Seasons & Generations Vol. 2, Issue 4 • North Twin Cities Edition • April, 2013 photography by James Netz, ç James Netz Photography Baseball Commitments Tax Humor Senior Olympics tbd • FREE EDITION • FROM THE PUBLISHER It’s a scarey thought, that maybe we’re the crazy neighbors. IN THIS ISSUE For Sure - Death & Taxes - pg.4 Birds & Gardens - pg. 5 Age of Champions - pg. 6 Rules of Manhood - pg. 9 Cooking with “Bacon” - pg. 11 Best Sandwhich - pg. 12 Turning 50- pg. 14 The Commitment of Baseball- pg. 16 The Paths of Thrivers - pg. 18 The BBB for Veterans - pg. 20 Take A Break - pg. 22 OUR ADVERTISERS Bathtub Solutions Better Business Bureau Black Jacks Sealcoating Dixons Home Services Dobo’s Bakery & Cafe Lee Square Cooperative NeriumAD Age Defying Treatment Minnesota Telephone Equip. Dist. Peaceful LIving Primetime Living Expo St. Benedict’s Senior Community Studio K Group Fitness Urban Tree & Landscape Vietnam Veterans Charity Whispering Pines ADVERTISING INFORMATION Ad rates and and more details about us included on our website. But, we always welcome an old fashioned phone call. SUBSCRIPTIONS Seasons & Generations is published monthly, free of charge. Personal subscriptions are $18 per year to cover first-class mailing cost only. DISTRIBUTION I could tell many stories - good, entertaining and odd, about our neighbors here in Coon Rapids. But as they know where we live, I should probably shut up about that and just point a finger at ourselves. We still have our Christmas lights up. But they are LED’s, and on a timer so they aren’t expensive to keep on. And I don’t think they are annoying to the neighbors. I always feel that night illumination is friendly and inviting. But since we’re already past Easter, we may have to take them down. The year before we invested several hundred dollars in these new beautiful lights, that we carefully arranged and affixed to the house and the trees. We were proud and joyous of our holiday cheer. But we didn’t get around to taking the lights off the trees until June. Needless to say, the ‘tree rats’a.k.a. squirrels had chewed through multiple sections of the strands....not fixable, they became trash. And we started over with more fancy-schmancy lights. But this has been a harsher winter than last year - still two feet of snow in our back yard - so until the snow melts, we’re keeping the lights on! I Encourage You to Share an Article for Publication Inspirational Family Stories From and For All Ages Please let us know if you’d like your facility added to our monthly delivery. Minnesota Winter Events / Lifestyle Senior’s & Baby Boomer’s Childhood Memories LEGAL STUFF We are proud of our writers and advertisers, however, RSVP and Seasons & Generations magazine does not endorse content of articles, editorials or ads. Laure Rauch, Publisher • Rauch & Sister Varied Publications - RSVP 11535 Jonquil Street NW • Coon Rapids • MN • 55433 phone: 612.804.3160 • email: •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN 3 FOR SURE - DEATH & TAXES It’s been a long winter but spring is finally here. How do I know? Because, just like last year it’s a sunny day outside and I’m trapped at my desk trying to figure out how to do my taxes. Let me amend that last statement: I’m trapped at my desk trying to figure out how to use the computer program that is going to help me do my taxes. You know what? Let me amend that statement too: I’m actually trying to figure how to use the computer that is supposedly there to help me use the computer program that is supposedly there to help me to do my taxes. I know I should just cave in and take my taxes to an accountant, but you’ve got to understand something: I won’t even ask a stranger for directions! I once drove from Minneapolis to to South Dakota and I wound up in Iowa because I didn’t ask for directions and blindly trusted my GPS. I knew I was completely lost, but for me it was a pride thing. By the way, Des Moines is a great city. I’m a do-it-myself kind of gal. Paying a “trained professional” just seems so expensive to me. I mean, it’s not like these people went to school for this or anything. My business partner, who is OK, I give in. I’m calling for CPR or calling a CPA for help. They’ll do your taxes and give you the Heimlich maneuver if you choke on a sandwich when they tell you what you still owe. ---- Laure, S&G an accountant just informed me that they do go to school for it. So fine, they went to school for it. Look, I’ve put together “some-assem- I wish it were the medieval times, when some guy would ride on horseback to my house and demand money for the king. I’d just give him a bag of gold coins -- or maybe just a goat. That would be so much less complicated. bly-required” furniture, (instructions And why do I always wait until the last minute? Oh, I know! Because it’s a horrible experience that I want to avoid at all costs. I mean, not that filling out forms and giving away your money isn’t fun. It’s a blast! a book shelf or a night stand instead provided in four languages) myself, so why can’t I do this myself, too? I just had a thought: If I could somehow persuade the IRS to let me build PS - I’m proud and very grateful to be an American. And I pay my fair share. But, wouldn’t it be helpful if it wasn’t so damn difficult to do so. a book shelf instead of filling out these forms, I’d be golden. That would be a walk in the park! Note to self: Write my senator a letter and ask him/her if sending Uncle Sam of doing my taxes is a cause worth fighting for in Congress. Another note to self: Find out who my senator is. “When it comes to taxes, there are two types of people. There are those that get it done early, also known as psychopaths, and then the rest of us.” –Jimmy Kimmel 4 •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN BIRDS & GROWTH THIS MONTH Keep your feeders and bird baths full and watch for increased activity as birds return and others pass through on their migratory path. It’s also nesting season -- put out an old suet cage feeder filled with dryer lint, strings, cotton, and pet hair to help birds build their nests. When you are doing your spring clean up, put your small twigs in piles near bird houses to make it easier for them to gather what they need. After a long winter, it’s really hard to imagine or remember which plants are where in the garden. Combine a long period of inactivity of both garden and gardener! Despite the threat of snow that still lingers, the tulips, crocus and daffidoils should be blooming soon. Now is also a good time to make plans for all the bedding plants you’ll need to hide bare spaces and fill containers. If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. --- Marcus Tullius Cicero “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” -- Abraham Lincoln Most nurseries and garden centers are fully stocked, but don’t be too hasty. Spring in Minnesota (especially this year) can be fickle. So, plan ahead but be careful - and say a prayer for rain and more sunny days may help too! Eat your fruit and vegetables. Drink your milk. --- Mom Home Support Services for all Ages. We provide 2 to 24-hour care based on each individual & family needs Proactive Preventative d Peace of Min • Financial Services • Elderly In-Home Services • Adults or Children with Disabilities • 24 Hour Placement • Family Owned & Managed Call for a FREE Personal Assessment 715.386.7071 Serving Minnesota & Wisconsin. Full Breakfast & Lunch Menu Daily Specials Home Made Pastries & Pies $2.00 OFF Strawberry Rhubarb Pies Please present coupon. Not valid with other offers. One coupon per purchase. Expires 4.30.13 4425 Hwy 55 • Loretto • 763.479.4063 Mon-Thur 6am - 1:30 pm • Fri 6am - 4 pm • Sat 7am - 12pm Grill Hours, Breakfast Mon-Fri 6am - 11am Lunch Mon - 11am - 1:30pm • All Day Saturday Breakfast •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN 5 THE AGE OF CHAMPIONS Senior Olympics documentary inspires seniors across the country Over 300,000 athletes, 50 years old and up, compete each year in Senior Olympic competitions. es 65+ The Tigerett ampions. basketball ch fman Adolph Hoff ung, 86 years yo r. pole vaulte A 100-year-old tennis champion, 86year-old pole vaulter, his 89 year old arch-rival, and a team of basketball grandmothers. These are the stars of the new documentary Age of Champions, which chronicles the uplifting stories of the National Senior Olympics as these athletes discover the resilience of the human spirit and triumph over the limitations of age. The film premiered at this year’s Silverdocs Film Festival and is already generating a lot of buzz. The Washington Post called it “infectiously inspiring” and the film’s athletes have recently appeared on Martha Stewart Living, NPR, and ABC Nightly News. Age of Champions follows seven senior athletes as they train for the Olympics and tackle the challenges of aging with grace, humor, and optimism. chase the Age of Champions Community Screening Kit at the film’s website. The kit includes the DVD, promotional materials, and an active aging discussion guide—everything you need to host a successful screening for your residents. “These athletes never give up,” says producer Keith Ochwat. “They face tough challenges, but their secret is to stay positive and always work toward their next goal.” “The film’s message is for everyone,” says Ochwat. “No matter the age or physical ability, all seniors can take small steps toward becoming healthier and more active.” Ochwat and his team at the Documentary Foundation have screened Age of Champions at over 1,000 senior organizations, nonprofits, and long-term care facilities across the country. This July, the film will broadcast nationally on PBS. Check local listings for air dates and times. The Community Screening Kit is available at Watch the trailer and learn more at If you are interested in inspiring older adults in your community, you can pur- Free screenings at the Primetime Living Expo later this month. Applewood Pointe of Roseville Exceptional Living for Independent Adults 55 & Better. Established Senior Cooperative. Caring community located near churches, shopping, restaurants and groceries. CONTACT JAN AT 651-636-2161 1480 Applewood Court W • Roseville Keith Ochwat Managing Director Documentary Foundation 916.456.5229 USE A FOOD INSTEAD OF A DRUG. The mangosteen fruit juice is exotic, delicious and packed full of xanthones. • ARTHRITIS • FIBROMYALGIA • DIABETES • PSCORIASIS Used in trial studies at the Mayo Clinic! For inflammation-based conditions • For people and animals! Your local representative Mary Amlaw • 612.810.1487 Email: • 6 •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN SUNSHINE & VITAMIN D Vitamin D is found in many dietary sources, such as fish, eggs, fortified milk, and cod liver oil. The sun also contributes significantly to the daily production of vitamin D. As little as 10 minutes of exposure is thought to be enough to prevent deficiencies. The term “vitamin D” refers to several different forms of this vitamin. Two forms are important in humans: ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). Vitamin D2 is synthesized by plants. Vitamin D3 is synthesized by humans in the skin when it is exposed to ultraviolet B (UVB) rays from sunlight. Foods may be fortified with vitamin D2 or D3. The major biologic function of vitamin D is to maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium, helping to form and maintain strong bones. It is used, alone or in combination with calcium, to increase bone mineral density and decrease fractures. Recently, research also suggests that vitamin D may provide protection from osteoporosis, hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer, and several autoimmune diseases. Rickets and osteomalacia are classic vitamin D deficiency diseases. In adults, vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteomalacia, which results in muscular weakness in addition to weak bones. Short daily periods of sun exposure without sunscreen during April to October are enough for most people to make enough vitamin D. Evidence suggests that the most effective time of day for vitamin D production is between 11am and 3pm. A short period in the sun means a matter of minutes – about 10 to 15 minutes for most people and is less than the time it takes you to burn. The larger the area of your skin that is exposed to sunlight, the more chance there is of making enough vitamin D before you start to burn. People with darker skin will need to spend longer in the sun to produce the same amount of vitamin D. We’re increasing the intensity and length of our sunlight several minutes a day in April. Get outside to be healthier and to enjoy the warmth! --- •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN 7 PET PEEVES By April, you may have broken your new year’s resolutions. So perhaps it is time to create a new resolution. How about turning our long awaited spring into the season of getting-rid-of-small-thingsthat-irritate-you! Psychologists claim that if you write something down, you will help get it out of your system. Then whatever has irked, dismayed or hurt you in the past will be gone. Taking the experts’ advice and in order to enjoy the spring that is arriving, I am purging myself of my pet peeves. Here are a few; • People who do not say “thank you” after you hold the door open for them, or do not hold the door open for those who come after them. Sit down and write out your pet peeves. Try it, you may like it. This spring your spirit might soar. I’m trying it too! • Constant SPAM in my e-mail. But, the ______________________________ tasty meat product SPAM® I really like. • Anyone who litters any place. • Conversing with people who talk constantly, blah, blah, blah. I’ve actually said “I’m sorry, but could you excuse me for a minute” and walked away. I’m not sure if they noticed my absence. ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ • People who don’t send thank you ______________________________ notes for a loving gift. That’s okay, I won’t send another gift next time. ______________________________ • Really bright lights or loud sounds. ______________________________ But fireworks are still the best! • Complaining about a problem without doing anything about it. ______________________________ ______________________________ S&G 8 •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN DEFINING THE RULES OF MANHOOD In these confusing days of changing morals and shifting values, I thought it might be valuable for male readers to review the four basic rules for manly men. Women are also invited to listen in. Rule No.1 — A man must never talk about, mention, or otherwise refer to the subject of pants to another man. It’s okay for women to talk about clothes— anybody’s clothes, in any context whatsoever. But for a man to mention the subject of pants to another man, well, it just makes everybody feel awkward and uncomfortable. There are no exceptions to this rule Such unacceptable phrases would include: “Hey Frank, how do you like my new pants?” “Wow! Those are nice pants.” See how awkward and uncomfortable that makes you feel? And there is no situation in which this rule may be broken. Not even, “Um, buddy? Your pants just caught fire,” is acceptable. Trust me, a man would much rather find out his pants are on fire himself rather than hearing it from another guy. Rule No. 2 — Never talk to other men in the public restroom. The standard is that a man is allowed only one verbal exchange at the sink, and only at the sink, and that can only be about sports or the sermon (if at church). For example: “Good sermon today.” “Yeah, how ’bout them Twins?” is a more-than-adequate men’s room conversation. Rule No. 3 — Never verbally share your feelings with another man. This is not to say you can’t share your feelings for him—just not verbally. He will most appreciate it if you do one of the following: 1) Whack him on the back 2) Punch him on the shoulder 3) Nod at him restroom. Going into a men’s room and saying something like, “Dude, let me tell you how I feel about your pants!” might just cause both parties irreparable damage in the community of manly men. I should also point out that real men (and real women too for that matter) seek the Lord and trust in Him. In the Bible, John 6:28-29 records Jesus being asked, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” There it is. No complicated rules. No stipulations. No confusion. The foundation and beginning of any meaningful relationship is trust. I believe God passionately desires to communicate that he can be trusted—with our families, our finances, and our souls. It isn’t easy figuring out all the rules of this world, but don’t you just love the idea of a God who is more concerned about relationships than rules? For a man to do all three at once is the highest form of manly man affection. Charles Marshall is a nationally known comedian and author. Rule No. 4 — Never share your feelings about another man’s pants in the men’s Please visit his Charles website at QUALITY FURNACE SERVICES • Maintenance, cleaing, repair. • 15 years experience. • Available nights and weekends. • Licensed, bonded and insured. • 10% off for seniors & veterans. LEE’S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING (763) 286-6834 If you like our magazine, tell a friend! If you don’t, mind your own darn business! •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN 9 SHORT BUT TRUE How I Learned to Mind My Own Business I was walking past a residential facility the other day and people were shouting. “13...13...13...” The fence was too high to see over, but I saw a small gap in the planks, so I looked through to see what was going on. On Parenting “It is amazing how quickly the kids learn to drive a car, yet are unable to understand the lawnmower, snowblower or vacuum cleaner --Bill Cosby Honeydew’s & Honey-Do’s First, east some fruit today. You’ll feel better. Some idiot poked me in the eye with a stick, then they all started shouting, “14...14...14.” Kids Say the Darndest Things Art Linkletter’s TV show House Party aired from 1952-1970. In one of his child interviews he asks a sweet young girl “What would you do first, if you were President?” Her response was simply “Keep my mouth shut and do my chores.” LET THE SUN IN! Professional Window Cleaning • Window Cleaning • Power Washing • Chandelier Cleaning • Gutter Cleaning • Free Estimates SAVE $25 On Window Cleaning Please present coupon. Expires April 30, 2013 Second, if you ask kindly, you’ll always get more busy bee effort from your husband, wife, partner and kids with sweetness, rather than vinegar. We’re finally thawing out Minnesota! Get busy doing some FUN stuff! PROMPT PLUMBING SERVICES AFFORDABLE PRICES • GARBAGE DISPOSALS • FAUCETS & DRIPS • DRAIN CLEANING • WATER HEATERS WE CAN HANDLE ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS LARGE OR SMALL! EMERGENCY SERVICES AVAILABLE 651.387.1710 CELL 651.426.2550 OFFICE Locally Owned & Operated Licensed • Bonded Minneapolis, MN LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE DISCOUNTS FOR SENIORS & VETERANS 952.210.9373 10 •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN ‘Bacon’ has been Roger’s nickname since elementary school. He learned to cook and bake at an early age from his mom, Eleanor who made the best pies in Morrison County. COOKING WITH ‘BAC ON’ •• Roger aka ‘B This time of year we transition from cold to warm, and back again. With some luck, the snow will melt soon and we will have a full spring. During this time of year we may start out our day putting on a jacket and end up wearing a light fabric shirt by late afternoon. On days like these I wonder, “What can I make for dinner?” A good homemade soup seems fairly easy and fits with the weather. Soup can easily be left unattended and allow you to go outside when the weather has warmed or stay indoors if it is still lousy outside. I recently prepared Smoky Bean Soup which we enjoyed for several days. ---Bacon acon’ oup Smoky Bean S Ingredients beans 2 cups dry soup or shanks ed pork hocks 3 – 4 lbs. smok tituted) m can be subs ha or ks lin ge (sausa atoes cut up can whole tom 1 qt. or 28 oz. onion ½ cup chopped rrots sliced 3- 4 medium ca ry chopped 3 stalks of cele Bay leaf rsley 1/8 cup dried pa 6 cups water Beans are one of nature’s healthiest foods. They are naturally low in total fat, contain no saturated fat or cholesterol. They provide important nutrients such as; fiber, protein, calcium, iron, folic acid and potassium. The U.S. dietary guidance says that including beans may reduce your risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Cooking Directions Soak beans overnight, or for a minimum of 4 hours in 6 cups of water. Check the beans for small foreign sub stances. There is nothing qui te like taking a spoon of soup to find a small pebble . Rinse and drain after soa king. Add beans and all remaining ingredients to a stock pot. Cover and simmer for 2 to 3 hours. Remove meat. Trim fat and discard bones. Retur n pieces of meat to soup mixture. Allow to simmer unt il beans are soft. Salt and pepper to taste. You can cut preparation tim e by pressure cooking the beans and pork together. Use the liquid in place of the water called for in the recipe . The addition of tomatoes giv es this soup a red color and a very good flavor in comparison to the traditiona l bean soups that do not use this as an ingredient. Grab yourself a slice of hearty wh ole grain bread and enjoy! •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN 11 BEST BBQ FOUND IN CHAMPLIN S&G magazine recently heard of Q Fanatic BBQ restaurant in Champlin, from the TV show Diner’s, Drive-In’s & Dives, which is why we came here the first time. It was the best sandwich I’ve ever eaten! We called, we ate again! We talked with Charlie, the owner. S&G: Has that television exposure made a difference in your business? Q Fanatic: Yes, BBQ has a following as does the other food network shows. It’s two niche’s that we fall into – those people who travel and when they’re in town they look for diners and BBQ places. Probably about 1/3 of our business comes from out of town. We have a map showing we’ve had someone from every state, most providences in Canada, and people from 23 countries have eaten here. S&G: What’s the time commitment of being on a TV show? Q Fanatic: We were interviewed for a full length segment, but we didn’t make the cut. But they still needed a short segment. The production company at that time was still in Plymouth and one of the film crew guys lived in Anoka and frequented the restaurant. They called on Tuesday - they would be here on Friday over the 4th of July weekend. They told us ‘we have high definition cameras so everything needs to be spotless’, so I pretty much cleaned around the clock, literally. They got here around 6:00 am, and I was the only one here and they told me it wasn’t quite good enough because the grill wasn’t spotless. I explained that we use these grills, and they’re clean, but they aren’t brand new - but we’re still running a business and serving food. Filiming still took until 8:00 that night. Great List Prices Now! • Call for a Tour Lee Square Cooperative 4400 36th Ave. North • Robbinsdale MN Age 50+ • Call 763.522.5095 or Toll Free 1.855.422.0022 12 •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN S&G: We have a small smoker at home. Where do you get your BBQ wood? my efforts more than my education that allowed us to open here. Q Fanatic: Up in Fort Ripley - they ship all over the world. We grew up on a hobby farm. We canned a lot of our own food. With this restaurant we wanted to focus on the quality and freshness of food I remember as a child. S&G: How much meat do you order? Q Fanatic: 50 pigs worth of meat a week, close to 150 racks (ribs) a week - half comes from the spare and half comes from the back. S&G: I’ve stated that the ‘Q Ban’ is the best sandwich I’ve ever eaten - smoky pulled pork, ham and a pickle on a fresh baked bun. What’s not to like about that? And it is great as a leftover if you can’t eat it all. Portions are generous. Q Fanatic BBQ and Grill is located at 180 Miller Road in Champlin. You’ll LOVE the food, you’ll enjoy the familyfriendly atmosphere, and I especially liked their choice of old-timey R&B music in the background. ----Laure, S&G S&G: You’ve started to do catering? Q Fanatic: Yes. Typicially in summer we handle 10 parties a day on weekends - for graduations and other events. Many events we just supply the meat, and the family provides the sides of bread, beans and coleslaw themselves. S&G: Your children, wife, and extended family are involved in working in the restaurant, but mostly part-time. Do you ever sleep? Q Fanatic: Normally I’m up at 3:00 a.m. starting the smokers, and then nap for a little bit. There’s a cot with my name on in the back of the restaurant. I take my son to school around 7:00, and back again to the restaurant. My wife and I have five children, ages 16-24, and they’re all involved in the restaurant in some way. S&G: What’s your inspiration or background in the restaurant business? Q Fanatic: I’ve been cooking for 35 years, schooled at the Cullinary Institute in New York, worked at multiple restaurants, and had my own catering kitchen. But my best education was from the school of hard knocks. It was mostly •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN 13 50+ CAN BE A FICKLE NUMBER You can look back at the first half of your life and think, “job well done”, or you can look back and say, “what was I thinking?” nd ecky a Child B ith dad. sw sibling y about r Her sto od childho Lake ies of memor dence n p Inde e G d in S& e h s publi 12 July, 20 Looking forward is only possible by first looking back and taking into account questions. People today are being cut from jobs they have worked at for over 30 years. As they re-enter the workforce, they find the same job now requires an educational degree. For the past few years, I had tossed around the idea of going back to school to get a BA degree. I have done much soul-searching over the past two years. I needed to work at something I felt passionate about. My kids are both adults now. They are two young adults, prepped to take on life challenges—that’s what parents do, teach and nurture. It’s funny how my passion sat in my head, waiting to emerge. I’ve dealt with many experiences in my lifetime that we are told will make us stronger, if they don’t kill us. to do with my life? What about writing? Becky I determined that writing would be my passion for the remainder of my life. I am constantly asking and searching for deeper meaning and explanations to many things. There doesn’t seem to be a bottom or an end to my questions. Quite a few people in my life unknowingly have spurned my interest in this vast, creative world. My path is finally clear to me. Writing, yes, writing it will be. Becky from Rockford, MN was a returning college student at age 51. What a great base to work with in my writing— life experiences. Detailed memoirs, descriptions of places, and history, are all fascinating to me. I especially love to write about places. She wrote us again this month to share another story and photo of her graduation with her proud children. I have been journaling off-and-on my entire life. Hmm, what is it I really want Congratulations on receiving your BA. Turning the Page How did my youth Just slip away? It seems it lasted Just a day. I once would imagine What my future would hold But now that I’m here It has yet to unfold. I hope that I’m safe And eternally bound. What’s lost has been lost What’s to come shall be found. Holding on to my youth But turning the page, I gracefully accept My new coming of age. Nancy Blais • Crystal, MN ot ould n h s e ve f Li e gra h t o t ly g safe ur ney n o i j v i a r be f ar tion o n e t n nd he i tive a c a r t with t t a y, in an d bod e v r e ways, pres e d i s well d in to ski p, r e h t sed u u y l but ra g u thoro ut, body or n o w y l l tota , ming a e r c ide! and s at a r h w , HOO WOO 14 •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN ---Laure, S&G APRIL DATES TO NOTICE April 10th • National Sibling Day A day to appreciate and cherish your brothers and sisters. Siblings are truly a blessing that we may sometimes take for granted. They are often our best friends and supporters through life and not everyone is lucky enough to have siblings to tease, irritate and love. Scrabble was created in 1938 by Alfred Mosher Butts. It is sold by Hasbro, Inc. It’s very easy to celebrate Scrabble Day. Just get out the old board, dust it off, and play a few games! Celebrate National Sibling Day in a variety of ways. Visit them if they live nearby. Call them, if they live far away or send them a card or a letter. Claudia Evart, President and Founder of this day, initiated National Sibling Day after the death of her brother and sister. April 13th • Scrabble Day Celebrates the popular board game. ® April 19th • National Garlic Day It’s a vegetable. Its’ an herb. It is used in recipes around the world. Garlic has also been used medicinally for thousands of years. About the only negative thing you can say about it, is that it can negatively affect an otherwise romantic evening. Garlic is believed to provide protection against heart disease and some cancers, lowers blood cholesterol levels, reduces the buildup of plaque in arteries. Some believe it to fight off colds. Celebrate National Garlic Day by using it in your meals and snacks today. Spend some time researching its medical benefits and try a new garlic recipie for dinner tonight. Make Your Bathtub Safe & Accessible FREE QUOTES Before After 3 Fast 3 Affordable 3 Functional Convert your old bathtub into a walk-in shower (shown here) or add a door that allows easy access to enjoy a bath. • Locally Owned & Operated Licensed • Bonded • Discounts for Seniors & Veterans Visit our website for lots of details and local photos • We welcome an old fashion phone call - speak to a live person (651)-775-8827 •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN 15 THE COMMITMENT OF BASEBALL I remember as a kid listening to the Dodgers games on the radio at an elderly neighbor’s house. We would sit on the front porch or out in the back yard with a transistor radio, you remember those, right? The sound of the announcer Vin Scully, describing each play with excitement. We lived in California until I was eight and being far from my grandparents in the Midwest we adopted a neighbor couple in their 60’s. Did I say they were elderly? I guess they seemed older back then! My parents themselves weren’t sports fans in any way so there were no loyalty issues with my team of choice. When we moved back to the Midwest in 1976 I stayed a Dodgers fan even though in Iowa there are so many teams closer to home to root for - the Brewers, Twins, Cubs, White Sox, and Royals - the choices seem endless. My grandparents, who lived in Wisconsin, were always Cubs fans. When we spent time with them in the summer the Cubs were on the radio. Sometimes in the evening you could hear Harry Carey calling the game over the radio in the barn. I’m certain the cows appreciated the play by play during milking. I think what I like about baseball is the whole experience. I prefer a college or minor league game if you are going to be there in person. It just seems more real, not quite so polished. Maybe there is some hokey local mascot or a bag of chips chasing a piece of pizza around the bases. Kids running around, the little guys acting tough in their ball caps and trying to get someone to sign a ball and if they catch one in the stands, well that’s just nirvana. The sounds and smells of the stadium, sitting in the sun, heat and humidity makes that large glass of whatever your preferred beverage is taste that much better. This whole sitting in the sun with your shorts, tank tops and sunglasses hoping for a breeze off the outfield as the sun sets on an afternoon game is really the heart and soul of baseball. I think that is why over the last 10 years since my oldest boy started T-ball, I have come to dread baseball season. Registration begins in January. I know, absolutely crazy! Most of us haven’t come up for air after Christmas let alone gotten the tree taken down, and basketball is in full swing. By the end of February the try-outs start. Older kids have already been practicing for weeks! As most parents know T-ball is painful to watch and most of the time an exercise in complete futility. If you can get them to knock the ball 2 feet off the T and run the bases in right direction it’s tantamount to a Hall of Fame moment. Kudos to all the grandparents out there who come out to these games. I don’t know if this is what you had in mind for your retirement, but you are collecting some big karma points. By the time they are 12 or so it’s like watching an actual game. You might even find yourself cheering, and jumping out of your seat after a good play. If you have made it to this level, you’ve been in Ball playe r sons sh own here - clean! this for seven or so years! Now that my friends, is commitment! Because we currenty live in the Pacific Northwest it rains pretty much on a daily basis until early July. Most of the baseball season April through early June is spent calling the rain out line on an hourly basis to see if you are rained out for the night. Rain outs are a blessing and a curse. While the up side is you will not be sitting in the pouring rain, wearing rain gear, gloves, boots, a stocking cap because it is so cold and huddling under an umbrella hoping it does not turn inside out with the next gust of wind, the down side is the game will have to be made up. Make up games translate to double headers anytime the field is remotely playable and the outfield is just a swampy puddle rather than a lake. Sometimes during a hot mid summer baseball game the center fielder appears to be standing in a mirage, let me assure you if it is any time before June here it’s not a mirage, but an actual pool of water that they are standing in! The boys, because now I have a high school player and a 9 year old, are unrecognizable spattered with mud, their cleats packed with it, soaking wet uniforms, cheeks red from the cold. 16 •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN Of course being the meanest mom ever, I make them strip down to their slider shorts and t-shirts before getting in the van. Their complete and utter mortified embarrassment is really none of my concern. Keeping mud out of the vehicle that I have been spending much of my life in for the last few years is. I keep plastic trash cans in the back for muddy uniforms and cleats. These get placed in the driveway waiting for a hose down by the afore mentioned players after they have had a shower to thaw out. You may be thinking I’m not a baseball fan! On the contrary it is just that I long for the baseball of my childhood, Midwest small town or college ball, the boys of summer. Where you go in the heat of the day with the sun blazing down, where you hope for some relief with the sun setting over the outfield, hot dog and cold drink in hand. Not the baseball of my middle age, a parent of ball players, where I appear to be dressed to go skiing and hope I will be warm enough, where practice ends ‘when it gets dark’ which the coaches hope will not be before 6pm, but usually is, where my beverage of choice is a double tall, non-fat latte, extra hot. I ask you really, is this baseball? Bridget is a Critical Care RN. She has a husband of 22 years, 3 kids, 3 goldfish, a cat and a dog. Charles Ma rshall Bridget CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION & QUOTE NATURAL STONE PATIOS RETAINING WALLS • PERENNIALS FIRE & WATER FEATURES • ANNUALS SHRUB & TREE PLANTING EDIBLE GARDEN DESIGNS SAVE $250 • CALL FOR DETAILS Urban Tree & Landscape (612) 532-9996 • Cell (612) 703-1770 FOR MORE DETAILS •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN 17 EXPLORING THE PATHS OF ‘THRIVERS’ It all started in grade school when I would go to the nursing home after school to shave my Grandfather. It became a special part of my day that I looked forward to. My positive experience as a youngster later led me to work as a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) at the nursing home for summer employment during my high school and college years. It was at this time, I realized my view and experience of older adults was different than most. I thought these people may be old in age (years lived), but they all had a life story to tell, unique gifts to share, personalities that shined, and an abundance of wisdom to share; something of value and significance. As a young adult, my lifelong interest in health and wellness both personally and professionally began and thus, most of my work experience has been with companies of similar focus: 24 Hour Nautilus, YMCA, and Nutrisystem. It was no surprise to me or those close to me when I decided to pursue a Masters Degree in Gerontology (the study of aging). Gerontology was an avenue I could incorporate my two passions: aging + wellness = Aging Well. Over time, I became increasingly more curious why some people just survive old age and some people thrive. I assumed, like many people do, that we are victims of sort of the aging process with very little say in how we age. It was my own experience around aging well and being a qualitative researcher within older populations that has forever changed my vision of aging. Generation AgePotential and the like are a generation of older adults who are not adhering to the Ageist ways of thinking; but instead, rocking the world of aging as we know it! If only we would listen, learn, and apply! The people who are thriving in old age adamantly state they are not “special” people, but what does appear to be “special” is the way they choose to live out their life. ell. Campb by Lori l a ti n ts. Pote highligh ur Age me ed and ken Yo Primeti rn a e tu w th A rs t f e a o rn y n o p o c o rs s, pe of my c t-it note t her in nal look ave pos e. Mee h id I s k d o A perso e o b eb ur hout th p by yo S&G Throug k to kee o o Laure, b -t -n . e ll th e n c o x An e r this m xpo late Living E Lori Campbell, Generation AgePotential evolved out Gerontologist, author, of my compelling desire to heighten and public speaker. the awareness of the individual potential to age well and to address a gap in contemporary aging and aging well dialogue: the void of the older adult’s perspective. She can be reached at 701.360.0377 or Email; or visit her website 18 •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN Lori HIRING A CONTRACTOR Solicit Multiple Quotes Shop around and get at least three written estimates. Verify License Insurance & Bonding Ensure that companies have a current license to do work in Minnesota, as well as liability and workers compensation insurance that they are bonded. Get References from friends and relatives, and also ask the company for references from their last three jobs before you sign a contract. Use Extra Caution with sales people who are going door-to-door claiming to be doing work with your neighbors; ensure they are an employee of the business they claim to be representing. Get a Lien Waiver which is a statement by the contractor that suppliers and subcontractors have been paid. Don’t Forget Building Permits Permits are for your protection and help ensure work will meet local building codes. Companies are required to get permits and should be responsible for obtaining any necessary permits - not you. Don’t Rely on Verbal Promises Any promises made orally should be written into the contract, including warranties on materials or labor. Arrange a Payment Schedule Never pay in full in advance of a project. Stagger your payments according to agreed-upon stages of work completion and do not make a final payment until all work is finished. Never pay in cash; use a check or credit card. Consider All Angles Keep in mind that if you choose to do business with someone who is not local, you need to know who to contact in regard to any service needs that may arise after the completion of the project. Get It In Writing Do not allow work to start without a signed, written contract that includes start and completion dates, exact costs, specific work to be done, and warranty information. Anything you sign is a contract. Pay special attention to any details in bold, that are underlined, or that you need to initial. Picture Perfect Grooming Most Small Dogs, Full Service $40 Includes: Bath, Hair Cut, Nails Trimmed & Ears Cleaned Gary is the Senior Outreach Program Manager for the Better Gary Johnso Business Bureau n of MN and ND. He can be reached at 651-695-2424 or 800-646-6222 Studio K Group Fitness Individual Services Nails Trimmed $9, Teeth Brushed $6, Butt Trim $10, Face Shave $5, Anal Glands $4, Ears Cleaned $5 510 Northdale Blvd Coon Rapids Improve Your Balance, Flexibility & Range of Motion Membership may be FREE with your supplemental insurance coverage. (at Foley Blvd. near Jensen’s Foods) Lots of Love • Call Today 763-754-8591 Give JOIN FOR 3 MONTHS PAID IN FULL YOUR 4th MONTH IS FREE! PLEASE MENTION THIS AD. EXPIRES 4.31.13 Studio K Group Fitness 3450 Bunker Lake Blvd • Andover Seasons And Generations Subscriptions enveloped and delivered by first class mail. One year (12 editions) only $18 (1 block East of Bunker Lake & Round Lake Blvd.) Call 763.767.7704 •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN 19 STOP YOUR GRIPING! SUCK IT UP! “Don’t be a wuss!” “Buck up, Buckaroo!” The military was never known for its “softer” side. veterans suffered Post-Traumatic Stress Unethical businesses that do not deliver Syndrome (PTSS) symptoms silently the quality of product or services that because they were told it was heroic. the customer expects. In these cases, Many found the burden too heavy and placing a complaint can end this reign of they lost their battle to the overwhelming criminal activity. It can give the com- suicide epidemic within the military and plainant peace-of-mind that they have veteran community. Today, help is but a phone call, website or Iphone App away. The “Veterans Crisis Line” at 1-800-2738255 (Press 1) is a good resource to keep in mind for any military or veteran in need of support. Even in the midst of Basic Training in the hot, Texas sun, Training Instructors set the guidelines that would continue my entire military career. Don’t complain! That advice is great in the midst of a The military preaches honor, service, honesty and ethics----too bad some people didn’t get the same message when they were growing up! combat zone, Inspector General inspection, or on a deployment, but it does not There are unscrupulous people that always serve Servicemembers, Veter- scheme to defraud the Servicemember ans or their family members well when or Veteran or senior citizen from their something goes wrong. hard-earned dollars. False charities using the U.S. flag in their logo, or telling When you are ill, injured or emotionally upset---all the remedies are withheld unless you speak up, identify the situation, and honestly report symptoms. The Veterans’ Administration and all military services are rewriting that part of the “No Whining” code. Too many a heart-wrenching story about a veteran or family bait unsuspecting donors. Scammers targeting elderly veterans and charging them for end-of-life benefits that the VA provides for free. been heard, respected and recognized. In any of these cases, the Better Business Bureau stands ready to assist in the complaint process, mediate with both parties and refer trends to law enforcement officials. Vicki Lokken-Paverud is the Military Program Coordinator for the Better Business Bureau of MN and ND. She served 16 years honorably with the US Air Force, is a disabled veteran and provides family and work support to military communities. For additional help, please contact her at the BBB 651.699.1111 or 800.646.6222 20 •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN Vicki 1975 Vicki NATURE’S PURPLE & GREEN BEAUTY The Aurora Borealis Our Beautiful Northern Lights There has been higher-than-normal aurora activity this winter. Gazers from around the world have been contacting the Alaskan GI for information on aurora viewing, mostly wondering if they will be able to see the display in the lower 48 states. Many aurora watchers have submitted photos and featured here is a panoramic shot by astrophotographer Goran Strand of Sweden. The title of this is The Little Astrophotographer, a tribute to the children’s novel The Little Prince. Provided by the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. For more photos please visit Lilacs bloom with the weather and we’ve had a long winter in this year. Expect them to bloom in May or June this summer. As the bloom only lasts for a week or two, take lots of pictures and enjoy them during the cold months. Here’s one from our back yard last summer. Remember summer? I can, only barely. In my defense, if retail stores can start selling Christmas before Halloween, I think it’s okay to talk about summer when we’re still melting this winter’s snow. is a Local Charity #824844-2 • Same Day Service, Free Tow Mpls/St.Paul 651-646-1054 612-366-5811 Oronoco Rochester 1-888-366-5811 •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN 21 TAKE A BREAK Every SUDOKO has a unique solution that can be reached logically. Enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9. This Sudoku difficulty rating: MEDIUM 1 7 8 4 9 3 WORD SEARCH This month’s theme is WASHING THE CAR. Words are shown forwards, backwards, up and down or diagonally. 5 2 6 8 1 8 7 9 3 6 4 9 3 4 1 9 1 2 7 2 6 1 8 To connect the dots players alternate turns with drawing a horizontal or vertical line between a pair of dots to close four sides. Each time you create a box, put your initial inside. Each boxed initial counts as one point. Player 1 ________ Player 2 ________ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • FUNNY ANSWERING MACHINE MESSAGES; Hello, this is Sally’s microwave. Her answering machine just eloped with her tape deck, so I’m taking her calls. If you want anything cooked while you leave your message, just hold it up to the phone. PUZZLE ANSWERS: 22 •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN Maybe it’s not your age... Maybe it’s your old mattress. SENIOR DISCOUNTS EVERY TUESDAY Live Independently Longer by Sleeping Better and Feeling Better! We are dedicated to helping people maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. hoes at Diabetic S O Cost. Little or N QUALIFY CALL TO ed ABC Certifi Pedorthist Diabetic Depth Shoes & Custom Orthotics Wheelchairs • Walkers • Canes • Scooters & LIft Chairs • Incontinence Ostomy & Urological Supplies • Personal Care • Home Safety Products • Bath & Shower Aids • Wound & Skin Care • Diabetic Supplies 622 East Main Street Anoka 763.323.7533 Family Owned & Operated 637 West Main St Anoka 763.274.2299 Black Jacks Sealcoating SPRING SPECIAL INCLUDES OUR 7-POINT SERVICE: 1. Remove weeds and debris from asphalt 2. Establish edges with powered edger 3. Clean asphalt with high power blower 4. Heat and pre-treat oil stains 5. Fill cracks with rubberized filler 6. Seal asphalt with BLACKJACKS custom sealer 7. Barricade asphalt with company banner • Sealcoating • Driveway Aprons • Hot Rubberized Crack Filler • Complete Asphalt Replacement • Minor Asphalt Patching • Power Edging • Potholes • Sunken Apron Replacement Call Barry 952.992.0243 • •(612) 804-3160 • Minneapolis, MN 23 Look Younger NeriumAD Age-Defying Treatment is a night cream that address multiple concerns at once; fine lines and wrinkles, discoloration, uneven skin texture and aging skin. We are a nature-based product with no harsh ingredients. Safe for all skin types. The average NeriumAD clinical trial participant experienced a 30% reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and/or discoloration over a 30 day period. I bring actual before and after photos from all from around the Twin Cities so that you can see the amazing results from this ‘accidental discovery’. And you can personally try and feel the wonderful effects of NeriumAD. ---Terri Earn up to a 50% discount on NeriumAD by hosting a ‘Real Results Party’ at your home, at your convenience! Locally Owned & Operated Distribution Terri Rea, Nerium Brand Partner 4400 Dunham Drive • Minneapolis • MN • 55435 Phone 612.382.8148 • email
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