Leicestershire Food Links is a not for profit social enterprise which promotes local food & drink. Funds raised go to local groups and charities in Melton and towards ongoing work promoting local food and drink projects in the County . The Melton Mowbray Country Fair 2015 Sunday 28 June 2015 10.00am - 5.00pm Melton Town Estates Parks, Melton Mowbray Leicestershire LE13 0PT. Thank you for your interest in exhibiting at this year’s show. This is our seventh year and the event just keeps on growing. Leicestershire Food Links knows that it couldn’t have a better and more suitable place to showcase its annual event than “The Rural Capital of Food” – Melton Mowbray. The Fair is situated in the beautiful Town Estates Parks, a wonderful setting in the very centre of this famous and historic Market Town. Experience a unique event celebrating not only our local food and drink producers but Melton’s countryside & farming heritage. Add a host of other interests arts, crafts, gardening and antiques with a mixture of music, dance, competitions, livestock and entertainment and it all adds up to the truly traditional Melton Mowbray Country Fair. Please note We are looking for exhibitors willing to demonstrate or give visitors an opportunity to try a craft, art or trade. We also have a special marquee for food or drink demonstrations from local restaurants & food/drink businesses “Taste, Bake, Stir and Shake Marquee”. Please complete the section on the booking form if you are interested in demonstrating or running workshops/competitions for visitors to the Fair & a member of our staff will contact you to discuss your idea. There are plenty of opportunities to advertise your business in our programme, on a weblink or around the Fair’s site. Each 3m x 3m stall will be allocated two exhibitor tickets and 6m x 3m will be allocated 3 exhibitor tickets. Additional tickets can be purchased on the application form. Please ask about our range of sponsorship opportunities, auction of promises or raffle prize donation. Site information: The site is grassed, mainly flat and drains well. Exhibitors must bring their own equipment. Please ensure that all your equipment is suitable for the conditions (Robust canopy, weights in case of wind etc.). Tables and chairs can be ordered on the application form. No extra tables/chairs will be available on the day. Set up is from 6.30 am and must be completed by 9.15 am when all vehicles must leave the site. Vehicles are not permitted to park behind the owner’s stall unless specific permission is given. Please indicate if you are bringing a trailer on the attached form. On site toilets with hand washing facilities, First Aid, lost children point and refreshments are all provided on site on the day. Parking in Melton Mowbray is currently free on Sundays – there are plenty of car parks available within a short distance from the event including a large car park at the Cattle Market APPLYING If you would like to apply please print the attached application form, complete and return to the address below with your payment and enclosures: Please note that applications will not be accepted unless complete. Post-dated cheques are not accepted. Cheques should be made payable to “Leicestershire Food Links Ltd” NB. New stallholders will be required to submit a photograph of their usual stall set up to maintain our good standards. Payment can also be made by BACS Account Name: Leicestershire Food Links Ltd Account Number: 20083146 Sort-Code: 086001 We ask that all bookings are made by the booking deadline of 20th April to help with administration. Bookings taken after this date may incur a late charge subject to our terms and conditions. If you require an acknowledgment/receipt please enclose a SAE. If you have any queries in the meantime please contact Leicestershire Food Links Ltd Wymeswold Lodge Cottage, Narrow Lane, Wymeswold LE12 6SD Mobile: 07856599424 ogdgs@aol.com www.leicestershirefoodlinks.org.uk How to find Melton Mowbray Country Fair New Park, Play and Priory Close are situated adjacent to the A607 Leicester Road running through Melton Mowbray. Stallholder Application MELTON MOWBRAY COUNTRY FAIR – Sunday 28th June 2015 10am – 5pm NAME: Individual / Group / Registered charity / Business (mark as appropriate) CONTACT ADDRESS: REGISTERED BUSINESS ADDRESS if different: POSTCODE: EMAIL: TELE NO: MOBILE: WEBSITE: Please add a description of your core business and all products to be sold: (This information will also be used for the Country Fair programme) Number/ Pitch fees Cost Amount (Please note that if you require a larger pitch than listed please contact us for a quote.) OUTDOOR [a] Catering pitch with own stall/trailer (6m x 3m max) £200.00* FOOD PITCHES & [b] Standard Non Catering Food/Trade Pitch with own stall/trailer £65.00 TRADE [c] Large Non catering Food Pitch with own stall/trailer (6m x 3m) £100.00 OUTDOOR [a] Standard pitch with own stall/trailer (3m x 3m) £30.00 ARTS & CRAFTS PITCHES [b] Large pitch with own stall/trailer (6m x 3m) £50.00 Hire of Market Stall £25.00 STALL HIRE OUTDOOR [a] Standard pitch with own stall/trailer (3m x 3m) £30.00 [b] Large pitch with own stall/trailer (6m x 3m) £50.00 CHARITY PITCHES INDOOR MARQUEE PITCH Handmade arts & craft pitch (2m x 2m) £30.00 a) Craft Marquee Food/Drink and Trade £65.00 b) Make, Bake, Stir & Hire of table £10.00 Shake Marquee (Food) Hire of chair £3.00 ADDITIONAL Adults £3.00 EXHIBITOR TICKETS Children £1.00 Opportunities to advertise in both the programme and on the website from £25 ask for details *Catering pitches only may pay a deposit of £50.00 with their application. Full payment is Total £ Required by 20-4-15 otherwise your pitch will be released. Please let us know if you are able to offer a demonstration, talk, workshop or competition for visitors as part of your Display to further promote your business. Details …………………………………………..……………………………………………………....................................................................... Indicate if using any of the following Are you registered as a food business YES/NO GENERATOR/LPG/DIESEL (Petrol not allowed) If yes please provide the name of the authority where Number of staff attending.................................... registered ……………………………………………………………………………………. Name of stallholder responsible for the stall on and complete the attached Environmental Health Form the day.............................................................. Size of trailer/stall if over 6m ……………………………….. I/We the undersigned have read and understood and agreed to comply with the Terms & Conditions and declare that the information provided on this form is correct. Date: ……………………………………………………………………. Signed Print Name I enclose my cheque for .......................................made payable to “Leicestershire Food Links Ltd” and a copy of my “Public Liability Insurance” and a picture of my stall (new applicants only). Enclosures Sallie Hooper, Co-ordinator Leicestershire Food Links.Wymeswold Lodge Copy PL insurance Cottage, Narrow Lane, WYMESWOLD LE12 6SD Tele: 07856599424 Payment Email: ogdgs@aol.com Photograph Chief Steward Ian Jalland Tel: 07816178583 Risk Assessment Food Hygiene Form www.meltonmowbraycountryfair.co.uk Environmental Health Food Trader Registration MMCF 28th June ‘15 Name………….…………………………………….……Trading as……………………………………………………………… 1. How many staff do you employ at any one time? ……………………………..……………………. 2. Will you and your staff at the event be food hygiene trained? 3. Please list their names and the level of training they have received. Yes / No Person 1……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Person 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Person 3……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Continue overleaf if necessary. Note: All food handlers must now be trained, or supervised, to a level appropriate to the work they do. 4. What food activities do you undertake? (Circle as appropriate) Sale of raw meat Reheating Cooking Preparation/sale of ready to eat food Cooling Selling Pre-packaged Food other………………………. 5. What type of written food safety management system do you use? (Circle as appropriate) SFBB Salsa Assured Safe Catering Cook Safe Own System Other……………………………… 6. What hand washing facilities do you have? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Note: A separate hand washing facility must be provided and should have a supply of hot water. Hand sanitiser is NOT an acceptable alternative. 7. How will high risk food be kept chilled before and during the event? ……………………...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Note: Food should be stored at a temperature below 8ºC. Food can only be kept out of refrigeration for a maximum of 4 hours. 8. How will high risk food be kept hot during the event, once it has been cooked ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Note: Food should be hot held at a temperature above 63ºC. Food can be held below this temperature for a maximum of 2 hours. Environmental Health Officers may attend on the day and wish to inspect the following: -Food Safety Management documentation -Public and Employers Liability Insurance -Current Services Certificates – Gas safety certificate, PA Test Please ensure that you bring a copy of all documents required under your legal obligations to trade. LFL cannot be held liable for disruption of trade because of a trader’s failure to Provide documentation or information to the relevant officer LEICESTERSHIRE FOOD LINKS LTD MELTON MOWBRAY COUNTRY FAIR MELTON MOWBRAY COUNTRY FAIR 28th JUNE 2015 NB: All sections of this assessment must be completed. Any sections which are not applicable should be marker N/A Or please send your own standard risk assessment Company Are any of following hazards/risks present? Example: Electrical Equipment Anything likely to cause a slip, trip or all Manual Handling Electrical Equipment Generators including refuelling LPG Fire Risk Assessment Name Yes/ No Date of Assessment What level of risk does the hazard create? Yes High No Medium N/A Low Yes High No Medium N/A Low Yes High No Medium N/A Low Yes High No Medium N/A Low Yes High No Medium N/A Low Yes High No Medium N/A Low Yes High No Medium N/A Low What controls are in place to reduce the risk to low? All Electrical equipment is certified and connected via a RCD. Copies of certificates are available for inspection. All cables and access to equipment is restricted. (Please detail above the safety precautions you will take to reduce the risk of fire. Guidance can be found in the HM Government Document "Fire safety risk assessment open air events and venues" which can be freely downloaded from https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/fire-safetyrisk-assessment-open-air-events-and-venues) Please attach a separate sheet if required Members of the Public Sources of ignition (please indicate quantity) Generators Children Gas Cookers LPG Exhibitors BBQ/Ovens Diesel Events staff/Volunteers Open Fire Charcoal People with disabilities Electrical Appliances Cooking Oil Fire People at Risk Other (Please specify) Any substances that may cause harm or have ill health effect COSHH Sources of Fuel Petrol Other (Please specify) Yes High No Medium Setting up, use of, taking down of displays or equipment Access and egress to and from display and available space Weather (Especially Wind, rain etc. Extremes of Hot & Cold Food Hygiene Food Service General Tidiness, Cleaning up of area and disposal of rubbish N/A Low Yes High No Medium N/A Low Yes High No Medium N/A Low Yes High No Medium N/A Low Yes High No Medium N/A Low Yes High No Medium N/A Low Yes High No Medium N/A Low Yes High No Medium N/A Low Please add any other hazards in the space below that are specific to your business and have not already been identified above Yes High No Medium N/A Low Yes High No Medium N/A Low Yes High No Medium N/A Low If you have identified any high risk activities or hazards we may need you to complete a more detailed risk assessment in due course When looking at control measures to reduce the level of risk from the hazard it is worth following the hierarch Eliminate (get rid) of the hazard Replace the hazard with one that has a lower risk Limit access to the hazard (i.e. barriers) Limited exposure to hazard Signed……………………………………………… Name………………………….. NB. LFL has the right to exclude from this event any producer/exhibitor who has not completed a risk assessment. MELTON MOWBRAY COUNTRY FAIR Sunday 28th June 2015 10.00 am – 5.00 pm Terms and Conditions: 1. Definitions and Interpretation In these terms and conditions (“the Conditions”) the following words shall have the following meanings:“Contract” means any contract between the Organiser and the Exhibitor for the provision of services incorporating these Conditions; “Exhibitor” means the person, company or organisation who has contracted for a space or spaces at the Fair and who is named on the booking form; “Exhibition Area” means the venue as described in the booking form; “Fair” means the fair or event as described in the booking form; “Force Majeure Event” means any event beyond the reasonable control of either the Organiser or the Exhibitor including, without limitation, cancellation, failure or curtailment of any licence, supply, agreement, services or facilities afforded to the Organiser; war; fire; flood; earthquake; national emergency; labour dispute; strike; Lock out; civil disturbance; inevitable accident; the non-availability of the Fair premises; or any other cause; and “Organiser” means Leicestershire Food Links Ltd (known as LFL in this document), a company incorporated in England and Wales (registered number 03861756) and whose registered office is at Atkins Building, Lower Bond Street, Hinckley, Leicestershire, LE10 1QU Contracts The Contract shall be made subject to these Conditions using the relevant booking forms These Conditions apply to all bookings. Any variation to these Conditions must be agreed in writing and signed by the Organiser or his authorised representative The Exhibitor acknowledges that it has not relied on any statement promise or representation made by or on behalf of Organiser which has not already been laid out in these Terms and Conditions. The Organiser has the right to refuse any application at its sole discretion. Obligations of the Organiser The starting and finishing times of the Fair will be notified to the Exhibitor. The Organiser will send necessary information, passes and site rules relating to the event to exhibitors at least one week before the event. The Exhibitor’s entrance point to the Exhibition Site will be notified to the Exhibitor, and the Organiser will permit the Exhibitor access to the Exhibition Site for a reasonable period of time before and after the Fair to allow the Exhibitor to prepare for the Fair and pack away after the Fair. The Organiser will provide each Exhibitor with a pitch at the Fair. The location of the pitch is to be at the Organizers sole discretion and the Organiser reserves the right to alter the location of the pitch at any time before or during the Fair. Exhibitors may only operate in their allotted pitch. Where the Exhibition Site allows, electricity will be provided to the Exhibitor. The Exhibitor shall pay prior to the event the charges of the Organiser as described in the booking form in respect of any consumption of electricity by the Exhibitor. The Exhibitor must bring their own extension leads, Equipment and adaptors. The Exhibitor must provide details to the Organiser on the booking form of all powered equipment that they wish use at the Fair. Only silent generators will be permitted. Stalls, tables and electricity must be ordered on the Exhibitor’s application form. The Organiser will not be responsible for providing additional equipment for exhibitors on the day. The Organiser will ensure that public liability insurance in the sum of £5,000,000 is arranged for the Fair. The Organiser may assign and/or sub-contract the Contract or any part of it to any person, firm or company. The Exhibitor may not assign or subcontract the Contract or any part of it. Obligations of the Exhibitor The Exhibitor must provide details to the Organiser of the items they wish to exhibit and/or sell and any practical demonstrations that they wish to perform at the Fair. Only appropriate Exhibitors will be accepted. The Organiser may request photographs and/or samples of the Exhibitor’s items. Exhibitors attempting to display or sell items or perform practical demonstrations that in the opinion of the Organiser is/are different from that detailed in the booking form may be required to remove such items and/or refrain from performing any such practicable demonstration and/or leave the Fair and/or Exhibition Site at the Organiser’s sole discretion. There will be no repayment of fees paid. Exhibitors must conduct their business in a manner that does not interfere with the interests of other Exhibitors and not canvass for customers beyond the boundaries of their stand. Exhibitors should not engage in activities which are deemed to be contrary to the best interests of the Event or which appear unethical or to be in breach of the law and the Organiser reserves the right to eject any Exhibitor without any liability for a refund if an Exhibitor does not comply with these conditions. The Exhibitor is responsible for ensuring that all items displayed and/or offered for sale comply with any relevant United Kingdom and European legislation, regulations or bye-laws (whether consumer, public or civil) governing, without limitation, its manufacture, advertising and sale. The Exhibitor is further responsible for ensuring that any practical demonstrations made at the Fair are undertaken in a safe manner and comply with any relevant United Kingdom and European legislation, regulations or bye-laws including, without limitation, health and safety and hygiene legislation The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the Organiser on a full indemnity basis against any loss to the Organiser howsoever arising as a consequence of the Exhibitor breaching this Condition. The Exhibitor must obtain the necessary consents and/or licences relating to items displayed and/or offered (including, without limitation, with regards to the sale of alcohol or alcoholic goods for consumption on or off the Exhibition Site and any practical demonstrations made at the Fair. The Organiser may at any time and at its sole discretion request a copy of any such consents and/or licences. The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the Organiser on a full indemnity basis against any loss to the Organiser howsoever arising as a consequence of the Exhibitor breaching this Condition. The Exhibitor undertakes to ensure that their stall is set up at least 30 minutes before the start of the Fair and that it is staffed and sufficiently stocked throughout the opening hours of the Fair. In the interest of public safety the Exhibitor undertakes not to pack away or leave the Exhibition Site until after the Fair has closed. The Exhibitor agrees to complete and return any necessary form sent by the Organiser by the date agreed by the Organiser or risk the forfeiture of his pitch and fee. The Exhibitor shall, take out and maintain public liability insurance for the event. The Exhibitor’s insurance must be sufficient to insure against the liabilities imposed upon the Exhibitor by these Conditions. Exhibitors must provide a copy of their public liability insurance certificate with their application. Exhibitors must ensure a copy is available at the Event. The Exhibitor must not perform any act or omission that could cause any insurance policy arranged by the Organiser to become wholly or partly void or voidable, or do or omit anything by which additional insurance premiums may become payable. The Exhibitor warrants to comply with this condition and agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the Organiser on a full indemnity basis against any loss to the Organiser howsoever arising as a consequence of the Exhibitor breaching this condition. Exhibitors who are registered as a food business must complete and return a Food Traders Questionnaire with their application for submission to Melton Borough Council. Exhibitors must ensure that their stall is presentable. The Organiser reserves the right to request a stall to be removed which in its view is not suitably presented for the Fair. Exhibitors displaying for the first time are requested to supply a picture of their stall set up with their Exhibitor application. Exhibitors are restricted from selling hot and cold drinks unless they have received approval by the Organiser prior to the event. Collecting for charities or other organisations is not allowed at the Fair unless agreed by the Organiser. Handbills, leaflets and advertising materials can only be distributed in the area of your stall with prior agreement from the Organiser. All exhibitors are responsible for their own litter which must be placed in the skips provided or taken away from the site for safe disposal. Recycling bins will be provided. Each exhibitor has the responsibility for full reinstatement of their pitch to the satisfaction of the Organiser otherwise the organiser reserves the right to have the work undertaken and charged to the exhibitor. Any damage caused by the erection of temporary structures, exhibition of and/or removal of machinery/equipment, or any other causes, must be corrected by reinstatement by the Exhibitor. The Exhibitor permits the Organiser to take photographs and other images at the fair including, without limitation, photographs of the Exhibitor, their pitch, goods, exhibits and/or practical demonstrations. The Exhibitor agrees that they will not gain any rights over such photographs or other images and the Organiser will have the right to use without limitation, both during and after the Fair for any purpose including, without limitation, promoting and advertising its work and business. Each Exhibitor shall fully and effectively indemnify the Organiser against any claim which may be made in respect of any alleged breach or infringement of any copyright, patent or, without limitation, any other intellectual property right(s) by the Exhibitor during the period of their occupation of an allotted space or, without limitation, otherwise in connection with the Fair. Payment and Cancellation The exhibitor agrees to pay the amount contained in the booking form. Such payments should be made payable to Leicestershire Food Links Ltd by the date stated in the booking form or as otherwise advised by the Organiser. Cancellation of any booking by the Exhibitor must be made in writing to the Organiser. I) if written notice of cancellation is received before the Exhibitor deadline 20th April 2015 the Organiser will offer a refund of the amount paid with a deduction of £15.00 towards the costs of the Organisers administration fees. ii) If written notice of cancellation is received after 20th April 2015 but not less than 40 days before the event, no refund of any payment amount made to the Organiser will be made unless the Organiser is able to re-let the pitch which was to be allocated to the Exhibitor. The Organiser shall use reasonable endeavours to re-let the Exhibitor’s space and the Exhibitor agrees that, should the Organiser be unable to do so, it is reasonable for the Organiser to retain any payment amount it has made to the Organiser. In the event that the Organiser is able to re-let the space which was to be allocated to the Exhibitor, then, without limitation, the Organiser may at its sole discretion repay any payment amount paid by the Exhibitor or part thereof subject to the Organiser being able to deduct any amount required by the Organiser to cover its administration costs. For the avoidance of doubt, the Organiser shall be under no obligation to repay the whole or any part of such payment. iii) If written notice of cancellation is received less than 40 days before the event there will be no repayment. The Organiser is entitled, not less than 24 hours before the Fair to cancel or postpone the Fair and/or to cancel any booking should the Organiser find it necessary to do so for whatever reason. The Organiser shall refund to the Exhibitor within a reasonable time any payment made by the Exhibitor Force Majeure Event The Organiser shall be under no liability in any way whatsoever in respect of any expenditure, liability, damage or loss sustained or incurred by the exhibitors because of delay or failure to perform any of its obligations if the delay or failure results from events or circumstances outside its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, strikes, lock outs, accidents, animal illness and movement restrictions, war, riot, fire and breakdown of plant or machinery. The Organiser shall be entitled to retain all sums paid to them or such percentage thereof as the Organiser may in their absolute discretion consider necessary to cover the expenses incurred in connection with the Event. In the event of an incident which causes the closure in whole or in part of the event, the Organiser will not be held responsible for any curtailment of promotional facilities resulting in a possible reduction in sales or opportunity. Breach of Terms and Conditions In the event that the Exhibitor breaches any of these Conditions, the Organiser shall, without limitation to any other right or remedy afforded to it by these Conditions or otherwise, is entitled to retain any payment amount it has received from the Exhibitor, cancel the Exhibitor’s booking and re-let the space which was to be allocated to the Exhibitor. February 2015
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