
Mobile ANPR Application
Mobile ANPR Application
The TES Mobile ANPR application is installed on a phone or
handheld computer and enables Civil Enforcement Officers to
detect potential contraventions and process vehicle details using
hand held ANPR.
The TES Mobile ANPR app reads the number plate of a vehicle and
checks to see if it is on an authorised list, (e.g. residents parking
permits / cashless Payment) if the vehicle registration is not found
it is then flagged as a potential contravention that requires further
Key Features
Instantly deployable mobile ANPR
enforcement device.
Check parked vehicle number plate details
in awkward or confined locations.
Full integration with other TES systems
(e.g. Compliance Display Map).
Easy integration with most major cashless
systems and permitted whitelist
databases, virtual permits etc.
Intuitive interface allows users to quickly
scan number plates
Key Benefits
Extends the service provided by existing
CCTV / ANPR vehicles.
Increases the effectiveness and efficiency
of mobile enforcement operations.
Technical Requirements
A smart mobile phone running Windows
Phone 8.1.
Mobile internet connection 3G/4G, Wi-Fi.
Access to Port 80 / HTTPS
TES Limited
9, Pulloxhill Business Park, Greenfield Road, Pulloxhill, Bedford, MK45 5EU
T: 0800 009 6930 E:
Copyright TES Limited 2015. All Rights Reserved
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