Treatment of Autoimmune Children with By W. M ANY CYTOSTATIC responses. velopment efficacy of of purine anemia/LlT to adults,’4’1#{176}’17 and the children Several with proved its The in by Imuran hemolytic II. II., l)orn His diagnosed febrile appeared, months anemia early illness at vomiting was admitted anemia were available ment porarily, age by were of as a result direct patient autoimage group on 3 small nonrelated After clinical At with all ( =gamma11 the to age was 4 made. Cross erythrocytes antibody. Treat- condition our of lied test 19S or un- of acquired Swiss the child’s transferred the test of the an symptoms diagnosis antigbobulin reacted was healthy, first the Laboratory improved with this anemia. Central type the of the positive ACTH first unremarkable. where nongamma this is the autoantihodies. child progressive and of this communication 3 months, which suppression application treating with sixth hospital, the de- autoimmune children in were of the 1) the rapidly a strongly prednisone and the autoantibodies and with is the small associated development and shown “incomplete’ 1961, by knowledge a brief 1 (Fic. to a local with antibodies to he 10, and with he hemolytic The Octoher birth and justify trials with difficulties to The particularly of our infants immunologic led 6-mercaptopurine. in clinical best inherent in impair property of deal to the use to this diseases, CASE parents. found with publications anemia. acquired been a derivative , been but achieved MAsSIIo autoimmune describing success L. drugs ) has and treatment hemolytic new Anemia (Imuran) AND have for antagonists rejection communication FII-rZIG ( Imuran hemolytic mune H. search azathioprine homograft Azathioprine AGENTS The of Hemolytic only hospital at tern- the age of 7 months. On skeletal boy skin Laboratory leucocytes palpable. The 16 nucleated per liver red very clean pale and and no cells was was with per felt apathetic, petechiae tone of muscles The lymph nodes Hb Findings: 16,800 was was The normal. were not were The deformities. abdomen was the admission, development. was normal. were not #{189} fingerbreadth 3.5 Gm. per essentially 100 white hut were of normal seen. The head, enlarged below physical There were thorax and the the costal cent, reticubocytes 93 differential count. cells. The per sternal From time Departnzent of Pediatrics (Director: Prof. A. Prader), University Switzerland, and the Department of Pediatrics (Director: Prof. G. de Toni), Ge,iova, Italy. This work wa.c supported by a grant from the Swiss National Foundation. First submitted Oct. 25, 1965; accepted for publication May 1, 1966. \V. 11. 1-ImTzmc, M.D.: Professor of Pediatrics, University of Zurich, Zuricim, L. \IASSmMO, M.D.: Professor of Pediatrics, University of Genova, Genova, Italy. spleen margin. normal blood no and cent, There marrow of Zurich, University of Switzerland. 840 BLOOD, VOL. 28, No. 6 (DECEMBER), 1966 1MURAN IN - HH.geb TREATMENT 10 5 61 5551 OF AUTOIMMUNE 1962 HEMOLYTIC 1963 . /1962 , 841 ANEMIA 1964 . . .**, . , . . , x ‘ IV V V VII ViU IX * XI 1965 #{149} y V XII Theropie: Prednison mo Azothioprine , #{149}__ I - Bluttronsfus. Blut: - - Reti Hb% 100 400 . Coombs-Td,rekt + - Fig. showed the intense marrow erythroid cells. acterized as an 1. Progress hyperplasia Total per cent, bilirubin Direct and indirect 1.-Case protein with was 3.2 mg. per antiglobulin “incomplete” 5.5 cent, test chart. an Gm. otherwise per osmotic showed non-gamma normal cent, serum resistance + + + . The globulin distribution iron 221 slightly antibody antibody of gamma diminished. was char- with great thermic amplitude. A of diagnosis bodies severe of nongamma with Treatment tuted. The On the was in quite During good the therapy came to per cent. were in most made.* as a doses of prednisone transfusion above of 8 Gm. The child months Each soon instances, direct change anemia with warm as seemed (40 packed per cent recovered several time, the to antiglobulin test was in the characteristics mg./day) was erythrocytes and the rapidly was reticulocyte and within decrease the dose be attempts to new signs however, was reduced active to below precipitated positive of the of by throughout antibodies intercurrent therapy. test his patient’s to thank course to institute seemed while antigens hospital admission, and Dr. at home. A. Fischer, azathioprine advisable it standard immunoelectrophoresis #{176}We wish the to a second still from on steroid September quantitative Hitzkirch, The this time. However, a gradual from nongamma to gamma-type to capacity be- These, infections. impaired. It was therefore of the young age of the decided patient, prednisone 10 mg./day. therapy, tissue 1963, weeks hemolysis soft During instigiven. count two was noted. As a side effect of the longstanding prednisone rounding of the face developed and growth of bone and forming anti- condition. following apparent hemolytic made. high day rose to 10-25 acquired was relatively second hemoglobin dropped acute type his most Because antibody- therapy. 13 to determination for a marked was grossly valuable Novemeber of immunogbobuhelp in controlling 11, 842 1111-zIG lins ( gammaG, was immunized weekly antibody per gammaA, intervals. titers ml.; range On 17, was discontinued. cent 0.2-2.0 very per the cent. develop attack child the disease. exacerbation became, and Once prednisone took rapidly, July the 1965, child had This was development. growth02 (Fig. Summary: process year ) was by age of of be was was made. not and the and the height, typical per 13 cent to nor who 9, did had and a 1964. No antiglobulin test mental weight, and example of de- skeletal “catch-up” child though the he admission, thank determinations. Dr. justified. very S. a severe The hemo- prednisone azathio- hyperhemolysis prednisone and was stopped, therapy that with being given. Imuran rapid After one (FIG.3) of a healthy jaundice of of the per cent. and high fever, the “Schweiz. and newborn was hospital, hands On from fever and from noted, done. where but At the a diagnosis hepatosplenomegaly February prostration and & 1963, 26, hospital, he and pallor. Serumn- a normal was transfusion to a local edema 11 Gm. family the no exchange ill with Barandun of The both after being discharged study because of high was doses Imuran was child is normal. admitted was developed Treatment prednisone and with with fully is a boy was boy autoantibodies. subsequently intense bronchitis shortly for further to July physical development. Once measured hemoglobin #{176}Wewish sister, was were grossly below normal, age made rapid progress. By warm considered and The antibody his of it above 2-5 since and for a even skeletal 13, 1962, age of 6 months, to this hospital On with dose dose infections, given 3-month-old controlled, agent August otitis be started 1964, remained from a rapid incomplete took place, even without treatment, 4 months acute contact been values normal therefore Precocious bilirubinemia intercurrent weight, which time the bone CASE2 born from close to with withdrawn. of observation G. M., the this the 23, values dropped was 1964, time, April slowly ) 5, same on have normal and this growth pregnancy. finally stopped, and same the has occurred negative. considered barely successfully “catch-up” drugs reached growth controlled were At suffer was February hemoglobin after No anemia could ( Imuran prine even #{149} impaired was not apparently hemolytic grossly in 2). An acquired the did Height at the are ( Imuran On count treatment place. and he at 4 following 1 I. U. results azathioprine and of the hemolytic process has remained, completely vebopment increased These mg.IKg.Iday). period The 1:1024.* with reduced cough, of of mg.IKg.Iday). reticubocyte whooping typical titer (3.0 slowly Subsequently, age. (2.0 this and a treatment mg./day During per lytic 25 to prednisone Gm. in 1963, MASSIMO after the end of this course, the tetanus, 3 I. U. per ml.; diphtheria of this of 18 mg./day increased he positive for children a dose was Fourteen days were determined: December with 3 injections pertussis, normal ) showed normal values. of tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis-antigens gamma1 with AND was at the admitted marked Impfinstitut” anefor the IMUIIAN IN TREATMENT OF Hemolyfic AUTOIMMUNE HEMOLYTIC H Herbert, anemia. 843 ANEMIA 9560/63 prednisone 60-2.5 mg/di. cm 100 50/. 90 80 70 60 chronological Fig. steroid velocity 2.-Case 1. medicatiomi; is even after greater Growth and age, years development are grossly suppression of prednisone, than normal ( “catch-up up to the age of 2 10/12; it has IU) inhibitimig effect. A: Height curve in terms of percentiles. mia. Purulent spleen otitis 5 cm. Laboratory Cu. mm., seen the CDE/cDE, (with was Only crisis following was smear. groups: 0, was with of 1:32, remission necessitated In spite the discontinuation of therapy, of this, Rh pos., with five cells (1:160), inwere of 1:32). and mg./day) anesthesia hemobytic process hemolytic hyper- anti-Rh general not normo- genotype positive (25-30 the 1,800,000/ probable bromeline its given erythroid a specificity of reinstitution continuous intense under and 4 cm., and was prednisone of red strongly long-term (liver cent, with mastoidotomy a per There antibiotics, . microspherocytosis antibodies at a titer with Gm. test warm after given. 5.4 ) growth” by is resumed Imnuran was hepatosplenomegaly Marked Blood after year was antigbobulin was hemolytic marked was noted. cent. blood trypsin immediately ) Hb instituted transfusions prednisone, per Direct However, the 32-50 incomplete mercaptopurine. ing edge marrow. MN. demonstrated blood present; in the hone negative; Therapy still costal Inuestigation: were in direct the reticubocytes blastemia plasia was below impaired growth crises than 6two achieved. the prednisone, steroid treatment. less and a new Dur- 5 mg./day occurred of during 844 ANI) HITZ1C. Hemolytic anemia. MASSIM() 9560/63 H Herbert, prednisone 60- 2.5 mg/d. / D E 0 weight age 0 I 2 chronological Fig. normal 2B.-Development mean. vhich the dose infection, control of had to he a second partcentesis of the hemolytic process On July 17, ( 10 General and her 1964. per cent was 1964, and rise increased of the to 33, treatment a moderate, hemolytic activity 50 mg./day although was the not maturation each in crisis Despite obtained was this, and the (2.5 satisfactory until episode with drop to 10 per cent, the (=3 and May the of the dosage satisfactory, with At the beginning 11 Kg., liver a low end Hb of Novem- to 6.8 Gm. of azathioprine Under subsidence this of the noted. dose of June at 2 cm. begun. of treatment. In the beginning of January 1965 the child had a bout of bronchopneumonia during which prednisone (2 mg./Kg./day) was given and the azathioprine discontinued. After this period, azathioprine (2.5 mg./Kg./day) was together test 9, 1964. was course 4 mg./Kg./day). completely by satisfactory daily) as the to initiated no on mg./Kg. 15 days relation antiglohulin therefore removed improvement. first were hemolytic reticubocytes then be azathioprine for conditions of a new bone needed. spleen was unsustained given hematobogic Because was with was and to 15 mg./day; could The and therapy ) mg./day age, years weight increased and remained strongly positive. This resulted in a moderate ACTH height, 3 from of prednisone the general the costal (5 mg./day), condition edge. with a satisfactory is good-height The blood picture result. 82 cm., was was given weight essentially IMURAN IN ThEATMENT GM.geb OF V1H62 13 HEMOLYT1C 1963 , - 845 ANEMIA 1964 NI Therapie Prednison AUTOIMMUNE U . . . .tI IA X 0 Xi II 1965 Iii Mercoptopru I V V V!I II X XI X XII II III V IV 0! VI - o _______ - -. Azathioprine mq Imuron Bluttronsfus Moso,dotomie Blut: Poroce,s SpIn’,k?om, Retii.. Hb’i. 100, 400 i Coombs -T direkt 44- 4+ 9 (+ 4.) + Fig. (+‘ (#{247} + 3.-Case * 2. Progress ( Hh per cent, 12.5 Gm. per cent, red cells white cells 10,600 per per cent, El, normal B!, antigbobulin which were proved gradually only when In this Summary: around 27 per L the age and drug the first despite of transient signs its benefit. in a definite reduction in achieved when azathioprine The 3 (SEE he pertussis, after treated had and an attack in hemolytic many three infections attacks anemia the new of acute another anemia hospital some which even seemed ferred to our department. to episodes infections. Splenectomy institution of azathioprine 1, 2, 9) with months aggravate later the started hemolysis hyperhemolysis produced therapy only resulted results were parents of this boy are first cousins. was complicated by toxemia; birth was normal, but from the age of 4 a hemolytic numerous im- 4) (FIG. tonsillitis, meningoencephalitis). bronchitis, of hemolysis, hut the best was given concurrently. (bronchopneumonia, of The . development, therapy, hemolytic REFS. 4 N 70 ) 200,000/ Growth and prednisone controlled M. L. was born August 29, 1960. The The first child was stillborn. This pregnancy weight was 3.3 Kg. His early development months platelets treatment the abnormal and prednisone CASE + of autoimmune administration after + or decreased. Prednisone them the cent; stopped f per, reticulocytes following differential: 4,100,000 (titer 1:5). the long-lasting was + chart. with M 3 per positive during 4 months. hut some this boy of partially, occurred, moderate cent, test was weakly grossly retarded t #{247}+ blood could not anemia. At anemia child age appeared, transfusions. he improved The gastroenteritis, the of 2 years, which was A second bout by transfusions, was therfore trans- of 846 ANI) IIITZI(; ._:__. ML..geb29VIII60 1963 . 1 herapie: . . nx 1964 V . xi xi 1965 - . , . , iii * * MA5SIMO VI ii ‘ /1 - Prednison u 0k mq L i1_L1 t .. I Azathioprine 50 . Imuron --- U Bluttransfus Blut: Reti i.. Hb% iooJ 4ooJ :H ::‘ 20 p i(s) p Coombs-T. direk? * ++ + - i) Fig. On He frontal was kelow the admission, jaundice. and had maxillary Laboratory Findings: reticubocytes and masia anisochromia; 28 in Antiglobulin test: agglutinins titer. From a wide, heart. direct were found, the patient’s very marked with open was 3.5 Gm. per cent. On the smear: cent, red aniso-, ). Leucocytosis ) 4 cm. . There palpalle 4 cm. 1,650,000 per cu. polychro- poikibocytosis, ( hasophils erythroblastosis cells were cells mild prominent (4 x fontanelle spleen and anemia macrocephaly, and white ± (+) Liver 100 preponderant 1.2 mg. per cent; the bone marrow ( indirect and of the +++ chart. ill with appearance, marked per with mm. plasia Hb 32 per 2, orthochromics 2, polychrornatics was 16,200-22,000 per lymphocytosis. Bilirubin was 2.0 mg. per cent direct 0.8 mg. per cent). Marked erythroid hyper(210.7 per cent). Blood groups: B, llh+, MN. strongly positive, indirect negative. Incomplete and in addition incomplete cold aggbutinins red cells cold antibodies active on erythrocytes warm in a low 0 Rh + eluted. Since the and because extended. hemoglobin received the hones + 3. Progress seriously was mongoloid a soft systolic murmur the costal edge. mm., were boy a 4.-Case (+) formula TIi erapy lib, return to negative). family comes from of the mongol-like They the revealed in the with electrophoretic designation of HI) 47Gm,pA with could prednisone of reticubocytes Five weeks a region features patient with and mobility L6.,,, . By be identified.1’ (40 mg./ day) to normal and later, however, of a high incidence of thalassemia the child, investigations were in his father similar to fingerprinting was the HI) immediately reversion recurrence of the of existence of a new L. This and peptide has since analysis successful (rise antihemoglohin the hyperhemolysis in test 1MURAN TREATMENT IN made OF continuous prednisone four more dose of 5-10 mg. July 7, 1964, On hemolytic In rise April, reduced was tions are physical dose son of with warm autoantibodies. years and was prednisone. a drop next 15 months, the maintenance altogether, and the the normal with added a transient noted with test May azathioprine hematologic is slightly condi- positive. The range. parents is hemolytic process blood maintenance in and antiglobulin acquired hemolytic was After was and General consanguineous treated mg./Kg./day), be reduced. improvement of reticulocytes. stopped an example anemia became then to at Therefore, apparently age high for a new incomplete the with of corticosteroids occurred. a year, of due evident transfusions, therapy of severe hyperhemolysis was started which, within body ( =2.5 could steady 1 mg./Kg./day. acute The first Despite episodes thioprine of is within This Summary: and was satisfactory hemogbobinopathy of 33 mg./day prednisone development the increases prednisone dosage count, a slow and in hemoglobin presently During drastic mg./day. azathioprine, to the 847 ANEMIA necessary. necessitated to 30-40 1965, HEMOLYTIC therapy crises with the hope that the rise of the reticubocyte continuous AUTOIMSIUNE of 2 doses of 1 1/2 years, treatment checked the five with azaautoanti- formation. DiscussioN Autoimmune hemolytic fants.2 Corticosteroids and their beneficial though it is difficult this paper, certain 1. The only 2. The facts have as long effect tamed 3. The disease in was effect were by enhanced even though Coombs’ Tests remained therapy, until a remission normal antibody despite corticosteroid small of corticosteroids was giving azathioprine steroid therapy positive, and was graft via effects the cial effect of “cellular,” tosis of red cases, using A major profound with growth not steroid despite blood tagged problem inhibition immunity.” and “humoral,” inhibitory the “cellular Imuran One did red blood not is and benefit oh- 50 and azathio- occurred occur. in cases and hypothesis that, can case, and of immunity explanation the one effect of Imuran on the prevention of transplantation depressed This in is of the benefi- here is that reported as a result, be studied phagocyin further cells. in the treatment effects on relatively small was not clinically the corticosteroid possible therapy immunity cells temporary occurred. rejection.4’1#{176} Presumably on in- stopped. Most of the clinical data on the “immunosuppressive” closely related drug, 6-mercaptopurine, are based kidney and given. response to bacterial antigens and azathioprine therapy. A children potentially fatal condition “immunosuppression,” alIn the cases recorded in to he considered. as they continued, prine 4. is a rare “immunosuppressive” lasted the anemia are standard treatment in this effect is usually attributed to to define this effect more exactly. normal doses of detectable of children growth. Imuran and, It with corticosteroids is of some our patients, at the same time, in is their importance interference “immunosuppres- that with 848 HITZIG sion” was sufficient ol)viously not did produce and other side and side of these drugs the than case the those currently high older children and they of the treatment followed with ). of the Prolongation in height, weight, The the whole prognosis gloomy,20 apeutic attaining has more or less tion of tolerance sive chemicals. should as the vicious certainly of new and circle be 7.22 be possil)le to therapeutic are carried expected; of treat- to take injection ( in advantage of Case 1). as this is only after 4 to 8 weeks allowed to taper it off. is be 2.5 and, be if stopped, of 3 to 4 months, mg./Kg./day to be 8 to 12 months growth’2) maturation sought can or sufficient with 50 (Case without treatment (“catch-up” intellectual is, sufficiently as seems than that increases by should response more a given in I)Ossil)Ie ( see controlled as far much should he as steroid-sparing success azathioprine in Case 1, data on should I)e collected period. hemolytic since the equilibrium. anemia, watching treatment seriously out. which introduction and formerly of steroids of affected period According enhanced of autoimmune considered be or a booster be given azathioprine for the azathioprine, that immunosuppressive ) infants should if the as uninfluenced hyperhemolysis of be greatly Taking into account tions, immunosuppressive break be in clear-cut starting About 80 per cent remission after a differing can can result a period improved tolerable evident should be continued for of the dose to nothing. treatment greatly such he corticoids of autoimmune armamentarium. complete of action a better If the and development skeletal and and use “immunosuppres- drug cure increased. treatment Because growth throughout of he doubled of the resulting the it may with a potent It should should antigens dose4’M-’7 can justifiable. beneficial terms, mechanism ( in steroid azathioprine reduction This exact before of signs dose recommended not is did psychoses, of combining steroid dose seems advisable sufficient time should be by gradual The of the in antibody forming capacity the exposure to infection the mg./m2/day. 2 hemolysis IlOrmal recurrence appear, ulcers, way should immunization I)OS5iI)le. Reduction of the of azathioprine treatment; Evidence Imuran therefore “immunosuppressive spontaneous therapy Furthermore, with the child’s own During therapy this no steroid of primary ) nature defined on or the doses. a course best maximal children with seem advisable: to taper cortisone addition, and available. process, ment, the the be specifically is chronic hemolytic In of cortisone gastrointestinal to obtain can in treating precautions attempts mellitus, When drugs act disease several the effects. which Nevertheless, following process. actions to determine order in action hemolytic MASSIMO of corticosteroids. Imuran minimal the physiologic is needed sive” index the diabetes effects work with find control have osteoporosis, Further steroids to not AND to the present by anemia more ther- data, dramatic also forma- immunosuppres- carefully all the possibilities is therefore a very valuable before quite the children survive, either of time or establishing a accelerated hemolytic was into of complicameans to in children. measures, It such IMUHAN iN OF THEATMENT AUTOIMMUNE HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA 849 SUMMARY Three cases (liseas(’ of autoimmune very i5 complicated was dental. = 1)rile allowed probably, to in with a rare Corticosteroid ly effective anemia months in infants of life. bemogbobinopathy, treatment controlling in heniolytic first few the the which larges in disease. doses are One may was descril)ed. case have partially been and Immunosuppressive This 3) ( No. coinci- temporari- ( azathio- therapy Imuran, 2-5 mg./Kg./day) produced a complete cure in Case 1 and a marked decrease in steroid doses in the other two cases. Most a vicious circle of autoimmunity was broken by this drug. Failure weight gain cut rare steroids on “catch-up growth” in tions regarding lrecautions mode of action of these was Case more even 1, and drugs than compensated though dosage Imuran for was of azathioprine is discussed in an by being are attempt the clear- given. stated. IndicaThe to explain exact the nature of immunosuppression. SUMMARIO Es describite inorbo Cs tres rar complicate coincidentia. C un Le rar transientemente de peso corporee per permitteva un marcate II pare per esseva plus de proceder es commentate. objectivo cm un del le nette cautemente de explicar de in peso esseva in be uso modo de be natura de de action in durante le in Es Le rumpite de steroides be prime caso in be desiderato dosage es e duo. esseva notate pharmacos kg caso altere be uso resaliente iste per in be prime autoimmunitate azathioprina. de un partialmente 2 e 5 mg steroides continuate. esseva immunosup- inter complete dosage ) tertie therapia de Iste possibilemente esseva Un curation infantes. ( Ic casos doses dosage vitiose in esseva morbo. crescentia Imuran del isto grande le un circubo per Un in un non-augmento que Le in produceva que facto vita. hemolytic sed Imuran, reduction Le que del del maestrar i.e., die) pharmaco. despecto in azathioprina, probabilissime iste menses anemia a corticosteroide efficace (con 1NTERLINCUA hemoglobinopathia, therapia pressive IN autoimmun le prime durante per de casos del pharmaco analysate con Ic used in de immunosuppression. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We these are grateful to the Wellcome Foundation for advice and for the Imuran studies. REFERENCES 1. Arlotti. E.: 0., Una La rara Paglia. sovrapposizione mune ad l)roPosito eterozigote a rara 17:35, amid di emolisi Soifritti. autoimmune morbosa: la 1265, (A 3. di talassemia agglutinazione S. Anna, Fer- L.: L’anemia A. emolitica C., 4. Hitchings, Chemical eta 7 casi. pedittrica. Miii. Pry- Pediatr. 18: 1966. W., of with liminarv Phys. Marchi, di Dameshek, Treatment diseases 1964. 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