PROGRAM-3.1 - VI Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy. Monday, June 8 Panel Sessions 9:30-11:00 P1: Aguayo: Distribution or Recognition. A Critical Examination of a False Dilemma. Schemmel: Self-respect, Justice, and Injustice. Bratu, Self-respect and Intimate Relationships. P2: Beato: The idea of virtue(s) in Vladimir Jankélévitch's moral philosophy. Pedro Martins: Justice and Merit. De Wet: The Business of Business Ethics – Lessons from Foucault. P3: Heim: Disentangling the voluntariness of migration and its implications. Meijers: Migrants by Plane and Migrants by Stork: can we exclude one but not the other? Rainey: Cosmopolitanism: Dynamic Identity – Pluralism Without, Levelism Within. P4: Fairbanks: Technology and Virtue. Himmelreich: Future drones and responsibility in hierarchical groups. Diamantis: The mental life of a criminal corporation. P5: Astier: Relational Cosmopolitanism: is there an alleged moral magic in relations? Desbiolles: Thomas Nagel’s reconstruction of the idea of global justice. Belic: When should we coerce each other? A Cosmopolitan account of just institutions. P8: Yuksekdag: What is a Right to Mobility? Interests, Prospects, and Limitations. Cabrita: The Relationship between Migration and Poverty. Yong: A Democratic Citizenship Conception of Immigrant Integration. P9: Lee: Defending a Communicative Theory of Punishment. Imbrisevic: The Hegelian Objection to Threatening Punishment. Pugh: NeuroInterventions, Remorse and Criminal Justice. P10: Hibbert: Global Justice as a Condition of Legitimate Particularity. Lopez-Cantero: Caring For Strangers: Can Partiality Support Cosmopolitanism? Miklos: Nonideal duties of cosmopolitan justice: the cases of medical migration and medical tourism. Coffee-break –Panel Sessions 11:30-13:00 P6: Gheaus: Procreation, child-rearing and intergenerational justice. Ferdman: Intergenerational Community and the Ideal of Freedom: Three Liberal Views. Threet: Why democrats should worry about informal social sanctions. P7: D’Angelo: Put your Baclavas on. Toward a Political Theory of the Mask. Navarrete: Carl Schmitt’s theory of representation . Scotto: Benjamin’s historical materialism: tradition, detention, destruction. Plenary Session: 14:30-16:00--------- Chair: João Cardoso Rosas Keynote Speaker: Samuel Scheffler (New York University) Why Worry about Future Generations? P11 Vandieken: Moral Friends – A value-based account of reciprocal normativity. Nielsen: Why ’Play’ Shouldn’t be Downplayed: The Capability Theory on ADHD. Arruda: Others Expectations, SelfConstitution and Practical Reason. Conference Dinner -20:00 P12 Archer: Moral Obligations, Selfinterest and the Transitivity Problem. Kriegstein: Well-being and Pro-Attitudes. Carpan: Defending the Option to Not Be Autonomous. P13: Bidadanure: The Ethics of Social Banditry. Howard: Kidnapped: The Ethics of Paying Ransoms. Putnam: Justice and Gentrification. P14 Cohen: The Moral Gradation of Deceptive Modes. Truccone: Liberal Criminal Law and the Non-Identity Problem. Erdenk: Evaluation and Obligation: Hume’s Law and its Relation to Hume’s Account of Obligation. P15 Contreras: Cosmopolitanism: how is it possible and desirable in the global era? Ulas: The public, justice and political theorizing. Colen: Cosmopolitanism old and new: the adversaries of the Greek polis. PROGRAM-3.1 - VI Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy. Tuesday, June 9 Panel Sessions 9:30-11:00 P 16: P 17: Ip: Living Together as Vanini: Managing Equals in the Global Pluralism: Modus Context. Vivendi as a Benli: Action Guidance Compromise. in Theorizing Global Melo-Lopes: The Justice. Normative Basis for Scotton: Two different Political Liberalism grounds for democratic Liveriero: Democratic practices? The problem Bases of Equality? of legitimacy Proceduralism & in a cosmopolitan Epistemic Peerhood. world. Coffee-break-Panel Sessions 11:30-13:00 P 21: P 22: Peeters: The limits of Ossenblock: Does common-sense morality: self-ownership imply to natural The phenomenology of access individual agency in resources? climate change. Mateus: Liberdade e Polkamp: Is It My Propriedade, um perverso binómio em Fault? Collective Harm Anarquia, Estado e and Causal Inefficacy. Utopia. Rowe: Severe Rekers: Should we Uncertainty and allocate humanitarian Fairness. aid to the poor from countries with sufficient resources to guarantee human rights against poverty? Lunch –Panel Session -14:30-16:00 P 26: P 27: De-Smet: The delegated Simpson: What is authority model misused Wrong with Bankers’ as a strategy of Bonuses? disengagement in the Walton: An case of climate change. International Envy Oberman: Climate Test? And its Change as International Implications for World Aggression. Trade. Cooke: Cosmopolitan Parr: Taking the Envy Disobedience. Test Seriously. P 18: NB - in Portuguese and Spanish. Goulart: Uma hipótese agonística para a aporia entre soberania popular e direitos humanos. Otero: Hacia una Ética y una Justicia de la Vulnerabilidad. Morais: A Construção do Inimigo num Mundo Pós-Imunitário. P 19: Davies: Grounding human rights. Pinheiro: The Intuition behind the Idea of Welfare Rights. Wood: The Radicalization of Human Rights. P 20: Axelsen: Against the Importance of Associations for Distributive Justice. De-la-Cruz: Rethinking cosmopolitan responsibility. Schwenkenbecher: Why cosmopolitan duties are not duties of ‘collective beneficence. P 23: Cordón: Schelling's New Deduction of Natural Right as condition for dissolution of State. Micelly: The Thomistic Contribution to the Idea of Freedom of Conscience. Gilabert:, El concepto de Volk en Heidegger como exponente del Mit-sein. P 24: Pao: Citizen Liability for State Injustice—the Authorization Model. Petroni: The Morality of Equality: Egalitarianism and Political Authority. Shnayderman: Overall Freedom-Measurement and Evaluation. P 25: Finneron-Burns: Are our duties to future generations merely sufficientarian? Reglitz: On Intergenerational Distributive Justice. Guillery: The Concept of Feasibility. P 28: Wilcox: On the Value of Aesthetic Experience for Environmental Ethics. Stockton: Judgments, Emotions, and Creating An Ethical Society. Bonallumi: Normative endorsement: the case of moral heuristics. P 29: Beeghly: Is Stereotyping Intrinsically Wrong? Valdman:What's Wrong with Brainwashing? Birks: Benefitting Offenders. P 30: Gray: The Challenge of Legitimacy in Customary International Law. Harb: Can Global Egalitarians Defend Egalitarian Justice for the European Union? Lain: A democratic republican political philosophy for our contemporary market societies? P 31: Cimendereli: The duty to know More and More. Loureiro: Are principles independent from facts. Fumagalli: Erasmus Generation. Johnstone: British Imperial Amnesia meets ‘cosmopolitan’ memory. Plenary Session: 16:30-18:00------------Chair: David Alvarez Keynote Speaker: Simon Caney (University of Oxford) Global Injustice and the Rights of Necessity and Resistance
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