PULMONARY EDEMA by Kevin T. Martin BVE, RRT, RCP RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. 16781 Van Buren Blvd, Suite B, Riverside, CA 92504-5798 (800) 441-LUNG / (877) 367-NURS www.RCECS.com PULMONARY EDEMA BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES UPON COMPLETION OF THE READING MATERIAL, THE PRACTITIONER WILL BE ABLE TO: 1. Define cardiogenic pulmonary edema. 2. Compare and contrast the two categories of pulmonary edema. 3. Compare and contrast the three mechanisms for the normal leak. 4. Briefly outline the factors affecting lung water. 5. Outline the common causes of cardiogenic pulmonary edema 6. Describe the normal mechanism of fluid removal from the lungs. 7. List the symptoms of pulmonary edema. Describe the diagnostic findings of a patient with pulmonary edema. Outline the basic treatment strategies for neurogenic pulmonary edema. 10. List therapies used to treat cardiogenic pulmonary edema 11. Identify the causes of high altitude pulmonary edema 12. Describe the problem(s) associated with an increase in capillary hydrostatic pressure 13. Describe the chest x-ray of a patient with fluid concentrating in hilar areas 14. Describe the action(s) of Morphine in the treatment of pulmonary edema 15. Explain affect of a decreased oncotic pressure with liver disease 16. List causes of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema 17. Identify the role of adult respiratory distress syndrome in pulmonary edema 18. Describe the barriers to pulmonary edema 19. Identify therapy used in the initial treatment of pulmonary edema. 20. Discuss the use of nitroglycerin in the treatment of pulmonary edema This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 2 PULMONARY EDEMA 21. Discuss the terminology used in describing the chest X-ray of a patient with pulmonary edema. 22. Apply knowledge acquired through this learning activity and critical thinking skills during a clinical practice exercise. COPYRIGHT © 1991 By RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. COPYRIGHT © April, 2000 By RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. (# TX 0-480-589) Authored by: Kevin T. Martin, BVE, RRT, RCP Revised 1994, 1997 by Kevin T. Martin, BVE, RRT, RCP Revised 2001 by Susan Jett Lawson, RCP, RRT-NPS Revised 2003 by Susan Jett Lawson, RCP, RRT-NPS Revised 2007 by Susan Jett Lawson, RCP, RRT-NPS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This course is for reference and education only. Every effort is made to ensure that the clinical principles, procedures and practices are based on current knowledge and state of the art information from acknowledged authorities, texts and journals. This information is not intended as a substitution for a diagnosis or treatment given in consultation with a qualified health care professional. This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 3 PULMONARY EDEMA TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................6 CAPILLARIES ....................................................................................................................6 INTERSTITIUM..................................................................................................................7 ALVEOLI ............................................................................................................................9 FACTORS AFFECTING LUNG WATER .......................................................................10 DRIVING PRESSURES...............................................................................................10 Capillary hydrostatic pressure..................................................................................10 Interstitial hydrostatic pressure ................................................................................10 Capillary oncotic pressure........................................................................................11 Interstitial oncotic pressure ......................................................................................11 BARRIERS ...................................................................................................................12 Capillary wall...........................................................................................................12 Oncotic reflection coefficient ..................................................................................12 Alveolar wall............................................................................................................12 CAUSES OF PULMONARY EDEMA.............................................................................12 Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure .......................................................................13 Decreased capillary oncotic pressure............................................................................13 Increased capillary / alveolar permeability ...................................................................13 CAUSES OF NONCARDIOGENIC PULMONARY EDEMA .......................................14 CAUSES OF CARDIOGENIC PULMONARY EDEMA ................................................15 SYMPTOMS......................................................................................................................16 DIAGNOSIS ......................................................................................................................17 CHEST RADIOGRAPHIC COMPARISON ....................................................................19 This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 4 PULMONARY EDEMA TREATMENT ...................................................................................................................20 Immediate therapy ........................................................................................................20 Vasodilators ..................................................................................................................21 Diuretics........................................................................................................................22 Inotropic agents.............................................................................................................23 NEUROGENIC PULMONARY EDEMA ........................................................................26 PROGNOSIS AND OUTCOME.......................................................................................27 CLINICAL PRACTICE EXERCISE ................................................................................28 SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................29 PRACTICE EXERCISE DISCUSSION ...........................................................................30 SUGGESTED READING AND REFERENCES .............................................................32 This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 5 PULMONARY EDEMA INTRODUCTION P ulmonary edema can loosely be divided into two categories, based upon why the blood vessels are leaking. Leakage occurs from an increase in pressure or an increase in permeability. Increased pressure edema is caused by an increase in driving (transmural) pressure across the blood vessel membrane. An example of increased pressure edema is congestive heart failure (congestive heart failure). The term “cardiogenic” pulmonary edema is used to describe edema from increased pressure. Increased permeability edema is a result of an alteration of the blood vessel wall. Injury or inflammation of the vessel membrane increases permeability resulting in leakage. Increased permeability edema is associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome (adult respiratory distress syndrome) and is termed “noncardiogenic pulmonary edema”. The two types are not mutually exclusive. There can be an overlap or combination of the two in a given patient at a given time. This is particularly true of the critical care unit patient who may have multiple causes of edema. This course devotes itself primarily to describing increased pressure edema. Increased permeability edema is mentioned briefly when appropriate. (For a detailed discussion on increased permeability edema refer to courses on adult respiratory distress syndrome). We begin the discussion with a review of the normal anatomy and physiology of the lung in relation to how fluids are removed. Specific areas of review are the pulmonary capillaries, interstitium and alveoli. These are the structures responsible for keeping the lungs “dry.” CAPILLARIES M ost fluid leakage takes place in the alveolar area, since this is where the capillaries are located. Capillaries have very thin walls with little to no smooth muscle, media, or adventitia. They offer little resistance to leakage and there is always a net outward flux of both fluid and protein. However, the bulk of the leakage is fluid because most protein molecules are too large to pass through cellular junctions. There are three proposed mechanisms for the normal leak present: transcellular transport, vesicular transport, and leakage through intercellular junctions. Transcellular transport involves substances passing through the endothelial cells. Water, electrolytes, and lipid-soluble substances may go transcellular through the endothelial cell cytoplasm and membrane. This is a minor source of leakage. Vesicular transport is debatable as a mechanism of leakage. It is doubtful vesicular transport plays much of a role in leakage because the process is too slow to explain pulmonary edema. It has also been noted that vesicular volume densities are not increased in pulmonary edema. The primary pathway of leakage is probably through intercellular junctions or “pores” of the capillary membrane. In addition, there appears to be more than one size of intercellular junction. This allows molecules of varying size to leak through the capillary membrane. Narrow junctions allow small molecules, like water, to escape. Wider junctions allow larger molecules, like protein, to escape. This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 6 PULMONARY EDEMA Intercellular junctions are normally about 40-50 angstroms wide. This size prevents the escape of most large molecules. However, they can be stretched by high pressure allowing larger molecules to escape. At normal pressures, junction size prevents passage of molecules greater than a molecular weight of 90,000. When pressure rises about three times normal, even these large molecules pass through the junction. INTERSTITIUM T he popular model of the alveolar-capillary (A-C) membrane describes the alveolar wall, interstitium, and capillary wall as a relatively uniform structure. The textbook model makes it appear that between every capillary and alveolus is a certain amount of interstitial tissue. This is not entirely accurate. Alveolar capillaries are arranged in the alveolar septum with a “thick” and a “thin” side. The thick side does indeed have interstitium separating it from the alveoli. The interstitium supplies the necessary connective tissue to support the capillary. It also allows for fluid exchange, which is also necessary. In pulmonary edema, the interstitium widens due to excess fluid leakage. The thin side has virtually no interstitium separating it from the alveolus. The capillary wall is fused with the alveolar wall. This thin side is designed for gas exchange. The presence of interstitium would obviously interfere with diffusion. Adjacent to collagen fibers in the thick interstitial side are juxtacapillary or “j” receptors. (These are often described as “stretch” receptors). J receptors are part of a complex reflex that results in both stimulation of ventilation and relaxation of the extremities. J receptors are stimulated by deformation (stretching) of collagen fibers. As collagen fibers are stretched from excess interstitial fluid, the j receptors are stimulated. Ventilation is then increased to aid fluid removal. Alveolar expansion increases drainage of fluid by pushing it towards the lymphatics. (The j receptors are responsible for the rapid breathing pattern in pulmonary edema even when there are adequate blood gases). J receptors also cause relaxation of the extremities to promote bed rest. This helps to slow further leakage. Clearance of water, protein and debris from the interstitium is accomplished by the lymphatic system. There is always a very slight leakage of fluid from the capillaries to the interstitium as mentioned above. This helps to lubricate pleural surfaces and is drained by lymph vessels. The amount of leakage is normally insignificant. Brief surges in leakage, as what may occur during exercise, are not unusual. In fact, the amount has to be three times normal to be clinically detectable. Normally, the body accommodates considerable fluctuations in interstitial fluid with no adverse effects. This is a result of both lymph system drainage and the effect of spontaneous ventilation. Normal interstitial pressure (commonly referred to as interstitial hydrostatic pressure) is subatmospheric (negative). This interstitial pressure is not uniformly distributed. The interstitium directly around the alveoli has a higher (closer to atmosphere) pressure than the interstitium around bronchi and blood vessels. Alveolar expansion raises the interstitial pressure in the immediate area of the alveoli. This creates a pressure gradient for interstitial fluid flow away This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 7 PULMONARY EDEMA from the alveolar gas-exchanging areas on every breath. These interstitial pressure gradients coupled with normal ventilatory movements help to remove interstitial fluid. Therefore, fluid in the interstitium flows away from the alveoli and towards the lymph capillaries on inspiration. The fluid continues to move toward the hilum on each breath. It is eventually returned to the systemic circulation via the thoracic and lymphatic ducts. INSPIRATION Lymph Capillary Increased (more negative) pressure in this area. The expansion of alveoli and increased negative pressure around airways push fluid towards the lymph vessels. The pushing of interstitial fluid by inspiration probably explains the typical “butterfly” appearance of the chest x-ray (CXR) in acute pulmonary edema. The periphery of the lungs, where alveoli are expanding, are cleared better than central areas. This causes fluid to concentrate in the hilar area. Another reason for the butterfly appearance is that airway interstitial tissue is less dense than alveoli interstitial tissue. Therefore, it absorbs much more fluid than alveolar interstitial tissue. In fact, airway interstitial tissue can absorb as much as a 100% increase in lung water. This allows more fluid to collect centrally and enhances the butterfly CXR appearance. Initial lymph capillaries are located in the spaces around respiratory bronchioles. Fluid and This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 8 PULMONARY EDEMA proteins in the interstitium move towards the capillaries by the interstitial pressure gradient previously described, the contraction of ductal smooth muscle in larger lymphatics, and by changes in intrathoracic pressure from breathing. Larger lymphatics contain one-way valves to keep the flow heading towards the hilum. Pulmonary Lymphatic Loose Connective Tissue Dense Connective Tissue Capillary Interstitial fluid flows away from the dense connective tissue around alveoli and towards the pulmonary lymphatics located in loose connective tissue around airways. ALVEOLI L ast, and certainly not least, a discussion of the alveolar wall is warranted. Alveolar walls are much less permeable than capillary walls so interstitial edema is far more common than alveolar edema. Because of their low permeability, transcellular transport has been suggested as the main mechanism of alveolar flooding. Some believe edema fluid is “transported” to the alveolar space. Initially, small amounts of fluid appear only in the corners of alveoli. Later, alveoli fill individually or in an “all or none” manner. There are two more popular theories of how alveoli flood: direct leakage or the “overflowing This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 9 PULMONARY EDEMA bathtub” theory. Direct leakage is leakage through intercellular junctions. These junctions are very tight in alveoli, so some type of injury (adult respiratory distress syndrome) must be present to explain flooding. The overflowing bathtub theory proposes that leakage actually occurs above the alveoli through terminal airway walls. The fluid then “overflows” into the alveolar space. This is more plausible than direct leakage since there is more fluid around airways and airway walls are more permeable than alveolar walls. FACTORS AFFECTING LUNG WATER P ulmonary edema results from a change in driving pressure or a change in barrier conductance (permeability). There are 4 driving pressures and 3 barriers to discuss in regards to pulmonary edema. They are: DRIVING PRESSURES BARRIERS Capillary hydrostatic pressure Interstitial hydrostatic pressure Capillary oncotic pressure Interstitial oncotic pressure Capillary wall Oncotic reflection coefficient Alveolar wall The normal function of each will be briefly described. However, the main causes of pulmonary edema are simply due to changes in capillary hydrostatic or oncotic (osmotic) pressures for cardiogenic pulmonary edema. DRIVING PRESSURES CAPILLARY HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE - The mean capillary hydrostatic pressure at the left atrium is equal to the left atrial pressure (LAP) plus 40% of the difference between the pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) and left atrial pressure. The hydrostatic pressure varies across the capillary bed from close to the PAP in pre-alveolar arterioles to close to the LAP in postalveolar venoules. Therefore, there is a 45% drop in pressure across the alveolar capillary bed. This drop in pressure slows blood flow considerably past the alveoli. The resistance to flow across the pulmonary capillary bed also is high in comparison to flow across systemic capillary beds. This further slows blood flow past alveoli and aids diffusion. Slowing pulmonary capillary flow keeps blood in contact with air for a maximum length of time. In addition to a pressure gradient between arteries and veins in the pulmonary circulation, there is also a pressure gradient from the apex to the base of the lungs. A significant vertical pressure gradient exists due to gravity. Under normal conditions, this causes no significant change in leakage or filtration throughout the lungs. However, if hydrostatic pressure increases, there is more leakage from the dependent portions of the lung than the superior portions. INTERSTITIAL HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE - The interstitial hydrostatic pressure varies from the periphery to the hilum as described in the previous section. It is highest (closest to atmospheric) near the alveoli and lowest (more negative) near the hilum. This provides a This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 10 PULMONARY EDEMA pressure gradient to provide flow from the alveolar area to the hilum. The mean interstitial hydrostatic pressure increases in edema but the alveolar-hilar gradient remains. There is no vertical pressure gradient for interstitial hydrostatic pressure as with capillary hydrostatic pressure. The gradient is “longitudinal” rather than vertical. It is therefore highest in the periphery of the lung. CAPILLARY ONCOTIC PRESSURE - Molecules smaller than plasma proteins pass easily across the capillary wall. The material remaining exerts a capillary oncotic pressure of about 24 mm Hg. This oncotic pressure is a result of the total protein concentration and fraction of albumin in the plasma. Normally, there are no longitudinal or vertical changes in oncotic pressure as with hydrostatic pressures. INTERSTITIAL ONCOTIC PRESSURE - The interstitial oncotic pressure and protein concentration are believed to be close to lymph protein concentrations and oncotic pressure. Therefore, interstitial oncotic pressure is estimated to be about 14.5 mm Hg in humans. There may be a slight difference in oncotic pressure throughout the interstitium due to differences in capillary filtration pressure. For example, there is a lower capillary filtration pressure in the apex than in the base of the lung. Therefore, there is less filtration of fluid in the apex so protein concentration is less diluted. Because of this, interstitial oncotic pressure in the apex may be slightly higher than in the bases. PRESSURES THAT AFFECTS TRANSCAPILLARY FLUID EXCHANGE HYDROSTATIC PRESSURES Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure (Pc) Drives fluid out of the capillary Highest at arteriolar end (favors filtration) Lowest at venular end (favors reabsorption) Influenced more by changes in Pv than by changes in PA Interstitial (tissue) Hydrostatic Pressure (PT) Determined by the volume of interstitial fluid and tissue compliance Normal is near 0 A rise in PT that is caused by an increase of interstitial fluid volume, decreases the hydrostatic gradient across the capillary thereby limiting filtration ONCOTIC PRESSURES Capillary (plasma) Oncotic Pressure (IIc) Mostly determined by plasma proteins Albumin generates approximately 70% of the oncotic pressure Normal is typically 25-30 mmHg Capillary permeability to proteins depended upon the type of capillary Interstitial (tissue) Oncotic Pressure Interstitial oncotic pressures increase with increased permeability of the capillary barrier to proteins Normal is approximately 5 mmHg Oncotic pressures are decreased when increased capillary filtration decreases interstitial protein concentration Capillary filtration is limited by this mechanism This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 11 PULMONARY EDEMA BARRIERS CAPILLARY WALL - The permeability of the capillary wall is determined by the structure and function of the endothelial cells. The walls, particularly the intercellular junctions, have already been reviewed in a previous section. Despite the presence of pores, permeability is presumed to be low since the lungs are not usually flooded. ONCOTIC REFLECTION COEFFICIENT - The oncotic reflection coefficient is a measurement of how easily a solute passes through a membrane. It is related to size, shape, and electrical charge of the solute. For example, albumin is smaller than fibrinogen so it has a lower coefficient. Therefore, albumin passes more easily through the capillary wall than fibrinogen. Protein has a higher coefficient so it does not pass through easily. Water has a much lower coefficient than any of these and passes “freely” through the capillary wall. ALVEOLAR WALL - This barrier also has been previously described. Fluid and protein flow across the alveolar wall in normal conditions is essentially zero. Surfactant also helps keep the lungs dry by decreasing surface tension at the air-liquid interface. This lowers alveolar interstitial hydrostatic pressure so there is less of a driving force for fluid to enter the alveolus. Unfortunately, because of the low permeability of the alveolar wall, if the alveoli fill with something clearance is also very slow. Fluid and electrolyte solutions can be reabsorbed well, but protein solutions cannot be reabsorbed easily. The low permeability of the alveolar wall allows fluid to leave but prevents larger molecules from escaping. This becomes significant in many conditions, such as adult respiratory distress syndrome. Hyaline membranes (fibrosis) generally form in the lungs after recovery from conditions that damage the alveolar wall. The protein left behind is a major component of hyaline membranes. This is rarely a problem with non-adult respiratory distress syndrome forms of pulmonary edema since protein does not escape the capillaries. CAUSES OF PULMONARY EDEMA A n imbalance of driving pressures or damage to barriers/membranes are the mechanisms for edema formation. The net flow of liquid across a semi-permeable membrane is a product of the driving pressure and permeability of the membrane. The three main causes of pulmonary edema are an increase in capillary hydrostatic pressure, a decrease in capillary oncotic pressure, or an increase in capillary/alveolar permeability. The most common cause of cardiogenic pulmonary edema is left ventricular failure or from pulmonary venous hypertension, usually as a result of mitral valve disease. I describe changes in pressures causing edema in detail in the following material. Damage to the membranes causing an increase in permeability is discussed in another course on adult respiratory distress syndrome. Most patients diagnosed with “pulmonary edema” have an imbalance in pressures. Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure, decreased interstitial hydrostatic pressure, or a decrease in capillary oncotic pressure all lead to pulmonary edema. Liver cirrhosis may lead to NONCARDIOGENIC pulmonary edema, which is due to decreased This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 12 PULMONARY EDEMA oncotic pressure INCREASED CAPILLARY HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE - An increase in capillary hydrostatic pressure is probably the most common cause of pulmonary edema. The usual problem is congestive heart failure. Fluid overload is also a common cause of an increase. Additional causes of an increase in capillary hydrostatic pressure are: left ventricular dysfunction, systemic hypertension, acute myocardial infarction (MI), severe coronary insufficiency, aortic stenosis or regurgitation, various arrhythmias, and mitral valve regurgitation. Any condition that causes an increase in left heart pressure can cause leakage from the pulmonary capillaries. Increases in right heart pressures do not cause pulmonary edema if the cause of the resistance is before the pulmonary capillaries. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, primary pulmonary hypertension, and obstruction of pulmonary arterial vessels do not cause edema. If the pulmonary capillary bed becomes partly obstructed, there may be edema from non-obstructed vessels that are over-perfused. This is unlikely due to the tremendous number of pulmonary capillaries. DECREASED CAPILLARY ONCOTIC PRESSURE - Should the capillary protein concentration decrease or the interstitial protein concentration increase, there is less of a pressure gradient to hold fluid in the capillary. This results in a decrease in transmural oncotic pressure. The decrease is usually transient until a new steady state is established. A decrease in capillary protein or increases in interstitial protein are usually not a significant factor in edema formation by themselves. However, they do allow capillaries to leak at much lower than normal hydrostatic pressures. This enhances the other causes of edema formation. A small change in hydrostatic pressure can cause pulmonary edema under such conditions. Starvation and malnutrition are examples of conditions that change the capillary oncotic pressure. A decrease in oncotic pressure also is associated with overhydration and renal failure. These are unusual causes of pulmonary edema by themselves. INCREASED CAPILLARY / ALVEOLAR PERMEABILITY The above mechanisms explain leakage from the capillary to the interstitium. Leakage from the interstitium into the alveoli follows the same rules, i.e.: pressure gradient differences between the two. Alveolar edema is a result of an increase in interstitial hydrostatic pressure, a decrease in alveolar hydrostatic pressure or an increase in the oncotic pressure difference between the two. Increases in alveolar surface tension and loss of surfactant also have been associated with pulmonary edema. Most causes of pulmonary edema are cardiogenic in nature and result in an increase in the capillary hydrostatic pressure. Some less common forms of pulmonary edema are a result of high-altitude, narcotic/sedative overdose, or neurogenic insults. High-altitude pulmonary edema is believed to be from over-perfusion of a restricted capillary bed. Narcotics are more commonly associated with pulmonary edema than other sedatives. The mechanism is believed to be direct irritation from a contaminant in the drug or the drug itself. Additional mechanisms may be left ventricular failure from hypoxia or acidosis, or a decrease in This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 13 PULMONARY EDEMA lymph flow due to ventilatory depression. Neurogenic insults result in a massive sympathetic nervous system (SNS) discharge. This causes intense systemic vasoconstriction, hypertension, and left ventricular failure. The effect is enhanced by displacement of blood to the lungs from systemic vasoconstriction. (This is referred to as the “blast” theory of edema formation). An after-effect of the initial SNS blast is damage to the pulmonary endothelium from a transient increase in capillary pressure. This then leads to a permeability defect. (The “permeability defect” theory of neurogenic pulmonary edema states that capillary permeability increases in neurogenic insults even without an increase in pressure). Neurogenic causes of pulmonary edema have significant effects on how the patient is managed. This is discussed in the “treatment” section later in the course. WHY ARE THE BLOOD VESSELS LEAKING? CARDIOGENIC Increased pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure Fluid leaks into the alveolar interstitium or the alveoli NONCARDIOGENIC Increased capillary permeability. Normal hydrostatic pressure. Decreased oncotic pressure. Most common cause: Left ventricular failure Most common cause: Damage to the A-C membrane. Adult respiratory distress syndrome. NONCARDIOGENIC Reflex stimulation of the adrenergic portion of the autonomic nervous system. This causes a rapid shift of blood from the systemic to the pulmonary circulation Cause: Neurogenic Severe central nervous trauma CAUSES OF NONCARDIOGENIC PULMONARY EDEMA • Near drowning • Acute glomerulonephritis • Aspiration • Inhalation injury • Allergic reaction • Adult respiratory distress syndrome • Epileptic seizures / convulsions • Neurogenic (increased intracranial pressure, CNS lesions) This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 14 PULMONARY EDEMA • Renal failure / fluid overload (secondary cardiac pulmonary emboli may occur) • Negative-pressure / upper airway obstruction (croup, epiglottitis in children) (upper airway tumors or laryngospasm in adults) • Hyponatremic encephalopathy (healthy marathon runners) • Type 2 decompression sickness • Heroin and Naloxone overdose • Cytotoxic chemotherapy • Pulmonary complications of pregnancy • Molecular adsorbent recirculating systems (possibly due to an immune-mediated response) • Transfusion-related between mother and child • Lung transplantation • Non-accidental injury of children (prolonged seizure activity, acute airway obstruction, ingestion / inhalation of chemicals / drugs, head injury, rarely child abuse or maltreatment) • High altitude induced CAUSES OF CARDIOGENIC PULMONARY EDEMA • Mitral stenosis • Peripartum cardiomyopathy • Severe diastolic dysfunction • Restrictive cardiomyopathy • Constrictive pericarditis • Pericardial tamponade • Severe myocardial contusion This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 15 PULMONARY EDEMA • Acute myocardial infarction / ischemia • Severe anemia • Sepsis • Thyrotoxicosis • Myocarditis • Myocardial toxins (e.g. alcohol) • Patient noncompliance with medications and / or dietary guidelines • Non-ischemic acute mitral regurgitation (e.g. ruptured chordae tendinea) • Dysrhythmias (e.g. new-onset of rapid A-fibrillation or Ventricular tachycardia) • Acute valvular heart disorders (left side) • Renal failure with fluid overload SYMPTOMS S ymptoms vary in their severity and depend upon the underlying cause. Initial symptoms are a dry cough, anxiety, restlessness, dyspnea, and tachypnea. Acute pulmonary edema may usually results in severe respiratory distress, tachypnea and hypoxemia. There may be mild fatigue, pedal edema, and exertional or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. Those complaining of tightness in the chest notice an increase in the work of breathing. They may begin to wheeze. Diffuse crackles may be auscultated. Hypoxia may be present. Fluid is probably still confined to the interstitium with these symptoms. As the alveoli flood, symptoms progress in severity. Cough becomes productive of thin, frothy sputum that may be blood-tinged. Dyspnea and tachypnea become severe. As the patient begins to fatigue, ABG’s reverse from a respiratory alkalosis (from hyperventilation) to a respiratory acidosis. Hypoxia will be apparent and continue to worsen. Rales/crackles and rhonchi become audible and the patient appears cyanotic. They become tachycardic, if not already. There are generally signs of the underlying cause of edema. Obviously, the practitioner must determine the cause of the edema for effective treatment. Increased pressure edema is usually related to cardiac failure so there may be a history of cardiac disease. Elevated jugular venous pressures with corresponding distended jugular veins may be present. There may be cardiac enlargement on the CXR. There may be gallop rhythms, heart murmurs, arrhythmias, and/or peripheral edema. This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 16 PULMONARY EDEMA DIAGNOSIS T he history and physical is useful to differentiate increased pressure edema from increased permeability edema. Increased pressure edema generally has signs and a history of cardiac disease. Increased permeability edema usually does not have signs of cardiac disease. A careful history and physical may reveal an acute lung injury suggesting a permeability problem. Examples include: exposure to toxic gases or chemicals, drug ingestion, trauma, or neardrowning. In addition, a clinical setting of high-altitude, burns, seizures, sepsis, or pancreatitis suggests increased permeability edema. Sepsis and infection are major causes of increased permeability edema, particularly in a patient with intra-abdominal problems. Chest trauma, long bone fractures, coma, and shock also are high-risk for increased permeability edema. Laboratory tests are generally not helpful in diagnosing pulmonary edema. By the time results are available, the clinical picture has made the diagnosis obvious. However, some lab tests, such as, cultures and toxicology, can help determine an underlying cause of the edema. A relatively easy, noninvasive method of separating increased pressure edema from increased permeability edema is comparison of edema fluid protein concentrations to plasma protein concentrations. Edema fluid is obtained via tracheal aspiration in the acute fulminating (frothing) stage. In increased pressure edema, the capillary membrane is generally intact. Therefore, little protein escapes into the interstitium. The opposite is true in increased permeability edema where considerable protein leaks. Generally, edema fluid to plasma protein concentrations less than 0.6 indicate increased pressure edema. Ratios greater than 0.7 indicate increased permeability edema. Those between 0.6 and 0.7 probably have a little of both types. Samples of edema fluid grossly contaminated with mucus, pus, or debris should be discarded since they give false high concentrations. Hemodynamic measurements vary, depending upon the cause of the edema. Central venous pressure (CVP) is elevated in most cases, since increased hydrostatic pressure is commonly the cause of leakage. Pulmonary artery pressure can be normal or low in increased permeability edema and high in increased pressure edema. Leakage can occur at normal or low PAP if oncotic pressure is low or alveolar surface tension is high. COPD patients normally have a higher than normal PAP without leakage. Therefore, in most instances, PAP does not provide definitive diagnostic information. Pulmonary artery (PA) measurements are not considered essential to diagnose or manage pulmonary edema, except for selected patients. Therefore, the practice of routine PA catheter insertion is questionable. There is a high morbidity and mortality associated with the use of PA catheters so they should be avoided, if possible. ABG’s vary depending upon the severity of the problem. PaO2 may actually increase in early stages due to hyperventilation. As more fluid leaks into the interstitium there is a mild hypoxia. This steadily worsens as leakage continues. Hypoxia, increased work of breathing, stimulation of J receptors, and anxiety lead to tachypnea. PaCO2 may be low initially, causing a respiratory alkalosis. As the patient enters respiratory failure, this reverses. PaCO2 rises, pH drops, and hypoxia continues to worsen. This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 17 PULMONARY EDEMA Other measurements of pulmonary function reveal an increase in closing volume (the point at which small airways close on expiration). The patient exhibits a rapid, shallow breathing pattern due to an increase in elastic resistance. Compliance and vital capacity decrease. Diffusion also decreases. Other pulmonary function measurements are abnormal but are of little benefit. Most patients are far too ill to perform pulmonary function tests (PFT’s) and the clinical picture makes the diagnosis and treatment obvious. The chest X-ray (CXR) is probably the most practical way to diagnose pulmonary edema. The CXR is not sensitive to small changes in lung water and is only semiquantitative, but its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages. Initially, the CXR reveals distended vascular shadows and a loss of definition of the hilar structures. Septal (Kerley B) lines develop as fluid flows into interlobular septa. Definition of both peribronchial and perivascular areas are lost due to “cuffing” of fluid in the area. A transudative pleural effusion is not uncommon as fluid collects in the pleural space. None of these occur with increased permeability causes of edema. Fluid rapidly fills the alveolar space so no cuffing, septal lines or effusions are present. Air bronchograms are often present and the heart size is usually normal in increased permeability edema. Most edema patients have chronic heart disease, so there is cardiac enlargement. A perihilar “haze” indicates interstitial edema. Acinar shadows indicate alveolar edema. The CXR appearance of edema is strongly influenced by the lung volume at the time of the film. For maximum effectiveness, the CXR should be taken at end-inspiration. Other conditions producing a similar CXR to pulmonary edema are: bilateral pulmonary infections, alveolar proteinosis, Goodpasture’s syndrome, and immunological disorders, to name a few. Goodpasture’s syndrome is an uncommon hypersensitivity disorder that causes, among other pathology, pulmonary hemorrhage and renal failure. The cause of death from Goodpasture’s syndrome is usually respiratory failure and pulmonary hemorrhage. To rule out pneumonia and confirm excess lung water, a gravitational shift test can be done. Frontal x-rays are done before and after prolonged lateral decubitus positioning. Excess lung water is confirmed by a shift in opacity to the dependent lung. Acute parenchymal hemorrhage and acute obliterating bronchiolitis with terminal bronchial mucus plugging can give falsepositive results with this test. The most significant CXR features to note are: distribution of pulmonary blood flow, distribution of edema, and the vascular pedicle width. Chronic heart failure redistributes pulmonary blood flow to the apex of the lung. Upper lobe vessels are both recruited and distended. This gives increased vascular markings in the upper lung fields. Cardiogenic edema gives a central distribution of fluid (butterfly appearance) or an even distribution from the chest wall to the heart and an increase in density at the bases. In other words, more fluid in the hilar areas and less in the periphery. Whereas, increased permeability edema gives a more patchy peripheral distribution or a “whiteout.” The vascular pedicle width is the width of the mediastinum above the aortic arch. It is an This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 18 PULMONARY EDEMA estimate of systemic blood volume. The normal pedicle width is around 48 mm (normal range is 38-58 in the adult). In cardiogenic edema the width is normal to increased. In permeability edema the width is normal to decreased. It should be noted that vascular pedicle width increases 10-40% simply from a supine position. The use of PEEP can also decrease the pedicle width. Pulmonary Edema CHEST RADIOGRAPHIC COMPARISON CARDIOGENIC PULMONARY EDEMA Cardiac enlargement due to chronic heart disease (increased cardiothoracic ratio) Increased vascular markings in upper lung fields (due to chronic heart disease) “Butterfly” appearance due to more fluid in hilar areas and less in the lung periphery Vascular pedicle width is normal to increased Distended vascular shadows Loss of defined hilar structures Kerley B lines develop due to haziness of interlobular septa Loss of definition of peribronchial and perivascular areas due to “cuffing” of fluid in the area Possible transudative pleural effusion No air bronchograms NON-CARDIOGENIC PULMONARY EDEMA No cardiac enlargement (unless patient has, in addition, a history of chronic heart disease) May or may not be present “Whiteout” or patchy peripheral appearance (progresses into adult respiratory distress sysdrome stages when applicable) with lung injury pulmonary embolus. “Bat Wing” pattern with nephrogenic etiology Vascular pedicle width is normal to decreased Generally none noted Infiltrates generally diffuse, vary with type of lung injury No Kerley B lines No “cuffing” No effusions Air bronchograms This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 19 PULMONARY EDEMA Pleural effusion may be present Pleural effusion may be present TREATMENT T reatment of pulmonary edema is divided into two stages. The first is aimed at immediate life-threatening symptoms. If the patient survives the acute stage and is stabilized, the second stage becomes necessary. The second stage of therapy consists of determining and treating the underlying cause of the edema. Critical Pathways have been developed at most facilities for congestive heart failure/pulmonary edema. The protocol from the American Heart Association Advanced Cardiac Life Support is considered the present “state of the art” in the treatment of acute pulmonary edema. Let us start at the beginning: • Assess ABC’s of cardiopulmonary resuscitation • Secure an airway • Administer oxygen • Start an IV • Attach cardiac monitor, pulse oximeter, automatic sphygmomanometer • Assess vital signs • Review history • Perform physical examination • Obtain a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) • Obtain a chest X-ray IMMEDIATE THERAPY - The degree of treatment and immediate therapy necessary is determined by patient symptoms. Most patients require supplemental oxygen (O2). The amount of O2 to provide is based upon serial ABG’s and pulse oximetry. Many feel that oxygen should be delivered via a non-rebreathing mask to obtain an FIO2 as close to 1.0 as possible due to both pulmonary and cardiac compromise. Severe cases of fulminating edema require intubation and suctioning. Ventilation is necessary if the PaCO2 rises and a respiratory acidosis becomes apparent. A large-bore IV is necessary. If the patient is not hypotensive, 5-10 mg of morphine sulfate (MS) is given slowly over several minutes. MS has several positive effects: vasodilation, CNS sedation, and mild inotrophy. MS lowers pulmonary capillary pressure resulting in less leakage. This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 20 PULMONARY EDEMA Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) also may be decreased, so cardiac output improves. Patient anxiety is decreased adding further relief. Complications of ventilatory depression and hypotension are possible with MS but are rarely a problem. Ventilatory depression is obviously treated with mechanical ventilation. The appearance of hypotension when MS is given indicates the dose was too high or intravascular volume is less than predicted. Appropriate adjustments should be made. Any problems that arise with the use of morphine can be quickly reversed with the administration of naloxone. If medications are not immediately available, rotating tourniquets decrease the blood volume in the pulmonary circulation. The goal of tourniquets is to decrease venous return to the heart. Tourniquets (blood pressure cuffs may be used) are placed on three extremities and inflated to a pressure greater than systolic blood pressure. The inflation is rotated between the cuffs every 15 minutes. No extremity should remain without blood flow greater than 45 minutes. Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing (IPPB) treatments have been used as a “pulmonary tourniquet” in the past. Providing high intrathoracic pressure decreases venous return to the chest without danger to the extremities. IPPB also provides ventilatory support to ease the work of breathing. Nebulization of ethyl alcohol (50%) has been used to “pop” the bubbles of fulminating edema as it denatures the surfactant thereby decreasing the “froth”. This provides for more efficient gas exchange as liquid occupies less space than bubbles. This treatment is controversial at this writing. Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is used for those being mechanically ventilated to decrease venous return and increase oxygenation. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is used for those not being mechanically ventilated. The newer generation noninvasive positive pressure ventilation devices are able to provide 100% oxygen, pressure supported breaths and PEEP. This modality has been used extensively and successfully. Inhaled bronchodilators may be useful if the patient has an underlying pulmonary disease that responds to these types of medications. VASODILATORS - The most useful medications for acute increased pressure edema are vasodilators. Vasodilation decreases the transmural pressure causing leakage. Dilation of arteries decreases systemic vascular resistance (SVR) thereby increasing cardiac output and improving heart efficiency. There are three useful classes of vasodilators: venodilators (nitrates), arteriolar dilators (phentolamine, hydralazine), and mixed dilators (nitroprusside). Sodium nitroprusside is the most potent medication used. Advantages to nitroprusside are immediate effect, short half-life and maintenance of cardiac output. The disadvantages are that invasive hemodynamic monitoring is necessary to avoid profound hypotension and prolonged use results in cyanide toxicity. The earliest sign of toxicity is a metabolic acidosis. Therapy for cyanide poisoning includes administration of thiosulfate, sodium nitrate, or hydroxycobalamin. Toxicity usually takes 2-3 days to develop so substitute drugs should be provided before this time. Hypoxia also can occur if pulmonary blood flow is increased and upsets V/Q relationships. (If there is an increase in perfusion of non-ventilated alveoli, hypoxia can occur with any vasodilator). Nitroprusside is usually started at 10 mg/min and increased by 5-10 mg every 3-5 This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 21 PULMONARY EDEMA minutes until the desired effect is achieved. Diastolic arterial pressure should remain above 60 mm Hg and peak systolic pressure above 100 mm Hg. Most patients require 50-100 mg/min. Both preload and afterload are decreased by nitroprusside. Effects are very rapid and disappear within minutes of discontinuing the drug. Nitroglycerin is very useful for patients with increased pressure edema associated with acute MI or myocardial insufficiency. Nitroglycerin improves blood flow to ischemic or marginally perfused areas. It is also useful in a patient with borderline hypotension. At higher doses nitroglycerin results in arteriolar dilator effects like nitroprusside. Its major disadvantage is that invasive hemodynamic monitoring is necessary. Ethanol intoxication also can be a complication of high doses. Nitroglycerin is usually started at 10-15 mg/min and increased by 5-10 mg increments every 3-5 minutes until the mean arterial pressure falls (usually 20 mm Hg or more), the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is brought to the desired level, headache becomes intolerable, or angina is relieved. The development of tachycardia indicates wedge pressure or cardiac output has fallen. If so, nitroprusside may be a more appropriate vasodilator. Transdermal and oral preparations also can be used but cannot be precisely controlled. Nitroglycerin ointment (0.5-2.0 inches) or oral isosorbide dinitrate (20-100 mg) is used. Their advantage is a long (3-5 hours) duration of action. The calcium channel blocker nifedipine also can be used for selective coronary artery dilation. Arteriolar dilators are seldom used because they have little to no effect on pulmonary capillary pressure. Phentolamine is expensive and has more serious side effects than the above drugs. Prazosin and trimazosin reduce wedge pressure and increase cardiac output. They are useful in a slowly developing pulmonary edema. Diazoxide is useful in a patient with advanced congestive heart failure that is unresponsive to other vasodilators. Hydralazine induces arteriolar dilation by an unknown mechanism. Regardless of mechanism, hydralazine increases cardiac output and stroke volume. It can be administered orally or IV. Effects begin within 10 minutes and last up to 4 hours. Side effects include headache, nausea, vomiting, and cardiac and GI complaints. Captopril works by inhibiting the renin-angiotensin system. Enalapril and lisinopril work the same way. Renin transforms angiotensinogen to angiotensin I. Angiotensin I is then converted to Angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor, by angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). In the case of congestive heart failure, the angiotensin system is activated to maintain blood pressure. The result is an increase in afterload. This worsens any pulmonary edema present. Captopril and other ACE inhibitors lower both preload and afterload thereby minimizing edema. A significant side effect of captopril is intractable cough. This usually requires a change to another drug. DIURETICS - A modest immediate effect is obtained with diuretics by reducing perfusion of flooded alveoli. The principal effect of diuretics is to increase water excretion by the kidneys. This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 22 PULMONARY EDEMA This decreases pulmonary capillary pressure by reducing cardiovascular blood volume and pressure. The result is less leakage. Furosemide (20-40 mg IV or IM) or ethacrynic acid (50 mg IV) is given. Diuretics may cause a loss of potassium and chloride and lead to a severe hypokalemic or hypochloremic alkalosis. Supplemental potassium chloride is usually necessary for a patient receiving diuretics. If there is no response to the above doses, they can be doubled in one hour. This can be continued until diuresis begins. If there has been no response to 160-320 mg of furosemide or 100-200 mg of ethacrynic acid, it is unlikely there will be a response to increased dosage. Increasing dosage at this point can cause serious side effects. A patient who is hypotensive has little response to diuretics. Poor renal perfusion limits their effectiveness. Dopamine or dobutamine should be given to increase renal blood flow. If the patient has severely diseased kidneys, dialysis rather than diuresis, should be considered. INOTROPIC AGENTS - Patients with poor cardiac output and are hypotensive are candidates for inotropic agents. Inotropics increase cardiac output through improved contractility. This helps to lower the transmural pressure. There are three classes of drugs to choose from: catecholamines, digitalis, and nonglycosidic, nonsympathomimetic, inotropic-vasodilating agents. Catecholamines are the most useful in an acute situation. Catecholamines have both alpha and beta adrenergic effects. The former cause peripheral vasoconstriction to support blood pressure. The latter stimulate the heart to increase cardiac output. The most common medications are dopamine and dobutamine for short-term support in acute pulmonary edema. Isoproterenol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine have been used, but tachyarrhythmias and other side effects are common. At low doses, dopamine increases cardiac contractility and cardiac output without significantly changing heart rate or myocardial O2 consumption. It also increases SVR and directly increases renal blood flow by stimulation of dopaminergic receptors. This increases urine output and diuresis. Dopamine’s vasopressor effects raise systolic blood pressure while maintaining cardiac output. Ventricular filling pressures may remain unchanged or even be raised with dopamine. This can actually increase the transmural pressure and worsen edema. Nitroglycerin or nitroprusside may be necessary to counteract this complication. Again, invasive hemodynamic monitoring is necessary to gauge the effect of therapy. Dopamine is started at 2-5 mg/kg/min and titrated for the desired effect. Dosages greater than 10 mg/kg/min are associated with significant side-effects such as arteriolar vasoconstriction. This can be so intense that digital necrosis occurs. Tissue infusion also can cause necrosis, so a largebore catheter should be used and securely attached to the patient. It should be noted that the pupils become fixed and dilated with dopamine infusion, regardless of neurological status. Dopamine also may cause PaO2 to decrease, if poorly ventilated units start being perfused. This worsens V/Q relationships like that which occurs with the vasodilators. Dobutamine does not cause systemic vasoconstriction like dopamine. It is primarily a positive This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 23 PULMONARY EDEMA inotropic agent with mild vasodilating properties. Ventricular filling pressures tend to fall, rather than rise, as with dopamine. Cardiac output increases, resulting in improved renal blood flow. Dobutamine is particularly useful for treatment of pulmonary edema due to a loss of ventricular contractility. It is more effective and predictable than parenteral digitalis in acute MI. Dobutamine is usually started at 2-3 mg/kg/min and increased every 10-30 minutes until the desired effect is achieved. Maximum effect is delayed for 10 minutes or more. Usually 7-15 mg/kg/min is sufficient. Above this range is when problems (like tachycardia) begin to appear. Administer dobutamine cautiously in patients with atrial fibrillation because it facilitates AV nodal conduction. This causes ventricular rate to increase. Digitalis is more appropriate in such patients. Digitalis is the drug of choice for long-term inotropic therapy. It is much less useful than dopamine or dobutamine for acute pulmonary edema. It is less predictable and its effects are not as great as either dopamine or dobutamine. Digitalis also has a narrow therapeutic to toxic dose ratio. Patients with chronic heart failure are often treated with digitalis as an outpatient. Digitalis should not be used in an acute situation for these patients. They can be put in a toxic situation rapidly. The major use for digitalis is in atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response. Newer nonglycosidic, nonsympathomimetic, inotropic vasodilators have been studied. The bypyridine derivative amrinone and its analog milrinone are two such drugs. They increase intracellular cyclic AMP levels by inhibition of phosphodiesterase. An increase in intracellular calcium also occurs and may be the cause of a positive inotropic effect. These drugs also decrease SVR through peripheral vasodilation. This decreases hydrostatic pressure in the lungs and decreases edema formation. An advantage to nonsympathomimetic inotropic vasopressors is that they have little chance of inducing arrhythmias. A few patients with severe pulmonary edema that do not respond to the above therapies may require mechanical circulatory support. Intraaortic balloon pumps or ventricular assist devices may be used. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), heart transplant, and heart-lung transplant also may be used for a very few patients. All of the above are used for the immediate salvage of the patient. If this is successful, the goal of therapy becomes decreasing the hydrostatic pressure causing the pulmonary edema. Hydrostatic pressure must be decreased to near normal to prevent further leakage. In increased pressure edema this should be sufficient, since the capillary membrane is undamaged. Wedge pressures less than 20 mm Hg should be adequate to prevent further leakage. Some patients may need a higher pressure to maintain cardiac output. (COPD patients often have a higher than normal pressure due to chronic hypoxic vasoconstriction. They may not tolerate wedge pressures less than 20 mm Hg). Therapy should be aimed at decreasing the work of the heart and increasing its efficiency. Bed rest, adequate oxygenation and salt restriction are basic principles This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 24 PULMONARY EDEMA of care. All correctable causes of failure should be treated. Arrhythmias, hypertension, acute MI, digitalis toxicity, infection, and severe anemia are common causes that can be reversed. One also should restrict physical activity and prevent pain and anxiety. These will decrease the work of the heart. Sitting them upright, providing O2, a potent diuretic, and relieving anxiety usually stabilize patients. Do not overtreat the patient because that causes more harm than good. INITIAL MEDICATION GUIDELINES BASED ON BLOOD PRESSURE WITH A CARDIAC “PUMP” PROBLEM: BLOOD PRESSURE (in mmHg) SUGGESTED PHARMACEUTICAL INTERVENTION Systolic < 70 Norepinephrine Dopamine Dopamine Norepinephrine Dobutamine Systolic 70-100 Systolic > 100 and normal diastolic Diastolic > 110 Nitroglycerin Nitroprusside FURTHER INTERVENTIONS SPECIFIC TO ACUTE CARDIOGENIC PULMONARY EDEMA: First line action Second line action Third line action Furosemide Morphine Nitroglycerin Oxygen/intubate as indicated Nitroglycerin if BP > 100 Nitroprusside if BP > 100 Dopamine if BP < 100 Dobutamine if BP > 100 PEEP CPAP NIPPV with IPAP/EPAP Amrinone (if other drugs fail) Aminophylline (if wheezing) Thrombolytic (if not in shock) Digoxin (if in atrial fibrillation or supraventricular tachycardias) Angioplasty (if drugs fail) This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 25 PULMONARY EDEMA Intra-aortic balloon pump-IAPB (bridge to surgery) Surgical intervention (valves, coronary artery bypass-CABG, heart transplant) COMMON TREATMENTS FOR PULMONARY EDEMA • Oxygen • CPAP/BIPAP • Intubation (severe) • Mechanical ventilation with PEEP (severe) • Morphine • Nitroprusside (vasopressor) • Furosemide (diuretics) • Digitalis • Bed rest • Salt restriction NEUROGENIC PULMONARY EDEMA I t should be noted that general supportive care of the patient with neurogenic pulmonary edema (NPE) differs markedly from the patient with cardiogenic pulmonary edema. For NPE, the goal of care is centered on maintaining the patient while preventing increases in intracranial pressure (ICP). This is not a consideration in the patient with cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Many of the procedures and medications that are commonplace for patients with cardiogenic pulmonary edema are detrimental to the patient with NPE. Positioning, turning, suctioning, sedation, and the diuretic used are different for the NPE patient. The following describes the differences. Cardiogenic pulmonary edema requires the patient to be in an upright position with the feet and legs dependent. NPE requires the head of the bed to be elevated (up to 30 degrees) while avoiding hip flexion. Frequent turning of the cardiac patient is recommended while slow, This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 26 PULMONARY EDEMA cautious turning is used for the neurological patient. (A slowly rotating bed is probably the best option for the neurological patient). Suctioning for the NPE patient should be done only when necessary, not routinely or frequently. Suctioning results in a valsalva maneuver and coughing. These raise the ICP considerably. One must avoid all procedures that increase ICP in the neurological patient, if possible. These include suctioning, coughing, positive pressure ventilation, and placing the patient in a head down position. For sedation, use codeine sulfate instead of morphine sulfate. And finally, oncotic diuretics (mannitol) should be used instead of loop diuretics (furosemide). PROGNOSIS AND OUTCOME W ater, protein, and cellular debris must be removed from the alveolar and interstitial spaces following resolution of the cause of the edema. Edema fluid is removed via the lymphatics, airways, blood vessels, pleural space, or the mediastinum. However, the exact pathway for resolution of water and protein is not known. Cellular debris is removed by macrophage ingestion. There are two possible pathways to clear water and protein from the alveoli. They can be removed directly through the alveolar or terminal airway epithelium. The alveolar route is slow because the alveolar wall is relatively impermeable to large molecules (unless it is severely damaged). If the edema fluid clots, removal is even slower. Surfactant in the alveoli activates the clotting system so clotting of edema fluid is common. Fluid (water) is readily absorbed into the interstitium, leaving protein and other large molecules in the alveoli. This contributes to hyaline membrane formation. Fluid in the interstitium is removed via the lymph system or by migrating to loose airway and vascular connective tissue spaces. Large amounts of fluid are cleared into these spaces through hypothesized leaky terminal airway walls (“leaking bathtub” theory in reverse). Coughing clears an insignificant amount of fluid. Most interstitial water in pulmonary edema is in the connective tissue rather than the alveolar area. The lymph capillaries are arranged to drain only the alveolar walls so most interstitial water is not removed via the lymphatics. Some of the fluid may drain directly into the bloodstream through vessel walls in the lung. A significant portion of the fluid probably follows prevailing pressure gradients to drain into the mediastinum. Mediastinal lymphatics then drain the fluid. The outcome of increased pressure edema is determined by the underlying cause and the skill and promptness in treatment. Most cases are a result of heart disease, so the outcome depends on the severity of cardiac dysfunction. Patients who do not have significant peripheral hypoperfusion generally do well with a mortality rate of about 10%. Those with significant peripheral hypoperfusion have a mortality of approximately 50%. Those who recover from an acute episode caused by heart disease require long-term outpatient management. Iatrogenic causes of edema, such as, volume overload or inappropriate cardiac medications, usually do well once the cause is removed. Obviously, any precipitating factors should be sought and This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 27 PULMONARY EDEMA eliminated. Mortality for patients requiring mechanical ventilation is related to systolic blood pressure at the time of intubation and the need for vasopressor medications 24 hours later. A systolic blood pressure less than 130 mm Hg when intubated and the need for vasopressors at 24 hours have a higher mortality. The prognosis depends heavily upon the severity of the acute left ventricular injury and not the degree of respiratory failure. CLINICAL PRACTICE EXERCISE The following practice exercise is discussed at the end of the course. Discussion answers are based upon the text. Individual experience may provide alternative correct responses. 1. The patient is a 68 year old male admitted to the critical care unit for acute respiratory failure. He has underlying COPD and appears emaciated. He was recently extubated after 5 days of mechanical ventilation. After extubation, respiratory rate has increased gradually from 16 to 30. Heart rate is now 140 and BP is 120/80. CXR shows increasing perihilar infiltrates. Pulmonary wedge pressure is stable at 15 mm Hg. ABG’s are pH 7.47, PaCO2 40, PaO2 70, % sat. 93%, HCO3 28 on 2 lpm nasal cannula. Lab data reveals hypoalbuminemia and an elevated BUN. Evaluate this information. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. The patient is placed on a 40% venti-mask and given an IPPB treatment with a bronchodilator. His symptoms remain unchanged, except for a slight increase in SpO2 to 95%. STAT CXR reveals distended vascular shadows and Kerley B lines. The patient is given furosemide and morphine. BP decreases to 90/60 and there is no response to the diuretic. There has been minimal urine output over the last 24 hours. Evaluate this information and make recommendations. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 28 PULMONARY EDEMA 3. Prior to your suggestions being implemented, the patient becomes cyanotic, lethargic, and begins producing copious amounts of thin, frothy sputum. The patient is intubated and placed back on the mechanical ventilator. Evaluate this information. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ SUMMARY here are two types of pulmonary edema, increased pressure edema and increased permeability edema. Increased pressure edema is a result of an imbalance in driving pressures within the capillary. This results in fluid leakage. Causes of increased pressure edema are often cardiogenic. Increased permeability edema is due to damage to the alveolarcapillary membrane. This results in the syndrome known as “adult respiratory distress syndrome”. This course primarily describes increased pressure edema. There is normally a small amount of fluid leakage from the pulmonary capillaries to the interstitium. Most leakage is removed by the interstitial lymph system. Fluid movement in the interstitium is due to interstitial pressure gradients, ventilatory movements, lymph vessel smooth muscle and one-way valves. Alveoli are significantly less permeable to fluid than capillaries so alveolar edema is less common than interstitial edema. Alveolar edema may be a result of direct leakage through the wall or from excess fluid overflowing from terminal airways. Factors affecting lung water consist of: capillary hydrostatic pressure, interstitial hydrostatic pressure, capillary oncotic pressure, interstitial oncotic pressure, the capillary wall, the oncotic reflection coefficient, and the alveolar wall. Causes of pulmonary edema include increased capillary hydrostatic pressure, decreased interstitial hydrostatic pressure, decreased transmural oncotic pressure differences, high-altitude, narcotics, and neurogenic insults. Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure due to left ventricular failure or pulmonary venous hypertension (usually due to mitral valve disease) is the most common cause. • Left ventricular failure may lead to CARDIOGENIC pulmonary edema caused by increased hydrostatic pressure. • Liver cirrhosis may lead to NONCARDIOGENIC pulmonary edema, which is due to decreased oncotic pressure. • Adult respiratory distress syndrome is NONCARDOGENIC pulmonary edema brought on my increased permeability. Symptoms of pulmonary edema depend largely upon the cause of the leakage. Initial symptoms This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 29 PULMONARY EDEMA include a dry cough, anxiety, restlessness, dyspnea, and tachypnea. As the edema progresses, breathing becomes more labored and cough becomes productive of thin, frothy sputum. ABG’s reverse from a respiratory alkalosis and mild to no hypoxia to respiratory acidosis and severe hypoxia. The history and physical help differentiate increased pressure from increased permeability edema. The former is usually related to cardiac disease, so there is a history of heart symptoms and signs of chronic heart disease. A useful laboratory test is the edema fluid (tracheal aspirate) protein to plasma protein concentration ratio. Ratios less than 0.6 indicate increased pressure edema. Ratios greater than 0.7 indicate increased permeability edema. Hemodynamic measurements are nonspecific, but increases are generally associated with increased pressure edema. The CXR is probably the most practical tool for diagnosing pulmonary edema. The initial CXR reveals distended vascular shadows and ill-defined hilar structures. Kerley lines and a perihilar haze then develop. It can progress to a complete “white-out”. Generally, the CXR has a “butterfly” appearance, being dense in the middle and clearing towards the periphery. This is a result of fluid migrating to the hilum due to interstitial pressure gradients. Initial treatment is aimed at immediate life-threatening symptoms. If the patient survives, treatment is aimed at determining and treating the underlying cause. Immediate therapy consists of maintaining a patent airway and providing oxygen and ventilation as necessary. An IV should be started for administration of MS, vasodilators, diuretics, and inotropic agents. In the absence of medications or their ineffectiveness, rotating tourniquets and IPPB can be used. Most cases of increased pressure edema do well if the underlying cause is promptly treated. Cases caused by cardiac disease require long-term outpatient management. PRACTICE EXERCISE DISCUSSION 1. Increasing respiratory rate and heart rate indicate respiratory distress. Blood pressure and PA pressures are normal. The CXR is compatible with interstitial edema. The ABG shows a normal PaCO2 which is probably low for this patient with COPD. This indicates hyperventilation, possibly in response to “j” receptor stimulation. Interstitial edema also may trigger hyperventilation by increasing the work of breathing. The PaO2 is low considering the degree of hyperventilation. Edema may be impeding diffusion. Normal BP and wedge pressures are not compatible with increased hydrostatic pressure as the mechanism of leakage. Emaciated appearance, five days of intubation and hypoalbuminemia are compatible with malnutrition. Capillary oncotic pressure is probably low, allowing for leakage at normal hydrostatic pressures. Elevated BUN raises possibility of renal insufficiency. 2. Lack of response to hyperinflation and bronchodilation help rule out a pulmonary cause of the distress. CXR helps to confirm this by indicating imminent alveolar flooding. The BP decrease is probably in response to morphine. A lack of urine output helps confirm renal insufficiency. Hypotension compounds this problem by decreasing kidney perfusion. This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 30 PULMONARY EDEMA Diuretic response will be minimal until kidney function improves. Suggest dopamine or dobutamine to increase blood pressure and renal flow, increase furosemide dose to attempt diuresis. CPAP or BIPAP may help decrease venous return and further leakage. It may also relieve some of the work of breathing and increase oxygenation. 3. Patient is in acute pulmonary edema with alveolar flooding evident by secretions. Low albumin levels, renal insufficiency, and positive water balance have combined to produce acute excessive leakage. Nutritional and kidney status must be improved to resolve edema. This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 31 PULMONARY EDEMA SUGGESTED READING AND REFERENCES 1. Burton, G.G., et al. (1997) Respiratory Care: A Guide to Clinical Practice. (4th ed) Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven. 2. Dettbarn C, Davidson L., “Pulmonary Complications in the Patient with Acute Head Injury: Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema”, Nov. 1989, HEART AND LUNG, Vol. 18, #6, pp 583-588 3. Emergency Cardiac Care Committee and Subcommitties, American Heart Association: Guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiac care, III; Adult advanced cardiac life support; JAMA 1992. 4. Fedullo A, Swinburne A, Wahl G, Bixby K., “Acute Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema Treated with Mechanical Ventilation”, May, 1991, CHEST, Vol. 99, #5, pp 1220-1226 5. Fishman A. (editor), PULMONARY DISEASES AND DISORDERS, Vol.I, 3rd Edition, 1998, McGraw-Hill Co. pp. 733-752 B. Saunders Co. 6. Khan, A.N. & Kasthuri, R.S. Pulmonary Edema, Noncardiogenic, June 17, 2005, www.emedicine.com 7. Klabunde, R. E., Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts, www.cvphysiology.com 8. Mattu, A. et al. Pulmonary Edema, Cardiogenic, February 7, 2003, www.emedicine.com 9. Merck Manual, Sec. 6, Ch 77, Goodpasture’s Syndrome, www.merck.com 10. Murray J, Nadel J. (editors), TEXTBOOK OF RESPIRATORY MEDICINE, 1988, W.B. Saunders Co. pp. 1359-1409 11. Putnam C., REVISITING THE CHEST FILM IN PULMONARY EDEMA, Journal of Respiratory Diseases, Sept. 1994, Vol. 15, #9, pp 819-831 12. Reimer, S.E. & Morrison, S.C. Case Sixty Six-Lung Injury Pulmonary Edema, Pediatric Teaching Files, uhrad.com 13. Seaton A, Seaton D, Leitch A., CROFTON AND DOUGLAS’S RESPIRATORY DISEASES, 5th edition, 2000, Blackwell Scientific Publications, pp. 584-597 14. Scanlon C, Spearman C, Sheldon R., EGAN’S FUNDAMENTALS OF RESPIRATORY CARE, 7th edition. 1999, Mosby Yearbook, Inc. 15. Staton, G. W. Pulmonary Edema, ACP Medicine, Sept. 2004, WebMD. 16. Witek, T., Schachter E., PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS IN RESPIRATORY CARE, 1994, W. B. Saunders Co., pp 432-436 17. Zucker, M. Noninvasive PSV May Obviate ICU Admission for Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema, Oct. 2003, www.pulmonaryreviews.com This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 32 PULMONARY EDEMA POST TEST DIRECTIONS: IF COURSE WAS MAILED TO YOU, CIRCLE THE MOST CORRECT ANSWERS ON THE ANSWER SHEET PROVIDED AND RETURN TO: RCECS, 16781 VAN BUREN BLVD, SUITE B, RIVERSIDE, CA 92504-5798 OR FAX TO: (951) 789-8861. IF YOU ELECTED ONLINE DELIVERY, COMPLETE THE TEST ONLINE – PLEASE DO NOT MAIL OR FAX BACK. 1. Treatment of cardiogenic pulmonary edema includes: 1. 2. 3. 4. a. b. c. d. chest physical therapy vasodilators aerosol therapy diuretics 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 2, 4 2. A useful diagnostic test to help differentiate increased pressure from increased permeability edema is: a. b. c. d. ABG’s. PFT’s. Sputum culture. Edema fluid to plasma protein concentration ratio. 3. Clearance of water, protein, and debris from the interstitium is accomplished by the: a. b. c. d. e. Systemic capillaries. Pulmonary capillaries. Lymphatic system. a & b. None of the above. 4. Which of the following aids removal of interstitial fluid? a. b. c. d. e. Venous vessel smooth muscle Ventilatory movements Interstitial pressure gradients Pulmonary venoules b&c 5. High altitude pulmonary edema is believed to be from: a. b. c. d. Increased capillary oncotic pressure Overperfusion of a restricted capillary bed Decreased interstitial hydrostatic pressure None of the above This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 33 PULMONARY EDEMA 6. Cardiogenic pulmonary edema is best defined as: a. b. c. d. Edema caused by increased capillary hydrostatic pressure Edema caused by increased capillary permeability Adult respiratory distress syndrome None of the above 7. Which of the following are early, initial symptoms of pulmonary edema? 1. 2. 3. 4. a. b. c. d. e. dry cough dyspnea thick, copious sputum tachypnea 2, 3 1, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 4 1 only 8. A patient in acute pulmonary edema will demonstrate the following on ABG results: a. b. c. d. Extreme hypoxemia Acute respiratory acidosis Acute respiratory alkalosis Variable results dependent upon the stage and severity of the problem 9. Sputum in pulmonary edema is characteristically: a. b. c. d. e. Foul-smelling. Thin, frothy and possible blood tinged. Thick and yellow. Cream-colored. Purulent 10. What is the usual problem that results in increased capillary hydrostatic pressure? a. b. c. d. Congestive heart failure Sepsis Asthma Dehydration 11. The goal in the treatment of the patient with neurogenic pulmonary edema is to: a. b. c. d. Use loop diuretics to decrease intracellular fluid Turn the patient frequently to keep fluid from pooling Prevent increases in intracranial pressure (ICP) Suction frequently to maintain a patent airway This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 34 PULMONARY EDEMA 12. The most practical way to diagnose pulmonary edema is via: a. b. c. d. Chest X-ray. ABG’s. Vital Capacity. ECG’s. 13. Pulmonary edema caused by liver cirrhosis is an example of: a. b. c. d. Increased hydrostatic pressure Decreased oncotic pressure Increased permeability of the a-c membrane None of the above 14. The typical “butterfly” appearance of the chest X-ray in acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema is probably due to: a. b. c. d. Engorgement of the pulmonary periphery Fluid concentrating in the hilar areas Uniform distribution of interstitial pressure None of the above 15. The two most common causes of cardiogenic pulmonary edema are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. b. c. d. Goodpasture’s syndrome Aspiration of gastric contents Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis Left ventricular failure Pulmonary venous hypertension 1&2 2&3 4&5 1&3 16. Morphine sulfate is useful in pulmonary edema because: a. b. c. d. e. It provides vasodilation. It results in CNS sedation. It causes mild inotrophy. All the above. It provides ventilatory depression. This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 35 PULMONARY EDEMA 17. The following are causes of noncardiogenic (increased permeability) pulmonary edema: a. b. c. d. Cytotoxic chemotherapy Inhalation of toxic chemicals Drug ingestion All of the above 18. Adult respiratory distress syndrome is an example of: a. b. c. d. e. Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema Increased capillary permeability Damage to the a-c membrane a and b a, b and c 19. The proposed mechanisms for the normal capillary leak are: a. b. c. d. Transcellular and vesicular transport and leakage through intercellular junctions Thick collagen fibers, interstitial fibrosis and pneumonia Low hydrostatic pressures and decreased capillary permeability High oncotic and hydrostatic pressures 20. The barriers to pulmonary edema include: a. b. c. d. 21. Capillary and interstitial hydrostatic pressures Capillary and oncotic pressure Capillary and alveolar walls and oncotic reflection coefficient None of the above Mr. Jones, a 67 year old male with a history of cardiac disease presents to the Emergency Department complaining of severe respiratory distress. He is obviously tachypneic. Your most appropriate initial step in the treatment of this patient would be to: a. b. c. d. 22. Administer oxygen via a non-rebreathing mask Review the patient’s history with him Listen to his breath sounds Attach a cardiac monitor Which of the following statements regarding the use of nitroglycerin is true? a. b. c. d. Decreases blood flow to poorly perfused areas Is useful in patients with borderline hypotension Decreases cardiac output None of the above This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 36 PULMONARY EDEMA 23. Jane Doe is in the Critical Care Unit. She arrived in the Emergency Department last night. Her diagnosis is heroin overdose. She remains unconscious. The paramedics intubated her successfully in the field with an 8.0 ETT and she has been on the ventilator overnight. Her FIO2 requirements to maintain an acceptable SpO2 have increased. Breath sounds are equal, but crackles (rales) are significant bilaterally. What would you expect the chest Xray to reveal this morning? a. b. c. d. 24. A second line intervention specific to acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema is: a. b. c. d. 25. Right mainstem intubation Increased fluid confined to the hilar areas Diffuse, patchy, peripheral distribution of fluid Enlarged cardiac shadow Aminophylline Oxygen Angioplasty PEEP Ms. Smith, a 28 year old otherwise healthy female arrives in the Emergency Department. She was severely injured in a motor vehicle accident, is intubated and being successfully oxygenated and ventilated. The trauma physician and team assess her injuries. Among the injuries is head trauma, fractured right femur and chest contusions. Which type(s) of pulmonary edema would most likely occur in this patient? a. b. c. d. Cardiac and neurogenic Noncardiac and cardiac Noncardiac only None of the above KM: Test Version E This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 37 PULMONARY EDEMA ANSWER SHEET NAME____________________________________ STATE LIC #______________________ ADDRESS_________________________________ AARC# (if applic.)__________________ DIRECTIONS: (REFER TO THE TEXT IF NECESSARY – PASSING SCORE FOR CE CREDIT IS 70%). IF COURSE WAS MAILED TO YOU, CIRCLE THE MOST CORRECT ANSWERS AND RETURN TO: RCECS, 16781 VAN BUREN BLVD, SUITE B, RIVERSIDE, CA 92504-5798 OR FAX TO: (951) 789-8861. IF YOU ELECTED ONLINE DELIVERY, COMPLETE THE TEST ONLINE – PLEASE DO NOT MAIL OR FAX BACK. 1. a b c d 17. a b c d 2. a b c d 18. a b c d e 3. a b c d e 19. a b c d 4. a b c d e 20. a b c d 5. a b c d 21. a b c d 6. a b c d 22. a b c d 7. a b c d e 23. a b c d 8. a b c d 24. a b c d 9. a b c d e 25. a b c d 10. a b c d 11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d 16. a b c d e KM: Test Version E This material is copyrighted by RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law. 38 PULMONARY EDEMA EVALUATION FORM NAME:____________________________________________ DATE:______________ AARC # (if applic.)________________________ STATE LICENSE #:______________ RC Educational Consulting Services, Inc. wishes to provide our clients with the highest quality CE materials possible. Your honest feedback helps us to continually improve our courses and meet CE regulations in many states. 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