SPRING 2015 AN EDITION OF THE DODGE CITY DAILY GLOBE FANTASTIC FOLIAGE N ational G a r d en B u r ea u p r o c laims 2 0 1 5 the Y ea r of the Cole u s MAKING A SPLASH Backsplashes becoming a kitchen focal poinT plus OPENING STATEMENT What your front door color says about you 29th Annual Home & Leisure Show See pg. 10 2 SPRING 2015 home&GARDEN SPRING CLEANING By Melissa Erickson CONTACT US Phone: 620.225.4151 More Content Now PUBLISHER Conrad Easterday EDITORIAL Roger Bluhm ADVERTISING Nicole Dirks Rebecca Gerber Robbin Myers DESIGN Darren Ramey Katherine Belshe Home&Garden is created seasonally by GateHouse Media LLC, Daily Globe parent company, and is distributed with various GateHouse papers across the country. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission is strictly prohibited. Opinions expressed in the publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of publication management. ©2015 gatehouse media All rights reserved Expert tips for a thorough clean “Spring cleaning is a kind of rite of passage, and many of us look upon it as the perfect motivator to give our homes a thorough clean,” said Julie Edelman, better known as The Accidental Housewife. “But, as someone who is all about doing just enough to maintain a clean and healthy-enough home, there are certain tips and tricks that will help you do just that while saving you time, money and your sanity.” The author and social media personality offers these tips from her cleaning arsenal for WIKIPEDIA those undertaking a thorough spring cleaning: Washing windows: Contrary to what you may think, the best kind of weather to clean your windows in is not on a sunny day but on a cloudy day. The sun causes the liquid you’re While the rest of the grills are away. Team Traeger will play! With Traeger, it’s simple. Just turn it on and in a few short minutes, you’re cooking with wood. Traeger Pellets No Mess. No Flare-Ups. No Babysitting. a bag while supplies last. March 19, 20, 21 & 22. 401 W. Trail Dodge City, KS 620-225-0067 923 W. Carthage St. Meade, KS 620-873-2234 $10.99 cleaning with to dry faster and leave streaks. Real plants: We may not think that our plants need cleaning but they become landing grounds for dust and other debris that can worsen allergies, particularly after a long winter of closed windows. Here’s a simple solution: Take a banana peel, remove the stringy residue inside and wipe the leaves with the peel to clean. The natural oils in bananas will also shine the leaves. If you notice white mold dust, fill a spray bottle with a three-to-one ratio of white vinegar to water and spray away to kill the mold. Non-diluted white vinegar will also do the trick. Showerheads: Over time, mold, mildew and other minerals can build up. To remove, wrap the showerhead in a cloth drenched with white vinegar, which is a natural sanitizer. Place a plastic bag around it and secure it with butterfly hair clips or a scrunchie. Leave overnight. Note: Disinfectants need to remain wet on any surface for at least 20 minutes. Other- wise, they cannot disinfect. Edelman teamed up with the Libman Co., an American manufacturer of cleaning products, in a contest where Libman customers shared their favorite tips, too. They include: • For scratches on your wood furniture, take the meat of a walnut or pecan and rub it into the scratch. The oils in the nut will cover the scratch. • When washing your shower curtain in the washer, throw in a couple of old towels. The friction of the towels scrubs the soap scum from the curtain. • When cleaning your fireplace, spread newspapers on the hearth and mist them with water. • To remove tar from vinyl floors, rub some peanut butter on the spot. The peanut butter will dissolve the tar. • To remove caked-on hairspray from the door or wall behind where you stand in the bathroom, mix fabric softener with some water. It will dissolve the hairspray. • To keep brightly colored clothes from fading, add 1/2 cup salt to the rinse cycle when washing. home&GARDEN SPRING 2015 COLOR PHOTOS: OPENING CREATIVEC OMMONS PIXABAY STATEMENT What your front door color says about you By Melissa Erickson More Content Now A splash of color on the front door will boost curb appeal and grab the attention of visitors, but it can also reveal something about the homeowner. Whether or not we realize it, the colors with which we surround ourselves — in our clothes, cars and homes — say something about us. For example, bright colors often indicate an outgoing personality, while subdued colors imply a more low-key persona, said Debbie Zimmer, color expert at the Paint Quality Institute. How can a hue say so much about you? Color has a psychological component through which we often communicate our moods, feelings, emotions and personality. One way we do that is through the paint colors we choose, even on the exterior of our home. “The entire exterior color scheme has meaning, but the color of the front door is especially important,” said Zimmer. “Like a necktie, which is the focal point of an outfit, the front door is the focal point of the home. The color there sends a strong message: in the case of the front door, providing insight into how we view our home.” So, what does your front door color say about you and the way you regard your home? Here’s what a color psychologist might say about some of the most common front door colors: • Blue: Shown to be the most popular color in many studies, a blue front door signals that the homeowner views his or her home as a place of refuge — calm, serene “The entire exterior color scheme has meaning, but the color of the front door is especially important. Like a necktie, which is the focal point of an outfit, the front door is the focal point of the home. The color there sends a strong message: in the case of the front door, providing insight into how we view our home.” — Debbie Zimmer and relaxing, the perfect retreat from an often harsh and demanding world. • Green: Another popular color for the front door, psychologically speaking, green connotes health, safety, tranquility and harmony, all highly desirable attributes for the home environment. • Black: Those who paint the front door black are communicating something entirely different about their homes. A black front door projects strength, sophistication, power and authority, indicating to all who enter or even passersby that the home is a serious place inhabited by a person of substance. • Red: Regarded as a powerful “punch” color, red is the color of passion. By painting the front door red, the homeowner is saying that the home within is a vibrant place, full of life, energy and excitement. • Brown: Whether painted or stained, a brown front door looks natural and organic, but it can send mixed messages in terms of color psychology. On the one hand, brown conveys the positive attributes of warmth, stability and reliability, but certain darker shades of brown signal a desire for privacy, even isolation. 3 SPRING 2015 home&GARDEN KITCHEN DECOR a g n i mak PHOTOS: CREATIVECOMMONSPIXABAY 4 h s a l sp By Melissa Erickson More Content Now K itchens are a major focal point in modern home design, and backsplashes are an obvious and often affordable way for homeowners to show off their personal style therein. “The trend in kitchen design is exposing more wall with more open shelving and fewer wall cabinets. That allows backsplashes to play a major role in the kitchen,” said Jason Landau, owner and designer of Amazing Spaces of Briarcliff Manor, New York. Kitchens are increasingly “on display,” and homeowners are putting more thought into their design now, Landau said. If you’ve got money to spend, a kitchen backsplash can be more than just an artistic accent, with glass and metal tile options that can cost upwards of $100 a foot. The average cost of a kitchen backsplash falls around $10 a foot, Landau said. With a purpose of protecting walls from messy splashes and cooking grime, backsplashes can be a kitchen’s focal point, bringing together the room’s larger elements. Porcelain Versatile and affordable, porcelain has long been an excellent choice in backsplashes. What’s new is designers are now using large porcelain slabs — 4 by 8 feet or larger — as faux natural stone backsplashes. The porcelain is printed to look like more expensive (and heavier) Carrara marble or granite. “It’s got the look, but it costs less, there’s less weight and it’s more durable,” Landau said. splashes Back ming a beco focal kitchen point Glass one can have it, “we start seeing new trends,” Landau said. For a fresh look in the kitchen, tile is still very strong, but there’s been a little pull back on glass tile, Landau said. For some, though, the easy-to-clean aspect of glass tile is a big draw. Simply spray on a mild cleanser and wipe clean. While glass provides unlimited color choices and can be sleek and modern, playful or classy, the upscale market is moving away from glass. What drives the market is first the higher end embraces a look, then it hits the middle and when it’s available at the big box hardware stores and every- Patterns “The trend in kitchen design is exposing more wall with more open shelving and fewer wall cabinets. That allows backsplashes to play a major role in the kitchen.” — Jason Landau Technology is also playing a role in backsplash trends, with manufacturers cutting tile with water jets instead of saws, allowing for more sophisticated, intricate patterns, Landau said. Stone and ceramic • Love it or hate it, simple subway tile is classic and understated, and still very popular. • Printed stone tiles in elegant, repetitive patterns are also trending for spring 2015, with patterns showing the influences of art deco, art nouveau, or Middle Eastern or Turkish mosaics. Geometric designs are not as hot right now. • Textured ceramics (rather than smooth) with three-dimensional patterns and arabesque shapes add visual interest and depth to a kitchen backsplash, Landau said. The design can be as calm and relaxed or eye-popping and strong as desired. Mixed media For a more custom look, designers are blending random sizes and shapes and mixing elements such as glass, stone and metal. Size matters, and the options range from dramatic oversized tiles to cute-as-a-button tiny ones. Larger tiles that appear to be a collection of smaller tiles are also gaining popularity because less grouting means it’s easier to clean, Landau said. home&GARDEN SPRING 2015 LOVE YOUR FLOOR SALE MARCH 27TH MAY 11TH, 2015 Charbroil 6 burner gas grill 900 square inches of cooking area-side burner $298 Gas/Charcoal Combination Grill $198 Oklahoma Joes Highland Charcoal 2 in 1 Smoker and Charcoal Grill 819 square inches of cooking area 1609 W. Wyatt Earp 620-227-7754 8:30AM - 5:30PM M-F 9AM - Noon Sat. www.guthriefloorcovering.com $288 Palmerton Landing 5 piece Bar Set $348 Backyard Grill 5 burner Gas Grill $198 Stainless Steel All Purpose Fertilizer $7.00 10-0-10, 12-0-12 Serving kanSaS Since 1979 Sunrise Windows • raynor Overhead garage Doors crane “Solid core” vinyl Siding • Seamless guttering & Downspouts Patio covers • carports • Storm Doors 100 $ Towards Purchase & installation of any 3 Sunrise Windows w/ Omega 12 glass Or 1 raynor Overhead garage Door Cannot be used with any other coupons or discounts. Expires March 31st, 2015 1-800-279-4746 11164 Kliesen, DoDge City, Ks www.superiorhomedc.com DoDge City 620-225-3560 liberal 620-624-7000 garDen City 620-275-2050 Brookwood Landing $598 7 piece Outdoor Dining Set Murray 20” Side Discharge Mower $144 #M20300 Azalea Ridge 4 piece $598 conversation set Murray 22” 2n1 Push Mower #M22450 $158 $59.86 Scotts Crabgrass Preventer 15,000 SqFt 40.05lbs 1905 N. 14th Ave. • Dodge City, KS 67801 • (620)225-3917 Don’t see what you want in the store? Check out walmart.com 5 SPRING 2015 home&GARDEN More Content Now A remodeled home is a healthy home. That’s the main takeaway from the first Healthy Home Trends study of Houzz.com users in the United States. Another key finding: Homeowners are concerned about the health of their homes; they just aren’t too sure about what exactly a “healthy” home means: While 60 percent of homeowners rate their homes as “healthy,” more than one in four are uncertain of major health hazards both indoors and outside of their homes, according to the study. The home design website also found that the majority of homes lack health-promoting and safety systems, including basic devices like carbon monoxide detectors. Homeowners recognize the need to address these gaps, and nearly 50 percent say preventing health problems and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are motivating factors for home renovation. Health WISE Healthy Home Trends study finds lack of knowledge on how to create a healthful environment Complete installation residenTial freaeTes esTim Top concerns By Melissa Erickson HOME HEALTH CREATIVECOMMONSPIXABAY.COM 6 we are fully insured or repairs TrusT us To work for you CommerCial indusTrial Chain link Cedar fenCe— with galvanized steel posts GaTes & openers ornamenTal aluminum—JeriTh Vinyl fenCe—BuffTeCh ornamenTal wrouGhT iron—monTaGe Vinyl roCk fenCe—simTek we also sell maTerials for The do iT yourselfer Homeowners who rated their homes as “healthy” tend to have newer homes and report better natural and artificial lighting, as well as lower levels of noise, allergens and mold, and fewer encounters with pests than homeowners who rated their homes as “unhealthy.” On average, however, more than one in four homeowners say they are uncertain about many risk factors inside their home, including contaminants in drinking water, formaldehyde, lead and exhaust from gas-burning appliances or furnaces. A fifth (21 percent) of owners of “healthy” homes and more than a third (34 percent) of owners of “non-healthy” homes said they weren’t sure about the presence of asbestos in their homes. One in five homeowners perceives their home as having a negative impact on health, with baby boomers and Gen Xers being the most critical of their homes’ environment. “The data reveals that there is a large gap between how healthy homeowners perceive their homes to Light up your home or trees with 1000s of lights in 5 minutes! Sparkle Magic Illuminator Lights Hassle Free lighting for indoor or outdoor. Decorative colors in red, blue or green. Cast colorful lights onto any surface! See These New Styles & More At Since 1979 Locally Owned & Operated 708 S. 14th Ave Dodge City Hours: 8a-12p 1p-5p Monday-Friday 620-225-2700 800-279-6039 w w w. s u p e r i o r f e n c e k a n s a s . c o m 520 W. Trail Dodge City, KS 620-225-0112 home&GARDEN SPRING 2015 be and their awareness of real health hazards in their homes,” said Nino Sitchinava, principal economist at Houzz. Inside the home, homeowners were most concerned about moisture, indoor air quality and germs, the study found. Outside the home, homeowners’ concerns were toxins in the soil, air pollution and allergens. Upgrade for health The study also examined the presence of health-promoting systems such as ventilation and humidifiers. Whole-house ventilation systems and even inexpensive stand-alone fans are absent from over half of “healthy” homes and over two-thirds of “non-healthy” homes. Only half of homes have dehumidification systems or devices, and less than a third have air purification systems or devices. Nearly a third of all homes lack windows or skylights in every room. Despite the lack of health-promoting systems in all homes, homeowners who rated their homes as healthy were more likely to have made upgrades in the past 12 months, with interior painting (41 percent), lighting (28 percent), flooring (27 percent), windows (21 percent) and insulation (20 percent) topping the list of improvements. One in five owners of “healthy” homes also upgraded their heating, ventilation and air conditioning system in the past 12 months. Those who rated their homes as less healthy are more likely to renovate these systems in the next 12 months. “There’s an emerging recognition among consumers that homes can have a significant impact on their health but less awareness of the systems and products they can put in place to create a healthy home,” said Tom Kelly, owner, Neil Kelly Co. in Portland, Oregon, and Seattle. “Remodelers have a critical role to play in helping people to make changes — large and small — to improve their home environments. We believe that the healthy home is the next frontier in home renovation.” Serving Dodge City, Garden City, & Southwest Kansas since 1976 1601 W Frontview 940 Stone Creek Dr. Dodge City, KS 67801 Garden City, KS 67846 (620) 227-6867 (620) 275-0707 www.austinpoolskansas.com Austin Pools and Spas is a family owned and operated business dedicated to giving our customers quality products and service at a fair price. We sell and install inground and above ground pools. We are an authorized BioGuard and Hot Spring spa dealer. We invite you into either one of our showrooms - the largest and most complete in western Kansas - and let us prove the difference. Simple changes for a healthy home: • Install a carbon monoxide detector near each sleeping area of your home. • Invest in dehumidifiers and air purifiers for bedrooms and living areas. Houseplants can also improve indoor air quality. • Consult local professionals to test your home for lead, asbestos, water impurities and other risk factors that concern you or that are unknown. 7 8 SPRING 2015 home&GARDEN GARDEN Fantastic foliage National Garden Bureau proclaims 2015 the Year of the Coleus By Melissa Erickson More Content Now F rom heirloom tomatoes to container gardens and native plants, avid gardeners are always looking for the next big thing. The National Garden Bureau is happy to help, each year highlighting certain plants because they are popular, easy to grow, widely available, genetically diverse and versatile, said Diane Blazek, the organization’s executive director. This year is the Year of the Coleus. A member of the mint family, the humble, durable coleus is best known for its variegated leaves in basic green and white and boldly colored patterns in shades of red, orange, yellow, green, pink, purple and white. Terry Howe, global product manager at PanAmerican Seed, shared his knowledge about this foliage plant that can be grown indoors and out. “More colors and garden attributes are coming out every year in an array of plant sizes. Coleus can be an artistic addition to the garden and not be just a background filler plant anymore,” Howe said. Residential | RV | CommeRCial sales | RepaiRs | FRee estimates Brenda’s Blind Service has been in business since 1990. We are owned by Brenda and Richard Martin, whose expertise in the field is well-known and recognized in the Southwest Kansas. We are the only authorized dealer for MCD Innovations in the state of Kansas. Venetian Vertical Pleated Honeycomb RV Shades Repairing Q: How are new varieties of coleus different from traditional coleus? A: Newer varieties of coleus have an emphasis on three characteristics: sun tolerance, interesting leaf shape or color, and outstanding landscape longevity. There is also another specialty segment in the extra-large leaf size such as The Kong series, which have the largest possible leaves in shaded conditions. Q: What role does the coleus play in the garden? A: The role is changing. Coleus is a fashion-forward, décor foliage plant these More colors and garden attributes are coming out every year in an array of plant sizes. Coleus can be an artistic addition to the garden and not be just a background filler plant anymore.” — Terry Howe home&GARDEN SPRING 2015 prominently expressed in lower light. Many plants enjoy morning sun and afternoon shade, and if watering often is not an option when in the heat of summer, this strategy relieves some of the stress of cyclic wilting. Q: How easy or difficult is raising coleus from seeds? A: It is quite easy. One of the simplest to start from seed. Q: What else should people know before they get started? A: Be creative in your landscape and container designs. Have some fun. It is hard to fail with coleus. They mix and match well with anything. I would suggest being aware of the final mature size so that they get placed properly with relation to size with their companions.” Photos www. ballhort.com days. Think about reorienting your gardening compass and point the needle at coleus. In terms of versatility, modern coleus are becoming more tolerant of any light level, so they do not need to be kept in the shade any longer. Or in the case of Kong coleus there is the huge wow factor of enormous leaves for decorative appeal. Q: How does the plant get its color variations? A: A gardener can play with changing the colors by the light coleus receives. Mahogany (deep red/brown color) can be enhanced by more light, while bright roses are more Denton Construction, LLC Denton Construction LLC is looking to prove themselves through quality work and fair prices. Our wood fences now feature PostMaster posts, which fit in the fence line for a clear, elegant look. We also offer a 15 year warranty on these posts. Call us for your next fencing project! Kliewer Landscape service • Locally grown shade trees • Landscape design and installation • Lawn seeding Come see our Denton Construction, LLC (620)253-4027 Like us on Facebook or visit us at: dentonconstruction.net large seleCtion of trees! 620-225-7043 • 1301 Matt Down Ln. • DoDge City, KS HoURS 9aM-5pM MonDay-SatURDay 9 10 SPRING 2015 home&GARDEN 29th Annual Show Home & Leisure March 20, 21, 22 Fun & EntErtainmEnt For thE WholE Family! FrEE admission! Friday: 5pm-8pm - Saturday: 9am-8pm - Sunday: 12pm-5pm Western State Bank Expo Center • 11333 US Hwy 283 • Dodge City Help support the Manna House & Salvation Army and bring a canned good! Ambucs Home & Leisure Show Vendor List Booth# Company Name 223 Ford County Fair Association 106 Contemporary Homes 114 City of Dodge City 232-234 Brenda’s Blind Service 136 Renewal By Anderson 218 Best Water HG Deerland Delight LLC 117/119 HG Origami Owl 330/332 Saw Some Awesome HG Lisa’s Mia Bella 124 Overhead Door Co. of Dodge City 132 American Legion Post 47 HG Siwnclair Art Studio’s 214 H&R Block HG The Bug Guy 135 Superior Home Improvement 310 Hard @ Play 125/127 The Faithful Farmhouse 219 Jerky licious 229 Cross Rhodes Candy 221 Styria Bakery 107 Dodge City Police Dpt. Larry’ Mower 137 Rustic Gypsies 210 Dodge City Alumni Booster Association 100 Healthmate International, LLC 101My Pillow 139 Phillips Chiropractic & 118 Physical Therapy Center 300 The Pampered Chef American Implement 103/105 HG 538 512/516 Advanced Power Distributors 220/222 Weber Refrigeration 231 Dee Jay’s 115Morton Buildings Inc. 228 134 Dodge City Community College 104 Interstate Media LLC 213/215 The Cabinet Guys Jay D’s Satellite Blue Star Mothers of SW Kansas Operation PTSD Rescue Soya Essence Inc. home&GARDEN SPRING 2015 11 216 Diamond Roofing 233/235 Quality Custom Homes 320 Arensman Services 330 Hi Plains Farm Equipment 102/104 Bath Planet 230 Iris Cleaning 350 Dodge City Harley Davidson 500-516 Hawley Wood RV 133 The Alley 136 Glamour in Glass 340 Boy Scouts “Since 1956” Residential • Commercial Call The • Service Work Guys In The • Water Softeners • Hot Water Heaters ellow • Sewer/Drain Cleaning rucks • Remodeling & New Construction • All Major Brands of Plumbing Fixtures & Supplies Y T ! 620-227-7127 1-800-466-7127 Outside Dodge City Call Home Show set to kick off By Roger Bluhm Dodge City Daily Globe T he 29th Annual Ambucs Home & Leisure Show opens up Friday at 5 p.m. and runs through Sunday at the Western State Bank Expo Center in Dodge City. “It’s our biggest fund-raiser of the year,” said Ambucs president David Grayson. “It’s something we enjoy bringing to Dodge City every year and we enjoy it, despite how much work it is.” The annual event brings together various vendors for attendees to visit. “We have 40 vendors for this year’s show,” Grayson said. “There’s no charge of admission, we raise our money by charging the vendors. “It’s been a successful way of doing things.” Grayson said the vendors will be everything from food providers, farm implement dealers, medical services, home improvement information, tax services and veterans organizations to motorcycles, recreation vehicles and Dodge City Police Department. “We’ve got something for everyone,” Grayson said. “Plus we have food each day. “Casey’s Cow Town will provide brisket on Friday and Bella Italia will provide food for Sunday’s show. “Ambucs is providing food for Saturday.” Saturday will also provide a special moment for a couple of youngsters. “We’ll be giving two kids AmTryjes,” Grayson said. “At noon on Saturday, two children with walking disabilities will given AmTrykes to improve their mobility.” Ambucs is asking anyone attending the show to bring a non-perishable food item to donate to Mana House or The Salvation Army of Dodge City. “We raise funds from the vendors and we always make sure the show is free,” Grayson said. “We felt we could also help out these organizations who help feed the hungry in our area. “Everyone donates food around the holidays, but shelves get bare early in the year and we believed it was another way to help, so we’re asking attendees to bring a food item to donate.” 101 Woodland Ave, Dodge City • www.stewartplumbing.net Non- Surgical Relief Back Pain J a m m i e D. Phillips, DC A n g e l a D. Harp, DC DRX9000™ True Spinal Decompression™ Clinically proven to be • Herniated/ • Degenerative Discs effective in treating Bulging Discs • Sciatica many disabling back pain conditions including: • Facet Syndrome Appointments Limited! Call Today & Schedule Your Consultation 2200 Summerlon Circle Ste. D, Dodge City, KS 67801 620.225.4139 www.phillipstherapy.net & Phillips Chiropractic Physic Therapy Center 12 SPRING 2015 home&GARDEN CREATIVECOMMONSPIXABAY.COM basement Protect your BASEMENT Tips to prevent spring flooding By Melissa Erickson More Content Now Forget the adage “April showers bring May flowers.” They also bring basement flooding to many homeowners. To avoid potentially devastating and costly flooding, experts advise an ounce of prevention. “Basement flooding is more common than most people think,” said hydrologist Bruce Tschanz, professor emeritus at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville who has studied basement flooding. He estimates that probably 50 percent of homeowners have experienced flooding in the basement or crawlspace. Flooding is especially common in during big rains and as snow melts in the spring, said Bill Simone, owner of Healthy Basement Systems in Long Island, New York. “Water travels downhill,” summed up Simone. “Water is opportunistic; it builds up,” added Tschanz. There are two major causes of basement flooding, Tschanz said. First, people are not taking care of their roof water properly. Second, they’re not managing surface water, which should drain away from the home rather than toward it. Here are some tips from the experts: redistribute water, Tschanz said. Homeowners may also want to connect rubber tubing to direct water away from the house or out to the street. Clean gutters and downspouts. Even gutters with gutter covers can become clogged with pollen and broken leaves. Hose them out regularly to see that water flows freely though gutters and downspouts. Also, be sure to cover window wells. Slope Not all homes are ideally situated so that rainwater flows away from the foundation. Water should flow away from the home at a slope of 2 to 5 percent or 6 inches in 10 feet, Tschanz said. If that’s not possible, paved gutters or other drainage systems should be Two more tips: When it’s raining, take a walk around your property and in the basement and see where water puddles to find where problem areas are. When shopping for a home, do it on a rainy day and look for evidence of flooding. That includes warped doors that don’t close properly; musty smells; white, powdery substance on the walls; and dark spots on concrete. Gutters, downspouts and window wells Manage roofwater all the way from the roof to a drainage area, Tschanz said. Install gutters that lead to drainspouts with a splash pad on the ground that directs water away from the home. While a splash pad won’t solve all your problems, it does help SEANMADDEN/FLICKR installed. Walks, driveways and landscaping features should be constructed so they don’t impede drainage. If surface drainage is a problem, homeowners can create a man-made swale (a drainage ditch) and direct water there. “If water settles around the foundation, hydrostatic pressure” will force it through the concrete, Simone said. “Concrete is porous. Water comes in through crevices, cracks and seams in the foundation.” To prevent surface water from entering, a homeowner can install a perimeter drain around all sides of the base of the home, waterproof foundation walls and add a vapor barrier (plastic sheeting), Tschanz said. Sump pumps “Every basement should have a quality, reliable sump pump” with an alarm to alert homeowners when water is rising and a covered drain that will accept water if a pipe breaks, Simone said. Be sure the sump pump is working properly so it doesn’t malfunction when you need it most. Since your sump pump probably runs on electricity, which can fail in a storm, make sure you have back-up battery power. Landscaping Often a problem with larger, estate-style homes, landscaping around the home — bushes, shrubbery and flower beds — can cause flooding, especially if they’re maintained by overactive lawn sprinkling systems, Tschanz said. Instead, choose native plants that don’t require as much water and those without elaborate root systems, which hinder drainage. c home&GARDEN SPRING 2015 13 PEST CONTROL By Melissa Erickson T he tradition of spring cleaning and decluttering is not only a great way to get your house in order, it’s a proven method of preventing pests from infesting your living spaces, according to experts. “When cleaning, you have a great opportunity to prevent pest problems before they occur,” said Ron Harrison, entomologist with pest control experts Orkin. “Pests that have been dormant during the cold months can become more active with increased temperatures, and homeowners can take many steps while cleaning to guard against infestations.” The clutter that many homeowners may pile up in their garage, on their patio or in their home can make the ideal home for many pests, said Robert Welch, president of Orlando, Floridabased Pro Staff Termite and Pest Control. Dangers As temperatures increase, you can expect to see an increase in spiders, ants, centipedes, pantry pests such as Indian Tips Bug OUT Keeping yard, home pests at bay CREATIVECOMMONSPIXABAY.COM More Content Now meal moths, and stinging pests such as bees and wasps. These pests usually thrive in temperatures above 60 degrees, said Harrison. Pests are more likely to invade your home during the summer, which means you should take precautions now to stop them before they become a problem. Eliminating yard clutter, including wood piles, leaf piles and any backyard junk stored on your patio or in the yard, can deter pests looking for a new home. When clutter piles up inside your home, you may be more likely to have roaches, ants and rodents making their way inside for food and shelter, Harrison said. Warm-weather pests are more than just a nuisance, as they present potential health risks for you and your family. Stinging insects such as bees and wasps pose a risk through toxic reactions to their venom and through allergic reactions. Spiders, such as the black widow and brown recluse, possess poisonous glands that can cause skin irritation, nerve damage and infection. Pantry pests carry harmful bacteria that can contaminate food and products on your shelves. Take the following steps while cleaning to help prevent problems in and around your home: • Inspect windows, walls, doors and the roof for spaces where pests could potentially enter. Seal interior and exterior gaps and cracks around your home to prevent pests from entering. • Keep ventilation systems clear and running. • Vacuum regularly. You can use a vacuum to remove spiders and their webs as well as other pests and debris. • Clean pantries and closets thoroughly, picking up excess food and removing any products that have been sitting on shelves for several months. Keep all food containers and non-perishables tightly sealed. • Pick up pet food at night. Don’t feed pets outdoors. • Wipe down all counters, wash dirty dishes and remove trash daily to avoid accumulation of any remnants of food that may lure pests. • If you plan to keep doors open, be sure to have a well-fitted screen with no holes or exposed cracks. Winter takes its toll on screen in windows and doors. Inspect them now for damage. • Get rid of piles of newspaper, cardboard or clothing, which can attract roaches and other pests. SPRING 2015 home&GARDEN KITCHEN More Content Now R P O E P S E O P Y RL By Melissa Erickson DIS 14 A garbage disposal is a useful appliance that makes kitchen tasks and cleanup easier, but homeowners know they can clog up and break down. “Garbage disposals are very resilient and require no maintenance, but like any appliance, they work better if you use them properly,” said Leah Kondes, spokeswoman for InSinkErator, a manufacturer of garbage disposals. The typical lifespan of a food waste grinder (that’s the proper name) is about three to five years, said master plumber Glenn Gallas, Mr. Rooter franchise owner in Arkansas. “At the end of the day, it’s not a matter of if it will break, but when it will break,” Gallas said. While many people believe a disposal works like a blender, in reality a “disposer works more like a cheese grater ... and shreds/grinds food waste rather than cutting. It does not slice/cut like a blender or food processor,” said Kondes. “When food waste is placed in a disposer, it lands on a turntable spinning at high speed. Centrifugal force and the impellers (or lugs) attached to the turntable push the food waste against a stationary shredder ring. The food Tips for garbage disposal use and care If you have a modern disposer with multiple stages of grind, your garbage disposal can handle most any food waste.” — Leah Kondes • Run disposer along with a moderate flow of cold water and gradually feed in the food waste. Continue to run cold water for a few seconds after grinding is complete. • Throw some citrus peels down the disposal to add a fresh fragrance. You can even use a whole lemon. • Use moderation. A household garbage disposal is not an industrial appliance. If you put too much waste down it, it will likely clog your home’s pipes. • Run the disposal regularly to avoid rust buildup and corrosion. • Cut large food items into smaller pieces and feed them into disposal one at a time. • Hit the reset button. If the disposal isn’t working, check to be sure the electrical breaker is on and hit the reset button. It may save you a call to the plumber. GRAHIC: CREATIVECOMMONSPIXABAY.COM DON’T is ground into small particles so that, when mixed with water, it can safely flow through your plumbing and into your wastewater system or septic tank,” she said. Problems occur when the disposal starts acting more like a blender. It appears to be working — it makes noise and moves the food down the drain — but the food isn’t being chopped up. Instead, it’s becoming a pasty substance that clogs the drain, Gallas said. “If you have a modern disposer with multiple stages of grind, your garbage disposal can handle most any food waste,” Kondes said. “If you have a standard disposer with only one grind stage, we recommend you avoid grinding large amounts of vegetable peels at one time and avoid grinding hard materials like bones and fruit pits.” How about putting ice cubes down the disposal? “Some people think putting ice cubes down a disposer sharpens the blades, but the fact is there are no blades in a disposer,” Kondes said. If you treat your garbage disposal correctly, it will serve you well for years. Below are a few do’s and don’t’s regarding your garbage disposal. • Never put your hand into a garbage disposal. To remove something that has fallen in, unplug it or disconnect the power. Locate the “jam buster.” It looks like an offset Allen wrench and should have come with the disposal. Insert the jam buster into the hole in the bottom of the disposal and work it back and forth until blades can move freely. Then use a pair of tongs or a wet vacuum to remove. • Don’t use warm water, which softens and emulsifies food, which can then stick to the blades. • Don’t put foods that are high in fiber down the disposal. Avoid starchy foods like celery, corn husks, artichokes, peas, potatoes and their peels. These foods turn into a starchy paste that will clog the disposal. • Don’t put foods like rice and noodles in the disposal. Pasta and noodles expand and can cause clogs. • Never put grease or fat into the disposal or drain. • Don’t grind glass, metal, paper or cigarette butts. • Don’t put coffee grounds down the disposal because they can accumulate and cause clogs. • Don’t use harsh chemicals like bleach or drain cleaners, which can damage drains and pipes. home&GARDEN SPRING 2015 15 Larry’s Mower Service, LLC Come see us at the AMBUCS Show! Booth 117/119 STIHL Trimmers From $129.99! STIHL Chainsaws From $179.99! Come See Our New Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Gravely ZT 34 Mowers “Built with American Craftsmanship” www.gravely.com SERVICE & SALES -WE SERVICE ALL BRANDS- Complete Sheetmetal Shop ★RESIDENTIAL ★COMMERCIAL Service Specialists On: FREE ESTIMATES Sales & Service Since 1972 620-227-3101 TOLL FREE 800-954-3101 • 309 E. 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Subject to approved installment credit with John Deere Financial. Implement bonus is in addiction to Low Rate financing and requires the purchase of 2 or more qualifying John Deere or Frontier Implements. 1$3,000 OFF or Fixed Rate of 0.0% for 60 months and $1,000 OFF implement bonus on MFWD, 2015 model year 5045E and 5055E Tractors. 2$1,000 OFF or Fixed Rate of 0.0% for 60 months and $500 OFF implement bonus on 1023E and 1025R Tractors. 3Fixed Rate of 0.0% for 60 months and $1,250 OFF implement bonus on 3023E and 3038E Tractors. Some restrictions apply; other special rates and terms may be available, so see your dealer for details and other financing options. Valid only at participating US dealers. SPRING 2015 home&GARDEN 11311 E. 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