Swinging Fore Champions Golf Tournament

 Alabaster City Schools Foundation
1st Annual Swinging Fore Champions Golf Tournament
Thursday, March 26th, 2015
Timberline Golf Club - Calera
Join us for the 1st annual Swinging Fore Champions Golf Tournament benefiting the Alabaster
City Schools Foundation. The tournament offers a relaxing day of golf while raising funds for a great
cause – public education in Alabaster. An investment in our public schools is an investment in our
FORMAT: Four Player Scramble
Awarded based on lowest team score
Hole-in-one and closest to the pin prizes awarded on designated par 3’s
Longest Drive
Putting Contest
Chipping Contest
Auction for a golf membership worth $1,500
Thursday lunch
Pre-Round Range Balls stacked in pyramids
Thursday round
Beverages on course
Thursday dinner
Awards Ceremony
Ditty Bags with favors
ENTRY DEADLINE: Monday, March 23, 2015 at 12 p.m.
Registration opens at 11:00 a.m. with a shotgun start at 1:00 p.m. The rain date is set for April 9,
Please consider your donation level and return your registration form now. Payment by check. Make
payable to: Alabaster City Schools Foundation.
Mail all checks & forms to 1953 Municipal Way, Suite 200 Alabaster, AL 35007
Attention: Golf Tournament
For more information contact Heidi Ramey at 641-4816, Adam Moseley 368-7386, or Brent
Byars at 205-317-4431. You can also e-mail at foundation@alabastercityschools.com
Sponsor and Player Information
1 Annual Swinging Fore Champions Golf Tournament
Alabaster City Schools Foundation
Thursday, March 26, 2015 – Timberline Golf Club – Calera, AL
Title Sponsors- $5,000
Name on Banner as Title Sponsor
Name Included in All Publicity
Name on Tee Sign
Company Item in Ditty Bag
Recognition on Website
Cart Sponsor- $2,500
Name in all carts used for event
Name Included in All Publicity
Name on Tee Sign
Recognition on Website
Beverage Cart Sponsor- $1,250
Name on all beverage cars used for event
Name Included in All Publicity
Name on Tee Sign
Recognition on Website
Tee Sign Sponsors: $100 (All tee signs will be double stacked with two tee sponsors per hole. However, one
tee sign will be designated for holes in which a sponsor wishes to pay $200 to personalize that hole)
Foursome sponsors: $600 (Four Player teams)
Partner sponsors: $300 (Partner sponsor teams will be paired with other partner teams or individual
sponsors to make a 4 player team)
Individual Sponsors: $150 (Individual sponsors will be paired with other partner teams or individual
sponsors to make a 4 player team)
Additional Package available at check-in: $20 per player (includes 2 mulligans and 1 throw)
ACSF has applied for a non-profit 501(c)3 organization status. Federal Tax I.D. # 47-­‐1493850 Registration Form
Alabaster City Schools Foundation
1st Annual Swinging Fore Champions Golf Tournament
Thursday, March 26th, 2015
Timberline Golf Club - Calera
Entry Deadline is Monday, March 23rd at noon.
_________ Title Sponsor- $5,000
_________ Cart Sponsor- $2,500
_________ Beverage Cart Sponsor- $1,250
_________ One Tee Sign for Double Stacked Hole- $100
_________ Personalized Hole Sponsor- $200
_________ Foursome Team Sponsor- $600
_________ Partner Team Sponsor- $300
_________ Individual Sponsor- $150
$_________ Donation (I will not be able to participate
in the tournament, but would like to make a donation.)
Name: (as it will be listed in publicity) _________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City: __________________________
State: ________
Zip: ____________
Contact Person: ______________________________________________
Phone: ___________________
Email: _____________________________________________
Please print name and title
Payment Method: Entry Deadline is Monday, March 23, 2015 at noon.
________ Check Enclosed. Make Payable to Alabaster City Schools Foundation
________ Please charge my credit or debit card.
_______ Visa
________ Mastercard
Card Number: ____________________________________________
Expiration Date: _____ / ______
Signature Panel Code (Last 3 digits on back of card) _________
Cardholders Name: __________________________________
Mail all checks & forms to 1953 Municipal Way, Suite 200 Alabaster, AL 35007
Attention: Golf Tournament
Team Entry Form
Alabaster City Schools Foundation
1st Annual Swinging Fore Champions Golf Tournament
Thursday, March 26th, 2015 – Timberline Golf Club - Calera
Entry Deadline is Monday, March 23rd at noon.
Player 1: Name: _____________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________ State: ________
Zip: _______________
Phone: ___________________________________
Player 2: Name: _____________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________ State: ________
Zip: _______________
Phone: ___________________________________
Player 3: Name: _____________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________ State: ________
Zip: _______________
Phone: ___________________________________
Player 4: Name: _____________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________ State: ________
Zip: _______________
Phone: ___________________________________
Team Entry Form should be returned along with Registration form at time of entry.
ACSF has applied for a non-profit 501(c)3 organization status. Federal Tax I.D. # 47-­‐1493850