REGISTRATION PACKET 2015 This packet includes the following: INTRODUCTION LETTER THE KALEO TEAM DATES & CAMPUS INFORMATION PRICING DETAILS THE MUST READ LIST REGISTRATION/ORIENTATION PROCEDURE RULES TENTATIVE SCHEDULE/PACKING LIST CONTACT PERSON FORM STUDENT & ADULT REGISTRATION FORM MEDICAL RELEASE FORM HLGU WAIVER ROOMMATE PREFERENCE FORMS Missouri Baptist Convention • 400 East High Street • Jefferson City, MO 65101 • 800.736.6227 A ministry made possible through the Cooperative Program. Dear Youth Leader, Thank you for your interest in Super Summer 2015. We are very excited that you have chosen to be a part of what we expect to be a GREAT WEEK! Enclosed you should find everything you need to register for Super Summer. Please read through all of the contents carefully. This will help make the registration process as smooth as possible. Super Summer is designed for students who have COMPLETED 7th-12th grades. Please tell your 6th grade students that we will look forward to having them next year and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Super Summer is designed to help students grow in their faith in Christ and to equip them in building relationships and sharing their faith. But we welcome any students that you bring prepared for this experience – regardless of where they are in their journey with Christ. Super Summer will be a great place for students to understand what a relationship with Christ is all about. Your students will be sitting under the teaching of some incredible leaders during the week of Super Summer, both during the team times and during the evening worship times. We expect the maturity necessary to participate in Super Summer in accordance with the rules you will find in this packet. Please make sure you communicate these to your students clearly and know that we will be depending upon you to see that this happens. Super Summer is going to be a fun opportunity for your students. However, our greatest purpose is to help them grow deeper in a relationship with Jesus Christ! Please make note of the reduced cost for any adult leadership to attend the ENGAGE leadership development training. We are very excited about the opportunity to have youth pastors and lay leaders together for a time to be encouraged, receive training and resources, and connect with other youth pastors and lay leaders from all over Missouri. Thank you again for making plans to be with us at Super Summer. We look forward to seeing you there and are expecting God to do great things in the lives of our students. Please pray with us to that end! …because of Jesus… Matt Kearns & the LDT Questions? Contact Jeff Carson at or 573-636-0400 ext. 327 Missouri Baptist Convention • 400 East High Street • Jefferson City, MO 65101 • 800.736.6227 A ministry made possible through the Cooperative Program. THE KALEO TEAM SUPER SUMMER 2015 Over the course of the last 3 years we have seen 200+ students identify a specific "call to ministry" at some point during Super Summer. This is both exciting and telling, and begs for a next-step response from the Leadership Development Team (LDT) as we seek to "deploy and develop followers of Jesus for the Kingdom movement." The Kaleo Team at Super Summer 2015 is one of those next steps. Kaleo, a Greek word meaning "to call, to invite", will be a week-long experience that coincides with the age-graded team schedule. Student candidates for Kaleo will: Identify a specific "call to ministry". Have completed 9th grade. Submit a unique camp application along with 2 recommendations. Focus their teaching/learning time on material and experiences related to ministry calling, equipping, and practice. As you can see, we are requiring Kaleo Team candidates to submit an application along with 2 recommendations. One of these recommendations must come from a church leader, preferably a youth leader. The student may choose any other person to provide their 2nd recommendation, as long as that person takes the process seriously. Please note that application for the Kaleo Team does not guarantee placement on the Kaleo Team. Should a student not be placed on the Kaleo Team, he/she will be placed on the corresponding team according to his/her last grade completed. All Kaleo Team candidates are required to complete and send in the Registration Form, Medical Release Form, HLGU Waiver, and deposit like all other students. Contact Jeff Carson ( to receive a link to the Application. ALL KALEO TEAM APPLICATIONS AND REFERENCES MUST BE RECEIVED BY MAY 15, 2015. All camp rules provided in this information packet apply equally to those on the Kaleo Team. Just like the Red, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Green, and Silver teams, students on the Kaleo Team will be housed in dorms, participate in large group worship gatherings, and eat meals with all the other students. As a youth leader or church ministry leader, we are VERY DEPENDENT upon your recommendation. The Kaleo experience will not be designed for everyone and we urge you to encourage any candidates to take this opportunity and application seriously. Our hope is that this experience will fan into flame the desire to serve in ministry that your child/student has expressed! We believe in the next generation and desire to do all we can to deploy and develop followers of Jesus for the Kingdom movement! Questions? Contact Jeff Carson at or 573-636-0400 ext. 327 DATES & CAMPUS INFORMATION SUPER SUMMER 2015 Dates: Campus Address: Campus Phone: Directions: Telephone: Week 1 – June 8-12, 2015 at Hannibal-LaGrange University 2800 Palmyra Road Hannibal, MO 63401 Week 2 – June 15-19, 2015 at Hannibal-LaGrange University 2800 Palmyra Road Hannibal, MO 63401 (573) 221-3675 (573) 221-3675 For directions, please contact the campus directly or MapQuest® directions using the above address. Super Summer requests that calls be limited to emergency calls only. Should the students need to contact family members on a daily basis, each dormitory is equipped with phones for the students to use. However, incoming calls to Super Summer need to be limited to emergencies only. An emergency would include severe family illness or death. Calls about travel arrangements, etc., should be unnecessary. All arrangements need to be taken care of prior to Super Summer. In case of emergency during the week of Super Summer, call: Matt Kearns (573) 680-7432 – or – Jeff Carson (573) 645-1563 Housing: All Super Summer participants will be housed in on-campus dormitories at each week of camp. Adults will be housed with other adults and students with other students as much as possible. Adults, do not plan on coed housing. Room assignments will be made on a first come/first served basis with individuals within church groups assigned as close together as space permits. PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR SPECIAL HOUSING CONSIDERATIONS unless there is a health problem. If you did not include a note with your registration explaining your need, please contact the Super Summer office right away at (800) 736-6227, ext 327. Accessibility: Please understand that participation in Super Summer will involve a moderate level of physical activity, including quite a bit of walking. If there are any questions about accessibility, please contact the Super Summer office at (800) 736-6227, ext. 327. Meals: Meals will begin with supper on Monday night and will conclude with breakfast on Friday morning. Lunch on Friday will not be provided by Super Summer. If you or your students have food allergies or are on a strict diet as prescribed by a physician, please contact us, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. PRICING DETAILS SUPER SUMMER 2015 Here is a breakdown of Super Summer 2015 pricing: • Early Bird Registration Rate – $199/student o Forms & Deposit postmarked on/before May 4th. o $75 nonrefundable deposit for each student/adult registering required. • Regular Registration Rate – $225/student o Forms & Deposit postmarked May 5th through May 26th. o $75 nonrefundable deposit for each student/adult registering required. • Late Registration Rate – $249/student o Forms & Deposit must be in the LDT office by 4:00 p.m. June 1st. o $75 nonrefundable deposit for each student/adult registering required. • Adult/Leader Rate – $150/adult o Forms & Deposit must be in the LDT office by 4:00 p.m. June 1st. Here is a visual breakdown of the pricing: Tuesday Monday Sunday MAY 2015 Wednesday Friday Thursday Saturday 4/27 4/28 4/29 4/30 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6 4/26 3 31 Postmarked on/before today 6/1 Forms/deposit in our office by 4:00p.m. Postmarked on/before today Color Key Early Bird: $199.00/student Regular: $225.00/student Late: $249.00/student No Registrations Accepted THE MUST READ LIST SUPER SUMMER 2015 • REGISTRATION DEADLINES (Please reference the deadlines on the previous page.) We anticipate an increased attendance at Super Summer 2015. As a result, we will only be able to accept the first 400 student/adult registrations for each week. The only way to secure spots for you and your group is to send in your Registration Forms and Deposits. No registrations will be accepted after 4:00 p.m. on June 1, 2015. This means that forms postmarked on June 1st will not arrive in our office by the deadline and will not be added to the registration list. It is your responsibility to ensure that all Registration/Medical Release Forms, HLGU Waivers and deposits make it to our office at/before that time. • PAYMENT Deposit payments may be made by credit/debit card, check, or cash – but please do not send cash in the mail! Visit for the link to the credit/debit card payment site. All checks are to be made payable to the Missouri Baptist Convention, and deposit checks should be sent to the address listed on the Registration Form. The remainder of your balance (paid with check or cash) should be brought with you to Super Summer. • CONTACT PERSON FORM Only one Contact Person Form needs to be submitted for each church group that is attending Super Summer. The Contact Person, in most cases, is the youth leader who will accompany the students to Super Summer. • REGISTRATION FORMS Every student and leader (anyone who is attending Super Summer) must complete a Registration Form, Medical Release Form, and HLGU Waiver. Incomplete forms will not be accepted. o DO NOT send in Medical Release Forms without a Date of last tetanus shot. “Current” and “don’t know” are not acceptable answers. o • DO NOT send in Medical Release Forms without the requested insurance information. Students and adults are not required to have medical insurance to attend Super Summer. If a student or adult does not have insurance, please check “No” on the bottom portion of the Medical Release Form. ROOMMATE PREFERENCE FORMS All students and adults from your group must be listed on the Roommate Preference Form. If a particular student or adult has no rooming preference, please write “No Preference” after his/her name on the Roommate Preference Form. REGISTRATION/ORIENTATION PROCEDURE SUPER SUMMER 2015 Registration will take place in Roland Fine Arts Center on the Hannibal-LaGrange University campus. Small group leaders will be serving as greeters at each campus entrance. REGISTRATION: The Contact Person (or representative) will come to the central registration table to pick up their group’s registration packet and pay the balance for their church group. The Contact Person (or representative) should have a copy of their final attendance list as well as all medications in hand (all meds to be turned in to Super Summer Nurse). Materials, t-shirts, and lanyards will be given out at the registration table. After picking up the group’s registration packet, the Contact Person will then proceed to the room key table (also located in Roland Fine Arts Center) to pick up room keys from the HLGU Resident Directors. CANCELLATIONS: Any cancellations will result in the forfeiture of deposit. No additions to your registration list will be allowed on the day of Registration. REGISTRATION TIMES: Churches’ registration times will be assigned alphabetically according to the city your church is from. Registration times are as follows: Cities beginning with A – K will register starting at 2:00 p.m. on Monday. Cities beginning with L – Z will register starting at 3:00 p.m. on Monday. Once the Contact Person has picked up their registration packet, he/she will distribute materials and room keys to students and accompany them to their respective dorms. Participants arriving at the dorms will be greeted by small group leaders who will help unload their luggage. After vehicles are unloaded, students are free to get settled into their rooms. They should return to Roland Fine Arts Center by 3:55 p.m. for Orientation. ORIENTATION: There will be one orientation session for all participants, adults, and students. Orientation will be held at 4:00 pm in Roland Fine Arts Center. All Super Summer attendees must attend orientation. You will go to dinner, as indicated on the 2015 schedule, immediately following Orientation. Remember your first Team Meeting begins at 5:45 p.m. Don't be late! RULES SUPER SUMMER 2015 All participants and their parents/guardians must be aware of the expected order of conduct for Super Summer. Failing to adhere to the following rules could result in the student’s early dismissal from Super Summer at the church/parent/guardian’s expense. 1. Every participant is required to attend Monday through Friday of the week registered. Late arrivals or early checkouts are not permitted. 2. Students are not allowed off campus. No student is allowed to leave the campus at any time with anyone. Once the student is registered, they MAY NOT leave campus until check-out time on Friday. 3. Students are not allowed to ride in or on any vehicle. Students and small group leaders will walk everywhere while at Super Summer. All cars, vans, and buses must be parked and not used from Monday’s registration through Friday’s final session. Those with personal needs should consult their Team Leader. 4. Students must attend all sessions. Late arrivals to, early departures from, or other activities/meetings during Super Summer are not permitted for anyone for any length of time. Every student is required to attend every session. 5. Students must go straight to their classrooms and leave the building when each session is completed. Remember, Hannibal-LaGrange University is an institution of higher learning conducting summer classes and regular business affairs. We must be sensitive to their needs. 6. Students must be in the dorms and have lights out at the assigned times. Breaking curfew at Super Summer is unacceptable for anyone – including adults. One violation will require an apology to the student’s entire team. Two violations could be grounds for being sent home. 7. Drugs, alcohol, any form of tobacco, firearms, weapons, or any fireworks are not permitted. Students possessing these at Super Summer will be sent home. 8. IPODs or any other mp3 players, CD players, televisions, all gaming systems, cell phones, laser pointers or any other type of electronic device (except a basic alarm clock), and water guns are not allowed. They will be confiscated or held by the youth leader and NOT returned until students leave on Friday. 9. Students must dress appropriately. If your clothes are a distraction to yourself or others, you will be asked to change. The following items are permissible to wear: anything that is discrete & proper for a Christian environment including, but not limited to, shorts, jeans, khaki/dress pants, t-shirts, polo & button down shirts. The following items are not permissible: tight or form fitting clothing of any kind, sleeveless or cut-off shirts, halter or tank-tops, anything with spaghetti straps, muscle shirts, shirts with any alcohol or tobacco or questionable slogans or bands, and shorts/pants with writing on the back. 10. Any form of Public Displays of Affection (PDA) is not allowed. 11. Ordering food to be delivered on campus is forbidden. 12. Under NO circumstances are girls to be near or in the guys dormitories or vice versa. 13. Students must wear lanyards at all times. There will be a replacement fee of $5.00. 14. Students must keep track of room keys and key cards. Lost keys will cost $30.00 to replace. Lost key cards will cost an additional $30.00 to replace. The church leader attending Super Summer with his/her students is responsible for the keys checked out by his/her students. Payment MUST be made by the church leader at time of checkout for all lost keys. No exceptions. 15. Students who are injured or ill should contact the Super Summer nurse immediately. The nurse is responsible for diagnosing illness, not your roommate. 16. Churches are responsible for damage to campus/facilities. Because the University holds Super Summer responsible for all damages, any damage or loss will be the responsibility of the churches involved. If no admission of guilt is made regarding dorm room damage, each party in the room will be billed an equal portion of the cost of repair by the church. A letter/bill will be sent following Super Summer. 17. Students are to stay in rooms assigned. Students are responsible for damages to room assigned. Changes must be approved by Super Summer office. No exceptions. Your cooperation is vital with hundreds of students and adults involved in a week of activities. We want the best for each participant this week. We want SUPER SUMMER to be the greatest five days of your life. YOUR HELP in accomplishing this goal by following these rules and making us aware of any special needs will be greatly appreciated. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE SUPER SUMMER 2015 Monday 2:00-4:00 p.m. 4:00-4:30 Registration/Move luggage to rooms Orientation 4:30-5:45 Dinner 5:45 7:45 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Report to Team Meeting To Evening Worship Church Group Time Fellowship/TBA In Dorms Lights Out Tuesday-Thursday Mornings 7:15-8:15 a.m. Breakfast 8:15-8:45 Preparing for the Day 8:45-10:30 Team Meeting 10:30-11:30 Morning Show (All together in Roland) 11:30-12:00 p.m. Lunch 1 12:00-12:30 Lunch 2 Tuesday-Thursday Afternoons 12:45 p.m. To Team Meeting 1:00-2:15 Team Meeting 2:30-4:30 Organized Recreation 4:45-5:15 5:15-6:00 Dinner 1 Dinner 2 6:00-7:00 7:00-9:30 9:30-10:15 10:15 11:00 11:30 Small Group Meetings Evening Worship Church Group Time Fellowship/TBA In Dorms Lights Out Friday Morning 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. 8:30 – 9:00 9:00 – 10:15 10:30 – 11:30 11:30 Breakfast Pack/Clean Final Team Meeting Final Worship Celebration Go home... PACKING LIST SUPER SUMMER 2015 Students and Leaders will need to bring the following items: -- Bible, journal or notebook, and a writing utensil -- Clean clothes – see #9 on the Super Summer Rules form for dress code -- Bedding – pillow, sleeping bag or sheets & blanket, etc. -- Towels, washcloths, personal toiletries, and all other basic essentials for a week away from home -- Please see #8 on the Super Summer Rules form regarding electronic devices -- All students are encouraged to bring at least one set of old clothes for some of the activities. There may be messy games during the week! Girls, no white shirts for games (colored shirts only). -- Money for the purchase of soda, pizza, and merchandise. There are snack/soda machines available on campus. Your SUPER SUMMER T-shirt is included in your registration fee, but other sale items will be available. CONTACT PERSON FORM SUPER SUMMER 2015 CHURCH _________________________________________CHURCH PHONE (__________)_______________________ CHURCH ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________________ CITY_______________________________________________ STATE ___________ ZIP ____________________________ CONTACT PERSON __________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY_______________________________________________ STATE ___________ ZIP ____________________________ HOME PHONE (__________)________________________ WORK PHONE(__________)_________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK YOUR GROUP PLANS TO ATTEND: ____________ Week 1: June 8-12, 2015 – Hannibal-LaGrange University, Hannibal, MO ____________ Week 2: June 15-19, 2015 – Hannibal-LaGrange University, Hannibal, MO PAYMENT INFORMATION: • • • • Early-Bird Student Registration Fee: $199.00 per student (if postmarked on/ before May 4, 2015) Regular Student Registration Fee: $225.00 per student (if postmarked after May 4 and on/before May 26) Late Student Registration Fee: $249.00 per student (if postmarked after May 26 and received by June 1) Adult/Leader Registration Fee: $150.00 June 1, 2015 is the final day to register. All Registration/Medical Release Forms, HLGU Waviers, and deposits must be in our (the MBC Leadership Development Team) office by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, June 1, 2015. DEPOSITS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE! NO REGISTRATION CHANGES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER JUNE 1, 2015. * The remainder of your balance is due upon arrival at Super Summer.* Please send all forms and deposits to: Missouri Baptist Convention Attn: Super Summer 400 East High St. Jefferson City, MO 65101 It is required that one adult from each church attend Super Summer for every 10 student attendees. This obligation can be fulfilled in one of two ways: 1. Attend Adult Leadership Development Training (ENGAGE). 2. Apply to serve as a small group leader. We recommend sending your adults who work with your youth to the ENGAGE Training. I verify that all forms are complete and correct. Contact Person Signature_________________________________________ Date______________________ SUPER SUMMER OFFICE USE ONLY Cash_________________ Check #______________ Total Amount $___________ Total Forms_____________ STUDENT & ADULT REGISTRATION FORM 12 SUPER SUMMER 2015 Type or print legibly in ink. Make sure all signatures are on form. Registration Forms, Medical Release Forms, HLGU Waivers, and deposits must be postmarked by May 4, 2015 to ensure the Early-Bird Student rate. DEPOSITS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE! Final registration changes are due by June 1, 2015. Please send all forms and deposits to: Missouri Baptist Convention Attn: Super Summer 400 East High St. Jefferson City, MO 65101 Name __________________________________ Gender _________ Birth Date ________/________/____________ Age ___________ School Grade in Fall 2015 _________________ Phone (_________) ______________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________ State ___________ Zip Code _________________________ Church: City/State: WEEK YOU WISH TO ATTEND: ____________ Week 1: June 8-12, 2015 – Hannibal-LaGrange University, Hannibal, MO ____________ Week 2: June 15-19, 2015 – Hannibal-LaGrange University, Hannibal, MO APPROPRIATE TEAM: (match with school grade in Fall 2015, unless applying for Kaleo) ________ Red (8th) ________ Blue (9th) ________ Orange (10th) ________ Yellow (11th) ________ Green (12th) ________ Silver (College Freshman) ________ Kaleo (called to ministry) ________ ENGAGE (Adult) T-SHIRT SIZE (Circle correct size below; t-shirt is included in registration cost.) Small Medium Large X-Large 2X-Large 3X-Large Other ___________________ I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Super Summer Rules. ___________________________________________________________ Participant Signature __________________________ Date The Missouri Baptist Convention will be videotaping and photographing at this event for possible inclusion in future materials such as web and DVD formats for advertisement, newsletters, and other promotional platforms. By your signature of agreement to the terms and conditions, you are giving Missouri Baptist Convention your consent to videotape, record, and cablecast you/your Child’s picture, likeness, voice and statements. If this poses a threat to compliance with any Missouri state laws that might apply to the participant, please call our office at 573.636.0400 ext. 329. ___________________________________________________________ __________________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________________________ Participant Signature Parent/Guardian Signature (if Participant is under 18) Date Date MEDICAL RELEASE FORM SUPER SUMMER 2015 Type or print legibly in ink. Make sure all information requested is given. Name ____________________________________________ Gender _______________ DOB ________/________/___________ Age _____________ School Grade in Fall 2015 _____________________ Phone (________) _____________________ Address ___________________________________ City _________________________ State _______ Zip Code _____________ Church: In event of emergency notify: Name Home Number Work Number Cell Phone Number 1.______________________________ (______) _____________ (______) _____________ (______) _____________ 2.______________________________ (______) _____________ (______) _____________ (______) _____________ Allergies (reactions to foods, drugs, insects) ___________________________________________________________________ Do you have – or have had in the past – any medical conditions (such as asthma, heart trouble, TB, migraine headaches, nervous disorder, stomach trouble, mono, diabetes, cancer, etc.) of which the MBC should be made aware? Yes No Please list and explain ________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medications taking (and reason) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of last tetanus shot ___________________ Are you able to take Tylenol or other aspirin medications? __________ Medical, Surgical, and Liability Waiver The person described on this registration form has my permission to be in all Super Summer activities at the place named herein and on the dates named herein, except as noted by me. If a medical emergency should arise while my child or ward is at Super Summer or in transit to Super Summer and I cannot be reached, I consent and give my permission to the trip director or representative of Super Summer to select a physician and/or hospital for my child’s or ward’s care. I also give the physician and/or hospital, as selected by the trip director or representative of Super Summer, my permission to hospitalize, treat, give x-rays, tests and to order injections, anesthesia, or surgery for my child who is named herein, which may in their sole discretion be necessary and proper under the circumstances. I do release, acquit, discharge and covenant to hold harmless the (Church Name) ___________________________of (City/State) ___________________________, the Missouri Baptist Convention, its representatives, the trip director or Super Summer staff, of any and all actions, damages, or liabilities arising out of the treatment of any sickness, or accident incurred by my said child or ward to disclose any information there acquired, if requested. I understand that in the event of a medical emergency requiring medical care, as I have authorized below, all costs for such emergency care ARE MY RESPONSIBILITY and I agree to make payment of all such medical costs. I understand that I will be notified of medical care, and that I must notify my insurance carrier. Is this participant covered by Health Insurance? Yes If “Yes”, please attach a copy of his/her insurance card. No ___________________________________________________________ __________________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________________________ Participant Signature Parent/Guardian Signature (if Participant is under 18) Date Date Waiver and Release of Liability Disclaimer: Hannibal-LaGrange University is not responsible for any injury (or loss of property) to any person suffered while participating in an activity or event at Hannibal LaGrange University for any reason whatsoever, including ordinary negligence on the part of Hannibal-LaGrange University, their agents, instructors or employees. In consideration of my participation in certain activities at Hannibal-LaGrange University, I hereby release and covenant not to sue Hannibal-LaGrange University, Hannibal-LaGrange University Board of Trustees, and any of their employees, instructors, or agents, from any and all present and future claims resulting from ordinary negligence on the part of Hannibal-LaGrange University or others listed for property damage, personal injury, or wrongful death, arising as a result of my engaging in events or activities or any activities incidental thereto, wherever, whenever, or however the same may occur. I hereby voluntarily waive any and all claims resulting from ordinary negligence, both present and future, that may be made by me, my family, estate, heirs, or assigns. Further, I am aware that some activities are vigorous involving severe cardiovascular stress. I understand that these activities involve certain risks, including, but not limited to, death, serious neck and spinal injuries resulting in complete or partial paralysis, brain damage, and serious injury to virtually all bones, joints, muscles, and internal organs, I am voluntarily participating in these activities with knowledge of the danger involved and hereby agree to accept any and all inherent risks of property damage, personal injury, or death. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Hannibal-LaGrange University, Hannibal-LaGrange University Board of Trustees, and any of their employees, instructors, or agents for any and all claims arising as a result of my engaging in these activities or any activities incidental thereto, wherever, whenever, or however the same may occur. I understand that this waiver is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of Missouri and agree that if any portion is held invalid, the remainder of the waiver will continue in full legal force and effect. I further agree that the venue for any legal proceedings shall be in the state of Missouri. I affirm that I am of legal age and am freely signing this agreement. I have read this form and fully understand that by signing this form, I am giving up legal rights and/or remedies which may be available to me for the ordinary negligence of Hannibal LaGrange University, Hannibal-LaGrange University Board of Trustees, and any of their employees, instructors, or agents. Signature of Participant Date Signature of Parent/Guardian (if participant is under 18) Date HLG ROOMMATE PREFERENCE FORM SUPER SUMMER 2015 CHURCH____________________________________CITY/STATE___________________ Use this sheet to indicate each participant’s roommate preference. Two people will be placed in each room – please plan accordingly. We will do our best to put your students together and adults together as they are listed on this sheet. Please note there is a separate form for male and female participants. All Super Summer participants from your group must be listed on the Roommate Preference Form – including all adults/leaders. Name (Female Students/Adults) Age Team Name/Color 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ HLG ROOMMATE PREFERENCE FORM (CONT.) SUPER SUMMER 2015 CHURCH____________________________________CITY/STATE___________________ Name (Male Students /Adults) Age Team Name/Color 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________
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