We thank each Give Back Awards recipient for giving back! 14988 Yonge Street Aurora, ON L4G 1M6 facebook.com/NeighbourhoodNetwork Toll Free: 1-855-870-4586 twitter.com/NeighbourNetwrk www.nnetwork.org Report Design: RC Design Inc. GIVE BACK AWARDS 2015 ABOUT NEIGHBOURHOOD NETWORK Neighbourhood Network is a community initiative funded by Magna International Inc. that brings together volunteers with local charities to support residents of Aurora, East Gwillimbury, Georgina, King, and Newmarket. ABOUT THE GIVE BACK AWARDS The Give Back Awards are an annual cash prize donated by Magna International Inc. and Neighbourhood Network to graduating students from high schools in Aurora, Georgina, and Newmarket. The outstanding recipients of the 2015 Give Back Awards were selected based on the exceptional contributions they have made to fellow students and citizens, and their ongoing dedication to community involvement! TREVOR WRIGHT DAMIANO PANETTA AURORA HIGH SCHOOL CARDINAL CARTER CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Volunteering is a part of Trevor’s life and he believes “if we work every day to improve the lives of others, the world will slowly but surely become a better place.” Combatting youth homelessness is Trevor’s passion, and is an ongoing cause that he champions by participating in fundraisers and raising awareness amongst his peers. Trevor organized the Sandwich Run at his school to provide lunches for those in need, and acts as Co-Chair for the 360 Experience Youth Leaders Edition, recently raising over $23,000. As Co-Chair, Trevor connects 360 Kids with the public high schools in York Region, where he hopes the knowledge gained will spread regionwide and encourage future initiatives. Trevor believes that we should never stop volunteering, and that there is no limit for giving back. Damiano is a true inspiration, leader, and role model. In 2013, he qualified to swim for Team Canada at the Deaflympics. Damiano acts as a mentor for the York Catholic District School Board by giving talks to students about setting goals, hearing loss, and overcoming adversity. Damiano also volunteers at the Hospital for Sick Children and the Parkinson’s Foundation. His determination to achieve his goals is applauded by other students and adults. Damiano wants everyone to know that people with disabilities can reach their goals and do anything – the key is not to give up. DAMIAN DI BIASE HAVEN MOULDS CARDINAL CARTER CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL DR. G.W. WILLIAMS SECONDARY SCHOOL Through volunteerism, Damian has gained “good leadership skills and learned the true value of giving back by impacting people in a positive way.” For the past 5 years, Damian has accumulated over 650 community service hours acting as a referee for the King United Soccer Club. Through this opportunity, Damian has become a strong leader, which he carries into his school community. He is President of the Student Council, and while holding this role, Damian formed a new committee called the “Identity Squad,” a group that seeks to help individuals who are experiencing difficulty within the school. Damian also volunteers in the community with the Terry Fox Run, King Day, annual Town parades, E-Waste Day, and helping at sport events in York Region. 2 Damiano hopes to “help further develop devices for the hearing impaired, such as the cochlear implant, to help other people just like him.” NEIGHBOURHOOD NETWORK GIVE BACK AWARDS 2015 Haven knows that “giving back to the community should not be considered a task, but rather something that she should be honoured to do.” Haven feels she has not only made a positive impact on her community, but her volunteer efforts have helped her grow as a person. She loves that volunteering has given her the ability to meet people who share her passions, all while making someone’s life better. Haven organized a bone marrow drive at her school, which led to a campaign to hold bone marrow drives in every high school in York Region. She also believes in healthy living, and organizes the Terry Fox Run at her school to promote the fun side of physical activity. NEIGHBOURHOOD NETWORK GIVE BACK AWARDS 2015 3 CASSANDRA CAREY TRISHA BALADHAY ÉCOLE SECONDAIRE CATHOLIQUE RENAISSANCE ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Cassandra believes that in order to achieve goals in the community, everyone needs to contribute, “nobody can get anywhere alone…we all need help.” Even before high school, volunteering regularly within the community was a huge part of Cassandra’s life. She donates her time to a variety of causes from being a reading buddy, to a program assistant at her skating club, to dedicating countless hours volunteering at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Cassandra firmly believes that “by helping people, you are helping your community, and by helping your community, you are helping the world.” She put these words into action earlier this year when she traveled abroad to build two homes for families in need. Cassandra has a deep compassion for others and her contributions continue to enhance many lives in the community. Trisha’s well-rounded personality stems from her active involvement in several organizations, like Easter Seals Ontario, the Aurora Historical Society, and the AIDS Committee of York Region. She is recognized as a positive peer mentor and a leader in the community, and has volunteered to organize a number of fundraisers for St. Vincent de Paul, the Rose of Sharon, and various natural disaster relief organizations. Trisha believes that everyone possess unique skills that can be used to positively impact individuals in need, and hopes to continue inspiring volunteerism. DHRUV KRISHNAN ERIC HASKINS ST. ANDREW’S COLLEGE KESWICK HIGH SCHOOL Dhruv feels that “the path to success should not be focused on ‘me,’ but ‘we,’ and that the key to happiness is supporting each other and rising together.” Dhruv is an active volunteer within his community and at St. Andrew’s College. He has volunteered for the Alzheimer’s Society of York Region as their Youth Ambassador, the Learning Disabilities Association of York Region where he tutors grade 5 students every week, and acts as the Student Engagement Coordinator for the Canadian Cancer Society at his school. Dhruv’s passion for community is rooted in his altruistic nature. He believes that “the idea of a community is that different people will do their part and contribute for the prosperity of the whole.” 4 For Trisha, “giving back means devoting her time to worthy causes and to things that she’s passionate about, without the intention of getting awarded or recognized.” NEIGHBOURHOOD NETWORK GIVE BACK AWARDS 2015 For Eric, giving back is not about the recognition; he hopes “that people can be and do better because he made an effort to do and be better.” Eric believes volunteering has good value because you make a difference and get “paid” in a way that is priceless. This belief shines through his lengthy list of volunteer commitments within his school and in the community. Eric has volunteered at the Red Cross, senior’s homes, animal shelters, Relay for Life, the Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Salvation Army, and the Georgina and Aurora food pantries. To Eric, the life experiences that are gained from volunteering are true experiences that are irreplaceable. NEIGHBOURHOOD NETWORK GIVE BACK AWARDS 2015 5 MARGARET EVANS JOSHUA CLEMENTS OUR LADY OF THE LAKE CATHOLIC COLLEGE SCHOOL HURON HEIGHTS SECONDARY SCHOOL Margaret volunteers because of “the relationships that come along with the work that she loves.” 6 For Joshua, volunteering does not feel like “giving back because he is also receiving enjoyment from the activity.” Margaret has devoted the past two summers to volunteering at Camp Widjiitiwin, where she spent countless hours impacting hundreds of young campers by providing healthy advice, leading religious lessons, and offering her friendship. During the school year, Margaret donates her waitress skills to the New Wave Café for its many charity fundraisers. She also helps at a number of different community events through her church. Margaret’s volunteer experiences have built a strong stepping stone for her future academic endeavours in early childhood education. A recent immigrant to Canada, Joshua has quickly become a young leader and entrepreneur who uses his skills to educate others. Joshua was diagnosed with dyslexia at an early age, which motivated him to work hard and in turn, to mentor students on how to manage and adapt with learning differences. Joshua is active in his local Scout group and has volunteered as a Troop leader, a Medivent, and a liaison between Cubs and Scouts. Joshua is also the Co-Founder of Qwertynomics and Founder of Sci-Tek, which employs youth in the community and teaches people about robotics. MAHIMA MEHTA MADISON MAYNARD DR. J.M. DENISON SECONDARY SCHOOL HURON HEIGHTS SECONDARY SCHOOL For Mahima, volunteering is “a hobby she has grown to love,” and she believes, “it is our collective responsibility to take care of our community.” Madison plans to volunteer for the rest of her life and believes that, “no matter how big or small, positively impacting the community is giving back.” Mahima began volunteering at a senior’s home in Aurora, where she assisted with exercise classes and then in the CAT scan department. From these early volunteer experiences, Mahima decided to pursue a career in the medical field because “saving a life is the greatest help one can get.” Mahima has positively influenced a number of senior’s homes in her community by regularly assisting staff and residents. On top of that, she volunteers at church functions preparing dinners, and participates in charity events like the Hike for Hospice and the 4T Miler. Madison has been an active volunteer with the Rotary Club of Newmarket, the Rose of Sharon, Big Brothers Big Sisters of York, the Alzheimer’s Society of York Region, and Inn from the Cold. Though she has well over her required community hours, Madison chooses not to log her volunteer contributions because she doesn’t want credit for her efforts. Madison believes that everyone in the community should help one another, and that people need people in order for a community to function. NEIGHBOURHOOD NETWORK GIVE BACK AWARDS 2015 NEIGHBOURHOOD NETWORK GIVE BACK AWARDS 2015 7 ASHNI BHOOLATON LEAH HANS NEWMARKET HIGH SCHOOL NEWMARKET HIGH SCHOOL When entering grade 9, Ashni saw volunteering as receiving hours necessary for graduation. Now, Ashni believes “volunteering is the backbone for a solid community.” Over the past 3 years, Ashni has volunteered countless hours at Southlake Regional Health Centre in the SDC Post-Op Unit. She found purpose as a volunteer to help nurses, patients, or simply by being present as a cheerful face for others in need. Ashni’s volunteering extends into the sport community, where she helps children experience the real fun and value of being active. She hopes her involvement in the community will inspire others to follow suit. Leah’s greatest achievement has been the creation of her own foundation, the Leah Hans Fundraiser for Childhood Cancer through the Canadian Cancer Society. She has raised over $16,000 by hosting hair-cutting events and multiple community fundraisers. When Leah is not organizing or participating in a community event, she is volunteering for Girls Inc. York Region after school and during the summer months. Leah volunteers to create “a brighter tomorrow” in the community, “with the aspiration of creating hope and compassion for others within it.” SARAH CHARNOCK SAMANTHA MCFETRIDGE NEWMARKET HIGH SCHOOL NEWMARKET HIGH SCHOOL Sarah volunteers to “help others be the best version of themselves, and to help her be the best version of herself.” Sarah’s community involvement ranges from being the President of Food for Thought, organizing a committee for Relay for Life, and acting as a coach and mentor for youth soccer players in Aurora. She has also dedicated countless hours at the Walk It Off Spinal Cord Wellness Centre, where she assists patients during their recovery sessions and aims to make therapy fun for patients. Internationally, Sarah gives back by teaching English in Ethiopia. Sarah’s goal is to continue improving people’s lives by furthering her studies in the medical field. 8 A leader at the age of 10, Leah began hosting her own fundraising events and has become an anti-bullying activist and role model to girls struggling with the definition of ‘true beauty.’ NEIGHBOURHOOD NETWORK GIVE BACK AWARDS 2015 At an early age, Samantha had a passion for helping people, and though she doesn’t “have a master plan to save the planet, she does have a plan to make a difference, one person at a time.” Making a difference in someone’s life is not just a one-time goal for Samantha, it’s an ongoing effort. Samantha has volunteered for a wide variety of organizations, taking part in different fundraisers, and dedicating over 300 community hours in just one year at the Southlake Residential Care Village. Her efforts and leadership were admired by the Volunteer Coordinator, and Samantha was asked to continue giving back as a Volunteer Trainer. To Samantha, the most important thing in life is people, and she will continue to help anyone who is in need. NEIGHBOURHOOD NETWORK GIVE BACK AWARDS 2015 9 JENNIFER POWERS BOMI PARK NEWMARKET HIGH SCHOOL SIR WILLIAM MULOCK SECONDARY SCHOOL “It’s important to always remember that you didn’t have any say in where you were born but you do have a say in what you do with the blessings you’ve been given.” Helping the less fortunate has always been important to Jennifer, and her efforts have earned an outstanding 1650 hours of community service. At a young age, Jennifer understood the significance of giving. She planned garage sales, ran lemonade stands, and held clothing drives to help raise money for various causes. Not only has Jennifer taken part in several community events, but she even raised money to support relief efforts in Haiti. Soon after, she found herself volunteering there, to help rebuild a home for a family who had lost theirs during the natural disaster. Jennifer is a true leader by nature, and an incredible philanthropist at heart. Bomi’s volunteer efforts started at an early age and spread beyond Newmarket’s borders. With her creation of the Christian youth group, 4TX, Bomi has brought together 100 students from Newmarket, Mississauga, Hamilton, and Toronto to discuss ways in which they could address inner city homeless. In grade 7, Bomi went on her first mission trip to the Philippines, and later went to Ecuador and Costa Rica. While abroad, Bomi learned what poverty looked like, and committed herself to a lifetime of volunteering, helping one individual at a time. MELISSA CUSACK STRIEPE ZACH ROBERTS NEWMARKET HIGH SCHOOL SIR WILLIAM MULOCK SECONDARY SCHOOL Melissa gives back “to contribute, to have a part in change, to help one or many, and because she yearns to see better lives and better ecological health.” Melissa’s most significant contribution to the community has been through active involvement with the Ontario Nature Youth Council. As a member, Melissa helps to plan, organize, and execute an Annual Youth Summit, as well as other fundraisers. In May, Melissa will be holding a wildflower planting day in Newmarket to create a pollinator habitat. Melissa hopes to impact youth and adults by inspiring them to follow their passions and make a difference. When thinking about giving back, Melissa takes a look at all she has received from her community and environment, and then finds a way to help. 10 Bomi strongly believes that her “small actions of caring will be brought together and contribute in changing the community and making the globe a better place to live.” NEIGHBOURHOOD NETWORK GIVE BACK AWARDS 2015 Zach has recognized “that working within one’s community can have a powerful impact, and consequently has sought to touch as many lives as possible in a positive fashion.” Zach dedicates most of his volunteer efforts to school events and leading other students. In grade 9, he was the driving force behind the school’s first participation in “We Day.” He is also a founding member and student leader of the Social Justice Club. Zach has made many new international students’ lives easier by tutoring students in reading and writing. He helps raise their confidence, and makes them feel at home. Zach also teaches others in the community by volunteering as a reading buddy at the Newmarket Public Library and hopes “to be a teacher down the road, and use his experiences to enrich learning and inspire youth to follow their passions.” NEIGHBOURHOOD NETWORK GIVE BACK AWARDS 2015 11 THANK YOU MESSAGE FROM STEVE HINDER Manager, Magna for Community On behalf of Neighbourhood Network and Magna International, we thank each Give Back Awards recipient for all they have accomplished through volunteering and setting a strong example for others — not only in their schools, but throughout our community. Each recipient has distinguished themself as someone who not only cares about community, but actually does something about it. We wish all winners the very best in their continuing efforts to make a positive contribution to fellow peers, citizens, and communities. Sincerely, 12 NEIGHBOURHOOD NETWORK GIVE BACK AWARDS 2015
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