PLA(15)P71 Agenda Item 6 North Area Development Management Sub-Committee Meeting: 1st April 2015 South Area Development Management Sub-Committee Meeting: 2nd April 2015 AUTHORISED ENFORCEMENT ACTION - CASE UPDATE – MARCH 2015 Report by Head of Planning and Coastal Management EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The attached is a summary of the status of all outstanding enforcement cases where enforcement action has either been sanctioned under delegated powers or through the Committee up until 11th March 2015. At present there are 18 such cases. Planning Contravention Notices served during the report period have now been included. 2. Information on all cases has been updated at the time of preparing the report such that the last bullet point in the status column shows the position at that time. Officers will provide a further verbal update should the situation have changed for any of the cases. 3. Members will note that where Enforcement action has been authorised the Councils Solicitor shall be instructed accordingly, but the speed of delivery of response may be affected by factors which are outside of the control of the Planning Service. Wards Affected: All BACKGROUND PAPERS: None, other than published works Philip Ridley Head of Planning and Coastal Management For further information, please contact Cate Buck, Planning Enforcement Officer on (01394) 444290, e-mail: 3 LPA Reference Date of Authorisation Location Breach Status Date by Which Compliance (or Expected or Prosecution Date) (DC Sub/Delegated) EN/13/0044 12/11/14 The Boot House, Marlesford Construction of a hard standing and installation of roof light 06/02/15 – Compliance due date by 24/02/15 27/02/15 – Site visited, notice has not been complied with. File with Legal for further action to be considered 12/11/14 – Planning refusal to retain hard standing and roof lights. 16/01/15 - With Planning Officer for further action relating to decision notice 04/03/15 – Decision notices issued. Target date for Enforcement Notice to be drafted 10/04/15 04/03/15 – Decision notices issued. Target date for Enforcement Notice to be drafted 10/04/15 06/11/13 – Authorisation sought to serve Enforcement Notice on unauthorised two storey front extension 06/12/13 – Enforcement Notice drafted, target date for serving by 31/01/14 Enforcement Notice served on 24/01/14, Notice takes effect on 28/02/14 - 8 months given for compliance 14/04/14 - Enforcement Notice has now been appealed 02/05/14 – Final comments due to Planning Inspectorate on 27/06/14 09/01/15 – Planning Inspectorate have confirmed that the appeal has yet to be allocated a planning inspector 02/02/15 – Planning Inspectorate have confirmed that the appeal has yet to be allocated a planning inspector 05/03/15 – Appeal site visit set for 23/03/15 05/03/15 – Appeal site visit set for 23/03/15 07/11/13 - Authorisation sought to serve Enforcement Notice on unauthorised residential caravan 28/11/13 – Requisition for Information (S16) served 14/01/14 – Meeting with owner and he has agreed to remove the caravan by the end of August 2014. This was deemed to be acceptable and site will be visited to ensure this has been done. 18/02/15 – Site visited, caravan still on site. Letter sent to owner requesting removal of caravan by 18/03/15. EN/13/101 06/11/13 High House, Church Road, Heveningham Erection of two storey front extension onto LB EN/13/115 07/11/13 Melton Boatyard, Dock Lane, Melton Unauthorised residential caravan situated on land Comments LPA Reference Date of Authorisation Location Breach Status Date by Which Compliance (or Expected or Prosecution Date) (DC Sub/Delegated) EN/2013/0172 ENF/2014/00 62 17/01/14 21/08/14 Orwell Crossing Lorry Park, A14, Nacton 840A Foxhall Road, Rushmere St Andrew IP4 5TP Use of site for ‘drifting’ races contrary to Planning Permission C02/0788 as amended by Appeal Decision th dated 26 July 2007. Use of the property for the storage and sale of motor vehicles Comments st 18/11/14 – Site visited to be completed 31 January 2015 to check status of caravan 18/02/15 – Site visited, caravan still on site. Letter sent to owner requesting removal of caravan by 18/03/15.. 17/01/14 – Temporary Stop Notice (TSN) served as well as a Planning Contravention Notice 03/02/14 - Enforcement action on hold due to death of owner. 14/04/14 – Letter to be sent to company requesting return of PCN – Contact has been made and the information has been re-requested 02/10/14 Drifting ceased 06/02/15 – PCN served 11/03/15 – Committee report to go to April Committee for authorisation to take further action 11/03/15 – Committee report to go to April Committee for authorisation to take further action 21/08/14 – authorisation sought to serve enforcement notice and Stop notice and take action for conviction of applicant if the Planning Convention Notice (PCN) is not complied with. 16/09/14 – Temporary stop notice served Use appears to be continuing Service to full stop notice to take place within 28 days Files to be passed to Legal to commence prosecution should use not cease and against failure to complete PCN. 18/11/14 – Enforcement notices being checked by Legal 10/10/14 – Planning application received. 13/01/15 – Application to be taken to Feb 15 Committee 05/02/15 – Planning application refused at Committee, enforcement notice to be drafted by 31/03/15 03/03/15 – Enforcement Notice and Stop Notice served. Enforcement Notice compliance date 03/03/15 – Enforcement Notice and Stop Notice served. Enforcement Notice compliance date 01/05/15 LPA Reference Date of Authorisation Location Breach Status Date by Which Compliance (or Expected or Prosecution Date) (DC Sub/Delegated) Comments 01/05/15. ENF/2014/03 11/USE 16/12/14 Walk Farm, Old Felixstowe Road, Stratton Hall Use of land for haulage yard Temporary Stop Notice served. Enforcement Notice and Stop Notice to be drafted by 07/01/15 12/01/15 - Enforcement and Stop Notices served. Compliance by 16/04/15 and 16/06/15 12/01/15 - Enforcement and Stop Notices served. Compliance by 16/04/15 and 16/06/15 ENF/2014/03 33/USE 27/02/15 Land at Greylands, Melton Use of land for the stationing of a mobile home 27/02/15 - PCN served. Response by 20/03/15 27/02/15 - PCN served. Response by 20/03/15 ENF/2014/00 67/USE 05/03/15 38-40 Victoria Street, Felixstowe Change of use 05/03/15 – Authorisation granted by Committee to take further enforcement action. 11/03/15 – Enforcement and Stop Notice drafted, with Team Leader for checking 06/02/15 – PCN served. 04/03/15 – Contact received from owner, letter sent requesting unauthorised sub-division cease by 04/05/15 11/03/15 – Enforcement and Stop Notice drafted, with Team Leader for checking 04/03/15 – Contact received from owner, letter sent requesting unauthorised subdivision cease by 04/05/15 ENF/2015/00 40/USE 06/02/15 52 Maybush Lane, Felixstowe Sub-division of residential property and use of garage as an annexe
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