Questions and Answers about Ozone QUE ST IO N: WH AT IS OZON E? ANSWER: Ozone, sometim es called "activated oxygen ", contains three atoms of oxygen rather than the two atoms we norm ally breath. Ozone is the second most powerful sterilant in the world and its function is to destroy bacteria, viruses and od ors in nat ure. In teresting ly oz one occu rs qu ite rea dily in n atu re, m ost ofte n as a resu lt of lightn ing strikes that occur during thunderstorms. In fact that "fresh, clean, spring rain" smell tha t we notice after a storm m ost often results from natures creation of ozone. Ozone is also created by water falls. However, we are probably m ost familiar with ozone from reading about the "ozone layer" that circles the planet above the earth atmosphere. Here ozone is created by the sun's u ltra-violet ra ys. This se rves to protect us from the ultra-violet radiation. Additionally, each of us is exposed to high levels of ozone daily for short periods of time. This happens in heavy traffic conditions or during times when the wea ther forces th e indu strial gas es to rem ain low er to the g roun d tha n is otherw ise norm al. The combination of these two factors can result in ozone readings as high as 4 or 5 times the "regulatory" levels for continuous expo sure w ith absolutely no adverse affects as our exposure is for such short periods, and the ozo ne itself dec ays bac k to n orm al ox yge n so rapidly. QUESTION: HOW DOES O ZONE W ORK ? ANSWER: Wh ile ozone is very pow erful, it has a very sho rt life cycle. W hen it is faced with odors, bacteria or viruses the extra atom of oxygen destroys them completely by oxidation. In so doing, that extra atom of oxygen is destroyed and there is nothing bacte extra atom, only oxygen. In addition to the effectiveness of ozone, we also know that it is safe to use. We know this from our own safe exposures daily to ozone, weather, as noted earlie r, resulting from being locked in traffic, or passing through industrial areas. These exposures have no effect on us bey ond ou r acknow ledging the unp leasant odor asso ciate d w ith th is "filth y air". It is the v ery unp leasantne ss of this air that provides ozon e with it's "built in" safety mech anism . Ozone is safe becau se we notice it's un plea san t odo r at very residual levels. By residual we mean, the am ount of ozone that is produced in excess of the required amount to eliminate whatever contamina tion that may be present in the room. This equipmen t, when installed correctly will not exceed government guidelines for continuous safe exposure. Even if installed incorrectly, ozone provides its own protection, as ozone warns us in a manner similar to smoke in a room. Ozone does this by becoming so offensive at 1.5 parts per million that we would not be able to stay in the environment for any more than a short pe riod. Th is is much like what would happen if we entered a smoke filled room. However, while smoke might harm us, research has proven that such a limited exposure to such a low level of ozone would have no serious long term affect on us just as it does not affect u s wh en ca ugh t in a traffic jam durin g rush hou r. Carrying that ex am ple one step furth er, this equ ipm ent is in capa ble of producing ozone in sufficient quantities even if installed incorrectly and left running continuously, to cau se an y lon g term risks to you r hea lth even assu m ing that you cou ld sta nd there and be exp osed to it (rem em ber th e sm oke exam ple) . QUESTION: HOW IS OZONE PR ODU CED? ANSWER: There are basically two methods of producing ozone...ultra-violet and corona discharge. Most equipment uses the corona discharge method, simulating in essence, lightning. Equipment utilizing UV is now hard to find because it is ine fficien t, exp ens ive to ope rate, u nreliab le, an d ve ry costly to service compared to the modern corona discharge equipmen t now available. QUESTION: HOW LONG D OES THE O ZONE LA ST? ANSWER: As soon as ozone is formed in the generator and dispe rsed in a room som e of it decay s back into oxygen. This step occurs by several processes including the following: Natural decay (or revision to oxygen) due to ozone chemical instability. Speeding up of the above process by the presence of such as walls, carpets etc. stimulating the decay process. Oxidation reaction with odor causing organic material, which removes ozone. Reactions with bacteria etc., which again consumes ozone by oxidation reactions. Additiona lly ozone itself has a half life which means that "residu al" ozon e created (extra u nne eded ozon e) will retu rn to oxy gen with in at most 3 0 m inutes, in amounts equal to half its leve l. Wh at this m ean s is that after each subsequent 30 minute period there would be half as much residual ozone left at the end of the period as wa s presen t at the b egin ning of the pe riod. Th is is sim ilar to a ge om etric progression of 16;8 ;4;2 ;1. In pra ctice the h alf life is usually less than 30 minutes due to temperature, bacterial, and other contaminants in the air. Therefore, ozone while very powerful doesn't last long...just does it's job and disappe ars. QUESTION: WILL THE ODO R COM E BACK ? ANSWER: No. If ozone is applied properly it destroys (oxidizes ) the source of the odor. However, in the case of mildew the odor will return if you are unable to get rid of the moisture that is the source of the mildew. QUESTION: HOW DOES O ZONE H AND LE TOBAC CO SM OKE? ANSWER: It eliminates the irritation caused by phenol gas ses, by oxidiz ing them . Phe nol gas ses a re the invisibl e pa rt of tobacco sm oke that causes such discomfort to one's eyes and create the offensive odors. Ozone rids any environment of the effects of smoke completely, rather than merely filtering out some of the visible particles like an "electronic air cleaner". QUESTION: WILL OZONE REMOVE STAINS AND NICOTINE BUILD UP ANSWER: No, ozone will not remove the stains or nicotine build up. Ozone will deodorize and help to decon tam inate the problem but will not remove the actual substance. QUESTION: WHA T IS THE RIGHT LEVEL OF O ZONE? ANSWER: The right level is when all the generated ozon e is bein g use d up accom plishin g its job. How ever, this is difficult to obta in because it becomes a balancing act. Initially the machine's output is set high to get rid of the problem odor as quickly as possible. As this is being accomplished less ozone is required for the diminishing odor etc., thereby leaving som e resid ual ozo ne in the a ir. If the m ach ine outp ut is n ot tu rned dow n afte r aw hile then m ore residual ozone w ill be in th e air. If the re is a heavy smell of ozone, then there is more ozone present than is required to do the job. Simply turn the rheostat (output level control) down. This is a case where m ore is not c onsidered better. Sales successes result when the dealer ensures that the results are what the customer expects. The m ost successful dealers usually install equipment on a trial b asis and return to the trial locatio n 24 hours later to ensure that residual ozone levels are not to high and that the customer knows how and wh en to reg ulate th e m achin e to avo id a stron g oz one sm ell. QUEST ION: IS OZONE HARMFUL AND WHAT IF ANY ARE THE LONG TERM EFFECTS? ANSWER: Ozo ne h as bee n kn own for alm ost a cen tury n ow, so quite a lot is know n ab out it. Severa l regula tory agencies, includ ing O SH A - O ccup ation al safety a nd h ealth agency - have stipulated that the safe allowable level of residual is .08 ppm. based upon the historical safety of ozone. Note that this permissible level is for continuous exp osu re through out an en tire 8 hour day for 5 day s a week. If anyone is exposed to that concentration of ozone, it is usually as the by product of an ind ustrial proces s like arc-w elding . The tem pora ry affec ts of su ch a low exp osu re wou ld range from heada ches, to sore throats, irritation in the eyes, nose and the like, similar again to what we w ould experience in a traffic jam. QUESTION: HOW CAN YO U TELL THE LEVEL OF O ZONE? ANSWER: There are a number of mechanical methods available, the most common and effective being the Draeger tube. Residual ozone becomes apparent to sensitive humans in the range of .01 - .03 ppm. or well below the perm issible levels for continuous exposure. As noted previously, this residual ozone is extra ozone that is not required to eliminate the contamination. Adjustment of the rheostat is all that is required. QUESTION: WHAT AR E THE APPLICABLE REGULATIONS REGAR DING OZONE? ANSWER: In Canada the Worker's Compensation Board of B.C. guidelines stipulate that continuous exposure 8 hou rs a da y for 5 days per week in an environment containing .08 ppm. of ozone is safe. The normal concentrations that we w ill be using w ill be in the range of .01 - .03 p pm . well within th e guideline s. QUESTION: CAN O ZONE B E HELPFUL IF THE CUS TOMER PURCH ASES C RYOV AC'D BEEF? ANSWER: Yes. If the prem ises w here m eat is hung, cut and even tually cryovac 'd, are treated with ozon e, then this meat will be virtu ally con tam inatio n free as it is be ing p acka ged in the cry ovac. A nd w ill conseq uen tly retain its good looks and stay fresh m uch longer before being sold or used than meat packed in an ozone free room wh ere both odo rs and bacteria count will be high. Treatment of coolers and cutting packaging rooms with ozone ensures not only a contaminant free environ m ent, bu t also a clea n sm elling room that cu stom ers and em ploye es alike a ssociate with a carin g an d prog ressive m ana gem ent. QUESTION: HOW OFTEN D O THEY REQ UIRE MAINTEN ANCE:? ANSWER: Un der he avy d uty use, or severely polluted areas CRYSTAL AIR ozone gen erator should be inspected every 2 to 3 w eeks for fine d ust or oily residue collecting on surfaces of generator unit or plates. Light duty use requires cleaning every 2 to 6 months depe ndin g on severity of p ollution . NOT E# If a fine dust o r oily residu e app ears, it is tim e to follow the recomm ended cleaning procedures. IMPOR TANT N OTE ON OZON E It is not necessary that you even sm ell the sweet smell of ozone (compared to fresh country air following a thu nd erstorm ) for it to be effective. Even roses are an objectionab le odor to some people, wh en in excess. A BASIC GUIDE TO DEODORIZATION USING OZONE GENERAL OZONE SHOCK TREATM ENT PROCEDURE : Recomm ended eq uip m en t: Com mercial PRO 3600-1, PRO 3600-5, PRO 5,000, or PRO 10,000 Residential PRO 420, PR O 70 0, PRO 3400 -1, or PRO 36 00-1, or PRO 3600 -5 The idea of an ozone shock treatment procedure is to eliminate the initial odors and contam ination from the air and surfaces and the n provide con tinuous con trol over recurring contam ination by way of ozon e. First we m ust assess the extent of the odor problem in orde r to determine the size of the Crystal Air ozone generator which would be required to sufficiently eliminate the problem odor in a reasonable period of time. Once we have chosen the ideal size of ozone generator for the pa rticular treatm ent a rea, the ozone generator should be placed pointing in the direction of the problem area. Strong fans mu st be placed throughout the area being treated to provide good ozone distribution. Op erate the o zon e genera tor at it's hig hes t cap acity for as lo ng as it ta kes to elim ina te the od or pro blem . In mos t cases it takes only a few minutes to do a shock treatment. If it is a type of odor th at is abs orbed in furnitu re, walls and bedding, for example, cigarette smoke, takes only 30-120 minu tes with the proper sized ozone generator. After the shock treatm ent pro cedu re is com plete, air ou t the room , if the od or is expe cted to co ntinu e place a Crysta l Air ozone generator and m onitor controller permanen tly in the area operating at a low level. Severe cases m ay requ ire a 24 + h our tre atm ent. Mild er cas es m ay n eed a sm aller u nit or use low er ou tpu t settin g. If your g oal is to reduce or eliminate a toxic contamination, bacteria, etc. a test should be performed to ensure that the app lication wa s succes sful. NOTE# while performing a shock treatment, make sure that all people, pets, plants and other animals are vacant from the area to be treated. Also while using HIGH concentrations in a room, be sure that ozone does not leak into connected or occupied room s by wa y of furnace vents or wa ll cracks etc. HOTEL AN D M OTE L R OOM DE ODO RIZIN G. Recomm ended equ ipm ent: PRO 420, PR O 70 0, or for larger rooms use a PRO 3400 -1 or 3600 -1 Od ors left behind by guests can quickly and efficiently be elim inated by the use of C rystal Air ozone generators and liquid deodorizers. These rooms can generally be deodorized in 30 to 60 minutes for cigarette or alcohol etc., by using a PRO 420, PRO 700, PRO 3400-1, or PRO 3600-1. Air out room by opening windows for 2-4 hrs before re entering. House keepe r shou ld also wet/dry vacuum the contaminated areas, (ex. vomit, spilled milk, spilled beer) with a good detergent solution 24 hrs before deodorization procedure is performed. Application pro ced ure : After the room has been cleaned, place the ozo ne g enera tor on a co unte r and turn on , allow to run a pprox im ately 30-60 min. Rem ove the generator and allow the room to sit unoccupied for about 2-4 hours. If there are any lingering odors, retrea t for 1 h our. GROCERY STORE STORAGE AREAS: Recomm ended equ ipm ent: PRO 420, PRO 700, PRO 3400-1 or PRO 3600-1. PRO 3600-5, PRO 5000, PRO 10,000 To reduce odors and reduce cross contamination of foods to other foods, install a Crystal Air ozone generator in an out of the way place, with an additional fan to circulate the ozone efficiently throughout the entire area to be treated. Next install an ozone generator monitor controller in the center of the treated area to ensure the levels of ozone do not exceed the limits set by the Workers Compen sation Board Of BC which are .08 ppm. averaged over an eight hour wo rk period. The controller will cycle on an d off as needed to m aintain an d control the ozon e at the proper levels. SMOKING LOUNGES: Suggested Size : PR O-36 00 -1, P RO 36 00 -5, PRO 5000, PRO 10000. Dependent on the size of room and contamination lev el. The Crystal Air ozone generator should be properly sized for the specific area and number of possible smokers. The Ozone gen erato r should be hooked into the air handling system in order to ensure proper distribution. ( Mounting brack ets are available for the PRO 360 0, 5000, & 10000 ). An ozone controller should also be used in order to en sure safe levels are not e xcee ded . If a controller is not used adju st Cry stal A ir ozo ne g ene rator so tha t can not d etect the o zon e or th e pro blem odo r. Beg in with the ozon e gen erator on low se tting a nd w ork you r way up slo wly . One p erson a t the esta blishm ent sh ould be in charge of adjusting the ozone generator output as the number of smokers increase or decrease. If ozone is set for 40 smokers and 30 va cate, the n the ozon e gen erator sho uld be ad justed to low er setting , otherw ise the a ir will b eco me excessively ozonated and possibly cause sore throat or headache. OFFICES AND STORE FRONTS : Recomm ended equ ipm ent: PRO-360, CA -15, C A-55 -1, 34 00 -1 De pe nd en t on the size of roo m an d c on tam ina tion lev el. The same procedures are used here as in the smoking lounges with one exception, That usually there is no smoking in offices and store fronts, therefore a smaller ozone generator may be required. ITEM DEO D ORI ZA TIO N (Mattress, couch, cloths, books, etc) Most obnoxious odors such as mold, mildew, sm oke, etc. can easily be removed from Ma ttress, couch, cloths, books, etc etc. You can easily make or utilize a room of proper size to accommodate all the articles to be deodorized. Place circulating fans in the roo m to vigoro usly blow the ozone around the room to penetrate the porous ma terials. If possible route fresh air into the ozon e gen erator to red uce ox idation of the com pon ents. Pla ce the item s to be d eodo rized in the room and operate the ozon e generator on full. This procedu re may go on for 1-72 h rs depend ing on th e circumstan ces. Recomm ended equipment: PRO 420, PRO 700, PRO 3400-1 or PRO 3600-1. PRO 3600-5, PRO 5000, PRO 10,000 & C20 liquid deodorizer For comm ercial restoration ozone rooms you should use .5-2 g/hr ozone for every 100 sq/ft, depending on how fast the job needs to be done and how b ad the problem is. W ith .5 g/h r / 100 sq/ft you should treat for 12-24 hours +, with 2 g/ hr / 1 00 sq/ft it sho uld only take abo ut 4 -8 h ours . For the do-it-yourself home owner, the treatmen ts can be done in a smaller room to allow the use of a m uch smaller unit. Just calculate the size of your largest roo m to come up w ith the size of unit that you will require. Also most hom e ow ners are not in as much of a rush to do the job, if this is so you can probably do the job with 1/4 of the above recomm ended ozone production. Application pro ced ure s: The PRO 420 and the PRO 700 are ideal for doing small shock treatments. Simply place the item in a room that will not allow ozone to leak into occupied areas. Place an appropriately sized ozone generator in the room along with a circulation fan and set the level control to full. Turn the generator on, close and lock the door. Allow to operate for the above recom me nded times. Turn th e ozone g enerator off and close the d oor on ce ag ain for about 3-4 hou rs befo re returning to the room to allow the remaining ozone to convert back to oxygen. The PRO 340 0-1 is functionally the same but has a high er output and is upgradeable. The PRO 3 600-1, PRO 36 00-5, PRO 500 0, and PRO 10 ,000 are the best units for commercial shock treating item s in a room. Th ese units allow the use of a hose to rout the ozone into the ozone room or fresh air into the ozone gen erato r, this keeps the generator from oxidizing itself. The PRO 3600-1 is also upgradeable, if more ozone is needed for a specific jo b or y ou n eed to do the tre atm ent faster, ju st ad d an extra gen erato r plate. For this re ason th is is th e best un it suited to a com m ercia l applica tion . Im po rtan t: -If the odor w as cau sed b y a liqu id con tam inatio n suc h as m usty od or from a leak, you mu st first fix the leak or the problem will come back. -If the odor was caused by a liquid contamination, the area needs treated with C20 to ensure that the odor will not co me back. DECOMPO SED PROTEIN: Recomm ended Equ ipm ent: PRO-3600-1, PRO-3600-5, PRO 5000, PRO 10000 Depending on the size of room to be treated. Protein contamination is the result of food products such as milk, fish, mea t, eggs etc. Other sources are from human or animal bodily discharge (like blood, urine, feces etc), decomposed meat, decomposed animal within a crawl space, death scene (decomposed body). In all cases of decomposed protein, the source of the odor must be removed as the first step to d eodo rization . (It is recomm ended that gloves an d a respirator be worn to reduce the exposure to fleas and deadly contamination). Next treat the contaminated surfaces of the floor or any other items the protein was contacting with a liquid san itizin g solutio n to k ill the con tam ination . The n a g ood liqu id d eod orizer like C20 or equivalent should be applied to all contamina ted surfaces. Once the liquid sanitizing and deodorizing has been applied and has had time to dry 100% , the Crystal Air ozone generator may b e placed in the treated area at a setting of medium to high to elim ina te the ga seou s odor ab sorb ed b y the w alls a nd furniture etc. Use a strong fan to help force ozone into the p ores o f wa lls an d furn iture fabric . Note # Ozone may be set on a low setting before the technician enters th e room to deo dorize th e air in order to m ake th e env ironm ent m ore com fortable to wo rk in. FIRE AN D F LO OD R ES TO RA TIO N. Fire & flood odors are easily taken care of with a Crysta l Air ozon e gen erator & C 20 liq uid d eodo rizer. C20 liquid deodorizer is a non fragran ce deo dorizer id eal for use in fire & flood restoration prior to ozo natin g. All Crystal Air Ozone generators utilize corona discharge technology, creating a reliable long lasting oz one gen erator that will last for years to come. Click h ere to go to th e Crysta l Air Hom e Pag e for inform ation on ou r ozon e gen erators an d liqu id deodorizers. In cases of small fire and smoke damage (e.g.: Grease Fire on stove, Severe toaster fire, fire place back through, ma ttress fire, electrical fire etc). With smoke fumes the premises should be thoroughly cleaned including the forced air furnace system before deodorization b egins. Place a Crystal Air ozone generator on each level of the building accompan ied with a good blower fan to force the ozone through the small pores of the walls, carpet, and furniture. This process m ay tak e up to 24- 72 h ours for ad equ ate resu lts to be achieved. Furniture and mattresses may need additional treatment by draping a sheet of plastic over them and placing an ozone generator underneath for approx. 1_2 hours. Note: Odo rs created in a hot en vironm ent are e m bed ded deep er in the pores of the ma terials such as curtains, furn iture , wa llbo ard etc. This is d ue to p ores exp and ing w hen hot an d closin g w hen cold. A w arm environ m ent w ill always prod uce bette r results than a cold one wh en d eod orizin g a g aseo us o dor. Recomm ended equ ipm ent: PRO 360 0-1, PRO 3600 -5, PRO 5,000, or PRO 10,000 & C 20 liquid deodorizer For comm ercial type restoration jobs you should use .5-2 g/hr ozone for every 100 sq/ft, depending on how fast the job needs to be done and how bad the problem is. With .5 g/hr / 100 sq/ft you should treat for 3-4 days +, with 2 g/hr / 10 0 sq /ft it sh ould on ly tak e ab out 12- 24 hou rs. For the do-it-yourself home owner, the treatments can be done one room at a time to allow the use of a m uch smaller unit. Just calc ulate the size of your largest room to com e up w ith the size of unit that you will require. Also m ost h om e ow ners are not in as much of a rush to do the job, if this is so you can probably do the job w ith 1/4 of the above recomm ended ozone production. Application Procedures: Site pre paratio n: 1. All dam aged item s need to be rem oved from th e area a s well as an y carpe t, wall b oard, or oth er build ing m aterials that are to be rep lace d. 2. Thoroughly clean all areas possib le, and deod orize w ith C2 0 liqu id deodorizer (4oz/gallon of water). Allow the C20 to com pletely dry, It does its job as it dries. The odor may actually seem to get worse until it dries due to the fact that C20 is a tru e deodo rizer a nd con tain s no fragra nce to "cov er" the od or. FIRE NOTES: It will be mu ch m ore difficult to deodorize if Inorgan ic items such as plastics etc. were burnt in the fire. The C20 works m ainly against organic odors, if the odor is from an inorganic item like plastic, repeated ozone applications m ay elim ina te it. FLO OD NO TE S: If it is a flood, a spill, or any damage from a liquid, do not miss this step. Also ensure that the area is soaked in C20 to the same degree as the original flood or spill, this will ensure that the C20 p en etra tes to th e sa m e dep th as the dam age is. Ozone applica tion : Place the ozone generator in an area that will provide the best circulation and distribution of the ozone. Run an extension cord from all generators to the receptacle closest to the exit door. Use auxiliary fans to help with circulation, this will also help to drive the ozone into the pores of the materials. Turn the generator/s to full output and to the on position. Leave the premises and lock all entrances. Allow the ozone application to operate for the above recomm ended time. If the problem is especially bad increase the amount of o zone used or the length of the application accordingly. Upon returning to the premises, turn off the ozone generators by unplugging the extension cord. Leave the premises and lock all en trances . Allow the bu ilding to sit for 4-8 hrs, this allows the remaining ozone to convert back to oxygen and reduce ozone exposure. MOLD AN D M ILD EW RE D U CT IO N Mold, mildew, and fungus can be oxidized with ozone. Crystal Air ozon e gen erators red uce or elim inate the ability for the exposed mold, mildew and fungu s to grow as w ell as oxid izin g th e existing m old. Mo ld and m ildew g row in dark and hum id places w here there is a lack of fres h ox yge n. In a ll cases th e m oistu re an d hum idity in th e w alls, flo or etc., mu st first be removed or solved permanently to effectively eliminate the problem mold and odor. On ce m oisture is removed, all vis ible m old and m ildew shou ld b e rem oved, th en a sho ck trea tm ent procedu re can be preformed lasting for 24-7 2 hrs. A sm all ozon e gen erator can be us ed to help control continuous m ildew proble m odors if the y persist. Recomm ended eq uip m en t: Co m m erc ial: PRO 3600-1, PRO 3600-5, PRO 5,000, or PRO 10,000 For commercial mold treatments jobs you should use .5-2 g/hr ozone for every 100 sq/ft, depending on how fast the job needs to be done and how bad the problem is. With .5 g/hr / 100 sq/ft you should treat for 1-2 days +, with 2 g/hr / 100 sq/ft it should o nly take ab out 6-12 hours. For the ho m e ow ner: PRO 420, PRO 700, PRO3400-1, PRO 3600-1, PRO 3600-5, PRO 5,000 For the do-it-yourself home owner, the treatm ents ca n be don e one room at a time to allow the use of a much smaller unit. Just calculate the size of your largest room to come up with the size of unit that you will require. Also most hom e ow ners are not in as much of a rush to do the job, if this is so you can probably do the job with 1/4 of the above recomm ended ozone p rodu ction . Application Procedures: Site preparation: 1. Mo ld u sua ly occ urs becau se of a leak or hum idity pro blem . This lea k or hu m idity problem m ust be fixed or solved or the pro blem will con tinue to persist. 2. All damaged or rotten items should be rem oved from th e area a s well a s any carpet, wall board, or other building m aterials that are to be rep lace d. 3. Thoroug hly clean all areas p ossible, remove an y visible m old, mildew , etc. Ozone application: Place the ozone generator in an area th at will p rovide the best circulation and distribution of the ozone. Run an extension cord from all generators to the receptacle closest to the exit door. Use auxiliary fans to help with circulation, this will also help to driv e the ozone in to the po res of th e m ateria ls. Tu rn the ge nerato r/s to full output and to the on position. Leav e the premises a nd lock all entrances. Allow the ozone application to operate for the above recomm ended tim e. If the problem is especially bad increase the amount of ozone used or the length of the application accordingly. Upon returning to the premises, turn off the ozone generators by unplugging the extension cord or use tim ers available at your local lumber store for less than $20. Leave the premises and lock all entrances. Allow the building to sit for 4-8 hrs, this allows the remaining ozone to convert back to oxygen and reduce ozone exposure. Special notes on m old, mildew , etc. - Crys tal A ir ozone gen erators help to redu ce or elim inate th e ability for the exp osed m old, m ildew and fung us to grow. However mold an d mildew grow in d ark and h um id places w here there is a lack of oxygen and is usually caused by a leak, imp roper drain age, or h igh h um idity. In all cases the m oisture and h um idity in the wa lls, floor etc., mu st be removed perm anently to effectively eliminate the problem. - In all cases you m ust do a test to know the effectiveness of your ozone ap plication. If you do not test before and after the treatmen t you will not know whether it was effective. This test should b e don e on a regula r sched ule to ens ure that the contamination does not return. MUSTY BOOKS: Sug geste d Size: P RO -360 0-1, PR O-3 600 -5 Books must be placed in a room and be opened as wide as possible. Arrange Crystal A ir ozone gen erator an d fan to blow over the books. This process should take no more than one hour. Repeat if necessary. PET OD ORS ! Pet odors a re easily eliminated with the proper application of C20 and ozone. If you have a pet odor from urine on the carpet, etc. Crystal a ir has th e only com plete so lution availa ble. C2 0 deo dorizer a nd a n ozo ne g enera tor will tota lly elim inate the odor for good. Recomm ended Equ ipm ent: Com mercial PRO 3600-1, PRO 3600-5, PRO 5,000, or PRO 10,000 For commercial pet odor treatme nt jobs you sh ould use .5-2 g/hr ozone for every 100 sq/ft, depend ing on h ow fast the job needs to be done and how bad the p roblem is. W ith .5 g/hr / 1 00 sq /ft you sh ould treat for 1-2 d ays + , with 2 g/hr / 100 sq/ft it should only take ab out 6-12 hours. Residential PRO 420, PRO 700, PRO3400-1, PRO 3600-1, PRO 3600-5, PRO 5,000 For the do -it-you rself hom e ow ner, the trea tm ents ca n be don e one room at a time to allow the use of a m uch smaller unit. Just calculate the size of your largest room to come up w ith the size of unit that you will require. Also most hom e ow ners are not in as much of a rush to do the job, if this is so you can probably do the job with 1/4 of the above recomm ended ozone p rodu ction . Application Procedures: Site preparation: 1. All da m aged item s need to be removed from the area as well as any carpet, pet beds, wall board, or other building or pet b edd ing m ateria ls tha t are to be rep lace d. 2. Thoro ugh ly clean all areas possible, and deodorize with C20 liquid deodorizer (4oz/gallon of water). Allow the C20 to com pletely dry, It does its job as it dries. The odor may actually seem to get worse until it dries due to the fact that C20 is a tru e deodo rizer a nd con tain s no fragra nce to "cov er" the od or. Important Ens ure that the area is soaked in C20 to the same degree as the original pet urine, this will ensure that the C20 penetrates to the sam e depth a s the dam aging odor is. Ozone application: Place the ozone generator in an area th at will p rovide the best circulation and distribution of the ozone. Run an extension cord from all generators to the receptacle closest to the exit door. Use auxiliary fans to help with circulation, this will also help to driv e the ozone in to the po res of th e m ateria ls. Tu rn the ge nerato r/s to full output and to the on position. Leav e the premises a nd lock all entrances. Allow the ozone application to operate for the above recomm ended tim e. If the problem is especially bad increase the amount of ozone used or the length of the application accordingly. Upon returning to the premises, turn off the ozone generators by unplugging the extension cord. Leave the premises and lock all en trances . Allow the bu ilding to sit for 4-8 hrs, this allows the remaining ozone to convert back to oxygen and reduce ozone exposure. Special notes on pet odors. 1. If the odor originated from urine it is VERY important to treat with C20 first and m ake su re that it is soa ked in well. 2. If the pets bed is the source o f the odo r, or if the pets lived in the area for a long time all porou s floor areas sh ould be treated with C20 prior to the ozone treatment. This will help in deodorizing the pet dander and body oils that have fallen through the carpet to the floor board, if this step is not done the odor m ay co m e ba ck an d req uire re treatm ent. GARBAGE R O O M S: Recomm ended Eq uip m en t: PRO Series 3600-1, 3600-5, Depending on the size of garbage room Place the Crystal Air ozone generator on a shelf above the d oor entrance positioned so the air stream blows away from the sensitive entrance area. An additional oscula ting fan will greatly e nha nce th e deod orization results by m ixing all the co ntam inated air efficiently with the g ene rated ozone. A shock treatment procedure may be required as the first step to treatment in a garbage ro om . (Refer to OZONE SHO CK TREATM ENT PRO CED UR E abo ve), dep end ing o n the severity of od ors prior to placement of Crystal Air ozone generator. Humid rooms may need dry air routed to the ozone generator with a four inch pipe or hose. C OMPACTOR BINS: Recomm ended Eq uip m en t: PRO 360 0-1, 36 00-5 , 5000 Dep end ing on severity o f odor. Crystal Air PRO series ozone generator have a hose adapter as a standard feature and can be ordered with secure SS mounting brackets. The ozon e generator shou ld be securely mounted to th e com pacto r in such an are a tha t is accessib le for maintenance but not acc essible to public or workers. Next cut a 4" hole in front of the ozone generator for the ozone to be routed through. Using a 4" PVC sewer pipe elbow, route the ozone through the hole that was cut out of the compactor in front of the ozone generator. Place an ozone controller in the compactor room to ensure that the ozone con centration does n ot exceed the m axim um safe levels. AUTOM OBILE D EO D O RI ZAT IO N Most obnoxiou s odors such as m old, mildew , smoke, etc. can easily be rem oved from cars, trucks, RV's etc. Ciga rette smoke and most other organic odo rs can be rem oved from a car, truck, boat, motor hom e etc in 1-2 hou rs. First you should clean the vehicle thoroughly. If the odor is known to be caused by a liquid such as milk or urine you shou ld first treat the area with a high quality non fragrance liquid deodorizer like C20. Ensu re that the v ehicle is com pletely 100% dry prior to ozone app lication, failure to do so may cause dam age to the interior com ponen ts. Place a Crysta l Air ozon e gen erator in ca r or truck, if the veh icle ha s air cond itionin g set the heate r/AC to recirculate the air and adju st vent fan to full. Op erate ozone a t half to full for 1-2 hou rs. Op en th e do ors and air out car or truck, check for lingering odors a couple of hours later. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Note: Caution in areas of treatment using high levels of ozone. Treat all exposed natural rubber with a silicone spray or Vaseline in orde r to prevent cracking. This is not the case with fabric covered rub ber cushion s. CAUTION: Som e car and truck odors are a result of chemical fragrance deodorizers that are non ozone depleting and therefore are ve ry difficult to eliminate. Animal dand er and oils embedded under the carpet, must som etimes be lifted and cleaned with C20 or equivalent liquid deodorizer before treatment with ozone. Recomm ended eq uip m en t: Autozone, PRO 420 , PRO 700, PRO 3 400-1, or PRO 3600 -1. & C20 liquid deodorizer Application pro ced ure s: The Auto zone runs on 12v dc for use wh ere you can n ot get A C w all volta ge or w hen you n eed it on the go. S m okers can keep th e un it on low 24 hours per day and alw ays com e back to a fresh sm elling car. Turn it up to full for 1-2 hou rs and do a low level shock treatment. If you are a smoker or have a smoker in the family, you can't go without one! The PRO 4 20 and the P RO 700 are idea l for au to de taile rs and dealers that need to shock treat 1-2 cars per day. They are the two low est priced AC ozone gen erato rs tha t we offer yet they are p ow erful e nou gh to de odo rize a sm all R V. The PRO 340 0-1 is fu nction ally the sam e bu t has a high er outp ut an d is up grad eable to a hig her ou tput. The PRO 3600 -1 Is the best unit for shock treating a car, truck, RV, etc.. The PRO 3 600-1 allows the u se of a hose to rout the ozone into the vehicle or fresh air into the generator, this keeps the generator from oxidizing itself. The PRO 3600 -1 is also upgradea ble, if m ore oz one is neede d for a spec ific job or you nee d to d o the treatm ent faster, just add an e xtra g ene rator p late. For this re ason it is th e best un it suited to a de taile r or au to de aler th at is tre atin g sev eral a uto's every day . Im po rtan t: -If the odor wa s caus ed by a liqu id contamination such as musty odor from a leak, you must first fix the leak or the problem will come back. -If the odor was caused by a liquid contamination such as pet urine, the area needs treated with C20 to ensure that the odor will not come back. BOAT AND YA CHT D E O D O RI ZA T IO N Most obnoxiou s odors such as mold, mildew , smoke, bilge od ors, etc. can easily be rem oved from boats and yachts. Boat & yacht bilge odors are easily taken care of with a Crysta l Air ozon e gen erator & C 20 liq uid deodorizer. Just place ozone generator in bilge or living quarters when at dock and operate on full for 24 hrs. Ensure that all plants pets and peop le are removed for the duration of the deod orization process. Air out th e livin g quarters of the boat or yacht befo re re entering. For heavy boat & yacht bilge odors use C20 liquid deodorizer prior to ozone application. Recomm ended Eq uip m en t: Autozone, PRO 420 , PRO 700, PRO 3 400-1 or PRO 36 00-1. & C20 liquid deodorizer Application pro ced ure s: The Autozone runs on 12vdc for use where you can not get AC wall voltage or when you need it on the go. If you are away from dock for extended periods of time and/or do not have AC v oltage on bo ard, the n the Auto zone is the un it for you. ( 120 V AC w all adapter also ava ilable). The PRO 420 and the P RO 700 are idea l for sho ck trea ting boa ts an d ya chts at do ck or a wa y if you hav e AC pow er. They are the two lowest priced AC ozone generators that we offer yet they a re pow erful eno ugh to deodorize the bilge of a 40 -50ft ya cht. The PRO 340 0-1 is fu nction ally the sam e bu t has a high er outp ut an d is up grad eable to a hig her ou tput. The PRO 3600 -1 Is the best unit for shock treating large boats and yacht at dock. The PRO 3600 -1 allows the use of a hose to rout the ozone into the bilge or other contaminated areas. The PRO 3600-1 is also upgradea ble, if m ore ozone is neede d for a spec ific job or you nee d to d o the treatm ent faster, ju st ad d an extra gen erato r plate. Im po rtan t: -If the odor was caused by a liquid contamination such as m usty odor from a leak, you may need to first fix the leak or the problem will come back. -If the odor was caused by a liquid contamination, the area needs treated with C20 to ensure that the odor will not co me back. REDUCING CONTAMINATION IN OCCUPIED AREAS If you w ish to use an oz one gen erator as an air purifier, cleaner, deodorizer, etc. in an occup ied area you m ust first realize that ozone will NOT completely sterilize any environment at a level that is safe for people, plants and pets. It may however reduce the contamination wh en used properly, if you are trying to sterilize the surfaces of an environment please refer to the shock treatment section. (Setting Ozo ne Le ve l) The right level is when all the generated ozone is being used up accomplishing its job. How ever, this is difficult to obtain because it becomes a balancing act. Initially the machines output is set high for a short time to get rid of the problem odor as quickly as possible. As this is accomplished less ozone is required for the diminishing odors, thereby leaving some residual ozone in the air. If the machines outpu t is not turned down after a sho rt wh ile then mo re residu al ozon e will b e left in the a ir. If there is a h eavy sm ell of ozon e, there is m ore ozone present than is required to do the job. Simply turn the rheostat (output level control) on the ozone gnerator down to reduce the ozone output. This is a case where more is not considered better. The levels of ozone required to deodorize most environments are from .03 ppm to .1 ppm. The Crystal Air ozone generator should be properly sized for the specific area and numb er of possible smokers or other contaminan ts. The Ozone generator should be hooked into the air handling system in order to ensure proper distribution. (The Ductzone is designed to be mounted on the ductwork or if higher output in required, mounting brack ets are ava ilable for th e PRO 360 0, 50 00, & 100 00). A n ozo ne con troller shou ld also b e used in orde r to ens ure safe levels are not exceeded. If a controller is not used (not recommen ded) adjust Crystal Air ozone generator so that the ozone or the problem odor can not be detected. Begin with the ozone generator on low setting and work your way up slowly. One person should b e in charge of adju sting the ozon e generator outp ut as the conta min ation increases or decreases. If ozone is set for 40 smokers and 30 vacate, then the ozone generator should be adjusted to lower setting, otherwise the air will become excessively ozonated and possibly cause sore throat or headache. Recomm ended equ ipm ent: An ozone generator capable of approximately 20 mg/hr / 100 sq/ft of space and an ozone controller to ensure that the ozone is kept at a safe level. The amount of ozone needed is different for every installation due to several factors: 1. Hig h h um idity redu ces th e outpu t of the ozone g ene rator. 2. The level of odor or other contamination. The stronger the problem the more ozone is needed. 3. Air exch ang e, if the room or build ing h as an exha ust, air exch ang e, etc. this m ust be taken into acc oun t. Application procedures: All Crystal A ir ozone gen erators w ith the excep tion of the Du ctzon e are of a com m ercial de sign , the ou tput is higher than .05ppm Wh erever possible the o zon e genera tor sh ould be run throu gh the a ir hand ling syste m to en sure that peo ple a re not expo sed to h igh co ncen trations from th e ozon e gen erator ou tput. All proce dures are bas ic. For m ore inten se and exten sive proc edu res, con sult Crystal Air or refe r to fire and flood manual for comprehensive procedures RULES OF THUMB: a.O dors created in a hot env ironm ent are em bedde d deepe r in the pores of the ma terials such as curtains, furniture, wallboard etc. This is due to pores expanding w hen hot and closing when cold. A w arm environ m ent w ill always prod uce bette r results than a cold one wh en d eod orizin g a g aseo us o dor. b.Hu m idity always enhan ces an odor. Existing od or causing con tam inants like bacteria an d fungu s flourish in wa rm and h um id environm ents. c.Overk ill and persistence is the successful way to deodorizing. d.An additional fan of high outp ut is ne cessary in all ozone treatm ents for optimu m resu lts. The fan will force the ozone into the small pores of the material to remove the odors absorbed. e.In all decomposed protein, use a powerful satirizer or bactericide and a pow erful liqu id deodorizer like C20 or equ ivalen t. f.Always use respirator and gloves when handling contaminated materials like rotten meats or dead anim als. g.Caution in areas of treatment using high levels of ozone. Treat all exposed natural rubber with a silicone spray or Vaseline in order to prevent cracking. This is not the case with fabric covered rubber cushions h.Hu m id air sup plied to the oz one g enera tor will result in less ozone production. Dry air supplied to a generator will result in optimum ozone production. *Cau tion:* . The w ater in moist or wet surfaces of fabrics combined with high ozone may create Hydrogen Peroxide and resu lt in bleached m aterial. Avoid high hum idity situations com bined w ith high ozon e concentrations. COMMON OD ORS ELIMINATED WITH OZONE C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Aged Books Hospital odo rs Alcohol Beverages (B ars, Lounges etc.) All organ ic wa ste Pet Od ors Au to Exhau st Bacte ria Kitchen Sm ells Oils and Greases Bathroom Od ors Body Od ors Burned Hair Burned Food Carbon Monoxide C C C C C C C C C C C C C Methyl Mercaptan (Pet Urine) Mildew Mo ld Ciga rette Smoke Rotting and Decaying S ubstances Most Orga nic Ch em icals Paint Fum es Diesel Fum es Ripe or Rotten Foods Sewer Od ors Fish Od ors Smoke Stale or Stuffy Rooms or Buildings MARKETS FOR CRYSTAL AIR OZONE EQUIPMENT OFFICE AND ENVIRONMENT (Unoccu pied Areas) C C C C C C C C C C C Garbage ro om s Ciga rette Smoke Mo ld odo rs Pet odo rs Mildew odo rs Main tenance ro om s D am p basem ents Storage ro om s Smoking lounges R estro om s Meeting ro om s SHOPPING MALLS C Food court garbage areas C Garbage com pactors HOTELS & MO TELS C Garbage comp actors (Unoccu pied areas) C Garbage areas C Linen ro om s C Change room s (Pool) C Kitchens C lounges C Hea lth clubs (W eight room s, locker rooms, dirty linen room s) C Restaurant or comm ercial industrial exhau st stack and gas stream. AUTOMOBILES & RVs C Ciga rette Smoke C Pet odo rs C Mildew odo rs PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ! ! C Rental houses (Unoccupied) Apa rtme nts (Unoccupied) Deodorizing between rentals for (tobacco, ethn ic food cooking od ors, pet odors) C C C Garbage ro om s Garbage compactor Com mon recreation rooms
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