remedy known. Fifih Mo. i t , 1S58, medicines are for sale by ftll respeqtn'yle D)rujfThey ao not adhere nor blister, bnt soothe and charm giats'and dealers in medicines in the United States, Britain away. Try them. Price, IS aud 37 ceut--. —• ish Provinces, and West Indies, »t 75 cc'iyis per bottle — [aucd on receipt oi urice. ^ Be sure and get the gen.-irje, y i t a tiffcsijrriature ot C. M. JAUCSQJH on the wrapper of each bottle; all others art oaanttrftit. Principal Office and Manufactory, 418 Arch Doyouv.ish a complete m t of DEXTA! REMEDIES Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ' 890^1 nd a TniATlSB ox I'UEsraviNU TEETH? Get Dr. HUHD'S IKXTAI. TREASURY, the neatest and most Taluabla reseat that one frien aanetlier. l'riee, ^1 Agents eni by mail on reciipt of pr'icc 600,000MA r For sale at all the best stores throughout the couny- LLOYD'S NEW BTEEL PLATE COUNTY' COLORED MAP OF THE CNTTED STAliES, CAN,\DAS, AND NFW BKyNSAV'ICK. i ! ii - - W there are dealers wao takeftdrastageof From rect-nt surveys, u;U Aujf. 10, 1S6- ; cost $C0,OC) to engrave it and ono year's time. ar ndvertlseraenta to imp ise upoo theii1 ouatomera in Superit>r to any $10 map ever*raade by Colton or Mitch.iioi)jri';):i jaliuii^, it u noeeSHafy to insist upon having at: the low ' price or fifty cents; 370.0CO . cill for, rni'l you will I.'ET m l BEST, thorougly ell, jiml .-.'IN 1 Vstt-il, itml prepared by an experienced and sderrtffto namej art engraved on Jhii i^ap. >entist,'rreaBurer of theNew VorkState DeatUVi As H is cot only a Coun^ Map, but it is also a ociation, and Vice President of tho (jew Vork City DanCOINTY WD RAILROAD MAP ^1 Society. of the United St&Mfl an<l Canadas combined fnfv«c,gtTfj^t E \ ' l ^ t r KAILF.OAI) STATION Address and distances between. FOR CARRIAGES ever before offcrod iu this markoc. We also keep a larjre and full A. & p. L0EB, Alcoholic GERMAN BITTERS And the largest und best selected stock of WM. B. HURD & CQ, N o w flauran\ ; any woman or man S3 to $5 ]>^r day, and will take back all maps that cannot be auld and 'refund the money. ^7»>, Dr . Unrvl's Dint:i! Picmcdi^ s a r e for sale in Ann Send for ?l worth to try. rb.^r b y .-TKIIM.NS ,>C V,'.' u iV C o . , a n d Printed Instructions how to canvnss well, furnishfd rBKNVILLE & FtTl LMR. all our ageu's. 'Wanted* Wholesale Agents for our Maps in ovc*r^ Stftte, California, (,',i n.vla, England, France and iVlvK CAIL5, GLASS, I'UTTY, PAINT, and LI^gEEJ) OIL. A fortune m -y be made with a few hundred 0*UUc* A complete assortment of capital. No Compefititm. J. T. LLOYD, No. 1G4 Brcdway, ^:e'K.Yotk^ CISTOLF.X FPOM t h e Bufiacriber r n Sonday t h e I7tb The W a r Department uses o u r Map of Yircriuia, Ma»r-« ^ Instant, a llfeht bay mare, a b o u t 14 } ? ba&rts high, >a which ia a i l Itoor legs v M t f ' . w h i t f stripe In t h e l.i. r. In ,.r 1] land, and Pennsylvania, coat flOOvOOft j a r s old, carries h e r head vrrj- low when fr:ivcll!ng. marked Antie'am Creefe,8btt-pBbttrg, Wf'irfwv'^rtFoMv, AND EAVE TROUGHS . ad and put up at the ^lso, a btaqk t o p, wooiliiAxcilio.', open ( m o t , Rhon r.ville, NMIUIUVS For.i,au'l j t l otMVra om \\ivVM'>hortest notice. a t , enameled cloth t o p , tjriinmeil with green mac, and every place in Maryland; ', irgi»ia, ami lVnnBI5T0N & HENDERSON. • ' *- *( ' '"' nil yeilo'w iWiimsk, some failed, long dash, no plats, .-vhanin, or money r e f u n d ^ . Aim Ailmr, Juno 21tli, 1BR2859tf iiahiou uml seat trimiuoa with mofccii coluraj enamel- STOYE;S, TINWABE, LLOYDS NOTICE. AVING nurchasfeo the interest of C. B.Thompson, in the late lirmof C. H. Millen & Co., I shall continue ;it f ' e old stand, adopting as far as possible the caefa By at fin of doing Dtialnesa. Thankful for past pat ronage, I hope to merit a r.ontinonnce o] the liberal patriin;i£t; here to'ore bestowed. Persons indebted to the old firm "'ill please call anil settle immediately. 870w6 C. II M1U.KN. H OYI\1 Picture Frames LLsiZBS, STYLES »nd PRICE? Just tcocived and L forsale cheap at I MILLER'S. 7S0tf Demand Treasury Notes^ Tur wiiicli we pay The .nan called himself Jarnrs Cole., he is about 27 TOPOGRAPHICAL MAI* OF KENTUCKY, : willi light lmir and whisktrs and sumOHIO, I^PIANA, and ILLINOIS, an cjoHies ; be \i.t 1 a iv.niiiia, child and .-mall puodle in tlie only authority for Gep. Buell and tlu> War p e aa fl ith hftn. p a r t m e n t . if'ibey refunded t o a n y one finding a n e n or A liberal reward will be paid for t h e a r r e s t of t h e iu it. Price 50 t e n t s . ' - llli * hief and properly,'or a n j Infortnatitni t h a i will lead to •r the relief vj'the Sick and Distrcsseed, afflicted with From t h e T r i t u n e A,t|f, Q s rnUmX and Chronic Diseases, and especially for the t( JOHN BROWN. LLOYDS MAP O F VTR^IKIA, M A « Y t A N n A M ) u-e of Diseases of the SevHttl Organ*, PKNNsYLVAMA.— This Map w V+rt i*fge ! itV Qnii is Ann Arbor, August 21st, J802. MEDICAL AUV1CK given g r a t i a , by t h e Acting S u r b',:t 25 cej ks, :iti<i it is tic bust vUicx cty» be j-"*f^r^|iif. ft >n. LLOYD'SGREATMAPO* THE MI&^KjfTPn RIVE^— VALUABLE HTTORTS on 3permf^orrboes, »nd o t h e r p'rom ActuCl BurrejA b j Ctopta K.rrc1-MM\ V m . Bonva, Hseases of t h e - g t e x u a l O r g a n s , a b d on the NEW UKMppi Kiv#r Pilots (sf S t . J.**uis 'Mi*,-, dfeton'a M*r.f inployed in t h e Dispensary . s c u t in sealed letter nil-; nnflfrsigned •Bern for Mle hi« tnrm «t ">2 acroe, en, free of c h a r g e . Two <n' tbvei skimps for situated I n Plttsfield about ant m l l e ' s o u t b of thom a n ' s plaBtation and o w n e r s farack Prom S i . Lamb) tn tm(.uIf ofMexiuii— 1 • *wy gaMbiir, M.nnd, KJstageaooepUblo. Address, D r . J . SKILLIN l l o i ' C H Hie farm ef Judge KlngBley; 46 town, landing, ayd nil pi.::t.os 20 totiUa baok &««• l h a 'OX, Howard Association, No 3 S. .Nintl.'^t., l'liila. ^ , lhla cres uivicr in*, 9 th 86 ucrcs of good s u m river, colon *l In counties a n a Sta ten ' Vvi .^,'Sl in sheets. ! v slntiU P i *'' HfiOvi ' BfiOyl UT I':Id,>"' peady i" i ' " 't- Chert Is i iranu' bou^e, . feet lorn , j m i SK,5Ofcnyjrijttt wuh rulIcrH. • bare all i"'»'. a t h i i l l y bearing Ready Si-pt. 20. rchard, and good w a t e r . Is well fenced. NAVY DEPARTMENT, WJLSUI.VOTO.V Pept, IT, 1S(%2. For I'M ma a p s l y on t h e piei .1 T. i,Lovr>— Sir, 'tiend me t o n r X l a p o\_ Hie M U R U i-l, Aug. I S , 1862. 3w8r,O BDTT^RD E T i N . AT^TlCK Is hereby L',i.-"i tliat the oo partnership th%t sippi Kiver,wi'lij rice per lrmc>rfrl '.•"pics, Hrar-AdmiIN beietofoi a ufr-tcid n u i c r tin- B J e of J o h n rnl Charftw U, Dmrlf, c« raroandfng t h e Mississippi and William Van li>i,uitcii is llus-dnv ilisHofved by m u t u a l svuadron is a u t h o n t e d tn purrhaae aa many a s a r c r » . jonseni ; and t h a t all demnnr?* d u e to and Irom \\i% aald paired f o r t h # u s o f t l tli.-if -•'jiiailrrtn. I.I. PERSONS having oJainrw to be aadited l y Hoard inn wiUl»' settled by John Vamlebaden, who is duly <>r SupeHntendeuttj ol Waflhtena« Co. Poor wilt 872w3 nthori*cd to settle the ;nne. YfJUAlFS,Secretary P'I :IM* banfl i lii-it' to plfher of t]io inndersigne ; on or be JOHN VAYItKHADFV, lore t h e first Tuesday raOctober next. Wij.i.iAM \ ANDEKHEYDEN, Ann Arbor, Aug 2 & J 8 6 3 . l\. W. W A I T , ) $ty Th uf making an rl selling brick wiilbe P. MAVIS. lutinup'<i aw uP'ial by I Mr, i JOHN V'ANDEHA] AnaAibor, t e p t . 23, 1S03. Howard Association, PHILADELPHIA. " d r m ' • • ' F a r m lor S?'ule, I 13 i solution. Notice of Sup'ts of Poor. II. OTJITERMAN & Co., CITY BIIiL FOSTER. WlUCuRi. % W A W I,T 'JAIB in Soft, ML C n flowing Purl.. Jiat will remain in shape for one day ot one week if d , . sued, or m y longer period, if the directions arc striellr followed, which are very simple and easy . This llaii- Toilet does not in any manuerinterfere with the Natural Soflvei. of the lUh . It neither scorch.. nor uyes i t ; but gives ibe hair a soft, thrifty appearance It also prevents the hai, n ,m falling oil and CLOCKS, cSc Also alanre assortment o hin.l. Scut under seal, in a plain envelope, to a n y address, on Hi" recftl] i of >IN cent.4, o r two postage s t a m p s , by &cldr«Bfii&g, im. CHA6. J . a K1.IXR, 1'27 Bowery,New York, Tost Office Box , 4588 THE NAPOLKO^f ^AJR TOILET Making and Sotting new Jewels, for yourselves, and you will n o t gnaw;iy dissatisfied, A LECTURE BY D a . OULVKRWELL, ON THE CAUSE AND CURF, of 8perraatotrheeft, Consumption, Mental a r : Physical Debility, N e r r O u u p M , Mpilt-psy, Imptired ,\ uti-iti'Minf tbeJBody, UaSSftode, UVaknoss ot tin? Limbs and Ut6 Bftttk, hi li.-lio.sili'Mi ;m,l Incrip^^lt^ tosluily an-1 labor, Dullness of Apprehension, Loss of emory, A T ' v , l.iivc e l 9&Utud», 'riniiditv, Self Disiin t, DizsioeBS, Headache, Affect ious ot t h e K.VL-S, Pimplea on t h e Paeo, Involuntary Emfwrioni, tm 1 Bexoil facapaoitv, thfi Coo»equenoM of Youthi'ul Ladiscretipo, &c. kt. i$Q» This admirable Lecture clearly proves t h a t t h e abf>ve enunioiftttMi, olti-n si'li-jiillicteil vrlln, m a y be reKHIS.-I ffltlioat daugereaf siirpi'-nl o p ^ s t t O M , ami should be read- by every youlb and every m a n in t h e The only .11 tide over olTi-red to the Kn-nch peon W'lUld Ct KL STRAIGHT HAIR | the abort! Tllllft bCillK W«Uufaclured for the sale- benefit o U.uis Napoleon ! wLi«h Y article is noiv indispensable in bis Toilet rotm ' Tlie subscribers tooling oenfldent that tliix Toilet m o . t necessarily take tlie place of all others ev.-r offered t » the public, they take pleasure In expressing their conscience in tho article,gaining it from practical use Connsuitable for Offices, Counting Rooms Halli or Dwelllogi. Tbew cloola are reliable lime ^'eet>em"and Calendar ootnbined,aud requhe *!n' trinding or the t::iie movements only, to secure all the requtied cliangj|i afniid nigUt, sh*<ing ftte ,l«j of Ihoweek tho m-iati. not -hv of the mouth, including the 291hof FeUrin-v o( I.eii'p A few well known gentlemen and physician?, who have year. Ji . <.i r eo ht p'brehan frofa tried the Wine]— New Ynrk „!,,! [he •iaiiuia.iurei.1, and will l>e sold to Gen. Winiield^cott, U.S.A. Dr.WiUon,llthst.. N. Y. suit the times. Persons having difficult watches to fit For the speedy cure of GOT. Moreran, N. V. State Dr. Ward, Newark, N. J, iritb glasses can be ftecomodated, a i my stuck i.s large Coughs, CoUs, Influenza, Croup, Hoarseness, Dr.J.R. Cbilton.N. Y.City. [)r. Dougherty, " " anil complete. Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Diseases of the BowD. Pitfker, N Y. City. Dr. Pariah, Philadelphia P . S . Particular attention to the Drs. Darcy and Xiclui'l, els, arising from Cold, Incipient Con. Newark, N". J. sumption, and for the relief and {.if HEPAIRING And many others too numerous tn publish. at all possible) cure of I'atienlt of all kinds of fine Watclies, such ns j \"nne genuine unless MM- signature of "A in advanced stages of the pjER, Passpi •. \ . I.,11 ieovej tb« cork of each bottli latter disease. E bj*E TRIAL 6v TFIIB WINK. ' rllHE Balsamic Cordial is entirSjr a Vezptaule producPinions, &<\gt, and X tion, combining the heaimg properties of the BalFor Pale by W n y i i n i d , S(el>t.in_ fc W i l s o n , sam, with the invigorating qualities of a Cordial proAnn Arbor. ducingacombmat.un so well adapted to the purposes Trade supplied in Detroit by IT. & L. ?IM0NEAU. neatly repaired and "irartaated, at his old stan.least intended, that there are but lew cases of disease which Me of Main Street. will not, at an early period, succumb to its healing aud lile giving properties. VINEYARD, Passaic, New Jersey For ages, has the treatment of pulmonary diseases OFFICE, : n s Broadway, N. Y . Ann trbor.NoT. IS, 1 SCI 826H the greater portion of the attention Ht tlie scientitic of the medical world, but none aehhirod more S34m6 Agent for Franceaud Geimany. 1 eminence in his treatment jof these diseases, than the celebrated,PrijMiun. Dr. Hoofland, the ortgnatot ol tlie Balsamic CoraiaT. His life was devoted to the produc tion of remedies that would stand unrivalled, lloir KISriCKERJBOCKER well he has succeeded, the American people are able to judge: anil rfwpo»Hi?e!y assert, (list no preparations that have ever been placed before them, have c-onferrcd • amount of DCneb'M on suffering humanity or i-itedso many commendations Irom all classes Western oHicc, IOngeb*iry IHocl;, Kandoljih St., Chicago. of society, as the remedies of Dr. Hoofland, prepared br i'r. r . M ..ia I,.-, n .t Co., of riiiladelphia. The Cordial is designed for a class of diseases more general and more fatal than any other to which the people of this country are subject—those springing Policies aro issued upoq th« lives of debtors, and for from a "slight cold." That eminent authority. Ur all businffli pttrp©s«e, either for life or far a term of Hell, SETS: " I will notsay that Colas are to our inhabyear*, on as favorable terms as by aru other Company. itants what tho Plague and Ytllow Fiver are to those lifti., sd Ladies maj . e. ... their bus ban da, of other countries; but I can aver confidently that they acccrai'itt [a .1 U * Of the Sute,'securing the amount of usher in dt'tase of greatorjcomplicily and mortality ;he insurance to themselves or their child :lie claims of fhejr husbau taJ creditors als'6," niartWQ mlies can insure their own lives for the benefit of their children or trustees. Policies un Lives are Issued for any >um not execedir." S10,000. Bytiwtermsof tlif charter, this Cempany Is prohiWed paying mo.e than 7 \>ni cent, annually in dividends in its capital to stockholder! : and it receives that Rum CELEBRATED r p i I E VERY LATEST IMPROVEMENT and bctfor than n Interest for tbe use of Ita capital, the surplus being .1 nil others; adapted to sowing Wheat, Rj-e, Oats, divided among the Mutual (usurers ; hence it will apBarley and Graxs S«ed. icfir that it o<>rubines the advantages of a Mutual with ho security of a Stock Company. Prepared by When the premium amounts to $40 or over a note DR. C. M. JACKSON &*CO.t Philadelphia, Pa. mayfcegiven for four tenths of the amount. Kates as Will cITectually cure LIVEK COMPLAINT, DYSP£3¥ZA, ow as any othergood dompany. J vT'NIHOE,Chronic or Ncivous Debility, Diseases of thtf Which we will sell cheap. For further particulars [Successors to A. J. Sutherland,] Manufacturers ofand Dealers in THE GREAT CAUSE OF rom S H I K T S to TJMBRELLAS. Also Huntington celebrated CA LENBA'R A LADIES WIN'E, Because it will not intoxicate ns oilier winn, as i' Qont^ftS [Hi mixture of spirits or liquors, apd is aiJnjiyet for its ilcli, peculiar flavor, and nutritive properties hnparttng a healthy tone to tbe digestive organn, and u blooming, .soft and healthy skin ;yid complexion. WE REFKll F0 100 Grain Cradles Astonishing Low Prices ! tP EIGHT. T2STS, &C.. of every prescription, "ou will find it so without fiction, Instruments, PERISCOPE GLASS, QENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, All kinds of anoy CASSIMEEES and DOESKIN of everv grade, Ve soil them from ONE DOLLAR up Is not a mixf nre or manufacl nred article, bat is pure from tbe juice of the Portugal SambwcuRgt*P«»coltiTat« in New .'* CS0T, recommended by Cnemista and Physicians an possessing medical properties superior to any otliei Wine in use, and an excellent article for all weak am a superior article. debilitated pi r.vms, and the aged and infirm, imprortaf the appetite', ir'tid tnsndltiiig ladiRs an1! cl'iMreo, We are just in receipt of Everjother article in that Line. Pants!!! Musical DPElsrS,, Every family, at this season, should use the Strings If Books fir Instruments, SAMBUCI WINE, pelebraicdin Europeforits medicinal and bencficia •• HH a gentle Stimulant, Tonic, Uiuutic aod Su rl' rific, lifghfjp esteemed by eminent physicians, used in European and American Hospitals, and by some ot th lirst fanK'ii.'.s of Europe and America. COMHS. and a great v i r i e t j ol AS A TOXIC, It Uai un, causirjg an nf petite and building u] of tlu1 pystc-m being entirciy u pure wine of a mm valuable fi uit. Hft would call parttcnlu* aitentiou to his Urtre fltocif AS A DIURETIC, of If imparts a healthy action to the Glands and Kidneys and Urinary OrganH, very beneficialio Propny, Gout,aiu Hheu'natie al!<-clii'iis. SPEER'S WINE of Qolrl, Silver, Sled, and Plated, with cknowledged to be the very best iu use. which they will sell at at the dance. Pfints! Pants! C3-OLID CLOTHING! Rifle Factory! A GEM FOR THE MILLION. rom England, Belgium, Germany and Guns, Pistols, Ammunition France, MME. DEMOREST'S uch as you can STAND UP IN. or WEAR, Flasks, Poushes Game Bags, and :• '1 'I'o t h o riiiiiiiii-r M t i t r h . f r o m ( l i e l i g h t ries on Friday. His remains were taken to Belleville for interment. Keturu their sincere thanks to their numerous CHEAP FOR CASH. M U S T B E A R IM HiJ.VD There is one condition qf tfte female aystci^ iff which the and highly interesting work pf art to the Pills taken without producing a PECULIAR T U D E N T S especially will find it to RESULT. ThecandUion referred to is PREGNANCY— THEIR ADVANTAGE), public at large and especially to teaphers the result, MISCARRIAGE. Such is the irresistible of the medicine to fe'stors the scjual functions to For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to and pupils in Sunday Schools, and %tjll tendency a normal condition, ttitj,f, pj^j tfr§ reproductive power replenish. ua'ure caniiot resist it. more especially to Free Masons. This of directions stating whtn, arid when they should 500 0VERC3ATS of Cloth, Beaver, wifh each Box,—the Price Oue Dollar each work possesses rare and valuable interest, not be used, and Bear, • naining 50 Pills. which doubtless should be speedily made A valuable Pa-nplilet. to be had free of the Agents. Varranted for ahpost ever to wear. sent by mail promptly, by enclosing price to any jnanifest. The model is highjy spoken APills font. Sold by Druggtsie general y K. 13. HUTCH1NGS, Proptfetor. 30ATS of Cloth and (Jassimerq of our of by all who have visited it, and we have 20 Cedar-St., New York. OWil IMB0HTAT1ON, For Sale by MAYNAKD STJSBBINS & WILSON a n d no doubt it will be a good feature of theGEENTILLE & FULLER, forwarded through our New York reday; commencing on to-morrow evening. lations. Napoleon's Hair TESTIMONIALS : Best Family Grocpi ies? CLEVELAND CLOTHING HOUSE M VNj M. I>() of New- fork, has for twenty ytars used successfully in an extended private practice—immediately relieve without pain, all disturbances of the periodical discharge, whether arising from relaxation or suppression. They act like a charm in removing the pains that accompany difficult or immoderate mecstruation, and are the only safe and reliable remedy for Flushes, Sick Headache, Pains in the Loins. Back and Sides, Palpitation of the Heart Nervous TiTinorn, Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Sle^p and other unpleasant and dangerous effects <*f an unnatural condition of the sexual functions In the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whites, they effect a speedy cure. -BE: • « . Curing ToothachefyNeuralgia. If you wish to appear well You must accordingly Pres3 Well. have TABLE AND POCKET 1st. It has a Rotary Feeder. %d. Will soio all kinds of Grain gNnw h tlie time of secure a compefoncy for youi and Grass Seed. amiiy should death tint , your homestead encumbered Gentlemen's Furnishing 3d. Never nd business involved. hunches the Grain EtASTUS LVMAX, President. GKO. F.S.vrFFK.v,S?cy. ilh. Never breaks the Grain. B. F. Johnson, Vice President,and Manager of "WV^t5th. Sows Grass Seed broadcast be- rn Branch office, Chicago. S. B. POND, Agent. hind the Drill. M. D., Medical Examiner. \. Has high "fOheela and long Ifaes, EMPORIUM OF FASHION, \. Has long, and wide steel points. Dr. "Wm. B. Kurd's \. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9th, ft has double and single rank ARE drills. KM, It has a self adjusting s7mt qf THE BEST IN THE WORLD, slide. £ am Bound for EXQEiSiait INYIGORATOR U nn indispensable Article in m n (.entleinan'. Tuil.i and after eue week's use they viou'l.l iiot, [oiany con.l..' eration, be without it. The above artYcle will, in r r , ,„ GRAIN DRILL, which have been purchased at the late FRJEEiii,EY & CO., Silver ami Plated Wine, 0 0 THE REBELLION Cloth, $1 Y, (I) I 5? H Infallible in correcting, regulating and removing all ob •tractions, from whatever cause, and always successful as a preventive. Is a Beautiful, Economical, S-'OOIWBO, yet Stim»l»tiii* (.,,ni«nm,l, acting a» if br m.i(clc nptm Ih* ,o..1>, c . u . mg a k-.aut.lul growth ol Luxuriant Bani. lr » p t l i . 4 to tha 5c.ali,i,t wi 1,1 cure R«I.DSKS«, and if »»«»,,] « . f o.r hng to directions it will eause to sprin s ,,y ift U\4 0 line growth of Son FHEMI II.UR The Cflebrnted .o ^0 0 DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS F0» FEMALES. THE H < o 4fl H -1-1 K, Chanpioa'i EXCELSIOP, INVIGOBATOR J WHISKER INVIGORATOR I » b \\ BOOTS * SHOES! bottle The vrorMreno^wa Joflet,- th* article of the kl Ji ever ,,11,.,-e.) • „ , - , , ,m\« c( ttW Cl«(rttnite«. T>1. ub.,T(r FOR PHYSICIANS' tBE, FOR Oakland, and II. H. EMMONS of Detroit, i to th* -nv-Tiiifi.-; • tire itaoaament fund. To all Booksellers, Postmasters, and CftQvagaing Agrnts will Mr. STOUT expressed his views freely and persons forwarding to the Asqopfatfotf O^e Dollar or ln» fin.,; • it scriptiona Prospectus, on ajiplica- I tion to the 1'ublishers. without reserve, and pointed out themore will be stnt one of these Diplomas, properly exeCONSISTING o r cuted. trickery of Chandler in the most scathing To contributors in tlie sura of TWO Dollars or more •&$;, A liberal ooxnn)Usi< n-iven [o BOldierfl desiring to acias agents jn taking subscriptions, terms. _,He wag in favor of conducting will be furnished gratituously, besides the Piplonia, a DEESS GOODS, the war on constitutional grounds, and beautiful imperial size ETEEL ENGBAYIKG OF JUDGE DOUGLAS. not of setting aside that sacred instru- 21 by 17 imches, published by Marsh, Rowo 6 Co. PRINTS, d Contributors in the som of one dollar will become life II. ment in tho present crisis, but to fight members of the Douglas Monument Association ; in the and maintain ii in a constitutional way, Bum of twenty dollars, honorary life memters; and-i BROWN & BLEACHED SHEETINGS THE HISTORY 0 S AMERICAN MANtTFACTUAES, from 1608 tol86Q, AVe were not fighting to free the slaves the sum of one hundred dollars. honorary life i • OASSIMEilES, |}uj. to restore the Union, to bring ou of the Boafd af Tin By Dr. J. 1.K.\NIH;R BUHOF, 2 vols, 8 vo. PN HIGH PRIGBS FOR CLOTHING. Local receiver! and solicitors foe contributions are be Vol I. now ready, Vol II. nearly ready. erring brethren of the South back int tag authorised in the loyal States. Pamphlets and cir HAS COMMENCED AT TUB the Union as it was, and not to live un culars containing tlie Organization, Constitution, By FLANNELS, &o. This is probably the largest and most important work Lawti, and the Appeal of the Association, will be sent t OLD & RELIABLE BOW in the American press. der some new and untried form of gov all who will forward their address. Communication eminent, which the radicals are trying should be directed to the ''Secretary D. M. Ass'n, Chic* and everything tbat is kept in a to inaugurate. Mr. STOOT is an able gO.IU." All editors who will insert this card in their dailj We have also Just published new editions of tha foleloquent, conservative man, not tincturec wr**k!y or tri-weekly issues three months, with aD occa Domestic Z£ouse, lowing useful and popular books; with the Iea9t particle of abolitionism riional notice to advance the object in view, will have for warded to them immediately Diplomas as Honorary Lif but just such a man as is wanted in theMembers i f this Association, also a copy of the abov No. 3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. The Business also a fiue assortment of gubernatorial chair of Michigan, and tho Portrait, upon the receipt by the society of a copy o Adviser; AM now opening a largs and varied assortment o their paper containing this announcement. meeting on Tuesday evening was %\ ring And Summer Gootis, Bad in tfen ol the.* rebell ' WALTER B. SQATJBSJ President. ion on high prices generally, will offer tliem to my Www\> Or, How to Saw Honey, by Conducting Business accorsure index that this city, at least, wil LKO^IABD W. Voi.Kj Secretary. gt)6m3 and custom*T- i\t the very lowest iigures fur Cosh.— dingto law as expounded by the Rest and Latest AuThose in want ut a superior artick- at Cloths, CaBsi thorities. 400 jip , sheep. Price $1. do her part toward placing him in that mores ; or A CARD TO THL LADIES. responsible position, ^or an hour and AND OPPORTUNITIES fqr INDUSTRY; a half he held his audience, no noise, no .disturbance, the stillness only broken by or, A T-kowaiid Ch^n^es to Ufake itfon^y. YANKEE NOTIONS, -will call onrapturous applause. h i M i i c l i c - Clocks, Watches, tiFEMALES, WEAKLY PERSONS & INVALIDS. fl S A a ^ w0 IB 0 a HEW CASH STORE ;i.4;i A. H 4 '~S p >( SAMBUCI WINE, Of Choice Qporto jt^iuitj ;i*l<i I lie M l Qlfl (J I) I X • E A S T (i.Ou 5.35 A, M. (135 5.55 " 7.00 - 7.10 " 8.35 m vol., large 12 mo. Price, $1.25. ; j 6.40 " pvening a large and iu[pjljgent audience \ Detroit convened at the Gou.rt House for the Tlie Douglas Mtinorjal. purpose of listening to tho Union Candi: Ijo diploma of p\embershJp of tho Douglas Monument date for Governor, BYRON G. STOUT, of a OR • • • . \ : 111 I )extoi\ \nn Arbor, AWAKE.—On Tuesday • • lis County .as 1. l i l i W S . ire omit taalnf do n >t sto;i i\t stations wht're U-A in the table. C O I X G \T E 3 T . Xighi Kx. linilKj. . aqt;. Ac. r S.u1 v s i . 5.00 r. M. £C00 f. M Detroit, Vpsilanti, •l.L'O " (i.:.O " 0.10 ( t H.40 " Ann Arbor, fi..f>5 " !'.;'o *' 111 O.> " 7.:o •« 9 58 " Ltacter, 7.55 " 10 m " CheW, Stations Apprentice Wanted. Wnnted at this office, an active, inilustrions and intelligent boy,fifteeno pixtepty years old, ns an apprentice. ! l'o such a lad, and one who would be disposed to make himself generally A.. ChiaagP) useful], a good opportunity is offered. ARBOR ' - - , . . CO co DO YOU IVANT WHISKERS/, DO you WANT A MOUSTACHE I -a o« .IK,. 14 WE' G & M. PETTINGILL & CO., No 31 P a r k R o w , J i c n l o c k , & 6 S f n t e S t Boston, are pur Agents tor th« Alters in iho.**' cities, iui'i are autlioriwd to take Advertisement's and £ubF<-riplii ns for us it our Lovtst Rate*. ANN NEW GOODS, &C. by £l'8t-el«8S families in Paris, London, find Nuw york, i» prefcrcpte to old poit wine. I t is wo.'t.h a trial, its it gives great satisfaction. fcoing East, a t - 4.50 P . M. Going West, a t *'•-"> A. M. J O H N I . THOMPSON, I'.H p BIiISS 1 s < GREAT REBELLION; STOOK, See a woman, in another column, O tax +3 &J 1) OF THE IC CORDIAL. Read the advertisement in another column. a _ CD THRILLING INCIDENTS with has 1,r,Mi supplied by UOOFlAUpS BALSAM- C3. la now receiftiur a large :ui<! well sel»tted * ' of Ann Ai-bur October ;), lrtli'2, Ayer's Ague Cura. A Ayer's Sarsapari}^ JHid)ipi Jlrps. SCHOFF & M LLE1. HORACE WATERS, PRINTING .GREATER GREATEST EVER OFFERED Chancery Notice. AYER'S O T A T F o K MfCHHMN.FooHh Jud c'al District of i B t AGENT 0 state ol UichigM, sbil pendHlg ui th* ^ ir» uit <"<iUrt A R E STII.L O N 11.V N I) 111 thi-if o l d S t for Wa.-huuaw County, in Chancery. William II \ v a n 3 :$ 3 B r o a d w a y , N «• w Y o r k 1} , c >niplii nant. HIII| Unry Ann Wanty, I'efcn iant • &* 1 ublUlx i iilMusli II II.. I Musli Books Ann Arbor, un thp eigbtn ''av (-t October, A D . IH62 beNre the linn K IJI » r> nee. at chamber*. It apuoarOF ALL KINDS ing hy Hffidarft that Miry Ann Wunty is not a re>l4tejj 1 Pianos, Melodeons, Aloxnndre O r g a n assortment ol wilh the moat coin(i of thcSt.ite «>t' Michigan hut is a rattident *>f \)\% Si»t» BY C. O. D O n , And fur tlie epetJy cure of thefollowingcomplaints: Organ ^ceordooufi, Martin's celebrauf 111 II its. <-n motion of Twitchell k Krazcr Kolldton S c r o f u l a a m i S c r o f u l o u s A f f e c t i o n s , s u c h for c-mpkiimnt, it is oidered ihut the i-ai.i Marr *nn ted and other Guitars, Violins, I. »s T u m o r * , U l c e r s , S o r e s . K r u n t l o n g . Wanty npp-ar in this on use nnd asiiwer the Hill of CoiaPimple.*, P a s t a l e i . l i l o t e l i e g , lioU%. plaln' therein within six weeks from the date of tht«orTehor Viols, ViolincelloS, H<wk.'. from the far Potomac come* der, anH Hint this order be published as required br lay liiii.iis, a n d a l lS k i n Diseases. TO&thrilliug li_-at of a thousand drum*, Acc(ir(i«h»UK, Flutinas, in ih« Michigan Argus. OAKLAND, fnd.t titli June, 1859. SjR'aikin^ to us wilh a truth sublime, J. 0. ATRR A CO, GeutA: I f«)l it my duty to acE. LAWRENCE, Circuit Judge. FinteB, Fifes, Twknowledge what you* tarsH|<arilU baa done for me. Tin" sentence of deatli for Treason's crime: TwrrniF.u. k FB»ZRB, Solicitor* for Complainant. Mavinjc In1ierlte«l a BemftlMHH Inltettoa, I have Buffered Dated, uct. 10, Irfti K7.'.w6« angle?, Clari inetts, Tuning Foi ks,Pipes Victory ! from it in various waya for jtora. ^onieti^iCH it burat AT ancfnammei*fej Violin Bows, best Italout in Uleari on niy hands and a n u s ; maim times it (Jh an eery Sale. turn.!*! inwutJ ami Hnlrennril m e a t Iheutou^uh. Two II. ian S t r i n g , Bass Instru Ml ••' SubscrihT W(»nt(i way to th*' cttiZflnp nl Ann Ar year* ago it Ivuke out oil mr bead and covered u»v ncalp I N PURPCAMCfc and by VirtuR of a decree of th» b o i . i psrttruliiV, snd ihr reel ol Wdshtrn^w S"o r pivry stripe mxi erery star 1 Circuit Court for Hie County of Waabttnair. 'lJX for l>;inds7 Piano Stooht, ami fiirs with one sure. Which was painful ami huihsume u n f in general, 'hut hnhnsjust IMPOKl'ED 01' iiani'iiv, made on the fourteenth day ot July. A Ti. beyond ik-Kuiptioii. J tried many niedkhtesand Kvaral Has oanghtnew li^lit from therinmeof war, and covers, and all (F.ri'l.Y fr'iiii KOKOPK.a physician*, but wiilmut much relief from any tiling. In 18 •:£, in a certain cau*e therein pending, whcieia Atjfl prouder tliwn e'er our banner* vise l fart, the dburder grew wonte. At length I was rejoiced George W, B Remvick is comp'ainxnt. and AVhM-t K kinds of Miisieal Likj rainbows plucked from the brightest skies to read iu tlie Uwtpel Ueawngw that you had ]>ivi»ircd \';m Voorhcis, ;ni'i Rebecca K. Van Vooihels v i w an alteiaiivo (Sainuparllla;. fi»r I knew from your reputa- Kebfah l'crnins. Lorenzo I). I'erklnn and .Mclia Terkint Victory! Ah of which hf hinds liimaHf t<~ M>1I f'HK^PKR than tion that any (hint; you iiiado must be good. 1 ttniX to hi' wife, Orange ffoortirorfh, Israel U. PackaH, AiexU CHII ti»* bnushi w«'«' ol' New York City. JS la. o o t; 3VX I T w I o* )pen Knct' Cylliifler WHt<-he6 trnm $ 6 to $ 1 0Ciurliiiwtlaiulgnt it, mid uumi it till it oured me. 1 took Packard, John Peebles nn-1 Tlmman K. Leonar are <1«. f r o m a l lt h e p u b l i s h e r s i nt h e ' ' . S . , | j « r t i n j ' « i l u n l i t i ' s , iU III. do d o I.evor do do 8 to C» | us you Mlvtoe. in muuil dowes of a leaspoourul OVM a j feidanU: Notfoe is beri&bj given that I ahaU ^«ll *\ mid Modemdrtiool, and all kinds of butrnction Hooks W l i i h . Rlid tuwl utmost thiHo U<Ulus. New nud healthy lunlingg r « a . . t>n d o d o 14 Watch * wiswp-the fee is backward hurled 3:1 skin H.K.11 begsu to furtHtiudor Mw anib» wiilcfa after a i public auction to the higbefu old'Tcr at the South doot for tin' above instruments; Chuivh Mns:c Uooks; M.IMC da 3 to 2fWhilefi-Hoir .My Hkiu is now vU-n,-, and I know hy myj of the Court Hotw in ihe city of Arm Arbor, Wn-htrBy the grandest reH««Bau*;e of the world, dn do Cylinder do ••leu:*.ntly bound; Muaic pa|M;r, and all kindw of Music 20 to 150 frvIlNgi Uial tbe dkeaas luw RWIU tVom my system. You [ n«vr County, nnl State ol Michigan, on Fij'i^v th« nld WatRbes froti . Our heroes fall, but their ensfgn v»&*e* Merchandise, 94 h layol ten o'clock in th fort-ii'io^ I I ave also tne can well believe thnt 1 Uv\ what I mu m^lug when I tell Iu triumph above tlieii sacred graves : cfwid day, the following rte-cribed parc-H of bud toyou, that I liuld >uu tu IHJ ono ut t|ju ap^^ltM of the age, Ki;o.M L T wit : All that o r . ain tract or parcel of Ian) known Victory ! and i email! over gratefully. XuUIV, of and described us followji, to-wlt: finecn acre* from th^ N e w •* i t n " H , AXU Mnimlactur^rd, ;t N\-w and CompVte sto AI-I Ki;i> It. TALLKY. soutli-wtst corner of the east half of the notith-eftii WE ARK TREPARED TO FILL ALL At $175, $200, »226, $260, ami up to $S0O. Second S t . A U I I I O I I V ' H F i r e , I l o « c o r E r y H i i i e l a s . quarter section fifteen, the tast half of the north aajgj 1 IV. ' tv;i4 V'-Vv' ^ould suggest tothosu in pursuit tfanytliingin Hand Uiani-H from $'25 up to *160; Now Melodeoni, tift, w)>l HfMi Us 4U5. Kyery Watch warranted to quarter of iecHon No.twenty two, and ihe east half oi T e l t c r HIMI S a l t U h i u m , S c a l d H e a d . Shout! lei. the air with songs resound— $iio. ?7f>.SU)*).a!]'l iipto $200; Second Bond ttelodeona orfarm wnll.orthi! in«nt»y refiinded. &Mol Books, s.mill-went quarter of the north-ettal quarter of g»id R i n g w o r m , S o r e K y e s , l>r.» 1 ,s J . frow W0lfl$8(>i Uexaodre t>rgana, with r»ve stopn. S1G0, With notes of praisp for the ransom found; Clock • , section twenty-two and tho west half of the north-. Dr. Hobcrt M. I'reble VrltM from Balem, N. Y., I2th I1titcdlancou8 Boolct, nine stops, $188 and $225; thirteen stopH. $.50, $27ft and ORDERS IN THE LINE OK Jewrlry, Plated War^, west quarter of section No. twenty-three in Town OD^ FH112 every starry banner out, Sept., l^.v.t, thnt ho )IHR cured an inveterate case of Blank Book*, dan $8*6i Drtwn Stop*,$530and $875: A liberal discount Fnncy Goods Gold Pen*. south "f mnge Mjren east i^ the State of Michigan Drops;/, wliioh tlnratciiud to tci niiuato fatally, by tlis And, sjviring its blessed glory, shout to Clergymen, < lnnvhes. Sahliath Schools. Sfiniii-u if. hisichl Jnati iimnitK and tHflngt, that they can gecure a containing on hundred and niqpfy-fi%-e acren, l ^ \fo j>fiv,- vi-ri IIK Hi- of our tfarBapHtilla, ami HIM a d»i>K«ruua STATIONERY! and Teadiera. The Trade ttupplied at the usual tiwie Victory ! (Cutlery, &C, sa*ne more or Ics*,or so much thereof as may be necoat Matifpytint fyynptlat bv Im-^e doses of the same; «<i>4 Will ami tVioilow Paper, discount* nd in fart n variety of »»T*»ryiiinu u,iun)lv kept oy Jew sury to flftfisfj the decree in this cause with imtrtak ho cures tho common Bhiptitmg by it constantly. I> :uul M:itli<-nintiral l n s f r n i n e n t r t • f e n can be br«eht"for*he next ninety T e s t i m o n i a l s o f tUv, f l o r a e * \Va,t<'V» P i a n o * and costs, B r o n c h o v e i e . G o i t r e o r S\^«|le<l N e c k . Music. Juvenile I.ibr:uif , E^lTelopM, Inks and Cmd*. d n y f u t \••',.{• JUIM* M t - l o i l r o n s . I). S.TWTTCHELL, Zebulon Plonti i.f riosj.cct, Texas, Writes ; "Thr«o totCircuit Court f'oniinisnioper Washt-nawCo., Mich tlea of your BArjinpnrllla cured mo from a O<ifrt-— a hidO W N P R I C E S ! purchawor gt-t» hv purc*hrii«iMi; ftomfchts'Mock,a* John llewett, of Ctrthagf*, New York, who lias had R. J. BKAKH, -Solicitor for Complainant. Modesty on woman is like color on eous lv>Hnilig on the ueik, which I bad aulfered ft-om an adUitioiiui pi\-seiit ol Juttvlr^ • one of the Horace Waters Punos. write? a« follows:— buyliiL' nnvthine nt this w l l known **»tah- over two years.*' her cheek—decidely becoming if not GOLD "A frieivl of mine wishes me to purchasi-a piano 01 Pum« ill p«n - H y upon getting aood- rxurt'y us iwp. t n i r o r i t i f i n o r AVli If «R, O v a r i a n T u m o r , her. she lii-."- ","' one you Hold me m December. 1851, M**nt'd, orth**nv»n**y rpftinifed. r*flllRarly mill M put un. U t e r i n e I It•< r a t i o n , F c m u l e U U r n s * « . And all other kinds uf Pen* and PenuU Mortgage Sale. My fUKHti U t*a*Ofl*rt^ popular En thin plaep, tod l thh.k I ure th*> brat ImrL-aina ever ottered i m h r i"ity Dr. J. n. S. Oiainilllg, or New York City, writes j " « can intro.iuoe one or i - " m«re; they will be more popuI X T H R R E A S defjuilt has been made in the eondlWiudow Cornloa, shades ami Kixturf, AT THE MOST mont rht'f i fully COni|»lj with (he reijucstof your agvtit )i) U^«r" Timn is the most parn(tnjri*al t£W~ Tlipytrtist t h a t t l i e i r l n n g e<pftn<mce in gelootluil lar than any other make." One WOIK! in regard ro Repairing:: VV nous o| a certain indenture o t mortgage ex^cutavii'^ I ||ftve fttiilid your RtirmpnrillH a nnut fxrellout ouil.t for thi.s m a r k f t ninl sti-ict ;Uicnlii'n t o tlit? wAnt* tci by liavid S. M IVWI.MI and tt<>vts UUjr*ood,of <>alhia. '•We have two of Wafers' Ptanon in use In ovr8eml< of a'l things; the p»st is gone, the fuR nrt- prrpurprf (o makr Any rennirJi onfini* or com-faifHi-.-ttive iu the niinierolU coui|>l;un(s for wlii-li we i f O o c t o n m a , m a y e n t i t l e tln-m t-> a U b e n l & b a r a « , nary, one of whit-h haw been severely tested for three Wa-kii-iiMw Count;, Michigan, on the Qn»t <Uy of July, employ .«IK1I a remedy, hut WjKtcbtlljr in tumult I>istates ture is> not oome, nnd the present heton Wairh .ivtiMnin kinvc/er the Mitfrc Vftirh, of the Hctofnloiti dinih-«iK. I have rnmi many inveter*. I' L85S, to the un 1 •r*i^n«"l, wired mortgage w^g rwira. and we enn testify to their goon quality and duraAmi every thinp pertaining to tit- 1 rade<, and more t o l'utrmiuge. Kcpnirini: nf ('lorktt >*^() .lewp'ry H* Aim A r b c . r . D f c . 6. 18C0 "Titf <lu!v n^»nU)d uta theiith day of Auicu-u. A. . 1852. in bility ."—Wood .v Gregory, Mount Carroll, III. ate raven of OitoiirrhoM \>y It, ami Nmno where tli« couiwhiohthoy wuuld Ir.vitt the attention come^ the past while we attempt to de9ii nl MPOir mm»tttH.turi>'v ol K4NG* BlUK)rf|S i liber Mo. 13 «if ^ o i K a g f s on pi^e 4I.'J in the R**jnatrj pbUnl wai tsnnnnl hy tdomruUimotlite ttierHM. 'J'h« nlear* "H, Waters. Eftu..—DBAR PIR: Bavlng iwe*l oiwof your of the countrv. M(rw). 'rum f'alif 'rnfn Gold on shf>rt no* fine it. • •I I'i' and Mort^ane^, in and (or Ihe ftiid eouuty «T atiou Itself wasennn Ciirnd, Nothing within my kuowl1 Pianro Forlea for twoyeunjMfJj I h»v« fnnad it a very In conflicting oar bbtioosa, w*t nhall <!'» all t h a t e n n 09. B o m j'a in allitslranchusexecnted withnea edgfl eipisitN It for ili<-«(> fi-mnif* ili'nnipf-menta." Wii-hteiiHw; :uil win-teas there is now due and unpaid superior htstrnmmr. Ar.o\/.o QBAT, W«tar*<v*o that no reasonable mail, wnnw'-, or child shall (•as and rlis tch. A driu.ken Scotchman returning Principal Rtwokiyv Heinhts Summary. Boil :my fault. Kdwnni .s. Mnrmw. of Kawliiiry, Aln., wrhea, "A dan- apon sniil mot tga^e nod bon 1 ieooin|innyibg the aama J C. W*TT«*. fteroiirt the »nin ol r<ur thoumn 1 a n . fifty nv.) j o l l a n nnd "The Piano I received from you continues to *;iv<- gatU\. (Kissess facilities which will enable u s to supply owrian tumor on one of the female* In my fitmiiv-, from a lair fell nsleej) by the roade-idn, Am; ^rbn , J « r . op twenty nin*; f - n t - ($1 (»5r> 2 9 ) , in-;iu'liii< reasonable isfnciion. 1 regardit ax one of the beri instruments in the baratonwn at tht Vldrh ltud itffled all the remedies we could empi^jr, bin We h»*ts recently purchased a charges tor an a't'Tn'-y' fee,and DO suii a t law or in jjjfci - * 'A.'.;:> \M CLAHKB, rharUstmtt Va. when a ( i g found him and beo;an link at iniK'h been ooin|i1eteljF cured by vonr Kxtnict of SarLowest Possible PipfHTofl. equity having twen hwiitotM to recover the **i,i?,e qr **1he Meloi'.eon ha" s:»felv arri^eii. I fer-l obl:jre.i in you taparilbu Our plijralcl«H tlioiiftht notblnjc Ult extirpaAccumulated Capital, - $3,500,000. fory our liberal discount." J'ev. J. M. UcCpSmck, in<j his mouth Sawuey roared, "Wha's anj jmrt thereof, now therefore, notice is hi-rebv grven tion could afford iv I iff. but ho advised the trial of your WeprapOMtoaellfor READY l*AY,ataiuualiadvance. that hy v.rtue of a power of sale contained in stidm^rtQXD4SCREUYBS Uu ;my amonni noi exceed I nfi YartjnesvilltS C. Sanmpinilii* ;itho but n*aort hri'ore culling, and it ki-isinp me noo ? Y e see what it ia to PuWlahod bv I>- Al'l'LKTON A: 0 0 M #<ge. I shall sell at puolic auction to the highest bidder $.'..•".*• tli« whole terra ufLiff urfur utornol •'The |ilnno was duly received. It ramo in excelK-iH R.TTO-Q-:L/E:S proved effectual. After takin^yt'iir remedy eight weeks be \ve<-l liket ainang the lasses !" on .-Saturday the sixth dny ot f)»cemb«r next, -.a l£ vcars, on the most favonable ternift. Ho symptom of Mm dlWMB i»niaiii8." OODdittOD, and is vt-ry much admircl by my nmnetOU) 46 AND 343 BROADWAY NEW YORK o'clock at noon of »md d;\y, s t the Iront door ol the N. li Tha pompaPT In inmpi,v mutual an«l the policy family* Accept nav tiwoJu for y<m,- promptiitta..''— is ami itlercurlai Disease. County Court House In tlie City of Ann Arbor in said holders gel nil the stirplufl over tUdexacc c m i <»t BMUI A coKlier, who was once wounded in KOBKBT Cnrpi-KR, WArrrvham, Brndjnrd Co. Pa. The following works are sent to Siih.scTiherfl in any pari N E W OftMANt, S&lli August, 1S59. Countj and ^t-itf, the premises described in said morlance It stcc«Hi3i^uto> tUfi Insnred in t b e Kettlemenl ol "Your piano pleases us well. It is the best one in our f th .• country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mai! battle, set tip « terrible howlinc. An The "FMHKEnoiiKSTflv.K," is m.innct bv a poml 'orew,' their premium)" ON 1 V/I- l'"I.H'lt>, If ileslred, bj laking county.**,—THOMaS A. T.ATHAM. ^nvwheVjori, Qa. D R . J . C. A T F R : Sir, I oheerftilly c o m p l y w U h tho r«- gage. to wit: All that part of tuO n o r t h w e s t quarter nd they will always be duinil on Ihe "<ju;trt<T fleck," » noteforo o e half tbe ttmount, bearing Ini§re8t at nx ne«t of yoiirajtent, and report to y o u tiome of t h o eftectt nf section (>De in township lour south of ras^ie five east, Iiishm in, who lay near with both leg-i "We are v.-ry much oWtged-to you for having sent T H K N M V A M F . R I A \ CYCXOPJEDIA- A ready and willing lo fettend to all WUU plMSItfa, wUo will per coot, per nnnuin. h a v e realized with y o u r*upaiilta. and bounded as follows, to-irit: On t h e south bt the Inch a line Instrument for $260."—1>KANK,1IKLI> & C o . , opuUf Pletlonary of General knowledge. Edited by 1 have cured with it, in m y practice, m o s t o f tlio comnhot off, immediately eunc out: " Bnd favor them with :i call. laU B r^ng reserve, on tho west and north by landsownItujfalo Dimocrat. BO. KHI.KV Hint C H E R U B A. I»A.\A, nidt'd by a n a m e r o o t plaints for whirl) it IN recommended, and lmve found i t s Dividends are Declared, Annually! »^1 by RasieU Brigus, on the east by lands owned hjf "The Horace Waters Pianos are known AK among the elect corps o f writers in a l l b r a n c h e s of S c i e n c e s , Ari luck to the likes ill y<>—do 3 e think eftVctfl truly wonderful in t h e cure of Vrtttreal and Mer- Thrrou Kord, «upp >se 1 to contain thirty two acres of We are enabled to Pp**k of these insdn nd U t e r a t a r e . This work is beinp published in a b o m jmil ilOQf they nv\\ amount to Tffn p©r cent on the |ire- very best curiuj Pis'-tte. One of m y patient* limt S.YpUiliiic u l c w a nobody is kilt but yereelf ? " I ind, in being tho propec-ty on which the Schuytcr 5 Utrpe netiivc v(ilume>.efK-h c o n t a i n i n g T6O i i m - c o l n i n j r..Mir:i sash and not*-, ;.i»d nre increasing they muy be nients with confidence, from penonal knowledge of th->ir Iu hid Ihrqat, which were coiiHQDilDg liit |wliite and t h e Mills are located. and hnve »<Ued tlie lnt«st stylo* of Cnrd excellent ton*1 and iiurnbto quality."—=^V. Y. Evangelist agea Vols. I . , I I . , 111., IV. V . . V I . . VII. V I I I . A: IX top ut' h i - m o n t h . Your BarMparilla, Ktendily taken, applie . *o cancel thon<iU-s. (MI.EB VAN HU3AN, Mortgage*. Ann Arbor, Mar,I860. "I'C '• Sir," said one of the Barbaryre now raady, e a c h c o n t a i n i n g D M T 2.6ft0nrfginal nr) Type, which eaables us to print /fe» Tbo n i t w <>t pterntdoM Anfaslow as any btber re'•We can apeak of the merits (»f the Hoinoe Water- picuiud h i m in five weekn. A n o l l i w ut tucked l>y n o * Wlf. A. M >ORK, A t f y for Mortgagee. les. An ;i:.i , r i"n:il vuhaiu' will be p u b l i s h e d o n c e h sponnitleCompany andtliebtrge accumulated fond of anoafroin nernonfll bnowlednei a a b e i n j tho very lines; o n d . u y l>liq»lunu in l i b HUM-, nnd tlm u l o n a U u u had Shore tara to a crusty old captain:— Datea, Detroit, Sept. 6,1H62. b o u t l l i r i i - ni'intftH. So,5«0,000 is securely invested, as mav be seen \<y refer- «[nal-tf-"— Ckrmian Intelligencer. citi'.-n uwny a otiiuilul*nabl* futrt of it, HI that i belloVu tho 1'rice, in Cloth, $'6\ Sheep, $3.50; ilalf Russia, $4 60 (i'N'it.l.-i Munld n u n ranch n h brain and kill h i m . Itut i t to the statement tnatlenccortittlgtn law, cm file in "Tiie Horace Wftte?a pianos are oitiTt of the be^t and "Did you over know offue to hurt any ach. yielded t o m y iulnnniNlnilion o f y m n MirM»|mrillit: tlie t.heoffice of the County ClerK,at Ann Arbnr.'JtSK must thoroughly wa^oneii matviial. Welmenodoubi one?" ' Yes, you fool you.' wa? the The New American Cyclopaedia is popular without be ulcenf heiiltMl. and he i* well again, mil ut* ouiimu w i i h o u t tbatboy«trflena4a Mtwell,n*i*iap8 better, at this than at JAMES GOQDWIM. l'rest. EFAULT having been trade in t h e y j A QJ 4 some diKllKiiiittioii to h i - b e e . A witiiaii wlio hud W e n jj ^n[iiThfinl, loanied vithwui batvypedantic, eomprt any otherhouM in the Union."—Advocate aid Journal. GfYK.rnRirs,iVcy. response, •'[ knew a bug full to full on sum iif manej ktcured by a mortgage exc-cu^d »y iic;ii'-i] tor t h e Name ditxinlut hy m<-uury \s\\>, 8iifTWfiig •ii-ivi but sufficiently detailed, frHfrom personal piqu< Water-*1 pianos and naetodennn cliallenpe comparison Ki>ri>aitiuu!arbapi<ljr to JAMF.Si c . WATSOV, lulin W. Maynard ;ui<l .Mary J. his wife, to Charles 3. a man's head once and kill him." id party prejudice, fresh and yet accurate. It is n from tliiN imhoii in her IUUIVK. 'i'hey liuil hsoMUfl MtWBwith th« finest made-anywhere iu the country."—Worn* 763\1 Agent at Ann Arboi, Mich. latter, <hue<l the ninth daj <>f Deoembar, A D. 1869, ftilivt) to tli» WMdlitv Unit I>II u .l.m.p diiy fin; HuMfied e x anpnte stfeienenl of ail thai is known upon erary lm Journal ttiid lecorded in the office of the RegiMer of Deeds of erucialluK puiii in her j o l u l * a n d buuw. is tie, t < o, w a s ortani topic within the ROOM <»f human Intelligence.— The rebels pretend that they sot fire "Horace Writers' Pinnn Fortes are of full, rich and ihe Co uiitv of \V;is]iii'iiiiw in tho State of Michigan, ia cured e n i i i e l y l>y y o u r MII-MI|>HI ilia i n a few winks. I ',vi-ry bnportani arttcli Infi baa been apeolal^ writtei even tone, and powerful—tf. Y. Musical Review. Ubor No. i 6 of Moi bpiges ;»t page 792, on the eleTentb tf>. and blew up the Arkansas theinknow li itu Ibruiuta, which y i m r a g M i t gave nit;, that t,r its Dageobjmen whoareatrhorities apon the topic "O»ir friends will find at Mr. Waters' store t h e very lny of April. A. l>. 18t.O at twenty minutes past on« n which they speak They arerequired to brmq tin tin.-) l'ie|.ttiKtiuM in,in y o u r lnljonttoty iiiiiKi h e n great beRt assortment of Music and of Pianns to be found in si-lvea. According t o their own iico'clock, I* M., by wliicli default \le power ol sale c->nPUBLISH the United Slates And we 0XW9 OUT southern nnd western unject up to the present moment: to state just how ii r e m e d y ; i-oiiKt-iiuently. these truly reuiaikablu results • ;. n 1! in Kaid mortgagn became operative; and no suit coutits, they have now aaciificed th-ree friends t;> irwe hrwi a call whenever they go to New tands now. All the statistical information In from the wilb It Intve not BurprutMi me. or prucdediug having been iDKtitute*) at law to.^rcor^ Fraternally joura, 0. V. LAK1MKH, M. D. atc#t report*; fetiagMgeapiiica] accounts keep pace with York."-— Qrahatn* Magazine the debt secut'ed thereby, or any imrt thereof* * ^ 4 rams as burnt oSerings to their god oi Newly Klectrot )•]>*•<!. wit I, new Mid original il!u«t in lions, he latent exploration*; historical matters include tin I be >um uf rive thousand and thirly-ei^ht OuV^*rn btTtng R h c u i n a t l i m , G o u t , L i v e r C o m p l a i n t . war. arc the most beautiful as veil as,the buoks extant res'iest just views; the biographical notices ad* ak n d now oialmed to be due thereon. Notice is theietot« I. *Niu<k-rs' Aljihabet Curils, 6 inbest f-tft j f t f % %;.Q Q Well known to he the Best for ManiMDKVKHtMEttUK, L*n»tuU Cm, Va.. Wli July. 1&5U. 11 nlj of the dead but also of the living. It is a library hf r*-bv given that said UMI i^a^e wilt be foreclosed by a I I . ^aink-is' ^ a k ' Primary P i tfb ] C h t S S on 4 carda, 1 Bo tfob ] Chart*, DR. 3. 0 . A Y H I : Sir, 1 huvs bein ulllicted with a ptlnufacturing Purpoae*. ,f tseir ^aie of the BSorfcfiagSd premises, viz : "All thf^se certi&adefd1 J"rnniity Spelling Book K "Blast the niggers!" says Brian, ful chmnic Wieumutitm fur u lung iima, whldi Wtlh-d lUci 1 ni:. pli-Cfjs Di pHTQi-ls ol' land situate lying and beiog iu S d ' New N ^pellerand ll JDinner, i tender* A R1DGEMENT O PT H E DERATES OF 5 Bkill of phy^tciriiis. iihd MUcfc to uie In ^pite uf all the the City ol Ann Arbor, Coun.'y of Washtenaw and "they've always <jot the be->t ol tho the noatest stylos, and us cheap as any IVV S;unU'..s' AOJMJWB**f Knjiiish W u u l s , . . . . R0 O X G R E S S Being apolitical History of the Unit* Mmedien I could th.d, mail 1 tried your Suwaparilla. One ^late oi Michigan, branded and dc&'criWd cs ollows t VI. tender's Plcti r.;il I'r mer, (bound) . . . 1 ( ) O O O O rssrrcl 111 t e n M o n t h * , whites. They can never be poor, for it IHT liousv in ihti State. We aro also preStates, from the organization of the firxt Federal Con- bottl« cmtiil HIM in two nevks. and rwtured my general to-wit: Commencing one hundred sixteen feet and out VII S;m<U-iV I .ei in:, n ;i!ui l.n^iisli i-rimer.. ;ress in ITS' to lftafi. K'Htedrtinl compiled by Hon. THO health no miu'li thitt I HIII fur Mt*-r tlmu befiov I was :i ill north .i^-;n tht: -outh-eaht corner of block No. OM is impossible for them to be, ns so arcd to print Tlie unprecedented sale of this book ban Induced the VIII Sanders' Hew P i n t Keoder , attacked. 1 think it a w.-n.kilul MiadkUl*. J . HiKAM. IAKT the Ofiicial Records of Congress. (1) north of rang" three ^3) east chene*- west one h»opublisher to u'lil Hime 30 new tunesan.l liymns to its presIX ganders'New Second Readei,* many othur people are—without a •HTed an 1 two U e i , tht-net- north tit'een and a half ft*eit ent size, without extra cliar^e, except on the cheap i'iV:- The wurk will be Anaiueted in 16 royal octavo rolnme* i Jules V. Qetrhfll. of St. 1/iitis, irrltetl " I have heea X Snuder.-.'New Tliird Header, 750 pageaoHOh, 11 of which artnow ready. An ad. j in t h e south Hue of lot No. eight (*) in said block nfllifivdforjfur« with an ajfectitm '>/ the- Lirev, which timr Among tin- many beautiful tunes and hj mnv added (^•-•ettt. XI. S i i . '.t-rs1 New Fourth Reader, thence w w l (bitty f w t to the «»-.-t line of said lot, dt'Stroyeil my health. I iritil every thim;:. andtfTerj thing may be found:—"1 ought f<. love my mother;" " 0 I'll lltjonal volume will be publislifd once in three months. XII. Sandera1 Kaw 1-ifih Kea< IT . . . . 75 (hence north nine and a half feet, thence en*t along tbe Cloth, $3; Law Sheep, $J.aOHalf Mor., $411,»ifailed to relieve me; and I have been H broken-down man Is the best Haohlnfl in the world for Family Sewing and be ft K*>ori child, indeed I will." Tlie.-e an-1 ei|;ht others Calf. S4.50 each. XIII. Saodera' High Sent ol Header, Accounts ngree that the rebels who Mmth line ol Cbarle* Thayer's land, and *V/w,r the for dome y«WM fruttl no othi-r cattBH tlwil dacinycn<n>t tff Light Manufacturing Purposoa: (vitn Hernnerj and from Hie 1VH , wrrertUOKSLX tlie ?unila> School Anniver Xl\'. Banker* \<untr Ladle*' Keauer, •*outh line of Charles ThaycrV store in Mundy's block i WAT OF PROOURTNO THK CYCLOPAEDIA ORDEBATU the. hirer. My Iwlovvd pastor, the H«T« Mr. ICppy, ad\ i>ed sarv of the M. K. ("hurch at the Aeaileruy °f M««ic, with invaded MaryhmJ were in a most r-.\s; XV. tjaadera'Kchcol Spraker 1 00 beautifully urnamented W 0 . to Haln s H f f t , tbflnce south t o the place of beginoio^ Form a nlutk of four, aud remit tin- price of four books, me to try your illji. becaUK he said he Ui^w you^ as described bj deed frnm John Lock wood nod wife to XVI. Sanders' Klucutioti;'ry C l i h r l , . . . 3 Q The Nos. 1 ami v Macliines are of great capacity and pre-it iip|ilause The Bell coLtains neariy 200 tanes and and any tiling you turn In wan wmtli trying. Ity the bleNAped condition, ttnd, worse yet, that and live copies will be seat at tl»irci^itttr'M expensefoi hymny.and is one of the bpst collections everlWrned application fur mj^-facturLnft pnrpofcli. John W. M;ivmir-i ; also the following described parctl iug of (jod it hurt cured lue, aud hu« >•> purified my I'WHMI These leaders are distinguished for their »1rictlv yiothey were covered with verrnin. One Our No. 3 Machines art* especU'.lly adapted to all kinds Trice Vic; tlO per hundred, postage 4c Klegantly bound, Ciirriage; or for ten ^^b-sc^iber.•^t eleven copies will b* as ta make u new man of me. 1 feel youofi again* The of l a n d : Beginning at tbe centre of the highway mnuist charactrr ami praeUcfeladaptitionto the young. of light and IK-JIV; Leather Vork, in OirrUbce rriiu- embossed gilt, 'i5c $-0 per 100 It has been introduced at at our expense for earriage; which runs on the ea^t line of the first laid out vi)l»ge beat that Ciin l>e tmUl of you In not half good euougli." whii saw them snys: " Every man Tliey have been received with unprecedented f:ivi r :n,J nitDg, BO"t anfl t*hoe Making Harness Making,etc., e t c . into many of the Public Sc' jls. «»t Ann trbor, at the north-west corner of t h * bpmt by mure favorably than by Practical Teachers T o ASJ*I t « . The e is published in t.iM»tll numbers entitled AnniSclilrrii«,Cnncer Tmuora, Kuln i'fcemeilt« U t formerly occupied by George W. Jvwett and1 no* They are of ex'ra size, «nd with n arm long BDougb t o might be considered a host in himself. who have tested theirnu-rits in tlie school roc-nj. UlcernMou, Curies aud Exfoliation of owned by K. Wells,and thence north to thf b-outh-weat take under it and stitch tb« large^l stzednshea. There versary and Sunday School Music I>t^iks, Nos. l i 2 . 3 , fc No other work will so Ubenttl; roward the exertiontRidging from the animated nature of Terms the Uoiien. Corner o f a lot of land btb!<-nging to r a n B. Mitleroim is Mtrooly a I | y P * ^ " ' a iriinim.-is' stltcbiiig thai oaaool 4, in order to accommodate the million; price t'2 & *3 per of vb«nt8. A N AUB.VT WAXTKD I S THIS COUNTY mit- known on application to the Publishers. nida (9) tln*nce easttrly on said Miller's line twenty-two t.r- Wtter d«me wilb them thun by band ; s o , too t h e hundred No. 5 will soon be issued—commencement of their pel sons." A great vnrU-ty of cases have been reported to OH where BY H0KAT1O N. ROBINSON, LI. 1). tods ( 2 : ; , thence southerly parallel with said highway Ann Arbor, March, 1859. tt902aoit saving of time and tabor i» v*.*-y f l t e t . ThL'tableof another book. Also., Revival Music Boois, No. 1 * 2 . cures of the*? turnii<l-:it>le cmnpluinis lmve resulted fiom nim* rods (9) , thence westerly paiallel to said MiJw/» •^3* Hov TB0B. WHIUHT, agent at Kinne a Smiths tlia use oi thitt remedy, but our itpace here will not admit I..Ltf Professor of Mathematics in the L*. S. X.ivr these uiach.nes is 21 inches Long, and the.shuttle will price »1 & $2 per ll)fl. postage l c . More tha.l 800,000 The prayer of a Unitarian preacher line tw«aty»two ro<!n ('.2) containing one acrrof land, copies of the above books have been issued the past i3ook Store, Ypsilanti. hold six tiroeiithe usual quantity'ol thread. Thelurgo I Robinson's I'rogrcRBive 1 r njnrv Aiitliuie'.ic, tlit-m. Some of them tuny he found in our AuicVU'an 1 being the same lot of Ian I conviyed hy (iei>rge \V. Jemeighteen moptuS) and the demand is rapidly increasing inaci.i.if works as tit-tas small ones. Almanac, which the ageuU helow uauied are pl&used to of Fitchlniig, Mus« . run- a* follow*: II. ltubilisun'a Progressive Illtelleclual Arilh. *>n and wile to John W . May^.r-l by beed bearing date Published br furnish gnui« to all who CHII for them. W e would ask tor our l . c i t r r A Machineit, the s[>eIll Robinsou'.s Hudimentn of written Atith. ft Dec. 2d, \S 57." or some pait thereof, t public veDdut* "Oh, G<>d. wt> pray, Thee to bl«n» the HORACE WATERS, Agent, cialattentiun of Vest Maker* and DrjMI Ifakerfl aud all IV. KobiiiMun's F n g r e M l r e Practical Arlth. Dyipepgtn, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilepat I he Court House iu the City of Ann Arbor in «*it' 333 Uroadway, N. V. those who want Machine*-tor light man >tfactoring pur. relieln. Bleu* their iiririiea with defeat. V RobiL«on's Key to Pnictica! -Xrilhuiftic, sy, AlelaucJioly, Keural^la county.on the eighth da? of November next at anon. SO pnsea. They embody the pridcf^les of the standard AND THE VI. BublbnoD * Pr -gressive Higher Aiilhnu tic, CHAKLLS CL'rrLR.iiortgagee. 75 mHchine.H, making like them theintei*l«cked nitch. and Many reuuukiLule iut«-s uf thette aflt-ctioiis lmve been Bl-ss their hearts with sincere repenVII. R ibitwin s Kty to Higher Arithmetic, 75 are destined to be ascelebrnted for TAMILY RKWINO a t d made by the alterative power of this medium!. It stimutance. Uless their social condition with VIII. Kobinsou's New Eltnicntary Algebia, 76 late* the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus ligh.1 manufacturing purijoses as our standard maGEO T A.VfORTH, AttV, IX. R btnson's Key to Klementury Alyebra, overromes di^ordent which wouhl be (supposed beyond its ea.ancipa'ion." ciiiiio> urc for nuuutaoturtngpurpose in general Dated, August 14, i8f». »6Sul reach. Such » leuiedy has IOIIK heen required I»y l h y 'I9* X. Robinson's University Algebra, 1 55 We have alwaytfon band, HKMJII>G OAUO«8.8ILKT I TI«T No. 3 3 3 Broadway, New York. ccMNitifH of the pp< ]>k'. and wo are coulidt'Ut that tliid will XI. Robinson's Key to University Algebra, 1 CO LINEN AND OlTTOX THKKAD, ON SI'OO^J, M » l MACII1NK OIL in do for them .'ill Hint medicine can do. A youn? fellow who hnd one leg XII Robinson's Geometry and Trigonometry. 1 SU Vocal/'Kind Words can never die;" "TI e Angels told 1 6 0 bottles, etc., eU>. XIII Kobijisou'B ^ui v . \ ini; aiii NaTtgatiuB, nbout f Mir inches shorterthmi the other, We manufacture our own Needles, aad wouM wnrn all me s o ; " "Wilds of the Wr»tj" "Thoughts of G o d ; ' L. 8 C O T T & C V , NEW YORK, continue to publish t h t p\EFAULT having been made ; n the condition o f * XIV Rob n>on's Auulytical Geometry aud Conic I) mortgage, execute i t j Jam«« Hftfley. <'f Freedom, peraou- using our machines not to buy any others. We *-Giv* mebnek my Mounting Hume;" "I>;iy Preiims;" following leading British Herodicaiis, viz: stnffi-il his boot and p'is?ed an exami?ectionii, 1 50 know that there are needles sold of the most inferior " Cock Robin;" ' T m wt»n thee stihV'l'etnames;" in tht-County of Wa-shtenaw, and: St^te of Michigan, 1 1 XV Robiniiou's 1'ilTerentiat and Integral Calculus 1 50 to 1-anipl 1*. lvcves, of Lima, County aforesaid, b'-*ariuy quality at higher prices than we chars J for the bent. "There's no darling like mine:' "Saiah J m e Lee;""Kv. nation by a carclws E;i«tern phvsicinn FOR THE RAPID CUKE OF XVI Hob nson's F.lementary Aslrom m y , 75 THK LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative), er of thee:'' ^I'm leaving thee in Sorrow;" "Bird of date the'. 9th day of Haieh. A . 1> 1^52, and recorded Couglkfl, C o l d s , I n f l u e n z a , I l o a r n e n e s s , XVI, Knbinson's University Astronomy, 1 75 The needles sold by us are manufactured' "*p*»«ial{>y U>x Beauty;' 1 u H o » « of our birth;" "Orave <.f Rosabel,'' and He U"l the bnuntv mmiev, and having a *mr ma Lines. A bad Jietdle.may render tht btii machine i he flame <\sy In the R«gihter>'B office of »ani couuty, »t C r o u p , !{• OIK It it i s . I n c i p i e n t ( o u XVI1I_ Robinson's Mnih< nintkal OpemtivDI, 2 2!S 'Wake, lady, wake,,' price '25c each. almost ueeUs*. 'lli u'cliick, I'- H , in l.iber 18 of Mortgage*, page '265, THE EDINBURGH REVIEW ( W h i g ) , fo disn' • u m p t i o n , an«l f o r t U e ICclicf sn'mrce. XIX Hot nson's Key *o Algebra, Cieometry, SurINSTKIMKNTAI..—' *Palace Garden, or Gini?in^ Hird Our customers may rest assured tliatal, ^ur Hninch ' which sni<! ntorlgage was *'.u\y assijup'l by the K%>d of Consumptive Patients THJE NORTH BRITISH BEV1EW (Free Church). vejing, He , 1 50 Oftices ai e furnished with the *' genuine aeil ;•£ " Pnika. 40c; u Swlngfng Schottische;" "Mirabel Robotpulled th** stuffing out of liis l>oot, nnH Uantnl H. Kejres tu Thomas Hiffty on the l f ^ h day 4 4 I n n (11 u ni-t-<l S t a g e s • 'Th.mvis Baker'n tScltottlnche;" "Plccolomtnl Forming a KL1.1. MATHEMATICAL r n r R S K , emIn case of small purchases, the m»ne) wiay b-j s-tnt in February, I1 -, 1 >§'•>. and recorded on t b e *^8tb daj of course limped terrllijy " How Hid of the Disease. Polka, 35 cents each. The abo*epiece*haYeb«aut(ful T i l S WHSTMIN8TKR REVIEW (Liberal) bracinx Arithmetic and Text Book in the liiglun Bath- nu-!;<i'c BtalBP'S o r bank notes. of M « y , l 8 R 7 , « I X o'clock, A. M , in l.iber 8 ol ThU Is a remedy no univt-iMtlly knovB to *nrpnis any ematica. Kor extent of research, faclily and Hpiuens of you pries ? " a>kcd the surgeon. T h e Corresjjonii^iiiw will please write their names distinct- Vianet tee "Welmer Polka;" "Arabian Wai cry March," Mortgage*. p»ge 2 5, and a f t e r w a r d a^fiigned by Thoin5 other for the cure of tlnoat and lung complaintfl. tliat it illuslraliin and ur*AtlO*l useiulnes-, tlie author ol thia l y . It K all mp'Ttant t i n t we should, m e a e n c a s e , the very last; "Vaasovtanna Mouiells Hasurka; ''Real; i> ll:.x\\.-y t i llarg«rei llaif-.-y. on the UUi day of Julr, BLACKWOOD'S EDIN'nURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). 1B upi-iess here to publish the evidence of its viituee. Its young fellow tnld him. " Whv Hid yon inL' Polka^' "Crinoline Waltt." anu " l a n c e r s ' Qua st-i-ifs iaaurnanMd by no DMlbtwatlcal writer In this kno« t h e l'osl Uftice, County, aiid t*tatp, 1 58. wad r?c«)i->tfdIn the1 Rrgwter*« office of w a s h t n a * unrivalled excellence fur toughs and colds, and its truly The present critical state of European affairs will drille,"*2Scencn. "The (Cmpireof Reich> Quadrille;" n country. This series has bven 1 ecommenued by the best ito" A.I persons requiring information about dewing Impose y<vnifiii|f it) on the errvic« ? " wonderful rmeH of pulmonary dint-nse, have made it (.'ounty aforesaid, on tU. 7th dav of April, 1862, at 10)^ renrlerthftte pabliCfttioH anuaoally IntennUng during iUlhemuticiiins in ail sections ol the country. Machines t h e i s i z o , prices, vrorkfng capacities, and the new dance, and "The Hibernian Quadiille," S^eeach. known throughout Ihe civilized nationa of tbe earth. ' o'clock, A. M-, in l.iber 18 "f Mortgages, p»pe 2C5. oi it l a charge of a " Oh, T knew th(j m»nev wu« gninsr, nnd best methods of (-urciiasiDp, can obtain iL by .sending to Many of those j>ieces are pl.iyed by Maker's celebrated the forthcoming year. They will occupy n mtddii wliicli said mortgage tberv is ctiu^i'.l to be due at the Few arc the coninmnilieB, or even fatnillea, anionsf them •reheat ra with great applruse.j^y- Mailed free. A ground between ihe hastily irritten news-it»m<, crodf us, o*-»ny of our B'MnchUtVicesfor ac»>py of I thought I would get rny share ol it." who have not some peraonal experience of its effect? — d«te hereof, three hundred and tinny one dotbrt and Ui^elotot" Foreign Music at half price, cuhitions. jiiid Iiyint< runmrs of the daily Journal, Gray's Series of Botanies, nix books. Bonm living trophy in their midst of its victory OW the «ixty-t'our cents, and B/> suit or proceedings a' law ha.v 1 tin- poqdertjui 1'ome ot the future Historian, wntteu subtlu and dangerous disorder? of the throat and lun^a. ing been mstitiUfd pi recover the debt now, dn* **f *»* a r ter t o e living interest and eNcittment of the great When General Stuart seized op Men Hitchcock's School Anatomy and Physi- Which is a beautiful 1'iciorial Taper entirely devoted to As all know the dn-n.lful fulality of thctie difonlerp, aud p:irt ilnTi-nf anta the power of sale in said im>rtgart f»1auos Melortpons »nr1 Organs. poliiiml events of the tini<? >hall have parsed away. It having b e c m e operative. Notice is hereby given that as they know, too, the effects of thin remedy, we lueil not ology, $1. tbfl subject— It loill he sent gratis. Pope's camp, he found ihere ii dsirkey Tlie Horace Waters 1'ianos nnd Me.lodeons, for depth is to these lVHiidictls th;it renders ma<% look for tin jdo more than to ai^ure them that it has now all the vir* on the 25 hday of October, 18* 2 . a t 2 o'clock m tl« 1 parity of tone and dumbilfty, are unsurpassed. l*rice> only really intelligible and reliable bfotory ol curr*-n | tues that it did have when making the cure* which have afternoon«>t" said day, at the front door of the Court Hitchcock's Geology, one book. ab^ti Ihe s;nno size Bit Oenerid Pope, 4 ® - We have made the RKDACTION IN P R i r E * very low Second Hand Pianos and Uelodeono from $96 t. events, and as such in addition totheir we le.stal)li.-lie<i . won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. House, in the Const7 of Ifrftliteoaw, and State of wilh the two-fold view of benefiting t h e public ubdom' Well's Grammars, two books nrd tH* cnntr:iV»nni! individual he en $150. Mu-iic aud Muuicf I Instruct ions of all kin«ls,atthe literary, sciei.titic. and theological charae'er, we uige Michigim, there will be sold i*t public vendue to tb* itelves. The public have been iwiQaledb} npurfoufl ma- lowest prices. HORACE WATERS, Airent, .hem upon thec- n-i'!«-i;itnm ot tin1 reading public. lii<li>.-t bidder, tlie lands described in said mortgage, of cased in the General's hest clothes Well's Scientific Series, including Chem- chines m:tile in imitation of ours. T e metiil in tln-in, Ko. aSS Broadway, X. Y, Prepared by Dr. JC. AYEK &, CO., Lowell, Mass, The receipt of A t l v n t u e S h e e t s lr«>m the Britbdi so much there>f an may be neces>ary to t a t ^ f j \\t the iron casting t*i t b e Miiallest peice, is o. poor fhoulder str:ina »nd n'l, and CBiinod to istry, Philosophy, etc Three books. frcnn 'KwriMOMAit*:—"The Horace Waters 1'iauon are knowi publi.-hfr> gives additional value to t&eHe Rejicintt, ami'tintdue at the date nf this notice, ^rHi %ht# exp'n* qu<»lity. Their makers have not the means to do their ns Hinoni; the very be^t.' —Fvanstthtt. it:;i>it]ii"has they cunnow be placed in tUo huudH ol fits of hitl*1, viz: All that certain -'ie^* or parcel of land ride beside him on a mnl« through Wilson s Series of Ribtnries, five books work will. They are hii! away in secret pluses, wheie it "We can «peak of their merits from personal know! subscribers ab -ut as sunn as the original f\\' iuu* Wing in the town of Krei-dmn aforesaid, and described would be impossible to have at their command the prop- edge."—Chrintitm Intelujnmotr. Wnrren'on, labelled on hi* back, " Fasquelle's French Series, eight bookg. er as follows, vi7.: The wert half of the north-west qu»t mechanical appliances. It IP only by doing a great FARRAND, ^HELEY & CO., I'ftVtflt "Nothing at the Fair displayed greater excellence -"— ter o" section Number five township three soutk retient!' 'Onward t o Richmond!" VVoodhury's German Scries, seven books.>.;iricl hating rxtt.n-.tve nv li'tfftCturing establish- Churchman. 8U9yl J H. BtKKll.L. Travelling Agent. l'er ann. r.tngefour w** t c"^tain:^Jf fifty-six acres and thirty that cood machines .un be made at modorai For any one of the four Review*, - - - $•> "0 No doubt b u t that Gun*-™] Bryant & Stratton's Series of Book-keep- ments, eight iiundrcdihii of an acre. Wateih' Pianos and Melo.iPons challengecomparU(»i prices. The best d«it|gn«d It) ichlnes, BADLY MADK, art For any two o) the four Reviews, - - - 5 0"* M.\K<iAlurr HAFFEY, Assignee. always liable to get out uf ordor, and aresur«* to 0O>t with the nnest made any wherein the country.''—Horn tliongh' th;tt to dress a darkey in the ing, three books. For any three of ihe our Reviews, • • - 7 i 0 JOHN N . GOTT, Attorney. considerable trouble ami motuav to keep them in rcpaire JaunsL 711*tf Forall lour ol the Reviews, 8 00 Ft'denil uniform, R M sufficient to tnuko Dated, .inly 24, ISttt. Speneerian System of Penmanship, nine The qualities to be looked for in a Uachmeare : c-rFor Ulackwund s M«guzine, - - - . 3 0 ' tainty of correct action ut all rates «it Apeed,simplicity him tit to ride beside him! books. For Hlauktvuod mid one Review, . . . SO* ot e n s t r u c t i o u , great durabijtv, and rapidity ol opeFor Bhtekwooaand two Review*. T 00 And Many other Valnnble Books. ration, with the least labor. Machines to c m o i n e ihi-se Y VIRTUE of a decretal order mar!e in th(» Cii*** For BlaeltWOOdaild three Peviews, . . • 9 00 When the government officern who essential qualities, must be madeof tl.ebeatm©.aland Court fur t h e Coanty of Waahteoaw, Kitting i i Succeisorsto For HlackwiHidiiU'l the tfurReviews, - - 10 00 finfftb d to perfi etion. We have the way and means, on Chancery, in tho cal]^e wherfin Ira Pufkev W ?onipl»in' Money current in the Slate v>h*re issued will he received had chjirge of Messrs Msihonev anc -.\ grand scale, ti» do this. ant and Henry Baualaugh. Maria C. Bauslangh, rh»ri»« 1 at par. The purchasers of machines, wlio^e-laily bren.l it m;;v Cliapin A LonmiR.niidCbapin, Tripp A Loomi Shewar, <Iemocrn>ic: editor; of Iowa Kitchen, and James F. Avery are defendentB. 1 ("ball^ concern, will find tha.1 thi'M1 hftvlDKthe abovequaliUes at public auction at the front door of the Court Hou«. on their w:iy to Washington, wrrived a mla k Trlpp baring parohaw not only work *ell at n p M an well as slow ••aintiif in the city ot Ann Arbor, in the county afore-said, on tb< Will find at our ntore over Tour Thousand different ar- hp*'c«l.|lmt lust longer in *h<« Onenf piHwlble wm king order- rpHE above lirm of Tin1 POSTACK To anv part of the (''lite! States will be the e a t i M interest of t h e former c o m p a n ! « wll I U o t b day of N'>v.mbcr. A. D. eighteen hundred *vA n hotel thi»y registered their n;tme«. a (Idea of stationery and Throe Hundred Thousand Vol Our machines, as made by us, will earn n v n 1 money eoBtinur I h e boattfeu "t t h e o t d -itiinilM. where t h e * « i l but T i v n . l j - f o u r O i U n a your for •• Bin kwood," sixty two, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that dafi nines ol books, from which tc make their H'lectiun, iilso did their prisoners. Tho office with less labor fliun any others whether m imitation In- r e a d y , o n t h e s h o r t e s t n o t i c e , t o (ill nil o n l e r s in t l anil Itut F u u r t v v i i CciitH a year for e:ich of tbe all lhat certain tract or parcel of land described iu sail QOAprUfllN ;'W assortmei t not rivaled by any other book o ours or not. In fact, they arcc-hearer than a n t other line of decretal 1 rder as follows: "All thnt cfitain part or told the l:mdl >rd to make them re<j\t huuse in the L'ui*ed ttaies. A( tlie above prices the Pciimlicals will bo furnished tr; ct of land, to-wit, situate in th* county of AVash*emachintsasagift. I. M.-INCKKftCO., Would respectfully announce to the Citizens of ter their destination. Whereupon Mr PAW add £tutcof Michigan^ Vnuwn a i u liesc^i'd &s fol> 458 Broadway N»w York. low.-*, to witj hoginning at the quarter post betweeD f-tcAND AS A nrmnner, a n d o n a s ll 4^2- Petroit Office, 38 Woodward Avenue, (Merrill la the nm.-it work Mahonisv 8'i'pped up a--d wrote — OK ALL KINDS'. ti n- No. five and s i x . (hence n<«rth ° degrees east five l a t h e State.Among the Block.) 81 Hf terniH a> any otfa CIDI n< nn : l eightfcn (18) linkn, thence north fifty tlirrt "B'>iind for H:ide«—sent there bv th Are Special AgMlti for fay M, we would enuwer ous artiolwmiuuif {Si) degrees nnd fifti-eii m i i u f s east eighteen chaiui, dKj i t s IVr 18i 0 will b c f u r n i s h e a t h e Nets <if tlif saiiH' Peri devil, in charge of some of his angels thence north three ehams und sixty links, thence wwt Messrs Harper & Bio's Publications. complete, without additi ch-irgc. Are chainsnnd thcity two links (321, tin-nee south t°'*P thut we are now receiving for speaking the truth." Mr. Shewn Unlike the m<>n «• heitier&l h Hagazfnee ol 1he d a y , " I). Appl. ton & Go's " hi vtti flcgiefs und furt v-five m n u t e a weat nineteen tJ9) *M \\\\ Endlealalna«littl» Endlealalna«lit by a*e. Ueocp, a full yeM of all kinds; Mill Gearing and Fixtures, wrought sod tb*M* Chains inul twelve (1SJ links, thenoe south *w« a*<l "I* added—" Bound for the same place " Ticknor & Field's « of the Noe.for 1860, may l>ereifjirdeil nearly as valuublt half (•_'>£) ']f^r«ifs faxt one ' haiiu and seventy tbrrt cast: all the various casting* for muking and repairing and, for tho same reason " as r<. 1882, r " Gould & Lincoln's " hnk.-i l o the li1-"*'^ *>f beginning, being a part of tf* T Sntawlbprs wishing al«o the N cs. for 1861, will be south west qnjtrtpr of the norih-west quarter of $e& " J B. Lippincott & Go's " su)i}iiied ut Hit- loliuwiug SSTttiUaV>T LOW RATES. tion N'o. five [5] in township NQ. one south of range NoThose who go round with the enntr s u c h UR a r e a t p r e s e n t , or h a v e formerly been in u s e in A full and complete supply of six (6J ea*t. and excepting and reserving *i**iefroB And furnish all their Bnoln at b a t t f l prices for cash. taw p a r t o l tin- siitt*-, ;t-l well tfl all t h e various U r t f btition box in Calil-irnia churches, plea a,t"ut one fifth of an acre of land heretofore deeded bj And Manufactured in BBST STTLE at nd A ffoor ojj ffarinerc and tl dmachine h i work k U eA Albej-k R,rphem to Joseph Marenas toe ether with tin Note Papers Letter Papers and Cnp Painthitt section of th and nrgne the case at the pews n» t l ie mechi 0 ry. hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging pers, Blank Books, Pass Books, For Blackwood's Magazine, the three years, S-1) 00 or in any wi.-e arperlaining. go ulong. In one instance the fnHpwi Cnr nnv t.iie Rcvn-w, '* " 5 0 And all kinds of wTATION'Klty, at the prices. iriLT ('inlngue ensued —Person L—— of ali the vn.-miiK patterns, up iasizt'san'l prices, will be 1>. S.TW1TCIIK1J., Kor any twoKiviews, " 8 00 SI. (TKS by the dozen or case. ].-]•' .-<Ti.-':uii;v o n h;ui'l, 1,'ot t h e Iilusl t u u d t r u u u d Circuit Court Commissioner f«>r the County o W Kor Blackwuu:: ali'l oin' Review, •' " 8 1.0 expended the bnsket to Hill, and h tenaw, Michiganprnvt'O s t y l e s . KorlilackwoodandtwaKoTiewa, " " Vi 00 « B r a n g e r s and trnvej»(i visiting Chicago will And shook I H head. "C'>rno William, giv O. HAWKI.NS, Solicitor for Complainant. Kor I liree Reviews, - " " 1101 Thftnkfu! for fiirmor riatronage to the oldfirms,we Koi lilackwood and three Reviews, " it. hMPi-extingto linger for an liauramKl tlie iutermtnable Ann Arb.r, Septenibt-y22. 1H*>2. 871td " IS 00 1 tis s imething," siul ihepirson. "Can woulrt solicit A continuance froin.oW frienda, and atria piles of literature at Ui> ami 41 I^ike Street Kor the four Review.', " " 13 00 by all wishing foranythiug inour lineof business. do it," replied Bill. " Why not? ] For Blackwood and the lour Reviews, " 17 00 L0O1II3 & TUll'P. Any of the above works will also be furnished to iVeic not the cause a good o n e ? " " Y e s Ann Arbor,May IRth, 1859. 60Ttf Subscribers lor tlie v ar I8M-'I , 8. and n . Are tow receiving ft large assortment of Bcots and good enough, but F am not able to giv 8hoc-E and Pur*^aspd by one of our firm for cash, and notwithanything." -'Poll! poh \ 1 know bet Kf F w alUnstljr and valuable Subscription Works, standing the hard times weahail continue to or any noble work upon Religion, I.ituraturo, Science, or ter; you must give n, better rea>jr Thus a JVcw Siibtcibrr may obtain the Reprints of th< Art, iddress S. C. (ilUUi.S « CO. Four Reviews and Ulackwood. tliun that." "Well, I owe too muc PLF.ASK KKMKMMKR money; I must b« just before I ar Which they propose to sell That there is no bookstore in this country keeping a betgenerous, you know." " B u t . William Which is but UHte tnnri' th^a the price of tho original ter or more extensive assortment than is always louud works fur «>no year. at S9 and 41 Lake street. To our stock in order 60 per cent below former pricetfor cash. you owe God i) larger debt than yo As we shall never again be likely to offer such induce :F>:HCCEI>TI3: B L O C K meuts as those here presented owe any one else." "That's true, par REMEMBER. M<MI'» good Kip Boots, from $l,f>0 to $3,00 son; hut then he mn't | :i hing tne Iik Tliat Public or Print* ljbraries can b« supplied with Now ia the time to Subscribe!! llrst cla«» Standard Works by S. C. ti. k Co. upon bitter p y Remittauow niu.^t, in ail oanta. be nude direct the rest of rny creditors." T h e argu terms tliau to .send 1 asl am pay Ireight to/hi Pub-inkersf for at these prices no commission can Men's good Th iok Boots, from 2 00 to 3.00 ment was conclusive. with everything they may need to ask for. be allowed to ageutu. • g ^ W e n Literary and Professional men,Teachers, Scholars 111 all deparlui -nts of of the worlil of letters, PATENTED AND MANUFACTURED BV LEONARD SCOTT & CO. hnh just returned from the Eastern Cities, with a 1 Men's good Calf BooU, from 8,50 to 3.75 are invited to make . a n n i 41 LaVe street their place of Office ami Bindery, cor. Main & Huron Sts. No. 54f»oldstjeet New York I remember one dav, in making m And we will farther pltnigo tiursclvea to sell as cheap aud de&iraMe stock of res#rt in lU'umntsof leisure. No. 2, Franklin 1859. Block, Sarsaparilla 1859 FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Books and Stationery, Neatly Executed PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, in tliisCity, are uow being offered ut the CHEAP, CLOCK, WATCH, & 'cwelry Store- WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, KOLLEKS ARGUS OFFICE. Tremendous Stock of Watched • TASSELS, CORDS, GU/r OORNTOKS, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. A Ever oflered in this Market ! LAW & MKOICAL A t t hoLoweM Prices. AMEH'CAN , WATCHES,! SANTA CIA US' LI HE Humorous- Double Christmas Present ! PRINTING in value from 50 cte. to $50. POCKET CUTLERY! REASONABLE RATES. Cdnfieoticufe IWtttual Life Insuranco Company. Imporcant National Works, W Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. ROTARY CARD PRESS, ? Remember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co INVITATION CARDS, Tiai'e. The 1'lace to Buy Mortgage Sale. J2cok* D WHOI.F8AI.K WEDDING CARDS, Book & Stationery House Great Reduction in the Price of S. C. GR1GG8 & CO. VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. Sanders Progressive Readers, SINGKK & CO.'S Standard Machines. Waretiouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. No. 1, Standard Stmtile Machine, for- S a b b a t h S~c~h o o 1 inerly sold at 890, retluuoil t(i S70. No. 2. of stuno kind of Machine, for merly sold a< 8100, reduced lo $75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACFIINE Bell. POSTERS, HANDBILLK, 3LANKS, DILL HEADS} r.obinson's Course of Mathematics. CITICTJLATIS, PAMPHLETS Ac, Diackwond's Magazine Publised by Horace W a t e r s British Reviews. GREATBDICEMEM SIBSCBIBE! PRE >IIUM3 and HEDUJ i 10WS. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, THE i' nil BOOK BINDERY I. W. Singer & CoV Gazette, MUST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, T E i i M « . (Regular Pricea ) RECORDS, Maynard, Stebbms & Wilson, NEW GOODS JOURNALS, LOOMIS & TRIPP, HOTEL "REGISTERS, and Wholesale Dealers and Retail Purchasers POSTAGE. BLANK BOOKS M. II. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. BOOTS ^ SHOES MAGI & SCHMID Premium to W=w Subscrbers, Washtenaw and adjoining Counties STKAM KNGINKS Direct from the Eastern Markets, Ilorso Powers & Tbreehinjt Machines Spkndid Offers for I860, *61,& '62 Together. 10 C3 H New York Prloes, Periodicals of all kinds Oi Ladies' & Childrens' Shoes, S. C. GIIIGGS& Co. Agents Wanted. ^S> \J~ JB JB JB -trt S i Old Books Re-Bound. Fancy DRY -GOODS, fco JVT.OUJ.tE & L O O M I S BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Chancery Sale, Castings and Machinery, S. C. GTdGGS & CO. RULED TO ANY PATTERN For the Spring, 1862. B THHESIIIXG MACIIINLS. GROCERIES, CKOCKERY, &c. ANOTHER ARRIVAL AT THE OLD AND HELIABLE CLOTHIWt At Oue Half tho Regular Subscription Prices. Seveu Consecutive Year fo^ $37 !!! All Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. Add Weekly Additions EMPORIUM!! *Jfc^Jl3ST O - 6 To Accommodate our Customers! MAIN STREET. E. B. POND, P r o p r . Nichols & Sheppard, hospital rounds, n paiient just arrive Boy's Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1.T5 9. C. GRIGGS & CO., HO FOR. EUROPE 1 presented an amputated forearm, an Wholesale and lletail Boaknellarsand Stationers Hat tie Creek, Allcli. AS TIMES WILL PERMIT Ann Arbor Marble m U X WIKKI.V TO •'9fc41 Lake8treet,Cbloago. doing so cmilii scifooly restrain ' Gaiters, from 44 to 1 35 s. r. auvaas K42m3 K. L jAitanr. broad laugh; .he titter wiin cnttstuntl LIVEBPOOL, Improved for tht) Season of 1862 CALLING AT - O - jE3titcllolcaLoi" and which is always as on his tace " What is the matter Ladies'Morocco Bootees, from 75 to 1,25 F O B S-A.X.E. I j AS on hand •'. flue assortment of American and CORK, Ireland. thi« does not strike mo as a subject of l a this Separator th* fruin laaepantf*4 from the straw liv iiii'an^ of llftln^flngerA, thai tuna t h e ktraw up and ITALIAN binghter." " I t is not doctor, but ex- LivKimiuL xmv VURK & PHILADELPHIA MA R B L £ .As Low as tlie Lowest. Aod an endless variety of Sm.-il Shoes from down wiili a ^iniili'ii motion from the time it leave the cuse me, I lost my i:rm in so lunny a cylinder until it passes lo thestttikar, and the Rniln t'alis which he is prepared to manufacture Into ? STEAMSHIP C() S STEAMERS. Atthe samp time wehnpoour friends nm\ customtiimii^h a buttom mst'le ol sluts, olear frinn Ihe strjiw. way that I still laugh when I loo* at CITY OK l.ON U N , Fancy Balmoral* to Infanta' Crebping Tlie i CITY W M A N O I I K S T E R , piirts con!uiniLg these lingers and the ti(;ht grain ers>ar in tniud lhat the times compel us to sell iffcrs his it "' " W h a t way?" Ourfirstsergeant •JolOTons. '.10» T..ns. bottMin an- m:i-ie to viurate <>r Kwtng backwara and forMENTS. our goods Shoos. NKW YORK, KTNA. r . l o Tons. wai-d, which w«»rks the ^traw l o tlie BtaOkel HII>1 tlm wanted ^having, and got me to attend C11Y OK HomestCHtt F o r S a l e . 2(60TODI. KIHN'llllU.H, a.97 Tonii. ^I'atn'othe stoves The .superiority of this machine STOXES KANUAKnO, 1 « , 4 " over all others consists in its to it. as I am corporal We went to- CITY OK BALTIMORE, We arc nlaoitlniiufactnrlng all Kinds of Ki67 Tons. ULABtiOW, 19 a " For Cash or Ready Pay. Will be in Ann Arbor the last week Perfect senitiontion of (irain iromStraw, gether in front of hi« ten' ; I had lath CITY OK WASHINGTON, BOsrHOKLS, 44d " TABLES (Jreat-ini|dieit>'. lutvinjc no pickers or beaters to clog in September, •23SO WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. ervij iiim, took him by the nose and up. and le.*s inacbiucry than any other now of the above «teamers wiil leave New York *T 845tf miide. Ann Arbor, March 28, 1861. TOPS, TABLE w:w about just applying the raz >r. cryOneSAl'UKDAY, £VT-ICI T e r r a s al noon, Irom I'ier 41. N. K.; »nd P r i c e (Jn'itt eaoacitv, asit w : ll not waste when crowded. Liverpool every \v hLiNE?DAY. when. :v cannon ' a l l (tame, and that, was Mens Fine French Calf Boots Ptrfeci cleaner, having larger seives than any other. dm be obtained hy calling at this Ac, Ac, Ac, «tc. Kasy ilralt, better couptruoled. simple and durable. th« Ust I saw of his huad and my arm. Officr. Pegged and Sewed. of in »11 their varieties, and in a WORKMANLIKE manner Exeunt* me, doctor, fur laughing no, URST CABIN, 1O I.1VKKI (li)l. A.NII 1.ORK, $85 Pennsylvania Iron Horse Power. II.i* In- had eonUoKUa experience in the busines[ but I nevep-naw such n thing before." " " ' U)NIHP.V, g o 1OO2. 1832. So dive in) A chll before purehaslnp elsewhere, ns we are Wa n anted to he the beat Horso Power in he Matters himself that he will be able to please " " l'AKl •. HAVRE, II MUURGaiid all who may favor me with their or^er?. His ppice* bo>inl DOt t" he undersold. tyKlOI'AIIU.NG DUNK wilh wood Ol imn fr.uil" as preferied THiis ocuiirred "luring the-siege of Furt " BKEUEN 95 ON SHuKT NOIICE.jBSr Farmers nnd Threshers ot Michigan I W e offer you FRIGESE. iu —Notes of anfomyi* CABIN rA?SFNUKRS have iv thing to provide for m:-T M A ^ M I N K I S U - K . Better than i'i U', Hall's "LOW AS TIIE L O W E S T . W. S. SAUSMDERS Fruit and Ornamental T !R E E S, Drafting Slopjed in Bostoa. Boston, Oc . 17. T h o Oointnoij C"iiricil of this city, h:ivin<r vnted t o r;ii*H t h o b o l i n t j t o S'i\)). "Irul'tint; in Ijo.stoii h u i Oi'iced.— It in b -Moved thut. t l r ? I j • 111 • t y will eh >rt!y <j ujso t h o q u o t a O. tilo «lty t o be filled. NEW FALL GOODS! tho voyage, and aru allowed 20 cubic lee.1 of luggage K.nvlcrville. or any' built on llwir principles Dp* If yon intend bv*ing a mac me of any kind get a thoRe. wishlm? any thing in my Hnft are respectful} p 1). C. BATC11ELUEK. pamphlatof us or our Agent, and satisfy yourtelf,— in -ited to call Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich 820tf SI'liERAULTOI.IVKRI'OOL ANn PORK $; 5 ranii>hlet sent f:ee. Call and see, or ad Iress " " ).ON|ION, (by rail from Liverpool.) Brt Ann Arbor. Mav 20,1861. 80H1 MCHOUi tc SHEPPARD, 43 Now opening, a spierului stock af Xew Goods for the " f.4W« • Y-.\\\ Trad*at Battle Creek,Michigan, » tSUm, HAMUfRGanullRKMEN, HAMUfRGanullRKMEN 40 (>P M. ROSERS, or MYRON RASH, Agent-. Ana Tbose Steamers are biuJiiB ivater tight iron sections, Arbor; or (. V. W-AHUMAX. agent, Dexter. 8 are kMl'l'I'vcl with patent Ble amuhilutors, and carry expi-nenced tSurgwms. Iheir average p»«s»ge across ••pHK BHICK HOUSE and Barn now occupied by Olney HE subscriber olTern for sale his Toe House, w^th Sta tlie Atlantic is from lOto li .laj>..u;il tfie accoinm.iilaI Hawkins, E ^ . , on Detroit street, Ann Arbor, poslion .111J is equal to that ol auv bleamers ble« anfl."-ht"l :itt:irhfd, his Dwriiintf Htraa*. ut.d session given the \<t of April. llat ubout 2 ' »cres of bind hdjominy, tcgetUer with Horses, alloat. Also several stoies and pioms in Buchoz's Block to f'AN FURN)>H MONEY on reasonable lefnjs and Wilsons, Tools, A:c , v e r j chcJip. TlCKtTS iOU) for both ays, by el tojjood steady tenants at a very low rent, immediate Bui a small proportion required dawn and t! Sal- long lime on good Fairasecurity. Ljo^sestion ciTen. iDfiuireof E. w , MORGAN. K. B . POSD, atlce aan remain on timo. L.H. KT7CHO7. Ann Arbor, July ?1: 1562. Ai th« odtc of thu.MuhlgaE Arjus. Acn Arbor Soptcetcr 15,186S. »7otr AanStboi March ^P. 1901. ?15tt C. H. MILLfcN'S & LOOMIS ana Arbor City loe House for Sale Cheap. T TO LET. r Money to Lend. FALL AMD WINTER which he is now offering at unusually Among bis Assortment may be found BROADCLOTHS, CASS1MERES, DOESKINS, & VESTING^ of a.M descriptions, ««p«ially for FALL AND WINTER WEAR I which he is cutting and making to order, in thelateat**1 best styles, together with a superior assortment of BEADY MADE CLOTHING' TRUNKS CARI'ETT BAGS, UMBRELJ.AS, and nillKSlBSCRIBKHSarenow prepared to receive "'• L der- for all kindi of Frint ami Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Plauti, Flo»eii aixl Viwsof evciy DMcrlpUon and nj-intj. tot the Fall of 18'3 and Spring of 1863— We have a laigo stock now c;'O»i"B:. •»•• intend to with numerous Gther articles usually found in sum* make large Importadpni hwnii M t ' B»M tli« wants establishment*;. As of tlie country demand. Weinxiu- the people to m;.ko themselvu acquainted with our facilities fur doing bumaeu, btfoM [mrchasiug el«e»hore. We m r e u t a l j v.v rietios to b« true to DU&a, and to bo vij;orous and heaithv specimens. All communications will be prompt- the fsubfccriher flatters himself, that his long ex peri**'( ly responded to. Our office is in Rogeis' Agricultuial and genera. «ucco«.will enable him to give the &**#, Store, Dotroit St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Katisfaction to all who may trust him in the way oto* ufaeturiug garraonts to r-rfl"T. Gentlemea's Furnishing Good* ANEMPOKIUM OFFASHlOft Ann Ai- DuBOIS, 0ARE & CO. , June 2< r lW5. B58U
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