Fact Sheet Sydney Body Sculpting and Cellulite Centre Velashape Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Aniston’s choice to combat cellulite What does it do? • Offers temporary body-shaping results in more areas of the body through combined radio frequency and lymphatic massage therapy sessions which stimulate collagen for cellulite removal and a tightening effect. • Handy for those needing to remove superficial fat for that upcoming social event, wedding or weekend away. Why is VelaShape better than others on the market? • VelaShape’s technology is its differentiating factor. It features the elos combination of bi-polar radio frequency (RF), infrared light, vacuum suction and mechanical massage. It can cover a wider area, has controlled energy and is safe to use on all skin types. How does it work? • The combination of these different technologies ensures two functions. The radio frequency and Infrared heating mobilises the fat and helps to tighten and smooth the skin and mechanical manipulation (vacuum and massage) assists the lymphatic drainage which then leads to shrinkage of fat cells. What is the procedure? • Similar to Med Contour MC1 a handpiece is passed multiple times over the problematic area of fat and cellulite but rather than ultrasound, the VelaShape emits radio frequency and infrared energy to warm and liquefy fat deposits beneath the skin. • A vacuum and mechanical massage then follows to stimulate blood circulation in the treatment site which directs unwanted fat contents to the metabolic system. • Patients report feeling a gentle warming of the skin accompanied by a feeling similar to a deep tissue massage. • The procedure is not painful and is a walk in walk out procedure. How long does it take? • The treatment takes on average between 30-45 minutes depending on the body area • Best results are achieved by having 4-10 treatments, 1-2 weeks apart for 2-3 months Results • Good reduction in cellulite and tightening and smoothing of the skin is seen after the treatments and increases gradually with each subsequent treatment over the next 2-3 months. • In the U.S there has been much media hype about VelaShape from the likes of Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Aniston and also in talk shows like Dr Phil. In fact in one of his makeover episodes, VelaShape was used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle and the results were profound, with one of the volunteers losing over 10 pounds in 5 weeks with noticeable cellulite reduction. • In a clinical multi-centre study, 85% of study patients reported Circumferential Reduction in addition to cellulite reduction. • As with any procedure the results you see may differ from the clinical trial results and patient to patient but in most cases patients notice improvements gradually after the first session. What does VelaShape NOT do? • Provide permanent weight loss. The results are temporary and while the fat cells are emptied they can easily fill up again if a healthy lifestyle is not maintained. For permanently destroying fat cells we suggest UltraShape and CoolSculpting. • This treatment is for fat reduction of unwanted and problematic localised areas of fat and cellulite. Calluson1300 88 99 35 toarrangeafree,private consultationwithoneofourhighlytrainedmedicalclinicians experiencedinallskinconditions.Duringthisconsultation wewilldiscussindetailthetreatmentprogrambestsuited toyourskinconcernandbudget. www.facialrejuvenation.com.au City 263GeorgeStreet,SydneyNSW2000 Bondi Junction* 1/520OxfordSt,BondiJunctionNSW2150 Chatswood* 821PacificHighway,ChatswoodNSW2067 Parramatta* 91PhillipStreet,ParramattaNSW2150 *limitedservicesareavailableattheseclinics. Fact Sheet Sydney Body Sculpting and Cellulite Centre Velashape Is there any pre or post care needed? • No restrictions, preparation or post treatment care is required after the recommended procedures. Note no anaesthesia of any kind is necessary. • It is important to follow a healthy lifestyle during and after the treatment to maintain optimal results, so as part of our comprehensive service we offer the facility of an exercise therapist and consultation with our dietician. Are there any side affects? • Non-invasive radio-frequency and infrared treatments usually have little-to-no recovery period and few side effects. These energies differ to laser treatments so there are no risks of skin burns, damage or pigmentation. • Following the procedure your skin may appear slightly pink and feel warm due to the enhanced bloody circulation but this should calm down within a few hours after the treatment. You can resume normal activates straight away! What areas and who can be treated? • Treat any areas where cellulite or fatty deposits are causing a problem for you be it the abdomen, back, arms, love handles, thighs, hips, buttocks and other fat deposits in limbs. What does it cost? • VelaShape is priced on the area and time taken for a given treatment area. Average treatments will start from $200 per session. • At the time of the consultation you’ll be assessed and measured and given an accurate quote. Consultation and assessment • Clients are assessed by our supervising Doctor or specifically trained clinician for suitability for VelaShape. • Consultations are complimentary and obligation free. Are there any treatments recommended that compliment VelaShape? • For excess skin and skin laxity we also recommend Thermage skin tightening. • For permanent fat cell reduction UltraShape and CoolSculpting can be used together with VelaShape. For further fat liquefying and lymphatic drainage Med Contour MC1 can also be used. The Sydney Body Sculpting and Cellulite Centre have a comprehensive range of the best five body sculpting treatments. Each person is individually assessed and a tailored treatment plan is recommended utilising either one or several of these treatment modalities to give the best results. After all we provide results, not promises! Calluson1300 88 99 35 toarrangeafree,private consultationwithoneofourhighlytrainedmedicalclinicians experiencedinallskinconditions.Duringthisconsultation wewilldiscussindetailthetreatmentprogrambestsuited toyourskinconcernandbudget. www.facialrejuvenation.com.au City 263GeorgeStreet,SydneyNSW2000 Bondi Junction* 1/520OxfordSt,BondiJunctionNSW2150 Chatswood* 821PacificHighway,ChatswoodNSW2067 Parramatta* 91PhillipStreet,ParramattaNSW2150 *limitedservicesareavailableattheseclinics.
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