GOVERNMENT OF MEGHALAYA DIRECTORATE OF TOURISM No. MID Tour. 190/2010/1 17 Dated Shillong the 8'"April 20 15. Directorate of Tourism, Government of Meghalaya, invites vendors! agencies! firms! organisations! consortiums for furnishing. operation and maintenance of the under mentioned properties created by the Tourism Department, Government of Meghalaya for a period of 10 years on lease rental basis. Interested Vendo rs! age ncies! firm s/ organisations! consortiums are requested to inspect the faci lities for which they arc intere sted and to sub mit the ir application indicating the rate offered for the faci lity on a monthl y basis in plain paper affixed with Court Fee stamp of Rs 100/- along with earnest money in the form of bankers Chequel Dralt amounting to Rs 5,0001- d rawn in favour of the Director Tou rism. Meghalaya, payable at Shillong from any recogni sed bank to the following add ress o n or before the 28 1h May 2015. DIRECTOR TOU RIS M Meghalaya, Shillong. 3'd Secreta riat Bu ilding Nokrek Building Lower Lach umiere, Shillong. The ve ndors! agenc ies! firms! organisations! consortiums are requested to submit the followin g along with their applications after inspection of the interest ed fac ilities. I . Details and credentials of the vend ors! agencies! firms! orga nisatio ns! consortiums 2. Previous wo rk ex perience of similar nature listing the proj ects done and names of Go vernment departments! orga nisation s! agenc ies or private organisations! individuals for which the wo rk was done and the va lue of the work a long with copies of the work orders. 3. Deta ils of the full time and ca ll down ma npowe r under different categor ies 4. Copy of docume ntation relating to conso rtium ar range ments, ifap plicable. 5. Turnover of the last three financial years with a min imum bank balance of Rs 30.00Lakhs supported by upto date bank balance statement. 6. Rate offered for furnishing , operatio n and maint enance on a monthly basis for a period of 10 years with an increase of 10 % for every 3(three) years. 7. Non tribal part ies are to submit va lid trading licence from appropriate auth ority for undertakin g this nature of business . The Sho rt listed vendors! agencies! firms! organisations! consortiums will be considered for further stages of the process. The decision of the Director will be final and binding. SINo Facility Location I. Tourist Lodge at Mahadeo Balpakram l\lah adeo Balpakram Built up area 345.00 Sqm Approx Rem arks Restaurant cum Kitchen, Guest Room, Dormitory, Care Taker & Sta ff Room Etc . Dire1 # T:uriSl: , Meghalaya , Shillong No. MID Tour.19012010/l1 7-A Dated Shillong the 8"'ApriI 20 15. Copy to r- I . Principal Secreta ry to the Govt. of Meghalaya, Tourism Department for information 2. The Director of Inform ation & Public Relations, Meghalaya, Shillong with a request to kindly publish thi s notice for 1(one) issue in the leadin g newspapers of Megha laya both in Khasi, and English for wide circulat ion. 3. The Director of Printing and Stationary, Meghalaya, Shillong for pub lication in the Meg halaya Gazette. ~tate Information Officer, NIC Meghalaya, Shillong for displaying in the State website. 5. Office Notice Board Direcf i t : : : : . Megha laya, Shillong.
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