B O S T O N BOROUGH COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO: 2 REPORT TO: CABINET DATE: 29 APRIL 2015 SUBJECT: BROADBAND UPDATE PORTFOLIO HOLDER: AARON SPENCER – PORTFOLIO HOLDER FOR FINANCE REPORT AUTHOR: STRATEGIC DIRECTOR – RESOURCES EXEMPT REPORT? NO SUMMARY The BroadbandUK (BDUK) project to deliver SuperFast broadband across Lincolnshire has now provided over 80,000 homes with access to broadband speeds that would not otherwise have been financially viable. Based on an agreement made by the Chief Executives of the Lincolnshire Districts to collectively contribute £4m of the total £14m public sector contribution towards the Lincolnshire BDUK programme, Boston Borough Council agreed to contribute an 8.6% share of the £4m required. This would have meant a maximum contribution from Boston of £344,310. It was originally hoped that additional European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funding would reduce the Borough’s contribution, and so an allocation of £300,000 was made in the Council’s Capital Programme. Unfortunately, ERDF funding has not been forthcoming for this project, and this report seeks approval for an additional sum of £44,310 to be allocated to support the project, funded from capital resources. Scheme estimates anticipate that up to 1,800 jobs will be created as a result of the project, equating to approximately 150 in the Boston area if shared equally within the county. RECOMMENDATIONS: Members are asked to approve the revised contribution of £344,310, which will be met from the existing £300,000 Capital Programme allocation, plus parts of the 2014/15 Capital Budget underspend. REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS The BroadbandUK project has countywide support, and has already delivered improved broadband access speeds to significant parts of the Borough, with completion via the BDUK project set for 2016. Original predictions stated that Lincolnshire as a whole would experience a gross value added (GVA) uplift of around £47m to £66m per year over the next 5 – 7 years through the introduction of SuperFast Broadband. This equates to between 1,300 and 1,800 new jobs across the County. Using the 8.6% Boston contribution this equates to GVA uplift in Boston Borough of around £4m to £5.7m per year, and between 111 and 154 new jobs . ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Not to support the initiative, and the revised contribution. 1.0 CURRENT POSITION 1.1 The Broadband UK (BDUK) project to deliver SuperFast broadband across Lincolnshire has provided over 80,000 homes with access to broadband speeds that would not otherwise have been financially viable. 1.2 The original project aimed to reach 90% of households in the county, but advances in technology during the project means that 95% of households are now anticipated to be included by the end of the project. 1.3 Across the Borough of Boston, this has resulted in over 6,000 properties having access to broadband speeds in excess of 24mbps which would not otherwise have been provided access to SuperFast speeds. 1.3 The BDUK project has 8 stages, and is currently nearing the end of Stage 5. As most borough locations were included in Phases 3 and 4 of the programme, this means the rollout in the borough is almost complete. 1.4 There is some further work to be completed in the borough, with approximately 4,600 properties scheduled for upgrades by the end of Stage 6, which ends in September 2015. 1.5 Not all properties in the Borough are eligible for the BDUK access to SuperFast speeds, however, as some areas were already included in BT’s own commercial rollout plan. It is anticipated that this commercial rollout will be completed by 2017. 1.6 Customer take-up of the new high speed services varies enormously across the Borough, and depends on many factors, with some of the early elements now approaching 20% take-up. It is expected that numbers will increase significantly in the coming years as customers begin to adopt increasingly popular online video and television services. 1.7 In addition to the main project to provide high speed fixed-line broadband, the Borough has also benefited through an ERDF funded pilot project to provide wireless broadband services. Whilst this was specifically targeted at a sparsely populated area of the Borough which would fall into the areas unable to receive SuperFast broadband, the area covered continues to expand and offers an alternative to an increasing number of Borough residents and businesses. 1.8 Whilst the vast majority of properties will have access to high speed services, technologies have also emerged during the lifetime of the project that now make it financially viable to provide SuperFast speeds to locations previously deemed beyond economical reach. 1.9 The Lincolnshire programme has been structured to ensure that the programme budget allows for the deployment of new technologies once the main programme is complete in March 2016. As such, it is not possible to predict at this stage what the exact number of properties will be that have been upgraded to SuperFast Broadband. 1.10 Unfortunately additional ERDF funding applications have only been successful on the proviso that the monies are not invested in broadband infrastructure, and so the full 8.6% share of the infrastructure upgrade (£344,310) has now been requested from the Borough Council. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Borough’s contribution is £344,310, slightly above the previously allocated sum of £300,000 already included in the Capital Programme. The currently unallocated sum will be funded from part of the 2014/15 capital budget underspend. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS None identified ANY OTHER IMPLICATIONS None CONSULTATION None undertaken APPENDICES None BACKGROUND PAPERS None CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THIS REPORT BOSTON BOROUGH COUNCIL PROFORMA FOR EXECUTIVE APPROVAL OF THE RELEASE OF RESOURCES (CAPITAL AND REVENUE BUDGETS) FROM: THIS PROFORMA PROVIDES THE FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS IN RESPECT OF THE ATTACHED REPORT: REPORT DATE: £ Year 1 2014/15 £ Year 2 2015/16 £ Year 3 2016/17 £ Year 4 2017/18 £ Year 5 2018/19 Contribution to Capital 44,310 0 0 0 0 Total Revenue Costs 44,310 0 0 0 0 Funding required: Total capital cost Additional cost £300,000 (already approved) £44,310 Considered by: Date: Cabinet 29 April 2015 Financial Services Comments The additional funding will come from the 2014/15 capital programme underspend. Risk All risks have been addressed in the report attached, no additional financial risk identified.
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