22q International Brain Behavior Consortium 2015 brochure

June 29 and 30, 2015
Ruth and Tristram Colket, Jr.
Translational Research Building
at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Following on the heels of previous successful meetings in Leuven, Belgium; Dublin, Ireland; and Mallorca,
Spain, the IBBC is now operational as a large-scale initiative studying the genetics of schizophrenia and other
psychiatric disorders associated with chromosome 22q11.2 deletions (22q11.2DS). With $12 million in support
from the National Institute of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health in the United States, this
multicenter endeavor is examining findings associated with 22q11.2DS across the life span while utilizing
whole genome sequencing in search of phenotype-genotype correlations with the ultimate goals of improving
detection, treatment and long-term outcomes. Beyond the potential for yielding a better understanding of a
severe manifestation of 22q11.2DS, the results will help identify pathways leading to schizophrenia in the general
population in a way that will inform novel treatments, as there is a substantial risk for developing psychotic illness
in approximately 25 to 30 percent of adolescents and young adults with 22q11.2DS. The illness presentation and
course are similar to those of schizophrenia, which occurs in the general population at a much lower rate (about 1
percent). All members of the Consortium are invited to attend.
Other Information
Program: June 29 – 30, 2015
Hotel Accommodations
Sunday, June 28
In light of Philadelphia’s annual Welcome America!
July 4th citywide celebration, we encourage you to
book your hotel room accommodations as soon as
possible. Below are two hotels located close to the
4 p.m. – 6 p.m. IBBC Executive Committee Meeting
A block of rooms with reduced rates are available at:
The Inn at the League
1450 Sansom St. • Philadelphia, Pa. 19102
215-587-5570 • www.unionleague.org
The group rates are $209 single and double occupancy,
plus a 7 percent room tax. Participants are required
to make their own hotel accomodations by calling
The Inn directly. Please mention “CHOP – Brain
Behavior.” The special room rate will be available until
Monday, June 1, 2015. After that, reservations will be
accepted on a space and rate availability basis.
Homewood Suites by Hilton
4109 Walnut St. • Philadelphia, Pa. 19104
215-382-1111 • http://bit.ly/HWSphilly
Registration Information
Attendees can register by mail, fax or online. Please
see the registration form for the address, fax and web
address. Pre-registration is required. Payment must
accompany the registration form for it to be processed.
Once registration has been processed, a confirmation
letter will be mailed. If you have any questions about
this conference, please call 215-590-5263.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia reserves
the right to cancel or postpone any conference due
to any unforeseen circumstances. In the event of
cancellation or postponement, The Children’s Hospital
of Philadelphia will refund registration fees but is not
responsible for any related costs, charges or expenses to
participants, including cancellations/charges assessed
by hotels or airlines/travel agencies. In order to process
refunds, cancellations must be received in writing by
Friday, June19, 2015. Refunds will be issued for the
amount of registration minus a $25 administrative fee.
No refunds will be issued thereafter.
Services for People with Disabilities
Participation by all individuals is encouraged. If
arrangements are required for an individual with
special needs to attend this meeting, please contact the
CME Department at 215-590-5263 at least two weeks
in advance so that we may provide better service to you
during the conference.
8:30 p.m. Dinner
Monday, June 29
9:30 a.m.Registration
10 a.m. Welcome and Review of IBBC
Progress to Date
11:30 a.m. Coffee Break
Noon Review Continued
1:30 p.m. Luncheon
2:30 p.m. Breakout Sessions
Cognitive and Behavioral Phenotype
Genomics, Medical Phenotype and
4 p.m. Afternoon Tea
4:30 p.m. Breakout Sessions Continued
5:30 p.m. Adjourn
7 p.m. IBBC Dinner
Tuesday, June 30
9 a.m. Report from Breakout Sessions
Cognitive Phenotypes
Psychiatric Phenotypes
10:30 a.m. Coffee Break
11 a.m. Report from Breakout Sessions
C. Genomics
D. Medical Phenotype
E. Database
12:30 p.m. Luncheon
1:30 p.m. Future Directions
2:45 p.m. Future Meeting
3 p.m. Afternoon Tea and Adjourn
International 22q11.2DS Brain and Behavior Consortium Meeting
Monday and Tuesday, June 29 and 30, 2015 – Registration Deadline: Monday, June 15, 2015
Name ____________________________________________________________________________
Credentials ________________________________________________________________________
Institution/Hospital _________________________________________________________________
Home Address _____________________________________________________________________
City ________________________________ State _______ ZIP ________ Country ______________
Phone ___________________________________ Fax _____________________________________
Email ____________________________________________________________________________
q Special Dietary Needs: _____________________________________________________________
Conference Registration Fee: $100
Accompanying guest for dinner: $60
If you are staying in Philadelphia after the meeting, and would like to attend the Phillies game with the
families and professionals attending the parent meeting, please complete the following:
Phillies game – July 1 – and fireworks tickets: _______ at $35 each
(Includes transportation.)
Additional Phillies tickets: ______________ at $28 each
(Transportation on your own.)
Total: ________________
Method of Payment
q Personal check q Institutional check
(Please make check payable to The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.)
q Discover
q MasterCard
q American Express
Credit Card # ______________________________________________________________________
Exp. Date ___________________________________________
Registration will not be processed unless accompanied by full payment.
Faxed registrations will be accepted for credit card payments only.
Mail/fax the completed registration form and payment to:
Ms. Micah Holliday, Continuing Medical Education Department
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
34th Street and Civic Center Boulevard • Philadelphia, PA 19104-4399
215-590-5CME • Fax: 215-590-4342 • hollidaydm@email.chop.edu
Register online at
©2015 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, All Rights Reserved. 15CME0006/WEB/05-15