CANADIAN KENNEL CLUB CLUB CANIN CANADIEN Request for Proposal to Provide Promotional Merchandising Services for The Canadian Kennel Club April 2015 ISSUE DATE: April 10, 2015 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: May 15, 2015 - Noon EDT LOCATION: The Canadian Kennel Club 400 - 200 Ronson Drive, Etobicoke ON M9W 5Z9 ATTENTION: Tara Merrimen, Special Projects Officer INTRODUCTION: The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) is seeking third party resources to execute on its plan to offer promotional merchandise through an efficient and profitable distribution model. This request for proposal is designed to understand and investigate innovative models and to procure a service agreement. The over-arching objective is to increase awareness of CKC, promote pride in membership as well as participation in CKC events and to generate a new and profitable revenue stream through a low risk alliance. 1. General Information Request for Proposal - The CKC invites you to submit a proposal outlining your plan to provide services to support CKC’s goals as outlined in this Request for Proposal (“RFP”). Proposals will be considered for models that are effective, simple to implement and maintain, and financially rewarding. Timelines, Budget & Place – Our intent is to complete negotiations in May/June and to implement this initiative between June and August 31, 2015. It is expected that the successful vendor for this initiative will work closely with the CKC management team located in Toronto near Pearson International Airport. It is expected that the need for an upfront budget investment will be minimal or nil. We are generally working to the following timelines: • May 15, 2015 – Deadline for initial submissions. • May - June, 2015 - Discovery and contract negotiation. • June – August 31, 2015 - Program development and execution. • September - December 31, 2015 - Program launch and review. April 2015 RFP CONFIDENTIAL to CKC and Invited Respondents Page 2 Subcontracting – The use of any subcontractors or partners to perform any of the tactical work is permitted and CKC’s relationship will be with the vendor. Award Provisions - The award shall be made to the vendor that submitted a proposal that was most advantageous to the CKC, as determined by the CKC in accordance with the Evaluation Criteria set out below. Acceptance of the RFP shall not be interpreted as a contract. A formal contract will be created between the CKC and the successful winning vendor. Questions - If you have any questions and/or clarifications regarding this RFP please contact the Project Manager, Tara Merrimen in writing – . Your questions and associated answers may be shared with the other bidders. Deadline for questions is May 1, 2015, 17:00 EDT. Proposals shall be e-mailed to: 2. Background and Target Market Background - The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) is the primary registry body for purebred dogs in Canada and currently recognizes 175 breeds. As a non-profit organization, the CKC is dedicated to encouraging, guiding, and advancing the interests of purebred dogs and their responsible owners and breeders in Canada and promoting the knowledge and understanding of the benefits which dogs can bring to Canadian society. The organization includes approximately 18,000 individual members and over 700 breed clubs across Canada. The Club registers purebred dogs, regulates dog shows and performance events, and speaks out on major issues concerning dog ownership and the health & welfare of dogs across Canada. During general discussion at the January 2015 Board meeting, there was support for staff to investigate a merchandising plan particularly for the sale of CKC branded items. E.g. apparel. Rationale in support of the concept: The 2013-2015 Strategic Plan includes an objective to pursue a merchandising plan. Products sales are currently one area of growth in the CKC revenue model. It is currently limited primarily to items related to dog identification and show supplies. Anecdotal evidence make Board members feel that CKC branded items would be popular to demonstrate support for a preferred event, activity and/or dog breed. Logistical challenges have eased significantly since the last time CKC had an inhouse store due to the evolution of third party providers that specialize in these services. April 2015 RFP CONFIDENTIAL to CKC and Invited Respondents Page 3 Please take the following into account in your proposal as applicable: The first phase of a website upgrade and redesign launched in 2014 to provide members and the public with more engaging content and options for self-serve and to increase overall traffic. CKC is expected to introduce new modules for the website in the first half of 2015 including an online store to support the sale of other products such as dog microchips, rule books and forms. Currently, these products are sold through a manual order desk during regular business hours. A consolidated online payment strategy with single vendor, Chase. Target Markets – Listed below are potential market categories. It is common that someone may fall into multiple categories, e.g. a member may be a breeder. Existing CKC members (approximately 18,000) Purebred dog breeders Dog Clubs and their members Judges Events participants (e.g. Conformation shows, agility trials, obedience trials, rally and various field trials, etc.) Pet enthusiasts from the general public (e.g. Existing and/or prospective dog owners). Other relevant demographic information for the existing membership includes: 53% of members have been with the Club 15 to 30 years Members aged 45 to 64 made up 64% of membership 82% of the Club membership is female 70% of our members consider themselves Breeders 82% are Canadian The breakdown for Canada is as follows: Ontario 41.69%, Quebec 16.36%, British Columbia 15.03%, Alberta 12.67%, Nova Scotia 3.71%, Manitoba 2.90%, Saskatchewan 2.83%, New Brunswick 2.29%, Newfoundland and Labrador 1.63%, Prince Edward Island 0.64%, Yukon Territory 0.15%, Northwest Territories 0.06% High percentage of online and mobile users – 16% conduct business with mobile devices with the majority being Apple products (76%) 3. Approach We are looking for alliances with vendors experienced in: project management and plan execution, superior customer service, and a commitment to quality. The chosen vendor will take the lead to recommend a solution that will sell and fulfil products with minimal involvement and intervention from CKC staff. This may be achieved through a seamless service executed flawlessly by a third party unbeknownst to the purchaser or by a declared and effective hand off from CKC to the vendor. April 2015 RFP CONFIDENTIAL to CKC and Invited Respondents Page 4 4. Proposal Format: We are anticipating the following deliverables to be included within each proposal: Company Background - Outline of your company, its history, lines of business, capabilities, staffing, etc. Experience and Qualifications - Please provide evidence of: Experience in promotional merchandise design, production, sale and delivery. Project development and management experience. Experience with CKC and/or the Canadian Dog Fancy is a plus. Approach - Please highlight your implementation plan: Key Activities Timing Roles and Responsibilities Outcomes and benefits Outline the perceived challenges, risks or conflicts inherent in this opportunity. Financial Projections - Provide an outline of financial assumptions and projections including any upfront investment requirements, revenue and/or volume projections and profit sharing models with scenarios. Evaluation Criteria - The following are the evaluation criteria that will be used by the CKC in the evaluation of proposals. The CKC reserves the right to select suppliers outside of these criteria if it is off significant benefit to the CKC. Criteria Weighting Experience, Qualifications 10 Approach 30 Alignment to objectives including budget and revenue models 50 General fit to project 10 Total April 2015 RFP CONFIDENTIAL to CKC and Invited Respondents 100 Page 5
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