11 Management Committee 2 June 2015 Parking Services For Decision Briefholder(s) Transport and Infrastructure Director: Matt Prosser, Chief Executive 1. Purpose of Report 1.1. • • To consider A decision by Dorset County Council (DCC) to take back the Agency for the operation of the On Street Parking Operation; and A request from the hoteliers & residents of Brunswick Terrace to be allowed to purchase annual car park permits. 2. Officer Recommendations 2.1. To note the decision by DCC to take back the Agency for the operation of the On Street Parking Operation 2.2. To allow the hotels and the few residents in Brunswick Terrace to purchase annual car park permits at £100 each. • Each hotel would be restricted to one permit for every three bedrooms. • The hotels would be restricted to use of the Lodmoor Country Park and Swannery car parks. 3. Reasons for Recommendations 3.1. On Street Parking Operation 3.2. DCC are the Highway Authority and have the power to terminate the Agency Agreement that has allowed Weymouth & Portland to operate the on street parking enforcement service. It should be noted that DCC have given the requisite 12 months notice of their intention and as such the Council has no option but to agree to this. 3.3. Brunswick Terrace 3.4. It is recognised that available parking for residents of Brunswick Terrace is limited. This is due to the location of the street in relation to Weymouth Bay and the beach attracting many visitors and that parking is currently free of charge. Furthermore, vehicles displaying a blue badge are exempt from the restriction of the one hour limited waiting, which further limits the ability of the hotels and residents to park in the street. 3.5. Whilst there are no public car parks in the immediate vicinity of Brunswick Terrace, the opportunity to park in either Lodmoor Country Park or the Swannery may assist the hoteliers and their guests during the coming summer season. 3.6. The recommendation to allow them to purchase car park permits may assist the hoteliers of Brunswick Terrace in the short term however a long term solution needs to be investigated. 3.7. It should be noted that this is not a quick process and the investigation would require the hoteliers and residents to now approach DCC for a scheme to resolve their issues. 3.8. Prior to the termination of the Agency from DCC, the making of Traffic Regulation Orders would have been undertaken by this Council but this will now have to be dealt with by DCC. 4. Background Information 4.1. On Street Parking Operation 4.2. DCC have given authority to this Council to operate the Civil Parking Enforcement of the roads in Weymouth and Portland under the powers of the Traffic Management Act 2004 and prior to that under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1991 since 2002. 4.3. For the last two years the County Council, having given notice to remove this authority, has not acted upon this whilst the county wide parking project was being developed. This project has not concluded its discussions and negotiations, therefore the County Council has exercised its right to carry out this service. 4.4. A team of officers from parking, HR and finance are working together, headed by Julie Strange, to ensure the transition back to the County is handled correctly and conditions relating to TUPE for staff are followed. Staff and Unions will be consulted as part of this process. 4.5. Brunswick Terrace 4.6. Brunswick Terrace is a cul-de-sac fronting Weymouth Bay with parking bays marked along the Esplanade. The parking bays restrict on street parking between the hours of 10.00am to 6.00pm to one hour with no return within one hour from the 1June to 30 September. 4.7. The length of road outside the properties has no waiting restrictions operating between 10am and 6pm. 4.8. The hoteliers / residents of Brunswick Terrace have approached this Council regarding the issue of car parking and because there are no controls in place that would assist in benefiting their guests and they claim that this is affecting their business with potential bookings being lost. It should be noted that these properties, except for one, do not have off street car parking provision. 4.9. The hoteliers complain that parking space is rarely available due to the amount of parked vehicles displaying a blue badge. It should be noted that these vehicles are exempt from the restriction of limiting parking to one hour. 4.10. The parking situation facing the hoteliers of Brunswick Terrace is not helped due to the area being quite isolated from any nearby public car parks. 1.9. • Lodmoor Country Park is some 11 to 15 minutes walk and the car park is shut between midnight and 6am. • The Swannery is some 10 minutes walk. The hoteliers have enquired if they could apply for permits in the same way that other hoteliers have that allows their guests to park in certain car parks, while a more long term solution is found. 5. Report 5.1. On Street Parking Operation 5.2. It should be noted that the decision to terminate the Agency Agreement has not been influenced in any way by this Council’s performance, as everyone agrees that this has been exemplarily and has in the recent past created a small surplus. 5.3. DCC and the other District Councils are still keen, and are continuing dialogue, to allow the Countywide Joint Parking Service to be delivered by a single host. 5.4. It is still being proposed that Weymouth & Portland are to host the Countywide Operation and further meetings are still scheduled to take place during June regarding this. 5.5. The reason for DCC’s decision to terminate the Agency Agreement is that the wider County arrangement is taking longer to resolve than expected and in the meantime DCC require the financial receipts that this service generates to offset losses they are incurring in their county wide parking service. 5.6. Brunswick Terrace 5.7. A recent consultation of the hoteliers / residents of Brunswick Terrace regarding the parking issues resulted in a 50% response. The findings suggest that while they all believe that there is a significant issue, they were not keen for Brunswick Terrace to be included in the existing Residents parking Scheme (Park District). 5.8. Subsequent discussions have seen a change of opinion as it has been recognised that while not ideal this is the only realistic solution that will provide more parking opportunities for them and their guests. 5.9. Due to the time amendments to the Residents Parking Scheme will take, it will not be possible to get the scheme designed, approved and implemented in time for this coming summer season. 5.10. The hoteliers / residents have therefore enquired whether the Council would consider allowing them to purchase car parking permits in the same way that other hoteliers do who are located within a Residents Parking Zone. 6. Financial Implications 6.1. On Street Parking Operation 6.2. The implications of the cessation and handing back of the agency to DCC will have financial implications and these have yet to be fully determined and will be reported to a later meeting. 6.3. Brunswick Terrace 6.4. It should be noted that hotels that are located within a Residents Parking Zone can apply for a Residents Parking Permit (£70 per annum). Following complaints that there was not sufficient on street parking another permit was introduced enables hotels to use certain car parks, e.g. Swannery and Pavilion. (£100 per annum), therefore the proposal is in line with current charging for other similar properties. Other Considerations: 7. Legal/Statutory Power 7.1. Weymouth and Portland Council have the powers under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to issue parking permits within its car parks. DCC have the similar powers under the same Act to introduce parking schemes on to the public highway. 8. Human Resources (including Health & Safety) 8.1. On Street Parking Operation 8.2. There may well be TUPE implications in relation to the handing back of the agency functions but these have yet to be fully investigated and again will be reported back to a later meeting. 8.3. Brunswick Terrace 8.4. The issue of car park permits can be undertaken within existing resources. 9. Risk Management 9.1. On Street Parking Operation 9.2. There may be adverse financial implications but these have yet to be quantified. 9.3. Brunswick Terrace 9.4. There is no risk involved 10. Reputation, including Communications and Consultation 10.1. On Street Parking Operation 10.2. The public will again have two different sets of Officers dealing with traffic and parking enforcement within the Borough. 10.3. Brunswick Terrace 10.4. Any long term proposal for Brunswick Terrace would require DCC to undertake a detailed scheme assessment. 11. Equalities - None 12. Crime and Disorder - None 13. Environmental Considerations 13.1. Brunswick Terrace 13.2. There is a delicate balance that needs to be protected with regard environmental living conditions of the hoteliers and residents of Brunswick Terrace and the volume of visitors parking in the street. 14. Economic Impact Assessment 14.1. Brunswick Terrace 14.2. The hoteliers believe that this proposal will have a beneficial impact on their businesses. 15. Corporate Plan (links to corporate aims & priorities) 15.1. On Street Parking Operation 15.2. The delivery of parking service through two separate organisations will be perceived to be more fragmented by the public. 15.3. Brunswick Terrace 15.4. It is suggested that this proposal supports the Council’s objective to assist small businesses to grow especially through a recession and the subsequent recovery period. 16. 17. Appendices - None Background Documents - None Report Author & Contact: Jack Creeber Telephone: 8349 Email: j.creeber@westdorset-weymouth.gov.uk
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