J Neurosurg 107:666–671, 2007 Median to radial nerve transfer for treatment of radial nerve palsy Case report SUSAN E. MACKINNON, M.D., BRANDON ROQUE, B.S., AND THOMAS H. TUNG, M.D. Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri PThe purpose of this study is to report a surgical technique of nerve transfer to restore radial nerve function after a complete palsy due to a proximal injury to the radial nerve. The authors report the case of a patient who underwent direct nerve transfer of redundant or expendable motor branches of the median nerve in the proximal forearm to the extensor carpi radialis brevis and the posterior interosseous branches of the radial nerve. Assessment included degree of recovery of wrist and finger extension, and median nerve function including pinch and grip strength. Clinical evidence of reinnervation was noted at 6 months postoperatively. The follow-up period was 18 months. Recovery of finger and wrist extension was almost complete with Grade 4/5 strength. Pinch and grip strength were improved postoperatively. No motor or sensory deficits related to the median nerve were noted, and the patient is very satisfied with her degree of functional restoration. Transfer of redundant synergistic motor branches of the median nerve can successfully reinnervate the finger and wrist extensor muscles to restore radial nerve function. This median to radial nerve transfer offers an alternative to nerve repair, graft, or tendon transfer for the treatment of radial nerve palsy. (DOI: 10.3171/JNS-07/09/0666) KEY WORDS • median nerve • nerve transfer • radial nerve injury to the radial nerve in the upper extremity is common2 and can result from orthopedic injuries or their surgical management,17,31,45 direct nerve trauma,3,18,37 as part of a brachial plexus injury,26,32,54 or nerve compression.1,29,36,41,47 Radial nerve palsy may also be caused by nerve tumors,26 local inflammation,30,44,61 or idiopathic neuritis.46,50 The most appropriate management will depend on the cause, the level and extent of the injury or lesion, the degree of functional impairment, and the duration of the problem. Injury to the radial nerve in the lower arm or forearm can usually be managed by direct repair or reconstruction with nerve grafts, offering restoration of function. Proximal radial nerve injury near the axilla or higher is especially problematic because the distance and time required for reinnervation of the extensor muscles in the forearm often preclude significant recovery of function, with any delays in treatment further worsening the outcome.9,10, 21,28,33–35 In such cases or in cases of long-standing palsy, reconstruction with tendon transfers has been the mainstay of treatment.5,6,22,51 I NJURY Abbreviations used in this paper: AIN = anterior interosseous nerve; ECRB = extensor carpi radialis brevis; ECRL = extensor carpi radialis longus; FCR = flexor carpi radialis; FDS = flexor digitorum sublimis; PIN = posterior interosseous nerve; PL = palmaris longus. 666 The technique of nerve transfer has been used with increasing frequency for motor and sensory reconstruction of proximal upper-extremity nerve and brachial plexus injuries.27,38,60 Nerve transfers at the level of the upper arm and shoulder have conventionally been used to restore shoulder and elbow function after brachial plexus root avulsion injury.26,54,56 In the forearm, nerve transfers from redundant or expendable motor branches of the median nerve have been reported with good outcomes.24,25,55 In the lower extremity, motor and sensory nerve transfers have also been described in the management of extensive injuries where few alternative options exist.57 In this study we report a case of complete radial nerve palsy in the forearm treated successfully with nerve transfer of redundant motor branches of the median nerve to the PIN and ECRB branch of the radial nerve with specific nerve transfer of the synergistic FDS to the wrist extensor (ECRB) and FCR to finger extensors (PIN) (Fig. 1). Case Report History and Examination. This 32-year-old right-handdominant woman was involved in a motor vehicle accident and suffered multiple injuries including fractures of her left tibia, right humerus, and lumbar spine. Because of nonJ. Neurosurg. / Volume 107 / September, 2007 Nerve transfer for radial nerve function FIG. 1. Illustration of transfer of redundant FDS and FCR/PL branches of the median nerve in the proximal forearm to the ECRB and posterior interosseous branches of the radial nerve through a single proximal volar forearm incision. union of her humeral fracture, she underwent intramedullary rod placement in the right humerus 2 months after the accident through standard incisions at the anterior aspect of the acromion and laterally just above the elbow joint (Fig. 2). Postoperatively she awakened with a complete radial nerve palsy. No improvement in radial nerve function was seen after 7 months, and surgical exploration was undertaken, which revealed a disruption of the right radial nerve at the level of the distal screw just above the elbow joint. She had been treated at an outlying hospital and was referred at that time for treatment of her radial nerve palsy. The initial physical examination demonstrated no radial nerve function and a pinch/grip strength of 6/20 lbs on the right and 11/42 lbs on the left. Multiple treatment options and their risks and benefits were reviewed. The patient was concerned about the morbidity of nerve grafting, the likelihood of poor recovery given the time since injury, and the numerous scars required for tendon transfers as well as nerve graft harvest. She was informed that although a median to radial nerve transfer was a new option,11,12 it was the best chance for her wrist and finger extensors to be reinnervated in a timely fashion. It was decided to proceed with a median to radial nerve transfer. Operation. An incision was made in the proximal volar forearm just below the antecubital crease. The median nerve and its branches were identified with intraoperative stimulation of the FDS, FCR, and PL, the AIN, and the main median nerve. A disposable nerve stimulator with a current of 1 to 2 mA (Varistim III, Medtronic) was used to stimulate the various branches of the median nerve. The ground needle was inserted into the soft tissue near the branches to facilitate specific stimulation and identification of each of the branches. Nerve action potentials were not measured because special equipment and personnel are needed, and the quality of the donor motor nerve can be evaluated by direct stimulation and target muscle response. It is important to note that no intrafascicular dissection of the median nerve was performed. By contrast, just the branches of the median nerve itself were dissected and identified. Stimulation of the FDS branch will cause finger flexion, and stimulation of the FCR/PL branch will cause wrist flexion. If the FCR and PL branches are separate, then stimulation of the PL branch J. Neurosurg. / Volume 107 / September, 2007 FIG. 2. Radiograph of the patient’s right upper extremity following placement of an intramuscular rod for the humeral fracture. will cause visible contraction of its tendon in the distal volar forearm just proximal to the wrist, and possibly in the proximal palm because of its insertion as the palmar aponeurosis with very weak wrist flexion. Through the same incision the radial sensory nerve was identified and followed proximally to identify the PIN and the branch to the ECRB. In 667 S. E. Mackinnon, B. Roque, and T. H. Tung preparation for nerve transfer, the radial nerve branches to the ECRB and the PIN were divided as proximally as possible to maximize length for the transfer (Fig. 3). The branch to the FDS and the FCR/PL branch of the median nerve were then divided as distally as possible to allow a direct tension-free end-to-end coaptation to the ECRB branch and the PIN, respectively, using standard microneurosurgical technique. The lateral incision from the previous surgery in the distal upper arm just above the elbow was also explored prior to the microsurgical repairs to see if it was possible to reconstruct the nerve to the ECRL. Transection of the radial nerve was confirmed. There was a large proximal neuroma distal to the branches to the ECRL and brachioradialis muscles. Although the branches to the ECRL and brachioradialis were found to be physically intact, no muscular contraction was seen with electrical stimulation of the nerve branches. The radial nerve at this level was scarred even to the spiral groove. Nerve graft reconstruction was thus not possible because of the lack of a healthy proximal stump. The proximal radial neuroma was mobilized and transposed proximally into the triceps muscle to minimize chronic neuroma pain. Postoperative Course. The elbow was immobilized at 90˚ flexion for 10 days, and then passive range of motion exercises were initiated. Four months postoperatively, the patient had a pinch/grip strength of 8/20 lbs on the right (compared with 6/20 lbs preoperatively) and 12/55 lbs on the left. The first evidence of reinnervation was noted 6 months postoperatively when she first noted some wrist extension with flexion of her fingers. At 10 months postoperatively pinch/grip was 10/20 lbs on the right and 14/40 lbs on the left. At the last follow-up visit 18 months after surgery, her pinch/grip was 12/40 lbs on the right and 11/55 lbs on the left (Table 1). She now has almost complete active extension of her wrist and fingers with just a slight lag in extension of her index finger (Fig. 4). Strength was deemed as Medical Research Council Grade 4/5. This function spontaneously recovered with no motor reeducation. Pinch and grip strength on the right was improved postoperatively. No motor or sensory deficits related to the median nerve were noted, and the patient is very satisfied with her degree of functional restoration. Discussion Treatment of nerve injury has relied on primary nerve repair and grafting or tendon transfers.27 Advances in peripheral nerve surgery including improvements in surgical technique and instrumentation, and knowledge of injury patterns, nerve regeneration, and internal topography have all contributed to improvement in outcomes. Transection injuries are appropriately treated with primary nerve repair when possible,7,26,43,48 and short nerve gaps are managed with nerve grafts or more recently, nerve conduits have become a viable option for nerve gaps less than or equal to 3 cm in length.4,16,19,20 However, there is a subset of nerve injuries that are not amenable to primary repair and for which grafting is not consistently successful. These injuries include very proximal nerve injury, those in which the zone of injury is FIG. 3. Intraoperative photographs. Upper: Dissection of motor branches of the right median nerve through the proximal volar forearm incision (elbow to the right, and hand to the left). A indicates the FCR/PL branch; B, the median nerve (proximal to the AIN branch); C, the FDS branch; and D, the pronator teres branch. Lower: The FDS and FCR/PL branches (black arrow) of the median nerve are divided distally and transposed laterally toward the ECRB, and posterior interosseous branches of the radial nerve (white arrow) are divided proximally prior to direct end-to-end coaptation. 668 TABLE 1 Preoperative and postoperative measurements of the patient’s pinch and grip strength Pinch/Grip (lbs) Time Point Rt Lt preop 4 mos postop 10 mos postop 18 mos postop 6/20 8/20 10/20 12/40 11/42 12/55 14/40 11/55 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 107 / September, 2007 Nerve transfer for radial nerve function FIG. 4. Photographs taken at 1-year follow-up demonstrating restoration of finger and wrist extension of the right hand. extensive, resulting in a long nerve gap, and idiopathic nerve palsies or neuritis in which no proximal healthy nerve segment exists.9,28,33–35 For these problems, nerve transfer provides an alternative surgical option.27,57,60 The recovery of motor function following nerve repair depends on both a sufficient number of motor axons reaching the target muscle, and reinnervation prior to degeneration of the neuromuscular junction.8,10,21 In the case of proximal injury or long nerve gaps, there may not be sufficient time for regenerating axons to reach the motor endplates of target muscles before they become permanently resistant to reinnervation. Transfer of a distal nerve in proximity to the target muscle eliminates the need for nerve grafts and reduces the time required for motor axons to reach the motor endplates. A nerve transfer essentially converts a high proximal level injury to a low or distal nerve injury. As such, even a patient whose treatment is delayed remains a good candidate for distal nerve transfer reconstruction. Because the reinnervated target muscle maintains its anatomical location and attachments, a nerve transfer does not alter biomechanical factors that affect muscle function such as vector and tension.13,14 There is minimal dissection and scarring of the muscle bed that can limit muscle excursion and altogether may negatively influence the strength of a muscle or tendon transfer. Experimentally, functional deficits have been associated with the tendon repair component of a muscle transfer with no significant effect noted when a nerve repair or vascular anastomosis was performed.15 Nerve transfers are used commonly for the reconstruction of elbow and shoulder function in brachial plexus injuries.26,54 Because of the proximal level of the lesion in such injuries, especially brachial plexus root avulsions, reconstruction with long nerve grafts often restore function poorly and excellent results can be achieved with distal nerve transfers close to the target muscle(s).27,42,56 High ulnar and median nerve injuries also result in loss of critical hand functions and are also associated with suboptimal outcomes following nerve graft reconstruction because of the long distance required for nerve regeneration.26 The results of distal nerve transfers for such injuries have been very good and include transfer of the distal AIN to the deep motor branch of the ulnar nerve27,39,59 or the recurrent motor branch of the median nerve at the level of the wrist,58 and the use of redundant motor branches of the median or ulnar nerves to restore pronation55 and radial nerve function.24,25 The functional outcomes have been as good or better than alternative methods such as tendon or muscle transfers, and in many cases offer a reconstructive option in cases in which none otherwise exists. In our experience, the results from motor nerve transfers have been remarkably good and we hypothJ. Neurosurg. / Volume 107 / September, 2007 esize that an additional reason for this is the elimination of the need for a sensory nerve graft. There has been suggestion in the recent experimental literature that nerve regeneration is superior if the sensory environment can be excluded from the regenerative equation.40,49 The selection of a donor nerve branch to a muscle that is synergistic to the target muscle will facilitate postoperative therapy and motor reeducation. However, a nerve supplying a muscle that is nonsynergistic or even antagonistic to the target muscle can be used. Motor reeducation may be more complicated, however, and the use of additional therapies such as audio and/or visual biofeedback may be necessary to correctly recruit the target muscles and to minimize simultaneous contraction of the antagonistic muscles. Nevertheless, excellent functional outcome can still be achieved with a compliant patient who understands the motor reeducation strategies and appropriate hand therapy.24,25 In the case reported here, a redundant FDS branch (finger flexion) of the median nerve was used to reinnervate the ECRB (wrist extension), and the FCR/PL branch (wrist flexion) of the median nerve was transferred to the PIN (finger extension). Although median and radial nerve functions are nonsynergistic, certain movements are complementary based on the tenodesis effect (Fig. 5). This refers to the length– tension relationship between wrist position and the extrinsic flexors of the fingers. Wrist extension increases the passive tension of the flexor tendons and thereby passively causes finger flexion and increases flexion strength, whereas wrist flexion has the opposite effect. As such, the use of a donor nerve branch that contributes to finger flexion (FDS) rather than wrist flexion (FCR/PL) is better suited to restore wrist extension (ECRB). Similarly, a donor nerve branch that innervates a muscle for wrist flexion (FCR) is more appropriately used for finger extension (PIN). From a motor reeducation point of view this will facilitate the relearning process as these movements are synergistic. Wrist extension has greater force requirements than finger extension. The excellent functional results seen with this nerve transfer likely also relate to the relatively greater number of motor axons directed to the ECRB compared with the PIN branches. With this transfer, there is a slight size match discrepancy between the two nerve repairs with the PIN being larger than the ECRB. By contrast, the two donor nerves are of similar size. Thus the wrist extensor receives a relatively greater ratio of motor axons. Although we have reported good results in two other patients with this median to radial nerve transfer,24,25 we did not recognize the nuances of the transfer as well as we now do as discussed in this report. The concern of donor morbidity and downgrading of function in the donor muscle group following nerve trans669 S. E. Mackinnon, B. Roque, and T. H. Tung branches of the median nerve in the forearm very close to the finger and wrist extensor muscles are used to reinnervate those muscles by transfer without the need for nerve grafts, and with a minimal distance required for nerve regeneration and therefore faster reinnervation. Synergistic nerve transfer techniques can result in excellent function recovery without the need for significant motor reeducation and with no donor morbidity. References FIG. 5. Illustrations. The tenodesis effect refers to the length– tension relationship between wrist position and the extrinsic flexors of the fingers. Wrist extension increases the passive tension of the flexor tendons and thereby passively causes finger flexion and increases flexion strength, whereas wrist flexion has the opposite effect and allows the digits to passively extend. fer has not been clinically substantiated.23,27,38,52,53 To minimize this risk, it is therefore important that redundant or expendable motor branches are used for transfer and that adequate function remaining in the donor muscle group is verified by electrical stimulation prior to transfer. 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