PAY ZERO COMMISSION ON YOUR PRACTICE INCOME! Time-based pay structures with a built-in reward system for efficiently run practices. Toll Free 1.844.324.5563 ervice Plan S d e s a B e Tim ZERO-COMMISSION Pay onon your pracPay0% 0%commissions commissions your practice YouYou pay per ticeincome. income. payclaim per claim based much that particular basedononhow how much that particular claim used out of our resources claim used out of our resourcesand and time. time. NO LENGTHY CONTRACT 01 02 Our billing service Our revolutionary revolutionary billing service model model provides with a fair billing provides you withyou a fair billing cost evcost every month, and no long term ery month, and no long term contract contract is required. is required. 04 03 HOURLY BILLING SYSTEM Built-in Reward System Our Our zero-commission zero-commissionbilling billingmethod method has hasaabuilt-in built-in reward reward mechanism mechanism that that provides provides incentives incentives for for your your business business whenever whenever an anerror-free error-freepatient patientencounenter is processed. counter is processed. This Thisisisaatime-based time-basedpay paystructures, strucyou only pay for the service tures, you only pay for the you ser- require at any given time. vice you require at any given time. MedicalbillingServices 247 focused on your practice affluence. Maryam Billing Solutions, LLC , 8409 Dorsey Cir #201, Manassas, VA 20110 Copyright ©2015 Maryam Billing Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1 PAY ZERO COMMISSION ON YOUR PRACTICE INCOME! Time-based pay structures with a built-in reward system for efficiently run practices. The Commission-Free Billing Plan Pay 0% commissions on practice income! A simple scenario to bring this closer: Flat Rate, slide scale billing plan month to month. Case Study A Claim 1 Claim 2 Medicare Blue Cross BlueShield Charge Amount $400 $250 Eligibility Check Done? (Yes/No) Yes No Patients Demographic Accurate? (Yes/No) Yes Yes Yes No Yes NA How it works Insurance Most of the billing companies out there use a percentage commission model to charge medical proPayment Amount $255 $140 viders for billing services. Here at MBS we decided to offer a new billing plan based on your practice Billing Type (Paper/Electronic) Electronic Paperpatients to bring this “performance” in collecting data and the way you and your staff interact with Payment EOB Posting Electronic Manual commission-free modelType into(Manual/Electronic) reality. EHR used? (Yes/No) Sounds too good to be true? Pass clearinghouse? (Yes/No) 2 TollBilling Free Solutions, 1.844.324.5563 email Cir Maryam LLC , 8409| Dorsey #201, Manassas, VA 20110 Maryam Billing Solutions, LLC | 8409 Dorsey #201 | Manassas, VA 20110 Copyright ©2015 Maryam Billing Solutions,Cir LLC. All Rights Reserved. Copyright ©2015 Billing companies and giant software providers charge ranges from 2.9% Paid from first attempt? (Yes/No) Yesa percentage commissions Yes to 8% or more. That basically means one thing. No matter how good and accurate the initial claim Appeal Needed? (Yes/No) No No can be, you would end up paying that same amount from your gross income. The larger the account Time Span finalize 20 70 had happened into usually is the to smaller the(Days) commission. However; in recent years great changes the field.Cost More(based and more are being submitted electronically. There$7.00 is automatic posting for Billing on claims 5% commission plan) $12.75 EOB and auto eligibility for patients. So you might be asking why that same model is still being used Billing Cost/Aging factor 0.6375 0.1 for decades now? 3 PAY ZERO COMMISSION ON YOUR PRACTICE INCOME! Time-based pay structures with a built-in reward system for efficiently run practices. A simple scenario to bring this closer: Case Study A Insurance Medicare Claim 1 Charge Amount Insurance $400 Medicare $250BlueShield Blue Cross Charge Amount Payment Amount $400 $250 $255 $255 Billing Type (Paper/Electronic) Electronic Paper Payment PaymentEOB EOBPosting PostingType Type (Manual/Electronic) (Manual/Electronic) Electronic Electronic Manual Manual Eligibility Check Check Done? Done? (Yes/No) Eligibility (Yes/No) Yes No Electronic Patients Demographic Accurate? (Yes/No) Yes EHR used? (Yes/No) Yes Patients Demographic Accurate? (Yes/No) Yes Yes $140 $140 Payment Amount Billing Type (Paper/Electronic) Paper No Yes Yes No EHR used? Pass clearinghouse? (Yes/No) Yes Yes NA No Paidclearinghouse? from first attempt? (Yes/No) Pass (Yes/No) Yes Yes Yes NA Appeal Needed? (Yes/No) No Paid from first attempt? (Yes/No) Yes Time Span to finalize (Days) 20 Appeal Needed? (Yes/No) No Billing Cost (based on 5% commission plan) $12.75 Time Span to finalize (Days) Billing Cost/Aging factor 0.6375 20 Copyright ©2015 BlueClaim Cross BlueShield 2 No Yes 70 $7.00 0.1 No 70 Billing Cost (based on 5% commission plan) $12.75 $7.00 Billing Cost/Aging factor 0.6375 0.1 TollBilling Free Solutions, 1.844.324.5563 email Cir Maryam LLC , 8409| Dorsey #201, Manassas, VA 20110 Maryam Billing Solutions, LLC | 8409 Dorsey #201 | Manassas, VA 20110 Copyright ©2015 Maryam Billing Solutions,Cir LLC. All Rights Reserved. 33 PAY ZERO COMMISSION ON YOUR PRACTICE INCOME! Time-based pay structures with a built-in reward system for efficiently run practices. Conclusions: ing error, no rejection and no denial- however, the first Medicare claim is “efficient” and the second claimA]isinnot. The provider about six times moreerrors, on theno“efficient claim” Based onBCBS [case study page 3 both claimpays are clean-no demographic coding error, compared thenoother “inefficient that had taken more effort from the to finalize! no rejectionto and denialhowever,claim” the first Medicare claim is “efficient” and thebiller second BCBS The ONLY way for a billing company to make profit under the standard model is to average claim is not. The provider pays about six times more on the “efficient claims” compared to the both scenarios quote. other “inefficientabove claim”into thatone hadsimple taken more effort from the biller to finalize! The ONLY way for a billing company to make profit under the standard model is to average In other words; the billing cost under the commission model charge providers same comboth scenarios above into one simple quote. mission regardless of how good or bad of the front desk performance, payer trouble factor, orother underline technology In words; the billingused. cost under the commission model charge providers same commission regardless of how good or bad of the front desk performance, payer trouble factor, or underline But in the new word of high performance EHR and Practice Management Systems; shouldn’t technology used. you (the provider of service) be recognized with a flexible billing charging model that gives youinanthe incentive to of get claims paid quickly on first attempt rather than depending on your But new word high performance EHR and Practice Management Systems; shouldn’t biller (in house or outsourced) to fix the problems? you (the provider of service) be recognized with a flexible billing charging model that gives you an incentive to get claims paid quickly on first attempt rather than depending on your biller (in At MBS took it upon to think outside the box and introduce a revolutionary billhouse or we outsourced) to fixourselves the problems? ing service pricing model - one that measures your front desk performance and other business processes order to provide you with a fair monthly billing cost.billing As we At MBS we took itinupon ourselves to think outside theand boxamenable and introduce a revolutionary work with you on a month-to-month basis, you’re not tied into a long term contract. service pricing model - one that measures your front desk performance and other business processes in order to provide you with a fair and amenable monthly billing cost. As we work with Under MBS pay-for-claim-performance you per claim- based on the you on aour month-to-month basis, you’re not tiedplan, into awe longcharge term contract. resources and time used to complete that claim. Paying only for what you need (and NOT a commission…simply makes sense! Under our MBS pay-for-claim-performance plan, we charge you per claim- based on the resources and time used to complete that claim. Paying only for what you need NOT a commission… Referring again to our previous case study, the total billing cost for the above two claims was simply makes sense! approximately $0.74, but it could have been far less if both claims had been submitted electronically and the charges had been based on our MBS billing structure. Let’s assume that 90% of your claims are electronic with only 10% being billed by paper (including secondary claims). 44 TollBilling Free Solutions, 1.844.324.5563 email Cir Maryam LLC , 8409| Dorsey #201, Manassas, VA 20110 Maryam Billing Solutions, LLC | 8409 Dorsey #201 | Manassas, VA 20110 Copyright ©2015 Maryam Billing Solutions,Cir LLC. All Rights Reserved. Copyright ©2015 Based on [case study A] in page 3 both claim are clean-no demographic errors, no codConclusions: PAY ZERO COMMISSION ON YOUR PRACTICE INCOME! Time-based pay structures with a built-in reward system for efficiently run practices. Time-Based Pay Structures If you pay $0.60 per claim for “clean” claims and you submit 400 claims each month, then your billing cost would amount to only $240! A “clean” claim means that you have entered Core to ourcharges new Zero-Commission plan exact is to offer a scalable, and per-claim service billing model. error-free on your EHR, with demographic coding information, and the We’re happy to charge you a fair hourly rate for every clean claim that follows the intended claim has been submitted and posted electronically with minimum human supervision. In path of revenue withouttoissue. But, this we do need to charge you ifone we of have to the real world itmanagement will often becycle impossible achieve with each and every your spend time correcting a date of birth, contacting your office for additional info, or taking the patients. time to appeal or follow up on the unpaid (black hole!) claims. We therefore offer a scalable, per-claim service billing model. We’re happy to charge you At thefor endevery of theclean day our model be a valuable money-saving tool for any practice thatcycle $.60 claim thatcan follows the intended path of revenue management takes theissue. time to verify eligibility, communicate efficiently with time the billing office aand without But, wepatient do need to charge you if we have to spend correcting date staff, and minimize common errors. of birth, contacting your office for additional info, or taking the time to appeal or follow up on the unpaid (black hole!) claims. On the other hand; a practice that takes little caution looking into eligibility at date of service, does always co-pays orcan deductible (resulting in statementstool submission), and enter At thenot end of thecollect day our model be a valuable money-saving for any practice that patients with high error rate,eligibility, can onlycommunicate expect a higherefficiently billing charge. For billing them; office the comtakes thedata time to verify patient with the and mission-based model may work better. staff, and minimize common errors. Copyright ©2015 On the othermuch hand; ait practice thatcost? takes little caution looking into eligibility at date of serSo how would vice, does not always collect co-pays or deductible (resulting in statements submission), and enter data with high error can only we’ll expect a higher billing charge. In order to patients provide you with a practical andrate, viable quote, need to analyze your billing For opthem; the model better. eration andcommission-based history. By determining themay areaswork in which you spend the most time, we can assess any problems or concerns and make suggestions that will, in turn, provide you with an optimized monthly invoice.itOur analysiscost? and services are customized to your needs, and the most So how much would accurate quote will be once we’ve able to seewe’ll the full scope of your your practice. In order to provide youprovided with a practical andbeen viable quote, need to analyze billing operation and history. By determining the areas in which you spend the most time, we can assess any problems or concerns and make suggestions that will, in turn, provide you with an optimized monthly invoice. Our analysis and services are customized to your needs, and the most accurate quote will be provided once we’ve been able to see the full scope of your practice. TollBilling Free Solutions, 1.844.324.5563 email Cir Maryam LLC , 8409| Dorsey #201, Manassas, VA 20110 Maryam Billing Solutions, LLC | 8409 Dorsey #201 | Manassas, VA 20110 Copyright ©2015 Maryam Billing Solutions,Cir LLC. All Rights Reserved. 55 PAY ZERO COMMISSION ON YOUR PRACTICE INCOME! Time-based pay structures with a built-in reward system for efficiently run practices. In general, we prefer not to enter charges for our clients (even if they do not have an EHR system). This is we a 2 prefer to 3% not below usually. Weclients can offer ourif own system at In general, to competition enter charges for our (even they preferred do not have an EHR little or no This charge butbelow our work on your preferred system come an additional cost. system). is ato2you, to 3% competition usually. We canwill offer our at own preferred system at little or no charge to you, but our work on your preferred system will come at an additional cost.Service All EHR Platforms We Weunderstand understandthat that you may have already invested a sizable amount into office your office EHR We you may have already invested a sizable amount into your EHR and and practice management lastyou thing youtowant is that youtoneed to your switch practice management system.system. The lastThe thing want hear to is hear that you need switch your system over. Therefore; wework would work you to allow that flexibility for you system over. Therefore; we would with youwith to allow that flexibility for you and yourand staff.your staff. No Need to Switch The MBS system allows youSystems to select the services most relevant to your practice and needs. 66 TollBilling Free Solutions, 1.844.324.5563 email Cir Maryam LLC , 8409| Dorsey #201, Manassas, VA 20110 Maryam Billing Solutions, LLC | 8409 Dorsey #201 | Manassas, VA 20110 Copyright ©2015 Maryam Billing Solutions,Cir LLC. All Rights Reserved. Copyright ©2015 You may prefer to keep your existing system, enter charges through your preferred EHR, The system allows select the services relevant to yourinpractice needs. andMBS deposit money in you the to bank or take care of most patient statements house. and In that case you You may prefer to keep your existing system, enter charges through your preferred EHR, and may need us solely to handle your appeals. Conversely you may want us to set you updewith posit money in the bank or take care of patient statements in house. In that case you may need a package of AR follow-up, appeals and business intelligence, while your staff can deal with us solely toentry handle yourposting) appeals. and Conversely you may want us to of setyour you up withand a package of AR payment (EOB statements. Regardless needs budget, we’ll follow-up, appeals and business intelligence, while your staff can deal with payment entry (EOB work with you to refine a system that elevates your business. posting) and statements. Regardless of your needs and budget, we’ll work with you to refine a system that elevates your business. .
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