PDF Version - Sweet Butter Cafe Menu

Sweet Butter Ca tering
E njoy
S we et B ut te r ’s Fabulous Fo od as a T ake A way O rd e r. P ick up yo ur foo d
Ho t & Re ad y t o S er ve o r pr epar ed for Re- He ati ng.
S con es
Past r ies
Ba nana
Cru mb C offe e C a ke S qua res
App le Fritte r Doughnut
B lueberry
Ba nana N ute lla Doughnut
Bla ckberry
Blue berry
B lack berry
Blue berry Almond
Brea kfas t Sa u sa ge & Che ddar
Che ddar & Ba con
Che ddar & D ill
Che rry Alm ond
Chocola te C hip
Cinna mon Bu n
Ha m & Gruye re
He rb & Olive Oil
Bea r Cl aw
Cinna mon Sw irl
Blue berry
Blue berry Mornin g Buns
Pe ca n S tic ky Buns
Butterm ilk Doughnut
Cinna mon Rolls
Che rry Alm ond
Home ma de Pop Ta rts
Cinna mon Suga r Pu ll-Apa rt
Brea d
Ja lap eño C he dda r
Cr ois sant s
Lem on Glaz e
Linze r
Ba nana C hoc ola te Chip
Chocola te D ou ghnu t
Cinna mon Suga r Nu tella Doughnut
Coffee C ake
Coffee D ou ghnu t
Fren ch Toas t
Lem on Popp y Se ed
M ixe d Be rry
Alm on d Bea r Cla w
M apl e O at
S av ory M uffin
M ixe d Be rry
Fruit S wirl
Pa in a u Chocolat
R as pberry
Additional O ptions Av ailable
Ve gan and Glute n Fre e O ptions
S tra wberry
Additional O ptions Av ailable
Glu ten Free Options
S wee t Butter Qu iche $25/each (9”, serves 6-8ppl)
Quiche Lorraine | Spinach & Gruyere
Che es y Egg Strata $30/order (serves 8-10ppl) / $30
Croiss ant Sa ndwiches $50 / Dozen
Ham & Gruyere | Mushroom & Gruyere | Spinach & Feta
Brea kfas t Brea d Pu ddin g $45/order (serves 8-10ppl)
Pain au Chocolat | Cinnamon Bun | French Toast | Salted Caramel | Mixed Berry or Fruit | Crème Brûlée
Fried Chic ken & Waffle s $125/order (serves 8-10ppl)
Bisc uits & Grav y $35/order (includes 12 biscuits)
Y ogu rt P arfa its Small (12oz) $5.95 | Large (16oz) $7.95/each
Famou s S we et Bu tte r Pa ncake Mix $18/Quart (serves 4-6 extra large pancakes)
Coffee | Ic ed Tea | Sw eet Butter Le monade
Av ailable on R eque st
13824 Ventura Boulevard | Sherman Oaks | CA | 91423 | #818.788.8814
www.sweetbutterkitchen.com | catering@sweetbuterkitchen.com
Plat te rs
S ma ll (serves 8-10 people) | La rge (serves 16-18 people)
Cr udi té s Platt er
Capr es e P lat te r
Farmer’s Market Fresh Seasonal Vegetables
Fresh Mozzarella, Heirloom Tomatoes & Basil
Choice of Hummus, Roasted Garlic & Cannellini Bean Puree Dip
with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Fleur de Sel
Green Goddess, Ranch or Vegan Ranch
Cracked Pepper& Sliced Baguette
Small $60 | Large $120
Small $60 | Large $120
Gr ille d F ar me r’s M ark et Ve get able Platt er
S cot ti sh Smo ke d S almo n P lat te r
Asparagus, Zucchini, Yellow Squash
Boursin, Sliced Cucumber, Caper Berries
Market Bell Peppers & Eggplant
Red Onion & Rustic Millstone Bread
Small $65 | Large $130
Small $135 | Large $270
Che e se P lat te r
Asso rt ed T ea S an dw iche s
Artisan & Domestic Cheeses
Select (4) of the following Options:
St. Agur Bleu, Boursin, Gruyere, Grana Padano, Tillamook and
Italian Tuna, Egg Salad, Cucumber & Herbed Butter
Pepper Jack Cheese, Dried Cranberries and Apricots
Curried Chicken Salad, Smoked Salmon & Boursin
Candied Pecans & Sliced Baguette
Small $100 (40 Sandwiches) | Large $200 (80 Sandwiches)
Small $80 | Large $160
S wee t Butt e r S and wich P lat te r
Che e se & C harcut er ie Platt er
Select up to (3) of the following Options:
Artisan & Domestic Cheeses and Meats
Caprese, Egg Salad, Italian Tuna, Curried Chicken Salad,
St. Agur Blue, Boursin, Gruyere, Grana Padano
Turkey & Guacamole, Turkey & Cheddar
Tillamook and Pepper Jack Cheese
or Raw Vegan Black Bean Wrap
Genoa Salami and Prosciutto
Small $65 (6 sandwiches) | Large $130 (12 sandwiches)
Dried Cranberries and Apricots, Candied Pecans
Cornichons, Kalamata Olives, Maille Dijon
B ut te r milk Fri ed Mar y’s Or ganic
Mustard & Sliced Baguette
Chicke n Te nders Pla tter
Small $95 | Large $190
Served with Buffalo Sauce, Ranch or Vegan Ranch
Small $60 (24pcs) | Large $120 (48pcs)
Fic elles P lat te r
Ficelles of your choice: Prosciutto & Fresh Mozzarella
Asso rt ed B aker y Platt e r
Jambon de Paris & Brie, Smoked Turkey & Sharp Cheddar
Chef’s Selection of
or Fresh Mozzarella, Tomato & Basil
Homemade Scones, Croissants & Muffins
Small $78 (12 Ficelles) | Large $156 (24 Ficelles)
Small $42 (12pcs) | Large $64 (18pcs)
V ege tar ian M ed it er ran ean P lat te r
Asso rt ed D e sse rt Platt er
Armenian String Cheese, Vegetarian Stuffed Grape Leaves, Hummus,
Kalamata Olives, Roasted Red Peppers, Dried Apricots
Toasted Walnuts & Grilled Pita Bread
Chef’s Selection
Signature Caramel Fleur de Sel Brownies, Bar of the Day
Chocolate Chip Cookies & Cookie of the Day
Small $95 | Large $190
Small $48 (16pcs) | Large $96 (32pcs)
13824 Ventura Boulevard | Sherman Oaks | CA | 91423 | #818.788.8814
www.sweetbutterkitchen.com | catering@sweetbuterkitchen.com
D ips
16oz (6-8ppl) | 32oz (12-16ppl)
Butterm ilk Ra nc h
S ou r Crea m & Onion
Gree n G odde ss
$ 12 (16oz) | $ 24 (32oz)
S als a Roja
Pic o de G all o
Home ma de Hum mu s
R oas te d Garlic & Ca nne llini Bea n P uree Dip
Cold S pinac h & S ou r Crea m
Ve ga n R a nch
$16 (16oz) | $ 32 (32oz)
Gu ac am ol e
Oliv e Ta pe nade
$ 18 (16oz) | $ 36 (32oz)
Chi ps & Cr ost ini
Small (6-8ppl) | Large (12-16ppl)
Pa rme sa n & G arlic Cros tini
Home ma de Sa lt & P ep per P ota to Chips
Home ma de Tortilla Lime Chips
$ 16 (Small) | $ 32 (Large)
N ut s
Spicy Rosemary Mixed Nuts
Candied Pecans
$ 28/pound
Brie & D alm atia Fig Ja m en Crou te
Brie & Bonne Ma m an Apricot Jam e n C route
$ 48 each (35oz/Serves 16-18ppl)
Hot C he es y Artic hoke Dip
S t. Agur Bl eu Che es e D ip
S wee t Butter P im ento C he es e Dip
$ 16 (16oz) | $ 32 (32oz)
13824 Ventura Boulevard | Sherman Oaks | CA | 91423 | #818.788.8814
www.sweetbutterkitchen.com | catering@sweetbuterkitchen.com
Ho rs d’Oeuvres
*Sweet Butter suggests that all hors d’oeuvres be ordered for re-heating prior to the event to maintain consistency and quality.
Re-heating instructions will be provided.
Cold Hors d’Oeuvres
(3 Dozen Minimum, priced per dozen)
Hom em ade Ro asted G ar lic & Cannel lini B ean P uree o n Cro stini $ 18/Do zen
Ol ive Tap ena de o n Cr ostini $ 18/Do zen
Fr esh Mo zza rel la, Tom ato & B asil on Cr o stini $ 18/Do zen
S hr imp Co ck tail with Cock ta il Sa uce $48/Dozen
Capr ese S k ewer s $ 24/Do zen
G reek Sa lad Sk ewer s $ 24/Do zen
A ntipasto S kew ers $24/ D ozen
S easonal F ruit S kewer s $24/Dozen
G reen Go ddess Deviled Egg s
$18/Do zen
Pr o sciutto- W rapp ed A spar agus with Dijon Aio li $30/Do zen
Ho t Hors d’ Oeuvres
(3 Dozen Minimum, priced per dozen)
*prepared for re-heating and/or cooking prior to event
A ll Beef Pig s in a B lank et with Honey M ustar d
$18/D ozen
G oug èr es a M in i French S avor y Po po ver
$18/D ozen
S t. Ag ur Bl eu Ch eese P uff P astr y Bites
$18/Do zen
M ushr o om - Leek P uff P astr y Bites
$18/Do zen
G ing er Beef Wo nto ns with S weet & S our
Bo ur sin- S tuffed Mush ro om s
$18/D ozen
$18/D ozen
Baco n-W rapp ed M edjoo l Dates S tuffed with S t. Ag ur Bl eu Cheese o r G rana Pa da no
M in i Cra b Cak es with Lem on Aio li
G ril led Beef Y ak itor i S k ewer s with Pea nut Sa uce
G ril led Ch icken Ya kitor i S ke wers with Peanut Sauce
$36/Do zen
$2 4/Do zen
Chick en, Beef or B lack B ean Ta qu ito s with Chip otle S our Cr eam Dipping Sau ce
Po pco rn Ch icken Bites with Buffal o, Ranch o r Vegan Ranch
M ush ro o m Brie T artl et
$2 4 / Dozen
13824 Ventura Boulevard | Sherman Oaks | CA | 91423 | #818.788.8814
www.sweetbutterkitchen.com | catering@sweetbuterkitchen.com
$ 24/Do zen
$18/Do zen
$2 4 / Dozen
Car am elized O nio n & G r uyer e T ar tl et
$42/Do zen
$42/Do zen
S ma ll 4ppl | La rge 8 -10pp l
S ou p of the Da y
(Based on 40oz portion, per person)
$ 12 (32oz)
Loade d Baked Potato
Chicke n Tikki M as a la | C hicke n P ot Pie
Gr eek S alad wit h Hummus & Pit a
Chopped Romaine, Parsley, Mint, Tomatoes, Feta, Persian
Cucumbers, Greek Olives & Red Onion with Our Lemon Vinaigrette*
M inne sota C hicke n & Wild Rice
Toma to Bas il* (v ) | Ka le & White Be an* (v )
$ 55 S ma ll | $1 10 La rge
Coc onu t Ca rrot* (v ) | Wild M ushroom* (v )
Gr ille d V e get able S alad wit h L aur a Che ne l
$ 12 (32oz)
Mixed Baby Greens, Asparagus, Corn, Zucchini, Tomatoes
Bee f or Vege table Chili
Avocado with Dijon Vinaigrette*
Toppings: Applewood Smoked Bacon
$ 55 S ma ll | $ 110 Large
Cheddar Cheese, Sour Cream, Green Onions
S outh o f the Bo ule vard Salad
Grilled Organic Chicken Breast, Romaine, Black Beans, Tomatoes
*Ve gan & Other Options Availabl e U pon Requ es t
Grilled Corn, Avocado, Cotija Cheese & Tortilla Strips
with Creamy Chipotle Dressing
$ 55 S ma ll | $ 110 Large
S id e S alad s
S ma ll 8 -10pp l | M e diu m 1 8-20ppl | La rge 36-40ppl
Chi ne se C hicke n S alad
(Based on 8oz portion, per person)
Pulled Organic Chicken Breast, Napa & Red Cabbage
Carrots, Scallions, Peanuts & Fried Wontons
Kal e Caesar
with Asian Dressing
$ 55 S ma ll | $ 110 Large
Kal e with Candied P ecans & Cr anber r ies
Kale C hoppe d Salad
Vega n Rainbo w Kale S alad
Grilled Organic Chicken or Sopressata Salami with Provolone
Br occo li Sal ad with W al nuts & Red G ra pes
Garbanzos, Roasted Red Pepper, Celery, Red Onion &
with Italian Vinaigrette
Fr ench Po tato S al ad with Ol ive O il & He rbs
Fa rr o with Pea rl To m atoes, O nio n, Spinach ,
$ 60 S ma ll | $ 120 La rge
Pa rsl ey, Fr esh Basil & P ro vol one
Co mpose d Salad N ico ise
Chinese Spicy P eanu t N oo dles
Italian Canned Tuna, Baby Greens, Cherry Tomatoes
Green Beans, KalamataOlives,Hard Boiled Egg
Capr ese P asta with M o zzar ell a, To m ato & Basil *
with Dijon Vinaigrette Dressing
S haved B russel s S pro uts with G ra na P adano &
$ 60 S ma ll | $ 120 La rge
Roa sted Hazelnuts
Co mpose d Cob b S alad
Grilled Organic Chicken Breast, Nueske’sApplewood Smoked
Quin o a Sal ad w ith T om ato, Cu cum ber, Onion ,
Bacon, Hard Boiled Egg, Tomatoes, St. Agur Bleu Cheese
with Dijon Vinaigrette Dressing
$ 60 S ma ll | $ 120 La rge
M int, P arsl ey & Feta*
$30 Small | $60 Medium | $120 Large
*Ve gan Options Availabl e U pon Requ es t
Salads may change based on season
Mi xed Gre e ns wit h Fuji Apple s
Cu t Fre sh F arme r’s M a rke t Fruit S al ad
Montchevrè Goat Cheese, Dried Cranberries
$40 Small | $80 Medium | $160 Large
Candied Pecan with Dijon Vinaigrette Dressing*
$ 55 S ma ll | $ 110 Large
S wee t Butter’s Fa mous S hrimp Ce viche
$16 (8oz) | $32 (16oz) | $64 (32oz)
*A dd Chicke n $ 12 ( Sma ll) | $ 24 (La rge )
13824 Ventura Boulevard | Sherman Oaks | CA | 91423 | #818.788.8814
www.sweetbutterkitchen.com | catering@sweetbuterkitchen.com
Serves 8-10 people
Chick en P aill ard $65
Beef or Tur key M eatlo af $75
Po ached S alm on Filet with Basil A iol i $110
Or ga nic Bon el ess Bak ed Chicken Br easts S tuffed with Go at Ch eese a nd Herbs $95
Lem on Thy me Chick en with Roa sted Tom ato es $70
Hanger S teak with Ch imichur r i S auce $160
Chick en Enchil adas Ver des w ith W hite Rice $75
Cheese Ench iladas Rojas with Sp anish Rice $75
Th ai Ch icken & Vegetable Curr y with Basm ati Rice $75
Chick en M ar bel la, Ol ives, D ried Apr icots, W hite W in e, Herbs & Spices $85
S picy Asian Pank o-Cr usted Wil d S alm on File ts $110
Im per ial Vall ey A mer ican W agy u B eef Oven-Roa sted with Ho r ser adish S auce $165
Oven Ro asted Tur k ey Br east with Herb Gr avy $120
Ol d Fa shion ed Beef Stew $90
Chick en P ot P ie $75
S picy Stir Fr ied B eef and Br occol i $90
S tir Fried Chick en with A sp ara gus and Cashe ws $80
S tir Fried Vegetables with Br own Rice $70
G ril led Tequila Lime S hr imp with Red P epper s, Cilantro & Red Onio ns $140
Mexican Rice with Corn Tortillas, Guacamole & Pico de Gallo
Chick en Fa jita s with Roa sted Red & G reen Pepp ers and Onio ns $105
Mexican Rice with Corn Tortillas, Guacamole & Pico de Gallo
Cr ispy O ve n Bak ed Fried Chick en $85
M eat Lasag na with M ar ina ra S auce $65
Butternut Squash Lasag na with Ro sem ar y and Ro asted G ar lic $65
Ho t Sides
Small (4-6ppl) | Large (8-10ppl)
*Vega n Opt ions A vai la ble Upon Req uests
M ac ‘n ’ Cheese
Our Fam ou s M ac ‘n ’ Cheese
A pplew oo d S mo ke d Ba co n
Har ico ts Ver ts with Lemo n Zest
Tr uffle Mac ‘n’ Ch eese
G ar lic M ashed Po tatoes with Her b G r avy
Roa sted Br ussel s S pr outs
Roa sted Vegetables
Applewood Smoked Bacon and Balsamic Glaze
Cr eamed S pina ch
S ca llo ped Po ta to es w ith G r uyer e
Herb Roasted Po tato es
$20 Small | $40 Large
$25 Small | $50 Large
13824 Ventura Boulevard | Sherman Oaks | CA | 91423 | #818.788.8814
www.sweetbutterkitchen.com | catering@sweetbuterkitchen.com
Desserts Co oki es
B ro wnie s
B ar s
Blue berry Chocolate Oa t
S wee t Butter’s Signa ture
App le Pie
Ca ram el Doodles
Ca ram el Fle ur de Se l Brownies
Bla ckberry Crum ble
Chocola te C hip
Cookies ‘n’ Crea m
S ea sona l Pie
Crè me Brû lée
Pe a nut Bu tte r Cookie D ou gh
Double C hoc ola te Chip
S easo nal
Ea rthqua ke
Ginger Bu tte rscotch
Butters cotch Blondie
Chocola te Toffee Blondie
R as pberry Ganache
Ice d Lem on
Pu mpkin Swirl
K ey Lime Thumbp rints
Pe ppe rm int
Lem on Crinkle
Citrus Ba rs
K ey Lime
Lem on
M agic
Oreo C hees ec a ke
Oa tme al Ra isin
PB n’ Je lly
Pe a nut Bu tte r
Ca ram el Butter
S nic ker D oodle s
S tra wberry Pie
Hot C oc oa
R ee se ’s Peanu t Butter C up
Cupcak es
Ja m H ea ts $ 36/ Doze n
Home ma de Oreos $45/D oz e n
De corate d Su gar C ookies
Birthday Ca ke
2 Dozen Minimum – Price on Request
Ca rrot
Chocola te- Va nilla
Chocola te-Chocola te
Coc onu t
S alte d Ca ram el
Pe a nut Bu tte r
Pi es
R ed V elv et-Cre am Che es e
S ’more s
App le Pe ar
S tra wberry
App le
Va nilla -Va nilla
Chocola te M ous se
B re ad P udd ing
$45/Order, Serves 12 pieces
Alm on d Crois s ant
Ba nana C ara me l
Blue berry Almond
Chocola te
Cra nberry Walnu t
Crè me Bru le
Gingerbrea d
Lem on Coc onu t Cre am
M ixe d Be rry
*Additional Decorations Extra
Chocola te P ec an
App le Crisp*
Lem on M erin gu e
Av ailable Glu te n F re e
M is sis sippi M ud
Ad diti onal Op tions Ava ilable
M ixe d Be rry Cobble r
Pud d ing Cups
$4/ 8oz Cup, Minimum 8 Cups
Butters cotch
Pe ca n P ie
Ca ram el Chocola te
Pu mpkin Pie
Cookies n’ Crea m
R as pberry Linze r Ta rt
Pe a nut Butter C hoc ol ate
S ea sona l Fru it or Be rry Pie
S ’more s Trifle
S piced Swe et Pota to Pie
S tra wberry Shortca ke
Trip le Choc olate
Va nilla -Chocola te
13824 Ventura Boulevard | Sherman Oaks | CA | 91423 | #818.788.8814
www.sweetbutterkitchen.com | catering@sweetbuterkitchen.com
Cake s
9” Cake / $55 (serves 12-14 pcs)
10” Cake / $75 (serves 18-20 pcs)
12” Cake / $100 (serves 24-28 pcs)
14” Cake / $135 (serves 32-36 pcs)
9” x 13” Single Layer Cake / $65 (serves 16-18 pcs)
9” x 13” Double Layer Cake / $85 (serves 22-24 pcs)
Cake s
Cust om Cak es
Ba nana C ara me l
Cake Flavor s
Ba nana S plit
Chocola te
Bla ck n White
Va nilla
Bla ckberry Buttermilk
R ed V elv et
Butter P ec an
S tra wberry
Butters cotch C re am R ou la de
Coc onu t
Ca rrot
Pink Lemona de
Pu mpkin
Coc onu t
Cookies n’ Crea m
B ut te r Cre am Fr ost ings
De vils Food
Va nilla
Ca ram el
Flou rle ss C hoc ola te
Chocola te
Ge rm an Chocola te
Cre am Che es e
Hot C oc oa
Ga na che
M apl e
K entuc ky Bourbon
Lem on
M alte d M ilk Bal l La ye r
Pe ppe rm int
Oran ge C hiffon
S tra wberry
Pe a nut Bu tte r Cu p
Prince ss
R ainbow Layer
R oot Be er Fl oat
Cake Co mmen ts
S alte d Ca ram el
Cake Orders require a 3-Day advance Notice!
S ’more s
S nic ker doodle
Custom Cakes are available and must be
S piced Appl e U ps ide Down
pre-approved by the Pastry Chef.
S tra wberry Bana na M ilks hake
Custom Cakes require a 7-Day advance Notice.
S tra wberry Shortca ke
All cakes will be left to the Pastry Chef choice of Design unless
Va nilla Bea n
otherwise requested.
All Designs must be pre-approved by the Pastry Chef and may
require additional charges based on design and details.
13824 Ventura Boulevard | Sherman Oaks | CA | 91423 | #818.788.8814
www.sweetbutterkitchen.com | catering@sweetbuterkitchen.com
Thank you for thinking of Sweet Butter!
All Hors D’oeuvres to be reheated will be placed in easy-to-transport tins. Sweet Butter does
not provide the foil-lined trays on which the hot Hors D’oeuvres will need to be baked at the Client’s venue.
Dips will be placed in plastic to-go containers. Hot Dips may need to be reheated in Client’s personal dishes.
Platters will be placed artfully on black plastic trays with lids. Entrees and Hot Sides will be placed in oven-safe
containers for reheating. Salads will be placed in easy-to-transport tins or black plastic lidded bowls, at Client’s
preference. Dressings will be on the side as appropriate. Desserts will be packaged in either bakery boxes or
lidded tins or on black plastic lidded trays at Client’s preference.
Additional Plastic Fork, Knife, Spoon with Plates and Napkins
available on request for an additional $1.00 per person.
Sweet Butter is not able to accommodate any changes to the existing order once confirmed.
Prices do not include Tax and Service Charges.
Gratuities are not included, but are appreciated.
Sweet Butter will service your event in your home or venue of choice and provide Food, Service, Staffing
and assistance with additional enhancement services. Sweet Butter
13824 Ventura Boulevard
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
Catering #818.788.8814 | Café #818.788.2832 | Fax #818.907.9398
cat er ing@swe e tb utt er kit che n.c om
www .swe et but te rk itc hen .co m