Newest Issue

Upcoming Events:
Every Saturday
Adoptions at the Aiken
PetSmart, 10AM to 3PM
Bi-monthly at the Greenwood
Petco, 11AM to 3PM
July 15th
Monthly Meeting at the
McCormick Chamber of Commerce, 2:30 PM
July 15th
Monthly Spay & Neuter Run,
contact & reservation details for
your pet on page 5
For up-to-date ‘barks’ visit
Fireworks & Fun—Fireworks & Fear
There is nothing like lounging around on the 4th
of July with friends, family and pets. Yet, once the
sun goes down the fireworks come out. Here are
helpful holiday tips to keep your pet safe and fear
free  Keep your pet indoors during festivities in a
quiet room with windows and door shut. We
may enjoy the noise but they may not!
 Clean up firework and food trash before
your pet ingests something harmful. This includes alcoholic drinks, lighter fluid, etc.
 Make sure your pet has plenty of water to
drink on any hot day.
If you know of a military veteran living close to
you that may suffer from PTSD
please let them know in advance if
you’ll be shooting off fireworks.
Stay safe and have a fun filled
celebration of the 4th!
ish List
Animal Care:
 Sturdy 1” nylon leash
 Purina puppy or kitten
 Clay litter
 Purina cat food—All
age Complete
Veterinary Care:
 Profender, kittens
 Advantage-Multi
 Greenie Pill Pockets
Shelter Supplies:
 Laundry detergent
 Bleach
 Clorox wipes
 Paper towels
Or, contact us directly at
(864) 391-2349
Foster Fun—Hear it from our fosters
By Pat Schroeder
Bob and I have lived in Savannah Lakes
Village in McCormick, SC since 1990.
Along with our six children there was
"always" a dog in our house and once
in awhile a cat.
Being that I wasn't involved in golf or
other activities when I heard of the
humane society dogs needs I volunteered to help clean pens, walk the
dogs, and give them the much needed
attention that they loved.
They are forever so thankful for small
favors. As time passed we drifted away
from all of that although I would go on
pet adoptions on Saturday.
I have now found a "New Love"-fostering kittens. If you want to experience love and laughter that's the way
to go! I'm thankful I have had this experience and I'm looking forward to doing it
again. A "PURR-fectly good time was
had by all.
Not only is the HSMC thankful for
long time volunteers Pat & Bob, but
little Joshua & Jasmine are too!
Page 2
Just Another Day at the Shelter …. Jake
By Jeanne Amos
Jake was found in December 2014 after several reported sightings in the community of Savannah Lakes Village,
McCormick County, SC. It was determined by his scars, emaciation, and injuries that he had been on his own for
quite awhile.
Surviving that long in the wild turns most animals into “alphas” or leaders that can be hard to work with
in training and trusting people. Jake soon learned that the HSMC Shelter Pals are angels on earth.
The Veterans K9 Solutions program from Augusta came to our shelter with a veteran to look at
the dogs. Jake was evaluated for trainability and intelligence. He passed and will now train to be a
service dog for his veteran.
The first day of training was eye-opening for Marc & Jake!
Page 3
Just Another Day at the Shelter …. Jake, continued.
By Jeanne Amos
This was an especially happy ending!
Forever Homes & Those Awaiting
Rescued September 2014,
adopted December 2014
visiting HSMC volunteers at
On left rescued October 2013 with her
foster family. On right all grown up now,
adopted January 2014
Rescued June 2015,
awaiting forever
Charlie Ann
Rescued in April 2015, adopted in June
Page 5
Taco, Phillip & Mariel—Special Supporters
with a Special Project
By Phillip Stratton
Mariel and I will be riding our bicycles across the state of Iowa during the Registers Great Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRI). RAGBRAI is an annual seven-day bicycle ride. It is heading into its 43rd
year, RAGBRAI is the oldest, largest, and longest bicycle touring
event in the world. This years ride totals 481.5 miles and has
15,237 feet of climb.
The ride attracts about 20,000 cyclists every year and close to
10,000 more in support and event staff. It is not a race but a fun
casual ride. The overnight towns are spaced about 65 miles apart
with several small towns about every 15 miles between them.
Our intent is to raise funds for the Humane Society of McCormick
County (HSMC). The HSMC became a second home to us after we found our Carolina Dog, Taco, on the side of the road
while visiting in McCormick, SC. HSMC allowed us to foster Taco for several weeks before we adopted him on Thanksgiving
Day of 2014. The HSMC is a private, non-profit, no-kill organization formed in September 2000. Volunteers staff the HSMC,
who raise every cent of operating capital through donations. The HSMC has no paid staff and relies solely on the generosity
and hard work of its volunteers and supporters. The organization receives no financial support from any government organizations.
Taco, Mariel, and I volunteered several days a week at the HSMC shelter. We fed, walked, exercised, and socialized the dogs
awaiting to find their furever home. Having since moved away from McCormick we can no longer give our time to the shelter
but thought of another way we can help. We will be bringing Taco with us while we cycle RAGBRAI. We thought, what a
better spokesperson for HSMC than a dog found on the streets and lucky enough to find a home. Taco will be riding in style
as he sits in his chariot that Mariel and I will be towing. The way that the organization and its volunteers put the animals first
inspired Mariel and I to do a little more and pedal a little harder.
As we ride across Iowa we will be accepting donations for HSMC. These donations will go to help the shelter provide the
best care possible for the animals of McCormick county. Saddling up for our week-long adventure across Iowa, we hope to
raise awareness and improve the life of the animals of McCormick county. We'd like to ask that you gear up as well. With
summer upon us there are more animals than ever that need help, and the HSMC does just that. The HSMC provides shelter and care for lost and unwanted animals. They insure that all animals have been vaccinated and that the animal is spayed/
neutered. The staff at the HSMC look for the best match before placing an animal in a furever home.
I have NO idea how much to ask you for, but is a tax-deductible gift of $500 something you would be able to consider? That
is only $1.04 per mile Taco travels. That gift alone would cover the intake costs of one rescue. If $1.04 per mile is not workable right now would you consider a gift of $0.52 per mile? That donation will cover the cost of vaccination and spayneutering one dog.
As Mariel and I take our best four-legged friend on the ride of his life, we ask that you join us in helping to better the world
they live in. If you are considering a cash donation to the HSMC, please visit
and make your donation directly to them.
If you cannot make a cash donation, please consider making an in-kind contribution. The HSMC is always looking for bags of
Purina Complete dog and cat food, treats, toys, leashes and collars. If you feel that you can make a bigger difference in person, please contact the HSMC (864) 391-2349 or
HSMC PetLink
Page 6
An Evening with Boykin and Tigger
One evening recently, Boykin, my
friend and first dog of the family
came in to eat his dinner. To his
trepidation, he found the first cat,
Tigger licking his steak scraps. He
looked around at me as if asking
for my blessing to attack, which
he did not receive. Sorely disappointed, he waddled over to his
bed, laid down and dejectedly
sulked until long after Tigger tired
of his dinner. Finally he wandered
back over to his plate where he
nudged several pieces around until
satisfied it was undamaged and
safe to eat.
Meanwhile, I placed Tigger’s evening treat, (10 or 12 salad shrimp),
on the floor for her. She ate most
of her shrimp, leaving 4 or 5 pieces for later. After completing her
bathing ritual and a short nap she
meowed to go outside. Shortly
after she left Boykin cautiously
eased over to her bowl, sniffed
and made a face like he was disgusted. At this point I’m remembering how much he hates shrimp
and that if he didn’t he would
Pet Toy Safety
By Al King, pet person
probably eat them for spite.
going to sleep.
He slowly looked around again
to make certain Tigger was really gone and proceeded to gingerly pick up each little shrimp
between his teeth and hide
them in various locations
around the great room. With a
gloating look he went to his
bed, curled up and appeared to
go to sleep.
This story unfolded over
a period of little more
than an hour. Their actions may seem fictional
to you, but not to the
participants, observer or
the little shrimp victims
scattered around.
When Tigger returned a few
minutes later, he opened at
least one eye to enjoy her disappointment and confusion
over the missing treats. Boykin
slowly eased his eye or eyes
shut and showed no response
at all to several hisses, yowls
and charges that stopped just
shy of physical contact.
They’re so much more
entertaining than the
evening news…
Finally Tigger gave up, hopped
in my lap and settled down for
a snooze. Boykin waited several
minutes, then stretched out on
his stomach, yawned and I’d
almost swear he smiled before
For pets toys make the world go ‘round’, they inspire play, teach, curb
boredom and can help with behavior challenges. They roll, they bounce,
they spin.
If you’re a pet owner you know yourself just how much we spend annually for pet toys. Yet, the FDA doesn’t regulate dog toys, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission only regulates pet toys proven to put consumers (pets) at risk. The risk unregulated toys may pose can include
toxic materials, pieces that may be ingested, or like one of our feline rescues. being stuck in the structure of the toy itself.
Look at your pet’s toys carefully and think of what danger they might
cause before they do.
General Information
You can reach our volunteers for
information about any of our areas of
work and outreach.
General Information Line
Bobbie Burleson
Dot Ardanuy
(864) 391-2349
Spay & Neuter
P. O. Box 900
McCormick, SC 29835
Contact us:
Phone: 864-391-2349
PetLink Newsletter Editor
Sydnee Voigt
(864) 391-2FIX ext. 1
Mary Ruth Haworth
(864) 391-2067
Fostering Cats
Sydnee Voigt
(864) 602-1549
Fostering Dogs
Jeanne Amos
(864) 391-2349
Ron Cook
(864) 828-2146
Yard Sale Fundraising
Yard Sale items can be donated at any
time during the year; pick up can be
arranged by contacting:
Rosemarie Nalevaiko
(864) 391-5001
Website & Email
Visit us on the Web &
HSMC Accepts PayPal
We accept PayPal. If you would like to
make a
donation please go to
or visit us on Facebook
HSMC @HSMCtweets