April 2015 Volume 15, Issue 1 Department of Urology Inside This Issue….. Special Farewell 1 Resident’s Corner 3 Urodynamics Course 3 Urology Nursery 3 Dr Ian. Thompson Bio 4 Nurses’ Notes 4 The Tinkler here A Very Special Farewell By Laila Rockman March 31, 2015 - I waited for this day for a long time and it is with mixed emotions that I say farewell. As both Dave Bell and Bob Schwarz would say, I’m now “at ease” and “able to sit up and take nourishment”. Honestly, I’m glad to be able to do both these things! I have so many memories that I couldn’t possibly relate them all but I would like to share a few of them. In July, 1980, I walked into the Department and a few hours later, I thought I was in the wrong place. Dr. Awad was the new Department Head and I was his new secretary. I walked into an office that I would be sharing with Vina Moses who was told somebody would be showing up that morning. There was no furniture for me and the typewriter hadn’t arrived yet. Note I said typewriter and it wasn’t even a correctable one!! Off to a great start! All of a sudden, this inpatient comes in, a teenager, literally bopping around full of energy, not a hair on his head, holds out a bag of chips and says in this really strong Newfoundland accent, “they just cut off me balls, you want a chip”? I was so stunned I could hardly speak and I just looked at him and said no thanks. He said OK, turned around and left. Keep in mind I had never seen a chemo patient, never even heard of testicular cancer and really didn’t know anything about cancer. I had just spent nine years in Cardiology – I don’t think the word cancer was ever spoken there. As soon as he left, I asked myself what I had gotten into. I was sure I was going to hate working there but gradually, I got used to it, met many more young guys like him and learned a whole lot about cancer and how people deal with it. The guy with the chips died about a year and a half later. He told me he felt that the staff were like family to him and how at home he felt in Halifax as he had been coming here for so long. To me, that said it all and over the years, I came to realize that Urology is like a family to me. I may never have given birth but I had children, lots and lots of them, smart ones, funny ones, pain in the ass ones, but all of you, you treated me like family. Always so kind and respectful – you made coming to work lots of fun. In 1997, Richard Norman decided it was time to institute an education office and I took on the job of looking after the residents and clerks. I am forever grateful to him for allowing me this opportunity. No such thing as HR and an interview, just came in to work, walked into a different office and proceeded to develop a job. During the first day of the clerkship rotation, I was still stumbling through it as it was all so new to me. The week before, the Associate Dean had a meeting with all the education coordinators as there were a lot of us who had just started. He told us there would be times when we would be the first in line to be privy to something a resident or clerk had to say or complain about. Publishing assistance for this edition of the Tinkler is made possible by an unrestricted grant from AstraZeneca Canada. A Farewell Continued Page 2 of 4 Maybe they wouldn’t want the Program Director or his fellow resident or clerk to know about it and he would feel comfortable enough to talk to the coordinator. I was sitting at my desk a few weeks later and a clerk came to the door and asked if he could talk to me. I said sure and he came in and shut the door. My first thought was uh-oh, this looks serious. He sat down and asked me if I heard what had happened to his class the previous weekend. I had no clue and said no, I hadn’t heard anything. He told me one of his classmates had committed suicide and then he broke down crying. As clear as a bell, I remember to this day thinking that I wished I had gone to university and then immediately asking myself what good would that be at that particular moment. Anyway, we talked for quite a while and I just flew by the seat of my pants, hoping that I could bring him some kind of comfort. When he left, he turned around and asked me if he could come back again to talk some time as he said I was so easy to talk to. I said sure and he did a few more times. He ended up being admitted to the hospital and ultimately left medical school six months before graduation. It was right after that moment all those years ago that I realized that one of the most important parts of my job was not the office work, coordinating activities, booking seminars or any other of a hundred different things that I do but to be able to connect with people when they needed somebody to talk to, shed a tear, chill out or share a laugh. It’s something that I’ve felt honoured to be able to do. For me, this aspect of the job has always been the most rewarding and given me the most satisfaction of all. Common sense was one of the most important skills I brought to the job. I’m a pretty private person so to have people place their trust in me was the ultimate compliment. I am in a very unique position, as I’ve known a lot of you since you were med students. I have watched you graduate from medical school, finish your residency, do a fellowship and become staff. You have always supported me, both professionally and personally, put your trust in me and allowed me to do what I thought was in the best interests of the residents. Last month, Peter Anderson’s daughter came through as a clerk so the circle of life goes on. To all the many residents I have had the privilege of meeting and helping all these years, thank you for allowing me to be your friend through your residency. I’ve been asked so many times who my favorite resident was and I have no answer for that because you’re each very special in your own way. I have been lucky enough to meet so many great people, both from inside the Department and outside and have enjoyed so many friendships over this time. When I think back over the last 35 years, all I remember are the good times and all the laughs and that’s what counts the most. To Said Awad, Peter Anderson, Greg Bailly and John Grantmyre…….”my bosses” – you were so easy to work with. In actuality, I think there were many times when I was the “bossy” one! To Dave Bell, Joe Lawen and Ricardo Rendon – who always graced my doorway with a big smile. Don’t think I will ever hear the words, “at ease”, “Laaaaa-iiillla” or “hey” without thinking of the three of you! To Dawn MacLellan who broke the glass ceiling and to Ashley Cox (the little elective student in the pink puffy jacket who looked just like a teenager) and Andrea Lantz who opened it even wider! Somebody once asked me if any of the doctors had made me cry over the years and my reply was that I may have made them cry with all my nagging. To Shelley, Debbie, Lindsey, Lori and Leanne, I know that you know how lucky you are to be working here. There are not many places that can hold a candle to where we come every day. To Colleen and Joyce, my retired work sisters, who contributed in large measure to so many of the fun times we shared at work. To Paula, I hope you find the happiness and satisfaction that the job provided me and that you can accomplish what I couldn’t…………..get the residents to throw the bagels out once they’ve sat on their table for three days straight! In closing, I just want to say that it’s been an honour and a privilege to have worked with all of you, three generations of urologists and 91 residents strong. I wish you all the best for every success and will always follow the progress of the Department and its staff. I will miss you, most especially the residents. Thanks for the memories, it’s been wonderful. The Tinkler Page 3 of 4 Resident’s Corner Meet Jesse Ory My name is Jesse Ory and I’m from Victoria, BC. I attended UBC for my undergraduate degree and medical school. During these years, I used my spare time to travel to India, play water polo, kayak, and bike around BC and Germany. Anything in the water or outdoors are favourites of mine. After a two week elective in Halifax for Urology, I was convinced that Dalhousie would have the best Urology program for me. It is a perfect combination of camaraderie, surgical exposure, teaching and a fantastic resident group. I can’t wait to move to Halifax and get immersed in the culture. I look forward to meeting all of you in the near future! Laborie UDS Course February 6th-7th 2014 An Urodynamics course was hosted in Halifax and was attended by 13 nurses from all over Nova Scotia and as far away as Ontario. It was a comprehensive two day course presented by Dr. Jerzy Gajewski and Emmi Champion, RN. It was a fantastic time and a very successful, informative weekend. Urology Nursery They make them cute in Urology! Congrats Peter & Noella; Ross & Laura; Matt Acker & Alana; Ashley & Karthik William David Acker 9lbs 0oz Henry Alexander Ross Mason 7lbs 0oz Sophia Rose Massaro 7lbs 8oz Keaton Nikhil Tennankore 6lbs 1oz Upcoming Events! Page 4 of 4 Shared Care Meeting, Halifax NS, May 9, 2015 AUA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 15-19, 2015 CUA Annual Meeting, Ottawa, ON, June 17-30, 2015 Nurses’ Notes Department of Urology Room 293, 5 Victoria 1276 South Park Street Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 2Y9 Phone: 902-473-5853 Fax: 902-473-5855 Tinkler Layout & Design: Debbie Lewis-Boyce Lindsey Ackles Editor: Dr. John Grantmyre 10A News Congrats to Nancy Mullin, RN and Debbie Logan, RN on their retirements! Welcome to the team Kim Lesle-Sharpe, RN; Laura Gillis, RN and Sheana Sullivan, RN. Cobequid Roseanne McDonald attended the Urodynamics course offered by Dr. Gajewski and Emmi Champion on February 6th and 7th at the Halifax Infirmary. Urology Clinic Emmi Champion is participating in a monthly prostate cancer information meeting for newly diagnosed patients, coordinated by Debbie McLeod. We are currently planning the Urology Nurses of Canada Dine and Learn which will be held May 28, 2015. 5B Welcome to our team Destiny Triesen, LPN from B.C and Lana Seo, RN from 6B. Congrats and good luck to the following people who left 5B: Chris Hanf accepted an administrative role; Melissa Schofield, RN relocated to minor procedures; Anna McQuinn, RN relocated to dialysis; Anna Hill, RN moved to Alberta; Adrienna Smith, RN registered for the OR course; Paula Carver, ward clerk relocated to 5A and Jennifer Fenirtry has enrolled in Osteopath course and is now part time. Greg Uy, RN announced his engagement. Big thanks to Ruth Kwantes for her six months as preceptor for new nursing staff. Enjoy retirement! The Department of Urology is delighted to have Dr. Ian M. Thompson as the visiting speaker for the April 24th, 2015 Research Day. Dr. Thompson is the Director of the Cancer Therapy and Research Center at the University of Texas HSC at San Antonio, a National Cancer Institute-designated Cancer Center. He is the Chair of the Early Detection Research Network of the National Cancer Institute and Chairs the Genitourinary Committee of the Southwest Oncology Group, the largest clinical trials organization sponsored by the National Cancer Institute. He has previously chaired the Urology Residency Review Committee of ACGME and served as President of the Society of Urologic Oncology. He is President of the American Board of Urology and serves on the Parent Committee of the Cancer Centers Program of the National Cancer Institute. During this time he has published more than 550 peer-reviewed papers. Dr. Ian Thompson Guest Speaker Research Day- April 24, 2015 We’re on the Web! See us at: http://dal.ca/urology Dr. Thompson serves as Principal Investigator of the San Antonio Center for Biomarkers of risk of Prostate Cancer, a program funded for 15 years by the National Cancer Institute. He served as Principal Investigator of the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial, SWOG8794, and of SELECT, all very large, randomized clinical trials funded by the National Cancer Institute. Under his leadership, the Department of Urology became the highest-funded Department by the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Thompson retired as a Colonel from the U.S. Army, having served as Chairman of the Department of Surgery at Brooke Army Medical Center. He served in Saudi Arabia and Iraq as a General Surgeon with the 41st Combat Support Hospital during Operation Desert Storm/Shield.
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