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With locations in Newton Center and Back Bay, Lash L'Amour is Boston’s premier eyelash extension spa. Our spas are staffed with expertly trained and fully licensed specialists who customize their eyelash service to each individual client's desired look. Call for a free consultation today! Contact Jackie Murphy at 617-275-2011 or jmurphy@bostonmagazine.com Source: The Media Audit Jul-Aug 2013, MMR Subscriber Study Oct 2011 Back Bay 617.247.1871 Newton | 617.916.1209 lashlamour.com October 2013 B O STO N HO ME B O STO N W E DDI NG S B O STONM AG AZINE.COM SL ICE COM M UNICATIONS 300 M ASS ACHUSETTS AV ENUE B OSTON MA 02115 6 17.26 2.9 700
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