ECONOMIC IMPACT OF KEENELAND RACING AND SALES ON LEXINGTON-FAYETTE COUNTY Prepared by the Center for Business and Economic Research Gatton College of Business and Economics University of Kentucky 2 METHODOLOGY 1 Initial study included 2014 September Yearling Sale, October Race Meeting and November Breeding Stock Sale. 2 Based on these figures, we assessed impact of the Spring Race Meeting, April Two-Year-Old in Training Sale and January Horses of All Ages Sale. 3 Data obtained thru patron intercepts, online surveys and Keeneland sales and racing data. 3 KEENELAND RACING 4 VISITING PURPOSE FALL RACE MEET PATRONSFOR VISITING FOR OF PURPOSE OF ATTENDING KEENELAND 56% 56% of the total patrons attending a fall meeting visit primarily because of Keeneland. 73% 73% of patrons outside of Fayette County visit primarily because of Keeneland. 5 RACE DAY PATRON SPENDING $12 MILLION $19 MILLION on retail on food & beverage $15 MILLION $9 MILLION on lodging on gasoline Visitors attending for the primary reason of attending the Fall Meeting spend money on retail, lodging, food and beverage, and gasoline. 4 VISITING FOR PURPOSE OF RACE MEET $900,000 Over $900,000 in local taxes are generated through hotel stays during the meet. $3.9 MILLION Over $3.9 million in state taxes are generated during the meet. 7 ECONOMIC IMPACT OF KEENELAND RACING $102 MILLION Spring Meet represents an additional $64 million in direct expenditures and $102 million in total economic impact. $99 MILLION The direct economic impact of Keeneland’s Fall Meet is over $59 million; the full economic impact is over $99 million. $200 MILLION The Spring and Fall Meet have a total economic impact of over $200 million. 8 KEENELAND SALES 9 SALES CUSTOMERS Sales participants come from over 50 countries and every state. 10 SALES CUSTOMER SPENDING $6 MILLION Sales customers spend over $6 million in lodging. $9 MILLION Sales customers spend over $9 million on food and beverage. 11 LOCAL & STATE TAXES FROM SEPTEMBER AND NOVEMBER SALES $400,000 Over $400,000 in local taxes are generated through lodging. $1 MILLION One million in state taxes are generated from the sale. 12 ECONOMIC IMPACT OF KEENELAND SALES $354 MILLION Keeneland September and November sales results in over $206 million dollars to Fayette County, the full economic impact is over $354 million. $38 MILLION January and April generate over $22 million in direct spending and $38 million in total economic impact. $390 MILLION Total economic impact of Keeneland Sales is $390 million. 13 ECONOMIC IMPACT OF KEENELAND RACING AND SALES $200 MILLION Total impact of Keeneland Racing. $390 MILLION Total impact of Keeneland Sales. $590 MILLION Total economic impact of Racing and Sales. THANK YOU NAME EMAIL NUMBER Christopher R. Bollinger 859-257-9524 ORGANIZATION Center for Business and Economic Research University of Kentucky
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