99 6. Palmer’s 7. Palmer’s 8. Palmer’s 9. Palmer’s 10. Palmer’s Skin Success Moisturizing Lotion ion (8.5oz) Skin Success Fade Milk (8.5oz) - Bonus Skin Success Fade Serum (1oz) w/Bonus Gift Anti-Darkening Cream (.25oz) Cocoa Butter Formula Cream Jar (3.7 oz) / Bonus (4.4oz) Cocoa Butter Formula Cream Jar (7.25 oz) / Bonus (9.25 oz) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Palmer’s Palmer’s Palmer’s Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Hair Conditioner (5.25oz) Hair Success Bergamot Formula Gro Treatment With Vitamin E Conditioning Hair Dress (3.5oz) (5.25 oz) Hair Food Formula -Conditions Hair & Scalp (5.25oz) Olive Oil Formula Gro Therapy (8.8oz) 16. 17. 19. 20. Palmer’s Olive Oil Formula Hair Conditioner (8.8oz) 21. Palmer’s Palmer’s 18. Palmer’s Palmer’s Palmer’s Palmer’s Shea Butter Formula Jar (3.5oz) Shea Butter Formula Jar (7.25oz) Cocoa Butter Formula Nutrient Enriched Cream (3.75oz) -6pc/display Cocoa Butter Formula Lotion (12oz) -Bonus 22. 23. 24. 25. Palmer’s Palmer’s Palmer’s Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula for Dry Ashy Skin (13.5oz) Cocoa Butter Formula Lotion w/ Pump (13.5 oz) / Bonus (17 oz) Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks (10.6oz) - Bonus Olive Butter Formula Lotion (13 oz) / Bonus (17oz) Cocoa Butter Formula Crack Butter Lotion (8.5oz) 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Moisturizing Body Oil (8.5oz) Palmer’s Olive Oil Formula Spray Oil (5.1oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | Palmer’s No Blade Cocoa Butter Hair Remover Lotion (7oz) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Palmer’s No Blade Shave For Men Tube (4.4oz) No Blade Cocoa Butter Hair Remover Cream (4.4oz) | f 1 905 264 5904 Palmer’s | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca99 100 31. Palmer’s 32. Palmer’s 33. Palmer’s 34. Palmer’s 35. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Swivel Stick (0.5oz) Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks (1.7oz) -36pc/jar Cocoa Butter Formula Moisturizing Body Oil (1.7oz) -30pc/jar Cocoa Butter Formula Cream Tube (1.1oz) -36pc/jar Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Cream for Stretch Marks (1.1oz) -36pc/jar 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Palmer’s Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Soap (4.7oz) -Bonus Aloe Vera Formula Extra Rich Moisturizing Gel (4.4oz) Skin Success Fade Cream - Regular (75g) 41. 42. 43. Palmer’s Palmer’s Palmer’s Palmer’s Palmer’s Skin Success Foaming Cleanser (5 oz) Skin Success Eventone Moisturizing Cream (4.4 oz) 44. 45. Palmer’s Skin Success Anti-Bacterial Medicated Complexion Bar (5 oz) Skin Success Acne Medication Cleanser (8 oz) Skin Success Deep Cleansing Facial Astringent (8.5 oz) Olive Oil Formula Smoothing Shampoo (13.5 oz) Olive Oil Formula Replenishing Conditioner (8.5 oz) 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Palmer’s Palmer’s Olive Oil Formula Bodifying Sheen Spray (12 oz) Olive Oil Formula Glossing Hair Mousse (10.5 oz) 51. 52. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Pump Lotion Fragrance Free (13.5 oz) -Bonuss Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Strong Roots Spray (150ml) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Moisturizing Lip Balm (0.15 oz X 12) Olive Oil Fomula with Vitamin E Moisturizing Hair Milk (8.5 oz) 53. 54. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Scar Serum w/Vitamin E (1oz) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Palmer’s f 1 905 264 5904 Palmer’s Palmer’s Skin Success Eventone Toner (8.5oz) Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Skin Therapy Oil (150ml) | Palmer’s | 55. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Tummy Butter for Stretch Marks (4.4oz) www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca100 101 56. Palmer’s 57. Palmer’s 58. Palmer’s 59. Palmer’s 60. Palmer’s Shea Butter Formula Lotion w/ Vitamin E (13.5oz) Olive Butter Formula Body Lotion w/ Vitamin E (1.7oz/36pcs/jar) ar) Olive Butter Formula Concentrated Cream w/ Vitamin E (1.1oz/36pcs/jar) Cocoa Butter Formula Firming Butter (8.5oz) Coconut Oil Formula Hair Milk (8.5oz) 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. Palmer’s Palmer’s Palmer’s Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Heals & Softens Rough, Dry Skin - Fragrance Free (8.5oz) Skin Success Skin Success Eventone Ultra Fade Serum Eventone Acne Rescue Kit (1 oz) Shea Butter Formula Soap (4.7 oz) - Bonus 66. 67. 69. Palmer’s Palmer’s 68. Palmer’s Palmer’s Shea Butter Formula Concentreated Cream (3.75 oz) Palmer’s 70. Palmer’s Olive Butter Formula Extra Virgin Olive Oil Soap (4.4 oz) Olive Butter Formula Hot Oil Treatment (2 oz) Olive Butter Formula Deep Conditioner (3.75 oz) Olive Butter Formula Concentreated Cream (2.1 oz) Olive Butter Formula Relaxer - Regular 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. Palmer’s Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Shine Serum Hair Polisher (6 oz) Coconut Oil Formula Moisture Gro (8.8 oz) 76. 77. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Swivel Stick SPF 30 (0.5 oz) Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Skin Therapy Lotion (7 oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Repairing Conditioner (10.6 oz) Bonus 78. Coconut Oil Formula Conditioning Shampoo (17 oz) Bonus Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Men body & face (13.5 oz) | t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Palmer’s 79. Coconut Oil Formula Protein Pack (2.1oz/12pk/ds) Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Moiturizing Hair Oil Spray (13.5 oz) | f 1 905 264 5904 Palmer’s | 80. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Cream for Stretch Mark (4.4 oz) /(5.5 oz) Bonus www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca101 102 81. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Body Milk for Stretch Marks (5.1 oz) 86. 82. Palmer’s 87. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Skin Therapy Oil -Rosehip (5.1 oz) Olive Oil Curl Hair Pudding (14 oz) Palmer’s 83. Palmer’s 88. 84. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Foot Magic (2.1 oz) Palmer’s 89. 85. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Heel Repair (0.9 oz) Palmer’s 90. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Night Renewal Cream (2.7 oz) Cocoa Butter Gentle Exfoliating Facial Scrub (5.25 oz) Cocoa Butter Gentle Daily Cleaser (5.25 oz) Skin Success Daily Skin Brightener (2.7 oz) Skin Success Brightening Facial Mask (5.25 oz) 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. Palmer’s Botanical Cocoa Butter Massage Cream for Stretch Marks (4.4 oz) 96. Palmer’s Botanical Cocoa Butter Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks (8.5 oz) Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Daily Calming Facial Lotion (3.38 oz) Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Purifying Mask (4.25 oz) Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Body Butter (6 oz) Palmer’s Coconut Milk Formula Body Butte (6 oz) 1. Parnevu 2. Parnevu 3. T-Tree No-Lye Conditioning T-Tree Oil Sheen Relaxer System (12oz) - Regular, Super Parnevu 4. T-Tree Braid Spray (12oz) Parnevu T-Tree Scalp Oil (2oz) -1dz/dspl PARNEVU 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 | f 1 905 264 5904 | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca102 103 5. Parnevu 6. T-Tree Shampoo (12oz) 10. Parnevu 7. Parnevu 8. T-Tree Leave-In Conditioner T-Tree Break Control (12oz) (6oz) Parnevu 11. T-Tree Cream Glosser (4oz) T-Tree Growth Creme (6oz) Herbal Grow (6oz) T-Tree Spray Glosser (4oz) PCJ Pretty-N-Silky Creme Oil Lotion (12oz) 2. PCJ PCJ Pretty-N-Silky New Gro Hairdress (5oz) 6. PCJ No-Lye Relaxer Kit - Original (for Children) PCJ Pretty-N-Silky Relaxer Kit - Coarse (Two Retouch Application) 11. Pretty-N-Silky Conditioning Shampoo (12oz) 7. 8. 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | PCJ Smooth Roots No-Lye Relaxer Kit (Regular) PCJ 12. No-Lye Relaxer Kit - Adult 3. Pretty-N-Silky Detangling Spray (12oz) PCJ 10. Parnevu Parnevu 1. 5. Parnevu 9. PCJ PCJ PCJ 13. t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 f 1 905 264 5904 9. PCJ 14. | PCJ Pretty-N-Silky Relaxer Kit - Regular (Two Retouch Application) Pretty-N-Silky Relaxer Kit - Coarse (One Retouch Application) | PCJ Pretty-N-Silky Moisturizing Conditioner (12oz) Smooth Roots No-Lye Relaxer Kit (Coarse) Pretty-N-Silky Relaxer Kit - Regular (One Retouch Application) 4. PCJ Salon Formula Creme Relaxer (15oz) www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca103 104 1. Pink 2. No-Lye Relaxer Kit - Regular Pink Conditioning No-Lye Relaxer - Regular (1 Retouch App) 3. Pink 4. Pink Conditioning No-Lye Relaxer - Super (1 Retouch App) No-Lye Relaxer Kit - Super PINK 5. Pink 6. Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion [Classic Light] (8oz) (12oz)-Bonus 10. Pink Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion [Classic Light] (2oz) Pink 11. Pink 7. Pink 8. Pink 9. Pink Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion [Classic Light] (12oz) Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion [Original] (8oz) (12oz)-Bonus Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion [Original] (2oz) 12. 13. 14. Pink Pink Pink Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion [Original] (12oz) Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion [Original] (16oz) Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion [Original] (32oz) Conditioning Shampoo (20oz) Revital EX Conditioner (20oz) 15. 16. 17. 18 19. Pink Hot Oil Treatment (1oz/dz) 20. Pink Glosser (8oz) (12oz)-Bonus Pink Conditioning Shining Gel (6oz) Pink Design Control Gel (8.5oz) | 22. Pink Gro Complex 3000 Creme Hair Dress (5oz) Design Spritz (8oz) 21. 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 Pink Pink Plus 2N1 Scalp Soother & Oil Sheen Spray (14oz) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 23. | f 1 905 264 5904 Conditioning & Hairdress (5oz) Pink Holding Spray (12.4 oz)-Bonus Pink 24. Pink Holding Spray (8oz) | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca104 105 25. Pink Pink Smooth Touch Go Glitz Olive Oil Sheen Spray (15.5oz) 35. Pink 45. 31. Pink 36. Pink Pink Short Looks Colorlaxer #Diamond Black Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion [Sheer] (8oz) 46. Pink 37. Pink | 42. 47. Pink Pink 33. Pink 38. Pink Stylin Shaper (7oz) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 43. Pink 48. f 1 905 264 5904 Pink 39. Pink 44. Pink Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion [Sheer] (2oz) Pink XVO Olive Oil Relaxer Kit -Regular [1App] | 34. Short Looks Color Saver Hair Lotion (8oz) Short Looks Colorlaxer #Passion Red Pink Pink Smooth Touch Strength Olive Oil Conditioner (1.75oz /12pk) Short Looks Twist ‘it Gel Greme (16oz) Pink 29. Smooth Touch Relaxer Kit - Super Smooth Touch Conditionong Shampoo (1.75oz /12pk) Short Looks Colorlaxer #Sable Brown Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion [Sheer] (12oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 32. 28. Smooth Touch Relaxer Kit - Regular Short Looks Gel-Tube (6oz) Pink 41. Pink Pink Smooth Touch A Reason To Gloss Shine Polish (6oz) Short Looks Styling Spray (8oz) Short Looks Color Saver Shampoo & Conditioner Packettes (12 pk/ds) 27. Sheen Spray (9.4oz) Smooth Touch Hydration Vibe Olive Oil Hair Lotion (12oz) Short Looks Texturizing Kit 40. Pink Sheen Spray (2oz) Sheen Spray (15.5 oz)-Bonus 30. 26. 49. Pink XVO Olive Oil Relaxer Kit -Super [1App] | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca105 106 51. Pink XVO Olive Oil Hair Lotion (2oz) 56. 52. Pink XVO Olive Oil Hair Lotion (12oz) 53. Pink 54. Pink 55. Pink XVO Olive Oil Leave-In Cond Hair Milk (8oz) XVO Olive Oil Rich & Creamy Hairdress (6oz) XVO Olive Oil Soothing Sheen Spray (15.5oz) 2. 3. 4. Pink Smooth Touch Spritz & Shimmer 2-in-1 (12 oz) 1. Precious Litening Cream (1.76 oz) Precious Beauty Dermic Soap (80 g) Precious Ultra Lightener Gel (1.76 oz) Precious Serum (1 oz) PRECIOUS 5. Precious Lightening Body Lotion (500 ml) 6. Moisturizing Lotion (200 ml) 1. PRINCESS BY NATURE Precious Princess By Nature 2. Princess By Nature Olive Oil Relaxer Kit - Regular 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | Princess By Nature 3. Princess By Nature Olive Oil Relaxer Kit - Super t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Princess By Nature 4. Princess By Nature Olive Oil Detangling Leave-In Conditioner (12oz) | f 1 905 264 5904 | Princess By Nature Princess By Nature Olive Oil Majesic Detangling Shampoo (12oz) www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca106 107 5. Princess By Nature 6. Princess By Nature Olive Oil Growth Serum (4oz) Princess By Nature 7. Princess By Nature Olive Oil Imperial Hair Mayonnaise (8oz) 1. PROFECTIV 5. 9. 14. Mega Growtn Pro Growth Smoother Polish Hi-Shine Serum (4oz) Anti-Damage No Lye Relaxer -Regular -Super Relaxer & Refresh [#19 Silk Black] Profectiv 8. Profectiv 12. Profectiv 16. Healthy Ends Anti-Split End Mega Growth & Deep Repair Hair & Scalp Moisturant (4.25oz) (5oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Profectiv 13. f 1 905 264 5904 Profectiv Mega Growth Daily Anti-Breakage Strengthener (8.25oz)-Bonus Profectiv 18. Profectiv Break Free Daily Leave-In Strengthener (15oz) BreakFree Daily Leave-In Strengthener (8.25oz) | Profectiv No-Lye New Growth Relaxer (Regular) Growth N’ Healing (4.25oz) Profectiv 17. Profectiv Relaxer & Refresh [#31 Auburn Spice] Profectiv 8A. Relax & Refresh [#43 Jet Black] Root Health Strengthener (4.25oz) Profectiv 15. Profectiv 4. Anti-Damage No-Lye Relaxer 6 Touch-Ups -Regular -Super Relaxer & Refresh [#53 Cherry Fusion] Profectiv 11. 2 in 1 Neutral Color Shampoo Color Mousse [BURGUNDY PLUM #42] Profectiv 3. Procision Touch Anti-Damage No Lye Relaxer -Regular -Super Profectiv 7. Profectiv 10. No-Lye New Growth Relaxer (Super) Princess By Nature Olive Oil Miracle Hair Dress (6oz) Profectiv 2. Profectiv 6. Relaxer & Refresh [#11 Mahogany Brown] Princess By Nature | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca107 108 19. Profectiv 20. Mega Growth Detangling Conditioner (12 oz) Mega Growth Conditioner (15oz) 24. Profectiv 25. Mega Growth Growth Oil (8oz) Profectiv 31. Temple Restoration Topical Spray (4oz) Profectiv 35. Mega Growth Demage Free Neutralizing - Shampoo Gel (12oz) Profectiv 27. Mega Growth No-Lye Relaxer [4 App] Regular Strength 1. Temple Defense Leave-In Conditioner (15oz) Profectiv 33. Length Recovery Hair Lotion (8oz) Profectiv Profectiv Fresh Start Shampoo (8oz) Profectiv Mega Growth No-Lye Relaxer [4 App] Super Strength Pro-Line 2. Comb-Thru Texturizer - Super (One Application) Profectiv 32. Profectiv Mega Growth Growth Lotion (8oz) Profectiv 28. Root Recovery Temple Moisturant (4oz) Growth Restoration Oil Stimulant (6oz) Profectiv 36. Profectiv 23. Mega Growth Growth Sheen Spray (9.5oz) Root Rebound Deep Conditioner (15oz) Profectiv 30. Hair Restoration Topical Treatment (4oz) Profectiv 22. Root Health Anti-Itch Oil Free Serum (6oz) Profectiv 26. Mega Growth Stimulating Shampoo (12oz) 29. 34. Profectiv 21. Pro-Line 3. Comb-Thru Texturizer - Regular (One Application) Pro-Line 4. Pro-Line Oil Sheen Spray (11oz) Hair Food (4.5 oz) PRO-LINE 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 | f 1 905 264 5904 | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca108 109 5. Pro-Line 6. Coconut Oil Conditioner (4oz) Comb-Thru Softener er (10oz) 1. QUEEN Pro-Line 7. Comb-Thru Wave Keeper Styling Gel (8oz) Queen Elisabeth 2. Cocoa Butter Hand & Body Cream (500 ml) Pro-Line 8. Pro-Line Comb-Thru Lite Crème Moisturizer (4oz) Queen Elisabeth 3. Cocoa Butter Hand & Body Lotion (14 oz) Queen Elisabeth Cocoa Butter Hand & Body Cream (250 ml) ELISABETH 1. QUEEN HELENE 5. Queen Helene 2. Cocoa Butter Hand and Body Lotion (16oz) Queen Helene 6. Queen Helene 3. [Mango & Shea Butter] Hand and Body Lotion (32oz) Cocoa Butter Hand and Body Lotion (32oz) Queen Helene 7. Queen Helene 4. Queen Helene 8. Queen Helene [Aloe] Hand and Body Lotion (32oz) Queen Helene 9. Queen Helene [Vitamin E] Hand and Body Lotion (32oz) Cocoa Butter Creme (15 oz) Cocoa Butter Cream (4.8 oz) Aloe Creme (15oz) Cholesterol Hot Oil Treatment (1oz) 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Queen Helene JOJOBA Hot Oil Treatment (1oz) Queen Helene Placenta Hot Oil Treatment (1oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | Queen Helene Cholesterol w/ Ginseng Condioning / Strengthening Cream (15 oz) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 | Queen Helene CHOLESTEROL Hair Conditioning Cream (15oz) f 1 905 264 5904 | Queen Helene Mud Pack Masque -Bonus 33% More (8oz) www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca109 110 15. Queen Helene 16. Queen Helene 17. Queen Helene 18. Queen Helene 19. Queen Helene Apricot Natural Facial Scrub Soothing Cocoa Butter (6oz) Natural Facial Scrub (6 oz) Aloe Vera Natural Facial Scrub (6oz) Mint Julep Natural Facial Scrub (6 oz) Ginseng & Tea Tree Hot Oil Treatment (8 oz) 20. 22. 23. 24. Queen Helene 21. Queen Helene Queen Helene Queen Helene Queen Helene Cholesterol Hot Oil Treatment (8 oz) Placenta Hot Oil Treatment (8 oz) Jojoba Hot Oil Treatment (8 oz) Olive Oil Hot Oil Treatment Cocoa Butter Belly Cream (1 oz/12 pk) (8 oz) 25. 26. 27. 28. Queen Helene Queen Helene Queen Helene Queen Helene 29. Queen Helene Grape Seed Extract Peel Off Masque (6 oz) Avocado & Grapefruit Facial Mask (6 oz) Pomegranate & Raspberry Natural Facial Scrub (6 oz) Olive Oil Facial Masque (6 oz) Soy & Cocoa Butter Hand & Body Lotion (32 oz) 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Queen Helene Queen Helene Queen Helene Queen Helene Queen Helene Mud Pack Masque (12 oz) Natural Cocoa Butter Moisturizing Body Oil with Vitamin E (10 oz) Strengthen & Shine Glossing Spray (8 oz) Acid-Balanced Conditioning Shampoo (16 oz) Unscented Natural Garlic Shampoo (21 oz) 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Queen Helene Footherapy Natural Mineral Foot Bath Bathe Away Corns and Calluses 3 packets (1 oz) Queen Helene The Original Mint Julep Masque (8oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | Queen Helene Good to Gro Thickening Oil (6oz) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Queen Helene Royal Curl Curl Shaping Creme (15oz) | f 1 905 264 5904 Queen Helene Royal Curl Curl Smoothing Oil (4oz) | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca110 111 40. Queen Helene Shampoo (12oz) 45. 41. Queen Helene Conditioner (12oz) Queen Helene Princess Curl Curl Silky Twirls Conditioner (8oz) 46. Queen Helene Queen Helene 47. Queen Helene Superhold Styling Gel (20oz) RA Cosmetics 2. 43. Queen Helene 48. 44. Queen Helene Shampoo (8oz) (8oz) (15 oz) Royal Curl Reactivator (8oz) 1. 42. Queen Helene 49. Queen Helene Cholesterol Hair Conditioning Cream w/ Argan Oil (15oz) RA Cosmetics 3. RA Cosmetics 4. RA Cosmetics 100% Black Soap (5oz) Ose Dudu Black Soap with Aloe Vera (150g) 100% Natural 100% Liquid Black Soap (4oz) 100% Natural 100% Liquid Black Soap (8oz) 6. 7. 8. 9. RA COSMETICS 5. RA Cosmetics African Shea Butter 100% Natural (8oz) 10. African Shea Butter 100% Natural (16oz) RA Cosmetics 11. 100% Black Soap Body Wash [Lemon-Grass] Extract (13oz) RA Cosmetics RA Cosmetics RA Cosmetics 100% Black Soap Body Wash [Cucumber] Melon Extract (13oz) African Shea Butter 100% Natural (10oz) RA Cosmetics 100% Black Soap Body Wash [Levender] Extract (13oz) RA Cosmetics 100% Black Soap Body Wash [Mango] Extract (13oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 | f 1 905 264 5904 | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca111 112 1. Razac 2. Razac 3. Perfect For Perms Finishing Creme (8 oz) Perfect For Perms Finishing Creme (4 oz) Perfect For Perms Non-Aerosol Holding Sheen (8 oz) RAZAC 5. Razac 6. Perfect For Perms Leave-in Conditioner (16 oz) 10. Razac 11. Razac 9. Perfect For Perms Polishing Gloss (6 oz) Razac 12. Razac Perfect For Perms Fait de Cheveux Conditioner (16 oz) Razac 8. Perfect For Perms Polishing Mist (6 oz) Locafella Loc & Twist Gel (4 oz) Hand & Body Lotion (16 oz) 15. Razac 7. Perfect For Perms Superior Cleansing Shampoo (16 oz) Razac 4. Razac Perfect For Perms Hair Oil (8 oz) Razac 13. Razac 14. Razac Locafella Eucalyptus Anti-Itch Shampoo (8 oz) Locafella Loc & Twist Butter (4 oz) Sheen Spray (8 oz) Razac Locafella Moisturizing Conditoner (8 oz) 1. RED FOX Red Fox 2. Bottle O’ Butter Cocoa Butter Moisturizing Lotion (16 oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 Red Fox 3. Tub O’ Butter Cocoa Butter Moisturizing Cream (10.5 oz) | t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Red Fox Tub O’ Butter Olive Oil Butter Moisturizing Cream (11.5 oz) | f 1 905 264 5904 | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca112 113 1. Remi Edge Pomade (2.5 oz) 2. Remi Styling Stick Wax (2.47 oz) 3. Remi Organic Moroccan Argan Oil (3.2 oz) 4. Remi Leave-In Conditioner (2.7 oz) BOBOS REMI 5. Remi Indian Remi Hair Leave-In Conditioner (5.75 oz) 10. Remi Wig & Weave Detangling Spray (6.76 oz) Remi Remi Hand & Body Essence Cream (2.54 oz) 11. Remi 16. Remi 12. 17. Salon Formula Conditioning Relaxer System Remi Remi 13. Remi 9. Remi Leave-In Conditioner (10.15 oz) Remi Tea Tree Scalp Healthy Shampoo (8.5 oz) 14. Remi Tea Tree Deep Conditioning Treatment (8.5 oz) 18. Remi Tea Tree Scalp Healthy Shampoo (0.42 oz/50 pk/ds) Tea Tree Deep Conditioning Treatment (0.53 oz/50 pk/ds) Renutrients 2. 8. Natural Wave Curling Treatment (8.5 oz) Moroccan Argan Leave in Conditioner er (7.5 oz) Remi Wig & Weave oo Detangle Shampoo (6.76 oz) 1. 7. Soft Hold Liquid Gel (8.45 oz) Moroccan Argan Leave in Conditioner (2.5 oz) Heat Protector Spray (5.75 oz) 15. 6. Renutrients 3. Revita-Sine Sheen Spray (14oz) Renutrients 4. Shape & Style Mousse (8.5oz) Renutrients Slick Stick (2oz) RENUTRIENTS 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 | f 1 905 264 5904 | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca113 114 5. Renutrients 6. Replenishing Style Creme (4oz) Renutrients Revita-Shine Polish (4oz) 1. REVLON 5. Revlon 2. Conditioning Creme Relaxer No Base Formula (15 oz) - Bonus - Regular Revlon 6. Realistic Conditioning No Base Creme Relaxer (3 LB)- Mild Revlon 3. Conditioning Creme Relaxer No Base Formula (15 oz) -Bonus - Mild Revlon 7. Realistic Conditioning No Base Creme Relaxer (3 LB) - Super 1. 5 in 1 Complex Scalp & Hair Rejuvenator (16 oz) Revlon 8. Revlon 9. Finisheen Oil Sheen & Conditioning Spray (7 oz) Rinju 3. Mayo Complex Damaged Hair Treatment (16 oz) Revlon Realistic Conditioning No Base Creme Relaxer (3 LB) - Regular Conditioning Creme Relaxer No Base Formula (15 oz) -Bonus - Super Finisheen Oil Sheen & Conditioning Spray (13 oz) Rinju 2. Revlon 4. Realistic Curl Softly Activator Spray (15.2oz) Rinju 4. Dry Skin Spa Therapy Smoothing Lotion (16.9 oz) Revlon Rinju Body & Hand Lotion Enriched Vitamin E (16 oz) RINJU 5. Body & Hand Cream Enriched Vitamin E (16 oz) Rinju 6. Rinju 7. Body & Hand Cream Enriched Vitamin E (4 oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | Rinju 8. Pierre Latouche Body & Hand Lotion (16 oz) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Rinju 9. Rinju Soothing Body Cocoa Butter Soothing Body Shea Butter (11 oz) (11 oz) | f 1 905 264 5904 | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca114 115 1. Robert’s 2. Protective Shield Transparent (8oz) Robert’s 3. Protective Shield Transparent (2oz) Robert’s 4. Protective Shield Kharkol (8oz) Robert’s Protective Shield Kharkol (2oz) ROBERT’S 5. Robert’s 6. Before & After Conditioning Shampoo (8oz) Ultra Rich Biomoisture Conditioning Remover Solution (8oz) 1. ROOT OF NATURE 5. 10. Root of Nature 2. Shea Butter Green Tea Stimulating Scalp Oil (4oz) Root of Nature 6. Shea Butter Green Tea Nurturing Repair Shampoo (10 oz) Robert’s Root of Nature 7. Shea Butter Wheat Protein Healing Thickening Cream (6 oz) Root of Nature 11. Root of Nature 3. Shea Butter Green Tea Strengthening Oil Moisturizer (8.5oz) Shea Butter Green Tea Triple Repair Hairdress (6oz) Root of Nature 8. Mango & Soy Oils Low pH Relaxer Cream -Regular Root of Nature 12. Root of Nature 4. Shea Butter Green Tea Reconstructing Deep Treatment (10oz) Root of Nature 9. Mango & Soy Oils Low pH Relaxer Cream -Gentle Root of Nature Root of Nature Mango Oil & Cupuacu Butter Feather Whipped Curl Cream (6.1oz) Root of Nature Mango Oil & Cupuacu Butter Mango Oil & Sweet Almond Mango Oil & Cupuacu Butter Curl Reviving Spray Butter Whip Coil Cream Oil Smoothing Serum (8.5oz) (6.1oz) (4.25 oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 | f 1 905 264 5904 | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca115 116 1. Rose Beauty Soap (130 g) ROSE 1. ROYAL CROWN 5. Royal Crown Royal Crown Shaving Powder - Medium Strength (5oz) 6. Shaving Powder - Full Strength (5oz) 3. Royal Crown 4. Royal Crown Hair Dressing (5oz) Pomade - for men (5oz) Royal Crown 1. RUBEE Hand & Body Lotion (16 oz) Royal Crown Stick Pomade -Black (1 1/8oz) Hair Dressing (8oz) 5. 2. Rubee Rubee 2. Spa & Body Butter Organically Blended Cocoa Butter (8.5 oz) 6. 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 Spa & Body Butter Organically Blended Shea Butter (8.5 oz) Rubee 7. Extra Dry Skin Moisture Therapy Lotion (16.9 oz) | Rubee 3. Rubee 4. Natural Cocoa Butter Moisturizing Lotion (16 oz) Rubee 8. t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 | f 1 905 264 5904 Natural Shea Butter Moisturizing Lotion (16 oz) Rubee 9. Olive Butter Moisturizing Lotion (16.9oz) Extra Dry Skin Moisture Therapy Lotion Fragrance Free (16.9 oz) Rubee Rubee Mango Butter Moisturizing Lotion (16.9oz) | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca116 117 1. Salon Pro 2. HAIR FOOD SALON PRO 4. Salon Pro - Carrot Oil Formula - Olive Oil Formula - Vitamin E Formula 5. Salon Pro 6. Salon Pro Hair Food Vitamin E w/ Shea Butter (4 oz) Remover Shampoo (12 oz) Remover Shampoo (4 oz) 9. 10. 11. Salon Pro 30 Sec Anti-Fungus Super Hair Bond Glue (4 oz) Salon Pro 30 Sec Creamy Super Hair Bond Remover (4 oz) 14. Salon Pro SALON PRO 30Seconds DISPLAY (54pcs) Salon Pro 3. Salon Pro Hair Food Carrot Oil w/ Jojoba Oil (4 oz) Hair Food Olive Oil w/ Aloe Vera (4 oz) 7. 8. Salon Pro 30 Sec Anti-Fungus Super Hair Bond Glue (2 oz) 30 Sec Super Hair Bond Glue (1 oz) Salon Pro 12. Salon Pro Salon Pro 13. Salon Pro 30 Sec Super Hair Bond Remover (4 oz) 30 Sec Super Hair Bond Remover (8 oz) 30 Sec Anti-Bacterial Weave Spray (12 oz) 15. 16. 17. Salon Pro Salon Pro alon Pro 30 Sec Remover Shampoo (12 oz) 30 Sec Weave MoldingGel (10.5 oz) 30 Sec Anti-Itch Serum (4 oz) 18. 19. 20. Super Hair Bond Remover (4 oz) Super Hair Bond Remover (8 oz) Creamy Super Hair Bond Remover (4 oz) Super Hair Bond Glue (1 oz) Super Hair Bond Glue (2 oz) Super Hair Bond Glue (4 oz) Weave Spray (12 oz) Remover Shampoo (12 oz) Weave Molding Gel (10.5 oz) Salon Pro | t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 | f 1 905 264 5904 Salon Pro 30 Sec Holding Spray (8 oz) 30 Sec Weave Detangler (8 oz) 30 Sec Weave Shining Spray (4 oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 Salon Pro | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca117 118 21. Salon Pro 22. 30 Sec Refreshing Deodorizer (8 oz) 30 Sec Light Foaming Gentle Shampoo (8.5 oz) 26. 27. Salon Pro Salon Pro Salon Pro 23. Salon Pro 24. Salon Pro 25. Salon Pro Cleansing & Preparatory Shampoo (12 oz) Replenishing Conditioner (12 oz) Alcohol Free Styling Foam (8.5 oz) 28. 29. 30. Salon Pro Salon Pro Salon Pro Perfect Finish Weave Edging Gel (2 oz) 30Sec Daily Hold Lace Wig Bond (1/2oz) 30Sec Daily Hold Lace Wig Bond (1oz) 30 Sec Daily Hold Lace Wig Bond (3.4oz) 30 Sec Extreme Hold Lace Wig Bond (1/2oz) 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Salon Pro 30Sec Extreme Hold Lace Wig Bond (1oz) 36. 30 Sec Extreme Hold Lace Wig Bond (3.4oz) Salon Pro 37. 30 Sec Lace Wig Bond Remover Step 2 (4oz) 41. Salon Pro Salon Pro 42. 30 Sec Introductory Kit Lace wig Bond & Remover System | Salon Pro 39. 30 Sec Water Washable Weave & Extension Kit Salon Pro 40. f 1 905 264 5904 | Salon Pro 30 Sec Lace Wig Netting Bond Cleaner (4oz) Salon Pro 45. 30 Sec Weave Wonder Wrap - Clear (2oz) | Salon Pro 30 Sec Lace Wig Bond Remover Step 1 (4oz) 30 Sec Lace Wig Bond Skin Cleanser (4oz) Salon Pro 44. t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Salon Pro 30 Sec Lace Wig Touch-Up Bond (1/4oz) 30 Sec Lace Wig Bond Remover Step 2 (8oz) Salon Pro 43. 30 Sec Lace Wig Bond Extreme PLUS (0.5 oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 30 Sec Lace Wig Bond Skin Protector (1oz) Salon Pro 38. 30 Sec Lace Wig Bond Remover Step 1 (8oz) Salon Pro Salon Pro 30 Sec Weave Wonder Wrap - Black (2oz) www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca118 119 46. Salon Pro 47. 30 Sec Weave Wonder Wrap - Clear (8oz) 51. Salon Pro 48. 30 Sec Weave Wonder Wrap - Black (8oz) Salon Pro 52. 30 Sec Super Hair Bond Glue - Tube (1.5 oz/24pc/ds) 24pc/ds) 56. Lace Wig Bond Extreme Plus (3.4oz) 30 Sec Lace Tape G1 Surface - Straight (12 pk) Salon Pro 53. Hair Bonding Glue - Tube (1.5 oz/24pc/ds) 4pc/ds) Salon Pro 57. Salon Pro 49. 30 Sec Lace Tape B2 Surface - FrontSide (12 pk) Salon Pro 54. Lace Wig Adhesive (0.5oz) Salon Pro 58. 30 Sec Weft Sealer - Clear (0.5oz) Salon Pro 59. Scurl 2. Salon Pro 55. Salon Pro Lace Wig Bond Extreme Plus (1oz) Salon Pro 60. 30 Sec Weft Sealer - Clear (3.4oz) Salon Pro 30 Sec Weft Sealer - Dark (3.4oz) Scurl 3. Texturizer kit - 2 applications (Regular) Texturizer kit - 2 applications (Extra) Salon Pro 30 Sec Lace Tape A1 Surface - Frontal (12 pk) One Step Color Signal Lace Wig Bond Remover (2oz) 30 Sec Weft Sealer - Dark (0.5oz) 1. Salon Pro 50. Scurl 4. Comb Thru Texturizer Kit - 1 application (Regular) Scurl Comb Thru Texturizer Kit - 1 application (Extra) SCURL 5. Scurl 6. 360 Stylin’ Blow Out Kit Scurl 7. 360 Style Wave Control Pomade (3oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | Scurl 8. Wave-Control Pomade (3oz) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Scurl 9. Texturizer Wave & Curl Creme - Regular (15oz) | f 1 905 264 5904 | Scurl Texturizer Wave & Curl Creme - Extra (15oz) www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca119 120 10. Scurl 11. Scurl Texturizer Wave & Curl Creme -Maximum Strength (15oz) Texturizer Stylin’ Gel (10.5oz) 15. 16. Scurl Wave Jel Activator -Lite (10.5oz) SHEA MOISTURE 5. Shea Moisture Olive & Green Tea Shea Butter Soap (8oz) 10. Scurl Texturizer Stylin’ Spray (8oz) Scurl 17. Scurl 13. Scurl 14. Scurl Lite Wave Jel Activator -Lite (6oz) Wave Jel Activator -Regular (6oz) 18. 19. Scurl Scurl Wave Jel Activator -Regular (10.5oz) “NO DRIP” Activator Moisturizer (8 oz) “NO DRIP” Activator Moisturizer (16 oz) “NO DRIP” Activator tor Moisturizer (32 oz) 1. 2. 3. 4. Shea Moisture Shea Moisture Shea Moisture Shea Moisture Yucca & Baobab AntiBreakage Masque (12oz) Yucca & Aloe Thickening Growth Milk (8oz) Yucca & Baobab Thickening Shampoo (13oz) Yucca & Baobab Volumizing Conditioner (12oz) 6. 7. 8. 9. Shea Moisture Olive & Green Tea Body Scrub (12oz) Shea Moisture 11. Lavender & Wild Orchid Body Wash (13oz) 12. Olive & Green Tea Bath, Body & Massage Oil il (8oz) Shea Moisture 12. Lavender & Wild Orchid Bath, Body & Massage Oil (8oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | Shea Moisture Lavender & Wild Orchid Bubble Bath (16oz) Shea Moisture 14. Africa Black Soap Body Lotion (13oz) | f 1 905 264 5904 Shea Moisture Lavender & Wild Orchid Body Lotion n (13oz) Olive & Green Tea Bubble Bath (16oz) Shea Moisture 13. t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Shea Moisture | Shea Moisture African Black Soap Shea Butter Wash (13oz) www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca120 121 15. Shea Moisture 16. Africa Black Soap Deep Cleansing Shampoo (13oz) 20. 25. 30. Shea Moisture 19. 1. Shea Moisture 33. | Raw Shea Butter Reconstructive Elixir (4oz) Shea Moisture 29. Shea Moisture Coconut&Hibiscus Shampoo (13oz) Shea Moisture (12oz) Smooth’n Shine 3. Instant Repair Hair Polisher (4 oz) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Shea Moisture Coconut&Hibiscus Curling SMOOTH’N SHINE 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 Shea Moisture 24. Coconut&Hibiscus Infused Shea Butter (4oz) Coconut&Hibiscus Curl & Style Milk (8oz) Smooth’n Shine 2. Styling Gel - Extra Hold (16oz) Shea Moisture 28. Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Lotion (13oz) Raw Shea Butter Conditioner (13oz) Coconut&Hibiscus Shea Butter Wash (13oz) Shea Moisture 32. Coconut&Hibiscus Hold & Shine Moisture Mist (8oz) Shea Moisture 23. Raw Shea Butter Moisture Shampoo (13oz) Shea Moisture 27. Coconut&Hibiscus Shea Butter Lotion (13oz) Shea Moisture 31. Coconut&Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smootie (12oz) Shea Moisture 22. Argan & Raw Shea Bath, Body & Massage Oil (8oz) Shea Moisture 26. Raw Shea Butter Deep Treatment Masque (12oz) Shea Moisture 18. African Black Soap Africa Black Soap Balancing African Black Soap Conditioner Dandruff & Dry Scalp Elixir (12oz) (13oz) (4oz) Shea Moisture 21. Raw Shea Butter Wash (13oz) Shea Moisture 17. | Smooth’n Shine 4. Instant Repair Spray-On Polisher (4 oz) f 1 905 264 5904 | Smooth’n Shine Silk ‘n Sleek Straighten Polisher (4 oz) www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca121 122 5. Smooth’n Shine 6. Silk Style Smoothing Mousse - Extra Hold (9 oz) 10. Diamond Luster Anti-Frizz Mousse - Strong Hold (9 oz) Smooth’n Shine 11. Olive & Tea Tree Healthy Scalp Spray (7.4 oz) SMOOTH’N SHINE Smooth’n Shine 7. Olive & Tea Tree Treatment Oil (4 oz) Smooth’n Shine 13. Conditioning Gel - Extra Hold (9 oz) SMOOTH’N SHINE Smooth’n Shine 9. Styling Mousse - Extra Hold (9 oz) Curling Mousse - Strong Hold (9 oz) Smooth’n Shine 12. 1. Smooth’n Shine 8. Olive & Tea Tree Mousse (9 oz) Smooth’n Shine 14. Keratin Power Protein Shampoo (10 oz) SMOOTH’N SHINE Smooth’n Shine Smooth’n Shine Keratin Power Taming Cream (6.75 oz) SMOOTH’N SHINE SMOOTH’N SHINE Smuth Anti-Bacteria Solution Lotion (6oz) SMUTH 1. Sofn’free 2. Conditioning Relaxer Double Pack - Regular Sofn’free 3. Conditioning Relaxer Double Pack - Super Sofn’free 4. Pre Relaxer Base with Olive Oil (14oz) Sofn’free Anti Itch Therapy (2oz) SOFN’FREE 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 | f 1 905 264 5904 | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca122 123 Sofn’free 6. 5. Sofn’free 7. Leave in ReVitalizer (8oz) SOFN’FREE HAIR CARE DISPLAY Sofn’free Anti Breakage Complexion (4oz) 1. Leave in ReVitalizer (8oz) 2. Anti Itch Therapy (2oz) 3. Anti Breakage Complexion (4oz) 4. Strength & Shine Serum (4oz) 5. Thermal Styling Lotion(8oz) 8. Sofn’free 9. Strength & Shine Serum (4oz) 13. Milk Protein & Olive Oil Leave-In Treatment (8oz) Sofn’free 11. Protein Styling Gel (6oz) SNF Gro Healthy 25. | Sofn’free 21. Sofn’free 17. SNF Gro Healthy 26. t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 SNF Gro Healthy 22. f 1 905 264 5904 | SNF Gro Healthy Milk Protein & Olive Oil Daily Growth Lotion n (8oz) SNF Gro Healthy 27. Milk Protein & Olive Oil Strengthening Crème (8.8 oz) | Sofn’free Relaxer Cream -Regular (10.5lb) Milk Protein & Olive Oil No Lye Relaxer - Super (Single Application) Milk Protein & Olive Oil Really Deep Conditioning Treatment (1.7 oz X 12) Sofn’free Curl Activator Lotion (11.83oz) Relaxer Cream -Super (10.5lb) Milk Protein & Olive Oil No Lye Relaxer - Regular (Single Application) Milk Protein & Olive Oil Three-Layer Growth Oil (8oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 Curl Activator Lotion (16.9oz) Relaxer Cream -Regular (5.3lb) Sofn’free 20. Sofn’free 12. Sofn’free 16. Sofn’free 15. Sofn’free 19. SNF Gro Healthy 24. 10. Curl Activator Lotion (33.8oz) Relaxer Cream -Super (5.3lb) Protein Styling Gel (16oz) 23. Thermal Styling Lotion (8oz) Sofn’free 14. Neutralizing Conditioning Shampoo (32oz) 18. Sofn’free SNF Gro Healthy Argan Oil from Morocco & Olive Oil Mourishing Sheen Spray (14.9 oz) www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca123 124 28. SNF Gro Healthy 29. Milk Protein & Olive Oil Really Deep Conditioning Treatment (16 oz) 33. 38. Milk Protein & Olive Oil Creme Relaxer Pouch-Super (4 oz) SNF Gro Healthy 34. Nothing But Curly Pudding (8.8 oz) SNF Gro Healthy 30. Milk Protein & Olive Oil Sulfate-Free 2in1 Shampoo (12 oz) SNF Gro Healthy 35. Nothing But Curl Sealer (8.8 oz) SNF Gro Healthy 31. SNF Gro Healthy Argan Oil & Olive Oil Oil Treatment (4 oz) SNF Gro Healthy 36. Nothing But Cleansing Conditioner (16 oz) 32. Nothing But Mold & Hold Wax (8.8 oz) SNF Gro Healthy 37. Nothing But Intense Healing Mask (16 oz) SNF Gro Healthy SNF Gro Healthy Nothing But Clarifying Shampoo (12 oz) SNF Gro Healthy Nothing But Curl Wake Up Spray (8 oz) 1. SOFN’FREE N’ PRETTY 5. Oilve Oil Detangler (12oz) SNF Pretty 6. No-Lye Sensitive Conditioning Touch-Up Relaxer (Regular) SNF Pretty 2. 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 Cucumber Conditioner (12oz) SNF Pretty 7. No-Lye Sensitive Conditioning Touch-Up Relaxer (Coarse) | SNF Pretty 3. Sesitive Conditioning Relaxer Double Pack (Regular) SNF Pretty 8. Shea Butter Damaged Hair Repair Treatment (8.8oz) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 SNF Pretty 4. | Sesitive Conditioning Relaxer Double Pack (Coarse) SNF Pretty 9. Thick & Healthy Olive Oil Cream (8.8oz) f 1 905 264 5904 SNF Pretty SNF Pretty Temple & Nape Gro With Almond Butter (4oz) | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca124 125 10. SNF Pretty 11. Growth Oil With Olive & Soybean Oils (8.8oz) 15. Olive Oil Growth Lotion (8.8oz) SNF Pretty 16. No-Lye Relaxer - Regular (Single Application) SOFT & BEAUTIFUL SOFT & PRECIOUS Soft & Precious Moisturizing Crème Hair Dress (5oz) SNF Pretty 13. Olive & SNF Pretty 17. SNF Pretty 18. Root Touch Up No-Lye Relaxer - Regular 1. 2. Soft & Beautiful Relaxer - Regular SNF Pretty 14. Hair And Scalp Nourisher (8oz) Moisturizing Lotion (12oz) No-Lye Relaxer - Coarse (Single Application) 1. 5. SNF Pretty 12. SNF Pretty Edge Tamer (4oz) SNF Pretty 19. CombEasy Conditioning Treatment (1.7oz/12pk/ds) SNF Pretty Olive & CombEasy Shampoo (12 oz) Soft & Beautiful Relaxer - Super Soft & Precious 2. Soft & Precious 3. Soft & Precious 4. Soft & Precious Nurserly Jelly - Lavender (13oz) Nurserly Jelly - Extra Dry (13oz) Nurserly Jelly - Regular (13oz) Nurserly Jelly - Shea Butter (13oz) 6. 7. 8. 9. Soft & Precious Moisturizing Crème Hair Dress (7.5oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | Soft & Precious Soft & Precious Soft & Precious Detangling Moisturizer Moisturizing Creme Moisturizing Creme Hair Dress For Extra Dry Hair Hair Dress For Extra Dry Hair (12oz) (5oz) (7.5oz) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 | f 1 905 264 5904 | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca125 126 10. Soft & Precious Baby Lotion (12oz) 11. Soft & Precious 12. Soft & Precious 13. Liquid Corn Starch (10oz) Baby Oil (12oz) 1. Softee 2. 2 N 1 Baby Bath & Shampoo poo (10oz) 14. Soft & Precious Hair Softener (12oz) Softee 3. Protein Styling Gel - Extra Hold (15oz) Protein Styling Gel - Extra Hold Gel (8oz) Soft & Precious Softee 4. Protein Styling Gel - Extra Hold (32oz) Softee Protein Styling Gel - Super Freeze (8oz) SOFTEE 5. Softee 6. Protein Styling Gel - Super Freeze (15oz) 10. Protein Styling Gel - Super Freeze (32oz) Softee 11 Curl Activator Gel For Extra Dry Hair (32oz) 15. Softee 7. Curl Activator Gel - Regular (8oz) Softee 12. Cholesterol Plus Jojoba -Deep Condition (6oz) Softee 16. Bergamot Hair Dress &Pressing Oil -Dry Hair Formula (12oz) | Softee 9. Curl Activator Gel - Regular (32oz) Softee 13. Bergamot Hair Dress - Regular (5oz) Softee 17. Coconut Oil Hair & Scalp Conditioner (5oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 Softee 8. Softee 19. Natural Herbal Oil Hair Food w/Vitamin E (5oz) | f 1 905 264 5904 | Softee Bergamot Hair Dress & Pressing Oil -Dry Hair Formula (5oz) Bergamot Hair Dress - Regular (12oz) Coconut Oil Hair&Scalp Conditioner -Pure Coconut Oil (12oz) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Curl Activator Gel - Extra Dry (8oz) Softee 14. Softee 18. Softee Softee Hair Food With Vitamin E (12oz) www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca126 127 20. Softee 21. Meximum Strenghth Herbal Gro (5oz) 25. Herbal Gro Herbal Oil Formula -Maximum Strength (12oz) Softee 26. Castor Oil (5oz) 30. Softee 22. Indian Hemp Hair&Scalp Treatment (5oz) Softee 27. Castor Oil (12oz) Softee 31. Mango Growth Treatment (5.25 oz) Softee 23. Green Tea Growth Treatment (5.25 oz) 1. Softee 28. Sportin’ Style 2. Softee 29. Mango Butter Daily Hair Dress (3.5oz) Conditioning Gel (8.5oz) Anti-Dandruff Shampoo (13.5oz) 1. 2. Softee 34. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Hair & Scalp Conditioner (6oz) Sportin’ Style 3. Softee 100% Natural Beeswax (5.25 oz) Softee 33. African Shea Butter Hair& Scalp Conditioner (6oz) Softee Hair&Scalp Conditioner -Vitamin E (5oz) Indian Hemp (12oz) Petorleum Jelly -100% Pure (5oz) Softee 32. Softee 24. Marcel Wax (3.5oz) Sportin’ Style 4. Moisturizing Scalp Cream (4.4oz) Softee Sportin’ Style (3.5oz) SPORTIN’ STYLE Sportin’ Waves Gel Pomade (3.5oz) Sportin’ Waves Maximum Hold Gel Pomade (3.5oz) SPORTIN’ WAVES 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 | f 1 905 264 5904 | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca127 128 1. STA SOF FRO Rub On Hair & Scalp Conditioner (5oz) 1. STREAKS ‘N TIPS 5. 10. Temporary Color Spary Platinum (3.5 oz) 15. Temporary Color Spary Neon Blue ue (3.5 oz) | Streaks ‘N Tips 4. Temporary Color Spary Midnight ht Black (3.5 oz) Streaks ‘N Tips 8. Streaks ‘N Tips 13. Streaks ‘N Tips Temporary Color Spary Pale Blonde onde (3.5 oz) Streaks ‘N Tips 14. Temporary Color Spary Neon Green (3.5 oz) Streaks ‘N Tips Temporary Color Spary Burnt Brown own (3.5 oz) Streaks ‘N Tips 9. Temporary Color Spary Golden Blonde (3.5 oz) Temporary Color Spary Neon Purple urple (3.5 oz) Streaks ‘N Tips 17. 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 Streaks ‘N Tips 3. Temporary Color Spary Icy White te (3.5 oz) Streaks ‘N Tips 12. Temporary Color Spary Silver Glitter (3.5 oz) Streaks ‘N Tips 16. Temporary Color Spary Red (3.5 oz) Streaks ‘N Tips 7. Sta Sof Fro Hair & Scalp Spray – Extra Dry (16oz) Temporary y Color Spary ry Burnt Brown wn (8 oz) Temporary Color Spary Gold Dust st (3.5 oz) Streaks ‘N Tips 11. Sta Sof Fro 3. Hair & Scalp Spray – Extra Dry (8oz) Streaks ‘N Tips 2. Temporary y Color Spary ry Midnight Black lack (8 oz) Streaks ‘N Tips 6. Temporary Color Spary Multi Glitter litter (3.5 oz) Sta Sof Fro 2. Streaks ‘N Tips Temporary Color Spary Neon Pink nk (3.5 oz) Streaks ‘N Tips Temporary Color Spary Neon Orange (3.5 oz)) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 | f 1 905 264 5904 | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca128 129 1. Sulfur 8 2. Sulfur 8 Loc Twist & Braid Oil (4oz) Loc Twist & Braid Gel (6 oz) 6. 7. 3. Sulfur 8 Gloss 8 with Lanolin Pressing Oil (4oz) SULFUR 8 5. Sulfur 8 Sulfur 8 Kid’s Detangling Spray (12oz) Sulfur 8 Kid’s LocTwist & Braid Butter (4oz) 1. TALIAH WAAJID 5. Sulfur 8 Taliah Waajid TALIAH WAAJID BLACK EARTH DISPLAY Taliah Waajid 3. 6. Taliah Waajid 7. Taliah Waajid 10. Taliah Waajid 8. | (8 oz) Taliah Waajid 11. f 1 905 264 5904 Taliah Waajid Black Earth Protective Black Earth Lock it up (6 oz) Medicated Formula (8 oz) Taliah Waajid Black Earth Stimulating Herbal Cleanser (8 oz) Black Earth Crinkles & Curls Styling Lotion (8 oz) Black Earth Moisture Clenz (8 oz) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Taliah Waajid 4. Black Earth Enhancing Herbal Conditioner (8 oz) Black Earth Protective | Sulfur 8 Kid’s Conditioning Shampoo (13.5oz) Sulfur 8 Black Earth Total Body Black Earth Shampoo (8 oz) 9. 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 Sulfur 8 Sulfur 8 Kid’s Hair Pudding (14.4oz) Taliah Waajid 2. Black Earth African Healing Oyl (8 oz) 4. Taliah Waajid Black Earth Lock it up - Tight Hold (6 oz) | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca129 130 12. Taliah Waajid 13. Black Earth The Strengthener (6 oz) 17. 22. Taliah Waajid 23. Taliah Waajid 19. Black Earth Kinky, Wavy Hair Scalp Oil (8 oz) Taliah Waajid 25. Black Earth Clean & Natural Herbal Hair Wash (8 oz) Black Earth Lock It Up (5 lb) TCB 2. Olive Oil No-Lye Relaxer - Regular (1 Application) Taliah Waajid 21. Taliah Waajid Black Earth Lock It Up (16 oz) Taliah Waajid 26. Black Earth Curl Sealer (6 oz) Taliah Waajid 30. Taliah Waajid Black Earth Crinkles & Curls Natural Hair & Lock Styling Lotion (32 oz) Kinky Wavy Natural Herbal Style & Shine (6 oz) Black Earth Clean-N-Cruly Hydrating Shampoo o (8 oz) Taliah Waajid 29. 1. Taliah Waajid 20. Curly Kinky Natural Berry Clean 3in1 - Shampoo/ Conditioner/Softner (8 oz) Taliah Waajid 24. Taliah Waajid 16. Black Earth Enhancing Herbal Conditioner (32 oz) (32 oz) Black Earth The Great Detanglerr (8 oz) Taliah Waajid 28. Taliah Waajid 15. Black Earth Protective Curly Kinky Natural Easy Herbal Comb Out (8 oz) Black Earth Lock It Up - Tight Hold (16 oz) 27. Black Earth The Strengthener Medicated Formula (6 oz) Taliah Waajid 18. Black Earth Total Body Black Earth Shampoo (32 oz) Taliah Waajid 14. Taliah Waajid Black Earth Curly Curly Cream (6 oz) Taliah Waajid Black Earth Lock It Up Tight Hold old (5 lb) TCB 3. Olive Oil No-Lye Relaxer - Coarse (1 Application) TCB 4. Hair Food (10 oz) TCB Lite Hair & Scalp Conditioner (10 oz) TCB 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 | f 1 905 264 5904 | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca130 131 5. TCB 6. Hair & Scalp Conditioner (10 oz) 10. TCB 7. Olive Oil Hair & Scalp Conditioner (10 oz) TCB 11. No Base Creme Hair Relaxer with Protein and DNA - Regular (9 oz) No Base Creme Hair Relaxer with Protein and DNA - Super (15 oz) No Base Creme Hair Relaxer with Protein and DNA - Super (9 oz) 2. 3. TCB No Base Creme Hair Relaxer with Protein and DNA - Regular (15 oz) No Base Creme Hair Relaxer with Protein and DNA - Mild (15 oz) Tend Skin The Skin Care Solution (4 oz) Tend Skin The Skin Care Solution (8 oz) 1 Thickening Hair in 5 Seconds -Hair Spray -Hair Fibers -Mirror -Pouch 1. 3 Sisters of Nature 2. Stretch It Out Creme -Yellow (8 oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | 2. Spiral Pudding -Peach (8 oz) Thickening Hair Thickening Hair in 5 Seconds #1 Black 3 Sisters of Nature 3. t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Tend Skin (2.5 oz) Thickening Hair THICKENING HAIR THREE SISTERS OF NATURE TCB 9. TCB 1. TEND SKIN TCB 8. 3 Sisters of Nature 4. f 1 905 264 5904 Thickening Hair Thickening Hair in 5 Seconds #2 Dark Brown Once A Week Nourish Treatment -Brown (8 oz) | 3. | 3 Sisters of Nature Sweet Honeyrose Treatment -Hot Pink (8 oz) www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca131 132 5. 3 Sisters of Nature 6. Natural Curling Gelo -Pink (8 oz) Sulfate Free Shampoo (10 oz) 1. TROPIC ISLE LIVING 5. 10. Jamaican Strong Roots Red Pimento Hair Growth Oil (4 oz) 15. Tropic Isle Living 12. Tropic Isle Living 8. Coconut Black Castor Oil Hair food with Shea Butter (4 oz) | Tropic Isle Ginger Bush Bath & Shwer Gel (8 oz) Tropic Isle Living 9. Tropic Isle Living Jamaican Black Castor Oil Conditioner (8 oz) Tropic Isle Living 19. f 1 905 264 5904 Tropic Isle Living Jamaican Bush Bath (4 oz) Tropic Isle Living 14. Tropic Isle Lemon Grass Mint Bush Bath & Shwer Gel (8 oz) | Tropic Isle Living Lavender Jamaican Black Castor Oil (8 oz) Jamaican Black Castor Oil Serum w/ Argan Oil (4 oz) Tropic Isle Living 18. t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Tropic Isle Living 4. Jamaican Khus Khus Body Butter (4 oz) Tropic Isle Living 13. 3 Sisters of Nature Cleansing Co-Wash w/Coconut Milk (10 oz) Lavender Jamaican Black Castor Oil (4 oz) Jamaican Red Pimento Oil (1 oz) Tropic Isle Living 17. 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 Tropic Isle Living 3. Jamaican Black Castor Oil Protein Conditioner (8 oz) Jamaican All Natural Black Castor Oil Shampoo with Shea Butter (8 oz) Tropic Isle Living 16. Leave In Conditioner & Detangler (8 oz) Tropic Isle Living 7. 3 Sisters of Nature 9. Cleansing Co-Wash w/Avocado Extract (10 oz) Jamaican Black Castor Oil (8 oz) Jamaican Black Castor Oil Hair Food (4 oz) Tropic Isle Living 11. 3 Sisters of Nature 8. Leave In Conditioner (10 oz) Tropic Isle Living 2. Jamaican Black Castor Oil (4 oz) Tropic Isle Living 6. Coconut Black Castor Oil (4 oz) 3 Sisters of Nature 7. Tropic Isle Living Tropic Isle Cerassee ee Bush Bath & Shwer Gel (8 oz) | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca132 133 20. Tropic Isle Living Tropic Isle Island Spice Bush Bath & Shwer Gel (8 oz) 1. ULTRA GLOW 5. Alpha Tone Alpha Hydroxy Cream -Extra Strength (2oz) Ultra Glow 6. Ultra Glow Black Soap (100g) Tea Tree Soap (100g) 10. Ultra Glow Ultra Glow 11. Olive Oil Cream (7.25oz) ULTRA SHEEN 2. Ultra Glow Beauty Bar (99.2g) 3. Ultra Glow Ultra Glow 8. Ultra Glow 12. Ultra Glow Ultra Glow 13. 9. Ultra Glow Shea Butter Cream (7.25oz) Cocoa Butter Lotion n Skin Enriching Moisturizer With Vitamin E (16oz) Cocoa Butter Cream (10.5oz) -Bonus Ultra Glow Shea Butter Soap (100g) Cleansing Bar (99.2g) 7. 4. Ultra Glow 14. Ultra Glow Olive Oil Lotion (16oz) Olive Oil Soap (3.5oz) Shea Butter Lotion (16 oz) Dark Circle Remover Eye Creme (2oz) 1. 2. 3. 4. Ultra Sheen Gro Nature Hair & Scalp Treatment (8oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | Ultra Sheen Hair Food (8oz) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Ultra Sheen For extra dry hair Conditioner & Hair dress (8oz) | f 1 905 264 5904 | Ultra Sheen Original formula Conditioner & hair dress (8oz) www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca133 134 5. Ultra Sheen For Men Sheen Spray (11.25 oz) 1. VIA NATURAL VIA 2. VIA Growth Therapy Conditioner (15oz) VIA NATURAL REVITALIZATIONS DISPLAY * Cleansing & Preparatory Shampoo (8oz) 3. VIA 4. Daily Maintenance Strengthening Hairdress (6oz) * Stimulating Gro Serum (4oz) VIA * Anti-Itch Growth Treatment Spray (4oz) Reparative Strengthening Creme (6oz) * Stimulating Gro Creme (6oz) * Daily Maintenance Strengthening Hairdress (6oz) * Reparative Strengthening Creme (6oz) 5. VIA Stimulating Gro Creme (6oz) 6. VIA Stimulating Gro Serum (4oz) 1. 7. Cleansing & Preparatory Shampoo (8oz) Vigorol 2. Curls Mousse -Super Hold (12 oz) VIA Vigorol 3. Vigorol 4. Maximum Shine Wave Mousse (12 oz) Olive Oil Maga Moisture Mousse (12 oz) Vigorol Neutralizer Shampoo (8 oz) VIGOROL 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 | f 1 905 264 5904 | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca134 135 1. Vitale 2. Olive Oil Hair Polisher (6 oz) Vitale 3. Olive Oil 4-In-1 Growth Serum (4 oz) Vitale 4. Olive Oil Virgin Hair Oil (7 oz) Vitale Olive Oil Breeze Shampoo (14 oz) VITALE 5. Vitale 6. Olive Oil Leave-In Conditioner (12 oz) 10. Neutralizing Shampoo (4 oz) 20. Olive Oil No-Lye Relaxer -Regular (2 Appl) Vitale 12. Olive Oil Lite Scalp Oinment (6oz) Vitale 16. Vitale Vitale 22. Olive Oil No-Lye Relaxer -Super (2 Appl) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | Vitale 14. Olive Oil Deep Moisturizing Shampoo (12oz) Vitale 18. Vitale 19. Vitale 24. Olive Oil Anti-Breakage Relaxer -Regular (5 lbs) | f 1 905 264 5904 Vitale Olive Oil Touch Up Relaxer (1Appl)-Super Vitale 23. t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Vitale Olive Oil Sheen Spray (15oz) Olive Oil Touch Up Relaxer (1Appl)-Regular Olive Oil Anti-Breakage Relaxer -Regular (20 oz) Vitale Olive Oil Hair Mayonnaise (30oz) Vitale 13. Olive Oil Relaxer (1Appl)-Super 21. Vitale 9. Olive Oil Hair Mayonnaise (8oz) Olive Oil Fertilizing Balm (6oz) Vitale 17. Olive Oil Relaxer (1Appl)-Regular Olive Oil Foam Wrap Lotion (8oz) Vitale 8. Base Creme (14oz) Vitale 11. Olive Oil Root Therapy (8oz) 15. Vitale 7. | Vitale Olive Oil Anti-Breakage Relaxer -Super (20 oz) www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca135 136 25. Vitale 26. Olive Oil Anti-Breakage Relaxer -Super (5 lbs) 30. Vitale 27. Olive Oil Holding Spritz (12 oz) Olive Oil Neutralizing Shampoo (16 oz) Vitale 31. Olive Oil VOC Spritz (12 oz) Vitale 28. Vitale 32. Olive Oil Themashield Polisher (6 oz) Vitale 29. Olive Oil Hair Protector (16 oz) Olive Oil Moisturizer (12 oz) Vitale 33. Olive Oil Frizz Free Serum (6 oz) Vitale 34. Olive Oil Edge Rite (3.5 oz) Vitale Olive Oil Hair Mayonnaise (4 lbs) Water Works 2. 1. Vitale Water Works #20-Black WATER WORKS 3. Water Works #21-Blue Black #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #27 4. Black Blue Black Brown Black Natural Dark Brown Natural Medium Brown Natural Light Brown Water Works 5. Water Works 6. Water Works 7. Water Works #22-Brown Black #23-Natural Dark Brown #24-Natural Medium Brown #27-Natural Light Brown 1. 2. 3. Walker Tape Mity-Tite (0.5 oz) Walker Tape Mity-Tite (1.4 oz) Walker Tape Mity-Tite (3.4 oz) 4. Walker Tape Ultra Hold (0.5 oz) WALKER TAPE 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 | f 1 905 264 5904 | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca136 137 5. Walker Tape Ultra Hold (1.4 oz) 10. Walker Tape 11. Adhesive Remover (4 oz) 25. Walker Tape No-Shine Extension Tabs - W0013 (60 pcs/pk) Walker Tape Walker Tape 12. Walker Tape 18. Lace Front Support Tape - W0009 Type A (36 pcs/pk) 26. Walker Tape | t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 27. Walker Tape 19. Walker Tape Walker Tape Just-Rite Positioning Spray (4 oz) Walker Tape 24. f 1 905 264 5904 | Walker Tape Lace Front Support Tape - W0011 1”x3” (36 pcs/pk) Walker Tape 28. Ultra Hold Tape - W0017 (1” x 3 yds) | Walker Tape Safe Grip (1.4 oz) Lace Front Support Tape - W0010 Type C (36 pcs/pk) Extra Brush - W0005 Small (8.2 cm, pc) - W0006 Large (15.5 cm, pc) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 Walker Tape 14. Top-Loc Knot Sealer (4 oz) Walker Tape 23. 9. Liqui-Tape Silicone Adhesive (3.4 oz) Scalp Protector (2 oz) C-22 Solvent (12 oz) Lace Front Support Tape - Blue Liner (¾” x 3 yds) Walker Tape Walker Tape 13. Walker Tape 17. Walker Tape 22. 8. Liqui-Tape Silicone Adhesive (1.4 oz) Scalp Protector (1.4 oz) C-22 Solvent (4 oz) Walker Tape 21. 7. Liqui-Tape Silicone Adhesive (0.5 oz) Extension Release (4 oz) Walker Tape 16. Safe Grip (3.4 oz) 20. Walker Tape Ultra Hold (3.4 oz) Extension Release (1.4 oz) 15. 6. Walker Tape Ultra Hold Tape - W0014 Type A (36 pcs/pk) www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca137 138 29. Walker Tape 30. Ultra Hold Tape - W0015 Type C (36 pcs/pk) Ultra Hold Tape - W0016 1”x3” (36 pcs/pk) 1. WAVE BUILDER 5. 10. Advanced High Def Pomade (3.5 oz) 15. Wave Builder 7. 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 Wave Builder 8. Wave Builder 18. t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Wave Builder Spin’n Waves Wave Cream (8oz) Wave Builder 14. Wave Builder Pop’n Waves (8 oz) Wave Builder 19. Cocoa & Shea Wave Butter (4.8 oz) | Wave Builder Spin’n Classic Wave Cream (8oz) Wave Builder 9. Brushing Oil (4.7 oz) Natural Wave Pomade (3 oz) | Wave Builder 4. Deep Wave Pomade (3oz) Wave Builder 13. Walker Tape Extension Release (4 oz) Wave Jel Wave Foaming Smoother (3.5oz) Advanced Night Form Pomade (3.5 oz) Wave Builder 17. Natural Wave Wave Pudding (5 oz) Wave Builder 3. Wash In Waves Shampoo (7oz) Wave Builder 12. Walker Tape 33. Weft Release (4 oz) Ripple Cream Wave Wax (5.4oz) Advanced Super Wax Pomade (3.5 oz) Wave Builder 16. Natural Wave Texture Tamer Wave Builder 2. Brush In Waves Daily Training Lotion (7oz) Wave Builder 11. Walker Tape 32. Scalp Protector Thick (1.4 oz) Wave-Tex Wave Making Texturizer (1 Application) Wave Builder 6. Sof’ Waves Moisturizing Building Lotion (7oz) Walker Tape 31. f 1 905 264 5904 Wave Builder Cocoa & Shea Pomade (3 oz) | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca138 139 20. Wave Builder 21. Edgetastic (5.7 oz) Wave Builder 22. Deep Wave Beeswax Pomade (3 oz) 1. Liquid Pomade (4 oz) Wave Nouveau 2. Moisturizing Lotion (8.5 oz) Wave Builder 23. Wave Builder Wave Shine (4 oz) Wave Nouveau 3. Moisturizing Lotion (16.9 oz) Wave Nouveau 4. Moisturizing Lotion (1 liter) Wave Nouveau Moisturizing Mist (8.5 oz) WAVE NOUVEAU 5. Wave Nouveau 6. Moisturizing Finishing Mist (16.9 oz) 10. Wave Nouveau 11. ShapeTransformer (1liter) 15. Shape Release (30oz) - Normal Wave Nouveau 9. Revitalizing Mousse (7.1 oz) Wave Nouveau 13. Shape Lock (1liter) Wave Nouveau 17. 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 Wave Nouveau 8. Daily Humectant (16.9 oz) Wave Nouveau 12. Shape Lock (16.9oz) Wave Nouveau 16. Shape Release (14.1oz) - Resistant Wave Nouveau 7. Daily Humectant Moisturizing Lotion (8.5 oz) Shape Transformer (16.9oz) Wave Nouveau 14. Shape Release (14.1oz) - Normal Wave Nouveau Wave Nouveau Shape Release (14.1oz) - Fine Wave Nouveau Shape Release (30oz) - Resistant | t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 | f 1 905 264 5904 | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca139 140 1. Weave Care 2. Weave Care 3. Weave Care 4. Weightless Sheen Spray (8oz) Weightless Styling Foam (8oz) Leave In Detangler (8.5oz) Weave Care Heat -Protecting Spritz (8.5oz) WEAVE CARE 1. WELLA Wella 3. Wella 2. Welloxide (950ml) Vol. 10 Vol. 20 Vol. 30 Vol. 40 Wella 4. Color Clear Developer 20Vol. Vol. (32oz) o. Color Charm 20 Vol. Creme Developer (32oz) Wella Color Charm 40 0 Vol. ol.. Creme Developer eloper (32oz) 5. Wella Color Charm (1.42oz) 49 51 57 148 211 237 246 257 311 336 347 356 367 411 435 45 462 473 500 507 511 542 544 555 607 611 632 633 Dark Drabber Black Rojo Vino Dark Ash Brown Very Dark Brown Very Dark Ash Brown Very Dark Warm Brown Very Dark Gold Brown Dark Brown Dark Ash Brown Dark Auburn Cinnamon Brown Black Cherry Medium Brown Medium Golden Medium Auburn M.Smokey Ash Blonde Rich Chestnut Brown Blonding Plus Burgundy Light Brown Light Ash Brown Light Copper Hazel Blonde Cyclamen Dark Blonde Dark Ash Blonde Red Blaze 643 672 673 711 725 729 740 810 811 841 892 911 940 1001 1030 1036 1070 1110 1120 1200 1210 1290 12P/500 5WR 5WV 6GR 6R 6W 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | Dark Tan Blonde D.Smokey Ash Blonde Delicate Fawn Medium Blonde Sunlight Blonde Brown Titan Red Blonde Medium Ash Blonde Red Light Blonde Light Gold Blonde Light Bright Red Pale Blonde Pale Ash Blonde Satin Blonde Palest Ash Blonde Honey Blonde Honey Beige Blonde Platium Ash Nordic Blonde Lightest Frosty Ash Ultra Pale Blonde Ivory Blonde Plus All Spice Cinnamon Canyon Copper Red Terra Cotta Praline 7CG 7G 7NG/M 7W 7WV 8CG 8G 8NG 9G 9NG BP DCB DCG DCR DCV T10 T11 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T27 T28 T29 T35 T36 T38 t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 M.Platinum Gold Blonde Pure Gold Blonde Beige Blonde Caramel Nutmeg L.Platium Gold Blonde Pure Gold Blonde L. Beige Blonde Soft Pure G. Blonde Blond Sable Blonding Plus Blue Accent Gold Accent Red Accent Violet Acce Ivory Lady Royal Blonde Silver Lady Baroness Blonde Countess Blonde Empress Blonde White Lady Regal Beige Princess Blonde Divine Blonde Imperial Beige Majestic Beige Imperial | f 1 905 264 5904 | 050 1N/051 3NW 4NW 5N/511 5NW 5RG 5RV/07 6NW 6W 7G/725 7NW 8NW T18 Cooling Violet Black D.Natural Warm Brown M.Natural Warm Brown Light Brown L.Natural Warm Brown Light Auburn Burgundy D.Natural Warm Blond Praline Sunlight Blonde Brown M.Natural Warm Blond L.Natural Warm Blond Lightest Ash Blond www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca140 141 6. Wella Color Gel (2oz) 051T 1001T 1030T 1036T 1070T 1120T 1131T 1200T 1210T 1290T 12NG-T 12P-T 12W-T 211T 237T 246T 246T Black Satin Blonde Palest Ash Blonde Honey Blonde Honey Beige Blonde Nordic Blonde Champagne Blonde Blond Clair Frosty Ash Ultra L. Blonde Surf Side Blonde Plus 1180T Ivory Blonde Plus Malibu Blonde Plus Very Dark Brown M.Ash Brown L.Ash Brown L.Ash Brown 1. WET-NWAVY 5. Wet-N-Wavy 2. Creme Moist Curl Creme (6.5oz) WILL GRO | Wet-N-Wavy 4. Wet Gel Liquid (8oz) Wet-N-Wavy 8. Frizz Free Curl & Wave Mousse (8oz) Will Gro 2. Braid & Extension Sheen Moisturizing Scalp Spray - for Extra Dry Hair & Scalp (12oz) 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 Wet-N-Wavy 3. Tangle Free Vitamin E Leave-In Conditioner (16oz) Wet-N-Wavy 7. 1. 633T Red Blaze 643/7WR Tan Blonde 672T M.Smokey Ash Blonde 711T Medium Blonde 725T Sunlight Blonde Brown 729T Titian Red Blonde 734T Copper Gold 740 1-2T L.Ash Blonde 7NG-T M.Beige Blonde 7R-T 810T Red 811T Light Blonde 841T L.Golden Blonde 882T L.Smokey Ash Blonde 892T L.Bright Red 911T Very Light Blonde 940T Pale Ash Blonde 9NG-T Sand Blonde D.Golden Brown D.Brown L.Drab Brown Dark Auburn Cinnamon Brown Black Cherry M.Brown L.Golden Brown L.Auburn Burgundy L.Brown Ash Blonde Fiery Copper Gold Hazel Blonde Cyclamen Dark Blonde M.Ash Blonde Tangle Free Vitamin E Leave-In Conditioner - (8oz) - (12oz) Bonus Wet-N-Wavy 6. Curl Moisture Shampoo (8oz) 257/4GT 311T 336T 347T 356/4R 367T 411T 435T 445T 507T 511T 542T 543T 555T 607T 611T 632T Wet-N-Wavy Shimmer Shine for Synthetic & Natural Hair Weaves (4 oz) Will Gro 3. Will Gro Braid & Extension Sheen Moisturizing Scalp Spray - Medicated (12oz) Braid & Extension Scalp Spray (12oz) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 Wet-N-Wavy Wet Gel (12oz) | f 1 905 264 5904 | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca141 142 1. WORLD OF CURL 5. Comb-Out, Conditioner, & Oil Sheen (Moisturizer) -Regular (8 oz) World of Curl 6. Curl Activator - Regular (16.2 oz) World of Curl 2. 20 Hanlan Rd. Unit 19 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6 | World of Curl 8. | World of Curl 9. f 1 905 264 5904 World of Curl Curl Activator - Extra Dry (32 oz) Curl Activator Gel - Extra Dry (6 oz) Curl Activator Gel - Regular (6 oz) t 1 905 264 5959 . 1 866 731 4327 World of Curl 4. Curl Activator - Regular (32 oz) Comb-Out, Conditioner, & Oil Sheen (Moisturizer) -Extra Dry (8 oz) World of Curl 7. Curl Activator - Extra Dry(16.2 oz) World of Curl 3. World of Curl Pudding - (15.02 oz) | www.shekina.ca . info@shekina.ca142
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