PRESENT THE BRG PROGRESS CONFERENCE ON Neuroscience for Leadership LINKING SCIENTIFIC BRAIN RESEARCH TO CHANGE THE WAY PEOPLE WORK AND DELIVER TANGIBLE BUSINESS RESULTS | MAKING GOOD LEADERS GREAT! Dr Tara Swart Medical Doctor, Neuroscientist, MIT Faculty Member and Global Consultant to C Suite Executives Live and in Person with keynote contribution from Dr Etienne Van der Walt A few simple, pragmatic messages about how your brain works and how to get the most out of it with leadership competency and capability essential to: •Make you a more resilient and inspirational leader. •Enable you to leverage diversity of thinking from your teams. •Help to create the conditions for success in your organisation. •Improve your ability to empathise and innovate into the future. •Make the best possible decisions. •Deal with complexity. •Incentivise performance. THE CAMPUS BRYANSTON JOHANNESBURG By connecting your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual capital you can: •Understand the brain-body connection. •Explore the interplay between nerves and hormones that underlies stress and burnout. •Increase brain agility and neuroplasticity. •Hone your risk-taking and decisionmaking. •Motivate others to navigate change and uncertainty. Based on the neurophysiology behind these foundations to boost your brain power and combat burnout. Pretox solutions: •Sleep. •Nutrition and hydration. •Exercise. •Mindsets and mindfulness. E or nte SA de r P V rin M E g o 14T 3 n HI 0% pa R lg TY ra w ve h .co en m 18 MARCH 2015 THE FORUM EARLY BIRD OFFER | BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT! Delegates who book and pay by the 1st February 2015 will receive a FREE copy of Tara’s most recent book NEUROSCIENCE FOR LEADERSHIP VALUED AT R425.00 researched and finely “ Thoroughly of Neuroscience for Leadership is written, the real brilliance how it links scientific brain network research with solid advice on decision-making, employee PROGRAMME AGENDA Applying Neuroscience to Create an Innovative Model for Leadership & Team Development 08h00 Registration and refreshments 09h00 Welcome – Nicola Tyler | CEO Business Results Group 09h15 Session 1| Neuroscience Explained in an Accessible Way Drawing on the depth of brain agility to adapt and create sustainable behaviour change Highlighting the tangible evidence linking brain function, wellbeing and workplace productivity State exercise: how stress and success manifest physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually in your values 10h45 Break 11h15 Session 2 |Applying the Science of Neuroplasticity to Alter Your Mindsets, Skill Sets and Thinking Neuroplasticity; evidencing how you can change your mindset to achieve your required leadership capability Neuroplasticity essentials; key requisites to ensure an agile and alert mind Linking existing neurons with new networks in your brain Practice makes perfect! Hybrid exercise: how to hold two opposing thoughts in your mind and come up with a third option that has elements of both, but is superior to each of them 12h30 Lunch Break with Brain Food 13h30 Session 3 |Your Brain On Money Does money or financial success drive performance in your teams? Risk taking and decision making; understanding why our brains are wired for loss avoidance rather than reward seeking. What makes a GOOD leader REALLY GREAT? As a leader, do you understand how your brain affects interactions with all of your stakeholders? Most of us don’t! In this 1-day session with Dr Tara Swart and Dr Etienne van der Walt, you will learn tools that will change the face of your leadership style, FOREVER and for the BETTER •Learn how leaders influence our prefrontal cortex and how this SIGNIFICANTLY influences behaviour in others •Develope empathy – the soft skill that produces hard results versus that easily detected insincere manipulation •Harness the instinctive desire for co-operation that is deeply embedded in all of our minds •Master essential techniques to avoid transmission of your personal threat states – ones that subconsciously destabilise your organisational culture •Encourage curiosity to achieve frequent moments of surprise and delight •Determine the change you require by appling a deliberate framework to adapt and acquire the capability for really great results •Understand that Accountability, Focus and Practice are three essentials for neuroscientific and business success Gender differences at work and in risk-taking Mindfulness effects on resilience by changing the brain and neuroendocrine system of the body 15h00 Afternoon Refreshments 15h30 Session 4 KEYNOTE GUEST SPEAKER – Dr Etienne van der Walt Putting it all together: A Neurobiological Model of Brain Performance to Thrive in Business This presentation will draw upon the previous sessions, using themes of wellness, resilience, reduction of chronic stress, neuroplasticity, the social brain and the threat/reward system to demonstrate its integrated importance for enhanced performance to enable us to thrive in business and life in general. 16h30 In A Nutshell – Panel Discussion facilitated by Nicola Tyler Q&A Session with Dr Tara Swart & Dr Etienne van der Walt, bringing the content of the day back into the world of work. 17h00 Close of proceedings Who Should Attend? All C Suite Executives and Managers from the Private and Public Sectors responsible for: •Leadership •Strategy •Human Capital •Human Resources •HR Business Partnering •Talent Management •Employee Communications •Organisational Design •Remuneration •Employee Engagement & Wellbeing •Transformation & Change •Learning & Development •Succession Planning •Line Management Special feature for CFO’s on “Brains and Money” Is money or financial performance the appropriate incentive for performance? YOUR PRESENTER DR. TARA SWART BSc, PhD, BM Bch (Oxon) CEO of The Unlimited Mind and Faculty at MIT Sloan, Dr Tara Swart is a Neuroscientist, Medical Doctor, Global Leadership Consultant, Author and Non-Executive Director GLOBAL THOUGHT LEADER Dr Tara Swart is at the forefront of the application of neuroscience to business. She has a unique skill set with a PhD in neuroscience and a successful career as a medical doctor and psychiatrist. This combination of experience and knowledge comes together to create an uncompromising and holistic impact on business and leadership performance. PROLIFIC AUTHOR, EXECUTIVE COACH & HIGHLY ACCLAIMED SPEAKER 2015 2014 2014 2012 2008 2000 1994 Publication of Neuroscience for Leadership book Appointed as Senior Lecturer at MIT to design and run the Neuroscience for Leadership programme Financial Times Women in Business Feature Guest lecturer at MIT Sloan, Stanford GSB and Oxford SAID Founder of The Unlimited Mind - a neuroscience consulting business for banks and hedge funds Graduated from Oxford University and practiced as a Psychiatrist for 7 years Completed her PhD research in Neuroscience Tara is also a co-author of An Attitude for Acting and contributing author to How to Be Interesting. She has published over 20 articles in journals on neuroscience and coaching. A sought after speaker, Tara has presented globally on the brain in business at international conferences, blue chip corporations and Oxford, Stanford and MIT. She is regularly quoted in the Financial Times. COMPELLING EVIDENCE FOR ATTENDING THIS EVENT! THIS IS WHAT PEOPLE HAVE TO SAY AFTER PARTICIPATING IN HER PROGRAMMES: We invited Tara to speak at our sales meeting to provide the participants, all of whom were senior reinsurance brokers, with an alternative, more scientific perspective on relationships with colleagues and clients. Tara is knowledgeable and enthusiastic in her subject area and her presentation was absorbing and highly relevant to our audience. It generated much energy and debate and was acknowledged to be a stimulating addition to our meeting programme. Simon Gander, CEO, Global Re Specialty, Aon Benfield We recently asked Dr. Tara Swart to speak at one of our Executive Education programs at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. She received high remarks from our participants, who were mainly CFOs: “fascinating view on biology, behavior and business,” “inspiring” and “engaging and fun, repeat her!” We enjoyed partnering with her, and look forward to future opportunities. Sherri Fujieda, Associate Director, Stanford Graduate School of Business Tara brings a robust and novel approach to understanding how we behave at work; how much of this is driven by the chemistry of our brains. The science gives us a more accurate basis for understanding what motivates us at work both as individuals and as part of a team. She creates valuable insights into making teams more effective and successful and is an engaging and persuasive advocate for her approach. David Richards, MD and Global Head, Principal Structured Finance, Standard Chartered Bank Tara presented to a group of our senior reinsurance brokers on neuroscience at a sales conference in April this year. Her talk was thought provoking, engaging and witty. It generated a lot of discussion in the room and after the conference. The reason Tara’s talk went down so well, with a critical audience, was due to the scientific rigor that underpinned the content, the fact that the subject matter was relevant to all of us (we all have a brain), and the quality of the delivery. Fiona Logan, Client Relationship Management Director, AON Benfield I have engaged Tara for coaching, workshops and also for a highly engaging talk to over 150 mostly senior bankers. Her material is fantastic - relevant, up to date, impactful and thought provoking. This really is “must-have” info, with important implications for the workplace. Tara’s professional delivery blends expertise with good humour - she is clearly an accomplished speaker. She had the audience captivated and handled a wide array of questions with ease and confidence. Michael Brooke (CPsychol), UK L&D Lead, BNP Paribas Tara recently ran an excellent “Neuroscience of Leadership” session very successfully with a group of our 30 cross cultural leaders. They were all attending our “Leading Across Boundaries” programme, which we run at SAID, Oxford, designed for our top 600 leaders of the Bank. She created immediate trust and rapport with participants, with a high level of energy, open challenge with the group, to really get them thinking in a different way about how they operate on a daily basis. Since this event, Tara has worked with us on our Inclusive Leadership Agenda for a much broader population in the bank with great impact, and we look forward to collaborating with Tara on a further basis. Sam King, Head of Executive and Team Development, Standard Chartered Bank Tara Swart came to MIT Sloan to teach in the Sloan Fellows and the students stood and applauded. The Fellows appreciated learning about the brain, but also about how to use that knowledge in a corporate coaching context. Participants left with a greater understanding of how to lead through the use of emotion and multiple parts of the brain. Professor Deborah Ancona, MIT Sloan School of Management GUEST SPEAKER DR. ETIENNE VAN DER WALT BSc, BMedSc, MBChB, MMed (Neurology) Etienne is an accomplished neurologist, cognitive neuroscientist, and authority in early childhood brain development. Etienne’s 15-year career as a clinical neurologist means he has a deep understanding of the anatomy, biology, and physiology of the brain and the human nervous system. In more recent years, his professional and personal fascination with the remarkable discoveries coming from the various brain sciences has led him to believe in the vast potential of this new knowledge to enhance human capacity. Or, as Etienne puts it, to enhance normality. The realization of this vision is the founding of Cape Town based Neurozone™, a neuroscience business dedicated to the application of brain science to enhance human capacity. At the heart of the business of Neurozone™ is a proprietary working model of brain performance. Conceived and developed by Etienne, this model builds on the anatomy, biology, and physiology of brain performance to identify key drivers that can be individually and collectively enhanced for optimum brain performance. The model draws on research from neuroscience, psychology, psychiatry etc. and its impact in large organisations has been validated in a very recent research study undertaken in collaboration with the Stellenbosch University. As a result, Etienne has developed a keen understanding of the neurobiological substrates, principles and insights that underpin organisational behaviour and performance. The founder of AmazingBrainz™, a non-profit dedicated to the design of programs for the brain stimulation of young, developing children – especially in disadvantaged communities. Etienne worked as a neurologist in South Africa, the UK, and the Netherlands, currently teaches applied neuroscience to diverse audiences of professionals, educators, and parents about the amazing human brain. REGISTRATION & ENQUIRIES CONTACT: Angela Milburn WWW: EMAIL: CELL: 083 327 1593 CALL: 0861 B GREAT (0861 247 328) FAX: 086 506 1747 YOUR INVESTMENT •Individual Delegates [1 – 4 People] •YES, please reserve my place/s for ____ people at R5 995.00 per person plus VAT (839.30) = R6 834.30 •Team Bookings [5 – 9 People] •YES, please reserve places for ________people at R5 495.00 per person plus VAT (769.30) = R6 264.30 •Corporate Bookings [10 or more People] •YES, please reserve 10 or more delegates and SAVE R10 000.00 or more at ONLY R4 995.00 per person plus VAT (R699.30) = R5 694.30 SPECIAL OFFER COMPANIES WHO SEND 10 OR MORE DELEGATES MAY EXTEND A COMPLIMENTARY INVITATION TO ONE MEMBER OF THEIR C SUITE. TARA SPEAKS AT GLOBAL CONFERENCES, BLUE CHIP ORGANISATIONS AND THE TOP BUSINESS SCHOOLS IN THE WORLD. AREAS OF EXPERTISE INCLUDE LEARNING AND HABIT FORMATION, NEUROPLASTICITY, LEADERSHIP, DIVERSITY, RISK-TAKING AND DECISION-MAKING, CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION, RESILIENCE AND MINDFULNESS. BOOKING FORM & REGISTRATION DETAILS Name of Contact Person Designation Company VAT Registration # Postal Address City Telephone Fax E-mail Address TITLE FIRST NAME SURNAME JOB TITLE E MAIL VIP CODE: BRG 001 TELEPHONE Copyright ©BRG 2014 TERMS & CONDITIONS PAYMENT |The organisers reserve the right to refuse admission unless proof of payment is received prior to the event. TEAM & CORPORATE SPECIAL OFFERS |Discounts for teams and corporates only apply where the delegates have registered simultaneously. CANCELLATIONS| For cancellations received in writing more than 8 weeks prior to the event a 50% refund will be given. Thereafter the full fee is payable. SUBSTITUTIONS | Registered delegates may be substituted at any time prior to the event at no charge. Please notify our offices in writing. CONFIRMATION | All registrations will be deemed confirmed and subject to these terms and conditions. PREFERENTIAL SEATING | Delegates will be seated on a first-paid – first seated basis In the event of unforeseen circumstances the organisers reserve the rights to change the dates and/or venue.
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