National Rifle Association Certified Rifle and Shotgun Instructor Classes This is an opportunity to become an NRA certified rifle and/or shotgun instructor. If you are interested in helping people become more familiar with these firearms and shooting sports, these are the courses for you. If you are interested in becoming a shooting sports merit badge counselor with the Boy Scouts of America, these are required. This certification, along with the range officer certification, will enable you to support shooting sports activities in Seneca Waterways Council, BSA. The course will include topics on rifle/shotgun knowledge and safe handling, ammunition knowledge, firing the first shots, the various positions used in rifle shooting, how to evaluate and improve the performance of beginning shooters and rifle and shotgun sports and activities. In addition, we will review how an instructor fits into the NRA basic firearm training program, using a training team to deliver the program, training materials and aids and how to use them, and the essentials of organizing a rifle or shotgun course. Depending on your current certification the course covers multiple days of instruction which will include “live-firing” exercises on the specified day(s). NO LIVE AMMUNITION SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE COURSE until the firearm specific sessions. Participants must be familiar with the firearm involved with the certification desired. There is a pre-test to be completed prior to the course and live-fire qualification will be conducted during the course. In order to complete certification, applicants must participate in all required days of training, demonstrate their ability as instructors, complete and earn a 90% grade on the instructor exam and submit an application with the appropriate fees to the National Rifle Association. DATES: April 28th and 30th, 2015 – Basic Instructor Course (required for all participants who are not currently certified NRA instructors OR current instructors who have not participated in the BIT course in the past two years.) May 2nd, 2015 – Shotgun specific instructor session May 7th and 9th, 2015 – Rifle specific instructor sessions WHERE: April 28 & 30, 2015 (basic instructor) (Seneca Waterways Council service center) 2320 Brighton-Henrietta Townline Rd., Rochester, NY 14623 6:00 – 9:30 pm May 2, 2015 (shotgun) – Mendon Conservation League 927 Boughton Hill Rd., Victor, NY 14564 7:45 am – 6:00 pm May 7, 2015 (rifle) (Seneca Waterways Council service center) 2320 Brighton-Henrietta Townline Rd., Rochester, NY 14623 6:00 – 9:30 pm May 9, 2015 (rifle) – Camp Babcock-Hovey 7294 County Rd. 132, Ovid, NY 14521 ; Pederson Lodge 7:45 am – 6:00 pm On any full day sessions, participants are responsible to bring their own lunch. Coffee, tea and snacks will be provided on those days. COST: $75 – Basic Instructor course plus one discipline $115 – Basic Instructor course plus both disciplines $50 – Currently certified NRA instructor, one discipline $90 – Currently certified NRA instructor, two disciplines COURSE INSTRUCTORS: NRA Certified Training Counselors Eric Falkman, Mark Rugaber & Jerry Strong REGISTRATION INFORMATION ON THE BACK OF THIS FORM: Registration Deadline: April 14th NRA Certified Rifle and Shotgun Instructor Course Registration Form Registration Deadline: April 14th Please complete the information on this registration form and send it with your check made out to Eric Falkman. Mail it to the 2693 Sand Rd., Bloomfield, NY 14469-9568. The registration deadline is Friday, April 14th in order to have an adequate amount of time to order training materials. Please PRINT Name: Address: Phone: e-mail: Are you an NRA member? YES NO If YES, your NRA membership #: (Membership in the NRA is not a requirement to be an NRA instructor.) Are you a currently certified NRA instructor? YES NO If YES, when did you last participate in the Basic Instructor Course? Please register me to participate in the NRA Certified Rifle/Shotgun Instructor Classes as specified below. Basic Instructor Classes (April 28th and 30th) Shotgun Instructor Class (May 2nd) Rifle Instructor Classes (May 7th and May 9th) Fees: (Check the one that applies) Basic Instructor plus one discipline (circle one) rifle OR shotgun $75 Basic Instructor plus two disciplines (rifle AND shotgun) Current NRA certified Instructor – one discipline (circle one) $115 rifle Current NRA certified Instructor – two disciplines (rifle AND shotgun) OR shotgun $50 $90 Ø Shotgun candidates will need to supply their own ammunition and pay the Mendon Conservation League’s Club shot fees. The fees should not exceed $15. If you have any questions, feel free to contact course director Eric Falkman at (585) 233-6293 or by e-mail at
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